HomeMy WebLinkAboutBoard of Commissioners - Minutes - 01/03/1973\ • \_~_.i .,, . .,,/,:~ MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF TiiE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OTTER TAIL COUNTY MINNESOTA .'.,_, .. ,;,;. . _,,~ ' ;·· .· ":·_ .. •"1'· •• Pursuant to Statute~ the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County met at 9:30 A.M. o'clock, Tuesday, January 3, 1973, all members bei_ng present. The meeting was called to order ~Y the County Auditor who stated the first order of business was to elect a Chairman and Vice Chairman for 1973. Upon motion made by John,Snowberg, seconded by George Walter and unanimously carried, Andy Leitch was eiected· Chairman. Upon::, motion made by John Snowberg, seconded by Hubert Nordgren and unanimously carried, George Walter was elected Vice Chairman. Judge Polkinghorn administered the oath of office. Motion was,made by Hub~rt Nordgren, seconded by George Walter and unanimously carried, to re-appoint George Revering to the Otter Tail County Planning Advisory Commission for a three year term. Motion was made by George Walter, seconded by Hubert Nordgren and unanimously carried, to appoint Edward Aho to the Otter Tail County Planni_ng Ad- vi~ory Commission for three year term. ,' MoUon was made by Richard Dillon, seconded by John Snowberg and unanimously carried, to appoint Donald Nelson to the Otter Tail County Planning Advisory Commission for a three year term. Motion was made by George Walter, seconded by Richard Dillon and unanimously carried, to invest the second half of the 1973 Revenue_Sharing Funds for a six month period with interest to go back into·the·Revenue Sharing Fund. C':::::::, I ~: I Upon motion made by · Richard Dillon , seconded by --------------- ___ H_u_br_t_. _N_o_r_d.._gr_e_n_· _____ and unanimously ·carried, the following resolu- tion was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of Cow'ltyCommissioners of•Otter Tail -~ 1 • County Minnesbta, that WHEREAS the following dates be designated,as the dates on which the County Board will meet during the year 1973: February 13th & 14th March 14th. & .15th April 10th & 11th May · 8th· & 9th June· 12th· & 13th July 9th and ·10th August 7th·. & 8th·. September 11th·. & 12th . October 9th· & 10th November 6th & 7th· - December 3rd & 4th. Adopted at Fe.rgus Falls, Minn~so~a this 2nd ·day of January, 1973. ATIEST:~ Clerk Upon motion made by· ___ G_e_o_r_g_e_w_a_l_t_e_r ____ -_., seconded by · Hubert Nordgren and unanimously carried, the following resolution ----------------- was adopted: RESOLVED bythe Board of:county Commissioners of Otter Tail County Minnesota, that A committee of three, consisting of.the Chairman and two members of the Board tobe selected by the Chairman, be appointed to have charge of Court House and Jail and grounds,·theCourt House Annex, for the year 1973. ADopted at Fergus Falls, Minnesota, this 2nd·day of January, 1973. ATTEST:~~ Clerk The Chairman appointed John Snowberg and ------------------- Richard Dillon "~ ' ' ·--to serve on the above committee.· -------------- T I . Upon motion made by ____ J_o_h_n_·_s_no_w_b_e_r...lga:.... ________ seconded by ___ R_i_c_h_ar_d_D_1_· l_l_o_n ___ and unanimously ·carried, the following resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County Minnesota:, that A committee of three,·. consisting of the Chairman of the Board and two members of the Board, be appointed by the· Chairman to purchase all furniture and supplies, except books, blanks and stationery, needed for the Court House and Jail during the year 1973, and provide for such repairs as may become an immediate·necessity. Adopted at Fergus Falls, Minnesota this 2nd day of January,, 1973. ATTEST:.