HomeMy WebLinkAboutBoard of Commissioners - Minutes - 04/19/1973MINUTES OF THE ADJOURNED MEETING
Pursuant to adjournment, the Board of County Commissioners of Otter
Tail County Minnesota met at 2:00 P.M., Thursday, April 19th, 1973, Commissioners
Leitch, Nordgren and Walter present; Commissioners Snowbe_rg and Dillon absent.
The Board, havi_ng previously advertised for bids to be received
for the construction of a storage building at Battle Lake, Minneosta, proceeded
to open bids which were found to be as follows:
Hammers Const. , Perham, Mirm.
Lampert Quality Builders, Fergus Falls, Minn.
Farmers Lumber & Supply, Evansville, Minn.
Advance Structures, Inc., Fargo, North Dakota
Pole Frame
All Steel
All bids were turned over to the architect for examination, recom-
mendations to be given the county board for consideration on May 4th.
Motion was made by Andy Leitch, seconded by Hub Nordgren and
unanimously carried, to approve the followi_ng applications for· license to sell
non-intoxicati_ng malt liquor:
Henry Scheuble
Haskel L. Walworth
Lila M. Keskinen
Russell I. Pederson
Wildwood Beach Resort
Whitey's Place
Oak Point Resort
Bay View Resort
Keith L. McKay Sleepy Hollow Resort
(subject to special use permit)
James H. Kelly Green Gables Resort
(subject to special ~se permit)
Dora Township
Elmo Township
Otto Township
Star Lake Township
Tordenskjold Township
Tordenskjold Township
Commissioner George Walter
Resolution, -seconded by Commissioner
its adoption.
presented the following
Hub Nordgren , and· moved
WHEREAS, it is deemed necessary and of public ·exigency
that lands for highway purposes and public use be obtained; and
WHEREAS, Otter Tail County has power and authority to
establish, alter, vacate or 'revoke county highways,;
NOW, THEREFORE, in pursuance of Minnesota Statutes Chapter
117, it is hereby resolved that Otter Tail County take for use on
County State Aid Highway 58 a right of way in and over the lands
herein described, together with the following rights: .All trees,
shrubs., grass and herbage within the right of way of said county
highway, herein acquiredJ and to keep and have the exclusive control
of the same; an estate in fee simple absolute to the lands within
the said right of way; to construct slopes upon and remove materials
from the lands herein specifically mentioned_ to be taken for those
purposes as provided in the plans and specifications which are on
file at the office of the County Engineer, Otter Tail County,
Fergus Falls, Minnesota; and also the right to waste, dispose of,
and place gravel, stone, clay, dirt, sand and other materials on
the lands herein specifically mentioned to be taken for those pur-
poses; and also that Otter Tail County be released from all claims
for any and all damages resulting to the lands through and across
which the parcel of land he~eby conveyed is located by reason of
the location, grading, construction, maintenance, and use of a
public highway over and upon and the removal of materials from the
premises hereby conveyed and from the uses incident thereto; that
the County of Otter Tail be granted an easement and the right to
erect and remove temporary portable snow fences during such months
as weather ~onditions make necessary upon the tracts and parcels
of land hereinbefore described and lands adjacent thereto; and that
no one shall construct, erect or maintain or· allow or suffer any
other person to construct, erect or maintain any sign or billboard
or other advertising device upon the lands adjoining the parcels
hereby conveyed, closer than one hundred (10~) feet from the said
premises unless a permit therefor in writing shall-have first been
obtained from the County of Otter Tail
The lands and rights claimed and proposed to be so taken
are situated in Otter Tail County, Minnesota, and are described
as foliows, and the names of all persons· ap~earing of record as
known to the County Board of Commissioners to be the owners or oc-
cupants of said lands and rights, or interested therein, including
all whom the County Board of Commissioners, by investigation and
inquiry to discover, together with the nature of. the 6wnership of
each as. nearly ~.S. ean--be q.Scertained, · and the legal description·
of the ·tracts -of '1and throu.gh.:'which the county state aid highway
will pass, is as follows:
Parcel 14 (CiP, _73:58)
The Easterly fifty (50) feet of the following described
The East Half of the Northeast Quartet of the Northeast
Quarter (E½ of NE¼ of NE¼) of Section 22, Township 136
North, Range 37 West,
Excepting theref!om right of way of existing highways.
