HomeMy WebLinkAboutBoard of Commissioners - Minutes - 05/07/1974MINUTES OF THE ADJOURNED MEEI'ING OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OTTER TAIL COUNTY MINNESOTA Pursuant to adjournment, the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County Minnesota met at 9:30 A.M. Tuesday May 7th, 1974 all members present. John Ringdahl of Ringdahl Ambulance Service of Fergus Falls, appeared before the board to explain his service and review the contract arrangements he has with the various townships he services. Upon motion made by John Snowberg, seconded by Andy Leitch and unan- imously carried the proposal of Anderson Brothers Construction Co. of Fergus co::.T Falls to repair the concrete and stone work at Phelps Mill Dam on a lost plus 10% for overhead and plus 10% for profit was approved. I Upon motion made by George Walter, seconded by Johll &nowberg and:unan- imously carried, Olinger Construction Co. was granted a 14 day time extension June 2nd . .,,. ~ to June 16th for the completion of the Highway Equipment building at New York Mills. This extension requested due to spring weather conditions. The Board having previously opened bids on April 23rd for eourt House window replacements, reviewed the recommendation of Architect.'Glen: Cording .and upon motion by Andy Leitch, seconded by Richard Dillon and unanimously carried awarded the bid to DeVac Inc., Minneapolis, Minnesota in amount of $41,351.00 this being the low bid meeting specifications called for. The Board, having previously advertised for bids to be received for grading and aggregate surfacing, S.A.P. 56-658-02 proceeded to open bids which were found to be as follows. Sellin Bros. Inc. Michaelson Bros. Gladin Construction Strom C9nstruction Hawley, Minnesota Madison, Minnesota, LaPorte, Minnesota Moorhead, Minnesota $113,985.34 $118,407.66 $118,649.98 $127,986.78 Harvey W. Nelson -Lake ·Park,. Minn. Bicon Construction Forest Lake,-Minn. Bain Bros. & Don Dahlman Clarissa, Minn.· Donald Conroy Dumont, Minn. $1:,4,077.38 $119,420.09 $·106~ 186~26 $112,757. After co:qJicieration, motion was-made: .b~-Bllh..No~, .seconded by George Walter and unanimously. carried to accept the bid of Bain Bros. and Don DabJroa:ri, Clarissa, Minn. in the_ amount of $106,186.26, it being the lowest bid. · The Board having previously advertised for bids to be received for grading and aggregate surfacing, S.A.P. 56-665-02 proceeded to open bid~ which were found to be as follows. Sellin Bros. Inc. Bicon Construction Co. Michaelso_n Bros. Harvey w. Nelson Martin Fruth Inc. & Al Minnerath Inc. Gladen Construction Co. Strom Con~truction Co_. Donald Conroy_ Hawley, Minn. Forest Lake f Minn. Madison, Minn. Lake Park, Minn. St. Cloud, Minn. ~Porte, Minn. _ Moorhead, Minn. Dumont, Minn. Bain Bros. & Don DabJman . Clarissa, Minn. $140,368.60 $142,936.23 $151,719.23 $153,050.26 $155,887.87 $163,695.60 $163,749.80 $134,739.93 $141,068.68 After consideration, motion was made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by Andy Leitch and unanimously carried, to accept the bid of Donald Conroy, Dumont, Minnesota in the amount of $1,34,739.93 it being the iowest bid. Upon motion made by Andy Leitch, seconded by Richard Dillon and unanimously carried the following agnement resolution was approved:· A(l.