HomeMy WebLinkAboutBoard of Commissioners - Minutes - 05/21/1974•
The Board of.County Commissioners of Otter Tail County Minnesota
met, pursuant to adjournment, at 1:00 P.M., Tuesday, May·21, 1974, all members
Upon motion made by Richard Dillon, seconded by John Snowberg and
unanimously carried, the foUowing applications for homestead classification and/or
reduction in assessed valuation of personal property and real estate were approved:
Otto Listrom
Oscar Tiseth
Reinhold Krehn
Paul Dietrich
Richard Mattson
Minnie Luckason
Donadl D. Formo
Clarence Mielke
Aaron Jernander
Emerson Molter
Sig Steinolfson
Steve Holsen
Maude A. Breaks
Lloyd Emery
Herbert Smith
Jnet Strand
Anna M. Johnson
Leaf Mountain
Star Lake
Rush Lake
Rush Lake
Dane Prairie
Clitherall Twp.
Ottertail City
Weston & Ruth Wynkoop Otter Tail 1\-.rp
Lawrence Merz Elizabeth Twp.
Lewis Schetnan Everts
Duane Schwantz Elizabeth Twp.
Aubrey Hall Scambler Twp.
Otter Tail Power Co. Ottertail City
Change land classification
-Mobile home double assessed, as personal
property and real estate
Mobile home assessed double, as personal
property and real estate
Mobile home back to inventory
Late entry caused double assessment
Mobile home has HZ license
Mobile home sold and moved before 1/2/74
Mobile home has HZ license
Mobile home assessed double, as personal
property _and real estate
Mobile home has HZ license
Mobile home moved prior to 1/2/74
Mobile home assessed double.
Mobile home moved prior to 1/2/74
Mobile home moved prior to 1/2/74
Mobile home should have.been on real estate
Property overvalued
Cottage double assessed
Bare lot overassessed
Wrong classification
Cottage_ assessed double
Building assessed on wrong lot
Half lot given full value
Market v..alue transposed
Robert J. Morstad,
·c. J. Schmitz
George Nelson
Robert Bl~ke
James Huebsch
Oswald B. Alleson
Herbert Megorden
Marie Brenaman
O.T.Cty Highway Dept.
John Mark Estate
George R. Zender
Albert G. Thun, Jr.
.Eugene Gaustad
Laurence Dunn
Arthur M. Hanson Est.
Clarence L. Johnson
New YOrk Mills
Battle Lake
Perham City
Henning City
Fergus Falls
Dead Lake·
Pelican Rapids
Error in assessment
Double assessment
Buildi_ng removed prior to 1/2/73
Wrong classification
Change of classification
Double assessment
Lot assessed as lake front, havi_ng no
lake frontage
Error in assessment from prior year
Tax exempt
Duplicate assessment
Increased over 5% limitation
Error in transposition of figures
Increased more than 5% limitation
rn·crea~ed more than 5% limi taticn
Value split'
House value assessed to wrong lot
Edwin Engebretson Tumuli
C. J. Schmitz Hobart
Value to new plat
Double assessment
The folJowing subject to approval by State Tax Department:.
Ernst E. Hofmann Richville
V. F. W. Post #3289 New York Mills
Marlin L. Senske Gorman
Myron F. Whitney Rush Lake
Assessed as commercial, should be, farm ·
Revalued at request of Village Council
INcreased valuation more than 5%
Old_ building overvalued, too much tillable
Motion was made by John Snowberg, seconded by Richard Dillon and
carried, authorizing Eugene· Davenport to check with the township officers.of Otto
Township and discuss an offer of settlement relative to omitted property of Ed
Aho in _Otto Town?hip, determination to be made at the June meeting.
I ~-
Motion was made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by John Snowberg and unani-
mously carried, to.file with the County Auditor suggestions to be considered for
the calendar year 1975 concerning the Otter Tail County Personnel Policy.
Upon motion made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by Andy .Leitch and
unanimously carried, the following resolut.ion was adopted:
RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County
Minnesota, that
-WHEREAS Herbert G. and Dolores H. Olson, owners of record of the
following described property,
Newcomb's Addition to the City of Perham:
NW 100' of SE 200' of SW 100' of
unnumbered portion of Block 9
said property having forfeited to the State of Minnesota on the 20th day of
September, 1973 for non-payment of the 1967 tax and subsequent years, has now
made application to repurchase said property for an aggregate total of $196. 31,
being all delinquent taxes, assessments, penalties, costs and interest.
Commissioners of Otter Tail County, that the aforementioned application be
hereby approved. and permissio11. to. repurchase be granted to relieve undue hard-
ship and be to the best public interest .
. Dated at Fergus Falls, Minnesota this 21st day of May, 1974.
Upon motion made by Andy Leitch, seconded by Richard Dillon and
unanimously carried, the following resolution was adopted:
· RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County
Minnesota, that ·
WHEREAS Ronald L. Shebeck, owner of reco_rd of the following
described property
Part of G. L. 1: Tract north and adjacent to highway
Sectioni9 ~ 13~ -42
said property having,forfeited to the-State.of Minnesota on the 20th day of
September, 1973 for non-payment of the 1967 taxes and subsequent years, has now
made_application·to repurchase said property for an aggregate total .of $94.80,
being all delinquent taxes,. as,sessmen_ts, penal ties, costs and interest. ·
NOW, THEREFORE Be it hereby.resolved by the Board of County
Commissioners of Otter Tail County, that the aforementioned application he•
hereby approved and permission to repurchase be granted to relieve undue hard-
ship and be to the best publ1c interest.
