HomeMy WebLinkAboutBoard of Commissioners - Minutes - 08/08/1972MINUTES OF THE ADJOURNED MEETING OF nm BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS O'M'ER TAIL COUNTY MINNESOTA Pursuant to adjournment, the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County Minnesota met at 9:30 A~M., Tuesday, August 8th, 1972, George Walter, Richard Dillon, Andy Leitch, A. Hubert Nordgren present and John Snowberg absent. Harold Schmidt, union negotiator for the Highway Department, ·appeared before the Board and presanted the union proposals and requests for the year 1973. The Board, having previously advertised for bids for grading and aggregate surfacing under S.P. 56-624-04 (CSAH 24), proceeded toopenbids which were found to be as follows: Drewes Construction. Co. • Sellin Bros., Inc. 1 Harvey W. Nelson Conroy Construction Ed Zimmerman Michaelson Bros., Inc. Strom Const. Co. Martin Fruth, INc •. & Al Minner- ath, Inc. Detroit Lakes, Minn. Hawley, Minn. Lake Park, Minn. Dumont, Minn. Barrett, . Minn. ·Madison, Minn. Moorhead, Minn. Saint Cloud, Minn. $219,687.30 223.140.80 227,570.50 238,556.20-. 251,751.50 ·275,623.60 296, 7.32 .10 After discussion, motion was made by Richard Dillon, seconded by George Walter and carried, to accep~ the bid of Drewes Construction Co.,-Detroit Lakes, . Minnesota, in the amount of $219,687.30, it being the. lowest bid. Motion was made by Andy Leitch, seconded by Richard Dillon and carried, to approve the plat of Bush Hill Country Bay. Motion was made by George Walter, seconded by Richard Dillon and unanimously carried, to approve the plat of O. C. & Elsie Ewert Beach in Dead Lake Township. The Board, having previously advertised for bids to be received for grading and. aggregate surfacing under C.P. 72:146, p~ceeded to open bids which were found to be as follows: Harvey W. Nelson Lake Park, Minnesota $43,804.25 Douglas Ackling Frazee, Minnesota . 45./ll4. 59 I Conroy Construction Dumont, Minnesota 45,851.05 ·,sellin Bros . , INc. Hawley, Minnesota 52,200.70 ' M & M Construction Co. · Nashua, Minnesota 48,758.40 Drewes Const. Co. Detroit Lakes, Minnesota 51,452.60 After considera1lon~ motion was made by George Walter, seconded by ' . Andy Leitch and unanimously carried, to accept the bid of:Harvey W. Nelson, Lake. Park, Minnesota:, in the amount of $43,804.25, it bei.ng the lowest bid.• The Board, having previously.advertised for bids to be received . ' for:culvert ends, headwall, granular Borrow & Riprap, under S.A.P. 56-624..:05, C.P. 72:24, proceeded to(llen bids which were found to be as follows: Harvey W. Nelson Lake Park j Minnesota $35,191.00 After discussion, motion was made by Richard Dillon~ .seconded by George Walter and unanimously carried, to r~ject all bids, authorizing the Cowity '. . "•\ Auditor to re-advertisefor'.bids to·be. received until.11:00 A.M., September 12, 1972, for: culvert. ends, headwall, granular,.borrow & ripr~p, S.A.P. 56-624-05, C.P. 72:24, waiving penalty. · Motion was "made by Richard' Dillon, seconded by Geo.rge Walter· and unanimously carried,· to approve the application of Northwestern Bell Telephone Co. '. . . to Bury telephone cable along County.Highway#lll, between Section 19, Aurdal Town- ship and Section 24.• of Fe.rgus Falls Township. Moi»n was made by Geo;rge )Walter, se.~onded by Richard Dillon .and ,1::, ' . . unanimously carried, to approve the application; of Northwestern Bell Telphone Company, to.bury telephone cable along Co. Hway:No.