HomeMy WebLinkAboutBoard of Commissioners - Minutes - 04/09/1974I MINUTES OF. ,THE ADJOURNED MEETING OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OTTER TAIL COUNTY MINNESOTA I Pursuant to adjournment, the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County Minnesota met at 9:30 A.M.,.Tuesday, April 9th, 1974, all members present. The County Personnel Committee appeared, and reviewed with the Board the proposed amended personnel policy. It was agreed to make suffi- cient copies so each employee might review and comment prior to adoption at the May 8th, 1974 meeting. The Board having previously advertised for bids to be received for roadside mowing in areas C-D-H-and I proceeded to open bids which were found to be as follows. Merlyn Dittherner Dean Menze Gunvold Olson Le Roy Blickenstaff Orris Albertson and Arthur Thompson Larry Bjerketvedt, K. Rostad Lee Taves AREA C Parkers Prairie, Mn. Ottertail, Mn. Hewitt, Mn. AREA D Ottertail, Mn. AREA H Underwood, Mn. AREA l Cli theraU' Mn. Und erv,ood, Mn. New York Mills, Mn. 59.90 per. mile 55.00 per. mile 52.00 per. mile 57.00 per. mile 77.00 per. mile 71.39 per. mile 67.00 per. mi.le 48.00 per. mile After consideration, motion was made by Andy Leitch, seconded by Richard Dillon and unanimously carried, to accept the low bid in each area $52.00 area C; $57.00 area D; $77.00 area H; $48.00 area I Upon motion made by John Snowberg, seconded by Hub Nordgren and un- animously carried the $1,000 Public Officials bond for Vera Starr of the County Treasurers Office was approved. Upon motion made by Andy Leitch, seconded by Richard Dillon and un- animously carried the following resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota that WHEREAS on May 4th, 1973 the County Board accepted the bid of Lampert Quality Builders of Fergus Falls, Minnesota, in the amount of $18,470.00 for the construction of a steel storage building for the County Highway Dept. to be lo- cated at Battle Lake, Minnesota and WHEREAS same has been completed to the satisfaction of the County Board. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED the County Auditor is hereby authorized and directed to issue a warrant in the amount of $848.98 as final payment for this work, including change orders in the amount of $348.98. Dated at Fergus Falls, Minnesota this 9th day of April 1974. Clerk ]. The Board having previously advertised for bids to be received for aggregate base, plant mixed or alternate road mixed bituminous .surfacing and aggregate shoulders, under County project SAP 56-623-07. Proceeded t9 open bids which were found to be as follows: Landseidel and Son Inc. Mark Sand and Gravel Co. McLaughlin and Schulz Inc. W. Hodgman and Sons Inc. Glyndon, Mn. Fergus Falls, Mn. Marshall, Mn. Fairmont, Mn. 175,587.00 Road mix 195,990.00 Plant mix 197,676.25 Plant mix After reviewing the bids presented and at the reommendation of the High- way: Engineer a motion was made by Richard Dillon, seconded by John Snowberg and unanimously ca·rried, to accept the bid of Mark Sand and Gravel. Co.,· Fe.rgus Falls, Mn• · in the amou~t of $183,lOQ.j5 for plant mix, it being the _lowest bid. Upon motion made by Richard Dillon, seco_nded by Hub Nordgren and unanimous- ly carried. Approval was granted for acceptance of previous conveyances of eight sub-division lots in outlot "BIi of the plat of "Lida Shores" located in Sec. 10-136-42 with agreement by the developer that the road behind these lots be built to County specification and the developer furnish the County necessary survey copies. Upon motion made by Hub Nordgren, seconded· by George Walter and unanimously . carried, East Otter Tail Soil and Water ·conserva:;tion District was authorized to receive up to $2,484.54 additional money for the remainder of the 1974 fiscal year • . , If anticipated W.A.E. funding is forthcoming this figure wilr be·less. Upon motion made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by Richard Dillon and unan- imously carried, Compton Tm,mship was authorized to receive $372. 00 of "Road and Bridge Special Aid~ for payment of one half the cost of purchasing and installing a culvert beneficial to Compton and surronding Township. T Upon motion made by Richard Dillon, seconded by Hub Nordgren and unanimously carried, the following resolution was adopted. Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County Minnesota that WHEREAS,on March 11th, 1974 the proposal for repainting the traffic areas in the Otter Tail County Court House including ceiling and walls was award- ed to Avant Painting and Decorating Company of Battle Lake, Minnesota. WHEREAS, the job has been completed to the satisfaction of the County Board. NOW, THEREFORE, The County Audi tor is hereby -'aO:thor:lz:ed-: and direct- ed to issue a warrant in the amount $4,860.00 to Avant Painting and Decorating Company as payment in full for the prC>posed work completed pilus additional change orders requested. Dated At Fergus Falls, Minnesota this 9th day of April, 1974. ,,,Chairman AITES~· Clerk Upon motion made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by Richard Dillon and unanimously carried the following townships were authorized Special Aid from Road and Bridge funds to offset the amount expended for flood control not re- i~bursed by the Federal Government. Eastern $298.50 Effington $110.00 Inman $18.00 I RESOLUTION AUTIIORIZING THE CREATION OF A JOINT AIRPORT ZOMING BOARD FOR THE CITY OF HENNING, MINNE.SOTA At a meeting of the Board of Commissioners of Otter Tail County, herein after called the County, on April 9th, 1974, Cornrnissioner Hu~ Nord- gren seconded by Commissioner Andy Leitch introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption. WHEREAS, The city of Henning, hereinafter called the Municipality, owns and ~ontrbls an airport; and · WHEREAS, Portions of the ·airport hazard are.a to such· airport are \ -~. ·-~~ : located outside the territor'ial limits of.said Municipality but withinthe ,terri tor:ral limits of thi1s County;-and WHEREAS, the above Municipality has req:Uested in viriting that we join with them in the creation of a Joint Airport Zoning.Board; and WHEREAS, This County deems it necessary and expedfont to create a Joint Airport Zoning Board in cooperation \'ti th the above Municipality pursuant. to Minn. Stat. ·360.063, Subd. 3, and other applicable laws for the purpose of establishing, administering and enforcing zoning laws for the areas sur- rounding the airport and for the.protection of the airport and the public; and WHEREAS, .The above statute provides that this County has the right to appoint two persons to said Board (said persons need not be members of this Board); and WHEREAS, Subd •. 8 of Section 32 of the. Appropriations Bi 11 passed by the Minnesota Legislature effective July 1, 1973, provi9e.s th.at no moneys shall. be expended by.the Commissioner of Aeronautics of the State of-Minnesota to :, improve and maintain ?n airport unless the governmental unit owning the air- port has or is establishing a zoning authority for the airport. NaM, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED By the undersigned County as follows: 1. That there is hereby created in cooperation with the above Municipality a Joint Airport Zoning Board to be composed of representatives of the undersigned County and representatives of the above Municipality pur- suant to Minn. Stat. 360.063, Subd. 3. 2. That the undersignad County hereby appoints Wayne Peterson and Frank Stewart to be their representatives on said Board, said persons to _serve for an indefinite term until they resign or are repiaced by the undersigned County. ROLL CALL Commissioners voting aye: Dillon, Leitch, Nordgren, Snowberg, Walter Commissioners voting nay:. None Attest: I hereby certify that the foregoing resolution is a true and correct copy of the original resolution and is now on file in my office and is recorded Clerk . Upon motion made by.Andy Leitch, seconded by-Richard Dillon and unaninimousJy carried the following resolution was adopted: .• RESOLUTION _BY .THE BOARb at.COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINNESOTA Whereas, the Board of 'County Cbmmissioners on April 10, 1973 agr~ed by resolution to pay to~nship ai~ according-to the amounts levied by the townships, and which amounts are as fol lows: From 3.33 mi 1 ls and up, but less than· ·5.00 mi 11 s ·.$100.00. From 5.00 mi 1 ls and up'. but less than 6.67 mi 11 s $200 .. 00 6.67 mi 11 s and up $300.00 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESO~VED, that the amounts to be paid to the respective townships according to their road and bridge levies for 1974 sh~ll be as follows: Townships Total M 11.1 s Levied ·Amount Aastad 5. 