~ RESOLUTION BETWEEN GRANT COUNTY · AND OTTER TAIL COUNTY WHEREAS, Grant County by the Grant County Board of Commissioners and Otter 'Tail County by the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners _desire to construct ·a grading job on· a county· 1ine road common to .both counties between c.s.A.H. No. 82 and C.S~A.H. No. 20. .;This road being further described as County Road No. 56 in Grant County and C9unty Project 74-T-54-T-60 in Otter Tail County •. 3 _ NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED, by the _Grant County Board of Commiss- ioners that Grant County Road No. 56 (C.P. 26~56-74) and Otter Tail County Pro- ject 74-T-54-T-60 (C.P. 74-T-54-T-60) hereby be constructed in accordance•with the plans and specifications as _determined.by the County Highway,~ineers of . ., '. Grant County and Otter Tail County. I~ IS ALSO HEREBY AGREED t,hat, : 1. The preliniinary•and constru~tion<engineering-shall .be.performed.by • • I , '~ • I ' i . • ' .-the :<lran~ · Coun.i;y:.Highway .. Depar.tment~~--:tha.t.:.thi:a..·cost ·shall. be .. s~ed_ fifty per cent (50%) by the County .. of'. ... Otter Tail and fifty per cent ' , I (50%)" by the County of Grant., 'I . 2. The contract shall be.let by .the GrantC0 unty Board of_ Conmi.stJioners at Elbow Lake. 3.-The Original plans shall.be approved and signed -by both the Otter Tail . ; ' . . County ~d the .. Grant County ~ineer' s .. -prior to said plans being. effect- ive or legally binding. upon their respective counties. 4 •. The part~al estimates shall be signep_ by the Grant County Engineer and 1·· ' the final estimate shall be signed by both the·Grant County Engineer and the Otter Tail County Engineer. Upon presentation ~o the Otter Tail Co~ty Highway Engineer fifty per cent (50%) of the partiaJ. estimate will be paid to the Grant County Treasurer upon demand. 5 •. The•finai acceptance of the completed project shall be accomplished by separate resolution by the County Board.of Grant County and the County Board of Otter· Tail County. ·.· Dated at Elbow Lake,' Minnesota, this 6th day of May, 1974. Dated at Fergus Falls, M1nnesota, this 7th day of May, 1974. ~ .. <!_._q)~ ✓-------------------- i /, .. . •,"' -~.:.S~~t~.£"!J._st_a_d. _________ _ ,/ Chairman of Otter Tail County Board · Chairman of Grant County Board Arnold v. Johnson Auditor of Otter Tail County Auditor of Grant County Upon motion made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by Richard Dillon and unanimously carried-the .County Audi:tol!_. was auth~ri zed to: -eqter into · and sign an_agreement between the _State of Minnesota, Department of Manpower Services. and the County of-Otter Tail to proceed with the Summer Youth Employment Plan being proposed for 1974 •. Upon motion made by Andy Leitch, seconded.by Richard Dillon and unanimously carried, the CoWlty-Auditorwas·autho1ized to advertise for bids to.be received until 11 :OO A.M. June 1•1th 1974 for the following: - c.P. 74:c.s. C.P. 74:114 C.P. 74:148 CENTER STRIPING Approximately 250 miles of-County-State Aid lli!gh- ways, County Highways . .-and,Townsbip Roads to be, center striped and approsi~tely 3,000 gallons of yellow paint.