HomeMy WebLinkAboutBoard of Commissioners - Minutes - 12/10/1974EVENING SESSION
Pursuant to _adjournment, the Board of County Cominissioners of
Otter Tail County Minnesota met at 8:00 P.M. o'clock at.the 4H building in the
City of Perham, Richard Dillon absent.
A hearing on the proposed· rebuilding o·f County Road #8 was held.
After listening to the various interested persons speaking for and against the
proposed designated route for reconstructing C.S.A.H. #8 from.Perham City to
three miles northeasterly, a motion was ·made by George Walter,. seconded by
Andy Leitch and carried, instructing the County Highway Engineer to proceed with
·the necessary paper work to reconstruct C.S.A.H. #8 on the alignment previously
selected and surveyed, and to acquire the necessary righ-of-way.
Upon motion made by Andy Leitch, seconded by Hub _N_ordgren and
. carried, the meeting adjourned until 9: 30 A.M. ,. December 10th, 1974.
Pursuant to adjournment, the Board of c·ounty Commissioners of
Otter Tail County Minnesota met at·9:30 A.M., Tuesday, December 10th, 1974, all
members present.
Motion was made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by John Snowberg and
unanimously carried, to appoint Jeff Tikkanen as a regular member and Duane
Donley as an alternate member of the WesMin Resource Conservation and Develop-
ment Project. Committee .to represent Otter Tail County and the East Otter Tail
Soil and Water Conservation District for the calendar year i975.
The Board, having previously advertised for bids to be received
for a 1975 4-Dr. Standard Size Sedan for use by the Sheriff's Department, pro-
ceeded to open bids which were found to be as follows:
Fergus Dodge, Inc.
Worner Is Auto Sales
Suhr Ford Sales
Stan Moe Ford Sales
-. _.;
Fergus Falls, Minnesota
Fergus Falls, Minnesota
Fergus Falls, Minnesota
Battle Lake, Minnesota
After consideration~ motion was made by John Snowberg, seconded
by Andy Leitch and unanimously carried, to accept the bid of Fergus Dodge, Inc.,
Fergus Falls, Minnesota in the amount of $4,292.75, it being.the lowest bid.
Motion was made by Andy Leitch, seconded by John Snowberg and
unanimous,ly carried, to approve the certificate -of completion on S .A.P. 56-639-03,
CSAH #39 and tie-in.
Upon motion made by Richard Dillon, seconded by John Snowberg
and unanimously carried,· the following resolution was adopted:
RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail
County, that
WHEREAS on October 8, 1974 the bid for grading and site prepar-
ation for the new highway building was awarded to Stan Morrill, Inc., Fergus
Falls, Minnesota for $4,800.00, and
WHEREAS the above contract has now been completed to the satis-
faction of the County Board at a. total cost of $7,851.36, an increase of
$3,051..36 due to more site work performed than anticipated,
NOW, THEREFORE, the County Auditor is hereby authorized and
directed to issue a warrant in the amount of $7,851.36 payable to Stan Morrill,
Inc., Fergus Falls• Minnesota as ful 1 payment for this work.
Dated at Fergus Falls, Minnesota this 10th day of December, 1974.
1 Chairman
Upon motion made by George Walter, seconded by Hub Nordgren and
unanimously carried, the foilowing resolution was adopted:
RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail
County Minnesota, that
WHEREAS on June 11, 1974 the bid for grading and aggregate sur-
facing on C.H. #148 was awarded to Leonard Hillstrom, Vergas, Minnesota in the
amoun.t of $35.,925.60, and
WHEREAS the above contract has now been completed to the satis-
faction of the County Board at a total cost of $35,554.08, a decrease of
$371.52 due to·normal variation.
NOW, TifEREFORE, the County Auditor.is. hereby authorized and
directed to issue a warrant in the amount of $3,784.00 payable to Leonard
Hillstrom, Vergas, Minnesota as final payment for this work.
Dated at Fergus Falls, Minnesota this 10th day of December, 1974,·
. A. TTEST: ~-.
Upon motion made by John Snowberg, seconded by Richard Dillon and
unanimously carried, the following resolution was adopted:
RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County
Minnesota; that
WHEREAS on the 22nd day of August, 1973, the County Board entered
into agreement with the City of Fergus Falls, Minnesota for relocation and con-
struction of that part of Friberg Avenue lying between Cherry Avenue and Fir
Avenue 1n the City of Fergus Falls, and
WHEREAS the above project has now been completed to the satis-
faction of the County Board and the City of Fergus Falls, the total cost to the
County in an amount of $80,977.20,
NOW, THEREFORE, the County Auditor is hereby authorized and
directed to issue a warrant in_ the amount of $80,977.20 to the City of Fergus
Falls as full payment of the county portion.
Dated at Fergus Falls, Minnesota this 10th day of December, 1974.