13 200;00 Amor 5~82 200.00 Aurdal 8.34 300.00 . Blowers · 5.00 · -?0.0. 00 Bl1,1ffton 1.11 None Buse 2.80 None Butler ·7.52 300.00 Candor 6.07 · 200.00 Carlisle 2.25 None Cl i theral 1 9.98 300.. 00 Compton· _ 7.21 300.00 Corliss 7 .·17 300.00 Dane Prairie 4.55 100.00 .. Dead Lake ··7.08 300.00 Deer Creek 7 .14 300.00 · Dora 7.80 300.bo Dunn ·7.85 300.00 Eagle Lake. 6.:45 200.00 Eastern 10.00 300'.o'o Edna 7.59 300.00. Effington 6.57 200.00 Elizabeth 6 .19 · 200.00 Upon motion made by Andy Leitch, seconded by Richard Dillon and Townships Total Mills Levied unanmimously carried the following resolution was adopted: Elmo 8.32 Erhards Grove Everts Fergus Fa 11 s Folden Friberg Girard Gorman Henning Hobart Homestead Inman Leaf Lake Leaf Mountain Lida Maine Maplewood Newton Nidaros Norwegian Grove Oak Valley Orwe 11 Oscar Otter Tail Otto Paddock Pa r ke rs P r a i r i e Pelican Perham Pine Lake Rush Lake Saint Olaf Scambler 7,33 4.29 2.47 7,86 7,61 7,26 7,79 6.64 5,34 6.36 13.89 6.63 8.94 4.63 6.59 7,91 8.33 8.29 7,35 6.93 6.86 5.02 3.22 7,82 5. 13 6.62 6.48 6. 19 7,87 ·4. 77 7,57 5,70 Amount 300.00 300.00 100.00 None 300.00 300.00 300.00 300.00 200.00 200.00 200.00 300.00 200.00 300.00 100.00 200.00 300.00 300.00 300.00 300.00 300.00 300.00 200.00 None 300.00 200.00 200.00 200.00 200.00 300.00 100.00 300.00 200.00 Tow~bJi;is . · ToJal .MiJJ?.. Levied . · Alil.QJ.mt 4#ffl motio.n made by AflOf Leitem, GOCO.ilded by R1@a.td t11H.on and unanm!moJtr, a&Hied tho f~llowtng re,Jr8ion wo, adoptedt 200 · 00 Sverdrup Tordenskjold Trondhjem Tumuli Western Woodside 7.71 6.47 6.94 .95 10.00 Adopted this· 9th day of· April, 1974. Attest: ·~ Auditor 300.00 200.00 300.00 None 300.00 $13,700.00 i ; I / sr I, The Board having previously advertised for bids to be received for grading and aggregate base on County Poject 74:120 proceeded to open bids which were found to be as follows: Ackling Construction Co. Barry Construction Co. Conroy Construction Co Ed Zimmerman Evavold and Vikesland Construction Harvey W. Nelson, Inc. Hillstrom Construction Michaelson Bros. Inc. Mand M Construction Co. Rt. #3 Frazee, Minn. . Lake Wilson, Minn. Dumont, Minn. Barrett, Minn. Fergus Falls, Minn. Lake Park, Minn. Vergas, Minn. Madison, Minn. ·Nashua, Minn. $25,998.70 $29,871.70. $23,995.86 $25,679.28 $23,100.45 $28,203.17 $27,693.95 $25,608.87 $28,819.10 After Consideration, motion was made by Andy Leitch, seconded by ,, Richard Dillon and unanimously carried to a~cept the bid of Evavold and Vik- esland Construction, Fergus Falls, Minn., in the amo,unt of $23,100.45 this being the lowest bid on this revenue sharing project. The Board having previously advertised for bid to be received for grading and aggregate base on County Project 74:132 proceeded to open bids which were found to be as follows: Ackling Construction Co. Bain Bros. and Don Dahlman Barry Construction Co. Conroy Construction Ed Zimmerman Evavold and Vikesland Construction Harvey W. Nelson, Inc. Hillstrom Construction Michaelson Bros. Inc. Mand M Construction Co. Rt. 3, Frazee, Mn. Clarissa, Minn. Lake Wilson, Minn. Dumont, Minn. Barrett, Minn. Fergus Falls, Mn. Lake Park, Minn. Vergas, Minn. Madison, Minn. -Nashua, Minn. $38,442.85 $39,435.28 $41,834.00 I $33,869.25 $35,482.10 $41,244.50 $36,841.75 $35,804.00 $38,533.27 $42,620.75 After ro nsideration, motion was made by Hub'.;Nor·gren, seconded by .:l\.n~y 'Leiich, :ana'unafli'rrious'ly ·:carried>to accept the bid of Conroy Construction, Dumont, Minn. in the amount of $33,869.25. this being the lowest bid on this revenue sharing project. The Board having previously advertised for bids to .be received for grading and aggregate base 6n County Project 74:136 proceeded to open bids which were found to be as follows: Ackling Construction Co. Bain Bros. and Don Dahlman Barry Construction Co: Conroy Construction Ed Zimmerman· Rt. 3, Frazee, Minn. Clarissa, Minn. 56440 $85,934.50 $86~098. 