~. Clerk The Chairman of the Board appointed Hubert Nordgren ----------~----- and George Walter to seitve on the above committee. ----""'---------- Upon motion made by Hobert Nordgren , seconded.by --------------- ____ Ge_o_r_g~e_W_a_l_t_e_r _____ and unanimously carried, the following resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County Minnesota, that UNDER provisions of Section 2154 of the Revised Laws of Minnesota for 1905, Dr. Larry Mathison , a resident physician of said County, together with two members of-this Board, to be appointed by the Chairman, be and the same are hereby appointed to constitute·a County Board of Health·of ~aid County for the year 1973. Adopted at Fergus Falls, Minneosta this 2nd day of January, 1973. Cha rman Clerk The Chairman of the Boar.d appointed John Snowberg and Richard Dillon to·serve on the above collDilittee. Upon. motion• made by . George Walter , seconded. by '------------------- John Snowberg and unanimously carried~ the following resolution -------.._;.---:------ was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter·Tail County Minnesota, that UNDER theprovisions of-Sectiori-739 General Statutes of 1932, the sum of. ·$ 200.00 . tobe_and thesaine ·hereby is appropriated out of the Revenue Fund of• the Cowity to the Red River Dev«:,l~pment Association, · I I said amoimt so appropriated to be used in payment of premiums, -to exhibitors I i for the year 1973. ! i I Adopted. at Fergus Falls, Minnesota this 2nd day of Jmniary, 1973 • . I I ! . ATTEST: ! /2,.-~£ ~- di~ T Upon -motion -made by. ____ G_e_o_r_g_e_W_a_l_te_r ________ , seconded by ____ J_o_h_n_S_n_o_wb_e_r""'g"--------and unanimously carried, the followi_ng reso- lution was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter TailCounty Minnesota, 1HAT the sum of not -less than $ · 350.00 be and the ----------- same hereby is appropriated out of-the County Revcfoue Fund of said County: for Otter Tail County exhibits at .the· Minnesota State Fair for· 1972;~ and the County Auditor and Chairman of.the Board are directed to issue a warrant for said amount in favor of Clarence Mielke. Adopted at Fe_rgus Falls, Minn~sQta· this 2nd day of January, 1973. A1iEST: Upon motion made by Hubert Nordgren , seconded by. ______________ __, ____ G_e_o_r __ g_e_W_a_l_t_e_r ____ and unanimously· carried~ the following resolu1ion was adopted: RESOL~D by the Board of County·commissioners of Otter Tail.County Minnesota, 'lliAT the sum of: ten,. cents' (10~) be paid out of the Revenue Fund of the County for. every pocket~gopher and wood· chuck killed in said county duri_ng the year 1973 in· cases where· the. townships in .. whidlpocket:-gophers and wood: chucks are so killed shall provide for the payment of an additional bounty often cents (10~), for each pocket.-gopher and wood· <:4uck,.so killed. . . . RESOLVED FURTHER that, payment;;of such bounty shall be made by the County Auditor upon certificates executed by the ''Chairman of the' Town Board of said townships setti_ng forth that-the· pocket;,.gophers or wood chucks were du,ly presented to the Chairman of such Bc;,ard ~~ ,,~hat the township has issued: and delivered to each,,,,~lai111&Jit• a~·town. order for twenty cents (20~) for each pocket- . gopher or wood chuck so killed. ,:~ Adoptedat Fergus Falls, .-Minnesota· this 2nd day of· January, 1973. /J~A~~ ch~~ ATTEST:~ Clerk T Upon motion-made by Hubert·Nordgren seconded by -------------- ____ R_i_c_h_ar_d_D_i_l_l_o_n ___ and wianimously carried, the following resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by the_ Board'of Cowity·Commissioners of Otter Tail Comity Minnesota, TI-IAT there beand hereby is.transferred fromthe Revenue Fund of the Cowityto the Incidental Fwid the,sum of·$ 750.00 for----------- postage for the use of· the offices entitled thereto-. - Adopted at Fe_rgus Falls, Minnesota _this 2nd day of January, 1973. -Clerk Upon motion•· made by. John Snowberg · . seconded by -------------------., ___ G_e_o_r_g_e_W_a_l_t_e_r _______ ~d tmanimously carried, . the followi_ng resolution was adopted: ' RESOLVED by. the Board of County: Commissiners ,-of Otter Tail Cotmty Minnesota, that The Cowity Commissioner· of his respective district,· namely Geor·ge . Walter, the First District;· Richard Dillon, the Second District; Andy Leitch, the Third District;· .. A. Hubert Nordgren, the Fourth District; and John Snowberg, the Fifth· District,· be. and they. are hereby.