Upon motion made by Richard Dillon, seconded by John Snowberg and
unanimously ca~ried, the following resolution was adopted:
RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail
County· Minnesota that,
WHEREAS on April 4, 1974 the Board accepted the bid of LeRoy
Blickenstaff, Ottertail, Minnesota in the amount of.$6,268.29 for mowing Area D
in Otter Tail County, and
WHEREAS the above contract was forfeited and an agreement was
entered into with Carl Wallevand, Selmer Halvorson,~.Kenrieth::,Rostad and Orlin
Johnson for the completion of the work to be covered at an hourly basis, and
WHEREAS the above job· has now been compl~ted to the satisfaction
of the Board at a total cost of $6,373.25,
NOW; THEREFORE;, THE County Auditor is hereby authorized and
directed to issue a warrant in the amount of $305.85 payable to Kenneth Rostad,
Underwood, Minnesota, and a warrant in the amount of $636 .SO to Orlin Johnson,
Henning, Minnesota, and a warrant in the amount of $223.54 payable to Carl
Wallevand and Selmer Halvorson, as final payment for this work.
Dated at Fergus Falls, Minnesota this 10th day of December, 1974 .
Upon motion made by John Snowberg, second~d by Hub Nordgren and
carried, Andy Leitch voting "no'', the following resolution was adopted:
RESOLVED py the Board of ·county Commissioners of Otter Tail
County Minnesota, that
WHEREAS on November 7, 1973 the County Board agreed to parti-
cipate in the construction of the Main Street Bridge in the City ofFergus Falls,
in the amoW1t of 1/2 of the cost of the bridge, but not to exceed $55,000.00,
· and
·WHEREAS the construction of said bridge has now been completed
at a total cost of $107,463.38,
NOW, THEREFORE, the County Auditor.is hereby authorized and
directed to issue a warrant in .the amount of $53,731.69 payable to the City
of Fergus Falls in.full payment of Otter Tail County's share in ~he total cost.
Dated at Fergus Falls, Minnesota this 10th day of December, 1974.
-· · Clerk
Upon motion made by Richard Dillon, seconded by Hub Nordgren ancl
· unanimously carried, the following resolution was adopted:
MHD 30773 (Revised 11/74)
Be it resolved that pursuant to· Section 161.36, Subdivision 1
through 6, Minnesota Statutes, 1973, _ the Coimnissioner of Highways
. be appointed as agent of the· County of Otter Tail to let as its
agent, contracts for the construction of portions of County Highways,
for the year . 197 5 , and the chairman and the auditor are hereby au-
thorized and directed for and on behalf of the County to execute and
enter into a contract with the· Commissioner -of Highways· prescribing -
the terms and conditions of such contracts in the form as set forth
and contained in "Minnesota Department of Highway Agency Contract
Form. l'fo. 30773" a copy of which said · form was before the Board, as-
suming o~ behalf.of the County all -of the contractual obligations
. therein. contained.
Adopted this 10th day of· ·December, 1974
. fd.w.
./" Chairman
of the County Board
~ ' ' -. ~--
. County Auditor·
(Submit in duplicate)
i I
Upon.motion made by Andy Leitch, seconded by John Snowberg and
unanimously carried, the following -resolution was adopted:
R E S 0 L U T I O N ·
BE.IT RESOLVED, that pursuant to· statutory.authority, the
County Engineer for and on behalf of the• County of Otter Tail is
· hereby.authorized to request and obtain from the Minnesota Depart-
ment of.Highways needed engineering and.technical services during
the year 1975, for which payment wilt be made by the Co\1nty· upon
rece'ipt of verified claims from the Commissioner of Highways. ·'
Adopted th_is 10th day· of December, 197 4 ..
Upon motion made by Richa~d Dillon, seconded by Andy Leitch and
unanimously carried, the application of Gerald ·Kavanaugh to ·sell non-intoxicating
malt liquor at the Corner Store in Amor Township .was appr~'ved.
Upon motion made by John Snowberg, seconded by Hub Nordgren and
unanimously carded, the $3,000.00-bond for Sherrie Newborg, Deputy Clerk of
County Court was approved.
Upon motion made by George Walter, seconded· by Richard Dillon and
unanimously carried, the meeting_ adjourned until 9:30 A.M., Wednesday, December
11th', 1974.
Pursuant to adjournment, the Board -of County Commissioners of
Otter Tail County Minnesota met at 9:30 A.M., Wednesday, December 11th, 1974,
all members present.
Motim was made by Andy Leitch, seconded by Richard Dillon and
unanimously carried, to adopt the wage scale presented by the Salary Committee.,
as the personnel policy indicates, and adopt and publish the personnel policy,
the maintenance crew of the highway department to remain at their 1974 salaries
until union negotiations are settled.
Motion was made by Richard Dillon, seconded by Andy Leitch and
unanimously carried, to approve the plat of River-N-Woods Estates in Fergus
Falls Township.
Motion was made by Andy Leitch, seconded by Hub Nordgren and
unanimously carried, to approve the plat of "Stalker View Acres", Part of G.L.
