HomeMy WebLinkAboutBoard of Commissioners - Minutes - 08/22/1973MINUTES OF TI-IE ADJOURNED MEETING
Pursuant to adjournment, the Board of County Commissioners of Otter
Tail County Minnesota met at 9:30 A.M., Wednesday, August 22nd, 1973, Andy L~itch,
Richard Dillon, Hub Nordgren, John Snowberg present, George Walter bei_ng absent.
Gerald Hellen appeared before the Board to explain the OFF-CON
program of 1972-1973 and the proposed 1973-1974 pro~ram. Upon motion made by
Hub Nordgren, seconded by John Snowberg and unanimously carried, the 1973-1974
OFF-CON program was. accepted.
The Board, h_aving previously advertised for bids to be received
for the sale of the old Highway Department Garage in.c;the Village of Battle Lake,
being the West half of Lot Three (3) and all of Lots Four and Five (4 & 5) of
Block Six (6)., Original Pl_at of the Village of Battle lace, Minnesota, proceeded
to open bids which were found to be as follows:
Howard G. Noyes Battle Lake, Minnesota $2,000.00
After consideration, motion·was made by Andy-Leitch, seconded by
John Snowberg and unanimously carried, to accept the bid of Ho·ward G. -N~yes,
Battle Lake, Minnesota in the amount of $2,000.00, it bei_ng the only bid.
Motion was made by John Snowberg, seconded by Dick Dillon and unani-
mously carried, to approve the bonds of $1,000 each for Cheryl R. Ferber and Julie
Finke, Deputy Clerks of County Court.
Motion was made by Richard Dillon, seconded by John Snowberg and
unanimously carried, to advertise for bids to be received until 11:00 A.M. Thursday
September 27th, 1973 for police-radio:::sequipment for law enforcement department.
Motion was made by John Snowberg, seconded by Richard Dillon and
unanimously carried, to pay 18% of the cost of proposed radio equipment with the
understandi_ng the county will own the equipment.
The Board, havi_ng previously advertised for bids for group hospitali-
zation insurance, proceeded to open bids which were found to be as follows:
Blue Cross-Blue Shield
$ 9.17
$7 .99
Major Medical Total
$ • 74 $17.90
After consideration, motion was made by Richard Dillon, seconded by
John Snowberg and unanimously carried, to accept the bid of Blue-Cross -Blue Shield
of Minnesota in the amount of.$17.90 per month per employee, it being the only bid.
Motion was made by Richard Dillon, seconded by Hub Nordgren and unani-
mously carried, to approve the correction of surveyor's certification for the plat
of Blarney Beach.; _,Everts Township.
Motion was made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by Richard Dillon and
unanimously carried, to approve special aid to Folden Township in the amount of
$500.00 for road purposes.
Motion was made by Richard Dillon, seconded by John Snowberg and
unanimously carried, to approve proposals froip the followi_ng banks for deposit of
county funds for the coming two years, together with assignment of securities for
said banks:
Farmers & Merchants State Bank
First National Bank of Henning
First National Bank of Battle Lake
First State Bank of Dalton
Erhard State Bank
Perham State Bank
Vergas State Bank
Farmers State Bank of Underwood
Farmers State Bank of Rothsay
State Bank of Wendell
Fanners State Bank'of Dent
Security State Bank
Fergus Falls National Bank & Trust Company
First National Bank of Fergus Falls
Pelican Valley State Bank
Security State Bank
First National Bank
New York Mills, Minnesota
Henning, Minneosta
Battle Lake, Minnesot~
Dalton, Minnesota
Erhard, Minnesota
Perham, Minnesota
Ve_rgas, Minnesota
Underwood, Minnesota
Rothsay, Minnesota
Wendell, Minnes·ota
Dent, Minnesota
Fergus. Falls, Minnesota
Fergus Falls, Minnesota
Fergus Falls, Minnesota
Pelican Rapids, Minnesota
Deer Creek, Minnesota
Parkers Prairie, Minnesota
Upon motion made by Andy Leitch, seconded by Richard Dillon and
unanimously carried, the followi_ng resolution was adopted:
RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County
Minnesota., that
WHEREAS the Minnesota. State Legislature has recently enacted a
law (S.F.2197) which requires a 15¢ tax per cubic yard on all waste deposited at
· sanitary landfills within the state,
WHEREAS sanitary landfills located in Otter Tail County count not
qualify for any financial grants as specified in the law,
WHEREAS notbenefits, · financial or other, would accrue to the citi-
zens of Otter Tail County as a result of this tax,
WHEREAS this tax will indirectly cause more waste to be deposited in
unauthorized and undesireable area such as road ditches, lakes, ponds, sloughs, etc.,
WHEREAS experience has indicated that the operation of sanitary land-
fills within currently e~tablished rates, which our citizens already feel are excessive,
has proven to be economically unfeasible and will result in additional real estate tax
WHE~AS Otter Tail County Minnesota. recently developed a Solid Waste
Ordinance at substantial cost and effort,
WHEREAS the enactment of HS 2197 will severely jeopardize the effec-
tiveness of the Otter Tail County Solid Waste Ordinance,
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED by the Board of County Commis-
sioners of Otter Tail County Minnesota that the Minnesota. State Legislature be and
hereby is requested and urged to repeal the above mentioned Solid Waste tax law.
