HomeMy WebLinkAboutBoard of Commissioners - Minutes - 04/11/1972I MINlITES OF THE ADJOURNED MEETING OF TIIE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OTTER TAIL COUNTY MINNESOTA T Pursuant to adjournment, the Board of ColDlty Commissioners of ' I Otter Tail CoWlty Minnesota met at 9:30 A.M. Tuesday, April ]IJ;th, 1972,· all mem- bers present. Motion was made by John Snowberg, seconded by George Walter and W1animously carried, to authorize.Commissioner Leitch to· attend a .sale at Ames, ~owa for the purpose of purchasing used pick-ups for Phelps Mill and the Nursi_ng Home, the ColDlty Auditor to issue a warrant in the amount of $200.00 for purpose of bid deposit. The Board having previously advertised for bids to:be received for the purchase of a police car for use by the Sheriff's Department proceeded to open bids which were found to be as follows: · Minnesota Motor Fergus Falls, Minnesota $2,999.00 Worner Auto Sales Fergus Falls, Minnesota 3,046.33 Fergus Dodge, Inc. Fergus Falls, Minnesota 2,788.00 Motion was made by. Andy Leitch, seconded by George Walter and W1ani-::. mously carried, authorizaing the call for bids to be received until 11:00 A.M., May 9, 1972 for the following: Aggregate Base and Road Mixed Bituminous Surface S.P. 56-606-04 (CSAH 6) M.P. EMP S 6417(5), length 0.7 mile, located between ColDlty State Aid Highway No. 59, 3I miles North of Urbank and 2 .1 miles west (except between 0.2 mile west and 1.6 mile west of CSAH 59. I S.P. 56-657-02 (CSAH 57), MP EMP S 6472(8), length 2.8 miles, located between CSAH #6, 5 miles northwest of Urbank and 2.8 miles north. Grade and Aggregate Surface S.P. 56-670-0l(CSAH 70), M.P. EMP S 6982(4), length 1.0 mile, located between CSAH 175, 4 miles northeast of Hillview, and the East Line of Otter Tail County S.P. 56-675-15 (CSAH 75), M.P. EMP S 6967(4), length 2.7 miles, located between 0.3 mile south of CSAH #70, 4 miles northeast of Hillview, and the North Line of Otter Tail County. The Board, having previousiy advertised for bids to be received for two pick-up trucks to be used by the Highway Department, proceeded.to open bids which were found to be· as follows: Unit #1 Unit #2 Stan's Ford Garage Battle Lake, Minnesota· $1,431.00 $2,450.00 Super GMC Trucks.Sales Fergus Falls, Minnesota· 1,547.50 2,347.50 International J:{~rvester Fe_r~us Falls, Minnesota 1,657.16 2,232.16 Fergus Dodge, Inc. Fergas Falls, Minnesota 1,720.00 2,189.00 Minnesota Motor Co. Fergus Falls, Minnesota 1,985.00 2,498.00' After considerable discussion, motion was made by Andy Leitch, seconded by Richard Dillon and unanimously carried, to accept the bid of Stan's Ford Ga~age, Battle Lake, Minneosta for Unit #1, in the amount of $1,431.00 and Fergus Dodge, Inc., Fergus Falls, Minnesota for Unit 1#2, in the amount of $2,189.00, being the lowest bids. A delegation of persons living east of Fergus Falls appeared before the Board relative to traffic hazzards ·and improvements needed on County Road #1. Motion was made by John Snowberg, seconded by Richard Dilion and unanimously carried, to have the H_ighway. Department negotiate with the City to b_egin a survey of the area. I The Board, having previously advertised for bids to be received for two 27,500 GVW Dump.Trucks for use by the Highway Department, proceeded to open bids which were fowid to be as folbws: Unit #1 Unit #2 Intemational Harvester Fergus Falls, Minnesota $8,49_2.25 · $8,892.25 Stan's Ford Garage Battle Ja<e, Minnesota 8,693.57 9,393.57 Fergus Dodge, Inc. Fergus Falls, Minnesota 8,778.00 9,188.65 Minnesota Motor Co. Fe.rgus Falls, Minnesota· 8,981.00 9,581.00 Super GMC Truck Sales Fergus Falls, Minnes.ota 8,992.50 9,642.50 After discussion, motion was made by John Snowberg, seconded by Richard Dillon and wianimously carried, to accept the bid of Intemational Harvester, Fergus Falls, Minnesota, for both dump trucks, at a total of $17,384.50, it being the lowest bid. Motion was made by Andy Leitch, seconded by John Snowbe_rg and wiani- mous ly carried, to authorize the Blue Cross-Blue Shield representative to correct a situation involving the transfer of·an employee from family coverage to single coverage and back to family coverage. Motion was made by Andy Leitch, seconded by.Richard Dillon and wiani- mously.carried,.to authorize the certificateof correctionand addition to the Plat of.Pischke & Taylor Add'n; as presented by Robert B. Oslwid, Registered Land Sur- veyor.• Motion was made by.Andy Leitch; seconded by.John Snowberg and wiani- mously.carried, to approve Jens Ree,Superintendent of Schools at Henning, as an appointee to the Public Health Nursing Committee.· Upon motion made by George Walter, seconded: by Richard Dillon and wianimously carried, the following resolution.was adopted: 78 RESOLUTION OF .OTTER TAIL COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS . BE IT RESOLVEp, that the Rigister .of Deeds of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, is her~by authorized to destroy and to remove from the official records.of the Office ·of the Register· of Deeds, all document's authorized to be removed. and destroyed· .. pursuant to.the provisi?ns of Minn~sota Statutes 386.47 and Minnesota Statutes 336.9 -408 as those sections may from time to time hereinafter be am~nded; Adopted at Fergus Falls, Minnesota, this 11th day of April, 1972. ATTES~ Clerk I RESOLUTION OF OTTER TAIL COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Commissioner L;/L fl}~) · moved, and Commissioner ·~ ~~ seconded, the following Resolution: th~· ~':,;thorizes the County of Otter _Tail to act as grantee for the following organization submitting this proposal: · OFF-CON (Offender Control), Co-sponsored by the Ot~er tiil County