HomeMy WebLinkAboutBoard of Commissioners - Minutes - 01/08/19741.. • MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OTTER TAIL COUNTY MINNESOTA T Pursuant to Minn. Statute the Boa.rd cf County Commissioners of Otter Tail County Minnesota met at 9:30 .A.M., Tuesd_ay, January 8th, 1974, all members present. The meeting was called to order· by the Cow1ty Audi tor who stated the first order of business was to elect a· Chairman and Vice-Chairman for the year 1974. ' -J' Motion was made by John Snowberg to elect George Walter as Chairman of the Board for· the year 1974 ,. Motion was seconded by Richard Oil lon and carried, with John Snowberg, Richard Dillon, Andy Leitch arid Hub Nordgren voting yes. Upon motion made by Andy Leitch, seconded by Hub Nordgren and carried, J Richard Dillon was elected Vice-Chairman. The Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Beard members and County Auditor were sworn in by the Clerk of District Court. The E~st and West Otter Tail County Agricultural Inspectors c:.ppeared before the Board and presented their annual reports for 1973. Motion was made by .John Snowberg, seconded by Andy Leitch and carried, to approve the minutes of the previous meeting·s. A del_egation from the Perham area appeare'd before the Board concerning County Read #8 and presented a petition of persons in. favor of proposed alignment. Motion was made by George Walter, seconded by John Snowberg and carried, to accept the petition-and file with the County Auditor. Motion was made by John Snowberg, secon~ed by Andy Leitch and unani- mously carried, to approve the payment of the 1974 Assocation of Mini1esot.a Counties dues in the amount of $2,492.00, requesting the County Auditor to send a letter to the association with payment, requesting the association ccnsider hiring a rural lobbyist rather than an attorney, to fill the vacated position on their steff. Upon motion made by Hub . Nordgren -'---------"-------~----seconded by Andy Leitch · and unanimously carried, the following reso-------------------- lution was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County ~ornrnissioners of Otter Tai-1 County Minnesota, that WHEREAS the followi_ng da:tes be designated as the dates on which . the County Board wi 11 meet during the year 1974: February 12th and 13th March 11th and 13th April 9th and 10th May 7th and ,8th June 11th and 12th July 8th and 9th August 6th and 7th September 10th and 11th October 8th and 9th November 12th and 13th December 10th and 11th Adopted at Fergus Falls, Minnesota. this 8th day qf January, 1974. ~Chairman . i Clerk I Upon motion made by John Snowberg seconded by Richard Dillon ·a · · 1 · d th .f 11 · 1 . ________________ an unanimous y carr1e , e ~O owing reso ution was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County·commissioners of Otter Tail Ccun~y Minnesota, that A cominittee of three, consisting of.the Chairman and two members of the Board· to be selected by the: Chairman, be appointod to have charge of t.he Court House and Jail and grorn'lds, the Court House Annex, .fer. the year 1974. Adopted at .Fergus F?-lls, Minnesota, this 8th day of January, 1974. ,....Chairman ATTEST~~ Cler.k . ·,. The Chairman appointea ,John SnoNberg and ---------'--------- Hub Nordgren to serve on the above committee. ----~----':C.---------- Upon motion made by Hub Nordgren , seconded by ---------"'-------'- ____ ._J_oh_, _n_S_n_o_w_b_c_r..;_g ___ __.;. __ and unanimously carried, the following resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of.County Commissioners of Otter Tail County Minnesota, that A committee of three, consisting of the Chairman of the Board and two members of the Board, be appointed by the Chairman tc purchase a:ll furniture and supplies, except books, blanks and stationery, needed forthe ·court House and Jail during the year 1974, and provide for such repairs as may become an immediate necessity. Adopted at Fe_rgus Falls, Minnesota this 8th day of January, 1974. . Clerk a c_o.ClJ~ ~- The Chairman of the Board appointed -----'------------Richard Dillon \ and Andy Leitch t'J serve on the above committee. ----~---------- Upon moticn made by Richard Di 11 on seconded by John Snowberg and unanim.:msly