HomeMy WebLinkAboutBoard of Commissioners - Minutes - 12/15/1972MINUTES OF TiiE ADJOURNED MEETING OF TiiE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OTTER TAIL COUNTY MINNESOTA Pursuant to adjournment. the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County Minneosta met at 9:30'·A.M •• Friday. December 15th, 1972. at 9:30 A.M. o'clock •. all members present.· Jerry.Hellen probation·officer. appeared before the Board and explained the "Port Program','. Motipn _was made by John Snowberg •. seconded by Geo_rge Walter and unanimously carried~ that \Otter Tail County support the Port P-,;~gram by. maki_ng application· for: funds. · Motionwas made by George Walter. seconded by Dick Dillon and unanimously carried. to·approve the budget request of $200.00 from Otter Tail County for the· Minnesota Red River Valley Development Association pr_ogram for the year 1973. Arnold Hamness. local representative for the Minneosta Pollution Control Agency. appeared before the Board native to the county's solid waste ordinance. offering his assistnce to·~e county in drawing up an ordinance and final plan for. the county. The board informed Mr. Hamness the Planni_ng Advisory Commission: would be·. cal li_ng . on · hiin for· assistance • (. .-·/ Motion: was made by' Andy Leitch., seconded by John Snowberg and mianimously carried., to approve the plat of Sandy Shore Development. Motion was made by George Walter~ seconded by Richard Dillon and mianimously carried., to approve the plat of Oak Ridge Estates~ ·subject to all proper:-,, signatures., attomey's opinion: as to title., road opinion, etc. Motion was .made by Andy Leitch., seconded by Richard Dillon and i . . mianimously·carried~ to approve the plat of'Hillside Add'n to Bureau Beach sub- ject to proper signature,title opinion.,etc. Motion was made_ b,y George Walter., seconded by Andy Leitch and mianimously carried., to approve the plat of Quiet Waters., subject to signatures, title opinion., road opinion, etc·. Motion·was made byAndy,Leitch.,· seconded by George Walter and mianimously carried, to appoint Mrs.·WesleyHaugen, Battle Lake., Minnesota., to the Nursing Service Board. Architect Glenn Cording,appeared before the Board with change orders for Comity Court and Law Enforcement·Bldg •• Upon motion made by Andy Leitch, seconded by. John· Snowbe.rg and unanimously carried, sai,d orders· were accepted·. as presented. Upon motion made by Ric~ard Dillon., seconded by George Walter and mianimously carried., the Comity Auditor was authorizedto advertise for bids to ' ' be received mitil 11:00 A.M. o'clock,. January 3rd., 1973 for printing and pub- lishing for the year 1973, to cover publication of the annual statement of receipts and disbursements, publication of the delinquent ,tax list for the year 1972,; pub- lication of the minutes of the County Board and also all legal notices which are ·paid for by the Comity. Motion:was made by John Snowberg, seconded.by Richard Dillon·and unanimously carried, to approve the bonds for Myrtle Logas and Marilyn J. Olson·, each in the amount of $1,000.00. I Upon motion made by George Walter, seconded by Richard Dillon and ,unanimously carried, th~ followi_ng resolution was .adopted: Minnesota:, that RESOLVED-by the Board of County Commissioners of.O;tter Tail County ' I I . ! i I WHEREAS Edwin and Melvina Toews have made applicat~on to repurchase from the State of Minnesota~ the followi_ng described property: i SE¼ NE¼, South of Railroad, Section· 2 -Township .. 