HomeMy WebLinkAboutBoard of Commissioners - Minutes - 04/08/1975MINUTES OF THE ADJOURNED MEETING OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OTTER TAIL COUNTY MINNESOTA Pursuant to adjournment, the Board of.County Commissioners of Otter Tail County Minnesota met at 9:30 A.M., Tuesday, April 8th, 1975, all members.present. Representatives from the Employees Committee appeared. before the Board and reviewed suggestions .from employees relative to court house. hours and mileage. The Board agreed to consider the suggestions. Judge Elliot Boe appeared before the Board and gave a report on a convention he had recently attended~ Motion was made by Andy Lei tth, seconde.d by George Walter and ,, unanimously carried, to approve a $12,000 appropria:tion·to the West Otter Tail County Fair Association for the construction of a fish and wildlife conservation . building on the condition such an appropriation is legally allowable. The Board, having previously advertised for bids to be received for bituminous mater,ial, proceeded to q:,en bids which were found to be as follows: Murphy Oil Corporation, ·superior, Wisconsin Northwestern Refining Co., St. Paul Park, Minnesota Richards OH Co., Savage, Minnesota Koch Refining Co., St. Paul~·· Minnesota M.C. .3864 .3969 . 3980 .4008 s.c. .3814 .3919 .4008 Upon motion made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by Bert Hovland and carried, the lJid • of Murphy Oil Cc,rporation, Superior, Wisconsin was accepted in the amount of .3864 for M.C. Fi, .3814 for S.C., it being the lowest bid. The "Good Neighbor Policy" was re.viewed by representatives of· that organization. The matter of the proposed recreational mater vehicle ordinance was brought up for final action. After listening to various interested parties, motion was made by George· Walter, seconded by Andy Leitch and unanimotL'; ly carried, to adopt the following ordinance: T'ne· County Board of Otter Tail County ordains: I. General Provisions. A. Title. This ordinance from date of passage shall be entitled: RECREATIONAL MOTOR VEHICLE CONTROL ORDINANCE OTTER TAIL COUNTY MINNESOTA B. Purpose. The purpose of this ordinance is to regulate the operation of recreational motor vehicles in Otter Tail County lying outside of any city or borough and limits of towns having the powers of cities pursuant to law. C. Legal Authority. This ordinance is enacted pursuant to authority delegated pursuant to MINN. STATS. ~ffl 375.51, 84.90 and 84.87. II. Definitions. For purposes of this ordinance, the terms and words shall be defined as follows: A. ~~s used in the present tense shall include the future, words used in the singular include the plural, words used in the plural include the singular and words used in the masculine gender include the feminine gender. B. "Person" includes an individual, partnership, c9rporation, the state and its agencies and subdivisions a~d any body of per- sons whether incorporated or not. C. "Operate" means to .drive; operate or be in actual physical con- trol of a recreational motor vehicle. D. "Operator" means every person who drives, operates or is in actual physical control of a recreational motor vehicle. E. "Owner" means a -person, other than a lien holder, having the pro- perty in or title to a recreational motor vehicle entitled to the use or possession thereof. F. "Recreational Motor Vehicle" means any self-propelled vehicle used for recreational purposes, including but not limited to, snowmobiles, trail bike or other all-terrain vehicles, hovercraft, or motor vehicle licensed for highway ope·ration which is being used for off- road recreational purposes. II I. Unlawful Acts. A. (1) No person shall ent~r on any land not !his own for the purpose I I I of operating a recreational motor .vehicle after being notified, either. orally or by written notice, by the I owner, occupant or lessee, not to do so, provided that where printed notices are used, such notice shall state one of the ·followiri.g: · ' . I "Recreational Vehicles Prohibited", ''Snowmobiles Prohibited", 1 • "Trail Bikes Prohibited", "All-Terrain Vehicles ProhibHed" or any sign which has· been adopted prohibiting recreation.al-motor vehicles by the Minnesota Commissioner of Natural Resources pur- suant to rule or regulation, in letters no~ less than two (2) inches high and signed by the landowner, occupant or lessee, and posted at intervals