carried, the fellowing resolution ------------------ was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County Minnesota, that UNDER provisions of Section 2154 of the Revised La,vs of Minnesota for 1905, Dr. Larry Mathison , c .. resident physician of said County, --------------- together with two members of this Beard, to be appointed· by the Chairman, be and the same are hereby appointed to constitute a County Board cf Health of said County for the year 1974. Adopted at Fergus Falls, Minnesota this 8th <lay of January,· 1974. ,Chairman Clerf The Chairman of the Board-appointed Hub Nordgren and Andy Leitch to serve ·on the above committee. Upon motion made by . Hub Nor_dg:ren ------"------------,--seconded by· ___ R1_· _c_ha_r_d_D_i_l_lo_n ______ and unanimously carried, the following resolud..on was:adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners' of Otter Tail County Minnesota, that UNDER the provisions of Section 739 General Statutes of.1932, the sum of $ 150. 00 to be and the same hereby· is appropriated out ---------- of the Revenue Fund of the County to the Red River Development Association, said amount so appropriated to be used in payment of premiums to exhibitors for the year 1974. AHopted at Fergus Falls, Minnesota this 8th day of January, 1974 .. ATTEST~ . ~✓ . Clerk Upon motion made by Richard Dillon , seconded by -----------------· John Snowberg and unw1imously carried, the following resolution ----------------- was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of OtterTail County Minnesota, THAT the sum of net less than$ 350.00 be and the ----------- same hereby is appropriated out of the County Revenue Fund of said County for Otter Tail County exhibits at the Minnesota State Fair for 1974, and the County Auditor and Chairman of the Board are directed to issue a warrant for said amount in favor of Clarence Mielke. Adopted at Fergus Falls, Minnesota this 8th day of January, 1974. -Chairman ATTEST: Clerk · Upon motion made by John Snowberg • seconded by --------=------------- ___ An_d_y_L_e_i_t_c_h ______ and unanimously carried, the following resolution was adopted: WHEREAS, it is provided in Minn. Statute 282.05 for the apportion- ment of the proceeds from the sale of tax-forfeited lands; WHEREAS, the County Auditor shall apportion the tax sale proceeds to the taxi_ng districts pursuant to Minn. Stat. 282. 08; WHEREAS, Minn. Stat. 282 .08(4) (b) provides that the County ·Board ·may set aside 20% of the proceeds rema.ini_ng after the value of public improve- ments, special assessments and bond issues levied on the property have been paid, for acquisition and maintenance of county parks and recreational areas; WHEREAS, Otter Tail County has parks and recreational areas which would benefit by such an apportion~ent; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the County Auditor retain 20% of the proceeds from the sale of tax forfeited land for acquisition and mainten- ance of parks and recreaticna.l areas from the proceeds available after making the necessary statutory .disbursements, said proceeds to be disbursed accordi_ng to law. Adopted at Fergus Falls,· Minnesota this 8th day. of January, 1974. ATTEST~~ Clerk Upon motion made by Hub Nordgren --,--~--.;;;._ ________ _ seconded by ___ A_n_d.,,_y_L_e_i_t_c_h _______ ahd unanimously carried, the following resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of OtterTail County. Minnesota, -THAT the sum of ten cents (10¢) be paid out of.the Revenue Fund of the County for every pocket-gopher _and woodchuck killed in said county during the year 1974 · in cas.es -where the townships in which pocket-gophers and wood chucks are so killed shall provide for the payment of an additional bounty of ten cents (10¢) for each· pocket""'.gopher and wood chuck so killed. RESOLVI:;D FURTHER that payment -of such bounty shall be made by the Cow1ty Audi tor upon certificates executed by the Chairman of the Tcwn B~ard of said townships setti_ng forth that the pocket-gophers or wood chucks were duly presented to the Chairman cf such Board and that the township has issued and delivered to each .. :claimant a town order for twenty cents (20¢) for each pocket- gopher or wood chuck sc killed. Adopted at Fergus Falls, Minnesota this 8th day· of January, 1974. ATTEST: Clerk Upon moticn made by Andy Leitch , seconded by ----'----------- John Snowberg and unanimously ·carried, the following resolution --------'-------- was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County Minncsct~~ THAT there be and hereby is· transferred from the Revenue Fund of the County to the Incidental Fund the sum of $ 750. 