Dated at Fergus Falls, Minnesota this 22nd day of August, 1973.
Motion'was made by John Snowberg, seconded by Hub Nordgren and
Wlanimously carried, to approve the addendum to the Otter Tail County Final Solid
Waste Plan dated June 30, 1972, as set forth by the Minnesota Polution Control
Upon motion made,by Hub Nordgren, seconded by John Snowberg and
Wlaniniously carried, the following applications for reduction of assessed valua-
tion were approved:
Carl Stock Pine Lake Township
Wallace & Vi,rgil Foss Everts,Township
Pie shaped tract assessed
as full lot
Overvaluation, oh house
considering age & condition
Wendell P. Huber appeared before the Board and presented his report
on the Phelps Mill Dam and,the work necessary to repair.
Upon'motion made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by John Snowberg and
Wlanimously carried, the following ,resolution was adopted:
Be it resolved that the Commissioner of Highways be and he hereby is·
authorized and requested to take such.steps and perform such acts on
behalf of the County of• Otter Tail as may be necessary to have the
construction and improvement of the roads hereinafter described pro-
perly approved by the Federal Highway Administrator as a Federal-Aid
Secondary project eligible for the expenditure of federal funds there-
on·and eligible for present construction and the letting of a contract
CSAH . #30
CSAH •#41
from along West County Line and East to CSAH #21. ·
Length.3.3 miles. Grade and Bituminous Surface.
from T;H. #108 to 4.7 miles North. Length 4.7
miles. Grade and Bituminous Surface.
CSAH #57 from 2.9 miles North of CSAH #6 to T.H. #210.
Length 2.7 miles. Grade and Bituminous Surface~
CSAH #62. from CSAH #67 to CSAH f!l9. Length·4.9 miles.
CSAH ·. t/79
Grade and Bituminous Surface.
from South County Line to T.H. #235. Length 3.4
miles. Grade and Bituminous Surface.
Adopted this· 22nd day of August, 1973.
County Auditor (Seal)
Motion was made l>y John Snowberg, seconded by Richard Dillon and
unanimously carried, to approve the following _agreement on.the county portion of
Friberg Avenue of·c.s.A.H. #1, and the Chairman and Auditor were authorized to
I •
execute said _agreement on behalf of Otter Tail County:
This Agreement made and entered into by and between the City of.
Fe_rgus Falls. Minnesota hereinafter referred to as the "Municipality" and the
County of· Otter Tail hereinafter referred to as the "County".
