HomeMy WebLinkAboutBoard of Commissioners - Minutes - 07/08/1974MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS - OTTER TAIL COUNTY MINNESOTA Pursuant to Statute, the Board of Co\Dlty Co~missioers of Otter Tail Co\Dlty Minnesota met at 9:30 A.M., July 8, 1974, all members present. Motion was made by Andy Leitch, seconded·by John Snowberg and \Dlanimous ly carried, to authorize the Collllty, Audi tor to advertise for bids 'to be received for a 1975 station wagon to be used by the Veterans Service office. Bids to be received sometime in September or October. Motion was made by Johri Snowberg, sqs,nded by Hub Nordgren and llllani- mously carried, to make application to the Governor's Crime Commission for the trans- fer of remaining flllld balances in the OFF-CON program to current three year program. Motion was made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by Andy Leitch and W1animously carried, to grant $300.00 special aid to Folden Township to assist in rebuilding a road in Section 20. Upon motiori made by Hub Nor_dgren, seconded. by John Snowberg and unani-· mously carried, the following applications for reduction in assessed valuation of real estate were approved: Dennis Bjorkllllld . :·, 1 . ,· Raymond Norman .. • James S • Lundwall · Myrton Wegener ._ , Stanley McAlpin . Howard Nettum .Carl. J. Hofmann _Ost_runi ·Lodge. .. Jeffery Trites . Ronald Hanusch ~-~ / ~ Oscar F,., Haapasaari I . . . • Donald Ca~,lsrud I \ .,. "' ... ., ·/ Henning Township ·Otto :Township . : Dllllil Township Woodside,Towi:iship • ·1 •• s Sverdrup:· 'Township Scambl~r'Township Otto Townshl°p .,' ii Otto To~nship , . Girard Township Dmm Township -~-tto Township Elizabeth Township Homestead property should have tax credit · Should have been classed as residential recreational 50' lot assessed as 100' lot Silo assessed both as personal propa.ty and real estate Should have been homestead classification Mobile home on real estate Garage included with mobile borne valuation Licensed mobile home assessed as personal House incomplete Should be homestead i.ould have tax credit property 1972 mobile home assessed as 1973 Harold I.· Digre • ~teven Okeson E'l(erts To~~hip Everts Township Vacant· lot assessed as having house Cottage on wrong lot TO TI-IE COUNTY BOARD OF OTTER TAIL COUNTY Pursuant to law, I present below, a statement showing the amount of taxes levied for County purposes for ,·;the current year, the amounts collected and apportioned to date, and the balances uncollected, together with the actual cash balances remaining to the credit of each County· Fund at the close of business on the 30th day of June, 1974. Funds County Revenue Fund County Buildings County Welfare County Road & Bridge She 1 tered Workshop TOTAL County Audit;or Amount Levied for Current Year $770,423.54 114,948.58 895,806.17 769,957.30 13,873.10 $2,565,008.69 Amount Collected and Apportioned Balance Uncollected or Unapportioned ($109,849.31 $544,158.27 ( 116,415~96 Loe. Gov. , Aid 35,822.83 79, 125. 75 279,170.50 616,635.67 239,950.80 530,006.50 4,323.40 9,549. 70 $785,532.80 $1, 779, 4 75 . 89 Balances remaining to the credit of each Fund are as follows: County Revenue Fund County Buildings County Welfare County Road & Bridge Sheltered Workshop Debit $322,789.54 22,068.95 422,916.26 1,033,198.81 4,580.14 I The following is a statement of the accounts remaining unpaid on the contracts already entered into by the Coard: Contract Amount Amount Paid Balance Due Contracts -Road & Bridge 1 , 2 86 , 39 7 . 