00 for· ----------- postage for the use of-the ·offices entitled thereto.· Adopted at lfcrgus Falls, Minnesota this 8th day or January, 1974. -chairman . ATTEST: Clerk I Upon· motion made by --'-__ Al_1_cl.;_y_L_e_i_t_c_h--'---------' ·seconded by ____ H_u_b_N_o_r.;...d_g_r_e_n _______ and unanimously carried, the_following reso- lution was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners ·of. Otter Tail County · Minnesota, that The following .Commissioners be and hereby are appointed to serve on the followi_ng County Extension'. Coimhi ttees: West Otter Tail County Extension. Committee East Otter Tail County Extension Committee Richard Dillon George Walter . · Adopted at Fergus Falls, Minnesota· this 8th day of January,· 1974. ,t~ ATTEST: Upon motion made by John Snowberg, seconded by Richard Dillon and unanimously carried, the following resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by'the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail Cc,unty Minnesota, that WHEREAS Ruth Gerhardson, sµrviving spouse a.ild heirccat-law of Helmer · 0. Gerhardson, decedent·, owner of the fol lowi_ng de scribed property, City of Fergus Falls, McLane's Add'n, iv½ of Lot 11, E½ _of Lot 11, all of Lot 10, Block 3 ·. having made application to repurchase said prc,perty which .forfeited to the State of Minnesota on the 20th day of October, 1972 for non-payment of. the 1966 tax, and having made a down payment of ten percent of the aggregate of all delinquent taxes and assessments, with penalties, costs and interest, the balro1ce to be paid in ten. equal _annual installments plus inte~est ·at the '-rate of 4~,; per annum· on the unpaid balance, NOW THEREFORE, THE County Board does accept said application and grants permission to repurchase to be to the best public interest and relieve undue ·hardship. Dated at Fergus Falls, Minnesota this 8th day of January, 1974. ·, CP_.·.·Q)~ ATTEST: ~ ~~ Clerk Upon motion made by Richard Dillon, seconded by John Snowberg and Wlanimously carried, the following resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County' Commissioners of Otter Tail County Minnesota, that WHEREAS Virgil Western, owner of record of the following described property: Lots 9, 10 and 11, Block 4, Juvrud's Add'n, Village of Rothsay having made application to. repurchase said property, said property having forfeited to the State of Minnesota for non payment of 1966 truces, and having paid the total of $2,232.23, being the aggregate of all delinquent truces and assessments, with penalties, costa and interest, NOW THEREFORE the County 3oard does hereby grant said application, permission to do so bei_ng to the pest public interest and -f'Cl ievc undue hardship. Dated at Fergus Falls, Minnesota this 8th day of J~1uary, 1974. '"chairman ATTEST~ Clerk There being no further business, the chairman declared the meeting adj curned until 9: 30 A. M., Wednesday, January 9th, 1974. r· WEDNESDAY I S SESSION_ -- Pursuant to adjournment, the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County Minnesota met at 9:30 A.M .• Wednesday, January 9th, 1974, all members present. Upon motion made by Andy Leitch, seconded by John Snowbe.rg and unani- mously carried, the County Auditor was authorized to advertise for bids to be-re-'-. __ ceived until 11:00 A.M., February 13th, ror furnishing portable two-way radio equip- ment. Upon motion made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by Richard Dillon and unanimously carried,-the County Auditor was authorized .to advertise for bids to be received until 2:00 P.M., February_ 12th, for workmen's compensation insurance. Upon motion made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by Richard Dillon and unanimously' carried, the followi.ng applications for reduction in assessed