·· - GRADING AND AGGREGATE SURFACING ' . . Length 3.735 Miles, located from the South junction of CSAH #15 to 3.735 miles Northeast, comprising approximately 130.802 cubic yards of CoDD'DOn Excava- -tion and 5,850 tons of Aggregate Surfacing, Class l in place. Length 2.-0 Miles, located from CSAH #67, at Butler, West 2.0 miles, comprising 46,875 cubic yards of Common Excavation and 2,700 tons of Aggregate Sur- facing, Class l in place. Upon motion made by Richard Dillon, seconded by Andy Leitch and unanimously carried, the following resolution was adopted:· RESOLVED1~• by the Board of County Commi·ssioners of Otter Tail County Minnesota, that WHEREAS,. on July 17, 1973 the County Board accepted the bid of .Anderson Bros. Construction Co.,. Fergus Falls, Minnesota, in the amount of ... $:}(:)0,810.00 for"-&eneral construction on Joint City County Law Enforcement · building. WHEREAS, change orders in the amount of $48,418.57 have resulted, making a total contract in the amount of $349,228.57. WHEREAS, same has.been completed to the satisfaction of the County Board. NOW THEREFORE BE IT HERE BY RESOLVED,, .the_.Coun:ty. Aurli tor is hereby authorized and directed to issue a warrant in the amount of $500.00 as final payment for this contract. Dated at Fergus Falls, Minnesota this 7th day of May, 1974. ATTEST, . ~ ·~~ Clerk The Board, having previously advertised for bids to be received for _aggregate base,· plant mixed bitwninus surface and aggregate sh(?uldering and plant mixed bituminus overlay on S.A.P. 56-628-07 and C.P. 74:24 BM proceeded· to open bids which were found to be as follows : Mark Sand & Gravel Co. Fergus Falls, • Minnesota · McLaughlin & Schulz, Inc. Marshall, Minnesota Duininck Bros. & Gilchrist· Olivia, Minnesota W. Hodgman & Sons Inc .. Fairmont, Minnesota $143,558.10 $165,025.05 $165,900.00 $170,599.50 After oonsideration, motion was made by Richard Dillon ~seconded by Andy -Leitch and unanimously carried·, to accept the· bid of Mark Sand and Gravel Co!:~ Fergus ·falls, Minne.sots. in the amount of $143,588.10, it bei_ng _ the lowest bid. The: Board, havi_ng previously advertised for bids to· be rec~:~ved·::-,, for:aggregate base, plant mixedbituminus surfacing and plant mixed bituminus overlay on S.A.P. 56-639-03 and C.P .. 74:01 BM and 74:72 BM and 74:12 BM'.:pro- ceeded to open.bids which were found to.be as·follows: Mark Sand & Gravel Co. Fergus Falls, Minn. $351,481.00 -,. Duininck Bros~ & Gilchrist Ol_ivia, Mi_rmesota . $366,272.50 McLaughlin & Schulz, Inc.· ~rshal 1 , . Minn. $4O1p11.70 ✓ w. Hodgman & Sons, Inc. Fairmont,· Minn. $410,905.80 After consideration, motion was made by Andy Leitch, seconded by 7 Hub Nordgren and unanimously carried to accept the bid of Mark Sand and Gravel . Co., Fergus Falls, Minnesota in amount of $351,481.00 it bei11g the lowest bid. The_ Board, having previously advertis~d for bids to be received for bituminus overlay on CSAH:174 :42 BM Proc~eded to open bids which were found I to be as .follows: Mark Sand and Gravel Fergus Falls, Minnesota $77,595.00 Duininck Bro.