2 5 Equipment -Road & Bridge 69,997.42 Buildings $142,700.00 $99,932.40 42,767.60 ,.,.. ------ I The following resolution was introduced by John Snowberg who moved for its adoption: RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of_ Otter Tail County Minnesota, that There be levied upon the taxable property of Otter Tail County Minnesota, payable during the year 1915, the following amounts for the several County Funds, as estimated: County Revenue: Ordinary County Agents Retirement Audit County Fairs Parks -Phelps Mill Soil & Water Conserva'tlon District Veterans Service Total County ~elfare County Road & Bridge County Buildings Sheltered Workshop $644,671.46 49,930.00 53,000.00 7,500.00 10,000.00 12,000.00 22,581.30 20,870.00 $ 820,552.76 940,594.00 800,000.00 llS,000.00 13~829 .oo . $2,689,975.76 Dated at Fergus Falls, Minnesota this 8th day of July, 1974. The above motion was seconded by Hub Nordgren and'carried by the following votes: Yes: John Snowberg, Hub Nordgren, Geo_rge Walter, Andy Leitch ,and Dick Dillon No: None _...Chairman ATTEST:~ .• Clerk I Upon motion made by Andy Leitch, seconded by Richard Dillon and carried, the meeting adjourned until 9:30 A.M., Tuesday, July 9, 1974. l TUESDAY'S SESSION Pursuant to adjournment, the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County met at 9:30 A.M., Tuesday, July 9th, 1974, all members present. A delegation from Edna, Perham. Gorman and Hobart Townships appeared before the board-presenting a petition for the establishment .of a county highway over and upon the site of the present township road located in Section 5 of Perham Township, Sections 1, 2, 3 and 4 of Edna Township, Section 31 of Gorman Township;! and Sections 36, 35, 34 and 40 of Hobart Township. Motion was made by George Walter, seconded by Richard Dillon and unanimously carried, to file said pcti. tion in the office of the County Auditor. Upon motion made by Richard Dillon., seconded by John Snowberg and unanimously carried_; the county auditor was authorized to advertise for bids to be received until 11: 00 A.M., August 7, _1974, for the following: GRADING, BASE & BITUMINOUS SURFACING C.P. 74:1.118 Length 3.529 Miles,. ·1ocated from 1.5 miles north of Fergus Falls to junction of CSAH 110. · Upon motion made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by John Snowberg and unani- . mously carrie_d, the county auditor was authorized to advertise for biq.s to be rece_ived until 11:00 A.M., August 7th, 1974~ for. the .following: GALVANIZED STEEL POSTS 1,000 Posts, 7 ft. long, 2.75 lb. per ft., 7/16 inch holes@ 6 inch centers for 3 feet of the post. 300 Posts, 7 ft. long, 2.75 lb. per ft., 7/16 inch holes@ 3 inch centers -for ful 1 length of ·the._ post. 1,000 Posts 8 ft. long, 2.75 lb. per ft.,·7/1_6 inch holes@ 3 inch centers for full length of the post l,000 Posts 8 ft. long, 4 lb. per ft., 7/16 inch holes@ 3 inch cent~rs for full length of the post '. _. Motion was made by Hub Nordgren, se~onded by Richard Dillon and unani- mously carried, to approve the following applications for ~pecial use pennit· Robert E. Rife · Dunn Township Keith .. Barry Sverdrup Charles R. Jensen Tordenskjold . I . . ... Expand resort to include. off-sale . I beer license Place mobile home for use as beauty · I shop Locate elec~rical contracting business on home site Motion was made by Andy Leitch, sec~nded