Attorney's office and the office of the Seventh'District Public Defender. WHEREAS, the office of County Attorney of Otter Tail County; Minnesota, and the office of the Public Defender of the Seventh Judicial District, are submitting an application for funding of the project known as OFF~CON; WHEREAS, the office of the Otter Tail County Attorney and tne offic~ of-the Seventh Dist~ict Public Defender have requested the County of Otter.Tail to act as grantee for this program; NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved that the County of Otter Tail act as giantee for.the project entitled OFF-CON and administer funds on behalf of the offic~ of Otter Tail County Attorney and the office of the Seventh District.Public Defender· for the period of October 1, 1972 to September 30, 1973, or such later date as may be required fdt the 90mpletion of the project or for any extensions or renewals thereof; Be it resolved that Harlan L. Nelson, Otter Tail County Attorney, and Robert W .• Irvine, Seventh District Public Defender, are hereby authorized and directed to execute such an agreement as requested by the Governor's Commission on Crime Prevention and Controi to implement said project, if awarded. The follo~ing Commissioneri voted in favor of the Resolution: George Walter, John Snowberg, Andy Leitch and Richard Dillon The following Commissioners voted against the Resolution: None OTtER TAIL COUNTY BOARD OF ~I COMMISS. IONERS By £✓~7~ I . . ciiarman . I Upon motion made by Richard Dillon, seconded by Andy Leitch and unanimously carried, the following resolution·was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County Minnesota~ that Whereas, Chapter 142, Laws.of 1921, Mason's Minnesota Statutes 1927, Section 671, and Minnesota Statutes 1941, Section •375.30 provides ways.and means for the control and eradication of rust-producing barberry, the following resolution was adopted: BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED that a bounty of $3 .00 be offered for the location of barberry bush or bushes on each ~roperty subject to the provisions as set .forth by the Barberry 9ffice, University Farm, St. Paul, Minnesota, on file in the office of the County Auditor, Fergus Falls,·Minnesota. Adopted at Fergus Falls, Minnesota, this 12th day of April, 1972. d__~7~--Cffiairnian . . /. ATTEST: . Clerk I The Board, having previously advertised for-bids to be received for a Carryall ·Type Truck to be used by the Shoreland Management Department, proceeded to open bids which were found to be.as follows: International Harvester Minnesota Motor Company Fergus Falls, Minnesota Fergus Falls, Minnesota $3,529.00 3,569.00 After considerable discussion motion was made by John Snowberg, seconded by Andy Leitch and unanimously carried, to accept the bid of.Minnesota Motor Company, Fergus Falls,·Minnesota·in the amount of $3,569.00, the h:gher bid, on the basis of interior space and delivery date. Motion was made by John Snowberg, seconded by Andy Leitch and unanimously carried, to appoint James Craig Anderson, Ottertail, Minnesota, Tom Donoho, Fe_rgus Falls, Minnesota and the Chairman of the Otter Tai 1 County Planning Advisory Commission as members to the Boar_d of Adjustment. Two representatives•,from Community Action Co1D1cil, New YOrk Mills, appeared before the Board and explained Operation Sprue-Up (Special Program Really United Clean Up Pollution). After turning the chair over to the Vice-Chairman, Commissioner Nordg~en moved, seconded by Richard Dillon and unanimously carried, the Board authorize· $500.00 special aid for a township road lying between County Highways #59 and #65 in Sections 22 & -27 and 20 & 29 in Folden Township. Motion was made by Andy Leitch, seconded by Georte Walter and unani- -mously carried, to authorize Special Aid to Sverdrup Township in the amount of $300.00 for a.township road in Section 13 & 24 and 14 & 23 lying east of County Highway #18. 82 Upon motion made by-Richard Dillon, seconded by George Walter and W1animously carried, the CoW1ty Auditor was authorized to _advertise for bids to be received Wltil .11:00 A.M. o'clock, May 9, 1972 for the following: Center Striping C.P. 72:C.S. Approximately 330 miles of CoWltyState A.id-Highways, CoWltyHigh- ways and Township Roads to be center striped and approximately 3,000 ·gallons of yellow paint. Bituminous Seal Coat C.P. 72 :S.S. Approximately 169 .6 miles of CoW1ty State Aid Highways~ Village Streets· and Township Roads, comprising 368,·100_ gallons of bituminous material for Seal Coat and 13,785 cubic yards of Seal Coat Aggregate in stock piles by the CoW1ty. Bituminous Material Approximately 50,000 Gallons SC and 200,000 Gallons MC to be delivered at any pointr-.·in Otter Tail CoWlty by transport truck, equipped with pump for Wlloading. Road Signs & Posts Comprising: Approximately 300 right of -way Farkers, · 540 road s_igns, 2,200 posts· and 146 faces to be scotchlite message. I I Motion was made by.George Walter, seconded by Richard Dillon and --I W1animously carri~d, to have the CoWlty Highway Department)make a survey on· County Highway 18, between Comty Highway #~3 and Comty H.ighw&y #53, a distance of approximately three miles. ! ' I -I Upon motion made by Richard Qillon, seconded by George·Walter and W1animously carried, the followi_ng ~esolutidn was I I I I I I 1- 1 I I I I I ~3 adopted: RESOLUTION BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINNESOTA Whereas, the Board of County Commissioners on January 2, 1951 agreed by resolution to pay township aid according to the amounts levied by the townships, and which amounts are as follows: From 10 mills and up, but le~s than 15 mills From 15 mills and up, but less than 20 mills 20 mi 11 s and up $100.00. $200.00 $300.00 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that· the amounts to be paid to the respective townships according to their roa.d·and bridge levies for 1972 s ha l l be as fol lows : Townshies Total Mi 11 s Levied Amount Aastad 16.96 200.00 Amor 21. 