of not more than· 30 rods, at corners and ordinary ingress and egress of the land so protected. (2) Failure to post notice as provided shall not deprive a per- son of the right_ to bring a civil action for damage as otherwise provided by law. B. It is unlawful for a person to post, mutilate", or remove any notice or sign provided in this ordinance upon any lands or waters over which he has no right, title, interest or license. C. It is unlawful for a person, other than a duly constituted legal authority, to post any public lands, including but not limited to tax forfeited lands, as above described. D. No person shall enter or leave lands of another with a recreational motor vehicle, or pass from one portion of such lands to another portion, through a closed gate~ without returning the gate to its original position. ... ' ..... E. No person shall enter or leave the lands of another with a recreational motor vehicle by cutting any wire or tearing down or destroying any fence. F. It is unlawful for any person registered as the owner of a recreational vehicle to permit or allow his recreational motor vehicle to be operated contrary to this ordinance provided the foregoing shall not apply if (1) the recreational motor vehicle was reported as stolen to a law enforcement agency, or if (2) the owner demonstrates that the recrea- tional motor vehicle was stolen or not in use at the time of the unlaw- ful act, or if (3) the O\'mer furnishes to law enforcement officers, upon request, the identity of the operator at the time of the unlawful act. G. Violations of this ordinance shall be pnnishable as a misdemeanor. IV. Exceptions. The provisions of this ordinance shall not apply to any person who is a member of a law enforcement agency engaged in the performance of that person's official duties. V. Severability. If any section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase is for any reason held to be invalid, this shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this ordinance. VI. Effective Date. , . : ~·~. ·~··· ,"•i:' This ordinance shall become effective when published in the official newspaper of Otter Tail CoW1ty as a part of the proceedings of the meeting at which the ordinance was enacted. Adopted at Fergus Falls, Minnesota this 8th day of April, 1975. Clerk • BOOK-1.1 PAC,E l'-11 __ Upon motion made by George Walter, seconded by Hub Nordgren and unanimously carried, the following applications for license to sell non-intoxicating ma:l t liquor were approved: · Sylvia R. Koski Jerry Bornemeier Dean D. Greenwaldt Fred L. Evans Kenneth Hunter Blaine L. Brincefield George Hammond Mark Gontarek Robert K. Moser Donald 0. Bistodeau Bertha Mol tzan Merlyn Dittberner Lynn J. PJ10des Gerald T. Anderson Mary Evenson Kenneth Van Tassel Bruce Blaeser Arnold Hemquist Wilmar Roberts Kenneth McNabb Elmer Andresen Paul C. Anderson Thomas F. Collins Millicent Chartraw Douglas C. \veatherhead Richard A. Kester Albert· Yanish Duane Donley Walter P. Klein Russell I. Pederson Bennett C. Berg David Cushman Koski' s on Hwy 108 Galaxy Triangle Dance Club Babe's Resort Wagon Wheel Resort Jungle Shores Resort El's REsort Dyer's _Store Moser's Wee Villa Resort Woodland.Park Resort Birch REsort Woodside Store Grays tone Lodge· Chalet Chanticleer PleasureTPark Resort Greenwood Resort Ottertail Beach Resort Balmoral Golf Course Red Eye Tavern Crystal-Lida Store Mosquito Heights Perry's Place Collins Landing Kingswood Resort North Star Resort The Ottertail House Cross Point Resort Sunrise Resort Klein's Resort Bay View Resort Big Pine Resort The Lanterns Leaf Lake Township Star Lake Township Rush Lake Township Perham Township. Otto Township Corliss Township Scambler Township Dunn.Township Elizabeth Township Girard Township Candor Townshin Woodside Township Everts Township Ottertail Township Otter Tail Township Otter Tail Township Otter Tail Township Otter Tail Township Butler Township Lida Township Pine Lake Township Dora Township Star Lake Township Star Lake Town.ship Dora Township Everts Township Maplewood Township Dead Lake Township Rush Lake Township Star Lake Township Pine Lake Township Rush Lake Township Upon moton made by Geo_rge Walter, seconded by Hub Nordgren and unanimously carried, the application of Dean D. Greenwaldt for license to hold public dances at the Trinagle Dance Club was approved. Upon motion