10 Lake Wilson, Minn. 56151 $95,446.70 $77,326.10. Evavold and Vikesland Construction Barrett, Minn. Fergus Falls, Minn. Lake Park, Minn. $85,454.18 -$103,985.25 $85,888.19 $91,245.00 Harvey W. Nelson, Inc. Michaelson Bros. Inc. . Madison, Minn. After cqnsideration, motion was made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by John Snowberg and unanimously_ carried to accept the bid of Conroy Construction of Dumont, Minn. in the.amount of $77,326.10 this being the lowest bid 0 on this rev- enue sharing project. Upon motion mad_e by Hub Nordgren, seconded by Richard Dillon and unanimously carried the County Auditorwas authorized to· advertise _for bids to be received for the following. Bid opening to be 10:00 A. M. May 7th, 1974. C. P. Tied Projects BITUMINOUS SEAL COAT 74:S.S. Approximately 180.6 miles of County State Aid Highways, County ·Highways, Township Roads and City Streets, com- prising 385,580 gallons;o~ B;tumihous.Material for Seal Coat and 14,070 cubic yards of Seal Coat Aggregate. AGGREGATE BASE, PLANT MIX.ED BITUMINOUS SURFACE & AGGREGATE SHOULDERING (1) S.A.P. 56-628-07, C.P. 74:28B, length 2.389 miles, located from the junction of CSAH #11, 2.5 miles North of Rothsay, to 2.389 miles East, comprising 23,250 tons of Aggregate Base, 480 cubic yards of Aggregate Shoul- dering, 13,700 gallons of Bitumin6us Material for Prime Coat, 200 tons of Bituminous Material for MiJ'lture and 3,075 tons of Wearing Course Mixture. Plans $1.50 (2) C.P. 74.24 BM C.P. 74:llSB Tied Projects PLANT MIXED BITUMINOUS OVERLAY Length 3.68 Miles, located from the junction CSAH . Old #52 in Rothsay to 3.68 miles East and North,. comprising 350 tons of Bituminous Maierial for Mixture, 1,880 tons of Leveling Course Mixture and 4,030 toris of Wearing Course Mfxture. AGGREGATE BASE, PLANT MIXED BITUMINOUS SURFACE & AGGREGATE SHOULDERING L~ngth 3~073 Miies, located from junction of T,H. #210, 2 miles Southeast of Underwood, to 3.073 miles South, comprising 28,750 tons of Aggregate Base, 600 cubic yards of .Aggregate Shoulderin~, 16,600 gallon·s of Bituminous Material for Prime Coat, 260 ·tons of Bituminous Material for Mixture and 4,000 tons of Wearing Course Mixture. Plans $1.50. (1) S.A.P. 56-639-03, C.P. 74:3;>B', Len~th 6.376 Miles, located from the junction of CSAH #12, 2 miles East of Dalton, North to the junction of CSAH #35~ 2 miles South of Under- wood, comprising fi3,500 tons of Aggregate Ba~e, 1,200 .. . '• - cubic yardi ~f Aggre~at~ Shotildering, 38,150 gallons of Bituminou~ Ma~erial for Primetoat, 536 tons Bituminous Material for.Mixture and 8,250 tons of Wearing Course M1xture. Plans $1,50 PLANT MIXED BITUMINOUS OVERLAY (2). C.P. 74:0lBM and C.P.. 74:72BM, Length 3.31 Miles, located from the junction of T,H. #78, 4 miles North of Battle Lake to junction CSAH #1 and to l mile North, comprising 336 tons of Bituminous Material for Mixture, 1,910 "tons leveling Course Mixture, 3,840 tons of Wearing Course Mixture and 2~600 feet of Bituminous Curb. (3) C.P. 74:12BM I I Length 1.95 Miles, located from the junction of CSAH #82 at Dalton to the junction of CSAH #39, except the City of Dalton, comprising 217 tons of Bituminous Material for minxture, 1,545 tons of Leveling Course Mixture and 2,265 tons of Wearing Course Mixture. TOWNSHIP PLANT MIXED BITUMINOUS SURFACE PROJECTS (4) Amor Twp. (5) Amor Twp. (6) Everts Twp. ' Proj. 74.01B, Length 1.3 miles, located appro~imately between Sections 21 and 28. Proj. 74.02B, Length 0.7 mile, located approximately between Sections 22 and 23, Comprising 110 tons of Bituminous Material for Mixture 2,115 tons of·Weaiing Course ~ixture and 6,800 gallon~ of Bituminous Material .for Prime Coat. Proj~ 74.0lB, Length 0.8 mile, located in Section 26, comprising approximately 45 tons of Bituminous Material for mixture, 845 ton of Wearing Course Mi'ICture and 2,25.0 gallons of Bituminous Material for Prime Coat. PLANT MIXED BITUMINOUS OVERLAY Length 4.30 miles, located from the railroad tracks in Parkers Prairie to 4.3 miles Northeast, comprising 475 tons of Bituminous Material for mixture, 3,385 tons of Leveling Course Mixture and 4,970 tons of Wearing Course Mixture. Bid opening to be 10:30 A.M. May 7th 1974. C.P. 74:113 GRADING AND AGGREGATE SURFACING Length 3.081 Miles, located from the junction of T.H. #108, 3.0 miles West of Pelican Rapids, to the Junction of CSAH #2.3, comprising approxim~tely 133,445 Cubic Yards of Common Excavation and 4,480 tons of Aggregate Surfacing, Class 1, in place. Upon motion made by Richard Dillon, seconded by Hub Nordgren and carried, the meeting adjourned until 9:30 A.M. April 10th, 1974 • WEDNESDAY