1 & 2, Section 27 -132 -41.
Motion was made by George Walter, seconded by Richard Dillon and
unanimously carried, to approve the plat of Engstrom Beach, Fifth Addition, Pt.
G.L. 1, Section 19 and G.L. 6, Section 18, Edna Township.
Motion was made by George !\falter, seconded by John Snowberg and
unanimously carried, to approve the plat of Zitzow Acres located in Candor Township.
Motion was made by Andy Leitch, seconded by Richard Dillon and unani-
mously carried, to approve the plat of 1st Add'n. to Okeson Beach located in Eagle
Lake Township.
Motion was made by George Walter, seconded by Hub Nordgren and
carried, to approve the plat of Silent Lake South Shores, Pt. G.L. 7, 8, 9 and
10, Section 32, Dora Township.
Upon motion made by Andy Leitch, seconded by Richard Dillon
and unanimously carried, the following resolution was adopted:
RESOLVED·by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail
County Minnesota, that
The following be and hereby become the Personnel Policies
,-of Otter Tail County:
' It is the intent and purpose hereto that this Memorandum shall
promote and insure a spirit of confidence and cooperation between the
County Board of Commissioners and its employees, set forth the general
policy of the Board on personnel and procedure, est~blish equitable
rates of pay and hours of work and provide a method for the redress
of any grievances the employe~s may have.
The County recognizes the right of its employees to individually
represent themselve:::-. or to organize and designate representatives of
their own choosing to represent them, free from any restraint, inter-
ference or coercion on the part of the County or the administrative
officers. No discrimination shall be exercise~ against any employee
~·•· \ .,
because of union membership, race,. creed,: sex, color or political
. belief.
The Court House shall be open for business Monday through Friday
and the hours shall be set by the County Board.
A maximum of eight (8) hours shall constitute a day's work, and a
maximum of forty (40) hours shall constitute a week's work. In all
departments which maintain facilities on a 24 hour a day basis,
the department head shall establish work schedules for its employees
on a maximum of 8 hours per day -5 days per week.
In the event of an emergency of special situation which may
arise, the department head, with the approval of the personnel
committee, may authorize employees to work hours-different from the
regular work schedule hours.
E.11ployees in the cle.rical classification who work overtime,
shall be allowed, in lieu of ad:ditional payment, compensatory time
in the amount of 1 1/2 hours fOr each hour of overtime worked.
In the event of hardship, emergency or other unusual circum-
stances, the Otter Tail C':mnty Personnel CommitteE-· may authorize
payment of overtime in lieu of compensatory time. Which payment,
when so authorized, shall be at the rate of 1 1/2 time.
Comp time or overtime payments shall be paid for all work time
in excess of eight (8) hours per day or forty (40) hours per week.
: ..,;
All regular employees shall be entitled to paid holidays as
defined in Minnesota Statutes 645.44, Subd. 5 as that section may
from time to time be amended, and Good Friday afternoon.
When an ·employee of~ ___ a department which maintains a 24-hour per
day s·chedule, is required to work on any of these holidays, he shall
receive another day as holiday as approved by the department head.
When an employee, except employees in departments which maintain
a 24-Lour per day schedule, is required to work on any of these-
holidayS', he shall be paid at time and one-half rates in addition
to his regular salary.
When an employee does not work on any of the above named holidays,
the holiday shall nevertheless count as eight hours worked for the
purpose of computing overtime for hours worked in excess of forty in
any such week. ~rnen _'1ecessary, the Board may require an employee to
work on a holiday.
When any of the above-named holidays falls on a Sunday, the
following day shall be observed as the holiday:./' .ylhen the holiday
falls on a Saturday, it shall be observed on the previous Friday.
When a paid holiday falls during an employee's vacation period,
he shall receive an additional day of paid vacation.
All full-time county employees shall be entitled to earn
vacation at the rate designatGd in the following schedule. This
•1,,;cc1.t.i.0n 11..:ave :11a,'l t.Je i.H.:<.:uwu.latecl up to 24 days. Any employee who
has accumulated the maximum vacation time shall l~se the days he
accumulates in excess of 24 days. Employees are encouraged to use
this vacation each year. Any unused vacation time which the employee
has when he is separated from county service shall be paid to him ..
Regular part-tline employees vacation shall be pro rated on the basis
of their work schedule.
Pay for vacation periods shall be at the employee's regular salary
rate. In detennining vacation schedules, the wishes of the employees
will be respected as to the time of taki~g vacation, insofar as the
needs of the service will pennit. Employees shall furnish the
department head with their preference of vacation dates not later thari
May 1, of each year. The department head will then work out a vacation
schedule and post it not later than May 1,5.
Vacation Schedule
1 year employment 10 working days
2 years employment 11 working days
3 years employment 12 working days
4 years employment 13 working days
5 years employment 14 working days
"' ' 6 years employment 15 w6-rking days
After six years add an additional 1/2 day vacation per year until an
employee had worked 15 years in county employment for Otter Tail
County and then the employee will receive 20 working days vacationo
Sick leave with pay shall be granted to all employees at the
rate of one day per month and shall be allowed to accumulate any
unused sick leave from year to year up to a total of 90 days.
