HomeMy WebLinkAboutBoard of Commissioners - Minutes - 03/11/1974MINUTES OF THE ADJOURNED MEETING OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COAMISSIONERS · OTTER TAIL COUNTY MINNESOTA Pursuant to adjournment, the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County Minnesota met at 9:30 A.M~, March 11th 1974, all members present. Motion was made.by John Snowberg, seconded by Andy Leitch·and un- animously carried to award painting of the traffic areas (hallways) in the court house, inc_luding cei 1 ings and. do~e to_. the Avant Painting_ and Decorating Co • . . Representatiorifrom Min-Dak areawide comprehensive Health Planning Council appeared bef6r~ the Board to request funding for the ensui~g year. Act1on tabled for consideration at a later date • . :..--,_ The Board, ·having previously advertised for bids to be received for Bituminous materials to be used by the County Highway Dept~, proceeded to open bids which were found to be as follows: Koch Refining Company, St. Paul, Minn. Murphy _Oil Corp. Superior Wisc. 200;000 gal. M.C. all grades .3723 per gal. delivered 50,000 gal. S.C. all grades .3723 per gal. delivered 200~000 gal. M.C • • 30 per gal F.O.B. Superior,Wisc. 50;000 gal. S.C • • 2950 per gal F.O.B •. Superior, Wisc. Plus .04169 freight charges Plus .02 per gal. anti strip additive. After consideration and because "deti'v'eries will be· invoiced at price in effect at time of delivery, for both firms bidding it was decided upon·motion made . ( by J_ohn Snowberg seconded by Richard Dillon and unanimously carried to• accept both bids as ' ~ \ I Upon motion made by John Snowbe~ seconded by Richard Dillon and unanimously carried, the following resolution was adopted. RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of otter Tail County Minnesota that ' WHERE)\S, the 1973 Federal Aid Highway Act provides ifor a Federal Air Urban (F.A.U.) highway system, 'and WHEREAS, The .City of Fergus Fal_is will rec::eive aid on a Federal Aid Urban;,system ~o be located with in the urban boundaries-of Fergus Falls, v1ith such urban boundaties· to include the incorporated area and other urban ind /or potential urban areas outside of the corporate limits and WHEREAS, said urban boundaries have been revised, by the C.ty . . l Engineer in cooperation with the otter Tail County Highway Engineer and Di,strict State-Aid En,gineer, NOW TI-IEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, TI-IAT Otter Tail County does concur in the urban boundary, as designated in the City of Fergus Falls resolu- ~ion dated March 4, ·1914. Adopted· March 11, 1974 · Attest: ./1· 1\ /'~r~,<i)~ Chairman. of the County Board · I 3 The following resolution was introduced by Richard Dillon who moved for its adoption: RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County Minnesota, that 770) would WHEREAS a bill, known as "The Land Disturbing Act" (Senate file 1. Regulate activities·on every acre of land in.Minnesota, except home land scape and Federal lands. 2. Makes every land owner subject to a new Soil Conservation -Commission under DNR; also.to a District Soil Conservation Group; also to th~ County Board Ordinances and to the Soil Conservation Manager. 3. Force standards and rules upon the 87 county boards which makes the counties establish an ordinance or else. The county becomes a puppet and must police its own residents and landowners and take the blame and hatred engendered. 4. Give veto power to the District Soil Conservation Manager over the County Zoning Commission. 