HomeMy WebLinkAboutBoard of Commissioners - Minutes - 06/11/1974MINUTES OF THE ADJOURNED MEETING OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OTIER TAIL COUNTY MINNESOTA Pursuant to adjournment, the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County Minnesota met at 9:30 A.M., Tuesday, June 11, 1974, all members present. Upon motion made by Andy Leitch, seconded by John Snowberg and unanimously carried, the following· applications for home.stead classification and/or · reduction of assesse.d valuation were approved: Oren Straight" Donald Muckey" Bl ace Bieniek" Robert Olson - Henry & Alice Mattfeld ✓ Grant & Bernice Mount Grant & Marilyn Sheer / Arvid Bapp V Janet E. Strand t1 Myron Pederson v Raynold & Mildred Clasen v · Delbert & Dorothy ·Porter ✓ Waino & Mary Ann Paavola v Milton Smedsrude .,,,,. Ernest Atkinson ✓ Elsie J. Anderson _., Scambler Pelican Rapids Tordenskjold Mobile home assessed both as real & personal property Mobile home removed prior to 1/2/74 Wrong classification . . . Tordenskjold Mobile li.ome moved prior to 1/2/74 Pine Lake Homestead classification Dunn Building assessed on wrong description Llda Property overvalued 5% limitation Maine Wrong ciassification Ottertail Village ,Homestead classification , .New Y Ork Mill Mobile home moved prior to 1/2/74 Leaf Lake . Double assessment Fergus .Falls · Homestead classification Rush Lake Homestead classification Tordenskjold Homestead classification Maine Star Lake ...:. St. Paul's Ev. Luth. Church Perham Vill_age Mobile home has HZ license Homestead classification Should be tax exempt Omitted property H. T. Klingberg or Girard St. Paul.'s Ev. Luth. Church Perham Village Myron Olson Norman Tungseth v Norman Tungseth .,,, Wil~l:i.am O. Maruska ✓ El tger Nurmi ✓ Erhards Grove Buse Buse Clitherall Twp. New York ~tins Should be tax exempt Homestead classifi~ation Omitted property Wrong description . . . . ~-----, Over 5% l1m1tat1on J.-ncrease-"-- // '\ Homestead classification \ I ) . ~I 'B Representatives from La.ke Region Rehab. Industries, Inc., appeared before the Board presenting· their annual report and explained th"e.ir various programs·. Motion was made by Andy Leitch, seconded by· Hub No'rdgren and unanimously c:ard.'.'ed, to accept the petition as presented to the Board relative to C:ounty Ditch #37. Upon motion made by Andy Leitch,' seconded by Hub Nordgren and unanimously carried, the County Auditor was authorized to advertise for bids to be received until 11:00 A.M., July 9, 1974 for the' following: ·' GRADING AND AGGREGATE· SURFACING S.A.P. 56-629-03, C.P. 74:29. Le_ngth 3.23 miles_, located from Jct. CSAH #82 to 3.23 miles north GRADING, BASE AND BITUMrNOUS SURFACING Tied Projects S.A.P.-56-608-03, C.P. 74:08U. Length 0.538 mile, located from T.H. #10 in Perham to Perham N. Corp. Limits S.A.P. 56-635-04, C.P. 74:358 Length 0.640 mile, located from south co-rp. 'limits of Dent to J~t.·T.H. #108 S.A_.P. 56-691-01, C.P. 74:91 Length .066 mile, located from CSAH #35 in Dent to Railwai Ave. Upon motion made by John Snowberg, seconded by Richard Dillon and unanimously carried, the Chairman of the Board was authorized to sign agreement forms with DeVac Co. for window replacement. Upon motion made by Andy Leitch, seconded by Richard Dillon and unani- mously carried, the County Audi tor was __ authorized to advertise for bids to be received for: a 1975 model survey unit (panel truck) for use by the H_ighway Department, time for receiving bids to be determined upon completion of -s11ecifications by the Highway Dept. Upon· motion made by Richard Dillon, seconded by John Snowberg and unanimously carried, the following resolution was adopted: RESOLUTION WHEREAS, Maplewood State Park Association Inc. has requested County. . • . . I assistance in providing an improved entrance road to Maplewood.State Park, and WHEREAS, Otter·Tail Countydoes recognize the need for an improved access roa~ into.the park to serve the traveling.public, and WHEREAS, the Minnesota Division of-Parks has indicated that.future ·funds from the: State Aid Park Account will-be"designated and used to finance the construction necessary to bring the