SESSION Ptlrsuant to adjournment, the board of County Commissioners of otter Tail County Minnesota, met at 9:30 A.M. Wednesday April 10th~ 1~74, all members present. Representation from the East and West Fair Board Association appe,9r- ed before the board to request appropriation for the 1974 year. Motion was made by John Snowberg, seconded by Andy Leitch·and unan- imously carried to appropriate $7,500.00 for each fair for the 1974 Year.1 1-r Upon motion made by Andy Leitch, seconded by Hub N0 rdgren and unan--:r: ,· · ·:- . imously carri~d,the Otter Tail County Housing Authority was authorized to re- tain on a month by month basis a consultant firm, as they requested. With the fee of $],000.00 per month to be submitted by monthly vouchers and paid with Commissioners bills. The board having previously advertised for bids to be received for patrol car to be used by the Sheriff's Dept., proceeded to open bids which were found to be as follows: Fergus Dodge Inc. Suhr Ford Sales, Inc. Worner' s Auto Sales Fergus Falls, Minn. Fergus Falls, Mjnn. Fergus Falls, Minn. .$3,992.25 $4,280.00 $4,399.52 After consideration, motion was made by Andy Leitch, seconded by John Snoi·,berg and unanimously carried t_o accept the low bid of Fergus Dodge Inc., Fergus Falls, Minn. in the amount of $3,992.25. Upon motion made by Richard Dillon, seconded by Andy Leitch and unan-· imously carried the _County Auditor was instructed to infonn interested persons in Aurdal Toi·mship of the procedures neces_sary in. petitioning for County assist- ance on an impassable township road. • I RESOLUTION m UNTY CORONER Upon motion made by Hub Nordgren, ~~conded by John· Snowberg and unanimously. carried the following resolution was ··adopted. WHER~·~S, _The position of· County Coroner requires a _qualified person . and .. WHEREAS, qualified pers,on .. are not willing to file for said posi- tion for election NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, If. _qi.ialiffed p·efsoiis do not file ',: 1.,.-J,..! for the·position of County Coroner. The County Auditor is authorized to remove saidposition·from the ballot. BE IT FURTIIER RESOLVED, that if necessary the postion of C0unty. . . Cor~mer will be filled by appointment as provided in M.S. 390.005. Adopted this 10th. day of April .1974. .ATTEST~ Clerk· Chairman • . I . I I I I • Upon motion made by Richard Dillon, seconded ·by John Snowberg and . I unanimously ~~rried the following bills were approved: I I I Boardilg of Prisoners Sheriff Office Expense Carltoh E Mortensen Sidney! Nelson Consumers Co-op Oil I Dent Oil Co Holiday Jim's Interstate Standard I . Minnespta Motor Co North Union Texaco Pelicah Union 76 Robo Car Wash ·1· Service Oil Co Vergas; Oil Co Worner! Auto Sales · North Star Fergus I Dodge Inc. O.T.C. Dept. of Roads Olson's Furniture ' Gamble~ I G.S. Products Inc. Co-op Service Inc. The Photo Center Mobilei Radio & .TV Service Unifor~s Unlimited Inc. VictorlLundeen & Co Battle\Lake Review West Central Airways SHERIFF Lakelahd Mental Health Center · Fe_rgus I Falls Medical Group· City P~armacy Sheriff Manley Erickson Max C Kroneman -I -Mrs Gary Anderson Esther I Mortensen Susan Van Santen I Debra Meyer Ambros~ Kaminski MuriellMoore Loren L.Olstad Michaei Soland Phi 11 i~ Soland Michael Thompson Dale HJrk -I Clay County I Borg Warner Alcohol Countermeasure -I I I I A. Hubert Nordgren Richard Dillon Andy LJitch I I ' I Eugene :Davenport Erwin Siems I John Skramstad I I COiMISSIONER'S ASSESSOR 1,022.00 178.75 75.28 17.76 54.91 39.10 75.03 · 203.55 31.75 47.17 7.60 335.71 247.79 22.30 80.74 5.06 691.26 30.09 18.94 19.83 25.50 11.84 78.27 36.90 9.00 302.40 83.95 551.20 30.00 10.00 3.50 7.90 63.36 20.00 157.50 89.53 11.98 7.00 7.00 50.00 3.70 28.70 50.00 5.80 165.00 1,250.00 41.9~ 39.20 32.48 127.37 21.09 64.60 PROBATION & PAROLE ·spencer Lundquist ArthurlBoehne Terry Jacobson . Victor !Lundeen & co· Cooper' 1 s Office Supply City of Perham . \ I, , • Vf:TERANS SERVICE·: .. Marvin Klicker Roger Bengtson Fergus I Dodge Inc. Nelson Bros Prtg. Midwest P:ttg. Daily ~ournal Cooper's Office Supply Elliot Boe Finn's Cameras Cooper 1s Office Supply White E>rug · West ~blishing Co . Falls E>rug COUNTY COURT Arllis G. Schmitz Victor Lundeen & ,Co Mi 11 er Davis Co Nelson Bros Prtg. Oswald Publishing Co Midwest Printing Hennepin Co Alcohol Safety Program FerguslFalls Safety Seminar . Central Minn. DWI Clinic : I. . Mi 1 waukee Co Sheri ff Dept City of Perham · Minn. ~o Judges Assn LAND & RESOURCE MGR. Malcolm· Lee James Johnson I . . The Photo Center VictorlLundeen & Co Cooper's Office Supply Mehdi 0randi M.D, Marj eari Hanson Mehdi 0randi M. D. Ralph Estrem M.D. L.G~ RJichelt M;D. I ' Virgil1Watson M.D. Lewis Struthers M.D. . CORONER I WEED & SEED INSP. Kenneth Clambey 182.22 141.55 443.73- _49.85 67.35 75.00 35.22 52~24 12.40 10.09 22.50 27.60 152.48 55.60 ~3.00 392.11 5.23 79.00 2.08 11.50 58.00 503.80 205.00 155.95 45.50 3o.