5. Prempt the City Council's and their Planning Commissions. 7. Caus~~S-&ilding to be controlled by the Soil Conservation District even though a Federal Impact Statement, has already been approved. All public and private road building could be stopped or delayed for any length of time. Rules could increase costs. This could apply to both new construction and betterment. It could affect grading, widening, shouldering, replacing culverts or bridges," new alignment, cutting down hills, sloping· etc. It could also delay private logging roads, fire_ trails, resort roads~ summer'cotta.ge access, or even farm roads! 8. Affect sewer projects. Cause _other situations to develop which could be contrary to the counties·best interests. NOW,THEREFORE, the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County wish to go on record as opposing senate file 770. Dated at Fergus Falls, Minnesota this 11~ day of March, 1974. · . 2zw . cP . 0✓C . ,.,..'chairman - Attest: Clerk The motion was seconded by Andy Leitch and carried unanimously. ---·- The Eag1e Lake Town Board represented by Oscar Sorlie their Att9rney appeared to explain a permit granted to lower the water level of Eagle Lake. The concern of the Town Board would be flooding of land down stream. The Town Board and their Attorney were informed that the County Board .has not made a practice of becoming involved in making a determination of establish- ing a water level for any lake in the county. Upon motion made by Richard Dillon seconded by Hub Nordgren and unan- imously carried and subject to completing the ''Acknowledgement. of Principal", lf the bond of Houston FQgr. Inc., Fargo, N. Dak. in the amount.of $5,000.00 was acknowledged as being received. This firm being designated to•make a preliminary survey in accordance with (M.S. 116 A.06 S.D. 1) .on the proposed West Lake Lizzie sewer district. Upon motion made by Hub Nordgren, ,seconded by Richard Dillon and unanimously carried, the County Auditor was authorized to advertise for bids to be received until 10:30 o'clock A.M. Wednesday, the 10th day. of April, 1974 for onepatrol car for the Sheriffs Dept. Motion was made by Andy Leitch seconded by Richard Dillon unanimously carried to accept the recommendations of County Officials concerning a defense driving course· being offered by the Sheriffs Dept. The recommendations were as follows. All County employees who operate a county owned·,vehicle must take the course and all other county employees be strongly encouraged to take the course. It was further recommended that the course would be offered in two four hour sessions during normal business hours at designated locations, with up to a 2.00 fee (for a work book) charged to employees not operating county owned vehi.cles. Mpti'on .cw.as,.,made by·'.Hub>Nordgren::seconded by Richard Dillon and unanimous 1 y carried authorizing Conciliation Court a $50.00 change fund as per M.S. 375.45 The Board, having previously advertised for bids·to be received for a new diesel motor grader with trade in proceeded to open bids which v,ere found to be as follows: Borchert -Ingersoll Inc. Hall Equipm~nt Inc. Ziegler Inc. George T. Ryan Co. $38,289.00 $39, 6.04. 