42 300.00 Aurdal 25.00 300.00 Blowers . 16.02 200.00. Bluffton 3.67 None Buse 1.0.08 100. 00. Butler 30.00. 300.00 Candor 21.22 300.00. c~ r lisle 15. 15 200.00 Clitherall 30.00 300.00. Compton 23.42 300.00 Corliss 30.00 300.00 Dane Prairie 16.43 200.00 Dead Lake · 30,00 300.00 Deer Creek 30.00 300.00 Dora 25.70 . 300. 00 Dunn -17,92 200.00 Eagle Lake· 24.02 300.00 Eastern 34.42 300.00 Edna 30.00 300.00 Effington 30.00 300.00 Elizabeth 18.88 200.00 · • • L ''- Township Total. Mi 11 s ·Levied Amount Elmo 14.89 100.00 Erhards Grove 24. 15 300.00 Everts 20.02 300.00 Fergus Fa 11 s 9.04 None- Folden 30.00 300.00 Fri berg 25.37 300.00 Gira rd 23.23 300.00 Gorman 30.00 300. oo·. He!')ning 23.22 ,300.00 Hobart 21. 96 306.00 Homestead 21. 57 300.00 Inman· 30.00. 300.00 Leaf Lake 15.03 200.00 Leaf Mountain 30.00. 300.00 Lida 17.08 200.00· ·Maine 2 l. 80 300.00 Maplewood . 30.00 300.00 Newton 25.01 300.00 Niclaros 34.29 · ,300. 00 Norwegian Grove 22.86 300.00 · Oak Valley 25.00 300.00 0 rwe 11 .·14. 72 100.00 Oscar .29, 50 300.00 Otter Tail 8.67 None Otto 24. 19 300., 00 Paddock 27,70 300.00 Parke rs Prairie 28.50 300.00 Peli can 25.05 300.00 Perham 19. 11 200.00 Pine Lake 25.56 300.00 Rush Lake 19.32 200.00 Saint Olaf 21. 81 300. 00. Scambler 19,78 200.00 Star Lake 26.04 300.00 Townships Total.Mills L~vied Sverdrup Tordenskjold TrondhJem Tumuli Western Woodside 28.04 2 L 30 20.50 3.44 15. 91 Adop.ted this 11th day of Apr i ~ 1972. Attest~ Auditor Amount 300.00 300. oo· 300~·00 200.00 $15;300.00 · The Board, having previously advertised for bids to be receiv~d for:i.grading ~d _aggr:egate.surfacing under S.A.P. 56-648;..03, C.S. 72:48, proceeded to open bids which were found to be as fol1ows: Bain Bros. & Don Dahlman, Clarissa, Minn. Conroy Construction, bum~nt, Minnesota. Ed Zimmerman, Barrett, Minnesota Strom Construction Co., Moorhead, Minnesota Sellin Bros.; Inc., Hawl_ey, Minnesota Hillstrom Const., Vergas, Minnesota Martin Fruth, Inc. & Al. Minnerath, INc., Saint Cloud, Minn. M & M Construction Co., Nashua, Minnesota $38,919.24 39,799.26 42,663.95 44,385.79 48,147.15 49,163.90 52,397.42 58,949.82 After consideration motion was made by Andy Leitch, seconded by. George Walter and unanimously, to accept the bid ofBain·Bros. & Don:Dahlman, Clarissa, Minnesota, in the· amount of $_38,919.24~ it being the lowest bid. The Board, having previous advertised for bids to be received for ._ grading and _8:ggr:egate surfaci_ng under .C. P. 72: 119, proceeded to open bids which were found to be as follows: Martin Fruth, INc., and Al. Minneruth, Inc. St. Clotld, Minn. Bain . Bros • & Don Dahlman, Clarissa, Minnesota. _ Ed. Zimmerman, Barrett, Minnesota Conroy Construction, Dumont, Minnesota Strom -Con_struction Co., Moorhead, Minnesota Hillstrom Const., Vergas; Minnesota M & M Construction Co., Nashua, Minnesota Sellin Bros. , Inc., Hawley, Minnesota Evavold-Vikesland Const., Fergus Falls, M1nnesota $48,296. 76- 48,474 .85 48,480.75 48,906.94 50,958.50 52,206.00 52,638.07 57,032.75 63,320.00 After consideraton, inotion · was made:· by. Andy Leitch, seconded by Richard Dillon and unanimously carrie4, to accept the bid of Martin Fruth, Inc., and Al. Minneruth, Inc., Saint Cloud, Minnesota, in the amount of $48,296.76, it being the lowest bid. The Board, having previously advertised for bids to be received for Gradi_ng, Aggregate Base and Road Mix Bitwninous Surfaci_ng, under S.A.P. 56-655- 06, C. P. 72: 55, proceeded to open bids which were found to be as follows: Martin Fruth, Inc., & Al. Minnerath, Inc. St. Cloud, Minn. Ed ZillDllerman, Barrett, Minnesota Bain Bros~-& Don Dahlman, Clarissa, Minnesota Sorum & Ullrich, Pelican Rapids & Lake Park, Minnesota· Conroy Constructio_n, Dumont, Minnesota M & M Construction Co., Nashua, Minnesota Strom Construction Co., Moorhead, Minnesota· Sellin Bros.~ Inc., Hawley~ Minnesota $59,365.90. 61,388.30 63,168.80 64,150.41 64,382.06 69,870.32 70,263.29 74,902.60 After consideration motion was made by John Snowberg,_ $econded by George Walter and unanimously carried~ to accept the bid of Martin Fruth, Irie. & Al. Minnerath~ Inc., Saint Cloud, Minnesota, in the amount of $59,365.90, it bei_ng ·the lowest bid. Motion was made by Andy Leitch, seconded by Ric~.~~~-p~llon and unani- mously carried, to transfer funds from-the Comity Building Fwid to· the Road & Bri_dge Fund to cover amounts expended from-R & B Fund chargeable'to County Building Fund as follows: #16 Garage at Dalton # 3 Garage at Parkers Prairie Court House Parking Area & Signs Repairi_n_g County Ditch #56, ehargeable to County Ditch Fwid $15,565.57 .224. 