HomeMy WebLinkAboutBoard of Commissioners - Minutes - 06/12/1973MINUTES OF THE ADJOURNED MEETING OF 1llE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OTTER TAIL COUNTY MINNESOTA Pursuant to adjournment, the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County Minnesota met at 9:30 A.M., Tuesday, June 12th, 1973, all members present.· Upon motion of Richard Dillon, seconded by John Snowberg and unani- mously carried, the minutes of the previous meeti_ngs were approved. The matter of a petition requesting the repair of a township road running between sections 1 & 2, Otto Township and sections 35 & 36, Pine Lake Town- ship. After listening to the various interested parties, action was tabled until further determination is made. Moti:>n was made by John Snowberg, seconded by Richard Dillon and unanimously carried, to approve Change Order G-3, except for Item 13 ($1,714.60), for a total increased cost of $3, 702 • .49. The Board, having previously advertised for bids to be received for the construction of a garage building to be located near the existing Otter Tail County Nursi_ng Home at,.Battle Lake, proceeded to open bids which were found to be as follows: Lamperts Quality Builders Advance Structures, Inc. R. S. Kvamme Const. Co. Fe_rgus Falls, Minn. Fargo, North Dakota Moorhead, Minn. $10,875.00 . 12,750.00 13,435.00 After consideration, motion was made by John Snowberg, seconded by George Walter and unanimously carried, to accept the bid of Lampert•s Quality Builders, Fe_rgus Falls, Minnesota, in the amount of $10,875 .oo, it being the lowest bid. I ' ' \ \ Upon motion made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by John Snowbe_rg and unanimously c•µied-~. ,ther:::following applications for homestead classification and/or reduction of assessed valuation were approved: Carl Anderson Duane & Edna Glass City of Fe.rgus Falls Leaf Lake Township Joseph & Doris Mandelke Aurdal Township Ethel E. Morrow Village of Dent John J. Sullivan Dead Lake Township Richard T. Jahr, Jr. Everts Township Carold & Larro Hi_lgren Parkers Prairie Twp. Beatrice Bakken, et al Nidaros Township Helen & Theo. J. Seiler Everts Township Homestead classification Homestead classification Homestead classification Homestead classification Homestead classification Cabin has notplumbing Tracts sold still assessed Old house overvalued Double assessment The followi_ng subject to approval by State Tax Department: Mills Co-9p Locker Village of New Yo!k Mills Property overvalued Norman J. Larson Dunn Township Wrong valua1ion Oscar Lemmerhirt Elmo Township State highway easement took house Ann Leaders Ottertail Village CoJIUlercial property overvalued Elma Jacobson Village of New YOrk Mills House incomplete Edwin · J. Thulin Clitherall Township Cottage incomplete The Board, having previously advertised for bids to be received for grading and _aggregate surfaci_ng under S .A.P ~ 56-673-03, C.P. 73: 73, proceeded to open bids which were found to be as follows: Harvey w. Nelson, Inc. Lake Park, Minnesota $108,406.76 Conroy Construction Dwnont, Minnesota ll6,423.46 Ed Zimmerman Barrett, Minnesota 118,773.14 Strom Construction Moorhead, Minnesota 119,819.08 Drewes Construction Co. Detroit Lakes, Minn. 123,754.78 After consideration, motion was made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by John Snowbe_rg and unanimously carried, to approve the bid of Harvey W. Nelson, Inc., · Lake Park, Minnesota, in the amount of $108,406.76. 1 The Board, having previously advertised for bids to be received fo~ gradf_ng and aggregate surfacing, under C.P. 73:110, proceeded to open bids which were found to be as fol lows: . Conroy Construction Dumont, Minnesota $112,864.96 Ed Zimmerman Barrett, Minnesota 116,317.77 { Evavold-Vikesland Const. Fe_rgus Falls, Minnesota 115,437.98 Drewes Const. Co. Detroit Lakes, Minnesota 121,550.65 Strom Const. Co. Moorhead, Minnesota 119,673.16 After consideration, motion was made by Andy Leitch, secon~ed by George W-1,ter and unanimously carried, to accept the bid of Conroy Construction, Dwnont,·Minnesota, in the amount of $112,864.96, it being the lowest bid. The Board, having previously advertised for bids to be received for approximately 725 road signs · and 1, 300 posts , proceeded to open bids which were found to be as follows: Sigµs POsts .. Total M-R S_ign Co. , Fe_rgus Falls, . Minn.