HomeMy WebLinkAboutBoard of Commissioners - Minutes - 07/10/1972MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OTTER TAIL COUNTY MINNESOTA Pursuant to Statute, the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County Minnesota met Monday, July 10th, 1972, all members present. Upon motion made by_Andy Leitch, seconded by George Walter and carried, approval was given to Richard J. & Margaret Kaufman for transfer of a parcel of land in Section 14, Bluffton Township, purchased from H. E. Tigges, bei_ng S 334' of N 732' of E · 260' of SE¼ NE¼. Lorna McCabe. Director of the Nursing Service. appeared before the Board and presented the budget request for the year 1973. The Board, having previously advertised for bids for culvert ends, headwall, granular borrow & riprap, proceeded to open bids which were found to be as follows: Sellin Bros .• Inc. -.Hawley, Minnesota $32,946.04 After discussion, motion was made by Richard Dillon, seconded by Andy Leitch and carried, to reject bids and re-advertise in,August. I The Board, havhg previously advertised for bids to be receiyecl for road mix bituminous surfacing, under C.P. 72i-SOM and 72:75M, proceeded to open bids which were found to be as follows: Mark Sand & Gravel Co. C. L. Nelson & Co., INc. Fergus Falls, Minnesota Brainerd, Minnesota $27,880.40 30,747.00 After discussion motion was made by George Walter, seconded by John Snowberg and unanimously carried, to accept the bid of Mark Sand & Gravel Co., Fergus Falls, Minnesota in the amount of $27,880.40, it bei_ng the lowest bid. July, 10 & 11 Upon motion made by George Walter. seconded by Richard Dillon and unanimously carried, the County Auditor was authorized to advertise for bids to be. received until 11:00 A.M. o'clock, August 8, 1972 for the following: C.P. 72:146 Grading and Aggregate Surfacing Le_ngth 3.016 Miles, located approximately 6.0 miles Northeast of Perham, beginni_ng at CSAH #13 and East to CSAH #53. CULVERT ENDS, HEADWALL, GRANULAR BORROW & RIPRAP S.A.P. 56-624-05 C.P. 72;24, located in Erhard Village over Pelican River. Upon motion made by George Walter, seconded by Richard Dillon and unanimously carried, the County Auditor was authorzed to advertise for bids tobe received until 11:00 A.M., August 21st for the following: S.P. 56-667-08 Grading·& Aggregate Surfacing Length 3.532 miles on #67, from 1.5 miles north of Junction 210 to Junction of CSAH #50. Upon motion made by George Walter, seconded by.John Snowberg and unanimously carried, the, County Engineer was authorized to statt condemnation pro- ceedings on H_ighway #67 if it is deemed necessary. Upon motion made by Richard Dillon~ seconded by George Walter and carried, the County Auditor is authorized to advertise for bids to be received un- til 11:00 A.M., August 8th, for the following Grading and Aggregate Surfacing S.P. 56-624-04 (CSAH 24), Minnesota Project s-6459(10), length 7.4 miles, located between C.S.A.H. #3, 5 miles east of Erhard, and_C.S.A.H. #41. Upon motion made by Richard Dillon, seconded by George Walter and unanimously carried, the County Engineer was authorized to start condemnation pro- ceedings on CSAH 24 if it is deemed necessary. Upon motio·n ma~e by Andy Leitch, seconded by John Snowbe_rg and unani- mously carried, the following resolution was adopted: T MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS FEDERAL AID SECONDARY FORM NO. III Be.it.resolved that pursuant to Section 161.36, Subdivisions 1 through 6, Minnesota Statutes 1969, the Commissioner of Highways be appointed as agent of the County of· Otter Tail to.let as its agent, contractsfor the construction of portions of County State-Aid Highways, specifically described as follows: County State.,..Aid Highway No; 26 from· West Line of Grant County to CSAH No. 11; 4; 5 ML N. of Wendell; and the chairman and the auditor are hereby authorized and directed for and on behalf of the County to execute and enter into a contract with .. the Com- missioner of Highways prescribing the terms and conditions of such agency in the form as s.et .forth and contained in "Minnesota Department of Highways Agency Contract Form No. IV," a copy of which said form was before the Board, assuming on behalf of the County all of the contractual obligations therein contained. Adopted this 10th day of July, 1972. ····~7<~ Chaff'~ ofthecounty·~ ~ ·~· . , -//2/ :i County Auditor . .