74 $15,790.31 .47 .so 67·.68 Upon motion made by John Snowbe_rg, seconded by Richard Dillon and wianimously carried, the following resolution was adopted: 88 Upon motion made by Richard Dillon, ,seconded by Andy Leitch and unanimously carried, the following resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County Minnesota, that WHEREAS Linda Jonutz,.successor-inihterest to the following descri)?ed property: . N 20 rods of W 32 rods of NW1~ NW¼, ex. W SO' of Section 9-134-37 has made.application to repurchase in the name of Jean Tweeten, owner of record of, said property at time of forfeiture to the State of Minnesota for non payment of taxes for-the year 1965 and subsequent years; and has paid the sum of $79.05, the aggregate of all delinquertt'taxes and assessments, with penalties, costs and interest, NOW THEREFORE the Board does hereby grant said application, which will be to the best public interest and relieve undue hardship. Adopted this 11th day of April, 1972. Chairman ArnsT: d~ ~~Clerk 89 . ' Motion was made by Andy Leitch, seconded by Richard Dillon and unanimously carried, to a1iow Northwestern Bell permission to bury cable under County Road #10, ViUage of Elizabeth, and under County Road #114 in Section 24 of Orwell Township. Motionwas made by.John Snowberg,.seconded by Richard Dillon and unanimously carried, to grant an extended leave of absence to Raymond Simonsen, :: . , ,·<1v::: employee -in the County Highway Department. Upon motion made,· seconded and carried, the meeti~g adjourned to 9:30 A.M., Wednesday, April 12th, 1972. so WEDNESDAY'S SESSION Pursuant to adjournment, the Board of County Commissioners met at 9:30 A.M., Wednesday, April 12th, 1972, all members present. Motion-was made by Andy Leitch, seconded by.John Snowberg and unanimously carried, to approve the bond for RetaTrwnbauer, being a correction bond only, to compl,y with Attorney'.' General's request. The two county weed inspectors appeared before the Board and pre- sented their reports. Motion was made by Andy Leitch, seconded by John Snowberg and unani- mously carried, to accept the proposal of Cashman Nursery of Fergus Falls in the amount of $1,359.50 to furnish trees and shrubery at Phelps Mill Park. Motion was made by Richard Dillon, seconded by Andy Leitch and unani- mously carried, to approve the plat of Emil Matson Beach in.Lida Township. Motion was made by George Walter, seconded by Richard Dillon and unanimously carried, to approve the plat of Bradbury Beach in Candor To'_fflship. Motion was made by Andy Leitch, seconded by Richard Dillon·and unanimously carried, to approve the conveyance of the E 115 feet of the West 190 feet of G. L. 3, North·of Highway 78 in Section 29-134-39.,. as requested by Attorney N. Arveson on behalf of his client, Robert A. Hyde, grantor. Motion was made by Andy Leitch, seconded by George Walter arid unani- mously carried, to authorize the Chairman and County Auditor to execute a duplicate deed issued to the Township of Aastad, original deed issued previously having been lost prior to recording. S1 Upon motion• made by ___ G_e_or_.g.._e_W_a_l_t_e_r_. _______ , seconded by · ___ R_ic_h_ar_._d_D_i_l_lo_n_. _____ and unanimously · carried, the f<>.llowing resolution was adopted: WHEREAS, it is.provided.in Minn. Statute 282.05 for the apportion,... ment of the proceeds from the sale of tax-forfeited.lands; WHEREAS,_the County Auditor shall·apportion the tax·sale proceeds to the taxing districts.pursuant to Minn. Stat. 282.08; WHEREAS, Minn. Stat. 282-.08(4) (b). provides that the County Board may set aside 20% of. the proceeds remaini_ng after the value of· pub lie . improve- ments, special ~sessments and bond issued levied on thepropertyhave been paid, for acquisition and maintenance of-county parks and recreational areas;· l'{HEREAS, Otter Tail County has parks and recreational areas which would benefit by such an apportionment; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT.RESOLVED, that the County Auditor retain 20% · of the proceeds• from the sale of. tax forfeited· land for-acquisition and mainten- ance of parks and recreational areas from the proceeds available after making the necessary statutory disbur~ements, said.proceeds tobe.disbursed according to. law._ Dated at Fergus Falls~ Minnesota this 12th. day of April , ---------- 1972 •. ATTEST:~/ Clerk Upon motion of George Walters, Seconded by John Snowberg, and unanimously carried, the following Resolution was adopted: RESOLUTION WHEREAS the 1971 Minnesota Legislature adopted Chapter 951 of the Laws of 1971, now coded as Sections 487.01 through 487.40 and Section 260.311 of Minnesota Statutes, in and by which County Courts were established in all counties in Minnesota, such County Courts to become active not later than July 1, 1972, and, WHEREAS this County Board has been. reliably informed that the County Court to be established in Otter Tail County requires the services of not less than two full-time Judges in order that the duties and responsibilities of the County Court may be properly carried on as provided by the aforementioned Statutes. NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, as follows: 1. That a County Court in and for Otter Tail· County,· Minnesota, is hereby established under and pursuant to the aforementioned Statute and said Court shall be activated on July 1, 1972, and continuously thereafter; 2. That the said County Court of Otte~ Tail County shall have two full-time Judges. 3. That Henry Polkinghorn,. the present duly elected Judge of the Probate and Juvenile Court of Otter Tail County, is hereby designated and appointed as the first Judge of said County Court of Otter Tail County for a term commencing on July 1, 1972, and continuing for the balance of the term for which he was last elected as said Probate and Juvenile Judge, all as provided in Minnesota Statutes, Section 487.01, Subdivision 9. (1). 4. That Governor Wendell R. Anderson of the State.of Minnesota is hereby requested to appoint a second full-time Judge of the County Court of Otter Tail County, said appointment to be made from among the Municipal Court Judges now serving pursuant to a Municipal Ordinance in any municipality in Otter Tail County, such appointment to be for a term from July 1, 1972, and continuing for the balance of the term for which said Municipal Court Judge was last elected, all as provided in Minnesota Statutes, Section 487.01, Subdivision 9. (2). 