made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by Andy Leitch and unanimously carried, the application of David Cushman for permit to allow con- sumption and display of intoxicating malt liquor at the Lanterns in Rush Lake Township. Motion was made by Andy Leitch, seconded by George Walter and unanimously carried, to approve the on-sale liquor licenses for the following: Charles E. Hunter Ronald D. Becker Colonial Motel & Supper Club Becker's Supper Club Perham Township Buse Township There being no further business, the Chairman declared the meeting adjourned until 9:30 A.M., Wednesday, April 9th, 1975. -WEDNESDAY'S SESSION.:. Pursuant to adjournment, the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County Minnesota met at 9: 30 A.M., Wednes_day, Aprp 9th; 1975, all members present. Upon motion made by John Snowberg, seconded by George Walter and unanimously carried, Mrs~ June Ryan was appointed as a member of the Otter Tail County Planning Advisory Commission. Motion was made by George Walter, seconded by Andy Leitch_ and _ unanimously carried, to increase_county mi1eage expense reimbursement to $.14 per mi le. Upon motion made by George Walter, seconded by Bert Hovland and unanimously carried, -the following applicatiOls for homestead classification and/or change of assessment-were approved: Michael F. Doll Elmer Petrell , Clarence Cleaver· Michael S. Kawlewski Donald F. Kenyon Larry Estes Wallace Wark Darrald !Sreiner Otto Riedel Dale M;. Whitney Floyd Gaarsland Trudence Miller · Lloyd H. Siverson JOhn Roberts Jasper J. Carter Giles Kise Perham Township Otto-Township Otto Township Homestead Township Henning Township Girard Township Elmo Township Elizabeth Township - Eastern Township Dead .Lake.Township Clitherall TOW!)Ship Carlisie tow~ship Amor Township Amor Township Woodside Township Tumuli Township Homestead ciassification Homestead classificat1on Homestead classification· Homestead classification Homestead classification · Homestead classification Homestead classification Homestead classification · Homestead classification Homestead classification Homestead classification · Homestead classification Homestead classification Homestead classification Building removed 15efore assessment Wrong classification Wilbur Hegerle _·Lester M .. Wilcox · · Lawrence Guck Gary Haverland Richard Habberstad: Crystal Park, Inc. l',,larvin. Pederson Don Bentrand ' Leonard Davis Leo Stelton 'Raymond Freudenberg "Robert C. McKeon Donald A. Larsen .Tordenskjold Township : Lot overvalued Star Lake Township Jax credit figured incorrectly Perham Township. , S.hould have· been assessed for buildings on property Perham Township Assessed for buildings not on lot Maine Township Wrong classification Lida Township· Vacant lot~ i10 buildings Erhards Grove ~Vrong classification Fergus Falls Township Dimensons measured incorrectly Aurdal'Township Poor lot overvalued Hobart Township Omitted mobile home Effington Township Clerical' error Dora Township Should riot have homestead' classification Oead Lake Township Wrong classification Upon motion made by Bert Hovland, seconded-by George Walter and unanimously carried:; the Commissioner o{ Highways is authorized to advertis:e for bids to be received until 11:00 A.M., May 6,-1975 for aggregate base, plant mixed bituminous surface and aggregate shouldering under S.P. 56-624-06 (CSAH 24), · \ . Minnesota Project RS ~459(11), length· 7.4 miles, located between CSAH #3, 9 miles southeast of Pelican Rapids and County State Aid Highway No. 41. Upon motion made by John Snowberg, · seconded by Hub Nordgre~ and unanimously carried, the county auditor was authorized to advertise for bids to be received until 10:00 A.M., May 6, 1975 for the foUowing: . ' BITUMINOUS SEAL COAT C.P. 75:SS Approximately 186.0 miles _of County State Aidl-1:ighways, County Highways, ·Township 'Roads and City Streets. Upon motion made b·y Hub Nordgren-, seconded by Bert Hovland and unanimously carried, the county auditor was authorized to advertise for bids to be received until 10t30 A.M., May 6, 1975 for the following: GRADING & AGGREGATE SURFACING C.P. 75:128 Length 2.044 miles, located from the junction of CSAH #55,:. 4.0 .miles south of Ottertail to the junction of CSAH.