HomeMy WebLinkAboutBoard of Commissioners - Minutes - 09/27/1973MINUTES OF THE ADJOURNED ~IBETING
Pursuant. to adjournment, the Board of County Commissioners of Otter
Tail County met on Thursday, September 27th, 1973, at 9:00 A.M., all members pre-
Harold Schmidt, union negotiator, togetherwith three members of
AFL-CIO Local Union No. 1830, appeared before the Board relative to the Proposed
1974 Union Agreement. No action taken.
Upon motion· made by Richard:'Pil1on·;· seconded: by Hub Nordgren and
unanimously carried, the County Auditor was authorized to advertise for bids to
be received u.ntil 11:30 A.M., November 6th, 1973 for radio equipment for Highway
Department vehicles.
Motion was made by Geo_rge Walter, seconded by John Snowberg and
unanimously carried, to approve Change Order M-5 on· the Law Enforcement Building.
The Board, having previously advertised for bids to be received for
-raio equipment for law enforcement center, proceeded to open bids which were found
to be as follows:
General Electric
Funded Portion·
John Snowberg moved, seconded by_ Hub Nordgren and carried, to refer
all bids to the engineer, county sheriff and police chief for study, to be con-
sidered at 10:00 A.M. October 9th, 1973.
Motion was made by John Snowbe_rg, seconded by George Walter and
unanimously carried, that the incomplete bid of .John Ringdahl hot·':be read.
The followi_ng resolution was introduced by Richard Dillon who
moved for its adoption:
RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissione~s of.Otter Tail
County Minnesota, that
WHEREAS the Vill_age of Pelican Rapids has made application
for conveyance of tax-forfeited lands, described as follows:
Lot 8} except the south 25 feet, and all of Lots 9 and 10 of
Block 1; and Lot·s of Block 2, all in Riverview Addition~
according to the Plat thereof on file and of record
WHEREAS, the County Board of.Otter Tail County Minnesota has
examined into the allegations of· the application of said Village,
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the County Board of Otter
Tail County Minnesota, that it hereby approves said application·and recommends
that the same be_ granted.
Motion·was seconded by John Snowberg.
Yes votes -s
No votes -o
Dated at Fergus.Falls, Minnesota. this 27th day of September, 1973.
The following resolution was introducedbyHub Nordgren who
moved for' its adoption:
RESOLVED by the Board of· County Commissipne.i-s of Otter Tail
County Minnesota, that
WHEREAS there now·exists a surplus of'$100,000 in the Road
and Bridge Bond Account, plus a balance of $9,299. 2'1 of· delinquent collections,
WHEREAS there exist no Road and Bridge·Bonds,
NOii/, THEREFORE be it here.by resolved by the Board of County
Commissioners of Otter Tail County that the County Auditor'tra.nsfer the.sum
of $109,299.27 from· the Road and Bridge Bond Account to the Building Fund.
Motion was seconded by John Snowberg.
Yes votes -5
No votes -O
Dated at Fergus Falls, Minnesota this 27th day of.September, 1973 .
. ~ ....P • ;----.. ---~
The following resolution was introduced by Dick
Dillon , who moved fer its adoption: ----------------
RESOLVED by the Board of.County Commissioners of Otter Tail County
Minnesota, that
WHEREAS between 1948 and 1954 expeditures forditch purposes
were paid from the County Revenue Fund, and
WHEREAS liens were filed in prior years to repay:the Revenue Fund
for said expenditures and certain described property against which liens were
filed had forfeited to the State of Minnesota during the period for which the
liens were in force, and
WHEREAS due to an oversight on the part of the County Auditor's
office, proceeds from the forfeited tax sale apportionment were not -used to
repay these liens and the resultant affect was to give the County Revenue Fund
additional moneys which should have been used to pay liens filed against bene-
fited properties,
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED that the following amount
due the County Revenue Fund are hereby cancelled:
1950 Lien Due from County Ditch Number 42 $ 654.30
Lien Due from County Ditch Number 48 1,566.48
1950 Lien Due from County Ditch Number 64 65.34
The rnot>on was seconded by. George Walter
Yes votes -5
No votes -0
Adopted at Fergus Falls, fvfinnesota this 27th day of September,
Chairman /
The following resolution was introduced by John Snowberg who
moved for its adoption:
RESOLVED by the Board of.County eommissioners of Otter Tail
County, that
WHEREAS Mary Ann Jordahl, successor· in interest, has made appli-
cation to repurchase the following described property:
Lot 4, Block 2, H. Picket's Add'n. to the City of Fergus Falls
said property having forfeited to the State of Minnesota on· the 20th day of
September, 1973 for non payment of the 1967 tax; sai_d applicant having paid
the sum of $192. 37 being the 3:ggregate of all delinquent taxes and assessments,
with penalties, costs and interest,
NOW, THEREFORE BE IT H~REBY ~.ESOLVED that this Board_ grant
said application, permission to do so to be the best public interest and
relieve undue hardship.