•16 arid 55, in Girard Township. Upon motion made by Andy Leitch, seconded by Richard Dillon and unanimously carried, the following resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail Coun~y Minnesota, that WHEREAS concerted efforts have been, and are being, inade by. various conservation groups, such as Fish & Game Clubs, 4-H Clubs, local area farmers and interested citizens of Otter Tail County to raise pheasants in the anticipation of increasing the near depleted pheasant population in Otter Tail County, and WHEREAS this Board is of the opinion and open_ season. on pheasant_ hunting in Otter Tail County could seriously deplete the·pheasant population further and be a detriment to the efforts put forth, -. NOW, THEREFORE, this Board does hereby request the Minnesota State Department of-Natural Resources close Otter Tail Cowity from the 1972 pheasant hunting season. Adopted at Fergus Falls,· Minnesota. this . 8th· day of.August, · 1972 •. clii1rman Clerk Upon motion made by Andy Leitch, seconded by Richad Dillon and unanimously carried, the following applications for sewage disposal installers license were approved: Kahle Plbg. & Htg. , Detroit Lakes, Minnes_ota Wilbur Torgrimson, Ashby, Minnesota Duane Peterson & Arlo Grabow, Henning, ,Minnesota Ken Geerdes, Davenport, North Dakota Kristiansen ConstructionCo., Fergus Falls, Minnesota Gary Kugler, Erhard, Minnesota Upon:motion made by Andy Leitch, seconded by Richard Dillon and unanimously carried, the following special use permits were approved: Elmer Brodersen Ken Connor• Daryl Anderson Amor Township Dunn Township Friberg ·Dredge shoreland to remove weeds Fill lot Cut and fill on 2 lots Motion· was made by Andy Leitch, seconded by George Wal.ter and unani- mously carried, to· grant special aid to Tumuli Township in the amount of $300.00. ' -. . Motion was m.ade by Richard Dillon, seconded by Andy Leitch,· and unanimously carried, to approve the foilowi_ng applications for reduction in assessed valuation: General Electric Credits Corp. City of Fergus·Falls State Junior College Fergus Falls City School District #544 City of Fergus Falls Housing & Redevelopment Auth. Henning Village U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service Elmo Township Robert Hoover Lida Township Double assessment Tax' exempt property· Tax exempt property Tax exempt prqperty Tax exempt property As~essed for lot being used as public roadway Upon motion made by Andy Leitch, seconded by George Walter and unanimously carried, the following resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County Minnesota, that WHEREAS the Board on December 18, 1970 accepted the bid of Bur:r(Jughs Corporation for Two Electronic Accounti_ng Machines, same having been delivered to the satisfaction of the Board, NOW nlEREFORE, 'IHE Cowtty Auditor is hereby authorized and directed to issue a warrant in the amount of $698 .4_7, to Burroughs Corp, as final payment of the above bid~ Dated at Fergus Falls, Minnesota this 8th day of August, 1972 •. ATTEST:~, Cler dKairman · · J Upon motion made by Andy Leitch. seconded by ------------ Richard Dillon-and unanimously carried, the following resolution --------------- was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County Minnesota, that WHEREAS under Minn. Statutes 375.18, Subd. 7, each county board may· transfer by unanimous vote any surplus beyond the needs of the. current year in any county fund to any other