by John Snowberg and unanimously carried, to· approve the application of Rudy Haukebo for special use permit to build road to serve proposed subdivision in Everts Township. Motion was made by Richard Dillon, seconded by Hub Nordgren an·d carried, to table the action pretaining to a special use permit for a road in Government Lot,, z, in Section 7 -137 -42 until such a time that the county board has had the · opportunity to view said request. A delegation from the Otter Tail County Historical Society appeared before . . I the Board and presented a progress report on the Museum and the annual budget for 1975. . I . I -Motion was made by Andy Leitch, seconded by Hub Nordgren and unanimously .1 carrie_d, to accept the preliminary plat of "Asthre Shore sk Di vision". Motion was .made. by .Andy Leitch, seconded by RichLd .Dillon and unanimously carried, to approve the preliminary plat of First Add'n to Tradewell Woodland in Section 12, Sverdrup Township. Upon motion made by Andy Leitch, seconded by Hub Nordgren and carried, the county auditor, if necessary upon direction of the co\lllty engineer, was authorized to call for bids for additional cleaning of Co\lllty Ditch #37. Upon motion made by Hub Nordgren,:oseconded by Andy Leitch and unanimously carried, the application of Robert E. Rife for license to sell.non-intoxicating malt liquor at Dunvilla, Dunn Township, ·was approved. · Motion was made :by Andy Leitch:, .. seconded by Hub Nordgren. and llllanimously carried, to approve the application of Evelyn.Smith to allow display and consumption . of alcoholic beverages at_ Pine Lake Lodge in Corliss Townsh1p~ · Upon motion made by Hub Nordgren, .seconded by John Snowberg and wtanimous_ly carried, ·the following applications were approved for sewage disposal system cleaners license: Walter O. Anderson Sharold G. Reynolds Clean Lakes & Rivers, Inc. Detroit Lakes Fergus Falls Upon motion made by Richard Dillon; seconded by Hub Nordgren and unan,i+ mously carried, the following applications were· approved for sewage disposal installers license: . Richard Leitheiser Walter O. Anderson Leitheiser & Meking Clean Lakes & Rivers, Inc. Detroit Lakes Detroit Lakes Upon motion made by Richard Dillon, seconded by John Snowberg and unani- mously carried, the following applications· for special use permit were rejected: Carlton Knutson Richard Carlund Maine Township Scalp crown & fill lots City of New York Mills · Discharge city mwticipal sewage Motion was made by Richard Dillon, seconded by John Snowberg and• tmani- mously carried, to approve the following applications for special use permit: Andrew Anderson Lawrence Tennison Burnell Bakke Thomas R. Maass Delbert Porter Morris Hagen & Laddie Adams Darrald Grenier Henry Anderson Kenneth L. Zenner Fergus Falls Township Landscape and fill lot Dora Township Fill lot Tumuli Township Landscape and tile washout area Scambler Township Fill and level lot Dane Prairie Township Level area and build retaining wall Sverdrup Township Level rough areas & terrace Elizabeth Township Landscape and move retaining walls Dtmn Township Regrade road and cut hill Amor Township Fill lot Upon motion made by Andy Leitch', s,econded by Hub Nol;"dgren ,and ·. ' . ' . carried, the following resolution was .adopted: RESOLVED.by the Board of·co~ty Commissioners of Otter Tail Collllty Minnesota, that WHEREAS the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency has not established