· $5,928.75 $5,844.00 $11,772.75 Newman Signs, Jamestown, North Dakota 5,933.95 Paper, Calmenson & Co. , St. Paul, Minn. 6,010.00 Gopher Stamp & Die -Co., St. Paul, Minn. 8,470.00 6,416.00 14,886.00 After consideration, motion was made by John Snowberg, seconded by Richard Dillon and unanimously carried, to accept the bid of M-R S_ign Company, Fe_rgus Falls, Minnesota, in the amount of $11,772.75, it being the lowest bid. Motion was made by George Walter, seconded by Richard Dillon and unanimously carried, to authorize payment of; .. $3.00 per hour for mowing along county roads. Motion was made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by Geo_rge Walter and unani- mously carried, authorizing the County Engineer to approve utility permits on behalf of the County, without the necessity of board approval. Upon motion made by George Walter, seconded by Richard Dillon and unanimously carried, the followi_ng resolution was adopted: RESOLUTION FOR SIGNS ON TRUNK HIGHWAYS BE IT RESOLVED, by the County Board at· their meeting on June 12th, that. the State H:i.ghway Department be reques·ted to erect.directional signs at the tollowing_location: Junction of T.H. nos and CSAH-1141, West Junction,· to be known as the East Silent La:k-e Road. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that we request the High- way Department to erect these signs. Adopted this· 12th day of· June, 1973. Chairman . . ·. Attest: ~ .. . . .· ~-- Auditor CERTIFICATION I hereby.certify that the above is a true and correct copy of a Resolution duly passed, adopted and approved by the County . Board of· Otter Tail· County_ on June 12, 1973.' ·' .K. W. Hanson, County Auditor· Cchirtty of• OTTER TAIL , Motion was made by Richard Dillon~ seconded by George Walter and unanimously carried, to grant permissionto Ord Corporationforthe year 1973 for moving mobile homes over county roads, #1 and #24. Upon motion made by Andy Leitch, seconded by Richard Dillon and unanimously carried, the county auditor was authorized to advertise for bids to be received until 11:00 A.M., July 9th, 1973, for two new 4-Door full size sedans, with trade~inn of one 1969 Buick sedan, for use by Highway Department. Upon motion made by George Walter, seconded by John Snowberg and unanimously carried, the county auditor was authorized to· advertise for bids to be received until 11:00 A.M., July 9th~ 1973, for one new model 4-Wheel drive articulated loader with three cubic yard bucket and accessories, with trade-in of one 1949 Austin-Western Motor:Patrol. Fosteson & Ehlen appeared before the Board. requesting an on-sale liquor license in the Bluffton Township area along Highway #10, tentative approval being given. Upon motion made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by George Walter and unanimously carried, the meeti_ng adjourned until 9: 30 A.M., Wednesday, June 13th, 1973. WEDNESDAY'S SESSION Pursuant to adjournment, the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County met at 9:30 A.M., Wednesday, June 13th, 1973, all members present. UPon motion made by George Walter, seconded by Hub Nordgren and unanimously carried, Marv Klicker was re-appointed as Veterans Service Officer for a four year term beginni.ng July 1, 1973. Upon motion made by John Snowberg, seconded by George Walter and unanimously carried, Anderson Bros. Const. Co.