WHEREAS the County has previously des_ignated Fribe_rg Avenue within
the Municipality as a County State Aid Highway, and
WHEREAS the Municipality has awarded a contract to Soby Construction,
Inc .• for relocation· and construction· of· that part of· Friberg Avenue lying between
Cherry Avenue and Fir Avenue, and
WHEREAS it is deemed to the best interest of all parties that the
duties and responsibilities of both the Municipality and the County should be clearly·
NOW, THEREFORE, it is agreed with regard to the said improvement
That the Municipality will furnish all engineering, supervision and
other administrative expense incidental to this construction,
That the County will pay out of funds provided for that purpose all
costs of gradi_ng, base and bituminous work, for the full width of the street, ex-
clusive of curb and gutter,
That the Municipality will pay all construction costs for right-of-way,
curb and gutter, sewer, storm sewer, catch basins, or other public uti_li ties,
That the width of the street built under this agreement shall be
fifty feet (SO'),
That the Municipality will install water mains, sewer mains and all
house connections for both water and sewer to a point back of the curb line before
grading shall be done.
Adopted at Fe_rgus Falls, Minnesota this 22nd day of August, 1973.
. . Clerk
Upon motion made by.Hub Nordgren, seconded by Andy Leitch and
unanimously carried, the meeti_ng adjourned until 9: 30 A.M., Tuesday, September
11th, 1973.
The unJersigncd, who are a majority of the members of the Board of
Cu~::t,r Commissioners of said County, certify that we deem it necessary for the
~Jt..,~ i::•~rsst~ of the Cour,ty, that a spc..:ial meeting of the Board be held for
t:1c tr .. 1:sci.diou of the following business, to-kit:
Matters pretaining to joint Wilkin-Otter Tail County Ditch No. 2
Therefore, we do hereby call
held :it ·:~c Commbsioncrs' Room in the
a special meeting of
City of fttfj~#f$fl8 Breckenridge
said Board to be
in 8114 County on \\'ilkin
Friday the 7th day of September --------------------, 19..zl_
3t 10:30
ilC n_>ryy WR' •Jr·
o'clock A. \1. .on said day, and that the undersigned Col":missioncrs
~ny requirement~ of notices as re~ui~ed by law.
~~Ped this 7th day of September , 19 73 ----------------------.
, ' I ' / ~
Breckenridge, Minne
September 7, 1973
Minutes of a Joint meeting of the Boa.rd of Wilkin County Commissioners and
the Board of otter Tail County Commissioners held in the Court House in
Breckenridge, Minnesota, on Friday, September 7, 19730 Those being present
from otter Tail County ,were Commissioners, Andy Leitch, Richard Dillon,
George C. Walter, John Snowberg and Hubert Nordgren, County Auditor Ko W o
Hanson and Assistant County Engineer G. Do Harlow. Those being present from
Wilkin County were Commissioners, Howard Dawson, Robert Friederichs, Herbert
Muth, Raymond Packer and Harold Blankenship, and County Auditor William E.
Commissioner Robert Friederichs acted as Chairman and called the meeting to
order at 10:30 o'clock A.M.
The purpose of the Joint meeting was to appoint members to the otter Tail-
Wilkin Joint County Ditch #2, which by the order from District Court changed
the classification of Judicial Ditch Noa 2 located within the Counties of
otter Tail and Wilkin, Minnesota, from a Judicial Ditch to a Joint County
Ditch pursuant to Minnesota Statutes 106.015.
Motion was ma.de by John Snowberg to appoint three (3) members from Wilkin
County and two members from otter Tail County to serve on the said Joint
County Ditch. Said motion was seconded by Herbert Muth and carriedo
Motion was made by John Snowberg to appoint Richard Dillon and Andy Leitch
as members from Otter Tail County to serve on the Joint County Ditch. Said
motion was seconded by George C. Walter and carried.
¥.otion was rade by Harold Blankenship, seconded by Raymond Packer and carried
to appoint. ?..obert Friec.erichs, Herbert Muth a.n:i Howard Dawson .from Wilkin
County to se:-ve on the Joint County Ditch.
~otic:i n""3.S rade by Arify Leitch to appoint a th..-ee (3) !'l'le:-:-.her Ditch Co:r:::i.ttee
frc-m land cr.mers along said ditch system. One (1) ioomber to be appointed by
the Otter Tail County Board and two (2) n:embers to be. appointed by the Wilkin
County Boardo Said motion was seconded by How-ard Dawson and carried.
Acting Chairman Robert Friederichs adjourned the meeting at 10:55 A.M. .
· Rebert Friederichs ~ t. Ju~ x.,c....~~ Acting Chairman
Attest: William E. McC
,. r t I. I
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