road up to State Aid standards as determined by the County with,Minnesota Highway_Department approval, and WHEREAS, the Minnesota Department of Highways h~s indicated that this road.will be added to the County State Aid Highway mileage in Otter Tail County, resulting in.additional money being a,llocated to .. perform future maintenance. · . NOW, THEREFORE, ·BE IT RESOLVED, that the· park entrance road running. southwesterly from Trunk Highway No. 108-in Section 34-T136N-R42W to the swimming.beach parking lot on-South Lida Lake in Section 4-,-Tl.35N..;R42W be designated a part of ·the County State Aid Highway system in Otter Tail County. . BE. IT· FURTHER RESOLVED·, that the County Highway Department· take the necessary actions to have this accomplished. Adopted . this 11th day of June, 197 4 •. Chairman of County Board Attest: .~· County. Auditor· ·. · · CERTIFICATION · I hereby certify that the .above i's a true and correct. copy:· of a Resolution duly passed, adopted and·approved by the County Board of said County on June 11, 1974. (SEAL) -~ C • . . ' . . . , . . . K. W. Hanson, County Auditor County of OTTER TAIL The Board, havi_ng previously advertised for center striping under project #74: C .S., proceeded to open bids which were found to be as follows: Traffic Marking Service, Inc., Buffalo, Minn. Highway Stri pi_ng, Worthington, Minn, Traffic Marki_ng & Striping Co .• Fargo, North Dakota $26,000.00 27,250 .,oo 29,000.00 After consideration, motion was made byJohn Snowberg, seconded by Richard Dillon and unanimously carried, to award the contract to Traffic Marking Service, Inc., Buffalo, Minn. in the amount of $26,000.00, it being the lowest bid. The Board, having previously advertised for bi9s to be received for grading and aggregate surfacing under C.H. #74:114, proceeded to open bids which were found to be as follows: Ackling Const., Frazee, Minn. Harvey W. Nelson, Inc., Lake Park, Minn. M & M Const. Co., Nashua, Minn. Bain Bros., Clarissa, Minn. Evavold-Vikeslarid Const., Fergus Falls, Minn. Ed. Zimmerman, Barrett, Minn. Donald Conroy Construction Co., Dumont, Minn. Strom Const. Co .• Moorhead, Minn. $89,297.41 90,437.58 90,671.83 91,063.92 91,775.39 91,987.24 94,720.00 97,333.33 After consideration, motion was made by Andy Leitch, seconded by John Snowberg and unanimously carried, to accept the bid of Acklin&Const., Frazee. Minn. in the amount of $89,297.41, it being the lowest bid. Upon motion_ made by John Snowberg, seconded by Andy Leitch and unani- mously carried, the following resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by. the Board of Ccm1ty Commissioners of Otter Tail County Minnesota, that WHEREAS the County Board on March ~l, 1974, accepted the bid of ,. Borchert-Ingersoll, Inc., Saint Paul, Minnesota for one Champion Model D-600 Motor Grader in the amount of $38,289.00, and WHEREAS said motor grader has now been delivered to the satisfaction of the County Board, . NOW, THEREFORE, the County Auditor is hereby authorized and directed to issue a warrant in the amount ·of $38 ;289. 00 payable to Borchert-Ingersoll, Inc.·, Saint Paul, Minnesota, in full payment.· Da.t~d1--at:. fergus Falls, Minnesota this 11th day of June, 1974. AT'fEST: · ~ Clerk· I Upon motion made by Hub Nor_dgren, se·conded by Richard Dillon and unani- mously carried, the following resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County Minnesota. that WHEREAS the County Board on April 10, 1974 accepted the bid of Ruffridge-Johnson Equj.;pment Company, Inc .• Minneapolis, Minnesota, in the amount of $4_,707.00 for one Miller ;'-'fodel. OT 32E3C, Tilt-Top Trailer, same having now been received and delivered to the satisfaction of the Board, NO\li, THEREFORE the County Auditor is hereby authorized and directed to issue a warrant in the amount of $4,707.00 payable to Ruffridge-.Johnson Equipment Company, Inc .