•'. -' (SEAL) · 1 .P'/"'1 -=----~ _.,, Upon motion made by ,!ohn Snowberg, · seconded by Richard Dillon and unanimously carried, the following resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County Minnesota, that WHEREAS on April 11, 1972 the bid of Fergus Dodge. Inc. • Fergus Falls, Minnesota, for one Dodge 1/2 Ton Pickup was awarded in the amount of $3,850.00, less trade-in of $1,661.00 for a net hid price of $2,189.00, same havfog been delivered to the satisfaction of the Board, . NOW THEREFORE, the County Auditor is hereby authorized and directed to issue a warrant payable to Fergus Dodge, !Ne., Fergus Falls, Minnesota, in the anount of $2,189.00. Dated at Fe.rgus Falls. Minnesota this 10th day of July, 1972. ATTEST:~ Clerk Upon motion made by Richard Dillon, seconded by Geo_rge Walter and unanimously carried, Lake Region Co-op Electrical Association was granted a utility permit to bury cable under County Road 124 west of Erhard, Minnesota. Upon motion made by Andy Leitch, seconded by John Snowberg: .and unani- mously carried, Northwestern Bell Telephone Company was granted permission to bury communications cable along or across County Highway No. 16 near Battle Lake, Minn. Upon motion made·by Richard Dillon, seconded by Andy Leitch and carried, Northwestern Bell Telephone Company was granted permission to bury cable under County Road # 111, near Ho_ot Lake. Upon motion made by Andy Le.itch, seconded by George Walter and unani- mously carried, Northwestern Bell Telephone Company was granted utility permit on County #83 near Battle Lake and C.S.A.H. 16 near· Henning.· Motion was made by George Walter, seconded by John Snowberg and unani- ~ous ly carried to_ grant special aid of $500. 00 to Otto Township for a township road located between County Roads #14 and #54, between Sections 21 and 22. Upon motion made by John Sn~wberg, seconded by George Walter and unani- mously carried, a committee consisting of K. W. Hanson, County Auditor; Wendel Huber, County Engineer; Carlton Mortensen, Sheriff and Bernie Roberts, Custodian, be. appointed to regulate parking during construction of the new building. Motion was made by Richard Dillon, seconded by John Snowberg and unanimously carried, to approve the payment of $2,ll7.17 to the Village of Pelican Rapids for Special Improvement No. 23 assessed against the County property in the ViUage of Pelican Rapids. YpoR motioi::. 111ade by Richard DilloA, secoJ:1.ded by ~eorge Walter and- · 1,n:1animgu5ly carried, the folleHiRg peselutieR ,.·as adopted: T I Upon motion made by George Walter, seconded by Richard Dillon and carried, the following applications for sewage disposal installers licenses were approved: Naasz Trenching, Moorhead, Minnesota Gary Kugler, Erhard, Minnesota Barney M. Bowers, Pelican Rapids, Minnesota Racer Excavating, Osage, Minnesota Lyon Heating & Plumbing, Pelican Rapids, Minnesota Motion was made by Andy Leitch, seconded by Richard Dillon and carried, to appropriate $1,900 out of the Revenue Fund for Viking-Land USA, for the 1972-72 fiscal year. Motion was made by John Snowberg, seconded by Richard Dillon and unanimously carried, to increase the down payment on tax forfeited parcel sales from $100.00 to $500.00. Motion was made by Andy Leitch, seconded by Geo_rge Walter and unani- mously carried, to accept and approve the application of Earl A. Johnson for settle- ment and abatement of delinquent taxes, pan.lties, interest and costs on real estate in the 3rd Ward, City of Fergus Falls. Motion was made by George Walter, seconded by Richard Dillon arid unanimously carried, to permit the transfer of Lots called 3, 6, 7 & 9 of Govern,- ment Lot 5, Section 9-136-41, by Carl T. Johnson, provided he supplies a survey plat so lots can be designated by numbers. Motion was made by George .Walter, seconde? ·by Andy Leitch and un_ani- mously carried, to approve alternate proposals submitted by· Moorhead Plumbi_ng & Heating Company, as recommended by the engineers and architect, dated July 6, 1972. Modon was made by Andy Leitch, seconded by Richard Dillon and unani- mously carried, and the following·resolution was adopted: MINNESOTA. DEPARTMENT OF. HIGHWAYS RESOLUTION.FORM III-S BE IT RESOLVED That pursuant to Section 