#5. Upon motion made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by George Walter and unanimously carried, the county -auditor was authorized to advertise for bids to be received until 10:00 A.M., May 6, 1975 for the following: AGGREGATE BASE, PLANT MIXED BITUMINOUS SURFACE & AGGREGATE SHOULDERING (1) S.A.P.' 56-648-04, C.P. · 75:48B, length 2.473 miles, located from 0.5 mile east of the junction of CSAH #42, 9 .5 miles northeast of Parkers Prairie to the east county l1ne (2) S.A.P. 56-673-04, C.P. 75:73B, length 6.056 miles, located from the junction of CSAH #40, 9.0 miles northeast of Parkers Prairie to T.H. #210, 8.5 miles east of Henning BITUMINOUS MIXTURE PRODUCTION ( 3) C. P. 75 : 0 IM Comprising approximately 1,500 tons Upon motion made by Andy Leitch, seconded by Bert Hovland and unanimously carried, the county ,,auditor was authorized to advertise for bids to be received tmtil 10: 00 A.M., May 6, 1975 for the following: AGGREGATE-BASE, PLANT MIXED BITUMINOUS SURFACE & AGGREGATE SHOULDERS (1) C.P. 75:110B, Length 4.967 miles, located from the junction of CSAH #1, 9.0 miles south of Fergus Falls to the junction of T.H. #59 (2) C.P. 75:118B, Length 3.443 miles, located from the junction of CSAH #21 7. 0 miles southeast of Rothsay, to the junction of T .H. #59 Upon motion made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by Bert Hovland and unanimously carried, t-he county auditor was authorized to advertise for bids to be received until 10: 00 A.M., May 6, 1975 for the following: AGGREGATE BASE, PLANT MIXED BITUMINOUS SURFACE & AGGREGATE. SHOULDERS C.P. 75:136B, Length 4.979 miles, located from the junction of CSA.I-I #40 to the junction of T.II. #29, 3.5 miles north of Parkers Prairie· Upon motion made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by George Walter and unanimously _carried, the county auditor was authorized to advertise for bids to be received until 10:00 A.M., May 6th,. 1975 for the following: GRADING, PLANT MIXED BITUMINOUS SURFACE & AGGREGATE SHOULDERING (1) S.A.P. 56-652-01 (C.T.B.) C.P. 75: Old 52, length 4.976 miles located from 0.25 mile west of .the junction of T.H. #59, 4.0 miles northwest of Fergus Falls to the junction of CSAH #10 PLANT MIXED BITUMINOUS BASE & WEARING COURSE SURFACE . (2) C.P. 75:01 F.F. (3) C.P. 75:02M (4) Scambler Twp. sc·ambler & Dunn Twps. Dunn. 1\vp. Length 1. 50 miles, located in "Woodland Heights';', Section 26, Fergus Falls Township BITUMINOUS MIXTURE PRODUCTION Comprising approximately 1,500 tons TOWNSHIP AGGREGATE BASE & PLANT MIXED . BITUMINOUS SURFACE Project 75:0lB, length 1.1 ~ies, located on north line> of Section 13 Project 75:02B, ,length 2.0.mHes, located on· east · line·.of Sections 13 and 24, Scambler Township Project 75:03B, length 2.1 miles, located along north and east lines of Section 18 The Board, having previously advertised forbids to be received. for electronic accounting equipment proceeded to open bids which were found to be as follows: Burroughs_ Corporation, Fargo, North Dakota $9:,571.22 Motion was made by _John Snowberg, seconded by George Walter and unanimously carried, to accept :the bid of Burroughs Corporation, Fargo, North Dakota for a used electronic accounting machine· in the amount of $9,571.22, it being the only bid. Upon,· motion made by Andy Leitch, seconded by Bert Hovland and unanimously carried, the following resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County Minnesota, that WHEREAS on February 25, 1975 the bid for one tandem steel wheel vibratory roller was awarded to Ruffridge-Johnson Equipment Co., Inc., 3024 S .E. 4th Street, Minneapolis, Minnesota, and WHEREAS said vibratory roller has been delivered to the satisfaction of the county board in the amount of $5,985.00, NOW, THEREFORE the County Auditor is hereby authorized and directed to issue a warrant in the amount of $5,985.00 payable to Ruffridge- Johnson Equipment Co., Inc., Minneapolis, Minnesota, beirg the full amount of the bid. Dated at Fergus Falls, Minnesota this 9th day of April, 1975. Clerk Upon motion made by Bert Hovland, seconded by John Snowberg and Wlanimously carried, the following resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail CoW1ty Minnesota, that WHEREAS on August 7, 1974 the County Board accepted the bid ·of Gopher Stamp & Die Company, Saint Paul, Minnesota in the amount of $31,355.00 for 3,3oo··galvanized posts, and WHEREAS said ·posts have now been delivered to the satisfaction of the .Board, NOW, THEREFORE the County Auditor_ is hereby authorized and directed to issue a warrant in the amount of $17,310.50 to Gopher Stamp & Die Company, Saint Paul, Minnesota-as final payment for.these posts. Dated at Fergus Falls, Minnesota this 9th day of April, 1975. Chairm~ • ATTEST: . . , . . Clerk Upon motion made by George Walter, seconded by Andy Leitch and unanimously carried, the following resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County Minnesota,. that WHEREAS on July 9, 1974 the. County Board accepted the bid of Mark Sand & Gravel Company, Fergus Falls, Minnesota iri the amount of $169,480.92 for grading, base and bituminous surfacing on CSA!