· each . a:t,pointed · superintendent of the poor of-his said.district; with:authorityto act:in.relation•tothe care and support of non~resident paupers, and to receive applicatbns for relief or support by or for•any reason in his district; as provided by Chapter 15, Revised .Laws o.f 1905 • · Adopted at Fergus Falls,·Minnesotathis2nd day of January, 1973. Clerk Upon· motion made by -John Snowberg seconded by Richard Dillon and unanimously carried, the following resolu- tion was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County Minnesota, that The following Commissioners be and hereby are appC?inted to serve on the followi_ng County· Extension Committees: West Otter Tail County Extension Committee· ---------------Andy· Leitch .. East Otter Tail County Extension·eommittee ·Hubert·Nordgren Adopted at Fe_rgus Falls, Minnesota this 2nd day of January, 1973. ATTEST:~~ Clerk T T Upon motion made by George Walter , seconded by -,-------c------------ John Snowberg and unanimously carried, the followi_ng resolution was ------------ adopted: WHEREAS, it is provided in Minn. Statute 282.05 for the apportion- ment of the proceeds from the sale of tax-forfeited lands; WHEREAS, the County Auditor shall apportion the tax sale proceeds to the taxing districts pursuant to Minn. Stat. 282.08; WHEREAS, Minn. Stat. 282.08(4)(b) provides that the County Board may set aside 20~ of the proceeds remaining after the value of public improve- ments, special assessments and bond issues levied on.the property have been paid, for acquisition and maintenance of county parks and recreational areas; WHEREAS, Otter Tail County has parks and recreational areas_ which would benefit by such an apportionment; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, _that the County Auditor retain 20% of the proceeds from the sale of tax forfeited land for acquisition and mainten- ance of parks and recreational areas from the proceeds available after maki_ng the necessary statutory disbursements·, said proceeds to be disbursed according to law. Dated at· Fergus Falls,Minnesota this 2nd day of January, 1973. Chairman ATTEST: Clerk Upon: motion---~de• by __ G_e,...o_r_ge_w_a_l_t_e_r _______ seconded by e I, ___ R_ich_ar_d_D_i_l_l_o_n _______ and·unanimously carried. the following resolu- tion was adopted: .RESOLVED by the Board of.County Commissioners of Otter Tail County. Minnesota, that WHEREAS• Chapter 142 •. Laws of 1921. ·Mason's Minnesota Statutes 1927, Section 671, and Minnesota Statutes· 1941·. Sect~on 375_.30· provides ways and means for the control:and eradicationof:rust.;.producing barberry. the following resolution was adopted: BE,IT HEREBY ~SOLVED that a bounty·of $3.00 be offered for the locationofb&l".berry bushor bushes on each property·subject to the provisions as set forth by the Barberry Office, University Farm. Saint Paul, Minnesota~ on.file in the office of~he County ~uditor. iergus Falls,·Minnesota. ' i Adopted at Fe_rgus Falls,· Minnesota this . 2nd day of January, 1973 • . l· ' I I I ! ' ATTEST~ {k~L2~ Cba1fum/ Clerk Upon motion made. by John Snowberg, seconded by Richard Dillon and I unanimously carried, the following resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of.County Commissioners of Otter Tail County 'Minnesota, that WHEREAS the City of Fergus Falls has made application for the conveyance of the following tax-forfeited land describ~d as folflows: City of Fergus ·falls: Lots S, 6 & 7, Block 24, Finkle & White's Addition Lots 13 & 14, Block 24, Finkle & White's Addition WHEREAS the County Board of Otter Tail.County Minnesota has examined into the allegations of the application of the City. of Fe.rgus Falls dated December 26, 1972 for the conveyance of·said lands, NOW, THEREFORE be it hereby