Sick leave is hereby defined to mean the absence of an employee
because of illness, exposure to contagious disease, and a maximum of
3 days for attendance of such employee-upon a member of his family
(wife and children) requiring the care or attendance of such employee.
In the case of such attendance of an employee upon a member of his
family, the Board will require a doctor's certificate for the need
of such employee's attendance.
A maxL~um of three days leave without loss of pay will be allowed
when a death occurs in an employee's family; namely, husband, wife,
son, daughter, father, mother, sister, brother, father-in-law, mother-
i_n-law, and grandchildren. Two additional days may be allowed when
travel is necessary, subject to the approval of the Department
Additional time, if needed, may be allowed by the
·Board of Commissioners, but such additional time in excess of the five
days indicated above sh~ll be charged against the employee's sick leaveo
Any unused sick leave time at the time of separation from county
service shall not be compensated for. Sick leave for regular part-
time employees shall be accumulated on a pro rated,,. pasis. ,, '· . ..
Enployees claiming sick leave may be required to file competent
written evidence that they have been absent as authorized. If employees
have been incapacitated, for the period of absence or a major part
thereof, they may be required to prove evidence of again being physically
able to perfonn their duties. Sick leave is a privilege designed for
the purposes stated herein. Each employee shall be held accountable
for the reasonable, prudent, and bona fide use of sick leave privileges.
Claiming sick leave when physically fit, except as provided in
this section, may be cause for disciplinary action, including cancel-
lation of sick leave benefits, suspension, demotion or termination.
The employee must notify his department head (or other department
official if department head is not available) of the need for leave
at the earliest possible moment and preferably before the start of
scheduled working hours. Failure to make diligent effort to give such
notification may result in payroll deduction of such time taken.
It will not be necessary to use sick leave for dental care unless
unusual absences are necessary or the employee is required to be hos-
pitalized. No sick leav0 wili be allowed.for illness, injury or physical
inability resulting from misconduct or excessive use of alcohol or
narcotics. No additional time off will be allowed for any holidays
occurring during an employees sick leave.; No sick leave benefits of
any kind will be granted,after tennination of employment.
An employee shall notify his supervisor of ,absence from the job.
In the case of sick leave, the employee is to notify his supervisor
within one hour of the opening of regular offiG.~ 'hours for that office.
Any other absence during working hours must be cleared with the
head of the office prior to the absence.
An absence of an employee of more than three working days, not
reported to the employee's supervisor, shall be deemed sufficient cause
to discharge the employee from county service.
Seniority standing shall be granted to all employees. The standing
is to be determined on the basis of total length of employment for the
County of Otter Tail. Employees shall be placed on a seniority basis
as of the first day of employment upon the completion of six months'
All new employeesj however, shall be entitled to all other benefits
of employment upon the completion of 30 days of employment.
An employee shall lose his seniority standing upon voluntary
resignation from employment with the County of Otter Tail.
In cases of transfer from one classification of work to another,
employees involved in the transfer shall not lose seniority standing.
It shall be the policy of the Board to fill vacancies by promotion.
Preference .. shall be given to the senior employee in the category next
below· that in which ti1e vaC!ancy occurs, provided he meets the quali:fi~
cations for the position and is capable of performing the duties of the
job involved.
A. Hospitalization and Medical. In addition to salary, the
county pays for an individual hospitalization and medical insurance
policy for each full time employee. This takes effect 30 days after
beginning of employment, or in the case of an employee beginning
· 30 days after ,
county service other than the first of a month, it shall be/the' first ··
of the month following the month in which he becomes employed. Should
the employee desire family coverage, he should so notify the payroll
clerk, and payments for such family coverage shall be deducted from
his sal8r:,-.
B. Life Insurance. The county shall provide $5,000 tenn life
insurance for all full time employE:es. The group plan shall allow
an employee to purchase additional life insurance for himself and/or
other members of his family, with the same effective date as in paragraph A.
C. Employees must work at least JO hours a week in order to
qualify for insurance (Policy of insurance carriers).
Longevity will be computed for all Otter Tail County employees,
on the basis of two factors, which are as follows:
A. Each catagory of employees as set forth in Paragraph XVIT
of this policy memorandum shall be subject to 10 annual step increases
from the base of each salary range, to the top of 9ach salary range.
B. Each employee shall receive as further longevity compensation,
based on the number of years of employment as ofiJanuary 1 of each
year, according to the following schedule: .. '
Five years of employment -1% of base sa1~ry
Ten years of employment -2% of base salary
Fifteen years of employment -3% of base salary
Any absence not covered by accumulated vacation, sick leave,
jury duty, military leave, or other normal leave, and is in excess
of three consecutive work days, must be authorized in advance, and have
the approval of the head of the office and the Board, and be so stated
in the minutes of the official board covering that office. No compen-
sation will be paid to such employee after his unused vacation or
sick leave has been used, until he ha.s returned to employment with
the county.