-! #8, 35 and 91, and WHl:REAS the above contract has now been completed to the satis- faction of the County Board at a total cost of $173,468.62, an increase of $3,987.71 due to normal variation, NOW, THEREFORE the County Auditor is hereby authorized and directed to issue a warrant in the amount of $30,974.58 payable to the Mark Sand & Gravel Company, Fergus Falls, Minnesota as final payment for this-work. Dated at Fergus Falls, Minnesota this 9th dc:1.y, of._ April, 1975. ATTEST: . . Clerk • J Upon motion made by Andy Leitch, seconded by Hub Nordgren· and · unanimously. carried, the following applic~tions for ·sewage_ disposal system cleaners license were approved: Morris Anderson Sherrill Jacobson Robert Palubicki i BJB Excavating Detroit Lakes, Minnesota Underwood, Minnesota Dent, Minnesota Upon modon made by George Walter, seconded by B.ert Hovland· and 1· ' unanimously carried, thd following applications for sewage disposal installers I license were approved: Wi:i,yne Roisum Melvin Kirckof Bob Esser Robert Palubicki Greg Barry Gaylard Schallock I I Roisum Plbg. & 1-ltg. Bob Esser Blbg. '& Htg. BJB Excavating Barry Exc_avating Clarence Toftely i Toftely Plbg. & Htg. ' . Leonard Hlllstrom ·. Hillstrom Construction Co. Dean Jorgenson .. ; Dean's Excavating Co. Kenneth Schepper Schepper Excavating Gerald Ripley Ripley Construction Harold V. Engebretson : Harold V. Engebretson Plbg. & Htg. Duane Moench · j Moench Plbg. & Htg. ' Ted Delzer Delzer Excavating LeRoy E. Feldt Feldt Plumbing Alb.ert Bretz Albert Bretz Hardware· Frank R. Steuart F. R. Steuart Company Harry Hoffni'ann Hoffman's Backhoe Service Allen D. Hanson Rodney D. Hanson Hanson Plbg. & Htg. Inc. Erhard, Minnesota Henning, Minnesota . -Perham, :,•Minnesota Dent, Minnesota Underwood, Minnesota Henning, Minnesota Pelican Rapids, Minnesota Vergas, Minnesota Fergus Falls, Minnesota· Vergas, Minnesota Erhard, Minnesota Pelican Rapids, Minnesota Wadena, Minnesota Dalton, Minnesota Fiazee, Minnesota Perham, Minnesota He'nning, Minnesota . Vergas, Minnesota Ottertail, Minnesot~. · Vergas, Minnesota i I Upon motion made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by George Walter and unanimously carried, the following applications for special use permit were · approved: Doarl. Schroeder Peter J. Lindberg Curtis. V .. Reinan A. J: McGoven · Doug las LaPoint M. E. Fosse Edwin C. Lien Pine Lake Township Edna Township Everts Township Girard Township Perham Township Girard Township Dora Township Construct road (subject to conditional requirements). Fill ravine (subject to . conditional requirements) Move ~xisting road Add on-sale liquor to present set up (subject.to conditional requirements) Excavate bank for walk out basement Build. new roa.d and rebuild portion · of existing road Cons.truct r~.t~ining wall Motion was made by Bert HovlaIJ.d, seconded by Andy Leitch and unan- imously carried; to approve.the operating permit of Kenneth Kugler, Erhard, Minnesota for the operation of a private sanitary landfill in Section ·2 of Friberg Township. Motion was made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by Bert Hovland and unani- mously carried, to approve a metes and bounds description transfer· for a parcel of --land by Melvin Kirkof, Henning, Minnesota in Section 17-134-38. Motion was made by Andy Leitch, seconded by Hub Nordgren and unnni- . mously· carried, to approve the preliminary plat of "Silver Lake Estat.es", located in Section 21 -133 -40. Motion was made by Bert Hovland, seconded by George Walter and unani- .mously carried, to approve the preliminary plat of "Lake· View Beach, 2nd Add'n" in Section 11 -137 -43. Motion was made by George Walter, seconded by Andy Leitch and unani- • . I mously carried, to approve the preliminary plat of Elm View in Sections 