· & Gilchrist Olivia, Minnesota $94,402.50 McLaughlin & Schulz , Inc. Marshall, Minn. $109,098.00 w. Hodgman & Sons. Inc. Fairmont, Minn. $ll0,100.60 After consideration motion was made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by Richard Dillon and unanimously carried to accept the bid of Mark Sand and Gravel Co., Fergus Falls, Minnesota in the amount of $77,595.00, it being the low.bid. The Board, having previously advertised for bids to be received for aggregate base plant mixed bituminous surfacing and aggregate shoulder- ing on C.H., 74:119 B proceeded to open bids which were found to be as follows: Mark Sand and Gravel Co. Fergus Falls, Minnesota Duininck Bros~ & Gilchrist Olivia, Minnesota McLaughlin & Schulz, Inc. Marshall, Minn. W. Hodgman & Sons, Inc. Fairmont, Minn. $93,026.50 $97,385.00 $107,183.00 $ll0,423.SO After consideration motion was made by Andy Leitch, seconded by Richard Dillon and unanimously carried to accept the low bid of $93,026.50 from Mark Sand and Gravel Co.· of Fergus Falls, Minn. The Board, having previously advertised for bids to be received for' Gradi_ng and aggregate surfacing on C.H. 74:113 proceeded to open bids which were found to be as follows: Evavold -Vikesland Const:ryction Fergus ~alls,. Minnesota M & M Construction co. Sellin Bros. Inc. Donald Conroy Constructjo~. -·•: ,, .. Ackling Construction Co. Hillstrom Construction Co. Harvey W. Nelson~ Inc. Strom Construction Co. Menge Construction Co. Ed Zimmerman Hawley, Minnesota Dwnont, Minnesota Rt. 3, Frazee, Minnesota Ve_rgas, Minnesota Lake Park, Minnesota Moorhead, Minnesota Graceville, Minnesota Barrett, Minnesota $65,568. 00 $70,104.12 $73,352.04 $73,460.89 $73,700.53 $74,322.50 $75,910.25 $77,342.88 $92,569.00 $ No Bond 7 After consideration· motion· was made by Richard Dillon~ seconded by Andy Leitch and Wlanimously carried to accept the lowbid fromEvavold- Vikesland construction in the amoWlt/ of $65,568.00 The Board, having previously advertised forbids to be received for coWtty wide Sand Seal of designate? roads project 74 :SS proceeded to open bids which were found to be as follows : · HiWay Surfacing· Co. · Marshall, · Minn. William Collins, Inc. Fargo; N~ Dakota McLaugh.lin & Schulz, Inc. Marshall, Minn. Batzer Construction Co.. Royalton·, ·Minn.· Allied Blacktop Co. Minneapolis, Minn. ~257~904.10 $381,558.70 $29:3:1,079 .10 · $279,910.20 · $i6B,998.45 After consideration, motion was made by Andy Leitch, second~d by Richard Dillon·and Wlanimously carried to accept the low bid of HiWay Sur- facing Co., Marshall, Minnesota in the amount of $257,904.10 Upon motion ~ade by Andy Leitch, seconded.by Richard Dillon ·and unanimously carried, the meeting adj!)u~ned untir191;'l30 A.M. May 8th, 19:74. ATTEST~ Clerk /D WEDNESDAY SESSION Pursuant to adjournment, the Board of County.Commissioners met \ ' ' ' at 9:30 A.M. Wednesday May 8th, 1974, all members present~ Motion by John Snowberg, ;seconded-by"-An,dy Leitch unanimously carried the I . _, fo:llowing t:.aba teJDents;' weJ'~:,-·appr.oved. Earl and Evera Lysaker Rt. 1, Detroit Lakes, Mn. Should have homesteadtJm ·1973. (Little Pelican) Edward B. Kinsel Parkers Prairie, Minn. Should have homestead on 1973. Gerhard and Ruby Danielson Pelican Bay Shores. Land valued too high. Motion by Hub Nordgren, seconded by Andy Leitch and unanimously carried the following dance license was approved. James A •. Lundquist Balmoral Pavilion & Store Battle Lake, Minnesota Motion by Andy Leitch, seconded by Richard Dillon and unanimously carried the following applications.for setuplicense were approved. James A. Lundquist · Harley Y. Karvonen Bal.moral Pavilion. Battle