resolved by.the County Board that it hereby approves said application and recommends the same be granted. Dated at Fergus Falls, Minnesota this 2nd day of January, 1973. Cha1.fm~ ATTEST: Clerk T The followi_ng letter from the. Maine-Friberg farmers Club was read and requested same be made a part of the County Board Mimibs·: January 2, 1973 "Mr. Hub Norgren~ Chairman Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners Dear Sir: During a meeting of the Maine-Friberg Farmers Club it was brought to our attention that a meeting of-the Ottertail Advisory and Planning Commission will be held in· the near future. · Also that there is the possibility that a change -in classification of our rivers and streams from a Gene+al Development to a Natural Envircmment Classification· may be proposed at that time •. _ ·: It is our considered opinion that such a change would not result in·any improvement of our present ordinance. We realize that a utopian situation may be desirabie by some, but the net result in improvement of •he natural environment would be negligible. It appears that.the present zoning ordinance provides very adequate protection for our environment in regard1 to all shorelaild construction since the ordinance has been in effect·. :•: In regard to· existing in- stallations prior to the enforc:ement of this. ordinance, a proposed change of this magnitude would not solve these possible problems-- that already exist. · · •· <:·/ Again we think1,:that it would be a grave:::error to reclassify our rivers and· streams to a NaturM-:l Environment Classification since · . any advantages would be greatly out-weighed by the disadvant_ages ~- We trust the Board_of-Commissionerstwill<,not act-in haste and·due consideration will be given to our request to leave our rivers and streams in the General D~velopnient Classification. '· We therefore would like to go on record as·opposing any proposed changes re•classifying our rivers and streams toNatural Environment. Yours truly, /S/Anthony o. Johnson Pres. Maine-Friberg Farmers Club" The O.E.D.P. Committee appeared before the Board with their com- pleted O.E.D~P. report plan. Motion was made by_Ceorge Walter, seconded by John Snowberg and carried, to accept the committee's report and thank the committee for all the efforts put forth. Upon motion made by Richard Dillon, seconded by Hubert No~dgren and unanimously-carried, the following applications for homestead classification and/or reduction o·f assess ed valuation -were approved: _ Henry lshaug Norwegian Grove Twp. Dale Danielson-Evert"~ Township Robert & Gerald Schultz Tumuli Township (Subject to approval by State Tax Depa~tment) Waino Paavola Rush Lake Township Peter E. Kunz Fergus Falls Township Ditmar Thalmann Everts Township- Battle Lake Feed & Grain Battle Lake Lease George P. lees City of Fergus Falls Portion of land sold to Wildlife Service not deducted from assessment Mobile home overvalued Wrong classification - Assessed for garage _ belonging -. . I . on next lot Acreage sold to Wildlife Ser- vice still assessed Cancell assessmsent of mobile home Change of lease to G.T.A. Homestead classification· Upon motion made by George Walter, seconded by _ Richard Dillon~the meeti_ng adjourned until 9:30 A.M., January 3rd, 1973 -WEDNESDAY'S SE~ON--· ·, Pursuant to adjournment. the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County Minnesota· met at 9:30 A.M. o'clock. January 3rd. 197_3. all members:present. -· Upon motion made by George-Walter. seconded by Andy Leitch and unanimously carried, the County Auditor was authorized to advertise forbids to be received upon 11 A.M • ., -February 13, 1973 for the· following: . . AGGREGATE BASE. PLANT MIXED BITUMINOUS SURFACING AND AGGREGATE SHOULDERS C.P. 73:1128 C.H. #112., Length· 3~889 miles, located between th·e junction of CSAH #15., ·approximately 12.0 miles southwest of Fergus Falls and the junction of CSAH #1 AGGREGATE BASE, . ROAD MIXED BITUMINOUS\ SURFACING AND AGGREGATE