00 $41,809.00 $49,333.00 After consideration, motion;"was.made by John Snowberg, seconded by Andy Leitch and unanimously carried, to accept tbe low bid of Borchert-Ingersoll Inc. for one Champion o.:.600 motor grader in the amount of $38,289.00 with trade in. I I Upon motion made by Andy Leitch, seconded by Hub Nordgren and unanimously carried, the County Auditor was authorized to advertise for bids to be received for the following: bid opening to be 11 :00 A.M. Tues. April 9th, 1974. Grading and Aggregate Surfacing C.P. 74:120 -Length J.083. miles, loc9ted 2.0 miles southeasterly of Fergus Falls, from 0.6 mile easterly of the junction of CSAH #29 to the junction of CSAH #33, comprising ap-. proximately 44,760_cubic yards of Common Excavation and 1,900 tons of Aggregate Surfacing, Class 1 in Place. C.P. 74:132 -Length 2.006 mileslocated from the junction of T. H. #108, 4.5 miles northwesterly of Henning, West to the junction of csah #6i, ·comprising 61,845 cubic yards of Common Excavation and 3,000 tons of Aggregate Surfacing, Class 1 in Place. C.P. 74:136 -Length·A.979 miles, located from the junction of T. H. #29, 4.0 miles North of Parkers Prairie West and· North to the junction of CSAH #40, 0.5 miles West of Almora, comprising 160,865 cubic yards of Common Exavation and 6,550 tons of Aggregate Surfacing, Class 1 in Place. Aggregate Base; Plant Mixed Bituminous Surfacing and Aggregate Shoulders S-~A.P. 56-623-07, CR 74:23B, Length 5.129 miles, located from the junction of CSAH #9, 3.0 miles North of Pelican Rapids, West and .North to the junction of T.H.·#34, comprising approximately 52,800 tons of Aggregate Base, 1,025 cubic yards of Aggregate Shouldering, 29,100 n gallons of Bituminous Material for Prime·Coat, 429 tons of bit- uminous Material,for Mixture, and 6,600 tons of Wearing Course Mixture. Plans $1.50. Alternate Bid Aggregate Base, Road Mix Bituminous Surfacing and Aggregate Shoulders. Upon motion made by John Snowberg, seconded by Richard Dillon and unanimously carried the County Auditor was authorized to advertise for bids to be received for the following: bid opening to be 11 :00 A.M. Wednesdai April 10th, 1974. Road Signs Compris.ing: Approximat~ly 1,350 road signs., Hea"'f Equipment Trailer 16 ton Minimum) One(l) tandem axle t~·1t -bed, .tow type trailer. with pintle hook hitch for truck F.O.B., Fergus Falls, Minn. A petition from interested persons in the Rothsay 'area requesting the surfacing of the joint Otter Tail -Wilkin County road, beginning at the intersection of old trun~ highway #52 in the village of Rothsay thence. south on County line for 6 miles was presented to the County Board. Upon motion made by Richard Dillon seconded by Hub Nordgren and unanimously carried,the Board instructed the otter Tail County Highway Engineer to explain by letter to Attorney Howard Paulson that . this project by previous agreement, will be surfaced when Wilkin County . .,."/ is in a position to share in the cost. There being no further business the Chairman declared the meet- ing adjourned until 9:30 A • .M., Wednesday March 13th, 1974. ATTEST~ Clerk I Wednesday Session Pursuant to adjournment, the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County Minnesota met at 9:00 PM Wednesday March 13th 1971, all me~bers present. Motion was made by Hub Nordgrer-i-2nd by Richard Dillon and un• animously carried, to approve the following applications for license to sell non-intoxicating malt liquior. Albert Yanish v Merlyn Dittberner/ Rufus Hul 1 v' Walter Klein Sr. ,/ Howard Koeppen •' John D. McDunn· / Pearl Morse v' i Leonard Pusc ✓ David A. Trana v Robert LeRoy Nephew v Jack Hofland,,· Elmer G. Andresen / Gerald Schultz / Kenneth McNabb ✓ Sylvia R. Koski v· Cross:,, Point Resort Woodside Store Hull's Landing Klein's_Resort Minneha Resort Mac's Service Park Way Inn Triangle Dance