161.36, Subdivisions 1 through 6, Minnesota Statutes: 1969, the Commissioner of Highways be appointed agent of the County of: Otter Tail to let as its agent a contract for the construc- tion of that portion of County State-Aid Highway No. 15 described as follows: Ftom CSAH ijo~ 26, 17 miles Southwest of Fergus.Falls, to 3 miles North, which project shall bec:ombi:i:l.edwith· Otter Tail County's Federal Aid Secon- dary Project identified as S.P •. No. 56-626-,-81, and Minn~ S 6461(6), and the chairman and the auditor are hereby authorized and directed for an on behalf of the County to execute and enter into a contract with the Commissioner of Highways prescribing the terms and conditions of such agency in the form.set forth and contained in "Minnesota Department of Highways Agency Contract Form No. IV-S," a copy of which said form was before the Board, assuming on behalf of the Countyall of the contractual obligations therein contained. Adopted this 10th day of July, 1972. Upon _motion made by Richard Dillon, seconded by Andy Le_itch and unanimously carried, the following resolutions were adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County Corriinissioners of Otter Tail County Minnesota, havi_ng examined into the allegations of the application of K. W. Hanson, County Auditor of Otter Tail County, dated June 23, 1972 for cancellation of the county auditor's certificate of forfeiture filed in the . . . office of register of deeds of said county, recorded in Book 40 of Miscellaneous, Page 515, lands effected: N 2 rds of S 150' of Sublot B of G.L. 1, Section 3 -Township" 137 - Range 42 NOW THEREFORE, SAID BOARD finds allegations of said application to be. true and hereby approves said application and recommends that the same be granted. ct.~ ATTEST:~ Clerk I County RESOLVED by the Board of County Conunissiners of Otter Tail Minnesota, having examined into thl allegations of the_ application of . I : K. W. Hanson, County Auditor of Otter Tai'l. County, dated June 29, 1972 for I I • . -. I cancellation of the county auditor's certificate of-forfeiture filed in the i I office of regis~er of deeds of said county, recorded in Book 26 of Miscellaneous, I I Page 213, lapds affected: j All Lot #1 E of following li!le: 921 ft; -E of-NW cor. of Lot 1, S E 271' to S. line of Lot 1, ex. Range 43, i Beg!. at pt. on N line, Section 11, . i 1° 55 I .. W 1186 • 9 ft• J S 26° 35 I ! tract~, Section 11 -Township 137 - I I I I I NOW, THEREFORE, Said board! finds allegations of said application · I · to be true and hereby-approves. applicatio~ and recommends the same be granted. ATTEST: ~ Clerk RESOLVED by the Board cf County Commissioners of Otter Tail County Minnesota, having examined into the allegations of the application of K. W. Hanson, Courity Auditor of Otter Tail· County; dated ~une 29, 1972 for cancellation of county auditor's certificate of forfeiture filed in the office of register of deeds of said county, recorded in Book z of Misceilaneous, Page 43, lands affected: Lot 16. Camp Hatton. all north of ro.ad. NOW,. THEREFORE, Said board finds allegations of said application to be true and hereby approves application and recommends the same be granted. Chairman · -. ATTEST:· Clerk T i Upon motion made by George Walter, seconded by John Snowberg and unanimously carried, the following resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County Minnesota, that WHEREAS L. J. Delaney. owner of record of the follow:ing described property: Lot 1, Block 32, Newc<>mb's 2nd Add'n, Village of Perham has made application for repurchase. said lands having forfeited to the State of Minnesota for non-payment of truces. said applicant having paid the total of . . . $592,85, being the aggregate of all delinquent taxes with all penalties. costs and interest,. NOW THEREFORE the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail l~ . County does hereby grant said application that permission to do so will be to best public interest and relieve undue hardship.