SHOULDERS C.P. 73:1378 C.H. #137, Length 5.978 miles, located approximately 1.0 mile west of New ·York-Mils from T.H. #10 toCSAH #53. Upon motion made by Hubert Nordgren, seconded by Richard Dillon and unanimously.carried, the County Auditor was authorized to advertise for bids to be received until 11 A.M. February 13, 1973 for the -following: AGGREGATE BASE AND ROAD MIX BITUMINOUS SURFACING S.A.P. 56-621-13., C.P. 73:218 CSAH #21, Length 3.519 miles, located approximately 6.0 miles West of Pelican Rapids from the junction of T.H. #108, and North 3.519 miles. S.A.P. 56-655_.07, C.P. 73:558 CSAH #55, Length 3.312 miles., located approximately s.o miles west of Henning from the junction of CSAH # 16 and'' North 3 ~ 312 miles • S.A.P. 56-656--07, C.P. 73:568 CSAH #56, Length 2.443 miles, located approximately 4.0 miles North of Bluffton from CSAH #19 and west and south 2.44 miles · S.A.P. 56-676-04, C.P. 73:768 CSAH #76, Length 2.970 miles, located approximately 1.0 .mile north of Bluffton from the junction of CSAH 119 to CSAH #75 Upon motion made by Richard Dillon, seconded by John Snowbe_i'g and unanimously_carried,_ the following resolution was adopted: RESOLUTION BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY CO:MMISSIONERS OF OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINNESOTA: That because of deterioration due to rain, snow and usual spring climatic conditions the roads hereinafter described will be seriously damaged unless.restrictions are imposed as to weight of vehicles to be operated thereon. . NOW, THEREFORE, No person shall operate any vehicle or com- bination of vehicles upon any of the county roads in the County of Otter Tail and State of Minnesota, described as follows, to wit: County State Aid Highways 1. to 77 inclusive, 79, 81, 83, · 85 and 90 to 100 inclusive, Old 10, Old 52 and Old 210 •. County Roads 110 and 144 inclusive and numbers 146 and 148, during the period from the first of March, 1973 to the first of December, 1973, where the gross weight on any single axle, as de- fined in Minnesota Statutes 1945, Sec. 169.87, Subdivision 1, exceeds five tons (10,000 pounds) and the Engineer of said County is hereby directed and authorized to erect and maintain signs plainly indi- cating the prohibitions and restrictions above at each end of that portion of any highway affected thereby, and these restrictions shall be effective and this prohibition effective upon such erection and maintenance of such signs. Adopted this 3rd day of January, 1973. Attest: County Auditor (SEAL) Upon motion made by John Snowberg, seconded by George Walter and carried, the County Auditor was authorized to adver~ise for bids to be received until 11 o'clock A.M., February 13th, 1973 for the following: C.P. 73: S.S. BITUMINOUS SEAL COAT Approximately 158.9 miles of County State Aid Highways, Village Streets and Township Roads BITUMINOUS MATERIAL Approximately 50,000 Gallons SC and 200 Gallons MC to be deiivered at any point in Otter Tail County transport truck, equipped with pump for unloading. POSTS Approximately 1200 posts for right of way markers and road signs. Upon motion·made by Richard Dillon, seconded by John Snowberg and carried, the County Auditor was authorized to advertise for bids to be received until 11 A.M., February 13th~ 1973 for the following: ROAD MIX BITUMINOUS SURFACING'.• C.P. 73:04M CSAH #4, Length 4.1 miles, located from approximately 2.0 miles north of Petican Rapids from T.H. #59 totlie junction of CSAH #31 C.P. 73:lOM CSAH #10, Length 3.9 miles, located in Elizabeth from T.H. #59 to old T .H. ·152. C.P. 73:14M CSAH #14, Length 3.0 miles, located from the West limits of Richville, CSAH #49 to T.H. #78. C.P. 73:16M CSAH #16, Length 3.l miles, located approximately 0.5 mil west of Henning, T.H. '108 and west 3.1 miles. C.P. 73:24M CSAH #24, Length 5.5 miles, located in Erhard, junction of T.H. #59 and West to CSAH #2 l. C. P. 73: 38M CSAH #38, Le.ngth 6. 