Sol:i.d Waste Regulatons for sparsely populated areas of. the state as codified in Minnesota Statutes 1967, Section 116 .07, subd. 2, and WHEREAS no air or water pollu.tion has. beeri reported resulting· from the operation of the City of Kenneth solid waste facility (see i tern #18, Finding of Facts, MPCA dated Jwie 10, 1974.) \ WHEREAS·MPCA representatives conducting the City of Kenneth hearing on Jwie 10, 1974 could not describe or outline the criteria necessary for granting . -. . or denying a variance to City of Kenneth and apparently no criteria exists. WHEREAS· the RPCA district supervisor testified at the City of ·Kenneth hearing that the Kenneth dump is operated more consistent with regulations than some existing and licensed landfills in the area (why wasn't that ,testimony included in findings ·of fact report?) NOW, nIEREFORE,. BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED that the Otte~ Tail County · Board of CoDD11issioners. request the MPCA .board to grant the City of Kenneth a variance for the operation of their solid waste facilities. pated at Fergus Falls, Minnesota this ·-9th day of July, 1974. ·.· ATTES~ Clerk The following resolution was introduced by John Snowberg who moved for its adoption: RESOLVED by the Board of Cowity Commissioners of Otter Tail Cowity Minnesota, that WHEREAS, the Attorney General of the State of Minnesota has issued an op1n1on dated March 8, 1974, indicating that the provisions of Minnesota Statutues 487 .33 require that parking meter violation payments in lieu of prosecution be treated in the same manner as fines or penalties imposed by the Cowity Court; and WHEREAS, the City of Fergus Falls has, for some time, had an ordinance which provides that persons violating the parking meter limitations may, in lieu of a formal complaint, pay a penalty to the City Administrator and have said violation deemed satisfied; and WHEREAS, the City of Fergus Falls presently has the personnel necessary to continue processing those parking meter violations; and WHEREAS, the Cowity of Otter Tail does not presently have sufficient. personnel to W1dertake this processing, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Otter Tail Cowity Board of Commissioners and the City of Fergus Falls, that the following agreement is hereby entered into: .1. That at the end of each calendar month, beginning with August, 1973, the City Administrator of the City of Fergus Falls shall transmit to the Clerk of Otter Tail Cowity Court, a summary of the number of parking me~er violations processed and the amowit of .money collected during that calendar month. and a check in that aniowit · of money p~y.able to the Clerk of the Otter Tail. County CQurt .• 2. That the money so delivered to the Clerk of the Otter Tail CoW1ty Court shall be disbursed in accordance with· the provisions of Minnesota Statutes in cases involving municipal misdemeanor violatbns. · · 3; That at such tiine-'as the Ci.ty Administ-rator~ shall make the report and transmittal set forth in paragraph numbered 1 above, the said City Administrator shall present to the Cowity Auditor, a CoW1ty Voucher for payment to the City of Fergq; Falls for services rendered in connection with the. processing ·of thos, parking meter violati>ns, which. request for payment shall be, in an amount eq4al to one-half of the transmittal made by said City Administrator. This Voucher shall be processed for pay- ment in the same manner as any other authorized County Voucher. 