· Dated at Fergus Falls, Minnesota this 10th day of July, 1972. ATTEST: Clerk I I Motion.was made by Andy Leitch to advertise for a County Highway E_ngineer to replace the present engineer who will be retiri_ng May 1st, 1973. Mo- tion failed for want of a second. Motion was made by George_Walter, seconded by Richard Dillon and unanimously carried, to accept the affidavit _of survivorship in support of a correction-of Plat of Royell Acres. Upon motion· made by Richard Dillon, seconded by George Walter and unanimously carried, the Highway Engineer was instructed to place a 10 mile per hour speed sign on County No. 1 over Dead River in _Section 12 of Amor Township. Upon motion made by Geo_rge Walter; seconded ~Y Richard Dillon and unanimously carried, the meeting adjourned to 9: 30 A.M., Tuesday·, July 11th, 1972'" TUESDAY'S SESSION Pursuant to adjournme~t. the Board of County Commissioners met at 9:30 A.M., Tuesday, July 11th, 1972, all members present. The salary committee appeared before the Board and presented proposals for county employees. Motion was made by John Snowberg, seconded by George Walter and unani- mously carried, to approve the following applications for reduction of assessed valu- ation and/or homestead classification: Norby's . Martha A. Costain Arthur Dietrich Dale Webb Daniel A. Grohnke Luther Melby Fergus: Falls, Minnesota Scambler Township Rush Lake Township Maplewood Township Lida Township Dane Prairie Township Fo_rgiveness of penalty Cottage & guesthouse overvalued Building used for storage valued . as cabin Unimproved lot Building assessed on wrong lot Homestead classification Motion was made by George Walter, seconded ·by John Snowbe_rg and unani- mously carried, to approve the plat of Juniper Hills in Dead Lake Township, subject to road approval. Upon motion made by Andy Leitch, seconded by Richard Dillon and unani- mously carried, the plat of Ed!.s Sunrise Beach, Tumuli Township, was approved. Upon motion made by Richard Dillon, seconded by Geo_rge Walter and unanimously carried, the County Highway Engineer was instructed to make a preliminary survey of conditions at Dead River between Walker Lake and Otter Tail Lake in Section 12 of Otter Tail Township. Upon motion made by Richard Dillon, seconded by. George Walter and unanimously carried, the following resolution was adopted: I RESOLUTION REQUESTING_ SPEED ZONING BE IT RESOLVED, that the.County Board of Otter Tail County, in compliance with Subdivision 5 of Section 169 .14 of the Highway Traffic Regulation Act,·hereby requests the Commissioner of Highways, ·upon the basis of an engineering and traffic investigation, to.autho- rize the erection of appropriate signs designating a reasonable and safe speed limit upon the following described street and highway: County State Aid Highway #1 in Section 12-Tl34N~R40W from approximately 500 feet North and.South of the Dead River Bridge. Resolution passed at a meeting of the. Otter Tail County Board on July 11th, 1972 at Fergus Falls, Minnesota Attest: County Auditor (SEAL) Upon motion made by Richard Dillon , seconded --------------- by __ J_o_h_n_S_n_o_w_b_e_r ___ g ________ and carried, the following resolutlon was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail Cowity Minnesota, that WHEREAS UNDER Minnesota Statutes 375.45, the County Board shall establish funds in the various county offices for the_purchase of making change, NOW, THEREFORE, the County Board does hereby appropriate the sum of $50.00 from the Cowity Revenue Fund to be used by the Cowity Court for the purpose of making change, $25 .00 to be used at the Court House and $25 .OD · to be used at the Court House facilities at City Hall, ·Fe_rgus Falls. Adopted at Fergus Falls, Minnesota this 11th day of July, 1972. ATTEST:~ Clerk Upon motion made by Andy Leitch, seconded by George Walter and unanimously carried, the following applications for special use permit were approved: Arthur C. Gronlund Harry Bengston J. W. , Lawrence & Robert Purdon Clifford G. Lund Lester J. Vogel Pelican Lake Eagle Lake Twp. Tordenskjold Twp. Candor Twp. Star Lake Twp. Mobile home to be parked on lot Level approx. 