2 miles, located from Urbank and· west to CSAH #5. C.P. 73:46M CSAH #46, Length 4.3 miles, located approximately 5.0 miles East of Parkers Prairie from the junction of CSAH #71 to East County Line. C.P. 73:52M CSAH #52, Length 7.2 miles, located 3.0 miles east of Ottertail from the junction of T.H.·#108 and east toT.H. #106. Upon motion made by Geo.rge Walter, seconded by .Hub Nordgren and carried, the followi.ng resolution was adopted: T RESOLUTION BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINNESOTA T BE IT RESOLVED, that the.County Highway Engineer be authorized to issue payrolls for the purpose of salary payments to.all maintenance employees, engineering employees·, construction employees, and for the rental of trucks and mowers necessary for the maintenance of County State Aid Highways not to.exceed $5OO,OOOand Cqunty Roads not.to exceed $146,000 for .the.year 1973~ Adopted .this . day of January, 1973. Attest: .~· Auditor (SEAL) T .tJ Motion: was made by Andy Leitch,·. seconded by George Walter and unanimously carried, to allow Northwestern Bell to bury cable on· Highway #29 •. Upon motion made by John Snowbe.rg, seconded by. Geo.rge Walter and unanimously carried, the County Engineer was authorized t'o attend th~ County. Engineer Instituteto·be held at Arrowwod Lodge, Alexandria, Minnesota;, J~uary 22nd to·26th. Motion was made by John Snowbe_rg, seconded by Hubert Nordgren and unanimously carried~ .to increase mileage to 10¢per mile. Upon motion: made by Richard Dillon., seconded by Geo_rge Walter and unani)!lously carried, the plat of·Haggstrom's Beach, 3rd Add'n, was approved. Motion· was made by . George Walter, seconded by. John Snowbe.rg and unanimously carried, to·reject the application of Herinan Martinson for special use permit on Lot 1, Silent Point. Motionwas mad:e by John Snowberg., seconded by Richard Dillon and unanimously carried, to authorize two persons from the Shoreland Management office to attend the County·Sanitarians Workshop to be held February 20th through 22nd. Motion was made byJohn Snowberg, seconded by George Walter and carried, to approve the 1973 Association·of MinnesotaCounties·dues in the amount of $1,863.00. Upon motion made by George Walter, seconded by.Hub Nordgren and carried, Jeff Tikkanen was appointed as a Regular Member and Duane Donley as Alternate of the WesMin Resource Conservation:and Development Project Committee, to represent Otter Tail County and the East Otter Tail Soil.and Water Conserva- tion District for the calendar year 1973. Motion was made by Andy Leitch to increase the salaries of.the County Commissioners by 5%. Motion was seconded by.John Snowberg and carried, Motion was made by John Snowberg, seconded by Hub Nordgren and wtanimously carried, to accept tJte action of the wage board in determining 1973 salaries for county employees and the following schedule of wages· was set: · Cowtty Engineer $18,000.00 Cowtty Auditor- Cowtty·Assessor ·clerk of. Court ·Register of D~eds Sheriff Shoreland Administration (INcludes Civil Defense) Treasurer Veterans Service Officer Civil Defense (Part time, separate) Cowtty Attorney, Full time County Attorney, Part time Clerk of Court Motor·vehicle Auditor Shoreland Management Nursing Service Assessor Veterans Service Register of Deeds Custodial Treasurer County Court County Attorney Welfare CLERK HIRE Highway Department (Clerical) Highway Dep't (Draftsmen, Surveyors, · Foreman, Supervisory, etc • ) Sheriff's Deputies·ana Clerical Jail $12,750.00 11,500.00 11,500.00 11,500.00 10,250.00 11.,500.00 10,500.00 1,200.00 14,000.00 9.,500.00 15,240.00 14,808.00 53,640.00 4,500.00 59,424.00 37,200.00 11,400.00 I 21,000.00 14,040.00 4:S,S:S'0.00 34,152.00 11,2°53.00 182,820.00 . ' 24,480.00 164.,308.00 101,830~00 25.,670.00 Upon-motiDn made by.George-Walter. seconded by John Snowberg and unanimously carried, the followi_ng resolution was adopted: , . RESOLVED by the Board of County.Commissioners of Otter Tail County Minnesota. that WHEREAS on the 