9.and 16 of 136 -38. · Upon motfon made by Andy Leitch, seconded by Hub Nordgren imd .unanimously carried, 'the following resolution was adopted: ' RESOLVED by the Board of County .Commissioners .of Otter Tail County Minnesota, that . WHEREAS a bill~ S.F. 998 has beep introduced· in Minnesota Legis- lature. that would require all counties, towns and cities and tO\mships operating through town boards to adopt the state building code, and WHEREAS S.F. 998 would inciude all construction, including .farm I buildings, dwellings and reconstruction,. and .WHEREAS there is nq evidence that this legislation is needed, and WHEREAS the enactment of S.F. 998 would create only more unneeded bureaucratic red tape,· and WHEREAS S.F. 998 would only agitate, harass and inconvenience thousands of citizens, and WHEREAS the enactment of S.F. 998 would require additional·county staffing, housing~ motor vehicles and miscellaneous expense estimated to exceed $150,000.00 annually in Otter Tail County, and WHEREAS the on1y beneficiary, if S. F. 998 is enacted, would be the State of Minnesota: via way of additional taxation of 1/2 mill surcharge on · all· cons trµcti on, and WHEREAS the construction industry is currently suffering a severe and depressed economic recession and the enactment of S .F .. 998 would only deal the·construction industry an extreme and unneeded setback, NOW, THEREFORE; BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED the Board of County Commissioners . of Otter Tail County Minnesota wishes to go on record opposing such legislation under S.F. 998 and respectfully requests the legislators act accordingly. Dated at Fergus Falls, Minnesota this 9th day of April, 1975. C a Clerk Upon motion made by George Walter, seconded by Andy Leitch and carried, the. following resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter. Tail County Minnesota, that WHEREAS the Otter Tail County Courthouse has available for .public use only, two parking lots at present 0tmed by Otter Tail County; and .WHEREAS there is an ever-increasing need to provide for parking of motor vehicles on a short period of time bas is, and • WHEREAS this parking is not now available because various persons noiv park in the allotted lots for long periods of time; and WHEREAS some part.of the parki!}g area could be designated for \'., short-term parking; and WHEREAS the county board has· au:thority pursuant to MINN. STAT . . § 373.26 to regulate the use of county;-owned parking facilities; NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED 1. That the northerly most parking of the west parking lot at , the·Otter Tail County Courthouse be declared .a 30-minute parking area. 2. That any person, state or county official, firm, associate or corporation violating the 30-minute restriction shall be guilty of a mis- demeanor and, upon conviction, subject to a fine of $25.00 or 5 days in jail or both. 3. That this resolution shall be enforced by the Otter Tail 'County Sheriff's Office . . 4. That this resolution relating to the regulation of parking shall become effective 20 days after its publication in the offic!Lal minutes of the board in the legal newspaper of the county. Adopted at Fergus Falls, Minnesota this 9th day of April, 1975. ATTEST: Clerk Motion was made by Hub Nordgren, _se·conded by Andy. Leitch and unanimously carried, to approve the app Ii cations of A. J. McGoven of the "78" Club, Girard Township, for license to hold public dances, for the sale of non-intoxicating malt liquor and on-sale liquor. Motion was made by Andy Leitch, seconded by George Walter and unanimously carried, to accept the proposal of Knutson Heating and Air Con- ditioning, Fergus Falls, Minnesota in the amount of $2,695.00 for air condi- tioning the Auditor's office. Motion was made by Bert Hovland, seconded by Andy Leitch and unani- mously carried, to authorize special aid in the amount of $167.65 to Norwegian Grove Township for the maintenance of Wilkin County Line road from T .H. #108 and north 2 miles. Motion was made by Andy Leitch, seconded by Bert Hovland and unani- mously carried, to retain Donald E. Ronning as a consulting engineer in drawing plans ans specifications for the design and construction of _the proposed parking lot on Court Street, city of Fergus Falls,. and authorized the Board Chairman to sign agreement forms, with the County Audi tor authorized to