such fund to supply a deficiency therein, and WHEREAS all obligations in the Road & Bridge Bond Account have been paid in full, NOW, THEREFORE, the County Auditor is hereby authorized to transfer the bala,nce remaining in the County Road & Bridge Bond ACcount to the County Revenue Fund, the amount of $66,899.93. Dated at Fe_rgus Falls, Minnesota, this 8th day of August, 1972 . . //J7/~ Chairman ATTEST:~L .. . . '~- Clerk Upon motion made by George Walter , seconded --------------------- by Richard Dillon and unanimously carried, the following resolution -------------- was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County Minnesota, that WHEREAS, under Minn. Statutes #487.01. Subd. 2, the county board of a county shall provide and furnish to the county court, the courtrooms, quarters, supplies, equipment and personnel the court finds necessary for it~.' purpose, and WHEREAS under Mimi. Statutes #374. 25 the County of Otter Tail, to- gether with the City of Fergus Falls, will erect, equip, furnish, maintain and operate a joint county court and law enforcement center, with the proportional division of cost to be borne by the county and the city in proportion to the amount of space to be used by each governmental unit in the building, the architect having prepared the plans and specifications for such building and certifying the following amount of space within such building designed for use by each governmental unit: Basement First Floor Second Floor Miscellaneous & Alternates Jail Remodeling Additional Alternates Architect's Fees $ 49,392.50 81,191.50 14,452.00 $145,036.00 .. 465.00 15,614.95 $161,115.95 County $ 49,392.50 95,351.50 165,037.00 31,921.00 15,470.00 --- '$357,172 .00 1,035.00 34,755.85 $392,962.85 NOW, THEREFORE, the County Auditor is hereby authorized and directed to transfer, from the: a total of Buildi_ng Fund County Revenue Fund $ 91.327 .93 301.634.92 $392,962.85 to the Law Enforcement County Building Investment Fund, to defray its portion of the cost of such building. Dated at Fergus Falls, Minnesota, this 8th. day of A_ugust, 1972. ATTEST: Clerk Upon motion. made by George Walter,· seconded by. Andy Leitch and unanimously carried, the following resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County.Connnissioners of-Otter Tail County Minnesota, that WHEREAS this Board, havi_ng examined into· the· all_egations of• the· application of K. w. Hanson, County Auditor of Otter Tail County, dated July . . ' . . . .· 28, 1972 for cancellationofthe county auditor's certificateof·forfeiture filed in the office of the register of deeds of said county, ; recorded in Book 32 of Miscellaneous, Page 477-~-lands affected: , The North 10 rods of the South 20 rods of the East 16 rods of the NEJ4 of Section 28, Township 131, Range 36 NOW 'IlfEREFORE, -said Board finds aUegations of s~d application to be true and hereby approves said application and recommends that the same be _ granted. ATIEST: Clerk Uponmoti>n made by George Walter, seconded by Richard Dillon and wianimously carried, the following resolution·was adopted: RESOLVED By the Board of Cowity·Commissioners of Otter Tail Cowity Minnesota, that WHEREAS this board, having examined into the all_egations of· the application-of K. W. -Hanson, County Auditor of. Otter Tail Cowity, dated July 28, 1972 for cancellation of the cowity auditor's certfficate of forfeiture . filed in the office of the register of deeds·. of said cowity, recorded