HomeMy WebLinkAboutBoard of Commissioners - Minutes - 04/23/1974MINUTES OF THE A_DJOURNED MEETING OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY Cav\MISSIONERS OTTER TAIL COUNTY MINNESOTA Pursuant to adjournment, the board of c·ounty Commi s s i criers of Otter Tail County, Minnesota met at 9:30 A.M., April 23rd 1974, all members present. Motion v,as made by John Snowberg, seconded by Andy Leitch. and unan-· imously carried to allow a variance ?etback · of~ of State Highwa·y #210 for proximity contiol in Sec. 2-132-43 subject to written approvar from the State Highway Department. Upon motion made by Richard Dillon, seconded by Hub Nordgren and unanimously carried, the proposal presented for air conditioning of the Registor of Deeds office was awarded to Knutson Heating and Air Condition- ing in the amounts of $2,685.00 and $1,675.00 for the two uhits rieeded. Motion was m_ade by George Walter, seconded by Richard Dillon and unan- imously carried authorizing to Mr. and Mrs. Charles Franklin the conveyance of a parcel of land 125 feet on lake and containing 40,000 square feet located in Sec. 22-137-40. The County Board was presented with a petitio~ from interested persons on Cle·at Lake, Tumuli Township concerned with the size of inboard and out- board motor~ used on said lake and instructed the auditor to file same and proceed with calling for a hearing in compliance with new statutes covering this type of complaint. . ' . The _Board· hav;ng· previously .. advertised for :bids to be rec!':dved for re- placement windows·in;the ·court hou~e proceeded to open bids which were found to .... be. as follows:. -DeVac Inc. Rusco Window Co. St. Cloud Window, Inc.· Mi~eapolie, Mi~esota Moorhead, .. Mir~nesota · St •. ~loud, Minnesota $41,351.00 $39,775.00 $41,943.00 The bids received were referred :to th~ Architect"fercrevi'ew,.•wi-t!l"·a a decision to be IJ18.de at the May 7th, 1974.-~eeting. • ) I . l Upon motion made py Andy Leitch, seconded by Hub Nordgren and unan- imously carried the following resolution was adopted: WHEREAS, parcels of real property have forfeited for non payment of ' taxes,·and have reached the point of being offered at a tax sale. BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED,. that tracts of land may be sold under the follow- ing conditions: Each and every tract sold for $500.00 or less shall be paid in full at time ·of sale. All tracts sold for more than $500. 00 may be paid for on in~tallment pl_an at rate of at-least 25 per cent of purchase price, but in all cases the down payment 11\ust b_e at lea~t $500.00 provided that in all cases where · '='ihe appraisal: by this Board :shows ithe v~lue-'.~f wood· on ·~aid. tr~ct, the full amount of the appraisal\·villue. of said wood toge~her; with 25 per cent of· the balance of the purchase price must be paid at the time of sale. The balance of the purchase price inay be paid in ten annual installments·with 4 per cent interest per annum on _the unpaid balance. In addition to the purchase·price of.the land, the Co~ty Auditor.shall charge and collect, in full, an amount equal to three per cent of ·the total sale price of.the land; amount so collected by the Auditor tobe deposited in the State Treasury and credited to the Tanx Forfeited Land Assurance Accounty, 1969 Minn. Statutes No. 284.28 Sub. Div. 6. Titleto the land to be offered for sale is not quaranteed, either by Otter Tail County or the State of Minnesota. · When payment of the pllrchase price has been made,. the purchaser· will receive from the State of Minnesota a quit-claim deed to the· property fo.r which the Auditor is required by law to· coll- ect and ~mit to the State a feeof $3.00. All mineral rights .are reserved by the State of.Minnesota; and sale is subject to existing easements. The Countf'Board reserves _the· right to reject any or· all bids and withdraw an:y parcel listed before or during the sale. Adopted at Fe_rgus Falls, Minnesota this 23rd day of· April, 1974. ATTEST: . ' _;$:ler~ . . . ' ' . RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CREATION OF A JOINT AIRPORT ZO;til..ING BOARD FOR THE CITY OF FERGUS FALLS,. MINNESOTA At a meeting of the.Board of Commissioners of Otter Tail County, herein after ca1led the County, on April 23, 1974, Commissioner John Snowberg seconded by Commissioner Andy Leitch introduced the· following resolution and moved its adoption. WHEREAS, The city of Fergus Falls, hereinafter called the Municipality owns and controls an airport, and WHEREAS, Portions of the airport hazard area to such airport are .located outside the territorial limits of said Municipality but within the territorial limits of this County; and : WHEREAS, The above Municipality has requested in writing that we join with them in the creation of a Joint Airport Zoning Board; and WHEREAS, This County deems it necessary and expedient to create a .. Joint.Airport Zoning Board in cooperation with the above Municipality pursuant to Minn. Stat. 360.063, Subd. 3, and other applicable laws for the purpose of establishing, administering and enforcing zoning laws for·the areas surrounding the airport and f~f the.protection of the airport and the public; ·and. WHEREAS,.The above statute provides that this County has the right to ap~int . . . - two.pers9ns to said Board (said persons need not be members of this Board); and 'WHEREAS, Subd. 8 of Section 32 of the Appropriations Bill passed by the Minnesota Le~islature effective July 1, 1973, provides that no moneys shall be expended by the Commissioner of Aeronautics of the State of Minnesota to improve and maintain an airport unless the governmental unit owning the air- port has or is establishing a zoning authority for the airport. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED By the undersigned County as follows: 1. That there is hereby created in cooperation with the above Municipality a Joint Airport Zoning Board to be composed of representatives of the undersigned County and representatives of the a~ove Municipality pursuant to Minn. Stat. 360.063, Subd. 3. . . . . • . --,,-~-,-.., 2. That the undersigned County hereby appoints Bo~ Fritz and Warren Johnson to be their representatives·on said Board, said pJrs~n~ to serve for an indefinite term until they resign or are replaced by,'tbe uns±gnad;-,.,.:,,. ! County. ROLL CALL Commissioners voting aye: Dillon, Leitch, Nordgren, Snowberg, Walter Commissioners voting nay: none I hereby certify·that the foregoing resolution is a true and correct copy of the original resolution and is now on file in-~ office and is re.corded.. in 1974 Resolutions • < . . Clerk Motion was made by Andy.Leitch, seconded by Richard Dillon and unanimously carried to approve the following applications for license to sell non-intoxicating malt liquor. Morris G. Anderson Paul C. Anderson· Henry Scheuble· 91son's Resort and Trailer Park Perry's Place Wildwood Beach Resort Edgar &·Lloyd Splittstoesser So. Turtle Lake Resort Thomas J. Mullen Roy c. Pfeiffle Leonard Boldigh.eiiner Thomas L. Byars Maple Beach Resort Loghaven Resort Perham Lakeside Golf Club Inc. Tom's Tackle Shop Dunn Dora Dora Sverdrup Lida Lida Perham Amor Motion was made by George Walter, seconded by Andy Leitch and unan- imously carried to asstDDe 40% of the cost of blacktopping approximately one mile of township road in Sec. 22 of Perham Township. Perham township to pay the balance of the costs involved. Upon motion·made by Andy Leitch, seconded by Richard Dillon and ' unanimously carried the meeting adjourned to' 9:,30 A.M. May 7th 1974. _.,.....,<$airman ATTEST: Clerk