4. This agreement shall continue in effect until terminated by either · party •. " ' .. ~'.)~: . 5. . That during· the continuati•on of this ag~ement, the City of· Fergus Falls · shall continue to purchase all, supplies and pay all exp~nses in connection with, the processing of these parking meter.violations. Dated at Fergus Falls,, Minnesota this 9th day of July, 1974. · CITY OF FERGUS FALLS By •:Bf L COUNTY BOAR!) OF COMMISSIONERS -~~~~~__;::..._i~:i..:;_~~~~~---- ___________ ...,.... __ _ Mayor 1rman ' ' By -----------,--,.~----City Administrator ·Qy . . ..... -... _____ ...___.......,,.~=--=.w:;;;..i...__ ______ _ Auditor The motion was seconded, by Ritjlard Dillon and carried by the following vote: Yes: John Snowberg, Richard Dillon, George Walter, Hub Nordgren No: Andy Leitch The Soard, having previously advertised for bids for grading and aggregate surfacing, S.A.P. 56-629-03, C.P. 74:29, proceeded to open bids which · were found to be as follows: Minnerath Const. Inc. Donald Conroy Const. Co. Ed·· Zimmerman Evavold-Vikesland Const. Michaelson Bros., Inc. Alley Const. Co. Sellin Bros • , Inc. St~ Const •. Co. Harvey W. Nels.on, Inc. Cold Spring, Minn. Dumont, Minn. Barrett, Minn. Fergus Falls, Minn. Madison, Minn. Faribault, Minn~ · Hawley, Minn. Moorhead, Minn. Lake Park, Minn. $126,419.12 146,569.58 153,202.46 156,668.40, · 157~428.94 157,803.00 160,277.66 166,501.20 170, 7~3.62 AFter consideration, motion was ·made by Andy Leitch, seconded: by Richard Dillon and unanimously carried, to accept the bid of Minerath Const~, Inc., Cold Spring, Minnesota, in the amount of $126,;419.12, it being the lowest bid. The Board, having previously advertised for bids to be received for . grading, base and bitmninous surfacing, S ~A.P J 56-608-03, 56-635-04 and 56-691-01, proceeded to open bids which were found to be as follows: I Mark Sand & Gravel Co. Fergus Falls, Minn. $169;480~92 Proposals for the above projects were requested by and received by the following contractors, none submitting bids: . Harvey Nelson -Ed Zimmerman Duininch Bros. & Gilchrist · Minn.· Valey [mp. Co. Lake Park, Minn. Barrett,· Minn. Olivia, Minn. Granite Falls, Minn. After consideration., motion was made by George Walter, seconded by John Snowberg and carried, to accept the bid of Mark Sand & Gravel Co., Fergus Falls, . .. Minnesota, in the. amowitof $169,480.92,:it being the only bid. · Up~n motio~ _~ade by Richard :Dillon, seconded by-~ub Nordgren and . , . ' , .· l : unanimously carried, the following bills were allowed: \ T SHERIFF Carlton Mortensen Boarding-of Prisoners Offfoe Expenses Service Oil Co Pelican Union 76 Otter Tail Co-op Holiday Jimis Standard Gene's Standard Big Chief Texaco Dick's Standard Service Farmer Equity Oil Ass'n Warner's Auto Sales Minnesota Motor Co Fergus Dodge Inc. Stan Moe Ford Sales General Trading Co. Empire Business Machines IBM Corporation Victor Lundeen & Co Miller Davis Co. Drivers License Guide Co Uniforms Unlimited ·Fire Safety Corp. Wanek Locksmith Wolter Electronic Co Fergµ s Falls Medical Group Clay Couri.ty Otter Tail Power Co Scott Gunvaldson Max Kroneman Estelle Jacobson Nita Quaal Susan Van Santen Debbie Meyer -.f£Rey Afta:ereeft Laurel Lea Johnson Verona Larson Leona Mittag Mrs Arlene Schroder Louis Westlund David Jennen Esther Mortensen Borg-Warner Alcohol Countermeasures System A. Hubert Nordgren Richard Dillon Henry Polkinhorn Judge Bruce Reuther, Judge Xerox Corp. Connnissioners CO. COURT Fergus Falls Comm. College Olivetti Corp. of America Empire Business Machines Nelson Bros Prtg. Elliott Boe 41.93 2,464.00 74.80 164~88 27.27 1,187.75 · 130.17 358.23 23.70 189.99 32.82 6.45 12.50 145.98 67.07 12.00 10.38 12.00 .106.75 459.42 269.00 49.50 11.75 324.oo 4.50 12.00 38.00 256.00 51.00 90.00 46.08 32.25 102.50 9.12 7.20 f).E5 6.04 6.40 6.04 28.64 6.04 504.oo . 