valuation were approved: Alden Peterson Vi Hage of Henning Part of property sold and not removed from tax rolls Ruth E. Gerhardson City of Fergus Falls Old.store building overvalued (subject to approval by-State Tax D~partment) Laverne Heiraas Perham Village House overvalued (subject to approval by State Tax Department) Marie Brenaman Maine Township Vacant buildings ruined by v_andals · (subject to approval by State Tax Department) Donald Bock Everts Township I-louse only 40% complete Motion was made by Andy Leitch, seconded by John Snowberg an:d unani- mously carried, to appoint as delegates to the Associaticn of Minnesota Counties ccnve.ntion, the five commissioners, welfare director,. highway engineer and county auditor. Motion was rrade by Andy Leitch, seconded by Richard Dillon and unani- mously carried, to accept properties in G:L. 2,' Section 5 -133 -40, belonging to Donald Bock, to be willed by grant or, subj cct t'.'.I approval by the County Attorney. Upon motion made by ;John Snowberg':, seco_n-ded by•-Rich'ard Dfllon and. unanimously carried, the following resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners cf Otter Tail County Minnesota, that WHEREAS the County Board, on March 15,_1973 accepted the bid of McDowell 'company, Saint.Cloud, rv'innesota, in the amount of $17,700.00 for mechanical• work on court house remodeling for the Department of Social Services and WHEREAS the above contract has now·been completed·to the satisfaction -of the County Board, NOW THEREFORE, the Department of Social Services is hereby authorized and directed to issue a warrant in the amount of $1,770.00 to McDowal Company, Saint Cloud, Minnesota, ·as final payment for this work. Dated at Fe,rgus Falls, Minne sot a this 9th day of January, 1974. ATTEST~ Clerk I Upon motion made by John Snowberg, seconded by Richard Dillon and unanimousl_v carried, the fellowing resolution was adopted:. RESOLVED by the, Soard of County Commissicners of Otter Tail County Minnesota, that WHEREAS the County Board, on March 15, 1973 accepted the bid of Mollerud Electric, Inc., Fe.rgus Falls, Minnesota in the amount of $9,927.00 for electrical construction on court house remodeling for the Department cf Social Services~ and \\'HEREAS the above contract has now been completed to the satis- faction of the Board, NOW, THEREFORE, the Department of Social Services is hereby author- ized and directed to issue a warrant in the amount of $9~2.70 to Mcllerud Electric, Inc., Fe.rgus Falls, Minnesota, as_ final payment 'for this work. Dated at Fergus Falls, Minnesota_ this· 9th. day of January, 1974. ATTEST: ~lerk Upon motion made by John Snowberg, seconded by Richard Dillen and unanimously carried, the following resolution was _adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of ·-county Commissioners of· Otter Tail County Minnesota, that · WHEREAS the Board of County Commissioners of OtterTail County has carefully considered the mental heal th, ... needs of the C_ounty, and after due . -; ' -~ . ' / ·3 - delibe_ration agree to support the Lakeland Mental Heal th Center, Inc., Fergus . .·, Falls, Minnesota, and :to enter in-i;o a s"igned agreement with .the other eight .. . counties in the Mental Health Center area, NOW THEREFORE the County Board. _does hereby approve the budget and financing plan for the fiscal year July 1, 1974, through June 30, 1975 in . the , follO\ving amounts: Becker County Clay County Douglas Com'lty Gr.ant: County Otter Tail County Pope· County · Stevens County Traverse County Wilkin County $16,244.00 31,000.-00 . ·is,376.oo . 4,960.00 31,000.00. 7,440.00 7,440.00 . 4;216.00 6,324.00 $124,oqo;o_o BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, the County Auditor is authorized to s_ign · the -agreement in support for this county_. · Dated' at Fergus Falls, Minnesota this 9th day of January, 1974. ·Clerk I Upon motion made by Andy Leitch, seconded by Richard Dillon and unanimously carried, the following resolution was adopted: . RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County Minnesota, that WHEREAS the population of Otter Tail County is approxj inately 22 persons per square mile, and WHEREAS a population density of 22 persons per square mile is considered sparsely populated, NOW, THEREFORE the.County Board does hereby authorize and . ' request the County Attorney obtain a ruling from the Attorney General's office in regard to open burning at sanitary landfills located in Otter Tail County, BE IT FURTHER REQUESTED the County Attorney obtain an inter- pretation from the State's Attorney General's office explaining "sparsely populated or remote areas cf the state", Subcl. 