64,000 sq. ft. parcel 16 Unit cluster Development Add 8 tent platforms Fill & landscape lot Motion was made by Andy Leitch, seconded by George Walter and unani- mously carried, to_ grant a liquor license to Willie Anderson, Rest & Reel Resort in Everts Township, subject to parking requirements approved by Sheriff and sewage dis- posal approved by Shoreland Mnagement. Motion was made by George Walter, seconded by Richar<i Dillon an_d unani- mously carried, to allow Balmoral Pavillion (Bussy & Kniecek) and Balmoral 131 Club beer and dance licenses subject to proper signatures. Upon motion made by George Walter, seconded by Richard Oil lon and . . ' unanimously carried, the following applications for set-up, beer and dance licenses were approved: Set-up Licenses: Gerald T. Anderson Adrian !Ves tergard;: Leonard J. Pusc Floyd M. Collins Arvid Tenney Norman Craig Harold Falk Hugh W. Kabrich Pearl Morse Evelyn Smith Paul C. Anderson Chalet Chanticleer The Last Resort Triangle Dance Club Collins Landi_ng Hi Way Park Store & Ballroom "78" Club The Lan terns Grand View Heights Park Way Inn Pine Lakes Lodge Perry's Place Ottertail Township Elizabeth Township Rush Lake Township Star Lake Township Elmo Township Girard Township .Rush Lake Township Pine Lake Township ·Leaf Mountain Township Corliss Township Dora Township I Dance License: Paul C. Anderson · Beer License: Paul C. Anderson S. R. DeJong LeRoy R. Atkinson Perry's Place Perry's• Place Lake View Acres Fort Thunder Public Shooting Center Dora Township Dora Township Perham Township Perham Township Motion was made by Andy Leitch, seconded by George Walter and unanimously carried, to approve the application of David Lundeen, attorney, acting on behalf of the Gust A. Smith Estate, to remove the judgment in the name of Ray & Harold Bagley in the Village of Vining. Motion was made by John Snowberg, seconded by Richard Dillon and unanimously carried, to authorize the County Auditor to issue a warrant in the amount of $3,000 to the Historical Society as county support of general operating expenses. Motion was made by Richarcf Dillon, seconded by John Snowberg and carried, to amend the motion on April 11th, 1972 granting an extended leave of absence to Raymond Simonsen, to read" grant an extended leave of absence for illness (sickness) to Raymond Simonsen, employee in the County Highway Department." Upon motion made by Richard Dillon, seconded by George-Walter and unanimously carried, the following resolution was adopted: WHEREAS, when CSAH #18 was reconstructed in 1960 and 1961, ·there was a realignment made of the road through Sections 15 and 22 in Aurdal Township constructing said road on the Section Line where the original road lay on a line beginni_ng at approximately the SW corner of Section 15, thence Northeasterly to the SW corner of the NE¼ of the SW¼ of Section 15, thence Easterly along the 16th ·line to approximately the Southeast corner of the NW¼ of SE¼ of Section 15; thence Southeasterly to approximately the Southeast.corner of Section 15. At this time the County proposed to bring the township road from the North straight South from the Southwest corner of the NE¼ SW¼ of Section 15., but due to right of way diffi- culties, this never materialized. The township is reconstructing said road on this line, and WHEREAS, we had promised to reconstruct it in 1960, NOW, THEREFOR~, BE IT RESOLVED, that we give $2,000.00 in Special Aid to the township. Adopted this 11th day of July, 1972. ATTEST: Clerk 1E6 TO THE COUNTY BOARD-OF OTTER TAIL COUNTY Pursuant to law I present below, a statement showing the amount of truces levied for County purposes for the ct1rrent y_ear, the amounts collected and apportioned to date, and the balances uncollected, together with the actual cash balances remaining to the credit of each_County Fund at the close·of business on the 30th day of June, 1972. County Auditor _ · I I --- Amount Levied for Amount Collected Balance Uncollected Funds Current Year and Apportioned or Una12portioned County Revenue Fund $661,296.00 $112,269.47 $549,026.53 County Buildings 65,000.00 4,447.10 60,552.90 ' 851,477.00 County Welfare 914,ll2.00 62,635.00 County Road & Bridge 715,500.00 49,016.98 666,483.02 Sheltered Workshop 13,829.00 948.71 12,880.29 ·Total $2,369,737.00 $229,317.26 $2,140,419.74 Balances remaining to the credit of each Fund are as follows: County Revenue Fund County Buildi_ngs County Welfare County Poor County Road & Bridge Road & Bridge Bond Account Sheltered Workshop Debit $422,486.95 Credit $488 • 908 .41 91,327.93 312,807.47 943,842.64 66,899.93 1,365.81 The following is a statement of the accounts remaining unpaid on the contracts already entered into by the Board. Contract Amount iXmount Paid Balance Due Equipment -Road & Bridge $ 70,439.80 Contracts -Road & Bridge 1,190,628.00 Equipment -Revenue $ 23,589.60 $ 22,589.60 1,000.00 County Building 502,208.00 502,208.00 Upon motion made by John Snowberg, seconded by George Walter and unanimously carried, the following resolution was· adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Ta.il County Minnesota, ·THAT there be levied upon the taxable property of Otter Tail· County, Minne?ota, payable during the year 1973, the following amounts for the several County Funds, as estimated:. County Revenue: Ordinary County Agents Retirement Audit Parks -Phelps Soil & Water Conservation Dist. Veterans Service County Welfare County Road & Bridge County Poor County Buildings Sheltered Wor~shop County Fairs $591~380.00 39,971.00 53,000.00 7,500.00 12~000,00 22,000.00 20,870.00 929,782.00 725,000.00 o·oo .oo 65,000.00 13,829.00 10,000.00 $2,490,332 .. oo Adopted at Fergus Falls, Minnesota this 11th day of July. 1972. Clerk Pursuant to a resolution adopted by the Otter Tail County Board on t:he 6th day of June, 1972, providing for a hearing to determine the ne.ed for a housi_ng and redevelopment authority to function in Otter_ Tail County, notice of hearing published in the Fergus Falls Daily Journal on June 16th, 23rd and 30th; 1972, proof -of publication filed in the office of the County Auditor, a full opportunity to be heard on the questions set forth therein was granted to all residents of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, and its environs and to all other interested persons; witnesses and evidence were examined and testiJl!ony was heard. At the conclusion of hearing, upon motion made by George Walter, seconded by Richard Dillon and unanimously carried, the following resolution was adopted: A RESOLlITION DECLARING THE NEED FOR A HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AlITHORITY IN OTTER TAIL COUNTY,_ MINNESOTA RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County Minnesota, that Pursuant to resolution adopted.by this body on the 6th day of June, 1972, a hearing has been held by the Otter Tail County Board at Fergus Falls, Minnesota, to determine the need for a Housi_ng and Redevelopment Authori_ty to function in such county, Whereas, facts have been submitted to this body showing that there is a need for a Housing and Redevelopment Authority fo function in Otter Tail County Minnesota: THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED That the County Board of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, pursuant to the "Municipal Housi_ng and Redevelopmen_t Act" of the State of Minnesota, hereby finds, determines and declares: ··· L. There exists in Otter Tail County, Minnesota, substandard or blighted areas which cannot be redeveloped without the assistance of govern- ment; 2. Adequate housi_ng accommodations are· not available to veterans ·and servicemen and their families; 3. There is a shortage of decent, safe and sanitary dwelling . accommodations available to persons .. of low income and their families at rentals. they can afford; 4. It is hereby declared.that there is a need for a Housing and Redevelopment Authority to function in Otter Tail County, Minnesota, and said need continues to exist. Adopted at Fe_rgus Falls, Minnesota this 11th day of July, 1972 ~ ATTEST: Clerk · 1 The followi?g bills were approved: Boarding of Prisoners Office Expense• Mileage & Expense Robo Car Wash Miller i's. Gulf Perham Co-op Jim's Standard Sheriff Expense Gasoline Service etc. Highway Service Station Dent Oil Co Daves' Standard Service Consum~rs Co-op Oil Big Chief Texaco Service Oil Co Minnesota Motor Co Nundahl Oil Co Les' Tire Service Firestone Stores National Bushing & Parts General Trading Co North Union Texaco Otter Tail Co Highway Dept. The Photo Center Vore's ~ire Safety Corp. Victor Lundeen & Co Midwest Printing Co Mobile Radio & T.V. Hillcrest Safety Equip. Johnson Furniture Lystad's Inc. Dr. W.E. Armstrong City Cafe & Bakery Lakeland Motel Fergus Falls Medical Croup City Pharmacy Barry Nelson William Wey William Martin Raymond Bruhn J.C. Burshiem Mrs C.S. Edlund Selmer Edlund Mrs Rodney Fudge Victoria•G. Legvold Arth~r Mohs Larry Syvertson Wayne/'Thomps on Elois R vikander Mileage & Witness lees $ 963:.00 52~05 104.33 .274~85 . 