64.50 56.00 73.64 58.40 105.4o 6.24 345.64' 650.00 557.45 279.50 64.55 . 134.36 T Miller Davis Company . Universal Ans. Service Victor Lundeen & Co Oswald Publishing Co West Pub. Co Secretarial Service City of Perham Malcolm Lee· James Johnson filchard Mac Gregor Richard Berge Xerox Corp. Otter Tail Co~op Oil Fossen.Oil Co Victor Lundeen & Co - LAND & RESOURCE U.S. Gov. Printing Office ·Minn. Emblem & Creative Arts Homer Sem Glenn Haugrud Arnold Evavold .Theodore Hegseth Harold Skistad Donald Kenyon · Marlen Senski William Stone Duane Donley Jeff Tikkanen Tribune·· Printing RC&D Dues The Pierce Co EOT Soil &.Water WOT SOIL & WATER EOT SOIL &.WATER . GO. EXT. COMM. Allan Schermerhorn ... , . Willis Roehl Mrs Arnold Stock Alfred Borgas Mrs Gerald Zeise · Wilfr~d Estes-. Donald Nelson S.J. Eifert Mehdi ·Oraridi M.D •. Marjean Hanson _ Mehdi Grandi M.D. Pentti Snellman Mehdi Orandi M.D. PLANNING COMIVI. CORONER Pelican Valley Health Center The Photo Center Spencer Lundquist Arthur Boehne PROBATION & PAROLE 254~65 75.-40' 382.05 .. 12.64 28.-00 371.40 , 65.00 60.02 127.61 7.20 36.91 210.06 19.77' 42.55 35.75 5.20 90.61 75.20 50.16 68.80 65.60 54.4o 33.68 11.44 18.64 51.60 34.64 42.00 250.00 225.00. 893.54 9.84 . 3.12 7.20 4.8o 24.48 100.60 64.4o 51.68 250.00 51.30 24o.oo 50.50 151.50 7.40 17~89 176~91 192.;,7 I Terry Jacobson City of Perham ASSESSOR Eugen~ Davenport John Skramstad Erwin Siems VETERANS SERVICE Marvin Klicker Roger Be~son Lynn Card Co . Otter Tail Co-op Fergus Dodge Inc •. Victor Lundeen & Co Edward Carlson Post# 283 D.A.V: Chapter# 25 DECORATING GRAVES Buseth Tusso:w_ Post # 18 Charles D. Centerc-Post # 3289 Paul Putnam Po~t· # 289 . • Anderson Bros. Coastto Coast Battle Lake Thomas Stewart Kenneth Clambey Gust Lagerquist & Sons Scott Gunvaldson· Electrolux Corp. Service Food Sherwin.Williams Co Dacotah Paper . Datco Spec. & Lighting Co Town & Country Htg. & Appl. Jaen:i..sch Industries · Johnson Service Co Gambles Xerox Corp. Poucher Printing & Litho Davenport Stationery Nelson Bros. Victor Lundeen & Co Cooper! s __ Qffice Supply Miller Davis Co IBM Corp. Monroe Division George Nelson Myrtle Logas Helen Skramsted Bureau of Bus. Practice J. David Johnson -Co Fergus Glass & Paint Anderson Bros · Mathison Hesby Agency Title Atlas Co Lee Jensen PHELPS MIIL 'WEED & SEED INSP •. MISC EXPENSES 272.24 75.00 132.06 50.68 62.54 68.06 11.76 ·. 41.00 219.52 3.20 8.38 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00. 1,043.26 133.32 208.00 . 78.97 78.20 15.00 .1.20 2.04 34.40 48,96 287.28 10.00 20.00 341.70 . 21.18 508.75 234.92 -3.35 565.95 613.99 243.00 1,230.21 49,50 3.00 52.76 44.4o 22.60 30.42 311.25 232.15 66.85 56,88 1,845.00 1,000.00 I Pelican Rapids Press Daily Journal· Perham Enterprise Bulletin Henning Advocate Battle Lake Review The Parkers Prairie Indep. City of Perham Eeat:r?ioe Wistoe. · State of Minnesota Myrtle E Logas Helen Skramsted Judith Nord Lorna McCabe Gloria Opatz Dorothy Johnson· Cheri Schultz Phyllis Knutson Mary Westman Berneice Spangler ·Alice Crosg~ove Pearl Ronning . Marjorie Lund . · Jeanette Holla tz Mrs Charles Perkins Mrs Wm Hemmelgarn Jens R Ree NURSE Parkers Prairie Indep. Journal of Nursing.