Dated at Fe:rgus Falls, Minnesota this 21st day of May, 1974 .. ·
Upon, motion made by John Snowberg, seconded by Geo_rge Walter and
carried, a 5¢ per capita appropriation was granted to Minn-Oak Areawide Compre-
hensive Health_ Planning C_ouncil for the year 1974; Andy Leitch and Hub Nordgren
voting no.
Motion was made by _George Walter, seconded b>-: Andy Leitch_and
unanimously carried, to hire Roger Tinjum of Detroit Lak~s · to appraise tl_1e
county gar_age property at· New York Mills-. ·
·.Motion was made by George Walter~ seconded by Richard Dillon· and
unanimously carried, to approve the application of. Walter Berend and .Clinton
Fletcher of the Sherman Tank Co., Vergas, Minn. for sewage disposal system cleaners
-Upon motion made by Andy Leitch, seconded.by Hub Nordgren and unani;.;
-mously carried, the following applications for sewage disposal installers licenses
were approved:
·Ted Delzer Theodore Delzer Excavating Dal ton• Minn ..
Walter Berend &
Clinton Fletcher Sherman Tank Co.
Stanley E. Boe
George Happe 1
Todd Schroeder
Alro Grabow
Ve_rga,s. Minn 0
Ashby, Minn.
·Frazee, Minn.
Daltog, Minn.
Henning, Minn.
Upon motion made by John Snowberg, seconded by Richard Dillon and
unanimously carried, the following applications for special use permit ·were approved:·.
William Glen
·Roger A. Hesby
Charles A. Perkins
Joseph N. Maloney
John L. Johnson
Daryl! Arntson'
Friberg Township
Nidaros Township
Elizabeth Townshin ~.
Maine Township
Pelican Township
Fergus Falls-Township
Sl_ope steep bank
(subject to conditional requirements)
Construct road and cut bank along lake
(subject to conditional requirements)
Cut ice ridge
Build road and fill area
Construct driveway and fill low area
(subject to conditional requirements)
Cut bank and slope lot.
The following resolution was introduced by Andy Leitch who moved
for its adoption:
RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of OtterTail County
Minnesota, that
WHEREAS the County Attorney elected at the next general election
for that office in the county maintains offices in the courthouse, makes himself
available to the county commissioners, county offices and the public as necessary
during regular office hou_rs and devotes his. full working time to the job of
county attorney, the county sha11· compensate him for that work at 90 percent of
the salary specified for the Office of District Judge pursuant to MSA 15 A.083.
WHEREAS, while in compliance with Paragraph 1~ above, the. county
attorney shall be furnished such staff as is reasonably necessary to the perfor-
mance of his duties.
Motion was seconded by Hub_Nordgren.
Commissioners voting aye: Andy Leitch, Hub Nordgren, Richard Di'llon and
Commissioner voting nay:
John Snowberg
George Walter
Resolution declared pa~sed. this 21st day of May, 1974.
~-c:>,V~ Chairman
Motion was made by Richard Dillon, seconded by Andy Leitch and
unanimously carried, authorizing Jeff Stabnow to again test the twelve lakes
tested last year.
Motion was made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by Richard Dillon and
unanimously carried, to approve the application of Thomas W. Volberding for
license to hold public dances at Hi-Way Park, Elmo Township.
Motion was made by Andy Leitch, seconded by Hub Nordgren and
unanimously carried, to approve the application of Thomas W. Volberding for
license to allow consumption and display of intoxicating liquor at Hi-WayPark
in Elmo Township.
Upon motion made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by John Snowberg and
unanimously carried, the following applications for license to sell non-intoxicating
malt liquor were approved:
David M. Olson Pebble Lake Golf Club Buse Township
Collene Barnick Pocohontas Beach Resort Dead Lake Township.
Charles L. Lovell Heyes Resort Otter Ta~l Township
Joe Neudeck Neudeck' s Resort Perham Township
Harold Falk Lanterns of Rush Lake Rush Lake Township
Thomas w. Volberdi_ng . I-Ii-Way Park Elmo Township
Motion was made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by John Snowberg and
unanimously carried,· to allow the village of Parkers Prairie to purchase Lot 8,
Block 32, Lakeview Addition to the City of Parkers Prairie, a tax forfeited
parcel to be offere'd at the land sale of June 21st, s_ubject to State approval .
. Upon motion made by Richard Dillon, seconded by .Andy Leitch and .
unanimously carried, the County Auditor was authorize.d to offer at public auction
' at 2:00 P.M., Wednesday, .July 10th, all bu:i.ldings located on the north 12 fe~t of.._
Lot 1 and·the south half of Lot 2 and the north half of Lot 2, Camp Hatton, Amor
Township; sale to be held at the site.
I ••
Upon_ .motion made by John S~owberg, s_econded by Andy Leitch ·and
unanimously carried, the meeti_ng was adjourned until 9:30 _A.M., Tuesday, June
11th, 1974.