A. Jury Duty. Employees required to serve on jury duty shall
be allowed the difference in pay by Otter Tail County for all full
days absent. If the employee is excused after reporting and returns
to work, he will not be deducted for that day.
B. Military Leave. Pennanent employees who have completed their
probationary period shall be entitled to the following:
1. Leave of absence shall be granted to participac.e in National
Guard or reserve training unit of the State of Federal givernment when
ordered by the appropriate authorities and shall be allowed the
difference in pay by ()tter Tail County for the days absent. During
such leave, there shall be no loss of seniority, sick leave or vacation
2. Leave of absence without pay shall be g,ranted for military
..., .. :-
service in time of war, national or state emergency, as proclaimed by
the proper federal or state authorities, with reinstatement at the
expiration of such leave.
Except as otherwise provided by law, any county employee having
a grievance shall report such to his supervisor or head of the office.
If the grievance cannot be satisfactorily settled, it may be carried
to the Board covering that office, but only if requested in writing
by the employee. If th~ Board so desires, they may refer such matter
to the grievance committee consisting of two (2) persons and the
chainnan of the Board. All parties interested shall be present at
a hearing of the grievance committee, and the recommendations of the
grievance committee shall be made to the Board at its next regularly
scheduled meeting. The decision of the Board shall be final in any
such case. Chairman of the Board to appoint one member and the
employee to appoint one member. If the above procedure does not
resolve the grievance, further grievance procedures will be taken
according to the g!ievance procedures established by state law.
Any employee desiring to resign, shall submit such resignation
in writing to the =lected of appointed official in charge of the office
in which he works. This shall be at least two (2) weeks in advance
of his last day of work. Failure to comply with this provision may
be cause for non-payment of unused vacation }~ave. ,,
All retirement from county service shall be under Public
Employees Retirement Association, Minnesota State Retirement System,
or by a combination of Social Security with PERA or MSRS. A deduction
is made froril the employee's salary for this purpose. Matching funds
shall be contributed by the county as prescribed by law. The employee
should request a copy of the rules and regulations governing his
retirement plan.from his supervisor or office holder.
Mandatory retirement age is hereby established to be 65. However,
each employee may elect to continue his or her employment for the
balance of the calendar year following the employee reaching his or
her 65th birthday.
Part-time employees may be employed after reaching their 65th
birthday, except that such part-time employees are limited to 60
working days in any calendar.year.
-Except as otherwise provided by law, any employee may be dismissed
from his job by the elected or appointed official in charge of that
-office. Di&~issals shall be made only for just cause. Just cause
shall include but shall not be limited to the following:
1. Inability or failure to perform duties as assigned by
the office holder.
2. Dishonesty.
3. Lack of loyalty to head of the office and/or the county.
4. Abuse of vacation or sick leave priv-ii~ges.
·5. Abuse of county owned equipment.
6. Involvement in civil or criminal offenses.
7. Willful misconduct or insubordination.
8. Carelessness and negligence in the handling or control
of public property.
9. Discourteous, insulting, abusive or inflammatory conduct
toward the public or f~llow employe_es •. _
10. -Absence from dutir without just cause.
11. Failure to pay or make arre.ngements for the future payment
of just debts 'vvb::n sucl1 failure causes annoyance to county
' -· ...... '•·
officers and employees, ·or which brings discredit on
county departments.
12. Conduct or general appearance in private life which brings
discredit upon the county services.
Any employee who believes his dismissal is not justified may
appeal in ~riting, his dismissal, to the Board. The Board shall
hear all interested parties and may reinstate the employee upon such
terms and conditions. as are just and proper.
All employees base salary shall be subject to a cost of living
adjustment as computed according to the provisions of Minnesota
Statutes 375.43, as that section may from time to time hereafter,
be arnended.
The allowance for cost of living shall be added to each employee's
base salary effectiY'3 January 1 of each year hereafter.
There is hereby established, classifications for the clerical
,,,..;• ':
and professional employees of the county, with the following pay
-scale and general qualifications:
A. Clerical
Range I Salary Range, $380 -$450; Requirements, Department
,Head approval. Should have a 6 month probation period with a salary
of $350, to be moved up to the base salary when the 6 months is up
and the evaluation of the new employee is made.
Range II -Salary Range, $425 -$500; Requirements, minimum one
\ -12-
. I •
year experience in office or two years of outside experienceo Jr.
College or equivalent technical school and six mont·hs experience.
New employees should have a 6 month probation period with 90 percent
of the base salary, to be moved up . when the 6 months are up and the
evaluation of the new employee is made.
Range III -Salary Range, $475 -$600; Requirements, one year
experience as Range II or five years of comparable outside experience.