~ Fergus Falls, Minnesota, was authorized to proceed with the necessary work on the east and south sides of the jail to provide e.ight additional parki.ng stalls at a total cost of $4,577.40. Motion was made by Geo.rge Walter, seconded by John Snowberg and unanimously carried, to allow Mrs. Geo. Pushing permission to divide a 250' lake shore parcel with three existi.ng cottages into three parcels, two of 80' width and one 90' widt.h, Section 1 -135 -41. Upon motion made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by Richard Dillon the following lice,ises were approved: Liquor License: Frank L. Johnson Set -up LI cense: Reinhold Koehn Harold Falk Beer License: Clifford M. Moen Oak Wood Golf Course Rest N' Reel The Lanterns River N Woods Camp Grounds Henning Township Everts Township Rush Lake Township Fergus Falls Township Upon motion made by John Snowbe.rg, seconded by George Walter and unanimously carried, the county audite>r:was authorized to advertise for bids to be received until 11:15 A.M., July 9th, for the purchase, out of revenue sharing funds, of two cars and one van for use by the Sheriff's Department. Upon motion made by John Snowbe.rg, seconded by George Walter and unanimously carried, the followihg resoiuti~ns were adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County·Commissioners of.Otter Tail Cowity Minnesota, that WHEREAS, it is the policy of this locality to eli!llinate substandard and other inadequate housing, to prevent the~spread of slums and blight, and to raalizeas soon as feasible the goal ofa decent home in a suitable living environ- ment for all of its citizens; and· · WHEREAS, under the provisions of the United States Housing Act of 1937, as amended, the United States of America, acting through the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development (herein called the "Government';), is authorized to provide financial assistance to local public housing.. agencies for widertaking and carrying out preliminary planning of low-rent housing projects that will assist in meeting this_ goal; and · · · WHEREAS, the Act provides that there shall be local determination of need for low-rent housing to meet needs ~ot being adequately met by private enter- prise and that the Government shall not_Anake any contract wit}:l a public housing agency for preliminary loans for surveys and planning in respect to any low~rent· housing projects wiless the -g9,verning body of the focality involved has by resolution approved the application of the public housing agency for· such preliminary loan; and WHEREAS, the Otter Tail Cowity Housing & Redevelopment Authority (herein called the "Local Authority") is a public housing agency and is applying to the Government for a preliminary loan to cover the costs of surveys and planning in connection with the development of-low;;.rent housing; · NOW, THEREFORE, Be it resolved by the Board of Commissioners of-the County of-Otter Tail, Minnesota as follows: · 1. That there exists in the County of: Otter Tail a need for such low-rent housi_ng which is not being met by private enterprise; 2. That the application of the Local Authority to the Government for a preliminary loan in an amount not· to exceed $128,000 for surveys and planni_ng in connection with low-rent housing projects of not to exceed approximately 320 dwelling units is hereby approved. DATED: June 13, 1973 ~ Auditor (SEAL) RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF A COOPERATION AGREEMENT RESOLVED by the Board of County Conunissioners of·otter·Tail County Minnesota, that WHEREAS, the County of Otter Tail, Minnesota, proposes to develop and administer a Low-Rent Housing Project or Projects to consist of approximately 320 dwelling units; and WHEREAS, the County of Otter Tail, Minnesota, desires to enter into a Cooperation _Agreement with the Otter Tail County Housi_ng and Redevelop.:. ment Authority, in connection:with such proj~ct, NOW, 1HEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: 1. That the County of-Otter Tail, Minnesota~ shall enter into a Cooperation Agreement with the Otter Tail County Housing & Redevelopment Authority in substantially the attached form. 2. That the