• Minneapolis, Minnesota for full payment. Dated at Fergus Falls, Minnesota this 11th day of June, 1974. ATTES~ . Clerk Upon motion.made by Richard Dillon, seconded by John Snowberg and unanimously carried, the following resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by the Hoard of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County Minnesota, that WHEREAS ·on February 12, 1974, the. County Board accepted the bid of Fergus Dodge~ Inc., Fergus Falls, Minnesota in the. amount of $5,015.40 for two 1974· Dodge ½ ton Pickup Trucks, same havi_ng been· rec~ived to the satisfaction of the County Board, NOW, THEREFORE, the County Auditor is hereby authorized and directed to issue a warrant in the.a.mount of.$5,015.40 payabl,e to Fe'rgus Dodge, ·. . . ' ' ,. -. Inc.,. Fergus Falls, Minnesota, in· full payment. Dated at Fergus Falls, Minnesota this 11th day of June, -1974. ATTEST:~ Clerk Commissioner Richard Dillon introduced the follo1✓ing resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION RECEIVING PRELIMINARY REPORT AND DIRECTING AUDITOR TO FIX TIME· FOR. PUBLIC HEARING ON ENGINEER'S PRELIMINARY REPORT RELATING TO WEST LAKE LIZZIE SAi\JITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENTS OF 1974 WHEREAS: 1. The County is authorized by Minnesota Statutes 1971, Chapter ll6A, as amended by Laws of Minnesota 1973, Chapters 35, 322, 407 and 702, to cause to be construc,ted and maintained public water and sewer .systems to serve areas of the County not organized into cities or villages and any part or all of the area of any city or village which by resolution of its governing body requests that its faci li- ties be connected to said systems; and 2. A peti ton com.plying wi.th the provisions of said Chapter 116A requesting establishment of a Sanitary Sewer District system in accordance with the provisions of Chapter ll6A has been filed with the County Auditor; and 3. Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 116A.06, an engineer has been appointed to examine all matteJS set forth in the petition of the territory likely to be affected by the proposed improvement as will enable him to determine whether it is necessary and feasible, and to file his preliminary report theron accordingly in dup l.icate with the county atidi tor; and 4. The County Board deems it necessary and expedient to serve the area des- cribed in said petition, that the County of Otter Tail, Minnesota, ccmstruct said improvements in the County as described in and in accordance with the preliminary survey and report prepared by Houston Eng~neering, Inc., engineer; and 5. The Board has been advised by the engineer that said West Lake Lizzie Sanitary Sewer Improvements of 1974 are necessary and feasible and should best be made as proposed, and the engineer's preliminary report to this effect has hereto- fore been received by the Board and filed \llith the County Auditor; 6. The statute provides that no such improvements shall be' ordered unti 1 the Board shall have held ···a prelitnin ary public hearing on. the ·prelimi~ary report of the engineer pursuant to order by the County Audi tor and fo llo1,;ing mailed notice and at least one publication thereof no less than three 1veeks prior to the hearing in the official newspapers covering the area of the proposed system, stating time and· place of the hearing, · the general nature of the improvement, and the area served by the p'iposed improvement, in accordance with law; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the County Board of the County of Otter Tail, Minnesota, as follows: 1. A Public hearing to consider the engineer's preliminary report on said proposed improvements wi 11 be held at the time and place set forth in an appro- priate order of the County Auditor. 2. The nature of the improvements· and la description _of the· areas served thereby a.re described in -~.he form of N_otic~: of_ Preliminary Hearing hereto attached.