·oo 350.00 25.00 · 3.10 65.00 65.00 100.33 53.40 23.95 4.87 21.80 250.00 52.44 75.75' 25.25 35.00 25.00 25.25 79.01 Homer Sem Arnold Evavold Glenn Haugrud Harold Skistad Ted Hegseth Jeff Tikkanen Ag. Hall of Fame Duane Donley I.B.M. Corp. Alfred Borgos Mrs Gerald Ziese Willis, Roehl Holiday Inn. I Gust Lagerquist&. Sons Mollert'.id Electric Wm Galena & Son FergusiGlass & Paint Fergus:Plbg. & Htg. Ebersviller Imp. Co Gambles E.F. Nowotny Crow Chemical·& Equip. Garratt Callahan CO Central Chemical Co Fergus Jobbing I Xerox Corp. Nelsqn:Bros Prtg. .Burroughs WOT SOIL &.WATER EOT SOIL & WATER CO EXT CCMM. MISC EXPENSES Cooperis Office Supply Victor,Lundeen & Co Davenport's Stationery Poucher Printing & Litho Simple* Time .Recorder Co Mfller Davis Co Security Blank Book & Printing Sec. S~rvice Mc Dowall Co. The Pierce Co Mathis6n Hesby Agency . George Nelson Jensen,Realty Co John S~ramstad Donald Nelson Julian Bye Clarence Anderson Treas. :state of Minn. Bureau.of Bus. Practice Anderson Bros Swedbe~g Nursery Fountain Products Minn. ~tate B~r Assoc.· Marshall & Swift Pub. Co Pronto 1Land Measure Fire Safety Equip. R •. s. Means Co Irie. St Ansgar Hospital Robert' os·lund· 30.08 86.00 45.36 46.32' 60.16 292.50 15.00 30.00 22.45 2.40 12.24 1.56 35.00 96.20 45.37 77.75 32.40 . 3.49 216.57 14.53 41.58 219.57 · 68.90 48.06 23.85 379.26 246.80 91.10 887.64 865.86 .12.50 167.00 63.00 601.15 695.35 72.25 95.05 28.00 7,010.28 60.98 166.33 15.37 65.20 685.00 22.00 150.00 16.59 531.58 55.00 191.20 20.00 45.00 23.10 82.30 10.50 10.50 20.80 1 Albin Morril 1 · Daily Journal Henning Advocate Battle Lake Review The Parkers Prairie Ind. ·City of Perham Standard Oi 1 Lorna McCabe Gloria Opatz Dorothy Johnson I Phyllis Knutson Marjorie Lund Cheri Schultz Berniece Spangler Mary Westman Mrs Wm Hemmelgarn Mrs Harlan Knutsoh Mrs Charles Perkins Jens R. Ree Veery Ryder . Delura Anderson Victor Lundeen & Co Nelson Bros Prtg. Daily Jo.urnal New York Mills Herald Pelican Rapids Press City of· Perham .. Battle ., <l.ake: ::Review NURSE Co. Building S & S Decorating Arrowhead Bearing Inc. Bearing Supply Co Fergus Dodge Inc. Genuine Parts Co. ROAD & BRI JXiE Hayden Murphy Equipment Co I & M Implement Uselman's Inc. Ziegler Electric Motor Service Olson Auto Electric Service Super GMC Truck Sales Coast-to Coast Store Coast to Coast Store . COE Industries Edgetown Lumber Co Everts Lumber Co Gamble.c; General·. tr"ading co Hendrickx Implement Olson Hardware & Plumbing Prenii er Autoware Sigelman Steel & Salvage Stenerson Bros Lumber ·Welding Supplies & Fire Equip. Service Paper Calmenson Co · Firestone Store Goodyear Service Store Northwood Specialty Co Monroe International Inc. Murphy Oil Corp. 60.05 350.30 123.70 102.20 78.56 60.00 256.40 53.01 78.70 70.56 55.81 33.36 · 10.20 8.88 91.80 12.00 12.60 10.80 31.44 4.80 5.49 26.82 10~20 4.03 1.65 1.20 35.00 C • 2~04 368.00 67.24 1.85. 31.43 24.89 140.70 15.00 25.00 2,146.54 31.46 37.42 403.02 22.98 14.56 59.09 12.54 25.73 8.83 228.92 · 1.72 1.97 80.15 64.29 6.75 45.58 322.56 252. 18 372,04 976.00 54.00 1,891.57 Murphy 811 Corp. Wilkin o Highway Dept City of Henning Battle Lake Review Albinson Victor Lundeen & Co ·Midwest Printing Co Minnesota Blueprint The Pierce Co Poucher Prtg. & Litho Co H. A. Rogers Co Dennis Berend Dennis Berend EOT Telephone Co Hohman Telephone Co Midwest Telephone Co Northwestern Bell Telephone Co Northwestern Bell Telephone Co ·Park Region Mutual Telephone Co N.W. Bell Telephone Co Lake Region Co-op El. Assn. Roland Schallock Eugene Joerger M.C. Restad Marlon Restad John Jenson Ed Boe Herbert Haugrud Raymond Haugrud Stanley Sha Emil Guse Ella Barden Emil Stueve John Saari Jacob Jacobson Herman Meyer Alfred Meyer Nordrehauge Lutheran Church Minnie Johnson Roy D Olson Consumer's Co-op Oil Co Consumers Co-op Oil Co Dave's Standard Service Dent Oil Co Farmers Co-op Assn Fossen Oi 1 Co Gene's Standard Service Vergas Oil Co Co-op Services Inc. Meyer's Service Park Region Co-op Qil Bengtson Oil Co Soliah & Braatz Standard Oil Co Standard Oil Co Mathison Hesby Agency Edward Ranard 1,8-91~57 64.02 44i.30 30.15 33.85 4.95 245.80 216.50 12.50 18.88 243.35 47.82 17.55 70.33 i0.14 8.82 15.48 29.28 32.76 52.71 3,994.11 352.90 712.47 230.00 1,894.75 127~25 173.00 64.00 69.00 32.62 1,014.57 99 •. 