Chairman, Andy Leitch, be and he is hereby authorized and directed to execute.said Cooperation Agreement, in quadruplicate~ in behalf of said County of Otter Tail, Minnesota, and the Auditor~ Kenneth Hanson, is hereby authorized and directed to affix the Corporate Seal of said County of Otter Tail, Minnesota~ thereon and attest the_ same. 3. That this Resolution shall take effect immediately. Dated: June 13, l9f3 Auditor~~· (SEAL) Upon motion-made by George Walter, seconded by Hub Nordgren and unanimously carried, the followi.ng resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of county Commissioners of Otter Tail county Minnesota, that WHEREAS there is a need for organization:of·an-action,committee to meet the requirements of the Economic Development Administration-in implementing the goals and priorities of-the Over-All Economic Development Plan (OEDP) prepared by the Otter Tail County OEDP Committee as printed in December, 1972; and WHEREAS there is also a need for-creation of a county committee to look at the needs of Otter·Tail County in relationship to the recently formed Region 4 commission and serve as an advisory group on regional issues affecting the county; · · · NOW THEREFORE,. BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED The Board of county commissioners hereby create the Otter Tail County Action-Advisory Committee which shall be COll,lposed of five subcommittees representing each county commissioner district as follows:' 1. Each subcommittee will be chaired -by the county commissioner in each of.the five districts; 2. Initial membership of each subcommittee will include the dis- trict's representatives on the Otter Tail county Planning commission and the OEDP Committee.-· 3. Additional membership on the Action~Advisory COmmittee will be deterinined on the basis of.each_subcommittee's need for special types of repre- sentation, and subject to approval by the Otter Tail COunty·Board of Commissioners. 4. Representatives of each sub-committee will.be selected to meet on a county-wide basis as an executive committee to draw up by-laws, and .if necessary, articles of incorporation. S. First meeting of each subcommittee will be set by each county commissioner for.his district. Dated at Fergus Falls, Minnesota this 13th day of June, 1973. ATTEST: Uponc-motion made by ~dy Leitch, seconded by George Walter and unanimously carried, the county auditor was authorized to advertise for bids to be received until 10:45 A.M., Monday, July 9th, 1973, for two automobiles to be used by the East and West Otter Tail County Extension Service. Motion was made by Richard Dillon~ seconded by George Walter and unanimously carried, to reject the application of Mike Drey for a special use permit for the construction of a 28 unit townhouse near Wall Lake in Aurdal Town- ship, permit havi_ng previously been rejected by the Otter Tail County Planning Advisory Commission on the grounds of overcrowding of an already overcrowded lake. Upon,:, motion made by John Snowberg, seconded by Hub Nordgren and unanimously carried, the following applications for special use permit were rejected upon recommendation of-the Otter Tail County Planning Advisory Commission: Garfield B. Anderson Ken Murack Ell Jamieson· Roger Cross Frank Crow- James H. Kelly Lida Township Cut along shore to raise lot Scambler Township Landscape 35 acres for development Lida Township Cut down bank for walkway Dunn Township -· Cut front of lot· to fill rear of lot .Clitherall Township Retail beer license Tordenskjold Township Retail beer license Upon motionU~ade by Richard Dillon, seconded by George ~alter and unanimously carried, the following applications for special use permit were approved: Henry Moenkedick Edna 1\Jwnship Level ice ridge Arnold Hagen Dunn Township Add 16 camp sites to existing park Donald P. Harles Elizabeth Township•·, Fill and landscape lake lot Gerald Shearer Friberg Township Fill lot Thomas W. O'Brian Maine To~ship Remove gravel