· 3. The County Audi tor is hereby authorized and directed to issue an order fixing time for said preliminary hearing and to cause notice of said hearing to be .. given· one publication in each of the official newspapers covering the area of the p proposed system. Said publication shall be at l_east three weeks prior to the hear- ing .. Not less than ten days before the hearing the Audi tor shall mail notice of the hearing to the petitioners and the owners of the -lands and properties, and corporations, public or private, likely to be affected by the proposed improvement as shown by the engineer's report. · For the purpose of giving such mailed notice, owners shall be those shown to be such on the records of the County Treasurer. As to propet:ies not listed on the records of the County Audi tor or 'the County Treasurer, the Auditor shall ascertain such ownership by any practicable means and give mailed notice to such owners. The motion. for the adoption of the foregoing .. resolution was duly seconded by Commissioner Hub Nordgren and upon a vote being taken thereon, the fol lowing voted in ·favor_ bhereof: G. Walters, J. Snowberg, R. Dillon, H. Nordgren and A. Leitch . and the following voted.against the same: NONE Whereupon said reolution \~as· declared duly passed and adopted: iL .,.,,-Chairman ATTEST~ Clerk I · The Board, having previously advertised for bids to be received for grading and aggregate surfacing, un.der ~o~~ty Project· #74 :148 ,-proceeded to open bids which were found ·to be as follows: Leonard tli llstrom, Vergas, Minn. Gladen Cons-truction, Inc., Laport¢; Minn. Harvey IV. Nelson, Inc., Lake Park, Minn. Donald Conroy Construction Co., Dumont, Minn. Strom Const. Co .. • Moorhead, Minn. . Ack!ing Const. Co., Frazee, Minn. '$35,925.60 . 38,892.85 41,216.25 41,842.58 46,072.40 46 ,437 .. 13 Aftet consideration, motion was ~ade by George Walt~~. seconded by Hub: Nordgren and unanimously carried, to accept the. bid .of ,Leonard Hillstrom, Vergas; Minn. in the amount of $35,925.60,' it being the lowest bid. Upon motion, duly_ made, seconded and carried, the meeti_ng adjourned until 9:30 A.M., Wednesday, __ ,June 12th, 1974. WEDNESDAY'S SESSION Pursuant to adjournment, the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County Minnesota met at 9:30 A.M., Wednesday, June 12th, 1974, all members present. Motion was made by John Snowbe.rg, seconded by R1ch~rd Dillon and unanimously ca:rried, Jean Li.den's position of county recorder was terminated effective March 5th, because of her appointment as Henning Justice of Peace. Upon motion made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by Richard Dillon and unanimotisly carried, the fellowing applications for license to sell non-intoxicating malt liquor were approved: Adamson-Norman Post #30 American Legion Club Buse Township Charles N. Thrane Ri ver-N-Wocd Camp Grounds Fergus Falls TO\mship Upon motion made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by Andy Leitch and unanimously carried, the application of Norman· Craig to hold public dances at the "7811 Club, Girard Township, was approved. Upon motion made by Andy Leitch, seconded by Richard Dillon and unanimously carried, the followfog applications for license to allow consumption and display of intoxicating liquor were approved: David M. Olson Kenneth G. Wickland Fred L. Evans Gerald T. Anderson Lynn J. Rhodes Claude C. Randall Jerq F. Schultz George Riemer Leonard Pu,sc Molly E. Mitchell Pebble Lake Golf Club Wickland' s Resort Babe's' Resort Chalet Chanticleer Restaurant· Graystone Lodge Red Hut Inn Ten Mile Lake Resort · Star Like 'Resort Tria.ngl~ Dance Club Cozy Cove Resort Buse Township Star Lake Township Perham Township Ot.ter Tail Township Everts Township Sverdrup Township Tumuli Township• Dora Township Rush Lake Township Dead Lake Township Motion was made by Andy Leitch, seconded by Richard Dillon and unanimously carried, to·· authorize an appropriation of $1,156.00 to the !Vest-Otter Tail County Soil & Water Conservation District to balance out the 1973-74 fiscal year. The East and West Otter Tail Soil ·& Water Conservation Districts presented t_heir estimated budgets and requests for county funds,, to be considered at t_he budget meeting in July .. Motion was made ·.by John Snowberg, seconded by AndyLeitch and unani- t mously. carried, to grant an: ~xteri.sion of_:time to. _O~ing~r Construction Company for the completion of the h_ighway department buildi_ng at Ne"toJ, YOrk. ~!ills; until July 15th. Motion was made by Richard Dillon, seconded by Andy Leitch and unanimously carried, .to offer for sale at· p~blic: auct.ion·on July 10th-at 2:00 P.M. the :buildings· and