act as representative. for the County Board. The County Enginee'r· reported on a convention of the Missouri Valley Conference recently held in Chicago. Motion was made by.Hub Nordgren, seconded by George Walter and unani- mously carried, instructing the County Auditor to file a petition from residents of Otter Tail Township requesting the hard surfacing of the 1/2 mile of road in Hawes Beach Addition on Buchanan Lake, the County Engineer to be informed of this request. Upon motion made.by Bert Hovland, seconded by George Walter and unanimously carried, the following bills were allowed: COUNTY 8O0RT Elliot Boe Xerox Corp. Victor Lundeen & Co Midwest Printing Empire Bus. Machine West Fublishing Co Oswald Publishing Co Secretarial Service Minnesota Co. Judges Assn. DWI Clinic Mpls. DWI Clinic Fergus Falls, DWI Clinic Fairmont DWI Clinic DWI Clinic Albert Lee DWI.Clinic Aitkin Wright Co. Sheriff City of Perham Pam Nelson Jean Olson Richard Roberts PROBATION & PAROLE Arthur Boehne Spencer Lundquist Michael Vosburgh Terry Jacobson Cooper's Office Supply Inc. Victor Lundeen & Co Stenerson .Bros Lumber City, of Perham Rudolph Auch' 'Fergus Dodge Inc. Victor Lundeen & Co Fergus Glass & Paint Daily Journal Malcolm'Lee James Johnson · Richard Berge Xerox Corp VETERANS SERVICE LAND & RESOURCE Victor Lundeen & Co Cooper's Office Supply Inc. The ·Photo Center Fossen.Oil Co RoBo Car Wash Mehdi 0randi M.D. Marjean Hanson Mehdi 0randi M.D. L~F. Trajano M.D. · Subhi Sharifi M.D. Pentti Snellman C0R0NE.R I 552.56 682.44 224.41' · 68.20 60.50 15.00 12.72 316.50 130.00 225.00 325.00 30.00 25.00 20.00 25.00 8.80 ~5.00 21.00 52.00 12-.00 118.86 164.40 116.42 324.61 30.00 123.45 9.70 75.00 17.24 9.47 3.45 46.oo 27.60 256.41 82.68 16.14 60.00 157.32 3.00 14.40 19.04 5.35 250.00 50~60 75-75 25.25 25.25 25.25 Eugene Davenport John Skramstad . Erwin Siems ASSESSOR EOT SOIL & WATER Wi'lliam Stone National Assoc. of Cons. Districts Schmidt Ford Wm E Lee Agency Homer Sem Arnold Evavold Theodore Hegseth Glenn Haugrud Harold Skistad Wes-Min RCD Project WOT S6IL & WATER MISC. EXPENSES Gust Lagerquist International Harvestor Co Dacotah Paper Co Swanson Surplus Victor Lundeen & Co Kem1Mfg. Co Garratt Callahan Co Fergus Jobbing Honeywell Inc. Johnson· Service Co Fergus P1bg. & Htg. Wm Galena & Son Daycoa Gambles Ernest Jensen Xerox Corp. Empire Bus·. Machines Miller Davis Co· . ·Nelson Bros Midwest.Printing . Cooper's Office Supply:Inc. Victor Lundeen & Co Davenport's Simplex Time Recorder ·· Burroughs Corp. Marshall & Swi:rt Pub. Co Arthur Brottlund Mathison Hesby Agency Great Plain Natural Gas Ugstad Plbg. & Htg. Bureau of BusinB.ss Practice State of lVlinn. City of Perham Kenneth c·la.mbey George Nelson · K. W. Hanson Mitchell Davis s.J. Eifert Scott Gunvoldson Clarence Anderson Lee Jensen Daily Journal Perham Enterprise Bulletin I 133.50 61.86 25.09 224.37 78.93 1,795.00 147 .00 . 62.64 93.60 55.92 68.52 110.14 300.00 82.00 26.51 33.18 9.95 502.75 · 56.35 88.40 22.15 90.84 373.91 1.05· 146.25 86.23 1.57 132.08 283.15 · 16.00 146.02 348.50 25.00 ·7 .50 . 1,607.44. 2.ou 66~50 29.10 45.00 72.00 '+l.·05 7.00 37.00 18.93 300.00 60.UO 117.62 . 86.20 22.78. 52.87 48.20 80.00 16.00 1,000.00 719.95 2:L'.§6 3 Pelican.Rapids Press The Parkers Prairie Indep. Henning Advocate Northwestern Pub. Co RoBo Car Wash Pelican Rapids Press NURSE Lorna McCabe Phyllis Knutson Edna Moser Cheri· Schultz Dorothy Johnson Gloria Opatz Judith Schultz Mary Gutimecht Judy \:Wanderi Mary Westman Bernice Spangler Bernice Pederson _Joyce Blaeser Lorraine Amundson Dixie Fosse Myrna Mondt Marilyn Martinson Carla Pichett Nelson Bros Prtg. Victor Lundeen & Co Cooper's Office Supply Inc. Walter S Booth & Son National .Council for Homemaker Elvin Safety Supply Inc. Physicians & Hospital & Supply Lake Region Hospital Nurse Assistant Project University of Minn. Parkers Prairie Indep. City of Perham Office expense Glen. Melby Raymond Polensky R.E. Kausler Bruce Eckley Max Kronemann Erwin Tenter ·. Holiday Inn. West Centra.l Airways Mobile Radio & TV · SHERIFF Wa.rren, Gorham & Lamont Inc. The Photo Center Poucher Printing & Litho 25.42 18.00 18.00 25.40 18.12 2,~28.73 89.26. 47.76 14.16 41.08 88.40 163.64 101.14 122.52 46.44 57.60 21. 72 · 6.12 45.60 · 5.28 96.24 25.92 · 9.60 5.40 20.00 84.38 28.90 31.36 4.oo 5.06 48.66 7.65 14.oo. 14.97 5~04 35.00 86.69 . 43. 23 9.08 14.24 260.80 23.04 111.84 25.48 30.79 20.00 24.oo 103.28 121. 