Para Professional -(Office Manager) Salary Range, $575 up to
75% of Office Head. Requirements, specialist with technical training
or experience. Need not know all of duties or functions of Professional.
· Example, may be Office Manager, Computor Programmer, Criminal Inves-
tigator, etc.
Specialist Salary Range -open
B. Professional
Professional I -Salary Range, 50% of Office Head. Requirements,
Department Head approval and all other legal requirements imposed on
one holding that position~
Professional II -Salary Range, 60% of Office Head. Requirements,
at least one year experience as a Professional I or two years outside
experience doing simi:ar work.
Professional III -Salary Range, 70% of Office Head. Requirements,
three years in a Professional I of Professional II level and in charge
of a definite division.
Professional IV -Salary Range, 80% of Offi~e Head. Requirements, .. ,,.,·
chief deputy with at least five years experience or comparable training.
Professional V -Office Head
C. Office Heads
There is hereby established the following base salary for
Department Heads:
1. Except as hereinafter enumerated, elected Department Heads
·shall be paid within a salary_range of $13,,000 to.$16,QOO per year.
2. Except as hereinafter enumerated, appointed Department Heads
shall be paid within a salary range of $12,500 to $15,500.
. . . . ' .
. .. ,. :1 -•-· ;_~ ·., ·,...~-_·, -·.
3. Department Heads shall be paid the pre·.riously listed amounts
in 10 equal annual increments from the low of the base salary to the
high of the base salary.
4. In addition to the above, the Board may annually review the
quality of work of each official and make such additional merit
adjustments as the Board feels appropriate.
D, County Administrator
Should _the County Board appoint a County Administrator.from any
office head, an additional 15 percent of base should be added for the
additional duties.
E. County Attorney
Salary should be 90~percent of the District Judge for a full-time
County Attorney, or a percentage of working time to be negotiated with
the County Board.
F. County Board
Members of the County Board of Commissioners w~:io do not work in
a full time capacity, shall recieve in 1974, 50% of the salary of an
·elected official as enumerated in Paragraph C-1, 55% for 1975 and 60%
for 1976.
G. County Engineer
Salary range from $19,000 to $25,000
H. County Nurse
Salary shall be 70 percent of base.
I. Nursing Home Advisor
Salary shall be 70 percent of base with housing furnished.
J. Welfare Director
As set by the State Department of Public Welfare
' .. _:.:.: •;
1. Any employee temporarily transferred to a higher paid
classification for less than one day shall receive his prevailing rate
of pay. If employed in a higher classification for a period of two
days or more, the employee shall receive the rate of pay provided for
in such higher classification for the entire period of such transfer.
When an employee is temporarily assigned to a lower paid classification,
he shall continue to receive his regular rate of pay.
2. Safety
A. The county shall at all times provide the safest working
conditions possible. It will be the duty of the office head
and the supervisor in each department working with the County
safety Di~ector to establish safety regulations and to in-
struct workers in accident prevention •. Workers shall be
expect3d to adhere strictly to all safety requirements.
Suggestions in safety will be welcomed from all employees.
B. Whenever an employee is injured on the job, he shall
report it to his supervisor at 01?-c,e.
C. Supervisors shall first secure medical aid for the
injured employees. They shall then promptly see that an
accident report is filed with the office head, the insurance
carrier and the County Safety Director, giving full particulars,
3. All employees shall have access to the premises of the Board
at reasonable times and subject to reasonable rulesto investigate
grievances and other problems with which they are concerned.
·' ':;"' -~. -~· "··
. --
! ,_
4. Department heads may authorize the payment of mileage for
use of private vehicle of employee in course and· scope of employment
at the rate of 12¢ per mileo
5. Increases in rate of compensation shall follow a regular pattern
and are to be based on merit rather than length of service. All
increases will be set at the beginning of each year by the Board of
County Commissioners.
6. Payment of wages shall be at least once a montho
7. No Department Head shall employany immediate member of his
famiiy in his department.
Adopted this 11th day of December, 1974 at Fergus Falls, 1-!innesota
-~ Clerk
Upon motion· made by Andy Leitch, seconded by Hub Nordgren and
unanimously carried, the following resolution was adopted:
RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail
County ~1innesota, that
The County Auditor be hereby authorized to transfer the sum
of $824.35 from the Missing Heirs Fund to the County Revenue Fund.
Dated at Fergus Falls, Minnesota this 11th day of December, 1974.
Upon motion made by Richard Dillon, seconded by John Snowberg and
unanimously carried,,the following resolution was adopted:
RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail
County Minnesota, that
The County Auditor be and is hereby aut_horized to transfer the
remaining balance in the amount of $425.78 in the Road and.~ridge Bond Account
to the County Building Fund, and also any further collections in the Road and
Bridge Bond Account be placed in the County Building Fund.
Dated at Fergus Falls, Minnesota this 11th day of December, 1974.