Motion was seconded by George Walter.
Yes votes -5
No votes -0
Dated at Fe.rgus Falls, Minnesota this 27th day of September, 1973.
The following resolution was introduced by Richard Dillon who
moved for its adoption:
RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail
County Minnesota, that
We, the County Commissioners of.Otter Tail County, agree to
support the Lakeland Group Home Project, and to enter into an agreement with
the other eight counties --in the Mental Health Center area.
We approve the budget and financing plan for· the fiscal year
July 1, 1973, thro_ugh June 30, 1974, in the following manner:
Otter Tail County will provide up to 50% of the cost of care
for individuals who are residents of Otter Tail County and residing in a
group home under the Lakeland Group Horne Project.
Motion·was seconded by George Walter.
Yes votes -5
No votes -0
Dated at Fergus Falls, Minnesota this 27th day of September, 1973 .
. ATI~
The following resolution· was intl'Oduced by John Snowberg who
moved for· its adoption:
RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissions of.Otter Tail
County Minnesota, that
WHEREAS, under the provisions of·section·23 of the United States
Housing Act of 1973, as amended, the United States of America, acting through
the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, is authorizyd to provide finan-
cial assistance to local public housing agencies in providing low~rent housing
by leasing dwelling units-: in existing privately-owned structures; and
WHEREAS, said Section 23 provides that the provisions thereof'shall
not apply to any locality unless the governi_ng body of the locality has by reso-
lution approved the application of such provisions to such locality.
NOW, THEREFORE, be it resohred·bythe·Boa:rd of CountyCommissioners
of Otter Tail County Minnesota., that the application· of the provisions of Section
23 of the UnitedStates Housi_ng Act of 1937, as amended to Otter Tail County,
Minnesota is approved.
Motion was seconded by Hub Nordgren and unanimously carried.
Dated at Fergus Falls, Minnesota this 27th day of September, 1973.
Upon motion· made_ by George Walter, s~conded by Dick Dillon and
unanimously carried, approval was granted to Hans Rendahl to transfer, by
metes and bounds description, a small tranct of· land situated in Government
Lot 6, Section 4, Dora Township, said tract purchased for· the purpose of enlarging
a presently owned lake lot:
Motion was made by John Snowberg, seconded by Dick Dillon and
unanimously carried, to approve the use of CSAH No.·1, between Cascade and
Vernon Av~nue in the City of Fergus Falls by Raymond Motor.Transportation for
twin trailer trucks.
Upon motion made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by George Walter and
unanimously carried, the following applications forreduction·ofassessed valua-
tion were approved:
Gary W. Boettcher
Keith H. Steinkraus
Girard Township
Pine Lake Township ·
150' lot assessed as 400' lot
Assessed for·10 1 lakeshore than
shows on.deed
Lee Knaus of the Department of Corrections appeared before the
Board relative to a propo~ed.:.county or community oriented department of corrections.
No action taken.
Norman Anderson~ Director of Association·of Minnesota Counties,
appeared before the board relative to functions cf.the Association of Minnesota
Upon motion· made by Dick Dillon~ seconded by Hub Nordgren and
unanimously carried, the meeting adjourned until 9:30 A.M., October 9th, 1973.