75 Victor Lundeen & Co IBM Corporation Fergus,Falls Vets Clinic Ugstad Plbg Fire Safety Corp. Dacotah Paper Co Welding Supplies & Fire Equip. Vore's Otter Tail Ski & Sport Supply H & LOK Hardware Ray O'Herron Co Inc. Badger Uniforms Nita Q,uaal Esther Mortensen Ethel Barker Mrs Gary -Anderson County Highway Dept. 1iilkin County Clay County Terry Twomey, Sheriff Dr. Kenneth Severn R.D Kreiser M.D. Pelican Valley Health Center Lake Region Hospital City J>harmacy Andrew & Meister Drug Genral Trading Co Al's Auto Sales Warner's Auto Sales Fergus Dodge Inc. Suhr Ford Sales Minnesota Motor Co Hi-Way Auto Impl. Goodyear Service Store Genuine Parts Co _GMC Truck Sales Service Oil Co. Underwood · Service Oil Co Battle Lake · RoBo Car Wash Erickson Holiday Phillips Petroleum Perham Co=OP Oil Pelican Union 76 North ·union Texaco Kness Standard Jim's Interstate·Standard Gene •·s . Standard Red Owl Store Service .. Food Market Warehouse Food Mark' It Pi,;f~ly:. Wiggly National Tea Store Ottertail Grocery Co Park Region Bakery Cass Clay Creamery Fergus Jobbing Mrs. Gordon Tomhave H & LOK Hardware Hanson's Hardware BOAT & WATER 430.38 316.06 60.00 90.45 117.88 33.18 11.00 34.72 3.50 45.48 103.18 166.64 32.46· 103.68 22.50 100.00 · 18.69 6.oo 80.00 6.10 16.00 63.00 30.00 1,831.35 31.55 -2.65 · 24·.18 20.83 13.00 205.42 47.13 67.76 25.00 125.26 ,2.53 17.63 9.15 55.90 266.26 10_5.95 i8.65 296.60 19.17 '63.31 148.86 384.56 10.91 33.60 1 · 175.45 86.55. 65.27 140.99 88.67 72.32 105.25 17.00 22.50 10.50 24.33 ROAD & BRIDGE Bauck Cijevrolet Co Inc. Bearing Supply Co Cu.mr.ri.ns -Diesel Sales Inc. .· Fergus Dodge Inc. Hall Equipment Inc. International Harvester Co Johnson Auto Service Little Falls Machine Inc. National Bushing & Parts Co Sturdevants Auto Parts Suhr Ford Sales Inc. Ziegler Inc. International Harvester Co Olson-Auto Electric Service Phil's Welding & Fabrication Stan Moe .Ford _Sal~s . . Super GMC Truck Sales Coast to. Coast,Battle Lake Coast to Coast P?,rke'rs. Prairie, Coast to Coast Pelican Rapids COE Industries · General Trading . Genuine Parts Co· Pelican Hardware Premier Autoware Sigelrnan·Steel & Salvage Sorem Auto.Parts Co W.W. Wallwork Inc. ·. Welding Supplies & Fire Equipment Farnam Tire Center Firestone Stores Paper Calmenson & Co L~e Region Aggregate Inc. Wilkin Co. Highway Dept. Commissioner of Highways Transport Clearings City of Henning Twp. of Leaf Mountain Battle Lake Review Daily Journal Henning Adyocate Parkers Prairie Independent Pelican Rapids .Press Perham Enterprise Bulletin Arthur Brottlund Monroe International Inc •. Empire Business Machines Victor Lundeen & Co Mankato Free Press Mobile Radio & T.V. Service Nelson.Bros Prtg. Th_e Pierce Company EOT Telephone Co Midwest-Telephone Co Park Region Telephone Co 8.77 67.02 12.98 164.80 1.26 . 324.91 24.70 31.10 206.93 4.06 1.75 3,197~53 49.37 ' 25.60 25.00 476.40 2,595.86 44~25 32.26 15.15 66.29 838.70 11.00 20.01 27.44 100.00 10.00 104.48 62.25 -141.83 469.09 3,408.64 180.00 · 828.12 492.60 11.41 474.89 66.oo 25_.58 27.00 30.50 25.73 39.00 25.·60 74.oo · 54.oo 349.50 34.02 4.86 50.64 194.10 102.25 128.38 22.69 74.03 Northwestern Bell Telephone Co Nprthweste_rn Bell Telephone Co 'Pelican Telephone Co Northwestern Bell Telephone Co Dennis Berend George Olson Roy J. Bruhn D-A bubricant Co Inc. Battle Lake F?.r111.ers Union Oil Bengtson, ::Oil· :Co Bluffton Oil Co Consumers Co-op Oil Assn Dave•s Standard Service Dent Oil Co Farmers Co-op Assn. Deer Creek Gene's ~tandaro·service Hoot Lake· 76 ·· Kness Standard Motz Union Oil Co North Union Texaco Nundahl Oil Co Penrose Oil . Co . Perham Co~op Oil Co Ray~s Oil Company Service Oil Co Battle Lake Service Oil Co Underwood Vergas Oil Co West Side Service Gene•s Standard Service. Arrow Petroleum Co-op Service Inc. Park Region Co-op Oil Co Standard Oil Co Henning Consumers Co-op Battle Lake Fossen Oil Co. Standard Oil Parkers Prairie Standard Oil Co Pelican Rapids 65.72 17.24 18.28 23,~3 207~05 30.25 79.20 837.00 281~80 84.71 5~1.45 566.45 711~77 373.59 356.16 317.88 351.47 95.32 779-93 · 52.18 276.97 · . 446.03 106.81 467.76 . 67. 28· 343.54 200.71 427.80 304.02 331.18 -252.32 302.75 167.50 302.00 581.61 ·. 128.44 549.62 Upon motion made by George Walter, seconded by Andy Leitch and unanimously carried, the meeting .adjourned until 1: 30 P .M., Tuesday, April 22, 1975. ATTEST: ~ ~ Clerk