Club Dave and Louise's Resort Arrowhead Point Resort Country Side Grocery Mosquito Heights Resort Ten Mile Lake Resort Crystal -Lida Store and ,;. Maplewood Woodside Girard Rush Lake Girard Dunn Leaf Mountain Rush Lake Leaf Lake Leaf Lake. Corliss Pine Lake Tumuli Resort Lida Koski's Leaf Lake I Motion was made by George Walter seconded by Richard Dillon and unanimously carried to approve the following dance license application. Leonard Pus·c Gerald Schultz· Triangle Dance Club Ten Mile Lake Resort Rush Lake _Tumuli Motion was made by Hub Nordgren·seconde~ by Richard Dillon and unanimously ~arried to approve the liquior license application of Frank L. Johnson for the Oakwood Golf Course of Henning Township.· Motion was made by Geo Walter seconded by Richard Dillon and unanimously carried to approve the liquior license applicaton of Charles E. Hunter, President for Charbar, Inc. of Perham Township. Motion was made by Andy Leitch seconded by John Snowberg and unanimously ' i. •• 'carried -:to re3ect :the dance 11cense application made by Pearl Morse for the Park- Way Inn of Leaf Mountain Township. Upon motiori made by John Snowberg seconded.by Richard Dillon and carried and subject to receiving the additional fuf'\dS being considered by the state. Otter Tail County will agree-; to continue for the third entitlement period the Off-Con program of Otter Tail County. Andy Leitch voting No. Upon motion made·by Richard Dillon seconded by George Walter and carried (Hub Nordgren voting No), the following resolution .was adopted • . . RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Mn. THAT WHEREAS, the Board deems it necessary to erect an otter Tail County Highway Dept. Headquarter building to be located in the vicinity of Fergus Falls, Mn. NON TIIEREFORE, the Chairman of the Board is hereby authorized to sign _the agreement forms.between the owner' (otter T~il County) and the (architect) Glenn W. Cording Associates Inc. of Minneapolis, Mn., ·employing said firm to prepare-the ~ecessary plans and specifications for the proposed building, and retaining said firm should future bid·proposils be satisfactory. Adopted at Fergus Falls, Minnesota this 13th day of March 1974 ATTEST•~. Clerk Upon \not.fort made by Andy Leitch seconded by Hub Nordgren and unanimously • I • • • ,carried, the following applications for homestead classification· and or reduction of. _assessed valuation were approved. Mrs. Edwin Wangerin- Reuben C. Sjulstad c Lida -Township Pelican Township Homestead Classification Mobile Home over assessed. The follo~ing subject :to aJ?proval by,the State Tax Dept. Sherman Mandt Dale E. Ebel· Pine Lake Township • I ', Clitherall Township Triangular tract.over assessed.· Valued to high for bare lot. Upon motion made by Andy Leitch seconded by Richard Dillon and unanimously carried, the following resolution was approved. WHEREAS, the<County Board of Otter Tail County is of the opinion that a full time County Attorney would be advantages. WHEREAS, Senate File #3238 and House File #3321 permits a County Board.of any County to provide that the office of County Attorney shall be a full time position and to require that when elected to the office shall not en- gage in the private practice of law. 3 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the County Board of Otter Tail County hereby supports this legislation and urges its passage.· Adopted at Fergus Falls, Minnesota this 13th day of March, 1974. -"Chairman ATTEST: Clerk Upon motion made by Richard Dillon, seconded by Hub Nordgren and unan- imously carried the plat of "Haggstrom's Beach 4th Addn." being a part of G.L. 5 and 6 Sec. 12-134.