2, Laws 1969 Chapter 1046 (codi- fied as Minn. Statutes 1961, Section 116. 07) . Dated at Fe.rgus Falls, Minnesota this 9th day of January, 1974. --Chairman Clerk RESOLUIION BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINNESOTA BE IT RESOLVED, that the County Highway Engineer be authorized to issue payrolls for the purpose of salary payments to all maintenance employees, engineering employees,. construction employees, and for the rental of trucks, mowers and other equipment necessary for the main- tenance of County State Aid Highways not to exceed $500,000 and County Roads not to exceed $140,000 for the year 1974. Adopted this 9th day of January, 1974. Attest: ~· ~ Auditor (SEAL) The above resolution was introduced by John Snowberg who moved for its··adopticn. Motion was seconded by Andy Leitch and carried. RESOLUTION BE IT RESOLVED, . that pursuant to statutory authority the· County Engineer for and on behalf of the County of Otter Tail is hereby·authorized to request and obtain from·the Minnesota Depart- ment of Highways needed engineering and technical services during the year 1974, for which payment.will.be made by the County upon receipt of verified claims froni the Ccinnnissioner of Highways. Adopted this _Jth day of January, 1974. Auditor (SEAL)· The above . resolution was i1itrcduced by Andy Leitch 'who· moved for its adoption. Motion was seconded by Hub Nordgren and carried. RESOLUTION BE IT RESOLVED BY.THE BOARD OF COUNTY.COMMISSIONERS OF OTTER TAIL COUNTY,. MINNESOTA: That becaus·e · of deterioration due. to rain, snow and usual spring climatic conditions the.roads hereinafter described will be seriously damaged unless restrictions.are imposed as to weight of vehicles to beoperated thereon. NOW, THEREFORE, No person shall operate any vehicle or com- bination of vehicles upon any of the county roads in the County of Otter Tail and State of Minnesota, described as follows, to wit: Cotinty State Aid Highways 1 to 77 inclusive, 79, 81, 83, 85 and 90 to 100 inclusive, Old 10, Old 52 and Old 210. County Roads 110 and 144 inclusive and numbers 146 and 148, during the period from· the first of March, '1974 to the first of December, 1974:, where the gross .weight on any single axle, as de- fined in Minnesota Statutes 1945~ Sec. 169.87, Subdivision 1, exceeds five tons (10,000 pounds) and the CountyHighwayEngineer of said County is hereby directed and authorized to erect -and maintain signs plainly indicating the prohibitions and restrictions at each end of that portion of any highway affected thereby, and these.restrictions shall be effective and this prohibitio~ effective upon such erection and maintenance of.the appropriate signs. Adopted this _:Jth day of January, 1974. ·L.e:.~ r-Chairman Attest: County Auditor (SE.AL) . The above resolution was introduced by Hub Nor.dgrcn who moved for its adoption. Motion was seconded by John Snowberg and carried. T RESOLUTION ·IT IS RESOLVED, that Otter Tail County .shall furnish a satis- factory vehicle for use by the County Highway Engineer, and the vehicle shall provide transportation needed both inside and outside of Otter Tail County. IT IS ALSO RESOLVED, to permit the County Highway Engineer the use of this vehicle to and from work to miriimizema.intenance,and parking problems. Adopted this · 9th da): of January, 1974.