82 165.49 85.80 55.85 800.20 123.09 2.47 263.60 1,091.52 372.34 275.83 363.05 185.38 337.80 39.97 202.49 347~60 208.45 180.60 146.94 273.43 33.90 486.28: 307.98 5,181.51 12$l'.)O.OO The board having previously advertised for bids to be received for Road Signs to be used by the County Highway Dept. proceeded to open bids r .. which were found to be as follows: Lyle Signs Inc. Mand R Sign Co. Inc. Newman Signs Minneapolis, Minn. Fergus Falls, Minn. Jamestown, N. Dakota· $21,268.60 $19,196.50 $20,191.00 After consideration, motion was made by John Snowberg, seconded by Richard Dillon and unanimously carried, to accept the bid of M-R Sign Co. Inc. in the amount of $19,196.50 it being the lowest bid. Upon motion made by George Walter, seconded by Richard Dillon and unanimously carried the Otter Tail County Highway Engineer was reappointed for a four year term beginning May 1, 1974 for a salary of $21;,JO.OO. Upon motion made by Richard Dillon, seconded by Hub Nordgren and un- animously carried the plat of"Tonseth Heights"being apart of Government Lot 9 Sec. 4-134-42 was approved. Upon motion made by Richard Dillon, ·seconded by Andy Leitch and unan- imously carried the plat of11Sunset Beach"Second Addition, being a part of Gov. Lot 4 and 5 Sec. 28-137-42 was approved. Upon motion made by John Snowberg, .seconded by Richard Dillon and unan- im6usly carried the following Sewage Disposal Installers License were approved. Bob Esser Stanley Kristianson Melvin McGowan Gerald Ripley Bob Esser Plumbing and Heating Hoffmann's Backhoe Service Kristianson Construction Co. McGowan Plumbing and Heating Ripley Construction \. Perham, Mn. Vergas, Mn. Fergus Falls, Mn Ottertail, Mn. Erhard, Minn. (Continued) · Robert J. Schafer Juel Stadum _ Clarence Toftely Toftely Plumbing ·and-Heating Ottertai~, Minn. Erhard, Min'n. Pelican Rapids, Minn. Upon motion made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by John Snowberg and unan- imously carried athe following Sewage Disposal System Cleaners Licenses were - approved: Eltger Nurmi Juel Stadum Morris Anderson Robert Sherbro.oke Nurmi Plumbing and Heating New York Mills, Mn. . Rt •. 2, Box 215 Erhard, Minn. Rt. 5, Detroit Lakes, Minn. Pelican Rapids, Minn • Upon motion made by Richard Dillon, seconded by John Snowberg and unan- imously carried the following Special Use Permits.were approved: Clifford Bosak Tract So. of Gov. Lot~ -· · Sec. 31-137-42 Construct cabin 36' x 32' and excavate ah area 16' x 50' and build a retaining wall. Approved subject to 7' retaining wall in back of lot and fill area 16' in front of cabin with permission to build 4 foot retaining wall on lakesi_de of cabin, and sod to·prevent erosion, by Sept. 1, 1974. Herbert Johnson Philip K. Olson Pt. of Gov. Lot 6 Sec. 28-137-42 _add. 21 • :recreational sites .~a.existing res~rt of 4 cabins, a dwelling and 10 recreational sites~ Lo{ 6 of Bush Hill Country Bay 0Move about 200 cubic yards of dirt from Lot 7 to Lot 6. Must'be complete by Sept. 1, 1974 Fill from Lot 7 and spread over lot 6 to a depth of about. 6". Mark Petersen Pelican River #56 Sec. 24-133-44 I ;7 Would like to construct a driveway about 100 ft. lO~g~from Highway #116 to proposed bldg site. Also want to level ex- isting gravel pit. Approved, area must be seeded, s·odded and stabilized. Completion date is Sept. 1, 1974. Dennis Berend Dane Prairie Twp. Donald Reedstrom Dead River· Area Fisheries Mgr. DNR Reconstruct CSAH #29 from the jct. of CSAH #82 in Sec. 5 of Tumuli Twp. thence norther- ly thru Sec. 32-TL32-R42, thence northerly and Northwesterly thru Sec. 29-20-19-T. 132-R. 42 to connect with preseni re- constructed road. Would like to construct walley hatchery along Dead River. Construction would include 35' x 5.0' bldg. to. house hatchery, driveway to service bdg. site and may include trench for pipe to draw water from, and return water to the Dead River. A fish trap will be located in the river. Motion was made by Hub Nordgren, seconded-by Richard Dillon and unan- imously carried:· to table for one month the Special Use Permit for the.City of Elizabeth, sewer.prbject with expectation that a different solution for dispo~nl could be proposal could be proposed. / f Upon motion made by Andy Leitch, seconded by H~b Nordgren and unan- imously carried the Special Use Permit of L. D. Hosterman was denied. L. D. Hosterman . 