135.;.; Ra:n~e 38 said applicants·. being successors in interest· at time of forfeiture, that such I I taxes became delinquent for the year 1966 and subsequent years of· 1967 and 1969 for an aggregate totai of delinquent taxes~ penalties and interest in the amount of $139.OO. NOW, mEREFORE this:Baor4 does·hereby·grant said application, ! permission. to do so bei_ng in. the best public interest and. reliev~ undue _h~rdship. Dated at Fergus Falls, Minnesota this 15th day of December, 1972. Chairman · ATTEST:~~ . Clerk 309 I Upon motion·made by Richard Dillon~ seconded by John Snowberg and tmanimously carried, the followi_ng resolution· was adopted: RESOLVED by the.Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail Cotmty Minnesota, that· WHEREAS on Jwie 8, 1971, the bid for· bri_dge construction over the Pelican River was awarded to Korby Contracting Company, Fe.rgus Falls, Minnesota in the amowit of $44,424.50,. and WHEREAS same has been completedto·the·satisfaction.of the Cowity Board at a total cost of $45,323.35,· an increase of:$898.85 due to·the need for additional steel sheet pili.ng, NOW, rnEREFORE,.the County Auditor:is hereby authorized and directed to issue a warrant in the amount of $S,006.76·payable to Korby Con- tracti_ng Company, Fe.rgus Falls, Minnesota as final payment for this work. Dated at Fe.rgus Falls, Minnesota this 15th ·day of December, 1972. Clerk 310 ,y Upon:motion made by Andy Leitch, seconded by George Walter and unanimously carried, The following resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of·county·Commissioners of Otter Tail. County Minnesota, that all elected state officials_ give:due and just con- sideration to·any further increase in funding, personnel and authority re-· quested by the Minnesota.Pollution·control·Agency until the Agencycan demon- strate that· it .. can operate efficiently within .. current established operati_ng procedures. Dated at Fergus Falls, · Minnesota this 15th day of December .. 1972. ~-··~ . ' , . ' . . . . ' ///);, -' . . -. · · airman ATIEST:. ,/ / . '-ff~ -Clerk 311. T Motion was made by Andy Leitch, seconded by John Snowberg and . unanimously carried, to appoint Glen Haugrud~ Regular Member, and Richard Dillon, \, Alternate Member, to represent Otter Tail Couiltyand the West Otter Tail County Soil and Water Conservation District for·the·calendar,yeai: 1973 on the WesMin Resource Conservation and DevEiopment Project Committee. Motion. was made b' . G . W 1 . d d b Rich d D0 ll d ,y .. eorge a ter, secon e y ar 1 on an unanimously carried~ to remove the personal property tax judgment against Victoria Iwasko, Parkers Prairie, Minnesota, said assessment in error as property did not belong to Victoria Iwasko.: Upon motion made by John Snowberg, seconded by Richard'Dillon·and unanimously carried, Chas. Beck was re-appointed· to the Otter Tail County Planni_ng Advisory Commission·for a three year term. Upon: motion· made by Geo_rge Walter, seconded by Andy Leitch and .ounanimously carried, the remaini_ng three members to be. appointed to the Otter Tail County Planni_ng ,,Advisory Commission be appointed at the January 2nd and 3rd meeting. Upon• motion made by John Snowbe_rg, seconded· by. Richard Dillon• and unanimously carried, the· follow~ng bill~ were.allowed: 312 Boarding of Prisoners Carlton E Mortensen Carlton E Mortensen Service Oil Co Dent Oil Co Fraki Oil Co Otter Tail Co~op Oils Jim's Standard Station Robo Car Wash . Fergus Dodge· . Inc. Minnesota Motor Co North Union Texaco Doc's Tire Service The photo Center Victor Lundeen & Co Carpenter's Hardware General Trading Share Corp Mobile Radio'.