J:'... •s Richard Bjorgum Nidaros Township Fill arGL for beach & boat landing Gerald Wiese Maine Township Fill lot Jay Mullin Everts Township Fill lot, level ice ridge Keith_L. McKay Tordenskjold Retail be_er license Lawrence Purdon Tordenskjold Ret~l beer license Wm~ Brademeyer Leaf Lake Township Construct roadway Leslie Pierce Dora To~ship Level ice ridge Upon motion made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by George Walter and unanimously carried., the followi_ng applications for sewage disposal system cleaners license were approved: Robert Palubicki Clifford H. Olson Raymond Schepper John O. Lake Sharold G. Reynolds Eltger Nunni Gregory Barry Orville Hawes Roblrt Sherbrooke Bruce Blaeser Russell A. Myrbo Juel Stadum BJB Excavating Cliff's Enterprises Schepper Sand & Gravel Lake Construction Nunni· Pll?g. & Htg~ Barry & Rostad Pumping Service · Myrbo Enterprises Dent, Minnesota Henning., Minnesota Ve_rgas., Minnesota Sebeka, Minnesota Fergus Falls, Minnesota New York Mills, Minnesota Underwood, Minnesota Ottertai 1, Minnesota Pelican Rapids, Minnesota Battle Lake, Minnesota Battle Lake, Minnesota Erhard, Minnesota Upon motion made by Richard Dillon, seconded by George Walter and unanimously carried., the followi_ng applications for solid waste collection· and transportation license were approved: Alfred Pearson Jack Gross Robert Palubicki Ralph Ballard Gross Qisposal Service BJB Excavating City Dray Battle Lake, Minnesota Fergus Falls, Minnesota Dent, Minnesota • - Pelican Rapids, Minnesota Motion was made by Richard Dillon, seconded by Hub Nordgren and unanimously carried, to approve the following applications for sewage disposal installers license:· Grant M. Ohm Grant M. Ohm Excavati_ng John o. Lake Lake Construction Kristian s. Kristiansen Kristiansen Const. Co. El_tger Nunni Nunni Plumbing & Heati_ng Gerald Ripley Ripley Construction Pete Larson Larson Trenchi_ng Service George Happel Nolan Hanson Joe Jarsak Ervin Cichy Hanson.•s Plbg. & Htg. Cichy Excavating Fargo, North Dakota Sebeka, Minnesota Fergus Falls, Minnesota New York Mills, Minnesota Erhard, Minnesota Walcott, North Dakota Frazee, Minnesota Wadena, Minnesota Vining, Minnesota New York Mills, Minnesota Upon.motionmade by George Walter~ secondedbyHub Nordgrenand unanimously carried, the follow\ng resolutbn was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County Minneosta, that The sum of.$44,916 be.set apart from•the General Revenue Flllld and appropriated subject to the order of the Dean of. the Institute c,f .. Agri~ culture of the. University of Minnesota for the support of .county extension: work in .agriculture and home economics in Otter Tail County,· for· the year beginni.ng July 1, 1973, in accordance:,: with ch,pter 202, Laws 1953 and acts supplementary thereto. Dated at Fergus· Falls,· Minnesota this 13th day of June, 1973. ~dlJ;;L Ch rman . ATTEST~ clerk Upon.;·, motion made by Richard Dillon, seconded by George Walter and unanimously earned, the fol lowi_ng resolution. was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County Commi_ssioners of Otter Tail County Minnesota, that WHEREAS, the County Board of Otter Tail County~ Minnesota, has examined into the all_egations of the application: of the Village of Rothsay, Minnesota, dated June 11, 1973, for the conveyance of the· following tax-forfeited lands: Commencing at.• the SW corner of-the SE¼ of the SW¼ of Section: 30 -135 -44. thence east one rod, thence north 80 rods; thence.west one rod; thence south SO rods to the place of beginning, containing 1/2 acre more or less according to government survey ·thereof. Said tract of land is listed in the ·records ·of the County Auditor, Otter Tail County:, ·page one, IS of the tax list of the Village·of Rothsay as the West one rod of the SE¼ SW1/4 of Section 30 -135 -44 ~ That said lands are adjacent to village park and would be desirable for the extension of village street and to add to park area, NOW THEREFORE, be it hereby resolved by the Board of County Commissoners of Otter Tail County Minnesota, that it hereby approves said application and recommends the same be_ granted. Dated at Fergus Falls, Minnesota this 13th day of.June, 1973. ATTEST~ Clerk Upon motion· made by. Richard Dillon, seconded by John Snowbe_rg and unanimously carried, the followi_ng resolution ·was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County Minnesota, that WHEREAS under Minnesota Statute 163. 