Lake, Minnesota Perahm Lakeside Golf Club Perham, Minnesota Motion by Richard Dillon, seconded by Andy Leitch and unanimously carried the following beer license.applications were approved. Charles Malmstrom Madsen's Resort and Store Battle Lake, Minnesota Nonnan Craig 78 Club Battle Lake, Minnesota Paul E. Spilman Woodland Beach Resort Battle Lake, Minnesota Roy G. Murray Riverside Cabins Fergus Falls, Minnesota Rbbert K. Moser Wee·Villa Resort Fergus Falls, Minnesota .1~ Aai-on A. Johnson-Sunset Beach Resort Henning, Minnesota Evelyn Smith Pine Lakes Lodge Perham, Minnesota LeRoy Atkinson Fort Thunder Perham, Minnesota James A. Lundquist Balmoral Battle Lake,. Minnesota Lila Keskinen Oak Point Resort New York Mills, Minnesota Elvin and'Florence Arntson El's Resort and Store Pelican Rapids, Minnesota Kenneth Wickland Wickland's Resort Dent, Minnesota Ralph Richter Lost Valley Resort Vergas, Minnesota E.D. Savoie Bonanza Beach Resort Perham,Minnesota Mrs. Grace K. Kirckof Sanely Point Resort · Henning, Minnesota LeRoy J. Wacher Play Mor Beach Resort Perham, Minnesota Motion by Andy Leitch, seconded by Hub Nordgren and unanimously carried the bills presented were approved: i I I George Walter Andy Leitch A. Hubert Nordgren Erwin Siems John· Skramstad Eugene Davenport Arthur Boehne Spencer Lundquist Terry Jacobson Victor Lundeen & Co City of Perham Marvin Klicker 'Roger Bengtson Goodyear Service Store Fergus Dodge Inc. Malcolm Lee James Johnson Victor Lundeen & Co Fossen Oil Co Kenneth Clambey Mehdi Orandi M.D. Marjean Hanson Mehdi Orandi M.D. Kauko Jantunen M.D. Pentti Snellman M.D. L.G. Reichelt M.D. Ralph Estrem M.D. Miller Davis Co The Photo Center Xerox Corp. Liquid Paper Corp. Nelson Bros. Prtg. Victor Lundeen & Co COMMISSIONER'S· ASSESSOR· PROBATION & PAROLE VETS SERVICE LAND & RESOURCE MGR. WEED & SEED INSP. CORONER COUNTY COURT Security Blank Book & Prtg •. Fergus Hardware Empire Bus. Machines . -Oswald Publishing Co ·West Publishing Co Mason Publishing Co Fergus Falls Community College Western Mental Health Center Paul Ballard Judge City of Perham EOT SOIL & WATER Wm E Lee Agency Natl Assoc. of Cons. Districts HOUSING AUTHORITY Lee Jensen 98.00 86.56 29.20 49.38 95.64 169.24 202.41 199.17 190.12 23.50 75.00 113.85 73.10. 16.19 37 .19 32.82 82.86 91.82 17.43 114.81 250.00 51.10 25.25 25.25 10.00 35.00 25.25 18. 70 4. 77 · 388. 75 9.00 237.95 124.98 48.52 7.77 72.00 12.64 26.00 11.50 ·300.00 25.00 12.96 65.00 135.00 74.95 1,000.00 I z... CO. EXTENSION CO'IAM. Allan Schermerhorn Willis Roehl Alfred Borgos Mrs Gerald Ziese Mrs Arnold Stock CO PLANNING · S. J. Eifert Ted Delzer PHaPs MILL Coast to Coast Battle Lake Corner Store Ebersviller Imp. Co MISC. EXPENSES Gust Lagerquist & Sons Lystad's Inc. Wanek Locksmith Crow Chemical Dacotah Paper co· Gambles Daycoa Occidental Chemical Co Wm Galena & Son Xerox Corp. Nelson Bros Prtg. Addressograph Davenport's Stationery Victor Lundeen & Co Pitney Bowes Burroughs M~R Sign Co Executive Reports Corp. Minnesota Motor Co Knutson Htg. & Air Cond. City of Perham · Lake Region Travel Service Secretarial Service George Nelson Myrtle Logas Pelican Rapids Press Daily Journal ·torna McCabe Gloria Opatz Phyllis Knutson Dorothy Johnson Cheri Schultz Berniece Spangler Marjorie Lund Mary.Westman Alice Crosgrove Adell Hartman Mrs Charles Perkins Mrs '!Nm Hemmelgarn Je_ns R. Ree Delura Ann Anderson NURSE 9.48 1.56 2.40 12.24 3.60 45.68 52.00 3.89 42.21 · 22.50 108.03 · 147.40 3i.55 131.02 82.29 77.63 117.26 67.62 131.43 69.88 102.65 74.50 1.25 343,43 12. ll 21.60 25.00 52.51 77. 