-41 was approved: subject to town board approval. Upon motion made by Andy Leitch seconded by Ri_chard Dillon and unan- imously carried the following Sewage Disposal System Cleaners licenses were approved."Subject to shoreland equipment inspection. John D. Leick Rollis Miller Walter Koehler Jack's Pumping Service Vergas, Minn. Fergus Falls, Minn. Deer Creek, Minn. Upon motion made by Richard Dillon, seconded by John Snowberg and unanimously carried the following Sewage Disposal Installers licenses were approved. Nolan Hanson Dean Jorgenson Wilbur Torgrimson . -Hanson's Plumbing and Heating Wadena, Minn. Dean's Excavating Co.· Fergus Falls, Minn. Ashby, Minn. Motion was made by John Snowberg, seconded by Hub Nordgren and.un- animously carried to approve the following Special Use Permits. Melvin K. Pearson Art Christianson Martin Bucki Virgil Watson Dale Klaessy Roberts. Johnson Pearson's Fernwood Addition Dead Lake Township Maplehurst Lida Township National C'-ffllllunity Service Dora Township Roy Ann Resort Swerdrup Sundberg Point -Pickeral Maine Township Sundberg Point -Pickeral Maine Township Propose to build road to serve Pearson's Fernwood Addition. Remove stumps and landscape lot. Terrace lot for basement. Want to keep resoit and 3 duplexes as one unit. Fill swamp, smooth rough areas and add top soil and sod. Township road on Sec. line. three access driveways from above road. Motion was made by Richard Dillon, seconded by John Snowberg and unanimously carried to deny the following special use permits. Ronal Zimney Lynn J. Rhodes Lots 1-2 Coleman's 2nd Addn. Not enough room on each side of property. Graystone Lodge Does not comply with setback, parking and expansion standard.: Motion was made by Richard Dillon, seconded by Hub Nordgren and unanimously carried, authorizing the conveyance of parcel in G.L. 6 Sec. 6-133-41, sur~ vey plat of parcel in custody of the Shoreland Office. Upon motion.made by John Snowberg seconded by Richard Dillon and carried authorizing Attorney Van Drake attend on behalf of the Shoreland Office the"Environmental Law Seminar", in Chicago on March 24th through the 27th 1974. · Andy Leitch voting No. After consideration the County road side·m6wing bids for areas A through J were decided.- Upon motion made by Andy Leitch seconded by Richard Dillon and unan- imously carried the low bids for areas A-B-E-F-G were accepted and awarded to A~ Arnold Bennett Rt. 3 Frazee, Minn. B. Adam Winkels 34·51 3rd Ave. S. E .• Perham, Minn. :56573 E. Ellsworth Whipps_. Dalton, Minn. 56324 F. Archie Wahlin Clitherai'l, Minn. G. Orlin Johnson Henning, Minn. the bids of areas Hand I were rejected, and the County Auditor.was author- ized to re-advertise for bids to be received until 10:00 O'clock A. M. Tues- day the 9th day of Apri 1 197,4 for areas C-D..:H•·L Upon motion made by Rich~rd_Dil-lon, seconded. by Hub Nordgren and unan- imously carried the County Auditor was authorized to transfer from the ditch fund to the Rand B·Fund the amountof $1,219.32 for payment of the work completed through 1973 on the following County ditches. Ditch# 42 Ditch # 56 Total $988.97 $_230.35 $1~219.32 Upon motion made by John Snowberg, seconded by Hub Nordgren and unan~ imously carried, the following bills we·t'e allowed. SHERIFF Boarding of Prisoners Carlton E Mortensen Carlton E Mortensen Glen Melby Max Kroneman Thomas Grover Alan Frank Dr W.E. Armstrong