Upon motion made by Andy Leitch, seconded by Hub Nordgren and
unanimously carrie.d, the following resolution was adopted:
RESOLVED by the Board of County Comm1ssioners of Otter Tail·_
County Minnesota, that
WHEREAS, local units of c_o~nty government have the expertise to
make land use decisions with county wide impact and,
WHEREAS, through the forum provided by the Regional Deve]:opnient
Commission, city, county, township and school district officials can consider land
use decisions with multi-county impact and,
WHEREAS, local units of government have been created by the'state;
state ag7ncies and departments c1-nd_ the state·· 1egislature should allow all decisions
. . .
of local significance to be made by loca_l units of government in land use and other
matters, and,
WHEREAS, the Board of County Comniissioners -of Otter Tail County
believes present st.ate law gives the Minn·esota Department of Natural Resources
far too much authori~y in local land use decisions involving drainage, permit
granting responsibility and others
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Minnesota State Legis-
lature take action t_o reverse this concentration of power in the Department of
Natural Resources and re-allocate power appropriately between the state and local
units of government.
Dated at Fergus Falls, Minnesota this 11th day of-December,_ 1974.
,rChairman . · ·
Motion was made by John Snowberg, seconded by Hub Nordgren and unani-·
mous ly carried, to deny the following applications for special use permit:
Roland Baumback
Leif Thrane
Star Lake Township
Lida Township
Build access road to lake
Lower lot
Motion was made by Richard Dillon, seconded by Andy Leitch and unani-
mously carried, to approve,_the following applications for special use permit:
L. D. Thrane
Russ Pederson
Lida Township
Star Lake Township
Fill iow area
Add 3 cabins to existing resort
Motion was made by John Snowberg, seconded by Richard Dillon and
unanimously carried, to approve the preliminary plat of Prieb 's Park located in
Motbn was made by John ?nowberg, seconded by Andy Leitch and carried,
to approve the quotation of Lampert Construction for the remodelling of the proba-
tion and parole office at a cost of $4,.060.00
Motion was made by Richard Dillon, seconded by Hub Nordgren and
unanimously carried, to accept the quota:t;ion of_ .Knutson Heating & Air Conditioning
for the installation of air conditioning in the probation and. parole office and a
portion of the shoreland management office, at.a cost of $1,935.00.
Upon motion made by Richard Dillon, seconded by Andy Leitch and
unanimously carried, the County Auditor was authorized to advertise for bids to
be received until 11 :00 A.M., January 8th, 1975 for a walk-in van to be used by
the survey unit of the highway department.
Upon motion made by Richard Dillon, seconded by John Snowberg and
unanimously carried, the following applications for reduction of assessed valuation
were approved:
Daniel Schauff.
Arthur&. Bernice Dietrich
Emil T. & Elizabeth 'Larsen
Friberg Township
Rush Lake Township
Elmo Township
Mobile home sold prior to 1/2/72
Back lot ~:i.th storage shed assessed
as l~keshore with cottage
Assessment exceeded 5% limitation
Upon motion made by Richard Dillon, seconded by John Snowberg and
unanimously carried, the following bills were· allowed:
Elliott Boe<>
Virginia Rustad'"
'-Moorh~ad sifr~ty Seninar
'.' Drivez-s. Improvement Clinic
· Dane County· Sher±ff.
Fergus Falls Community College
Secretarial Service
Xerox Corp.
The Sound Shop
Cooper's Office Supply Inc.
Security Blank Book & Prtg.
Victor Lundeen & Co
Nelson Bros Prtg
Liquid Paper Corp.
Mathison Hesby Agency
Paul Alexander
Paul Kimmes
Donald Bowen
Rodney Anderson
City of Perham
Roger Bengtson
Rudolph Auch
Victor Lundeen & Co
Cooper's Office Supply Inc.
Northwestern Publishing Co
The Parkers Prairie Ind.
RoBo Car Wash
Malcolm Lee
Xerox Corp.
Hanson's Dept. Store
Victor Lundeen & Co
Pelican Hardware
Fossen Oil Co
Eugene Davenport
Erwin Siems
John Skramstad
Paul Russell.• Knutson
Floyd Hoff
Kenneth Maki
Lee Jensen
.Marlin Senske
Jeff Tikkanen
William Stone
Donald Kenyon
Rodney Flatau
Mehdi Orandi M.D.
Marjean Hanson
Mehdi Orandi M.D.
Earl Bigler M.D.
Ralph Estrem M.D.
Warren Parker M.D.
· 81.00
· i47 .65'.
. ·19.89 ',
246.70 5. 70.
7.65 ·
11.04 ·
28.22 ·
Spencer Lundquist ·
Arthur Boehne.
Terry Jacobson
Marla Ott
City of Perham
Kenneth Clambey
Gust Lagerquist & Sons
Wm Galena & Son.
Share Corp.
McDowall Co
Ebersviller Imp. Co
G. S. Products_ ' Inc. . .
Electrolux Corp.
Xerox Corp.,
Multigraphics Div.