70 134. 95. 60.00 55.27 220.80 100.00 36.00 15.67 309.34 176.74 135.26 43.82 72.60 27.88 8.83 24.36 93.12 10.92 2.16 10.80 12.00 7.92 1.32 /3 Cooper's Office Supply Victor Lundeen & Co · Wadena Pioneer Journal Parkers Prairie Indep. Perham Enterprise Bulletin City of Perham · I I SHERIFF Boarding of Pri~oners Carlton E Mortensen . Office expense Holiday Perham Co-op Oil Dick's Standard Service Dent Oil Co Big Chief Texaco Goodyear Service Store Minnesota Motor Co Fergus Dodge Inc. National Bushing K Parts Genuine Parts Co I Sorem Auto Parts B & B Communications Continuing Legal Ed. Curtin Matheson Scientific Inc~ West Central Airways Inc. University Of Minn. Vore's H & LOK Hardware Uniforms Unlimited Johnson Furniture Co Victor Lundeen & co· Gaffaney' s Empire Business Machines Battle Lake Review J & L Drug Stem & Em Drug Lakeland Mental Health Center Lake Region Hospital Fergus Falls Medical Group City Pharmacy Dick Polipnick Raymond Polensky Glen Melby John B Halvorson Esther D. Mortensen Muriel Gunvalson Max C. Kronemann Mrs Gary Anderson Debbie Meyer Christian Haugen Melvin Nyhus Bonnie Johnson· · Mrs Oscar Ka)ewske George Martodam Warren Rud Orville Schnetzer Delores Wasche Joe Wasche Mrs Joe Wasche Cedric Haugen Mark Evenson I 28.75 16~60 3.75 1.98 2. 10 35.00 2,292.50 1-07 .• 98 92.50 122.23 218.84 31.22 34.70 127.87 190.34 70.51 224.19 13.56 13.92 10.40 29.74 99.00· 17.29 24.68 6.22 32.87 39~00 4.50 5.95 134.63 12.66 12.00 36.75 5.95 360.40 40.00 56.00 21.00 34.10 25.00 17.07 10.06 24.40 146.50 6.00 57.60 30.00 16.56 5.20 5.20 28.62 29.32 8.00 1.30 ·9.40 7.00 25.00 7.00 5.20 29.08 Gordon Ebersviller ·Marion Bucholz Herb Brase Fergus Dodge Inc. Frontier Co Genuine Parts Co Hall Equipment Hayden Murphy Equip. Co · · Homelite International Harvester Matz & Greiff Garage National Bushing & Parts George T Ryan Co Stan's Garage Suhr Ford Sales . Ziegler Inc. Electric Supply Kennedy's Inc. Michaelson Refrigeration Super GMC Truck Sales Swanson Equip. Co ROAD & BRIDGE Coast to Coast Battle Lake Coast to Coast Henning ·Coast. to Coast Perham M-R Sign Co. Peavey.Lumber Service Premier Autoware Co Sigelman Steel & Salvage 9oodyear Service Store Elk River Concrete Products Murphy Oi 1 Corp~ Mark.Hurd.Aerial Surveys Inc~ Polman Transfer In~; Raymond Motor Transportation Transport Clearings. John Braukmann · City of New York Mills City of Fergus Falls. Wilkin Co. Hwy Dept. SCM Corporation Albinson Dav~nports Stationery Victor Lunde_en & Co Minnesota Blueprint J.C Penny Co Marion Perina The Pierce Co Stenerson Bros. Lumber Co Dennis Berend Roy Bruhn Raymond Geiser Clarence Kratzke Lowell Peterson EOT Telephone Co Hohman Telphone Northwestern Bell Telephone Co Northwestern Bell Telephone Co Park Region Mutual Telephone Co J.30 15.25 13.00 106.66 8.00 16.15 326.00 · 186.83 45.90 153.50. 23.62 158.91 17.56 132.71 32.85 77.06 15.85 64.74- 34.00 348.00 5.25 38.06 117 .56 16.36 727.75 6.15 30.49 26.90 90.49 .· 104.26 2,078.07 4,100~00 8.73 65.13 8.99 10.00. · 6.00 841.88 468.53 74.00 2,526~74 7 .15 58.80 1,404.66 117 .60 30.55 7.90 3.51 25.10 12.48 9.96 10.56 12.48 74.15 11.09 56.59 _21. 