in Book· 76 of Miscellaneous, Page ·173, lands affected: N 1 rd of E 28 rds of Lot 1 lying w of Hway _ and E 152' Lot 1 w of road, Section 23 -Township 136 -Range 38 NOW, TI-IEREFORE, said Board finds all_egations of said application- to be true and hereby approves said application·and recommends that the same be granted. Ohiirman -Clerk Motion was made by Andy Leitch, seconded by George Walter and unanimously carried, to approve the application of Donald J. Bussey, for Beer, Dance and Set-up License at the· Balmoral Store and Pavillion, in Otter Tail · Township. Motion-was made by Andy Leitch, seconded by George Walter and unanimously carried, authorizing the County Auditor to advertise for-bids to be received until 11: 00 o'clock A. M., September 12th, 1~72, for th_e sale of the depleted gravel pit #34 in Girard Township. Co\Dlty Court Justices Henry Polking_horn and Elliot· Boe appeared before the Board and presented their report on the first month of operation of County.Co1,ttt. Motion was made by Andy Leitch, seconded by Richard Dillon: artd · unanimously carried, to remove the blockage on County Ditch #37, under Highway #210 west of Underwood. 11'7"'° .... ;'(.,~._._;'I <.. Upon motion made by Andy Leitch, seconded by George Walter and unanimously carried, the following bills were allowed: Boarding of Prisoners Carlton E Mortensen C~rlton E Mortensen Gary W Anderson Sidney Nelson Phl,lip F Powell Alfred Schneider Joseph Peloquin Andrew Lindquist Fire Safety Co~. Share Corp Hanover Lamont Corp. The Photo Center National Bushing & Parts Davenport's Stationery Fergus Jobbing Inc. Victor Lundeen & Co Midwest Printing Co Lake Region Hospital Fergus Falls Medical Group Dent Oil Co Miller's Gulf Service Kness Standard Jim's Standard Perham Co-op Robo Car Wash Service Oil Co Minnesota Motor Co Goodyear Service Store Fergus Dodge Inc. Andrew Tumberg Faye Shaw Bernice E Kath Elizabeth McGowan William J. Davidson SHERIFF Commissioner A. Hubert Nordgren Bob Fritz Frank Alstadt Edward Aho Herman Enslin Rodney Flatau Jeff Tikkanen Alva Krekula Kenneth Clambey CO. PLANNING Comm. E.O.T. SOIL & WATER WEED & SEED INSP. 1,050,00 83.94 52!50 23.30 5.00 10~06 10.00 39.10 668~25 2T.OO 41.80 27.50 43.22 10.13 7~23 3.50 176.64 19.50 8.oo 6.oo 26.09 6.43 5.45 131.74 282.02 246.03 6.44 623~26 39.50 854~05 5.50 7~00 5.50 ·7.00 208.70 170.32 80~42 101.66 34:20 34.80 81.60 149~94 157.28 T Elliot Boe Virginia Rustad Empire Business Machines Oswald Publishing Co Victor Lundeen & Co Eugene Davenport Erwin Siems John Skramstad Marvin Klicker Roger Bengtson Fergus Dodge Victor Lundeen & Co Arthur D Boehne Spencer'Lundquist Terry Jacobson Jan Hammond Cooper's Office Supply Malcolm Lee James Johnson Michael Rutten Richard Berge Millers Gulf Bjorgo Repair Shop Crystal Lida Store Fossen Oil Co Frazee Texaco Underwood Service Oil Kness Standard Becklund Rian Oil Cooper's Office Supply The Photo Center Andrew & Meister Drug Victor Lundeen & Co West Central Airways Frank Jesinoski Fergus 6oncrete Products Edgetown Lumber Co National Bushing & Parts Mark Sand & Gravel Coast to Coast Store Mehdi Orandi M.D. Mehdi Orandi M.D. Mar.jean Hanson Eat:i"-Bigler M.D. G.J. Mouritsen M.D. Charles Lewis M.D. COUNTY COURT ASSESSOR VETS SERVICE PROBATION & PAROLE SHORELAND PHELPS MILL CORONER & AUTOPSY FEES FINANCIAL STATEMENT Henning Advocate Perham Enterprise Bulletin 135.77 5~45 10.00 5.75 240.18 61.93 25.20 49.05 36.07 30.33 17.00 13.57 106.67 79.81 70.73 46.36 11.00 64~17 59.27 43.38 34.38 29.95 4~50 11.85 3.54 7.25 7.32 4.25 7.95 28.50 . 