19th day of-September, 1968 pursuant tothe·laws of the State of Minnesota. a certificate of forfeiture was executed by the county auditor on certain lands described as follows: West 700' of Lot 1. Section36 -Township 135. -Range 41 That said certificate was erroneous for the reason that a repur- chase was made prior to forfeiture but erroneously included in the list of'.for- feitures, NOW 1HEREFORE be.it.hereby resolved by.the Board of County Commissioners of-Otter Tail County Minnesota:, havi_ng examined into the allega:- tions of.said application for cancellation of the county auditor's certificate of forfeiture and find the all_egations of said application to· be true.· that this board hereby approves said application and recommends the same b~ granted. Dated at Fergus Falls. Minnesota this 3rd day of January. 1973. ATI'Esr:~. Clerk T I Upon motion made by John Snowberg, seconded by Andy Leitch and unanimously carried, the following resoiution was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County:Commissioners of Otter Tail County Minnesota, that WHEREAS Lester Kjoilo,. owner of. record of the' following· described property: City of Fergu.s Falls: Cutler's 5th Add'n, Railroad Add'n. Lot 15, Block 1 · Lot· 13, Block 2 said property having forfeited to the 5:tate of Minnesota for non-payment of taxes in the amount of $1,070.98, aggregate of all delinquent taxes, with· · penalties, costs and interest,·and having paid not.less than one-tenth of · the aggregate sum, with interest at the rate of 4% per annwn on:the unpaid balance, NOW THEREFORE theCouilty Board does hereby.grant said.application which will be to the best public interest and relieve undue hardship. Dated at Fergus Falls, Minnesota this 3rd day of January, i973. ATJ'EST:~ Cler Upon motion· made by· Andy Leitch seconded by --------------- John Snowberg and unanimously carried, the following resolu------------------- tion was 'adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of OtterTail Comity Minnesota, 1HAT __ THE __ B_A_TT_LE_LAK __ E_RE_V_I_E_W-~'----Ba_t_t_l_e_L_ak_e~, _Mi_._nn_e_s_ot_a ____ _ be and the same is hereby des.ignated as the newspaper in which shall be printed the list' of lands in Otter.Tail Comity upon which taxes became delinquent on the first Monday in January, 1973. Further provided that thepublishers-of:said newspaper be.required.to furnish a surety bond in the sum of $2,000.00 for the faithful performance of said publi- cation. Adopted at Fe_rgus Falls, Minnesota this 3rd day of January, 1973 • . , ATTEST:. Upon-motion made by Richard Dillon, seconded by George Walter and wianimously carried, approval was given to Dale-Tibbetts for license to sell non-intoxicating malt liquor at Dale's Bait & Tackle _Shop, Lida Townshi~-· Upon motion made by John Snowberg, seconded by Richard Diilon and wianimously carried, the bid of Fergus FallsDaily Journal was ac~pted and the Fergus-Falls Daily Journal was designated as the official nespaper of the cowity. Upon motion made by George Walter, seconded by Hub Nordgren and unanimously carried, the bid of the Northwest.erni:Pubb was accepted for publishing the Cowity Financial Statement. Upon motion made by George Walter, seconded by Hub Nordgren and unanimously cai:.ried, the following bills were allowed: I Boarding of Prisoners Carlton E Mortensen Carlton E Mortensen Carlton E Mortensen Glen Melby Sidney Nelson Fergus Dodge Inc. Kness Standard Thomas Oil Co MaJo's Standard Jim's Standard Perham Co-op Oil Robe Car Wash Auto Safety Service Gambles Miller Davis Fergus Jobbing SHERIFF Internatio~al Business Machine Western Chemical Co. General Trading Empire Business Machines Lystad's Inc. Dr W.E. Annstrong West Central Airways Inc. Lake Region Hospital Andrew Lindquist David Olson Harold M. Larson Justin Kastet · EQT SOIL & WATER Donald Kenyon Jeff Tikkanen Marlin Senske William Stone Rodney Flatau Kenneth Clambey Spencer Lundquist Arthur :§oehne WEED & SEED INSP. PROBATION & PAROLE