Mobile Radio & T.V. Service Stenerson Bros. Lumber Auto Safety Service The Photo Center Orlyn Pederson Co. Cooper:'.s Office Supply Art Pape Transfer Victor Lundeen & Co Miller Davis Co. Bussa Clothing Co Louie's Auto Clinic Pebble Lake Mobil North Union Texaco Minnesota Motor Co Perham Co-op Oil Co Service Oil Co Miller's Gulf Service Kness Standard Holiday Dent "66" Big Chief Texaco Dent Oil Co Dick's Standard Service Ellenson's Body Shop Worner's Auto Sales Fergus Dodge Inc. Goodyear Service Stores Jack Kimple Clay County Ringdahl Ambulance . Lake Regidn Hospital Andrew & Meister Drug Fergus Falls Medical Group Jo Davies Co. Sheriff Esther D. Mortensen Peter Odland Emery Wiese LeRoy Merz Gilman Tobiason Richard Simmons Harry Scofield Bertha Scofield Harold Kramer George Martodam Jacob G. Perala Rueben Olsen Christian Haugen Lillian Bauck A. Hubert Nordgren John Snowberg COJ!MISSIONER"S VETERAN§ SERVICE Marvin Klicker Roger Bengtson Fergus Dodge Inc, Victor Lundeen & Co Cooper's Office Supply 997.50 50.05 170.51 27.38 17.28 10.00 17.02 72.75 28.75 7.97\ 82.05 137.15. 131.79 98.15 720.00 271.75 42.65 16.95 43.50 3.51 33.52 64.79 266.51 245.65 88.09 82.04 15.3] 46~·86 94.96 44.70 40.86 45.00 5.70 116. 74 178. 70 25.00 302.50 35.00. 20.20 3.25 35.00 150.00 81.00 4.90 31.40 9.30 13.60 7.12 7.00 7.00 7.06 4.00 7.00 7.00 6.40 16.00 52.56 18.00 35.33 35.99 63.35 9. 10 14.60 Eugen Davenport Erwin Siems John Skramstad. David OeJ.s1sger Arthur Boehne Spencer Lundquist Terry Jacobson City of Perham ASSESSOR PROBATION & PAROLE . Cooper's O,ffice Supply Malcolm Lee James Johnson Oscar· Sorlie · Dave's Standard S & F Oil Co Miller's Gulf Fossen-Oil Co SHOR ELAND Cooper's Office ·Supply St~nerson Lumber co Xerox Corp. Victor Lundeen & Co Oswald Publishing Co Nelson Bros Prtg. Midwest Prtg. COUNTY COURT Poucher Prtg. & Litho Co Miller Davis Co The Photo Center · The Sound Shop Mathison Hesby Agency Milwaukee Area Tech. College Hennepin Co Alcohol Safety Project 011 vetti Corp. City of Perham Mehdi Orandi M. D. Marjean Hanson Mehdi Orandi M. D. Mehdi Orandi M.D. Hen~y Korda M.D. Mehdi Orandi M.D •. The Photo Centet Kenneth Clambey Alva Krekula Donald Kenyon Rodney Flatau Marlin. Senske Jeff Tikkanen William Stone CORONER WEED & SEED EOT SOIL & WATER I 61.341 41. 08.1 55.30 23.06 241.21 108.38 140.32 75.00 16. 78 53.34 33.66 65.00 23.23 5.40 62.01 2.83 254.15 8.10 136.35 403. 10 156.25 386.70 21.00 51.56 74.90 5.94 9.60 10.00 35.00 60.00 457.45 65.00 250.00 50.16 120.00 25.25 25.55, 10.00 7.95 70.54 84.13. 48.00 47.68 34.32 62.32 37.28 3 Wilfred Estes Charles Malmstrom S. J. Eifert Kenneth Maki Paul R. Knutson Floyd Hoff CO. PLANNING HOUSING AUTHORITY PHELPS MILL John Snowberg O.T. Co. Highway Dept Wm Ga 1 ena &. Son Bernie ·Roberts Gust Lagerquist & Son Johnson Service Co Western Chemical.Co Genuine Parts Jery's Electric Repair Mollerud Electric Dacotah Paper Co Electrolux Corp. , Lindbergs Floor Care M~intenance Eng. LTD. JANITOR MISC. EXPENSES Xerox Corp. Victor Lundeen & Co Midwest Printing Oswald Publishing Co Miller Davis Burroughs Corp Nelson Bros Prtg. Burroughs Corp Davenport's Cooper' s Office Supp 1 y Universal Ans. Service Empire Bus. Machines Monroe Division Secretarial Service Mathison Hesby Agency Mathison Hesby Agency Lystad's Inc. Haywood Legal Pub. to Holiday Inn Wilton Christianson Glen Cording Robert Oslund City of Perham Leitch Construction Co Oscar Alstad Clav Co Nursing Service Johh Thomas M. D. Foss Drug Minnesota Co. Clerks Assoc. Minnesota Co. Auditor's Assoc. Minnesota Co. Treasurers Assbc. Myrtle Log as George Nelson K.W. Hanson 94.80 50.40 47.12 27.60 8.80 4.00 52.80 156.81 74.75 4.18 254.25 237.85 217.23. 