miscellaneous personal property located on the N 12' of Lot 1 I and Lot 2 of Camp Hatton, Amor Township. Bidders to submit sealed bids with right•· tc raise bids orally at time of sale. Motion was made by Andy Leitch, seconded by Richard Dillon ·and carried, to proceed with cleaning and necessary emergency repairs on County Ditch #37. ' Upon motion made by Richard Oil lon, seconded by Hub Nordgren and unanimously carried, the following applications for sewage disposal installers license were approved: Charles Thrane Charles Bellmore Sl1errill Jacobson Robert Palubicki Albert F. Dahl Marvin J. W_egscheid Rodney D. Hanson Duane Moench Wayne Roisum .Jacobson Excavating· BJB Excavati_ng Feigus Falls, Minnesota Wahpeton~ North Dakota UNderwood, Minnesota . ; Dent, Minnesota Detroit L,kes, Minnesot~ Bluffton Hardware Bluffton, Minnesota Vergas Hardware -Vergas, Minnesota Moench Plbg. & Htg. Wadena, Minnesota Wayne Rois um Plbg. & 1-Itg. ·Erhard, Minnesota Upon motion made by Andy Leitch, seconded by John Snowberg and unanimously carried, the following applications for sewage disposal system cleaners li~ense were approved: Albert F. Dahl Bruce Blaeser Detroit'· Lakes, Minn. Battle Lake, Minn. Upon motion ma~e by John Snowberg, seconded by Richard Dillon and carried, the following applications for special use permit were approved: Ray Marsh Donald H. Nelson A. B. Savre Charles Peach Clyde Jacobson Ed Sigette Star Lake Township Friberg Township Eagle Lake Township Dora Township Everts Township Star Lake Township Building driveway Fill three ditches Construct road Construct road Cut ridge and fill Remove dead trees, build driveway and level area (subject to· conditional requirements) Motion .was made by Richard Dillon, seconded by Hub Nordgren and unanimously carried, to approve the plat of Wall Lake Development #1, Section 33, Aurdal Township. Motion was made by Andy Leitch, seconded by Hub Nordgren and unani- mously carried, to _approve the prelimary plat of Chuck's North Shore View, 1st Add'n., located in Section 35 of Dora Township on Star Lake. Motion was made by Richard Dillon, seconded by John Snowberg and unanimously carried, to approve the preliminary plat of Denwood Acres, 1st Add'n, on Pickeral Lake, Section 10, Maine Township. Motion was made by George Walter, seconded by Hub Nordgren and unani- mously carried, to approve the prelimirllry plat of Zitzow Acres, not subject to change, located on East Loon Lake, Section 36, Candor Township. Motion was made by Richard Dillon, seconded by John Snowberg and unani- mously carried, to table the plat of Long View Acres in Section 12-134-43, instructing the Shoreland Manager request the plattor and surveyor appear before the Board at their meeting the afternoon of June 25th. I L Motion was made by Richard Dillon, seconded by Hub Nordgren and unanimously carried, to reject the request of Phil Fauteck for building permit on parcel behind Government Lot 5, Section 27 of Lida.Township, size cf lot does . . . not conform to shoreland ordinance minimum requirements. · · Motion was made by Richard Dillon,'"seco11ded by Andy Leitch and unanimovsly carried, to deny the su~vey p!at_ for metes & bounps description in Government Lot 2, Section 26 of Fergus Falls Township as it does not conform to shoreland ordinance requirements. Motion was made by Richard Dillon, seconded by Andy Leitch and unanimously carried, to clean the portion of County Ditch #21 between Pleasant I Lake and Fish Lake in Aurdal and Sverdrup Townships, subject to either petition of land owners or request from Department of Natural Resources. Motion was made by Richard Dillon, seconded by John Sno,~berg and unanimously carried, to accept the petition concerning the new bridge on County Road #1 requesting a pedestrian walkway be placed on both sides and .referred to County Engineer. Motion was-made by John Snowberg, seconded by Hub.Nordgren and unanimously carried, to contribute $2,000 to Viki_ng Land-USA for their 1974-75 fiscal year. · Upon motion made by Andy Leitch, seconded by John Snowberg and unani- mou?lY carried, the application of Legion Post #148, Dent, for reduction of assessed val~ation on the SEly 25' of NWly 90' of Lts 13 & 14 Block 2, Village of Dent, for years 1968, 1969, 1970, 1971, 1972, 1973 and 1974 was approved, property overvalued for: amount of purchase price. · Upon motion made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by•Richard Dillon and -unanimously carried, the following bills ,~_ere allowed: \ Boarding of Prisoners Carlton E Mortensen Office expense' Larry Wc:l.hlstrom Sidney Nelson Glen Melby John Halvorson Gary Anderson Max Kroneman R.E.Kausler Perham Co-op Oil Jim's Standar-d Service Oil Co-·.