5. That Virginia A. Rustad, the present Clerk of the Probate and Juvenile Court of Otter Tail County, is hereby designated and appointed as the Clerk of the County Court of Otter Tail County pursuant to Minnesota.Statutes, Section 487.10, Subdivision 3., such appointment to be· for a term commencing July 1, .1972, and continuing thereafter. at the pleasure of the Board of County Commissioners and_ the Judges of the County Court; and the said Virginia A. Rustad shall have all of the powers and duties as such Clerk of the County Court as are specified in said Section 487.10 of Minnesota Statutes and as may be directed by the Judges of the County Court to carry out the provisions of said Chapter 951 of the Laws of 1971. 6. That the said County Court of Otter Tail County shall conduct the business of the County Court primarily at the Otter Tail County Court House in Fergus Falls, Minnesota, but may conduct and hold Hearings and trials at any other places in the County of Otter Tail I as the Judges of said County Court may determine and direct; and the Judges of the County Court may establish Traffic and Ordinance Vfolati6rn: Bureaus at such places within the County of Otter Tail as said Judges may determine and pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 487.28. Adopted on this 12th day of April, 1972, at Fergus Falls, Minnesota. Clerk -2- Upon motion made by John Snowberg, seconded by Andy Leitch and wiani- mously carried, the·cowity Auditor was authorized to advertise for bids to be re- ceived until2:00.P.M. o'clock, May 9th, forthe construction of a Collllty Court and Law Enfacement Center. Upon motion made by Geo_rge Walter, seconded by Richard Dillon and unanimously_ carried, the following Sewage System Installer's· L Jcenses: were_ granted: No. Firm 55 Bretz Hardware, Perham, Minnesota 138 Harold V. Engebretson Pl_bg. & Heating,_ Pelican Rapids, Minnesota 139 Melvin Kirchoff, Henning, Minnesota 140 · Ve:rgas Hardware, Ve_rgas, Minnesota . 141 Schepper Excavating, Vergas, Minnesota· 142 BJ B Excavating, Dent, Minnesota 143 town & Colllltry-Plbg. & Heating, New York Mills, Minnesota 144 Sherman Tank Co.. Vergas, Minnesota 145 Del_zer Excavati_ng, Dalton, Minnesota 146 Jacobson Excavating, Underwood~ Minnesota 14 7 Robert Palubicki. Co. , .Dent_, _Minnesota Upon motion made by Andy Leitch, seconded by Richard Dillon and unanimously carried, the Assistant Shoreland Administrator was authorized to attend'the· seminar in Minneapolis. Upon motionmade by John Snowberg, seconded by Richard Dillon and W1animously carried, Andy Leitch was appointed as spokesman for the County Board at a meeting of the Battle Lake ARea Sanitary Land Fill Association to be held at Battle Lake Monday, April 17, 1972, at 8:00 P.-M. Upon·_motion made by John Snowberg, seconded by Geo_rge ·Walter and carried, the County Auditor was authorized to send a letter of·complaint to the Governor of Minnesota relative to action taken by. the Polution Control· _Agency in Otter Tail County without having first notified the County officials relative to· the situation. I Upon motion made by George Walter seconded by ------------------ ____ J_o_h_n_Sn_o_w_b_e_r_g..._ ________ and unanimously carried, the following resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by.the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County Minnesota, that WHEREAS on December 8th, 1971 the County Board accepted the bid of Fe.rgus Do.dge in the amount of· $2,785.00 for a 1972 Dodge Polara, same having been delivered ·to. the satisfaction of the Board, NOW, THEREFORE, the County Auditor is hereby authorized and directed to issue a warrant in the amount of $2,785.00 to Fergus Dodge, Inc., bei~g the full purchase price. Adopted at Fergus Falls,· Minnesota this 12th day of April, 1972. ATTEST: Clerk Upon motion made by Richard Dillon, seconded by Andy Leitch and unanimously· carried, the foll~wi_ng resolution was adopted: .GRANT RESOL\UTION Authorizing the·county of Otter Tail.to.act as Grantee for the Otter Tail County Law Enforcement Communication System Grant application~ WHEREAS the.Otter Tail.CountySheriff's office.is submitting an application for fundi_ng of the Otter Tail County Law-Enforcement Communication System project, and WHEREAS the Otter Tail County Sheriff's office has requested the County of Otter Tail to act as Grantee for.this.program~ NOW, THERFORE, be it resolved that the County of Otter Tail act as Grantee for the Otter Tail County Law Enforcement Communication System Project and administer the.funds in behalf of the Otter Tail.County Law Enforce- ment Communication System project for the period of 1 y~ar BE IT RESOLVED THAT,.The Chairman of the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners, Hubert Nordgren, is hereby authorized and directed to execute such an agreement as requested by the Governor's Commission on Crime Prevention and Control to implement said program/grant. ATTEST:~ Clerk The matter of bids for Sheriff's car was taken up for final action and apon motion made by John Snowberg, seconded by Richard Dillon and unanimously carried, the Board accepted the bid of Fergus Dodge, · Inc.. Fe.rgus Falls. Minnesota in the amount of $2.788.00, with trade, it being the' lowest bid. Motion was made by George Walter, seconded by Richard Dillon and carried, to lower the culvert wider Cowity Highway #36 between Sections 33 and 34 of Hobart Township when and if Wilmer Schultz obtains 1.egal easements for drain.age all the way to the established shreline of· Long· Lake and such easements are filed with the County Auditor. Motion was made by Andy Leitch, seconded by George Walter and unani- mously carried, to call for a heari.ng to establish· the need for low· rent housing for small villages, time and place to be