& T.v. Service Fergus Jobbing Inc. City Cafe & Bakery David Olson · Fergus Falls Medical Group City Pharmacy SHERIFF John Ringdahl Ambulance Service Sheri Wiese Viola Williams Bonny Folkestad Marlene Grind.er Sheriff Vern Rairdin A Hubert Nordgren George Walter; Andy Leitch : Richard Dillon Kenneth Clambey Alva Krekula Spencer Lundquist Arthur Boehne Marvin Klicker Roger Bengtson. Otter Tail CO"!i-OP Victor Lundeen & Co Cooper~s Office Supply I.B~M. Corp. , Fergus Dodge Inc. Goodyear Service Store I Commissioners WEED & SEED"INSP. Probation & Parole VETERANS SERVICE 313 1,695.00 121.29 67.84 23.80 28.29 30.95 228.82 171.95 145.30 756.46 _37.73 27.25 15.00· 58.28 44.74 9.96 38.19 222.13 11.70 9.05 17.64 31.92 6.00 16.25 47.50 4.oo 1.30 4.oo 1.30 2.20 76.92 46.32 42.66 23.79 76.68 63.08 132.20 124.95 36.09 24.03 46.70 1.90 5.25 45.25 11.32 9.08 T James Johnson Malcolm Lee Lake Region Co-op El. Assn Victor Lundeen & Co The Photo. Center Fossen Oil Co Mi~ler Davis Oswald Publishing Co Victor Lundeen & Co The Photo Center Mehdi Oran.di M.D. Mehdi Oran.di M.D. Mehdi Oran.di M.D. Kauko Jantunen M.D. Marjean Hanson Erwin Siems David Oelslager John Skramstad Eugene DAvenport SBOBELAND CO. COURT CORONER ASSESSOR ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMM. Kenneth Larson Jim Dahmen. Ira Iverson Russ Parta Lou:is-Ruark: Raymond Bruhn Mrs Gerald Ziese Mrs Arnold Stock EXTENSION COMM. E.O.T. SOIL & WATER Geraldine McGuire National Assn of Cons. Dist. E.o.T. Soil & Water Wilfred Estes George Revering Ebersviller Imp. Co Swanson Equipment CO. PLANNING PHELPS MILL 314 21.32 62.87 5.00 4.40 1.96 6.77 268.04 11.60 214~24 11.34 . 94.4o 240.00 25.25 · 50.50 15.48 60.25 63.50 137.96 120.18 9.00 1.80 35.01 44.10 3.96 29.60 31.25 43.47 91.86 122.92 .3 MISC. EXPENSES Gust-Lagei:-quist & Sons Carpenters Hardware Central Chemical Co Datco Specialty Lighting Co Garratt Callahan Co c~z Chemical Co. Inc. Ebersviller:Imp. Co Harry Larson Nelson Bros.:( Election ) Security Blank Book & Prtg. Poucher Printing & Li.tho Victor Lunde.en & Co Xerox Corp. '. Cooper's Office Supply Davenport Stationery Victor Lundeen & Co Otter Tail Co-op Oils Nelson Bros Hintgen Karst Electric Gaffaney• s · National Cash Register K. W. Hanson · Helen Skramsted Gordon Potter & Assoc. Mathison Hesby Agency Lystads Inc. Villase of Perham Bureau of Bus. Practice Minn. Co. Auditor•·s Assoc. State of Minn. Minn. Co. of Reg. of Deeds State of Minn. Doc Sec. Minn. Assoc. of Assessing Officers EOT Soil & Water Ringdahl A:mbltl:anee Serviee Viking Cafe Myrbo Enterprises Carlisle Co-op Oil Daily Journal Henning Advocate Anderson Bros Construction Lorna McCabe Gloria Opatz Cheri Schultz Dorothy Johnson Phyllis Knutson Barbara Heikes NURSE Mrs Charles Perkins Physicians & Hospital Supply Fergus Glass & Paint. Reeves Co Nelson Bros Prtg. Victor Lundeen & .Co EOT Telephone Co Villase of Perham Reitan Larson Co 315 52.80 4.37 61.14 239.52 70.3Q 45.95 82.63 47.25 548.30 79.10 83.28 122.92 499.79 151.35 17.78 20.65 2.60 264.50 33.19 48.oo 34.80 21.20 40.00 9.40 232.00 50.00 60.00 16.35 65.00 556.00 60.00 22.50 88.oo 287.50 95.00 21.00 85.00 132.00 228.98 9.60 110.00 56.23 26.10 89.07. 45.90 25.21 54.72 · 8.10 63.77 3.89 11.34 96.40 13.00 18.12 35.00 150.00 If : I Thomas Oil Co Knees Standard Ptter Tail Co-op Oil Louie's Auto Clinic SUper GMC Truck Sales Stan's Ford Garage Minnesota Motor Co South Mill Standard KiDR&Jlal Bpi i.BS! . White Drug BOAT & WATER SAFETY POOR ROAD & BRIDGE Baas Oil Co Case Power & Equip:nent Co Cummins n,»esel Sales Inc. Ebersviller Impl. Co fergus Dodge Inc. Jlflll Equip:nent Inc. International Harvester Co Minnesota Tractor Co Perham Farm Supply George T Ryan Co Smokey• s Machine Shop Sturdevant•s Auto Parts Tysdal & Miller Impl. Glover•·s custom Machine Shop Herb1's Burner Service Kotz Bros. Blacksmith ·· Gaylord Matson Minnesota Motor Co Phil1s Welding & Fabr. Super GMC Truck Sales Ugstad Plbg. & Heating Bob1·s Hardware Coast to Coast Coast to Coast ·Coast to Coast Ebersviller Inc. Gambles General Trading Co Genuine· Parts Co H & M··Builders Homelite Olson Equip. Co. Peavey.Lumber Service Peavey Co. , Pelican Hardware Pelican.Paint & Glass Penrose Chevrolet Co Premier Autoware Sigel.man Hide-& Fur Vergas Ford Equip. Co W.W. Wallwork Inc. Welding supplies _Wheeler Repair __ Armco Metal Products Div. Elk River Concrete Co Richard Oil Co Paper Calmenson & Co Firestone S~ Goodyear Service Store 316 53.42 35.35 11.51 94.30. 