93 34.19 Northwestern Bell Telephone IC Ole Fossan Arthur Ryen Arnold Jorgens Norman A Tostens.on Anton·Bonnichsen Eldon Somers Sam Hintermeister A.B. Savre Mrs Vivian W. Schei Floyd W. Lee Warren S Johnson Mrs Barbara Kratzke Olga Johnson Gary Haugrud Walter Schiesser Herman Boese ·Arthur Stock Kenneth Kronemann Willard Beske Mrs Hertha Sternberg Herman A Boese Gordon A. Johnson Christian Haugen Emil E. Ebner D-A Lubricant Co. Inc. Fraki Oil Co Kraemer Oil Co Penrose Oil Co Andy's 66 Service Consumers Co-op Oil Dent 66 Dick's Standard Service Fossen Oil Co Gene's Standard Service Hoot Lake 76 Meyers Service Ray's Oil Co -Service Oil Co Thomas Oil Co Vergas Oil Co 14.71 51.75 · 868.12 355.62 - 857.70 1,884.44 29.07 2,785.63 · 673.25 4.50 2,500.0d 716.95 110.00 6.00 61.00 , 62.50 549;63 399.50 152.50 748.75 282.25 142.50 7.50 84.15 127.32 78. JO 151.90 89.40 242.04' 288.28 48.21 93.60 127.06 . 39. 73 169.63 135.37 409.11 335.99 H0.94 1,107.86 510.23 I A d~legation from the City of Elizabeth appeared before the Board, concerning.various plans for the proposed disposal system •. After a lengthy discussion and detailed· explanation-of the necessary requirements presented by their engineer Mr. Mafferty and their Attorney Mr. Donaho a motion was made by Richard Dillon, seconded by George Walter and carried to grant a special use ·permit to the City of Elizabeth for their proposed lagoon system. John Snowberg, Richard Dillon, George Walter voting in favor; Andy Leitch and Hub· Nordgren voting no. /7 A delegation f~om the City of Henning appeared, requesting the Highway ... Department's paint shop remain in Henning, rather than be moved to Fergus Falls when the new proposed high~Y building is completed. The delegation was in- formed that consideration would be given when plans for the new building are being formulated·. However, it was pointed ()Ut that there are advantages. to a paint shop being located in the central headquarters. Motiqn was made by Andy Leitch, seconded by John Snowberg and unanimously carried to approve the plat of "River Oaks Addition". Motion was made by Richard Dillon, seconded by John Snowberg and unanimously carried to approve the plat of "Scenic Riverview Acres". Upon motion made by Richard Dillon, seconded by Andy Leitch .and unanimously • • I • carried a split of a 2.57 acre .tract in Gov. Lot 4 of Sec. 28-133-42 was granted to Vicki K. and Larry Anderson, with the understanding that each of the two parcels would be approximately 1.275 acres in size. Motion was made by George Walter, seconded by Richard Dillon and ,manimously carried to approve two conveyances from Melvin McGowan to Huebech as per District Judges orders.for property in area of Sections 14 and 23 -135-39. ·. :, ..; ·-~ .. . ~ ·-•-. Motion was made by Andy Leitch, seconded by Richard DiJ.lon unanimously carried to approve thirteen Special Use Permits presented. ✓ Nile Maxfeldt and Richard Sall ,,, Sam Lykken ✓Henry E. Coleman ..