16, Subdi v. 1., five or more freeholders from Trondhjem Township have presented a written complaint to the county board stating that the township road running between Sections 1 and 12 of Trondhjem Township, as so established, has not been maintained properly and as a result of such neglect is not reasonably passable, NOW, TIIEREFORE, the county board does hereby set the time and place for:heari_ng on said complaint for 10:30 A.M., Tuesday, July 10th:, 1973, in the Commissioner's Roomof-the Otter Tail County Court House. Dated at Fe_rgus Falls, Minnesota this 13th ·day of June, 1973. ATTEST~ erk Motion was made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by John Snowberg and unanimously carried, authorizing the County·Auditor to pay each organized sanitary land fill association one-half of the moneys alloted to them, and the remaini_ng one-half after obtaining their permit from the County Shoreland Management Office. Motion-was made by John Snowberg, seconded by Andy Leitch and unanimously carried, to grant permission to Malcolm Lee to clean out the Civil Defense room of obsolete supplies. Motion was made by Andy Leitch, seconded by Richard Dillon and unani- mously carried., to approve the plat of Morningside Shores on Ten Mile Lake, Tumuli Township. Motion was made by Andy Leitch, seconded by John Snowberg and unani- mously carried, to· approve the plat of Belmont He.ights~ Belmont Lake, in Eagle Lake Township. Motion was made by John Snowberg, seconded by Andy Leitch and unani- mously carried, to commit. $20,000 of revenue 1shari.ng money for ReHab Industries., Fergus Falls, · providi.ng the building plans proceed. Motion was made by George Walter, seconded by Richard Dillon and unanimously carried., to approve the application of A. F. Dewar for reduction of assessed valuation on the Village of Perham. Motion was made by George Walter, seconded by Richard Dillon and unanimously carried,_ granti_ng permission.to Art Abraham to convey the only re- maini.ng parcel in Government Lot 2, Section 35 -136 -41, by metes and bounds description~ Upon motion·made by John Sno\\berg, seconded by George Walter and un.animously carried, the following bills were allowed: Carlton E Mortensen Carlton.E Moetensen Richard Tamke Terry Jacobson Mobile Radio & T.V. Nundahl Oil Co Minnesota Motor Co Louie's Auto Clinic North Union Texaco Vore's National Bushing & Parts General Trading SHERIEF,: Poucher Printing & Litho. Victor Lundeen & Co Graham Paper Co Supreme Sales Co The Photo Center Perham Co-op Oil RoBo Car Wash Big Chief Texaco Goodyear Service Store Stan's Garage Worners Auto Sales Service Oil Co Service Oil Co Kness Standard Jim's Standard Dent Oil Co Dave's Standard Bentson Oil Co •. Battle Lake Farmers Union Lake Region Hospital Lystad 's Inc •. Viking Cafe R.L. WitterM.D. E.J. Wilson,Sheriff Howard Urness, Sheriff Douglas Co. Wadena County Wilkin County Wayne Mortensen Esther Mortensen Mrs Lynn Alvar Patsy Cannon. Wendy Cannon Dan Cooper Fred Cooper Theda Cooper Vada Cooper Marcella McAloney George O'Leary · . Fred Pelzer, Sheriff LeRoy Verbeck Meralee Verback A.Arthur Warner Jr. Mrs Joe Washe Lavern Simdorn Douglas County Clay County Holi-day Inn R.L. Witter M.Da. Roger Bengtson 235.23 197-;:-~9 54.00 72.70 63.75 9.50 131.15 200.30 6.00 93.08 25.20 28.12 82.04 11.48 66.52 672.69 141.39 469.59 285.53 8.55 4.50 26.50 7.50 87.55 6.50 32.48 165.49 22.98 '91.47 7.01 99.50 17.50 23.18 21.52 24.00 4.60 16.00 165.00 168.00 1,446.75 42.50 20.00 14.80 35~20 8.80 11.20 21.20 21.20 11.20 4.12 22.40 14.80 16.12 16.11 14.80 7.00 20. 