29.68 4~47 15.80 23.00 . 178.00 106.35 90.31 62.50 51.83 5.18 600.00 153.50 20.90 25.25 25.25 25._oo 2~209.53 2,209.53 Gust Lagerquist & Sons Terry Jacobson Harry Larson Share Corp. Datco Specialty Crow Chemical Co C-Z Chemical Co Inc. Johnson Repair Gambles JANITOR SUPPLYS,'SERVICES ETC Xerox Corp. Victor Lundeen & Co · Davenport's Stationery Battle Lake Review Universal Ans. Service Miller Davis Co Coopers Office Sµpply Nelson Bros. Knutsq~·Heating & Air Cond. Stenerson Bros. S & S Decora~itjg Green Hanger Uniform Shop Lake Region Hosp. Allison & Co Thomas Donoho Helen Skramsted Effie Green George Nelson Helen Skramsted Messer Johnson Memorial Home Beatrice Wisted State of Minn. Insurance Service Agency Daily Journal Pelican Rapids Press Northw~stern Pub. Co Village of Perham City of Fergus Falls Secretarial Services Russell Myrbo > •." ~@rzia.1·-:McCabe :_ · ;,Myriiii ·t:t'Hestolen Cheri Schultz . . Gloria Opatz Mrs.D.orothy Johnson NURSE HOME HEALTH AIDS Margaret Burris Alice Crosgrove Florence Ginkel Barbara Heikes Mrs Robert Johnson Mrs Charles Perkins NURSING BOARD 216 54.52 15.27- 56.87 32.02 172~80 12·7 .40 45~95 5.75 12.·95 615.87 154.4i 3.50 170.45 30.30 134~00 102~04 242.35 57.30 42.28 9~49 24.oo 25.00 2,287.28 270.00 58~22 2.00 97.35 165.40 50.00 24.60 300.00 96.00 520.96 44~30 14.oo 120.00 1,169~00 135.00 75.00 115.11 26.46 93.19 13.59 25.38 9.81 11.70 12.29 23.76 6.12 8.10 NURSE SUPPLIES Victor Lundeen & Co Nelson Bros. Printing Heal th Care Pub. F.W. Woolworth Minn. Pub. Health Assoc. EOT Telephone Co Village of Perham Reitan Larson Co White Drug POOR A. Hubert Nordgren TAX FORFEIT BOAT & WATER SAFETY Carlton E Mortensen Battle Lake Review St Clair & Rovang Robo Car Wash Perham Coop Oil Otter Tail Ski & Sport Knuttila Imp. Co International Harvester FroelickMarine Farmers Union Coop Dent Oil Co Firestone Store Dunker Marine Richarg Tarnke ,A. L. ~itch Bruce Eckley Kim Biederman Wes~ Central Airways Al ,tt•itch . ROAD & BRIDGE. Cummins Diesel Sales Inc. Fraki Oil Co Garwood Twin Citie Truck Eq. Genuine Parts Co Genuine Parts Co Hintsala Imp. Co International Harvester Minnesota ·Tractor Co George T Ryan Co Suhr Ford Sales Super GMC Truck Sales Wadena Imp. Co Ziegler Inc •. Auto Safety Service Evenson Garage Fergus Dodge Inc. Les' Tire Service Minn. Motor""'Co Olson Auto Electric Phil's Weldong & Fab. Kurt Rapatt Art Sighn Material Co Bob's Hardware Bretz Hardware Coast to Coast Henning Coast to Coast Pel Rapids General Trading Co National Bushing & Parts Northwood Spec. Co Occidental Chem. Co Pelican Hardware 29;86 11.50 1.90 3.73 25.00 36.58 35~00 150~00 21.90 29.88 6~00 203.60 51~85 27.55 96.59 72.20 2.80 45.32 14~74 68.21 6.41 41~66 74.60 4.78 10.00 10.00 10.00 48~60 10.00 1~85 21.95 186.89 44.94 6~24 · 17.70 '415~03 69.72 8.18 22.31 45.57 19.7i 897.00 42~40 23.03 198.65 19.00 27.03 13;55 31.28 13.00 12.62 24.47 4o.4o 37.98 16.29 220.96 69.00 157.50 423~26 2.36 Perham Steel Co Premier Autoware Co Stenerson Lumber Co Vaughn Chev. Co Welders Equipment Bluffton Co-op Creamery Dalton Grain & Feed Farmers Elevator Co Richards Oil Co M-R Sigri Co ffllk River, Concrete Products Northern 'culvert Co '' Otter Tail Power Co Constructibri J~ulletin Fergus Falls Journal Davenport's Stationery Victor Lundeen & Co Nelson Bros Printing The Photo Center ¥illage of Bluff~on illage of Deer Creek Village of Dent