13.25 ac. of G.L. 1 Sec. 9 -136 -42 Required road setback and lake setback cannot · be achieved at location indicated on Spetial Use application. Upon motion made by Richard Dillon, seconded by Andy Leitch and unan- imously carried the preliminary plat for Cliff ·Moen called "River N Woods Estates"· ,was approved. Upon motion made by· Richard Dijlon, secon~ed by Jotm Snowberg .and carried the Preliminary plat for George Walter called "Walter Estates" was approved. Geo. Walter·abstaining. · Motion was made by George Walter, seconded by Hub-Nordgren and unanimously . . . . . . . carried to approve the follm·Iing applications for license to sell non-intoxicating :'. malt liquor. Kenneth Hunter Hunter's Resort otto Twp. Jack_ and Edna Thompson Heavenly Days Resort Leaf Lake Iwp. Molly Mitchell Cozy Cove Resort Dead Lake Twp. Jon A. Anderson Jon's Hamburger Hollow Pine Lake Twp. Mrs~ Ernest Strehlow Spruce Lodge Star Lake Twp. Howard Peterson Tvlin Harbor Trailer Park Ottertail Twp. John Ferris Limmer's Resort 'Ru'sh'··:ta'.ke Twp.. Larry Paurdon Lakeway Golf Course· Tordenskjold Twp •. Clarence Koehler. Koehl~r's Resort Pine Lake Twp. Duane Donley Sun Rise Resort Dead Lake Tt·rp. Bruce Blaeser ottertail Beach Resort ottertail Twp. · Herb Christenson Sr. Balmoral 131 Club Ottertail Twp. Bennett C. or Mary:Lou Berd Big Pine Resort Pine Lake Twp. Joe Biltz Pine Lake SunsetBeach Pine Lake Twp. Floyd Collins Collins Landing Star Lake Twp. I Leonard Saewert S. R. DeJong Blaine L. Brincefield Donald A. Bistodeau Russell Pedersen R1chard Petkewick Lo'rraine Hallstrom· Jacob G. Perala Adrian Westergard Leonard's Resort Lake View Acres Jungle Shores Reso.rt Woodland Park Resort Bay.View Resort East Silent Lake Resort, Birchwood Golf Course Leaf Lakes Ballroom Last Resort Corliss Twp., Perham Twp. Corliss Twp. Girard Twp. Star Lake Twp. Dore! Twp. Pelican Twp~ Leaf Lake Twp. Elizabeth Twp. Upon motion made by Andy Leitch, seconded by Richard Dillon and unanimously carried the following "Liquor License" applications were approved. Harold A. Carlson Becker's Supper Club Inc. Frontier Enterprises Inc. Buse Twp. Fergus Falls,Twp·. Upon motion made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by Richard Dillon and unan- imously carried the following dance license applications were approved. Jacob G. Perala Adrian Westergard Leaf Lakes Ballroom Last Resort Leaf Lake Twp. Elizabeth Twp. Upon motion made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by George Walter and unan- imously carried the "application for permit to only altov1 consumption and dis- play of"intoxicating liquor" was approved for Jacob G. Perala o.f Leaf Lake Ball- room, Leaf Lake Township. The. Board, having previously advertised for bids to ·be received for a "Heavy Equipment Trailer", to be used by the Highway Department. Proceeded to open bids which were found to be as fol.lows. Borchert-Ingersall Inc. St. Paul, Minn. Ruffridge-Johnson Equip. Co. Minneapolis, Minn. $6,048.00 $4,707.00 General Diesel and Equipment Co. Ziegler Inc. Fargo, N. Dak. Mirineapolis, Minn. $4,985.00 $6,038.00 After consideration, a motion v,as made by Richard Dillon, seconded by Andy Leitch and unanimously carried, to accept the low bid of Ruffridge- Johnson Equipment Co. for one "Miller", Model 07-32,000 Heavy Equipment Trailer in the amount of $4,707.00. Upon motion made by Andy Leitch, seconded by Richard Dillon and unanimously carried a sub-division of a parcel of land in Government Lot 2 Sec. 12-132-40 was approved. Said parcel being a tract 140' x 300' in size. Upon motion made by Richard Dillon, seconded by Hub Nordgren and carried the meeting was adjourned to 1:30 P. M. April 23, 1974. chainnan ATTE~ Clerk