Cooper's Office Supply VETERANS SERVICE Marvin Klicker Roger Bengtson Cooper's Office Supply Perham Co-op Oil Robe Car Wash FergusDodg~ Inc. Mell.di Orandi M.D. Lewis Struthers M.D. Kauk.a Jantunen M.D. Marjean Hanson .Eugene Davenport John Skramstad Erwin Siems Davenport Stationery CORONER"S EXPENSE ASSESSOR EXPENSE 879.00 273.20 10.65 40.00 123.20 --•""' 12.31 , -'·~·•,r: :_,~,...,, .. -- 249.78 5.57 12.58 19.69 121.99·· 155.13 140.33 12.00 2~54 · 10.65 8.65 26.73 104.22 55.48 27.29 23.18 16.00 76.80 10.00 121.77 23.76 5.50 5.50 15.94 83.00 11.08 · 40.20 . li.44 120.88 143.90 122.05 8.45 45.24 38.82 12.50 18.71 20.57 8.90 75.75 25.00 25.25 15.48 60.97 / 83.21 46.06 11. 77 T MISC. EXPENSES Standard Oil Co Dick & John Anderson Construction Crow Chemical Co Dacotah Paper Co Fergus Paint & Glass Nelson Bros •. Poucher Prtg. & Lithe Co Security Blank Book & Prtg. Miller Davis Co . Mathison Hesby Agency Donald Nelson Dept Conference & Inst. Helen Skramsted Stem & Em Drug Monroe International Stand.ard Oil Co John Skr,amstad mmsE Lorna McCabe Dorothy Johnson Gloria Opatz Cynthia Barnard Phyllis Knutson Cheryl Schultz Pearl Ronning Mrs Charles Perkins National Foods EOT Telephone Co Reitan Larson Co CO BUILDING Glenn Cording BOAT & WATER SAFETY International Harvester Twp. of Parkers Prairie Mehdi Orandi M.D. POOR ROAD & BRIDGE Fergus Dodge Inc. General Trading Co International Harvester Co' Johnson Hydraulic Equip. Co Little Falls Machine Inc. Sturdevant's Auto Parts Ziegler Inc. Baas Oil Co. George,C. Mccollough Jr. A.R. Meier Welding Minn. Motor Co . Moe 's Garage Olson Auto Electric Otter Tail Glass Co 838~60 310.00 211.25 34.60 6.10 151.90 112.68 536.06 13.90 20.00 141.86 65~00 120.00 . 5.60 37.00 35.76 46.07 40.23 43.38 18~05 10.80 39.48 100~02 . 28.98 8.10 2.06 20.84 150.00 1,707.33 1,524.98 2.50 99.00 224.87 ·56.71 11.74 1~4.55 8.44 523.17 11.92 14.35 46.03 7.36 17.90 37.99 1.50 3· Kurt Rapatt Stan' s Garage Welding & Blacksmithing Bretz Hardware Coast to Coast Henning ContoEEquipment M-R Sign Co National &shing & Parts National Chemsearch Corp~ Stenerson Bros Lumber Co Vergas Hardware Transport Clearings Firestone Store Goodyear Service Store C .M. · Moen & Pat Fiedler Village of New York Mills Martin Fruth.Inc. & Al Minnerath Inc. N.W. Bell Telephone Co Pelican Telephone Co N.W. Bell Telephone Co Davenport's Stationery Minnesota Blueprint The Pierce Co Wendell P Huber Roy Bruhn Wendell P Huber Keneth Benzinger Edwin Mielke Lake Region Co-op El. Assn. Paper Calmenson & Co D-A Lubricant Co Fraki Oil Co Bluffton Oil Co Co-op Services Inc. Motz Union Oil Co S & F Oil Co. Vergas Oil Co Firestone Store Dean's Excavating 13.00 88.oo 93.75 39.42 27~40 202~36 59.20 138~24 32.50 4.19 161.51 7.30 318.42 276.78 480~00 60.00 604.14 15.48 12.38 22.60 24.05 61.42 143.50. 192.51 32.94 17.50 106.40 1.20 10,340.04 754.23 348.15 . 82.50 214.27 140.16 249.05 589.50 349.26 318.42 266.00 Upon motion made by Geo.rge Walter, seconded by Hub Nordgren and unanimously carried, the meeting adjourned until 11500:\AP.:M, ,FJanuary 16,: 1973. ATTEST~ . Clerk ': I STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) COU~TY OF OTTER TAIL) ss 6 The unde:::signe<l, who arc a majority of the members of the !3oard of County Commissioners of s.:iid County, certify that we deem it necessary for the best interssts o~ the County, that a special meeting of the Board be held for the transaction of the following b~sincss, to-wit: To appoint a member and alternate to the R.C.& D Committee and any other business that may come before the board . . Therefore, we do hereby call a special meeting of said Board to be held at the Commissioners' Room in the City of Fergus Falls in said County on Tuesd~y the __ 1_6_t_h __ day of __ J_a_n_u_a_ry...._ ______ • 19 ~: at 12:05 o'clock P. M. on said daJ, and that the undersigned Commissioners hereby waive any requirements of notices as required by law. Dated this 16th day of January • 19 73 ----------------------