determined at a later board meeti.ng. Motion was made by John Snowberg, seconded by Richard Dillon and wianimouslycarried, to accept and approve the annual sport of the R. C. & D. Motion was made by Andy Leitch, seconded by John Snowberg. and unani- mously carried, to allowtheWelfare.accounting department to move into the space vacated by the County Extension office. Motion was made by Richard Dillon, seconded by Geo.rge Walter and unanimously carried, to approve the followi.ng applications for beer & dance licenses, subject to completion: Dance: Cody James Fisher Beer: Allen D. Hanson E. N. Hallstrom Kenneth Van Tassel Clifford Schroeder George Mallinson Balmoral Dance Pavilion & Store Hanson's Grocery Store Birchwood Golf Course Greenwood Resort Pleasure Park Resort Twin Harbor Trailer Patk L"'..:.. Otter Tail Township Otter Tail Township Pelican Township Otter Tail Township Otter Tail Township. Ott.er Tail . Township Arnold Hemquist Balmoral Golf Course Ot'for Tail Township Albert Turchin Al's Place Elmo Township Gust of O. · Weiss Shady Grove Resort Rush Lake.Township Mildred Weiss James Resort Rush Lake. Township Harold Falk The Lanterns Rush Lake Township Melvin G. Kirckof Sancy Point Resort Leaf Lake Township Duane Donley Sunrise Resort Dead·Lake Township Motion was made by George Walter, seconded by Richard Dillon and unanimously carried, to accept the following applications for licenses for beer.- dance and liquor: Beer: Morris Gordon Anderson Adrian Westergard Cody Fisher Reinhold Koehn Paul E. Spilman •Elizabeth Kane Kenneth Hunter Robert Moser Richard Petkewick Len F. Boedigheimer Blaine Brincefield .Donald A. Bistodeau Ronald D. Becker Wilmar L. Roberts Lila M. Keskinen Herman T~ Borg st.anley R. Swanson Leonard Saewert George Reimer Walter Fisher Marvin E. Anderson Olson's Resort & Trailer Park Dunn Township Last Resort at Long Lake Elizabeth Township Balmoral Store Otter Tail Township Rest N Reel Resort Woodland Beach Resort Heye's Resort Wagon Wheel Resort Wee Villa Resort East Silent Lake Resort Perham Lakeside Country Club Jungle Shores Woodland Park Resort Becker's Supper Club, Inc. Red Eye Tavern. Oak Point Resort Ethel Beach Resort Perry's Place Leonard's Place Star Lake.Resort Riverside Resort Wee Town Store 99 Everts Township Everts Township Otter Tail Township Otto Township Elizabeth Township Dora Township Perham Township Corliss Township Girard Township Buse Township Butler Township. OttoTowriship Girard Township. Dora Township Corliss Township Dora Township. Friberg Township Friberg Township Arvid Tenney Jerry Schultz .-Stephen Kuniz Walter 'Klein David M. Olson Sue Wells David Trana Floyd M,;. Collins Ernest G. Strehlow Harlan H. Ebbighausen Pearl Morse Edgar Splittstoesser Ida Panek Kenneth McNabb Thomas J. Mullen Henry Scheuble Gerald T. Anderson Archie Olson Sylvia R. Koski James Miner Rockey Wenzel Norman Craig Dance: Jerry Schultz Arvid Tenney Adrian Weste_rgard Norman Craig Liquor License: Ronald D. Becker Charles E. Hllllter Hi-Way Park Store & Ballroom Ten Mile Lake Resort Rockey's Resort Klein's Resort Pebble Lake Ga1f Club, Inc. Heavenly Days Resort Dave & Louise's Resort Collin's Landi_Rg Spruce Lodge Red Hut Inn Parkway Inn South Turtle Lake Resort Holiday Haven Crystal-Lida Store Maple Beach Resort Wildwood Beach Resort Chalet Chanticleer Archie's Service Leaf Lake Grocery Piggly..;Wiggly Lazy Acres "78" Club Ten Mile Lake Resort Hi Way Park Pavilion Last Resort "78" Club · Becker's Supper Club, Inc. Colonial Motel & Supper Club Elmo Township Tumuli Township Dora Township Rush Lake Township Buse Township Leaf Lake Township Leaf Lake Townhip Star Lake Township Star Lake Township Sverdrup Township Leaf Mountain Township Sverdrup Township Girard Township Lida Township Lida Township. Dora Township Otter Tail Township Inman Township Leaf Lake Township Buse Township. Edna Township Girard Township Tumuli Township Elmo Township Elizabeth Township Girard Township Buse Township Perham Township The application for beer license from Henry Moltzan, Birchwood Resort, Candor Township, was rejected as was the application from Pearl Morse, to hold pub~ lie dances at Parkway Inn, Leaf Mountain TownshipJ Upon motion made by John Snowberg, seconded by Andy Leitch and unani- mously carried, the following applications for homestead classification and/or reduction of assessed valuations were approved: Jerome Priem Frank I. Butler Thomas Richter Dale R. Garrels Arthur L. LaMay Harold Ziese Oscar Englund Edward L. Colman Dewey Estlick Edward J. Dick Duane L. Ott Helena O. Blikstad B. E. Van Tassel Parkers Prairie Village Jenny Clark & Senia Rarstakka Chic Creations Gift House Stamps Petroleum Resources Phil Herth Phil Hertl· Phil Hertl Phil Hertl Phil Hertl Phil .Hertl Phil Hertl Candor Township Clitherall Township Compton Township Compton Township Compton Township Deer Creek Township· E.agle Lake Township Elizabeth Township ·· Pelican Township Rush Lake Township Village of Deer Creek City of Fergus Falls Everts Township Village of Parkers Prairie · Village of New York Mills ,Village of Parkers Prairie Village of Dent City of Fergus Falls Pimt Lake Township Village of.Perham Dead Lake: Township Newton Township Girard Township Perham Township & Village Pf.lie Lake. Township . 1-C:1 Homestead Classification Homestead Classification Homestead Classification Homestead Classification Homestead Classification Homestead Classification Homestead Classification Homestead Classification Homestead Classification Homestead Classification Homestead Classification Homestead Classification Homestead Classification Should be tax exempt 25 feet assessed as SO feet Personal property removed Out of business Should be tax exempt Personal property overvalued Personal property overvalued Personal property overvalued Personal property removed Personal Property overvalued Persona_!