Polman Transfer Transport Clearings Allison & Co EOT Telephone Co Midwest Telephone Co N.W. Bell Telephone Co N.W. Bell Telephone Co Pelican Telephone Co N.W. Bell Telephone Co Wendell P Huber G.D. Harlow Roy J. Bruhn Twp of Folden Twp of Maine Dean's Excavating Goodyear Service Store Firestone Allen Metcalf Sylvester Bros. & John Elfelt Harlan Lien Mrs Charlotte Eckhoff Bluffton Oil Co .Dan's Texaco Service Dent Oil Co Farmers Co-op Assn Fossen Oil Co Hoot Lake 76 Nundahl Oil Co Olson Oil Co Ray's Oil Co Service Oil Co Service Oil Co D-A Lubricant Co Inc. Arrow Petroleum Standard Oil Co 3~06 96.l/J.l' 4~97 .66 45~60 410~00 224.40 121.55 1,856.16 4,395.10 163~62 229.76 109.70 56.70 56~70 16."70 148.21 29.75 ,15.01 240~00 300.00 360.00 15.03 ·35.00 1,557.92 47.29 8.27 44~71 17.31 12~65 ·· 19.93 388~48 . 23.27 145~44 500.bb 200.00 . 175.00 312.76 333.91 1.00 236~20 100.00 28~20 280.37 118.30 110.27 120.85 107.02 178.92 153.00 142.79 · 79.21 77.25 163.90 246.50 219.12 86.60 Motionwas made by Andy Leitch,· seconded by:Richard Dillon:and carried, to. adjourn lDltil. 9: 30 A.M., Wednesday, August· 9th,. 1972 .. WEDNESDAY'S SESSION Pursuant to adjournment, the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County met Wednesday, August 9th, 1972 at 9:30 A.M., all members present. Raymond Less, associated with L. Robert Kimbal 1, Consul ting E_ngineers, appeared before the Board and presented his company's record and accomplishments relative to environmental problems and requested their name ·be put onfile for reference for future expansion and planning. Motion was made by John Snowberg, seconded by Andy Leitch and unani- mously carried, to re-appoint Gene Davenport as County Assessor-for·a four year term. Harlan.Lysne, Blue Cross-Blue Shield representative appeared before the so,rd with his c~mpany's proposal for the coming year. Upon motion made by. John Snowberg, seconded by Richard Dillon and unanimously carried, to renew Blue Cross-Blue Shield coverage for a one year period, beginning September 1, 1972. Donovan Olson and Art Sand of Wendell, Grant County, Minnesota, appeared before the Board relative to an R.C. & D. project being proposed for· Lightning Lake in Grant County under a Four County project. Motion was made by . . . · ... ·:·: Andy Leitch, seco~ded by ·R~chard Dillon and unanimous_ly carried, to approve the application for>for R.C. & D~ fun~ for the Lightning Lake Development projcect in Grant County. Motion w·as made bt Andy ,Leit.ch, seconded· by John Snowberg and i . carried, to grant the Cciuilty Treasurer'authority to invest county funds transferred . : . _(. to the Law Enforcement County Btiii_ding Furid .:· :_ Upon motion made by.Andy Leitch, seconded by.George-Walter and unanimously carried, the following reso'iution was adopted: DESIGNATION OF APPLICANT'S AGENT RESOLUTION BE IT RESOLVED BY' Board of Cotility Coiillilissioliers OF. Otter Tail County; Minnesota THAT· Wendell P ~ Huber; · County Highway Engineer, is.hereby.authorized to execute for and in behalf of Otter Tail County Minnesota, a public entity established underi·the laws. of the State of Minnesota, . this application and to file it in the appropriate State office for the purpose of obtaining certain Federal financial assistance under the Disaster Relief Act (Public Law 606, 91st Congress). Passed and approved this··• ~th day of• August, 1972 .. • ~fba;i~-~2,~ . ~ . Cvc-cL,;,,.,, ··~~ £?o,~ Name nd itle % CERTIFICATION I ; · K ~ W. Haris on , duly appointed and Cotirtty Auditor of ··:Otter Tail County; Minnesota, do hereby certify that the above is a true and correct copy of a resolution passed and approved by the Board of County Coiillilissioners of Otter Tail County; Minnesota on the -~_t_h_ day of· August, 1972. Date: August ~; 1972. · County Audi tor· · Official Position T Upon motion made by George Walter, seconded by John Snowberg and ' . -. \Dlanimously carried,' the following appointments to the Economic Development Ass'n were approved: Russell Parta by Geo_rge Walter;-Robert Yo\Dlg, Battle Lake, by Andy Leitch; Ira Iverson by A. Hubert Nordgren; James Dahmen by John Snowbe_rg. Ken Larson of Pelican Rapids by Richard Dillon~ Upon motion made by Richard Dillon, secondedby Andy Leitch and \Dlanimously carried, the following appointments totheHousing and-Redevelopment Authority: weff~,:,.pproved: Floyd Hoff of Dalton by Andy Leitch;· Jared Smalley of Perhain, by George Walter; Kenneth Maki of Henning by Hubert Nordgren; Russell Knutson of Pelican Rapids by Richard Dillon; Peter HOff by John_ Snowberg. Moti_on was made by Andy Leitch to advertise for .a county h_ighway engineer to replace Wendell P. Huber uponz, his. retirement in 'May of 1973. Motion · failed-~or want of a second. Upon:motion made by Richard Dillon, seconded by Andy Leitch and \Dlanimously carried, the following resolution was adopted:· RESOLUTION REQUESTING SPEED ZONING BE IT RESOLVED, that the County Board of Otter Tail County, in compliance with Subdivision 5 of Section 169.14 of the Highway Traffic Regulation Act, hereby requests the Commissioner of Highways, upon the basis of an engineering and traffic investigation, to.autho- rize the erection of appropriate signs designating a reasonable and safe speed limit upon. the following described street and highway: County State Aid Highway tll·from the junction of CSAH Iii and CSAH 1172 and North 1.0 mile. Resolution passed at a meeting of the Otter Tail County Board on August 9th, 1972 at Fergus Falls, Minnesota. Attest: (SEAL) 1'";":Jl<'"') ,i\t.,r~11.1 Chairman . . ~ County Auditor T A RESOLUTION APPROVING mE APPOINTMENT OF TI-IE COMMISSIONERS OF 1HE·HOUSING-AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTI-IORITY OF OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINNESOTA. BE IT RESOLVED, by the County Board of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, upon motion-made by Richard Dillon, seconded by Andy_ .Leitch and I wanimously·carried, That the appointment by _the Chairman of the County.Board of Otter Tail. County, Minnesota, of Floyd Hoff, Jared Smalley, Kenneth Maki, . ' ' ' Russel Knutson•and Peter Hoff to·serve as Connnissioners of•the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, for the period - set opposite their names in the Certificate of Appointment-dated-August 2.9,-1972,. be and the same is.hereby approved. The motion to adopt such resolution was seconded by Andy Leitch, and upon roll call the following -vot~~: YEAS: George Walter, Richard Dillon, Andy Leitch, A. Hubert Nordgren and John Snowbe_rg NAYS: None Thereupon the presiding officer declared said-resolution·duly adopted and passed. Dat'e~ at Fergus Falls, Minnesota this '. 9th day of: August,·_ i972. A1TEST:~ Auditor ci?airman . · Upon-motion made by Richard Dillon, seconded by John Snowbe_rg and W1animously carried, the meeting adjourned until 9:30 A.M.,Monday, August 21st; 1972. AITEST: Clerk.