- OTTER TAIL COUNTY.BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS ...., Chairman Attest: ... Co_unty·Auditor (SEAL) The above resolution was introduced by Andy Leitch who moved for its adoption. Motion was seconded by Richard Dillon and carried. T RESOLUTION WHEREAS, the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners has considered the procedures pertinent to the.acquisition ofreal property and right of way, and WHEREAS, Federal and State Law's and regulations require the County to appraise the property.and right of way to be ac- quired~ and WHEREAS, the Otter Tail County Assessor do.es. possess t°!J.e required information and expertise needed to make the appraisals. NOW, THEREF.ORE, IT IS RESOLVED, that . the County Assessor is designated the County Appraiser regarding.the acquisition.of.real propertr and right of way for the County of Otter Tail. Adopted this 9th day of January, 1974. · . OTTER TAIL COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Attest:·. County Auditor·. (SEAL) The above resolution was introduced qy Hub Nordgren who moved for its adoption. Motion wa; seconded by Richard Dillon and carried. 1 Upon motion made by John _Snowbcrg, seconded by Andy Leitch and .. carried, the county auditor was authorized to advertise for bids to be received until 10:00 a.m., February 12th, 1974 for purchase. of the followi11g equipment . ' . . . to be used by the county highway department: 1. 2 Pickup Trucks (with 'trade.:ii1 of :two county units) 2. 2 Dump Trucks -27,500 lb. G.V.W. (with trade::ain of two county units) Upon motion· made by Richard Dillon, seconded by John Snowbe_rg and carried, the following resolution was adopted: MHD 30773· (2/73) MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT 0F HIGHWAYS FEDERAL. AID SECONDARY. FORM NO. IU Be it resolved that pursuant to Section 161.36, _Subdivision 1 through 6, Minnesota Statutes, 1973, the Connnissioner of Highways be appointed as agent of the County of Otter Tail to let as its -------- agent, contracts for the construction of portions o.f County Highways, for the year 1974 , and the chairman and the ,~uditor are ~ereby au- thorized and directed for and on.behalf of the County to execute and enter into a contract with the Commissioner of Highways prescribing the terms and conditions· of such contracts in the form as set forth and contained in "Minnesota Department of.Highway Agency Contract Form No. 30773" a copy of which said forin was before the Board, as- suming on behalf of the County all of the contractual obligations therein contained. Adopted this 9th ·day of January, 1974. / Chairman of the County Board County Auditor (SEAL) (Submit in duplicate) Upon motion made by John Snowberg, seconded by Andy Leitch and unanimously carried, the following resolution was· adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail·• County Minnesota, that WHEREAS the Board on July 9,. 1973. accepted the bid of Fergus Do_dge, _Inc., Fergus_ Falls in the amount of $6,860.00 for twc 1974 Dodge Mona.co 4 dcor sedans, and ,·•~ WHEREAS said automobiles have now been delivered to the satis- faction of fhe County Board, NOW THEREFORE, the County Audifor is h~teby authorized and directed' to issue a warrant in the amount of $6,860.00 payable to Fergus Dodge; Inc., Fergus Falls, · being the full amount of the bid. Dated at Fergus Falls, Minnesota this. 9th day of January, 1974. -r:hairman ATTEST:~ ,..,,,_;/ ·, ~ . 1 . . · -Clerk Upon motion made by Hub Nordgren , seconded by ---'------------- ___ J_o_h_1_1_S_1_1o_w_b_er....;..g ______ and unanimously car~ied, the following resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County Minnesota, THAT THE PERHA.t\1 ENTERPRISE:-BULLETIN;· Perham, Minnesota be· and the same is hereby des_ignated as the newspaper in which shall be printed the list of lands in Otter Tail County upon which taxes became delinquent on the first Monday in January, 1974. Further provided that the publishers of said newspaper be required to furnish a surety bond in the sum of $2,000.00 for the faithful performance cf said publication. Adopted at Pergus Falls, Minnesota this 9th day of January, 1974. Clerk I Motion was made by Andy Leitch to drop the OFF-CON program after --- completion of the Federal Grant. Moticn failed for lack of a second. Motion was made by Richard Dillon, seconded by Andy Leitch and unanimously carried, to reject the application c.f Neil Nelson for special use permit on Pt. of G.L. 5, Section 15, Pelican Township. Mo'tion was made by John Snowberg, seconded by Andy Leitch and . unanimously carried, to approve the application of Floyd. Hoff of Fundal, Inc., for a special use permit for a road in G.L. 