_ .. Property· overvalued Personal Property removed The followi_ng · aI:>plications for· reduction in assessed valuation were approved subject to approval by the State Department of Taxation: Fred A. Bohmker City of Fergus Falls Y ~-M Properties Candor Township Robert W. Gannon Tordenskjold Township Northland Development Co. Aurdal Township Peter·J. Fabian Western Township Torten O. Nelson Trondhjem Township Gordon & Howard Tolppi Paddock Township Clifton & Marlene Wahlgren · Elizabeth Township . p Buildings in b_ad condition Swampy area overvalued Value used higher than act~l cost Lakesore overvalued Grain bins moved, assessed in both locations Pole barn assessed wrong, resul- ting in double .assessment Irrigation well over-valued Clerical error. in acre_age value Upon motion made by John Snowb~rg, seconded by Richard Dilion and unanimously carried, the following resolution was adopted: I RESOLUTION REQUESTING SPEED ZONING BE IT RESOLVED, that the County Board of Otter .Tai 1 County, in.tompliance with Subdivision 5 of S~cti6n 169.l4°of the Highway T~affic Regulation Act, .hereby requests the Co~missioner of Highways, upon .the basis.of an engineering.and traffic investigation, to autho- rize· the erection of appropriate signs designating a reasonable and safe speed limit upon the.following descr·ibed street arid highway: 30 miles per hour on CSAH #1,beginning at the j~nction,of the Great Northern Tracks on Fir.Avenue and East to a point ap- proximately i,000 feet East of the Diversion Cha~ne1: Resolution passed at a meeting .of the Otter Tai 1 County Board on April 11th, ~1972-~t Fergus Falls, Minnesota . (SEAL) . . // ~/ .... •· Attest:··· .. ·.·~·· County Auditor. · Upon the re~ommendation of the County Officials Committee, motion was made by Andy Leitch, seconded by George Walter and unanimously carried, to not allow payroll deductions for ".Cancet-·Policy" on which a presentation was made to the Board, because of the time element involved for.-salary payrolls and also the potentiai for additional contacts or meetings between employees and various insurance people; also approval of the following additions to the Personnel Policy: "Part Time Employees". This section is specifically intended to facilitate the hiring of bailiffs and other part time court personnel, and is not provided to allow officials to consistently hire those employees who have reached retire.m·\ent age. except in emergency situations. "Conflict of Interest". County employees are discouraged from accepting full or part time,~ jobs in addition· to their_ county. employment. No employee may accept employment in work similar to his job assignment with the county. All county employees who are presently employed in other jobs, or who contemplate taking such employment_,_must secure pennission in writing from the county official they-are working for. Upon motion made by Richard Dillon, seconded by George Walter and unanimously carried, the following bills were allowed: Carlton E Mortensen Carlton E Mortensen Carlton E Mortensen Carlton E Mortensen Joseph Peloqin Sidney Nelson Kurt Kester A.L. Fitch Dent Oil Co Robo Car Wash Perham Co-op Oil Kane's Service Fergus Oil Co Otter Tail Co-op Dave's Standard ,Service Oil Co Mayo's Standard Co Oils Jim's Standard Minnesota Motor Co Super GMC Truck §al~s Firestone Stores Mobile Radio & T.V. Service Maurice Thompson North Union Texaco Fergus Plumbing & Heating Victor Lundeen & Co Cooper's Office Supply Empire Musiness Machine Miller Davis Co Battle Lake Review I.B.M Corp •. The Photo Center Boarding of Prisoners expenses Postage, Supplies etc Rent of Snowmobile gasoline & meals II Extra Jailer Diving gasoline II II II II II II . II & service II II . II Service tires II Service Labor II II & Oil wrecker Service -Material & labor supplies II II II II II . film processing & Equip. 105 Sheriff II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II. II II II II II II II II II II II II II II $1,536.00 135.25 212.75 24.oo 28.41 11.43 93.56 50.00 . 16.32 219.17 245.58 26.89 21.62 _561.76 95.81 21.48 51.77 181.73 61.86 522.96 131.88 l:18.50 ,4.oo - 54.25 135.45 90.43 23.85 -162.50 7.80 51.50 26.73 240.45 I Lake Region Sheltered Workshop Vore's David Vore Fire Safety Corp. Johnson Furniture Co National Bus~ing & Parts Fergus Journal Lystads Inc. Mrs Clir°ford Aidrich David Gamage Carver County A Hubert Nordgren John Snowberg Andy Leitch George·Walter Richard Dillon Arthur D Boehne Spencer Lundquist Eugene Davenport Erwin Siems John Skranstad . Myrtle Logas ·. Heiben ~kramst~d Marvin Klicker Roger Bengtson Empire Business Machines Perham ~o-op Oil Robo Car Wash Otter Tail t:·o-op Firestone Store Fergus Dodge Inc. Weights Bullets supplies . II II II ad pest Controll Witness fee & mileage II II , II Guard Duty Boarding of Prisoners expenses II II II II II II II . II postage II Expenses , II supplies gasoline II II service II I She~iff, , , ' .6.oo ·. \ . ' ' II . 50.00 ·;II .. 3.02 II ~. .,12.