HomeMy WebLinkAboutBoard of Commissioners - Minutes - 02/22/1974MINUTES OF nIE _ ADJOURNED MEETING
Pursuant to adjournment., the Board of County Commissioners of
Otter Tail County Minnesota, met at 2:30 P.M • ., Friday, February 22nd, 1974, all
members bei_ng present.
Motion-was made by George Walter, seconded by Richard Dillon and
carried, to approve the plat of"Hughes Addition!! in Star Lake Township.
Motion was made by Andy Leitch, seconded by Richard Dillon and
unanimously carried, to appoint Mrs. Charles.Hansel, Dalton~ Minnesota to replace
Mrs. Haugen of Battle Lake onthe Otter Tail County Nursing Board.
Motion was made by John Snowberg, · seconded by" Richard Dillon: arid
carried, Hub Nordgren voti_ng "no"., to authorize the sheriff's department to pro-
ceed with the construction of a firing range in the space provided in the,new
law enforcement center, _estimated cost to be under· $3,000.00.
Motion· was made by Richard Dillon., seconded by John Snowbe_rg and
carried, to accept the proposal of. Aid Insurance ,Service_s.,: thro_ugh· the firm of
Reitan-Larson Co.~ Fe_rgus Falls, Minnesota, for workmen's compensation for the
year beginning March 1, 1974.
. ' . .
Motion: was made by John· Snowbe:rg, seconded by Hub Nor_dgren and
carried, authorizing the Chairman of the Board to execute applications for an
action grant for-the Off-Con proJect, beginning August 1., 1974.
Motion-was made by John Snowberg.,-seconded by Andy Leitch and
unanimously carried~ to reject the application of Willie 'K~rg~.r for-homestead·
classification in Effington Township.
Motion was made by Richard Dillon., seconded by John Snowbe_rg ,and
unanimously carried, to approve the bond of Christine Peterspn., Deputy Clerk of
County Court.
Upon motj.on made b_y Richard_ Dillon,_ seconded by Andy Leitch and·
unanimously carried, the following resqfutie>n was adopted:
RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tai1·county
Minnesota, that
WHEREAS on:March 15,.1973the County Board.accepted the bid of
Anderson Bros. -Construction Co., Fe_rgus Fal 1:s, -Minnesota, in the· amount of_
· $37,235.00,. for the_ general construction in remodeling the Department of Social
Services, and
WHEREAS same has been completed to the satisfactionof:the
County. Board, -
·.,-NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED the County Auditor is hereby
authorized. and 4ii'~cted to issue a warrant in the amount of $1,988.48 as final
. payment for this. work.
Dated at Fergus Falls,· tunnesota this 22nd day of February, 1974.
The following resolution·was introduced by Richard Dillon who
moved for.its adoption:.
RESOLVED by the Board of: County··Commissiners of Otter Tail County
Min_nesota, that
i WHEREAS H.F. #2675 and S.F. 2582"'have been introduced into the
State Legislature for the· purpose of creating a new department known as the
Statte Division of Ene_rgy, a job now being handled extremely" well by the
Department of Civil Defense,
" .
NOW, THEREFORE, THE Board of County Commissoners of:Otter Tail
. Cow'ity wish to. go on record as opposing i~gislation-·for· the purpose of
__ es;abli~h.~~ a State Division of Energy for it is the opinion of this Boarcl
·the'r~'./!.#\~tifficient divisions of government. in the State of· ~nnesota and
settin·g up. ,~~ther. would o~ly tend to create more confusion. in an ove:rg-rowth
of. ~cnrtlc. government •
. . ~,· ..
Dated at Fe_rgus _Falls, Minnesota this 22nd day of February, 1974.
.clerk ,,;.
The· motion:. was seconded· by Andy Leitch and carried unanimously.
The followi_ng resolution was introduced by Andy Leitch who moved
for its adoption:
RESPLVED by the Board of"Countr·commissioners of Otter Tail
County Min~esota, that
WHEREAS A bill, known as "Project 80}'.-was issued.as. a joint.
staff report by the Department of Natural--Resources-and the State Planning
_Agency, purpose of: the study· was to guide the legislature. ~n ,preparation of
appropriations, analysis, inventory and acquisition of Minnesota's outdoor
NOW, TIIEREFORE the Board of:county Commissioners of.Otter Tail
County. wish --to_. go on record as opposing the recommendations of the study for
the study in its present form is not.in the best interests nor does it benefit
the peop,l~_of·ottt?r.Tail County.
Dated at Fe_rgus Falls, Minnesota this 22nd day of February, 1974.
The inotionwas seconded by Hub Nordgren and was carried by a vote
of five ayes and no nays.
Upon motion duly made,· seconded and unanimously carried, the
meeting '-lldj ourn~d :~ti 1 9: 30 A. M. , Monday, ~rch 11, 197 4.
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