135.43 12.50 15.40 28.11 ]:e;e6 2.75 - 82.00 73.19 10.24 64.74 79.70 495.04 136.56 35.28 5.77 161.S3 111.11 14.26 133.41 4.50 23.50 a.oo 33.00 136.85 14.98 179.75 49.91 25.53 27.01 22.04 4.16 21.33 15.32 468.77 16.86 6.oo 21.73 14.85 16.95 . 17.76 2.36 6.59 23.40 113.94 28.91 27.45 38.66 46.10 15.38 66.40 - 154.34 . 920.62 1,613.12 43.50 288.52 Martin Fruth Inc. & Al Minnerath Edwin Dittman Charles Egge Bernie_ Erickson Hallet Constr. Co Stanley Hemming Rudolph Koehler· , . Mark Sand & Gravel W.G. Olson Pelican Ready Mix Concrete . Wilbert Tellers Village of Bluffton Village of Deer Creek Village of DDet De.,,, t: Village of Henning Village of Battle Lake Douglas Co. Farmers Co-op Assn. City of Fergus Falls Village of Parkers Prairie Village of Perham Village of Pelican Rapids Village of Perham Re,: J, BntbB Raymond H. Geiser Comm. of Highways American Road Builders Assn Polman Transfer Jtter Tail Power Co Todd Wadena El. Co Coopers Office Supply Crane Johnson Lumber Co Davenport's Stationery Victor Lund.e~n.&-Co Minnesota Blueprint·co J .c. Penny Co. The Photo Canter· · H.A. Rogers Co Stenerson Bros. Lumber Co SCM Corp. EOT Telephone co· Midwest Telephone Co N.W.Bell Telphone Co. N.W. Bell Telephone Co Park Region Mutual Tel~phone Co N.W. Bell Telephone Co · Pelican Telephone Co Everett Johnson Walter Steinbach Melvin .... Ollie Orin P,_tersen Edwin Dittman Wayne st. Clair Mrs Anna c. Selander Henry Hammer Lee B. Hammer & Wilbur Gropper Clemence F. Hammer Mrs Mary C Mischke · Herman Ebnert Curtf~ · A. Brill Twp. of Homestead Everett L. Swanson Ronald Ehnert 350.39 -62.60 1,486.95 318.80 150.00 121.20 16.20 1,008.80 43.75 62.50 _ 6.oo 280.86 300.00 390.00 373/24 872/52 444.oo 156.80 841.88 487.98 577.92 328.62 144.oo :,.66 13.23 365.36 15.00 17.28 19.74 2,563.90 2.25 4.95 37.06 5.89 64.75 49.50 7.86 55.73 26.47 45.00 62.20 15.47 15.54 20.39 29.58 36.38 19.34 85.70 195.70 46.15 63.10 646.6Q 110.85 42.55 7.30 58.40 425.75 30.35 178.15: 132.70 3.20 71.15 126.40 i Merle Wallgren Sylvester .Mallak: Albert Thun Romaine R. Stephen Twp. of Folden_ Anthony Fielder · Martin· Dlllski: ·Melvin-Ruther Twp of Dunn Twp of Homestead. Twp of Otto Wendell P Huber G.D. Harlow Wendall P. Huber Andy's 66 Service Andy's 66 Service Consumers Co-op Oil Co-op Services Dent Oil Co Famners Co-op Asano: · Frazee Texaco Service Highway Co Hoot l,ak:e 76 Otter Tail Co-op Oils Thomas Oil Co Thomas Oil Co D-A Lubricant Co Inc. Arrow Petroleum Standard Oil Co Bengtson Oil Co Fossen Oil.Co Mobil Oil Corp. Nundahl Oil Co Perham Co•op Oil Co Standard Oil Co Standard Oil Co Ziegler Inc. Perco·: Farm· & Home Supply Coast• :"t9'' Coast Store ~• i/Hardware Kness Standard Meyer's Service Station Service Oil Co .; Ro.ald .C Rasmussen Ro;ld1 C.• Rasmussen Charles Rudolph Oscar Lien 242.98 73.40 27.30 176.40 2.00 557.00 36.00 69.00 · 500.00 300.00 500.00 250.47 23.40 38.25 436.65 . 232.13 39.59 156.90 98.00 206.15 . 162.79 73.69 65.50 72.83 191.75 255.39 445.80 256.47 81.00 187.64 289.18 33_._20 7E;>.OO 109~89 174.59 181~84 1,320.63 302/00 83.00 130.67 30.86 343.64 40.63 17.20 47,.J,.o ·. ·41 00 136°.32 Upon motion made by George Walter, seconded.by Andy Leitch and carried, the-meeti_ng was adjourned. ATTEST: L ~-Clerk 318