36.66 267.47 168~16 69~22 24~56 65~22 22.13 5~85 56~95 189~72 8.55 186~bb 62~03 2.08 62~37 13.25 26.28 125~85 16.90 85.65 190.92 20.00 92.50 50.00 3.90 93.i8 6~bo 3~00 29~12 93.50 8~00 7i.28 10.00 10.00 17.00 4'!30 9~70 9.70 9~40 B8.50 6/85 7 ~30 8~20 ~-70 Donald Nelson George Revering Edward Aho .Prank Al tstadt Charles Malmstrom Harold Skistad Arnold Evavold Homer Sem Theodore Hegseth Glenn Haugrud Ottertail Co-op Oil B.K. Soby The Photo Center William Stone Rodney Flatau .Tribune Printing Donald Kenyon Co. Planning Comm. WOT Soil & Water EOT Soil & Water Nat'l Assoc. of Cons. D1st. EOT Soil & Water Rc&n-central Comm. Kenneth Clambey Frank-Roberts Alva Krekula · Marvin Klicker Weed & Seed Insp. Veterans Service Roger Bengtson Stenerson Bros.:.Lumber Victor Lundeen & Co Robo Car Wash Perham Co-op Oil I Arthur D. Boehne Spencer Lundquist Jan Hammond Terry Jacobson James Johnson Malcolm Lee Probation & Parole Shoreland Adm. Richard A Berge Michael Rutten Cooper's Office §upply Victor Lundeen & Co Pelican Hardware 90.34 116~70 89~32 76~8i 110.49 78~66 92~40 29.00 82~80 62~80 167~31 6o~ob ·66.56 3L88 10.00 27 .·oo 56.56_ 77 !25. 113.00 250.00 120.18 976.56 102.73 19.93 10.85 464.15 72.05 27.90 16.05 210.23 189.72 26.77 50.23 100.53 52.-47 16.02 20.07 27.50 138~95 10.62 Edgetown Lumber Nelson Bros The Photo Center Lampy Ready Mix Perham Pharmacy Dave's Standard Miller's Gulf Service A. Hubert Nordgren K.W. }lanson John Skramsted Erwin Si~ms Myrtle Logas Henry Polkinghorn Virginia Rustad Mileage & Expense :-: Misc. Expenses Gust Lagerquist & Sons Norman Miller Dacotah Paper Co Kimber Awning State of Minn. Boiler Insp. Lystads Inc. Fergus Glass & Pa~nt Ebersviller Imp. ~o General .Trading Gambles Fergus Jobbing United Chemical Co Crow Chemical & Equip. Hintgen Karst Electric Johnson s.ervice Co Mollerud Electric Swedberg Floral Helen Skramsted Myrtle Logas Mathison Hesby Agency v.w. Eimicke Assoc. Inc. Addressograph Multi. ~orp. Cooper's Office Supply Poucher Printing & Litho Victor Lundeen & Co Nelson Bros Midwest Printi~ Co Universal Ans. ~ervice Xerox Corp. Miller Davis Co Davenport's ;;;tationary Henni·ng Advocate The Photo Center Burroughs 00~• Security ~lank Book & Prtg. Rural Crime & Justice Inst. Gaffaney's J.B.M. Corp City of Fergus Falls Chrles E Johnson Melvin McGowan Arthur Cossette 9.21 76.60 3~18 19.·52 21.95 30.00 41.75 47~91 70.27 68~12 50.31 117~75 67;.;54 69.88 52.80 46.17 33~45 2~40 8~00 16~00 10.87 44.15 14.25 10.95 20.00 107.50 125.06 583.89 126.24 137~8i 285.00 56.00 14~40 270~00 aJ .. 201 . 148.91 1,229.51 27.04 249~33 124~40 -6.50 69.70 266~49 263.25 9.87 62.50 . 8~10 21.60 442~75 .20.00 16~20 45.25 572.60 18.00 89~25 19.20 Mathison Hesby Agency Robert Oslund & Assoc~ O.B. Ukkelberg R.J. Peck Harry Larson Russell Myrbo George Leitch Village of Perham Battle Lake Pub. School The Parkers Prairie Ind. Perham Enterprise Bulletin Pelican Rapids Press Battle Lke Review Northwestern Pub. Co Frank Cardini Funeral Home Lakeland Mental Health Center Viking Cafe Normandy Cafe Mehdi Orandi M.D. Marjean Hanson Kauko Jantunen M.p. HomervCarlson M~D• E.E. Bigler M.D. Henry Korda M.D~. Mehdi Orandi M.D. Charles Lewis M.D. Coroner & Autopsy Fees Decora1:ti.ng Graves Fergus Falls Barracks# 922 Burelbach Post# 61 Haimerl Post# 148 Adamson Norman Post# 30 Standard Oil Co Stanley Jesinoski Frank Jesinoski Phelps Mill George Fredrickson & Son Lorna McCabe Donna Q.uam Gloria Opatz Cheryl Schultz Dorothy Johnson Laverna Beltz Barbara Heikes Leona K. Berg Florence Ginkel Mrs .Alice Crosgrove Mrs Alva Christensen Margaret Burris Delura Anderson Nursing Service Home Health Aids 87~60 210 .• 03 .. 66~00 473.25 62~12 70,00 . 20.00 555.00 10.00 28~00 23~80 16.00 18.20 14.oo 40.00 117.50 24~~ 19.71 240~00 34.62 50.50 27.65 51~94 25.25 50~50 26.80 . 50~00 50.00· 25.00 50.00 14~90 37.39 182.00 375.00 96~50 25.72 15.03 83~05 46.95 128.26 55.89 2.34 20.25 39.78 3~24 4~73 14.90 Mrs Charles Perkins 'Mrs Robert Johnson ·Jens: .R Ree · Nursing Board Misc. Expenses Cooper's Office Supply Lake Region Hospital Fergus Glass & Paint Nelson Bros Prtg. National Food Store Victor Lundeen & Co Veery Ryder Daily Journal EOT Telephone Co Reitan Larson Co Village of Perham Glen Lake Sanatorium Glenn Cording, Arch. Chapin Publishing Co Service Oil.Co Robo Car Wash Miller Gulf Marv IS H 6611 Kness Standard Fraki Oil Co Fergus Oil Co POOR Building Boat & Water Safety Dave's Standard Consumers Co-op Oil Mills Sportpopt Louie's Autp Clinic Firestone Store Becklund & Rian Oil Co Don's Body Shop Daily Journal General Trading Co Victor Lundeen & Co Perham Fire Dept. Bruce Eckley Kim Biederman Bonanza Beach . Leonard's Resort Douglas Nelson Wayne Sommers Copper Kettle Viking Cafe 16.20 ·6.12 12~24 14~55 2.00 1.45 37~40 10.89 7~36 7.20 3~24 20~48 150.00 35.00 57.28 16,834~23 86.40 88~72 35~17 9.13 . 