· Robo Car Wash Holiday Bengtson Oil Co North Union Texaco Service Oil Co· Dent Oil Co .Consumers Co-op Oil Big-Cp.ief Texaco Battle Lake Farmers Union City of Fergus .Falls . Worner' s . Minnesota Motor Co · Louie's Auto Clinic Fergus Dodge Inc •. Goodyear Service Store· :. , · Lystad's. J:nc · ... · ' · Uniforms Unlimitedinc. Fire Safety :Corp.· .· · \ ' .. IBM Corp. . . : Poucher Printing & Litho. fictor Lundeen & Co Midwest Printirig·Co Miller '.Davis Co Cooper's Office Supply Olson's Furni~ure The Photo Center Supreme Sales Co Western Chemical Co City Cafe & Bakery Vore's · Uniforms Unlimited M-R Sign Co General Trading Engineers Tool Co Daily Journal SHERIFF Fergus Falls Veterinary Clinic West,.,Central Airways Fergus Falls Medical Group Memorial Hospital & Homes . Clay Co Wilkin County Elm~r Jesness 1,939.00 289.68 98.25 15.20 90.64 9.41 1;.30 12.15 46.08 . 10.33 779.63 334.62 267.06 487-38 152.15 105. 56. 109. 53 43.01 42.48 51.38 115.51 80.85 9.70 130.20 49.33 4.00 625.45 190.84 25~19 54.60 125.50 .59-40 . 6.31 289.16 55.00 8.64 132.40 11.94 428.92 75.70 155.65 16.44 131.02 12.70 135.00 19.68 34.21 11.46 139.00 627~38 59.00 5.00 275.00 60.50 20.00 Mrs Nita Quall Mrs Don Lee Mrs Ray Polensky Esther D. Mortensen Debra Barker Janice Barker FayL. Botts Ted Burgeson Lana Busch Joan Grasswick James Kyte Joe Smith Randy Torgerson William Wey. Henry Polkinghorn Secretarial Service Xerox Corp. The Photo Center Cooper's Office Supplies Nelson Bros. Prtg. COUNTY COURT Security Blank Book & Prtg •. Midwest Carbon Midwest Printing Co Victor Lundeen & Co The. Sound Shop · Finn's Cameras· West Publishing Co E~ J. Wilson, Sheriff City.of Perham Eugene Davenport Erwin Siems John Skramstad ASSESSOR VETERANS SERVICE Marvin Klicker Roger Bengtson Cooper's,Office Supply Robo Car Wash Midwest Printing DECORATING GRAVES Adamson Norman Post# 30 Harold T Swenson Post 612 Cornell Syverson Post 17 W.W. 1 Barracks# 2127 W.W. 1 Barracks#-922 Rassmussen Shedowske # 4020 American Legion Post# 50£3 Frazee Vergas VFW Post Olson Stitzel Post# 219 Haimerl Post# 14£3 Arthur Boehne Spencer Lundquist Terry Jacobson City of Perham . PROBATION & PAROLE 52.00 24.00 7.50 262.00 4.s4 6.£34 5.76 30.00 14.3g ·1 5. 92" 5.76 4.20 4.g4 17.40 79.3g 733.55 463.05 20.00 . 179~S7 ·. 25£3.00 4g.41 12~76 122.00 402.43 90.05 166.00 47.00 2.00 65.00 135.76 127.99 145.44 31.96 15.72 112.50 £39.29 132.95 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 .50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 3g5.71 225.73 165.s1 75.00 Charles Beck Charles Malmstrom Edward Aho Everts Lumber Co Carr Tree Service Coast to Coast · Tom Stewart City of Perham Fergus Dodge , Otter Tail Co-op ·04.1 PLANNING.COMMISSION PHELPS MILL. CO AGENT. E.O. T SOIL ~ -/WA'I;:ER Donald Kenyon· Rodney Flatau Marlin Senske Jeff_ Tikkanen William Stone Mehdi Orandi M.D. · Marj ean Hanson 'Mehdi Orandi M.D. Jiifi.chael Barnes M.D. Charles Lewi_s. M.D. Mehdi Orandi M.D. Lee Jensen Keneth Clambey Alva Krekula Malcolm Lee James Johnson Richard B. Mac Gregor The Photo Center Cooper's Office Supply Victor Lundeen & Co Fossen.Oil Co Wm Galena & Son Mollerud Electric ·noRONER HOUSING AUTHORITY WEED & SEED LAND & RESOURCE MISC. EXPENSE Town & Country Htg. & Appleance Gambles Lystads Inc·. Electrolux Corp. C-Z Chemical Co 40 •. oo 87.00 95.55 19.70 12.00 5;00 132.00_ 60.00 12.09 108.32 20.00 13.60 25.04 43.68 36.56 250.00 5Ll0 240.00 25.00 26.00 75.75 1,000.00 74.09 226.42 95.51_ 81.11 29.31 47.90 . 7.50 710.47 4.56 25.50 25.45 49.95 36.34 54.33 17.40 . 