· City of Perham BOAT & WATER SAFETY ENF. H & LO. K. Hardware Dunkers Marine Froelich Marine International Harvester Co National Bushing & Parts . Carl ton E Mortensen · Jim's Standard Pelican Union 76 Otter.Tail Coop Oil South Mill Standard Service Oil Co. Uniforms Unlimited Battie Lake Review ·Leitch Construction· Fergus Glass & Paint Bearing Supply Co Ebersviller' Impl. Co , Fergus Dodge Inc. Hayden Murphy Equip. Co I & M Implement . BUILDING FOND .Ro.AD:& BRIDGE 443.50 321.82 32.55 . 36.00 428.35· 41.60 60.00 33.00 761.55 142.80 64.12 3~00 87.84 94.28 48.93 18.60 73.79 96.16 8.88 6.24 30.96 9.36 9.60 10.80 12.00 15.84 1.98 10.00 35.00 10.50 95.29 13.01 100.64 3.99 .11.98 9.44 32.81 16.78 6.00 20.80 24o.90 68.15 252.00 416.31 12.65 73.'75 97.89 520.09 3.32 International Harvester National Bushing & Parts Power Brake Equip. Schmitz Garage Super GMC Truck Sales Wadena Impl. Co. Ziegler Inc. Consumers Co op Oil Henning Pelican Welding Shop Red River Hardware Co Stan's Garage Andersen Grocery .Armco_Metal Products Div. Borchert Ingersoll Inc. Coast to Coast Battle Lake General Trading Genuine Parts Co M-R.Sign Co Occidental Chemical Co Peavey Lumber Service Peavey Lumber Co Pelican Hardware Phil's Welding & Fab. Structural Products Inc. Swanson Equip. Co Welding Supplies & Fire Equip. Firestone Store Paper Calmenson & Co Orris Albertson Clifton Birch Orlin Johnson Gunvold Olsonq Lee L. Taves Arthur Thompson Archie ~~Wahlin Carl Wallevand Ellsworth H. Whipps Melvin McGowan R-& W Transfer City of Henning State of Minnesota Earl Nelson City of Perham Ripley Construction WOT Soil & Water Fergus Journal Elk River Concrete Products Kraemer Elevator Mills Farmers Elevator ,Northwood Spec. Co Albinson· Davenport's Stationery Victor Lundeen & Co The Photo Center Poucher Prtg. & Litho Stenerson Lumber Co. Dennis Berend G.D. Harlow Murphy Oil Co 135.30. 21.16 4o.5~ 2.15 53.71 19.25 175.88 10.93 7.00 61.80 82.37 5.62 380.64 8.96 61.38 365. 71 · 41.98 24o.oo 846.01 78,90 2.50 2.4o 7.50 . 7.95 15.10 43.24 102.15 672.95 415.4o 234.50 234.50 294.80 515.90 415.4o 458.95 207.70 696.80 525.00 8.99 412.37 8.00 56.00 30.00 17.50 415.00 24.30 967.02 1,487.38 2,162.50 281.50 22.36 7.80 34.70 29'.~90 24. 71 13.83 35.75 26.55 2,258.52 . R & B cont. Hohman Telephone Co. Northwestern Bell of Fergus Falls Northwestern Bell of Wadena Midwest Telephone Co. Northwestern Bell of Fergus Falls R. L. Fleming Amos. Wienbar Wilbur Sillerud Thomas C. Langseth• . Vernon Bowman Orlin Moebius Arby Grossman Elmer Larson & Henry Larson Paul Lee John Schlotfeld D-A Lubricant Co., Inc. Standard Oil Co. of Pelican Rapids Soliah & Braatz Oil Co. Dent 66 Fossen Oil Co. Hi-Way Auto & Implement Co • . Hoot Lake 76 · Marv's 66 Motz Union Oil Co. Otter Tail Co-op. Oils, Inc. Penrose Oil Co. Service Oil Co. -Battle Lake Vergas Oil Co., Inc. Service Oil Co. -Underwood Merl~ Dittberner 14.99. · 30.17 20-~ 65 9.12 16.98 86.05 650.64 850.00 128. 00 1,256.60 · 1,424.50 ·382.50 483.05 904.25 891.00 186.80 177.60 111.02 134.38 92.90 238;75 174. 06. 289.50 341.61 . 420. 27 4oo.34 75,68. 147.74 102.99 154.10 Upon motion made by Andy Leitch, seconded by John Snowberg and unanimously carried, the meeting adjourned tmtil 1:30 P.M., Tuesday, July 23, 1974. <Chairman ATTEST~-- Clerk·