-Robert Jaeger vAaron A. Johnson . .1 Roy Rosswn ,,-Mil ton Edstrand ,,,-Alvin Borgen V Vernon Johanson ... Grant Mollllt / Leif Thrane vr Kenneth Hunter Crystal-Beach Clitherall Twp. Gov. Lot 2 Sec. 1 Clitherall Twp. Lot 1 in Gov. Lot 4 .of Beverly Beach Everts Twp. _Hillside Addn. to to Burau Beach Dane Prairie Twp. Sunset Beach Girard Pt. of Lot #2 and between Cty rd. and Star Lake Pt. of Gov. lots 3 & 4 Sec. 5 Lots 11 & 12 behind· Eureka.Beach Minneha Resort Pt. of.Gov. Lot q Sec. "32 Sve;rdhlp pt. of Gov. Lot 5. Sec. · 16 •. Dunn .. Twp. Outlot "B" of Lida Lida Twp. Wagon Wheel Resort_ Would like to slope bank along lake about 3' · · Wouid like to construct road for Lurring Acres Beach 1st Addn •. Wants to remove dirt from top of bank and put in back of lot. Would like to cut 3' or 4• off lot 35 pushing dirt on to lots ,36 and.37 Would like to sell non- intoxicating malt liquors Would like _to cut bank along 1k 150' to conform with neighbors Would like to cut. down a bank about 10 feet in elevation .Would like to scalp area behind mentioned lot and fill area directly behind lot 11 and 12 Would like to fill area 45• x 250: .· Would like to build a holding area for livestock Would like to fill low area ·on lot about 50 1 x 60 1 with 11 to fill. Permit to construct 350 of road to County Specifications. Wtould. l:i.ke;.;to all 1 cabin to . o existing resort I 9 Motion was made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by John Snowberg and unanimously carried the following Sewage Disposal Installers licenses were approved. Kenneth Schepper Harold Engebretson Eltger Nurmi Allen D. Hanson . Earl J. Nelson v· .Gregory Barry Melvin Kirckof Douglas Hess LeRoy Feldt Kenneth Crowell v Frank Steuart •·· Schepper Excavating Vergas, Minnesota ,._,.,Harold Engebretson Plbg. Pelican Rapids, Mn. -Nurmi Plumbing and Htg. New York Mills, Mn. v Barry Excavating V v·Perham Plumbing vFeldt Plumbing v Crowell Sewage ..,, Steuart Plumbing. Ottertail, Minnesota Erhard, Minnesota Underwood, Minnesota Henning, Minnesota Perham, Minnesota Frazee, Minnesota Detroit Lakes, Minnesota Henning, Minnesota Motion was made by Andy Leitch, seconded by_Ri~h~d Dillon and unanimously , i;: , : carrie~ the following.Sewage Disposal .System Cleaners licensl:!~:wer.e.approved. ~, Kenneth Crowell "LeRoy Kahle. v'Larry Van Ryswyk ;i Ray Schepper Crowell Sewage & Drainage ::;erv1ce Kahl~.J~lumbing & Hea'eJ:ng. . Detroit Lakes, Minnesota Detroit Lakes,·Minnesota Ashby, Minnesota Schepper Sand & Gravel ,Vergas, Minnesota Upon motion made by George Walter, seconded by Andy Leitch and unanimously carried approval was given to Ear►w. · Krlieger to record. a. _1968 .. c·on.tra.c:t~.for. deed . for a parcel on-Marion Lake located in :oov. Lot 4 Sec. 7-135~39 •. Upon motion made by John Snowberg, seconded by Richard.Dillon and unan-· imously carried approval was given to the owners of Res. Lot A. of Abies Acres, for them to aquire an additional tract adjo~ning and lying -b~tween Res. Lot A and Lot 1 of Abies Acres. I A delegation from Nidaros Township and City of Vining appeared concerning a town road. Motion was made by Andy Leitch, seconded by Hub Nordgren ,}to award special aid in amount of $500.00 to Girard and $500.00 to Nidaros to assist with engineering to reconstruct town road in SE¾ NE¾ and NE¾ SE¾ of Sec. 11-132-39 the special aid money to come from the third commissioner district. Carried unanimously. Motion made by John Snowberg, seconded by Andy Leitch and unanimously carried to adjourn until afternµon of May 21, 1974. ,.,,Chairman Clerk