10.00 77.00 43,42 24.99 22.97 56.00 154.94 498.07 887.39 20.00 26.20 3.15 214.19 98.15 74.50 6.34 2,792.53 56.70 35.00 61.00 23.50 151. 11 . 828.00 54.33 260.53 77.64 70.00 64.00 666.70 60.00 109.80 36.56 11.00 8.00 3.10 100.00 150.00 150.00 35.00 26.90 137.50 Myrtle Logas Helen Skramsted George Nelson K.W. Hanson Donald Omodt, Sheriff ✓ Northwestern Pub.. Co - Perham Enterprise Bulletin Pelican Rapids Press• Daily Journal Lorna McCabe -Dorothy Johnson Phyllis Knutson Cheri Schultz Gloria Opatz Mary Westman Berniece Spangler Marjorie Lund Alice Crosgrove Mrs Wm. Hemmelgarn Mrs Charles Perkins Jens R Ree Nelson Bros Prtg. Victor Lundeen & Co Verry Ryder City of-Perham Tounship of Homestead Township of Dunn Township of Rush Lake NURSE POOR BOAT &. WATER SAFETY . Battle Lake Review Ellenson' s Body Shop Carlton E Mortensen EOT Telephone Co Holman Telephone Co Midwest Telephone Co- N.W. Bell Telephone Co N.W. Bell Telphone Co ROAD & BRIDGE Park Region Mutual Telephone Co N.W. Bell Telephone Co M-R Sign Co Norbert J. Rian Mrs Lena Minge Morris Halsness John .A. Syverson Thomas Berkland Donald Herdman - Howard Herdman Lawrence Westad Calvin Payne 95.75 26.00 127.32 53.00 5.40 87 .12 57.55 72.40 853.31 146.93 52.56 55.36 18.05 101.94 81.96 .8.88 45.36 6.24 12.00 10.80 16.80 123.40 22.00 10.15 35.00 85.43 57.23 7.83 31.75 70.00 5.84 74.44 9.18 18.95 15.48 17.80 34_.51 36.63 5,844.00 238.27 895.82 1,928.83 l ,080.t35 495.00 247.20 773.52 182.04 802.62 f' Mrs Mathilda Schmidt Wilmer Johnson Adm. Ervin Iverson Warren H. Carlson Fred Andresen Bengt Cedar D-A Lubricant Co Inc. Dent 66 Farmers Co-op Assn. Highway Co. Service Hoot Lake 76 · Mischke Oil Station Motz Union Oil Co Ray's Oil Co Service Oil Co Underwood Theodorson's Mobil Service Vera's Service Station Baas Oil Co. Fraki Oil Co Fossen Oil Co Meyer's Service Station Mobil Oil Corp. Dent Mathison Hesby Agency Dick's Standard Service Fergus Dodge Inc. Hagen's Inc. Hall Equipment International Harves.ter Co George T Ryan .Co Sturdevant's Auto Parts Ziegler Inc. Don's Electric : Gerald N. Evenson Inc. Gorentz Bros. F.R. Steuart Htg. & Plbg. Super GMC Truck Sales Anderson Grocery Coast to Coast Erickson Helekson Vye Everts Lumber Co Fergus Glass & Paint General Trading Co Genuine Parts Co The Parts House Peavey Company Peavey·Company Peavey Company Pelican Hardware Marion Perina Phil's Welding & Fabrication ✓ Sigelman Hide & Fur Swanson Equip. Co Vergas Hardware Welding Supply & Fire Equip. Paper Calmenson & Co Goodyear Service Store M-R Sign Co Construction Bulletin Mathison.Hesby Agency· Northwestern Publishing Co Dennis Berend Dennis Berend Burroughs Corp. Davenport's Stationery 85.92 854.13 1,348.68 198.80 513.00 87.60 130.35 . 318.11 373.48 45.78 249.34 197 .18 631.09 539.88 287.48 185.75 173.47 140.45 152.81 425.10 237.30 61.40 612.00 15.52 8.69 9.18 327.43 124.71 16.96 21 .• 44 375.28 6.20 16.49 2.50 5.50 5.25 6.51 27.01 10.41 23.37 5.73 589.66 32.50 31.55 137.50 4.27 2.40 5.25 28.20 1.00. 139.25 202.70 128.54 46.03 2,234.08 141.61 44,00 21.00 51.17 23.04 45.35 49.20 14.95 20.50 Victor Lundeen & Co Minnesota Blueprint Poucher Printing & Litho. The Pierce Co 29.15 31.90 16.81 7.90 Upon motion made by Hub Nordgren; seconded by John Snowberg and unanimously carried, the meeting adj'ourned until 1;00 P.M.~ Tuesday, .March 26, 1974. ATTES~ // i -1 -! '. ,I '' I I l