Miller Davis Co
Victor Lunde~n & Co·
. Cooper I s Office Supply
Coast to Coast
. Nelson Bros .
Security Blank Book & Prtg.
Fergus Jobbing
--~ Rofo .Rule ·
Pitney Bowes
Corner Marking Co
·Burroughs Corp.
The-Pierce Cq
Wilfred Estes
S.J. Eifert
K. W. ·Hanson
· George Nelson
City of Perham
Jacobson Excavating
University of Minn.
Assoc. of Minn. Counties
Mathison Hesby Agency .
. Daily Journal
Henning Advocate
Northwestern Publ. Co
Perham Enterprise Bulletin·
Parkers·Prairie Indep.
Pelican Rapids Press
· Bureau of Business Practice
Judy Schuitz
Gloria Opatz
Edna Moser.
Dorothy Johnson
Cheri Schultz
Phyllis Knutson
Lorna McCabe
Mary Westman
Judy Wanderi
Alice Crosgrove
Adell Hartman
Verna Kratzke
Bernice Pederson
Pearl Ronning
Bernice Spangler.
Myrna Mondt
65.94 ·
82.00 .
874.50 ·
If7 .. :12
33.81 -; . ·
. 6.40
152.64 .
. 32.00
122.50 ·
1·7 .49
, 32.88
51. 18·
.§7 .60
· 34.08
Mrs Wm. Hemmelgarn
Mrs Charles Hansel
Mrs Charles Perk.ins
Jens R Ree
Veery Ryder
Physicians & Hospital Supply
Parkers Priairie Indep.
Victor Lundeen & Co
City of Perham
Boarding of Prisoners
Carlton E Mortensen
Office Expense
Glen Melby.
William L. Martin
Big Chief Texaco
North Union Texaco
Perham Co-op Oil
Service Oil Co
RoBo Car Wash
Jim's Standard
Minnesota Motor Co
Worner's Auto Sales
Swanson Equip. Co
Fergus Dodge Inc •.
· Goodyear Service Store
Fire Safety Corp.
Victor Lundeen & Co
Share Corp •.
Midwest Printing Co
The Photo Center
Western Chemical Co
Empire Business
Lystad's Inc.
Fleet Farm
West Central Airways
City Pharmacy
Lake Region Hospital
Fergus Falls Vets Clinic
Veterinary Hospital
Clay County
Jack Dailey, Sheriff
E.J. Wilson, Sheriff
Max Kronemann
Esther Mortensen
Nita Quaal
Bruce Eckley
Jim's Interstat~ Standard
George McCollough. · -··
. I
4o. 79: ··
19LOO ·
10.00 '.
54.29 •
527 .49 .:
8.oo ·
· 443.23 ·
72.52 :_.
135.05 .
93.00 .
15.00 '
87 .50 ·
349.00 :
11.60 .
18.00 ,
15.00 :
33.20 ·
24.30 ·
42. 75 :
. I
Ebersviller Impl. Co
Frontier Inc.
Genuine Parts Co
Hagen's Inc.
National Bushing & Parts
Sturdevant I s Auto Parts·
Ziegler Inc.
Fergus Dodge Inc.
Marlo Motors
Minnesota Motor Co
Roisum Plumbing,& Htg.
Witte Auto,Radiato;c-Co
Coast to Coast Store
H & LOK Hardwa;c-e
M-R Sign Company
Northern Propane Gas Co
Sigelman Steel & Salvage
Stenerson Lumber Co
Vergas Hardware,
Welding Supplies & Fire Equip.
Farnam Tire Center
Firestone Store.
Elk River Concrete Products
Farmers Co-op Elevator Co
Mark Sand & Gravel
Egge Construction Co
City of Fergus Falls
REA Express
Richard Sherbrooke
Bror Nordberg
Victor Lundeen & Co
Fossen Oil Co
Minnesota Blueprint
City of Battle Lake
City of Parkers Prairie
City of Pelican·Rapids
City of Perham
City of Deer Creek
City of Dent.
G.D. Harlow
Clyde Wheeler
Midwest Telephone Co
Northwestern Bell Telephone Co
Northwestern Bell Telephone Co
Park Region Mutual Telephone Co
N.W. Bell Telephone Co
Pelican Telephop.e Co
Cutler Magner Company
D-A Lubricant Co Inc.
Consumers Co-op Oil Co
Dent Oil Co
Consumers Co-op Oil Co
Farmers Co-op Assn.
Mayo's Standard Service
Mel's Service
Meyer's Service:
Motz Union Oil
487 .98
7-50 22.18
362.91.1 281.92·_
405.46 .
I !?
Otter Tail Co-op Oil
Perham Co-op Oil Co
Steve's Standard Service
Vergas Oil Co
Standard Oil Co.
Baas Oil Co
Dennis Berend
Dennis Berend
. Upon motion made by John Snowberg, seconded by Andy Leitch and
unanimously carried, the meeting adjourned until 1: 30 P .M., Tuesday, December
17th, 1974.