91.00 · Madison Chemic al Co. Ebersviller Imp. Co Johnsoi"l: RepO:ll' Johnson Repair Deans Excavating Xerox Corp. Midwest Carbon The Pierce Co Northern School Supply The Photo Center Empire Business Machines Miller Davis Co Nelson Bros. Printing Poucher Printing & Litho. Security Blank Book & Prtg. Cooper's Office Supply Victor Lundeen & Co Pitney Bowes Burroughs Corp. Fountain Products Rev. Sharing Advisory Service Ringdahl Ambulance Service Nash-Perrine Otto Reitan Charles Beck Ottertail Oil Co Elks Lodge Mathison Hesby Agency City of Perham Pelican Rapids Press The Parkers Prairie Indep. Noethwestern Pub. Co Daily Journal Chaplin Pub. Co Gust Lagerquist & Sons Clarence Anderson Lorna McCabe Gloria Opatz Phyllis Knutson Dorothy Johnson Cheri Schultz Mary Westman Berniece Spangler Alice Crosgrove Marjorie Lund Jens R Ree Mrs Wm. Hemmelgarn Mrs Harlan·Knutson Mrs Charles Hansel Nelson Bros Printing Victor Lundeen & Co The Photo Center Vf3ery Ryder Daily Journal ,. NURSE Physicians & Hospital Supply City of Perham 41.55 18.59 15.~.5 15.95· 200.00 878.42 8.68 5.55 80.22 23.99 566.30 2,321.16 202.45 18.28 427.20 52.42 820.04 60.00 85.53 11.40 35.00 91.50 34.28 321.00 30.00 7.26 17.42 5.00 682.50 41.80 8.00 49.50 511.68 78.72 115.00 32.00 139.75 161.24 51.80 141.00 57.53 106.08 11.04 7.00 27.72 15.84 12.00 12.60 · 9.36 39.50 45.18 49.95 8.00 3.90 19.61 35.00 Berg Auto Electric Fergus Dodge Inc. Genuine Parts Co Genuine. Parts Co Hagen's; Inc. Hall Equipment Hayden Murphy Equip. Co. I & M Implement International Harvester Co Jim Larson Ford Minnesota Motor Co • I , • The Parts· :W:i:,use Stans Garage/. Super GMC Truck Sales ·. Truck Equipment Inc. Vegors Enterprises Ziegler Inc. Auto Safety Service Gerald Evenson Inc. Suhr Ford .. Sales Inc. Vaughn phevrolet Co Bob's Hardware Coast to Coast Store _C.oast tp C.oast Store Farwell; Ozrrnm & Kirk · Gerwral Trading Co M-R Sign Co Pea.,vey Company Peavey Lumber Co Pelican· Hardware Marion Perina Share Corporation Sigelman Steei & Salvage Wadena Hide & Fur Co Farnam Tire Center Firestone Store ROAD & BRIDGE Elk Riv~r Concre.te Products Murphy Oil Corp. Franklin Fence Co Construbtion Bulletin Daily Journal ( Twin City Freight Inc. Commissioner of Highways El Asrrrund August Peters - Robert ptenstrom Victor Lundeen & Co Midwest! Carbon Co Midwest' Printing Minnesota Blueprint Monroe International The Photo Center The Pierce Co SCM Corpor_ation Stenerson Bros Lumber Dennis Berend. · Dennis Berend G.D •. Harlow Gerald Frederick 27.48 .. · 117.80 20~68 3.54 9.65 52.91 . 74.55 -19. 50 326.24 3.70 14.64 34.35 14.80 62.21 148.86 .. 27.11 325.58 70.15 24.17 4-85 5-45. 80.38 9.35 18.15 186.70 642.10 957.30 62.41 8.95 4.57 9.40 73-o/J 12.30 1.15 406.27 159.22 432.14 2,3({J.32 110.00 100.38 252.29 8.73 .76.i17 . . . 19.32 130.46 228.62 18.08 . 24.23 24{).80 289.63 3.00 196.15 41.75 72.00 36.55 60.75 43.60 26.75 33.94 Roy Bruhn Leo J. Winkels IDT Telephone Co Hohman-Telephone Co Midwest Telephone Co Northwestern Bell Telephone Co Park Region-Mutual Telephone Co Northwestern Bell' Teleohone Co Northwestern Bell Telephone Co Norwegian Grove Twp. · Paper Calmenson & Co Albin Morril C.L. Klovstad George Hanson Kenneth Hovland O_~ B. Ukkelberg Thomas Tjornhom Mrs Ruby Eggermont David P. Johnson _,_~er Kjell Mrs. O.K. McDomald Raymond Knickrehm·· WillmarRapatt Gordon E. Roberts. Paul Roes Walter H. Salo . John A. Hendrickx Charles Rut:ten. , _ _ . . . Church of Inventici Sanctissimae Crusis Carrie Hendrickx Edward Hendrickx ·. D-A Lubricant -Co Inc •. Arrow Petroleum Bluffton Oil Co . Co-op Service Inc. Standard Oil Co Standard Oil Co Fossen Oil Co . Penrose Oil Co Standard Oil ·co Andy'~ 66 Service Battle Lake Farmers ·Union Bengtson Oil Co· · Dent Oil Co · Dick's Standard Service · Farmers Co-op Ass 'n · Fraki Oil Cb Highway Service Hoot Lake 76 Kness Standard Matz Union Oil Co Otter Tail Co~op Oil Co Nundahl Oil Co . Otter Tail Co-op Oils Service Oil Co. Theodorson's Mobil.Service 9.36. 10.08 72.97 -13.07 23.96 35;89 36.51 12.42 14.62 504.66 11,875~00 330.00 ·. 1,000.00 - 173.96 156.00 162·~00 3,500.00 . 35.00 3,858.77. 1,372.98 . 133.44 1,002.20 628.00 . ·722~00 30.00 85.00 618.40 397.50 90.00 98.00 276.20 884.65 493.89 183.00 343.77 239.75 162.15 458~30 181.08 174.15 78-93 . 