8~72 32~48 48.74 1i.3i 9~60 8~56 515.00 45~80 10.00 13~80 74~04 4~00 44~55 5.87 300.00 20.00 10.00 . 414~27 3.75 35~00 10.00 166~87 39.93 I ROAD & BRIDGE Ebersviller Inc. National Bushing &.Parts Co Suhr Ford Sales Inc. Super GMC Truck Sales Westgo Truck Equipment Wheeler Repair Ziegler Inc. Auto Safety Service Electric Supply Jim Larson Ford Michaelson Refrigeration Minnesota Motor Co Phil's Welding & Fab. State of Minn. Div. of Boiler Insp. Coast to Coast Store ·General Trading Genuine Parts Co Frank.min Fence Halls Hardware Holten Lumber Co Jaenisch Industries Midwest Specialties Co Minn. Dept of Highways Occidental Chemical Co Pelican Hardware Sigelman Hide & Fur Welders Equipment Mark Sand & Gravel Fred Stinar · Carl E Swenson City of Fergus Falls Ottertail Power Co Fergus Falls Daily Journal Construction Bulletin Richards on·co Elk River Concrete Products Armco Metal Products Div. Farmers Elevator Dalton Grain·& Feed EOT Soil & Water Cons. Dist. Julian Tollerude Village of Henning Davenports Stationary Victor Lundeen & Co Poucher Printing & Litho. The Photo Center EOT Telephone Co Midwest Telephone Co N.W. Bell Telephone Co N.W. Bell Telephone Co Pelican Telephone Co· N.W. Bell Telephone Co Parl Region Mutual Telphone Co Wendell P Huber Wendell P. Huber G.D. Harlow Roy Bruhn Waldo Erkenbrack Li6 170~54 20.21 61~42 50.95 24.26 1,555.03 · 36~io 11~981 4~80 8.oo 72. 77. 4~50 14~60 20.45 114.14 15.75 734~25 85~85 6:oo 152.17_ 18.40 42.30 368~50 3.71 36~80 54.58 117.60 45~23 41~70 841.88· ·8.25. 21.00 57!60 1,797.59 99~80. 216.00 314~25 192.10 200.bb 15~00 372.90,· 10.68, 176~55 118.14 2.66 48~87 23!12 55.02 i6.61 -11~85 17~36 48.14 641~10 34~40 50.84 206.73. 27.90 Goodyear Service Store Firestone Store D-A Lubricant Co Inc. M-R Sign Co Inc. Robert Bennett Gerald Hauger Chuck Will Byron Treangen Arthur Heidorn Mrs Stella C Dulski Alvin Glawe David Dulski William E quiram Melvin Ruther Ted Kunza Herman Rosen Oscar Steuber Mrs Lorene Derkey William Hinz Herbert Lubitz Elmer Lubitz Battle Lake Farmers Union Oil Consumers Co-op Oil Co Co-op Services Inc. Daves Standard .service Dent Oil Co Farmers Co-op Assn Fergus Oil Co Highway Co Service Hoot Lake Union 76 Kness Standard Mayo's Standard Service Motz Union Oil Co Nundahl Oil Co Vergas Oil Co Service Oil Co Theodorson's Mobil Serv. Bluffton Oil Co Park Region Co-op Oil Standard Oil Co Battle Lake Standard Oil Co Pel Rapids Penrose Oil Co Soliah & Braatz Oil Co Charles Egge Melvin McGowan I 50~74 58.24 228.80 963~70 65~00 42~00 39.40 590.60 . 79.60 17.20 69.20 33~80 72.25 207.80 4.20 82~40 4i.oo 270.00 70.65 i13~6b 151.40 62.05 82.96 319.05 52.89 57.22 154.70 57~88 47~35 102.71 81~50 68.22 140.94 103~15 185.94 106.53 97.27, 196~71 78~08· 173~00 155.20 85.12 32~00 328.25 ' 582.63 Upon motion made by John Snowberg, seconded by Richard Dillon and unanimously carried, the meeting adjourned to Tuesday, August 8th, 1972. ATTEST:~ Clerk ST:\TE Of ~IINNESOTA ) ) ss COU:-{TY Of OTTER TAIL) The undc:::signct.1, who arc a majority of the members of the noar \ of County Co1:1:11issionc1·s of s~id County, certify that h'C deem it necessary f, ,r the best intcrssts of th.;:! Ccur,ty, that a special meeting of the Board be hel,: for the tr~msaction of the following business, to-wit: Discussion of Economic: Development Administration possibilities in Otter Tail County and any other business that may come before the Board Therefore, we do hereby call a special meeting of said Board to be held at the Commissioners' Room in the City o'f Fergus Falls in said County on Thursday the __ 2_o_th ___ day of ____ J_u_l_Y _______ , 19_7_2_ at 1:00 o'clock PM. on said day, and that the undersigned Commissioners hereby waive any requirements of notices as required by law. Dated this 20th day of July , 19 72 ---------------------- 1S8 I I