00. 192.50 ~~~=2~ 81.60 4.00 .COMMISSIONER"S Andy Leitch A. Hubert Nordgren Eugen Davenport John Skrmastad Erwin Siems ASSESSOR PROBATION & PAROLE Arthur Boehne Spencer Lundquist Michael Marks COUNTY COURT Minn. Co Judge's Assoc. Xerox Corp. Empire Business Machines Cooper's Office Supply Security Blank Book & Prtg. Victor Lundeen & Co Miller Davis Co Davenport Stationery A.C. Publications Rural Crime & Justice Inst. · Village of Perham Marvin Klicker Roger Bengtson Cooper's Office Supply Daily Journal Northwestern Pub. Co Battle Lake Review VETERANS SERVICE Perham Enterprise Bulletin DECORATING GRAVES Adamson Norman Post# 30 Rasmusson Schedowske Post# 4020 Cornel Syverson Post# 17 World War 1 Barracks Haimerl Post# 148 American Legion Post# 116 Paul Putnam Post# 289 D.A/V. Chapter# 25 Haug Hammer Post# 508 Perham Barracks# 2127 Harold T Swenson Post# 612 SH OREL AND Malcolm Lee James Johnson Nelson Bros Prtg. Victor Lundeen & Co Pelican Hardware The Photo Center Cooper's Office Supply Fossen Oil Co· Consumer's Co-op Oil Park Region Co-op Wadena Pioneer Journal Northwestern Pub. Co Lakes Pub, Co The Daily News Grant Co. Herald Henning Advocate 23.30 29.00 123.65 129.45 169.41 238.93 177.55 · 48.00 55.00 125.00 15.00 14.40 :76.05 21.73 63.60 1.16 ·12.50 3.00 65.00 51.15 13.82 8.15 10.78 8.80 8.55 8.80 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 58.90 77 .95 16.80 967.49 6.49 26.34 6.00 10.56 ·3.35 2.85 10.00 6.40 20.40 .14.00 16.00 4.80 I WEED & SEED INSP. Kenneth Clambey Alva Krekula I I I I i COUNTYi PLANNING Charles Malmstrom Malcolm Lee I I I COUNTYi EXTENSION Mrs Gerald Ziese Alfred Borgos Max Kroneman Wi 11 is Roehl Mrs Arnold Stock I I I I I Jared Smalley Kenneth Maki HOUSirG AUTHORITY Paul Russell Knutson Floyd Hoff Peter Hovde PHELPSI MILL Coast to Coast Standard Oil.Co I ! i Mehdi Orandi M.D. I.E. Bigler M.D. Marjean Hanson CORONER I I I MISC.: EXPENSES I Gust Lagerquist & Sons Knutson Htg. & Air Cond. Madison Chemical Corp Dacotah Paper Co Gambles· Ebersviller Imp. Co Johnson Repair Lystad's Inc. Mollerud Electric Hintgen Karst Electric Xerox Corp. Fargo Rubber Stamp Fergus Jobbing. Nelson Bros. Poucher Printing & Litho. Victor Lundeen & Co Security Blank Book & Prtg. Multigraphics Midwest Carbon Co Empire Business Machines Burroughs Corp. WOT Soil & Water Cooper's Office Supply Davenport Stationery Miller Davis Secretarial Service Allison & Co· Reitan Larson Co Enstad Larson Mann Minn. Assoc. of Assessing Officers Johnson Furniture Helen Skramsted George Nelson John Skramstad Jim Larson, Sheriff Harry Larson 72.35 43.18 76.10 8.40 10.40 2.00 1.20 1.30 3.00 75.00 18.40 13.20 8.00 162.00 4.59 68.33 80.75 . 50.50 10,40 105.60 3,020.10 76.43 67.34 16.38 8.50 13.75 51.25 930.77 38.30 236.34 7.85 21.00 258.60 182. 56 564.50 678.40 84.13 35.42 26.80 2.35 140.00 817.09 5.15 59.15 48.00 110.00 358 .12 121.00 65.00 150.00 80.00 40.98 50.00 7.30 74.93 Village of Perham Daily Journal The Parkers Prairie Ind. Northwestern Pub. Co Pelican Rapids Press Perham Enterprise Bulletin Battle Lake Review Henning Advocate Lorna McCabe Bonnie Youngquist Donna Quam Cheri Schultz Phyllis Knutson Gloria Opatz Joyce Samuelson Jens R. Ree Mrs Robert Johnson Mrs Charles Perkins Lilas Knutson NURSE Physicians & Hospital Supply Co Nelson Bros Prtg. Victor Lundeen & Co Minn. League for Nursing Minn. Public Health Assoc. Otter Tail Co Welfare EOT Telephone Co Reitan Larson Co Village of Perham Law Center Inc. POOR Twp. of Woodside BOAT & WATER SAFETY ENF. Auto Safety Service Dunker Marine Goodyear Service Store International Harvester Lund American Inc. Service Oil Co Uniforms Unlimited Heinie Richels · ROAD & BRIDGE Ebersviller Impl. Co Fraki Oil Co Garwood Twin Cities Truck Eq Genuine Parts Co Hagen's Inc. Hall Equipment-Inc. Hayden Murphy Equip. Co International Harvester Co It~sca Equipment Co Minnesota Tractor _Co National Bushing & Parta The Parts House Suhr Ford Sales Super GMC Truck Sales Wa_dena Imp. Co Westgo Truck Equip. Co Ziegler Inc. Bredahl Plbg. & Htg. Dick's Plbg. & Htg. Fergus Dodge Inc. 60.00 131.53 21.00 2,144.79 2,512.57 38.25 q6.58 39.05 184.83 74.12 139.54 34.05 57.64 49.38 27.00 14.00 6.80 9.00 10.00 6.94 39.25 ·29.80 25.00 25.00 975.35 23.69 150.00 35.00 20.00 236.35 20.00 290.65 317 .24 54.23 99.58 55.24 103.60 30.00 3.82 15'~'00 203.92 9.95 5.88 58.14 262.02 98.87 21.73 48.87 78.61 74.73 57.48 22.95 15.25 154.14 900.98 17 .50' 8.00 469.27 I !J Les Tire Service Minnesota Motor Co Kurt Rapatt Rude Gar,age Vergas Ford Equip. Carpenter's Hardware Coast to Coast Battle Lake Coast to Coast Henning Coast to Coast Pel Rapids Cordes Impl. Co Crane Johnson Lumber Co Dalton Lumber Co Deer Creek Fab. Edgetown Lumber Co Everts Lumber Co Fergus Glass & Paint Gen~ral Trading Co M-R Sign Co Olson Hardware & Plbg. Peavey Lumber Service Peavey Company .Pelican Hardware Sigelman Hide & Fur West Side Gulf Wheeler Lumber Firestone Store Goodyear Service Store Elk River Concrete Products Construction Bulletin Daily Journal Commissioner of Highways Davenport's Stationery Victor Lundeen & Co Poucher Prtg. & Litho Co SCM Corp. Mathison Hesby Agency Paper Calmenson & Co Otter Tail Power Co Gordon Braness Occidental Chemical Co EOT Soil & Water Div. of Boiler Inspection Michaelson Refrig. County of Becker Transport Clearings Polman Transfer EOT Telephone Co Midwest Telephone Co Park Region Telephone Co N.~: Bell Teleptone Co Pelican Telephone Co N.W. Bell Telephone Co N.W. Bell Telephone Co Dennis Berend G.D. Harlo~ Wendell P Huber G.A. Frederick Roy Bruhn Rueben Car1und James Steinbach 5.00 72.61 38.85 6.00 46.86 21.17 19.36 24.98 4.61 8.62 6.86 12.00 10.48 6.20 13.48 3.20 248.46 744.50 16.07 12.50 3.30 12.26 15.40 14.14 778.50 368.62 594.17 581.27 30.38 40.12 5.95 20.88 23.00 29.75 70.00 126.00 517.48 99.04 209.22 248.88 150.00 8.00 21.28 593. 71 7.48 26.47 59.89 8.56 37.39 32.02 12.07 21.17 21.58 141.44 28.30 264.29 31.00 135.30 16.40 10.60 Olmstead Co Sheriff Goodhue Co. Sheriff Fred Klink, Adm. Gerald Swartz & Edward Klimek Mrs Dorothy Hendershot Mrs Marrida Myron Harold Boese etal Mrs Frances B.Land Carl Norgren Northwestern Refining Co Andy's 66 Andy's 66 Service Bengtson Oil Co Bluffton,Oil Co Consumers Co-op Oil Dave's 66 Dent Oil Co Farmers Co~op Assn Farmer's Union Oil Fossen Oil Co Highway Co. Service Hoot Lake 76 Kness Standard Mar's 66 Motz Union Oil-Co Penrose Oil Co Perham Co-op Oil Co Pete's Sinclair S & F Oil Co Vera's Service Station D-A Lubricant Co. Arrow Petroleum Co-op Services Inc. Mpbil Oil Corp. Nundahl Oil Co Park.Region Co-op Oil Soliah & Braatz Oil Co Standard Oil Co Battle Lake Standard Oil Co. Henning Standard Oil Pel. Rapids Dean's Excavating 16.60 12.50 53.55 302.90 1.20 44.00 108.80 197.00 300.00 3,032.37 148.90 205.16 42.15 336.20 63.62 50.03 164.6_2 179.74 . 135.99 87 .31 . 52.10 147 .47 · 77.95 125~90 83.80 321.76 283.02 75.68 59.50 99.22 322.35 315.34 131.04 6.34 95.00 61.06 74.99 41.60 105.50 90.31 659.00 Upon·motion made by.John Snowberg, seconded by_George Walter and unanimously carried, the meeting was adjourned. . ~ ~- Chairman ATfEST:· ~ ~ -Clerk- ...... .: STATE or ~-11\l~ESOTA ) ) ss '":J •-. :i : '.j ,! T'.1e undersigned, who arc. a majority of th·e members of the Board of Cr,i.11:ty Com.11issioners of sdd County, certify that we Jeem it necessary for the b~st 'interests of the County, that a special meeting of the Board be held for t::c t::i::rnsa,.;:tion cf the following business, to-wit; "ri,~r~fofc, we do hereby call a special meeting of said Boa-rd ·to be i.~.~·""!°: ::·., ·-;;.:··•::;.-io:-,cr~• l{c-om in the City of Ferg1Js Falls tn saic County on Monday tlw __ 2_nd ___ day of ___ Ju_lY _______ •. 19 73. • -'".;..., r . . . 2nd dn)' <.if day. and that the undersigned Co~mis~ioner~ .:~ re<"p1ir-ed by law. July ---------------------- .·, .... -Hd¼t 1:dCOitfrs··«-I t· " :~· \< . l I•.•• ·,