7, 8, 9 & 11, Timberlane Hills, Everts Township. Upon motion· made by Richard Dillon, seconded by John Snow berg and unanimously carried, the followi_ng applications were approved for sewage disposal system cleaners license: Julian Tollerude LeRoy E. Feldt John 0. Lake Russell A. Myrbo Orville Hawes Marvin Pederson Glenn A. Erickson LeRoy E. Feldt Plumbing Lake Construction Myrbo Enterprises Erickson's Septic Pumping Service' Underwood, Minnesota Frazee, Minnesota Sebeka, Minnesota Battle Lake, Minnesota Ottertail, Minnesota Erhard, Minnesota Fergus Falls, Minneosta Motion was made by Andy Leitch, seconded by Richard Dillon and unanimously_ carried, to approve the application of Russell. A. Myrbo, Myrbo Enter- prises, Battle Lake, Minnesota for sewage'_ 9isposa! _ installers license. Motion was made by Richard Di~lon, seconded by Hub Nordgren and unanimously carried, to approve the plat of Grace-Etta Beach in Section 20 - 133 -39, subject to attorney's opinion as to title. Motion was made by Richard Dillon, seconded by John Snowberg and unanimously carried, to accept the petition for a proposed sewer district on West Lake Lizzie. Upon motion made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by Richard Dillon :and unanimously car:ded, Mrs. Gerald Zicse was appointed to a three year t9rm on the Otter Tail County _Extension·committee. Upon motion made by Richard Dillon, seconded by George Walter and unanimously carried, Willis Roehl was re-appointed to a three.year-term on the Otter Tail County Extension Committee. Upon motion made by John Snowberg, seconded by Richard Dillon and unanimously carried, the County Auditor was authorized to call for bids to be re- ceived until 11:00 A-.M., February ·13th, 1974, for micro film equipment. Motion was made by Hub Nordgren,. seconded by Richard Dillon, and unanimously carried, to approve the application of David R. Roth for license to sell non-intoxicating malt liquor at Almcra Inn,in Elmo·Township. Upon· motion made .by Hub Nordgren, seconded by Andy Leitch and carried, the Parkers Prairie Independent and the Battle Lake Review were desig-· n ated to nublish ·the 1973 financial statement· for Otter Tail County. -L ·• . . Upon motion made by John Snowbe_rg, se~onded by Richard Dillon and carried, the Fe_rgus Falls Daily Journal was designated as the official newspaper of the County. Motion·was made by Andy Leitch, seconded by John Snowberg and unani- mously carried, to accept the recommendation-of the Personnel Committee fer the .,_ ,-< 1. • , • . salaries of county employees, to be finalized on January 21st. Upon motion made :by °i-:lub Nor_dgren .~ 'seconded by . John Snowbe_rg and. carried, the following bills were allowed: Carlton E Mortensen Carlton E Mortensen Carlton E Mortensen Andrew Lindquist LeRoy Anderson H & LOK Hardware Mobile Radio & T.V. Goodyear Service Store Minnesota Motor co Worner's Auto Sales Highway co. Service Fergus Dodge Inc. Dent Oil Co Service Oil co. Gaffaney's Stationers Inc. Victor Lundeen & Co The Cake co Lystad's Inc. White Drug Co Dr W.E. Armstrong Dr John Thomas Dr Severn & Smedstad SHERIFF Minn. state .. sheriff• s Ass' n Esther Mortensen Max Kronemann Jr. Jody Cooper Paul J. Weber Dean o. Wegenast Will County Sheriff Ramsey County Sheriff Carlton E Mortensen Andy Leitch George Walter Richard Dillon COMMISSIONER A. Hubert Nordgren • VETERANS SERVfiCE Marvin Klicker Roger Bengtson Victor Lundeen & Co Fergus Dodge Inc~ Battle Lake Review Midwest Printing Elliott Boe Christine Pederson Falls Drug Miller Davis Nelson Bros Prtg. _West Publishing Co Hon. Paul Ballard Village of Perham COUNTY COURT · PROBATION & PAROLE Arthur Boehne Spencer Lundquist Terry Jacobson· Village of Perham ·cooper's Office·supply 1,942.50 '385.00 231.67 12.25 18.00 6.50 7.50 42.88 176.15 4.85 68.84 250.91 70.23 251.74 3.00 46.45 114.54 44.15 23.76 287.96 17.75 35.00 13.00 '60.00 100.00 19.20 7.00 1.30 8.44 22.20 2.30 212.93 14.80 48.00 47.60 36.00 20.65 5.37 36.10 16.97 37.05 28.50 110.14 28.90 6.18 31.90 8.75 13.00 10.20 65.00 118.99 156.38 as.so 225.00 521.02 Eugene Davenport Erwin Siems David Oelslager JohnSkramstad Malcolm Lee· James Johnson Vore's· · Fossen Oil Co Victor Lundeen· & Co ASSESSOR SHORELAND