258.28 245.28 161.93 ·142.23 584.72 297.91 128.08 146.75 166.48 · 403.57 · 798.12 208.14 1,.374.23 . 314.87 228.26 T RESOLUTION APPLYING FOR FLOOD INSURANCE FOR OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINNESOTA Commissioner George Walter presented the following resolution, seconded by Commissioner .John Snowberg and moved its adoption. WHEREAS, the National Flood Insurance Act of 1968 as amended 1rrovide:s that certain loans upon real property cannot be secured or made in flood prone areas unless the foregoing Act regulations are complied with; and WHEREAS, the Otter Tail County Board does not wish to bar any person, persons or group from relief provided by the National Flood Insurance Act of 1968; and • WHEREAS, there may be certain areas of Otter Tail County which may be subject to periodic flooding from streams and lakes causing serious damages to properties within these areas; and WHEREAS, relief is available in the form of flood insurance as authorized by the National Flood Insurance Act of 1968 as amended; and WHEREAS, it is the intent of the Otter Tail County Board to comply with land use and management criteria regulations as required in said act if areas are subject to periodic flooding; and WHEREAS, it is also the intent of the Otter Tail County Board to recognize and duly evaluate flood hazards in all official actions relating to land use in the flood plain areas having special flood hazards; and WHEREAS, the Code Citations of State enabling legislation and of any resulting local ordinance·that authorizes this county to adopt land use and control measures are: Minn. Statutes Sections 394.01 et seq and 505.09 505.13 (counties); Minn. Statutes, C. 104 (Flood Plain Management Act). NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that this board hereby: (1) Assures the Federal Insurance Administration that it will enact as necessary and maintain in force for those areas having flood hazards, if any, adequate land use and control measures with effective enforcement provisions consistent with the criteria set forth in Section 1910 of the National Flood Insurance Program Regulations; and (2) Vests the office of Shoreland Management of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, with the responsibility, authority, and means to: (a) Delineate or assist the Administrator, at his request, in delineating the limits of the ireas having special flood hazards on available local maps of sufficient scale to identify the location of building sites. (b) Provide such information -as the Administrator may request concerning present uses and occupancy of the flood plain .. (c) Cooperate with Federal; State and local agencies and private firmswhich undertake to study, survey, map and identify flood plain areas and cooperate with neighboring counties and communities with respect to management of adjoining flood plain areas in order to prevent aggravation of existing hazards. . (d) · Submit on the anniversary date of the county's initial eligibility an annual report to the Administrator on.the progress made during the past year within the county in the development and implementation of flood plain management measures. (3) Appoints the office of Shoreland Management, Otter Tail County, Minnesota to maintain for public inspection and to furnish upon request a record of elevations (in relation to mean sea level) of the lowest floor (including basement) of all new or substantially improved structures located·in the special flood hazard areas,if any. If the lowest floor is below grade on one 6r more sides, the elevation of the floor immediately above must also be recorded. (4) Agrees to take such other official action as may be reasonably necessary to carry out the objectives of the program. 1974. Dated at Fergus Falls, Minnesota this/-~~ day of June, AITES~ K. W. Hanson, Auditor ROLL CALL Voting Aye: George Walter, .John Snowberg, Bub Nordgren and Richard Dillon Voting Naye: Andy Leitch BOARD Upon motion _made by John Snowberg. seconded by Richard Dillon and carried, the meeting was adjourned until 1:30 P.M .• Tuesday. June 25th, 1974. khairman AT,EST~ .. · Clerk