Also that all telephone and powei lines can be placed
on the iight of way line. ·
Also an easement to construct slopes that shall cease
on or before December 31, 1974 on the above-described
The names of the owners or occupants or holder of a lesser interest
in the property aforedescribed is as follows:
The names
Ida Maasch (in fee simple)
The Westerly fifty (50) feet of the following described
The West Half of th~ Southwest Quarter (W½ of SW¼) of
Section 14, Townshi~ 136 North, Range 37 Westi
Excepting therefrom right of way· of existing highways ..
Also that all telephone and power lines can ~e plac~d·
.on the right of way line ..
Also an easement to construct slopes that· shall cease
on·or before December 31, 1974 on the above-described
of the owners or occupants or holders of a lesser interest
in·the property aforedescribed as as follows:
'• '4 I-.-"t ~ _.11_~ .. / ',,i ' '
Ida Maasch ( a life.estate . :. .~ ~. . ., . .. ·,. J
Anna·Selander ( an·tindivided 1/13 in. fee simple)
Carl· Maasch ( an undivided 1/13 ].n fee ·stmp~le•)
Alvin Maasch ( an u'ndivided 1/L? in· fee".simp1e):
Louise Russell ( an undivided 1/13 in fee simple)
Otto Maasch ( an undivided 1/13 in fee s·imple)•
Walter Maasch ( an undivided 1/,13. in' .:fee,. s'imp:Ie). ·.
Laura Maasch ( an undivided 1/13'''in fee simple}
Herbert Maasch ( an. undivided 1/13 in fee simple)
Edward Maasch ( an· undivided 1/13 in fee simple)
Margaret Maasch. ( an ·undivided 1/13 in fee simple)
Ernest Maas·ch ( an undivided 1/13 in fee simple)
Marvin Maasch. ( an undivided 1/13 in fee simple)
Verna Pikkarainen . ( an undivided 1/13 in fee simple)
Dated at Fe_rgus Falls, Minnesota, this / 9vfi:, day of
---..... ~""f'-141 ...... .a~'..1·"'->,J _____ --,--_, 19 7 3 .
*~ K. W. Hanson~ CountyAuito
.. '
.~ ~·
Upon motion made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by Geo_rge Walter and
unanimously carried, the followi_ng resolution· was adopted:
RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail.
County Minnesota, that
WHEREAS Ernest and Elsie Wardien have made application to repurchase
from the State of Minnesota, the following described property:
Lot 13, Block 15, Kepli_nger' s Add 'n to the Vi Hage of Deer Creek
said applicants bei_ng owners of record at time of forfeiture~ that such taxes
became delinquent for the year 1966 and subsequent years of 1969, 1970, 1971 and
1972, for·a tota1·0f'delinquent taxes, penalties and interest in the amount of
$105. 27, havi_ng paid the amount of· $124. 89 including the 1973 tax,
NOW, THEREFORE, this Board does hereby grant said application,
permission to do so being in the· best public inte:rest-,:and 're1ieve ':undue··h:ard5.hip.
Dated at Fe_rgus Falls, Minnesota this 19th day of April, 1973.
Motion was made by I-Iub Nordgren, seconded by George Walter and
unanimously carried, to approve Northwestern Bell Telephone Company's application
to bury telephone cable on County Road #116 in Fergus ·Falls Township.
Upon motion made by I-Iub Nordgren, seconded by George Walter and
unanimously carried, Andy Leitch and Malcolm Lee were authorized to attend
a heari_ng on the Pollution Control· Agency in Minneapolis on April 30th.
Motion was made by George Walter, seconded by Hub Nordgren and
carried, to authorize the repairs of the court house elevator, including new plates
for floor numbers.
Motion was made by Geo_rge Walter, seccnde_d by Hub Nor_dgren and
carried, to ~djourn until May 4, 1973.
· Clerk