CORONER Marjean Hanson Mehdi Orandi M.D. Mehdi Orandi M.D. Pentti Snellman Lewis Struthers M.D. Ralph Estrem M.D. WEED & SEED INSP. Kenneth Clambey Alva Kreku'l:a Bob Fritz . Frank Alstadt George Rever:ing Edward Aho Charles · Be'ck COUNTY PLANNING ·MISC. EXPENSES Victor Lundeen & Co Multigraphic Div. Battle·Lake Review Security Blank Book & Prtg. Davenport's Stationery J?itney Bowe's · White Drug l)lson Furniture Nelson Bros :Stenographic Machines Burroughs Corp Monroe N.C.R. ,, ',,1 ,l J Anderson Trartsf er· Anderson Bre·s·; ,:.:.Cont. secretarial Service Stenerson Lumber co First National Agency Daily Journal Elks Lodge Viking Cafe Village ·of Perham Julian Bye ·Gerald Paulson Chester Paulson Jr. . Anderson Bros. John S •. K~lbinger · Myrtle E·togas .79. 28 145.45 56.29 107.60 131.95 59.90 52.50 11.18 50.22 50.56 250.00 so.so 25.25 25.00 25.25 150.65 166.40 406.44 108.60 149.10 143.90 160.00 133.82 5.38 157.05 190.45 1.40 1,046.33 293.18 85.00 278.55 10.32 248.40 39.00 34.80 94.00 396.58 139.00 56.29 10.00 ·20. 71 10.63 24.51 60.00 489.00 246.00 . 165.00 9.52 . 10.50 29.00 George Nelson · Harry Larson Gust Lagerquist & Sons DalJCOa C-~ Chemical Co Inc. Datco Specialty Co Gambles Dacotah Paper Co Allstate .Sanitation Johnson Service Mollerud Electric Wm. Galena ·· & Son Lorna McCabe· Gloria 0patz Donnis Fjestad Cheri Schultz Dorothy Johnson· Phyllis Knutson Olga Edw~:trds . Alice·· Crosgrove Marjorie Lund Pearl Ronning Evelyn Stenger Mary Westman Berniece Spangler Victor Lundeen & Co Nelson Bros. Prtg. NURSE Minn. Nurses Assoc. Physicians & Hospital Supply Minnesota Nurses Assoc. Mrs Charles Perkins Mrs Robert Johnson Jens Ree Mrs Harland Knutson Village of Perham EOT Telephone Co OOAT & WATER SAFETY Pelican Rapids Fire Dept. Highway Service · POOR Twp. of Rush Lake ROAD·& BRlL><3E Baas Oil co Ebersviller Imp. Co Electric supply International Harvester Perham Farm supply Schultz Garage sturdevant's Auto Parts· 511hr: Ford Sales 88.00 7.40 83.80 128.64 48.50 261.36 l.69 44.10 48.00 62.55 64.65 59. 35 . .82.57 9a.90 5.00 9.70 58.74 33.24 11.40 5.20 17.20 129.~0 11.70 103.20 8.10 46.42 ·100.50 60.00 13.31 35.00 9.00 6.80 9.10 10.50 35.00 24.09 100.00 36.23 4.20 4.22 66.79 133.63 3.87 4.67 · 26. 20 1.24 T Super GMC Truck Sales · Vergas Ford Equipment Ziegler Inc. , A&· B Supply Co Allstate Sanitation Bretz Hardware· Coast to,·Cqast Battle Lake Coast to Coast Henning Coast to Coast Wadena Conklin Company Inc. Genuine·Parts Co Larson Hardware 3 M_Company Peavey Company· Pelican Paint & Glass Sigelman·Hide & Fur Auto Safety Service ·Gerald.Evenson John Kyro Geo. c. Mccollough Jr Minnesota Motor Co Phil's Welding& Fab. Kurt Rapatt Red·River Harware Co Inc. Consumers co-op Oil Co Farnam Tire Center · Firestone Store Elk River concrete Products Northwestern Sheet-& Iron Works Egge Construction· C.M. Moen & Pat Fiedler Carl E Swenson Comm. of Highways Monroe International Henning Garbage Service Village· of Bluffton Minnesota.Good Roads Inc. Polman Transfer Village of New York Mills Battle Lake Review Construction Bulletin Paper Calmenson· & Co Davenports Stationery Victor Lundeen & Co Minnesota Blueprint Poucher Prtg. & Litho. Midwest Telephone Co Northwester Bell Telephone-co Northwestern Bell Telephone Co Pelican Telephone Co Northwestern Bell Telephone Co Dennis Berend Dennis Berend ·Darlan Koehler Leonard Rademacher Lake Region Co-op El. Assn D-A Lubricant co Inc. Dent 66 60.21 117.15 695-.58 14.13 20.40 38.33 56.16 .60.22 15.36 12.40 6.15 16.24 671.01 50.40 15.30 126.54 115.84 17.25 1.50 9.50 93.30 2·.80 18.00 250.76 94.28 922.02 44.50 50.10 238.14 1,579.25 695.00 17.50 199·. 22 29.00 24.00 333.98 250.00 43.16 90.00 6.00 73.60 1,208.06 36.48 67.12 303.64 101.19 8.53 14.86 19.47 16.98 41.22 129.30 35.25 192.25 2.00 2,751.61 395.80 150.36 Farmers Co-op Assn Frazee Texaco .Service Hoot Lake 76 Kraemer Oil Co ServiceOil Co Underwood Shell Service Bluffton Oil Co Fossen O:hl Co Park Regiori Co-op Oil Standard Oil Co Park Region Mutual Telephone co 182.77 221.93 147.53 203.86 ·242.70 110.68 272.80 294.01 120.17 ·251.92 39.15 Upon motion.made by John Snowberg, seconded by Hub Nordgren and carried, the meeting adjourned until 9:30 A.M., Monday, January 21, 1974. Clerk