·70>, II 2.00 II 24.82 II 2.88 II 22.50 II 5~50. II 2.60 , II 2.125.80 II 285.00 Commissioner 33.23 II 241.00 . II 10.92 II 23.16 · II · 8.40 Probation & Parole 317.06 ti II 129.19 Assessor 53.28 II 13.03 II 54.71 40.00 88.oo Vets ::iervice 15.15 11· ti 20.35 II II 172.50 II II 17;84 II II 14'.91 II II 70.44 II II 2/50 II II 10.62 3 Lampert Building Center Victor Lundeen & Co Malcolm Lee · James Johnson The Photo Center Wm Galena & Son Victor Lundeen & Co Rogers Co. Leslie Demmer Carpenters Hardware Nelson Bros Prtg. Cooper's Office Supply Kenneth Clambey Alva Krekula. Donald Kenyon Jeff Tikkanen Duane Donley · William Stone Herman Enslin Rodney Flatau Richard Dillon OJ Gust Lagerquist & sons Fergus Jobbing Uoited Chemical Co WP-stern Chemical Co .Dacotah Paper Co r:bersviller Impl. Co Edling :pectric Wm Galena & Sons Deans Excavating David Harles Larson Welding Xerox Corp. Simplex Time Recorder Co supplies II Expense II supplies II II II II II II II Expenses II II II II II II II Per diem & mileage services supplies II II II material & labor II II " II . snow removal Labor Sign post Services - supplies Vets Service II II Shore land II II II II II II II .. II II Weed & Seed Insp. : II II II Ear Soil & Water II II II II II II II II II II n II II II Co. Planning Comm. 19.32 14.65 23.55 18.45 3.80 3.42 145.13 8.47 · 60.00 2.76 42.00 . 6.oo 79.54 46.86 38.80. 73.04 38.10 65.92 22.52 - 11.44 50.80 ~.:7,.?0 20.00 81.8.5 38.53 53.48 37.00, 34.61 117.60 218.00 30.00 7.50 679.91 57.00 1 Gaffaney's Unive~sal Answering Service Victor Lundeen & Co Rudolph Faber Adreesgraph Multigraph Corp. Cooper's Office 3upply Oswal,d Publishing Co Security Blank Book & Prtg. Nel_son Bros.· Printing Pelican Rapids Press Miller Davis Co Poucher Printing & Lithe S .c .M. Corp. Henry Polkinghorn Dakota Safe Harry Larson Myrbo Enterprises Mehdi · Orandi M. D •.. Kauko Jantunen M.D. Mehdi Orandi M.D. G. J. · Mouritsen M. D. Lewis Struthers M.D. W.E. Parker M.D. Marjean Hanson Furey Funeral Home Mildred Bruvold Beatrice Wisted City of Fergus Falls Charles E Johnson . Jack Dailey, ·sh~riff Becker Co Sheriff Paul Ballard, Judge supplies II II II II II . II II II . II II II. maintenance publications Anual inspection · labor labor Go Dump Aut.opsy fee Coroners fees II " II II II II II II Secretarial services Ambulance Service Transcripts II Court Costs· ~curt Costs mileage & Expense Summons etc· mileage 6.85 31.70 82.78 691.60 101.50 381.58 5.80 275.80 732.10 87.10 ·82. 75 344. 79 . 59.00 30.00 60.00 25.00 12,0.00 50.50 25.25 25.25 75.00 :i,.60 33.46 25.00 233.80 84.70 252.00 38.00 7.90 7.8o· 10.60 · George Schneider Village of Perham Minn. Co. Judges Assn. M.A.A~¢,. Brlilce Brown Sec. Battle Lake Review Fergus Falls Journal ·Henning.Advocate Northwestern Pub. Co The Parkers Prairie Indep. Pelican Rapids Press· Mathison Hesby Ins. Agency Lorna McCabe Laverna Beltz bonnis Fjestad Gloria Opatz Dorothy Johnson Donna Q,uam) ·Daniel Snbbe Mrs Alva Christensen Alice Crosgrove Mrs Marilyn Martenson Barbara Heikes Christine Hartness Adell Hartman Mrs Olga Edwards· Mrs Robert Johnson· Mrs Charles Perkins Mrs Bud Larson· Victor Lundeen & Co Phsi~ians & Hospital Supplys 3M l:ksiness Products S~les Centennial ·Dec. Comm. Rent Co Agent Dues Membenship Dues Publications II II II . II II Liability Ins. expenses II " II II II " II. II II II II II Home Health Aide II II II " " II II II " II II II " II II II II II II II " II II II, II Nursing Board. II II II " II II supplies Nurse II II Repair II 1C9 132.50 60.00 45.00 60.00 298. 70 ,. 228.60 128.70 · 1,699.84 96.70 161.60 105~73 108.34 28.80. 19.08 52.92 91.84 10.80 8.91 12.15 23.40 42.39 13.86 17.82 14·.94 . ·6.12 · 8.10 3.24 72.03 27~11 F. W. Woolworth National Food Store Fergus Falls Journal Reitan Larson Village of Perham Mrs John Steblay Otter Tail Ski & Sport Shop International Harvester The Photo Center Village of New York Mills White Drug Glen Lake Sam, Mehdi Grandi M.D. Anderson Beos Construction Glen Cording Fergus Dodge Inc. '-'. Ziegler Inc. Garwodd Twin Cities Truck Equip. Genuine Parts Co Hall Equipment Co Klauer Mfg. Co MacQueen Equipment Inc. Minnesota Tractor Co Super GMC Truck Sales Westgo Truck Equipment Evenson Garage Bredahl Plbg. & Htg. Fergus Plumbing & Htg. Gateway Builders Inc. Keskitalo Bros Repair Kotz Bros Supplies Maintenance Ads Rent II Expense Nursing Service Equipment Boat & Water Repair Equipment Care of Poor II II II II II II II " II " " Material & Labor Arch. services II II Nurse " II II II Study Safety'' II Safety Parts Road & Bridge " II II II " II II " II II II " " " II " " II II II II II " II II " II Repairs " " " " II " " " II II II II " " II II II 110 3.46 6.16 6.88 150.00 35.00 . 61.16 36.09 69.75 375,95 515.18 41.00 651.56 85.00 1,168.00 10,048.09 200.72 214.24 104.14' 34.30 41.59 334.45 81.15" 311.71 81.39. 81.62 47.83 11.50 55.00 4.oo 24.25 1 I Moes Garage Schultz Garage & Wrecker Service Smokey's Machine Shop Steuart Pbg & Htg. Suhr Ford Sales Inc. Wiebe I s Garage Wheeler Repair Paper Calmenson & Co Bauck Paint & Supply Bob's Hardware Coast to boast Pelican Rapids Edgetown Lumber Co Everts Lumber Co Fleet Supply General Trading Co Goodyear Service Store Lawson Products Inc. Lyon Htg. & Plb. ~igelman Hide & Fur Co Swanson Equipment Co Vergas Hardware W.W. Wallwork Inc. Welders Equipment Conrad Huseby Minn. Valley Impr. Co Mark Sand & Gravel C.M. Moen & Pat Fiedler Carl E Swenson Anderson Chemical Co ·Minn. Dept of Highways. City of Fergus Falls Otter Tail Power Co Repairs II II II II Towing Repair Cutting Edges Supplies II II II II II II II II II II II II II II Gravel · II II II II Calcium Chloride · Labor etc· Special Agreement Prints Road & Bridge II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II 11· II II II II II II II II II II II II II II " II I 6.·85 21.57 80.93 11.70 104.80 6.oo 22.53 2,401.68 2.80 34.12 68.55 13.00 9.20 9.99. 138.13 6.78 149.57 1.50 38.08 56.50 91.82 ~9-70 63.39 5.50 22.00 127.50. 392.50 21.12 · 4,299.00 221.38 841.88 ,' 98.30 Mathison Hesby Agency Liability Ins. Road & Bridge . 9,289.00 Polman Transfer Inc. Freight II II 7.05 Village of Henning Rent II II 433.60 James C Haugrud Equipment Rental II II 48.oo Fergus Falls Daily Journal notices II II 8o.4o Construction Bulletin Subscription II II 35.00 H.A. Rogers Supplies II II 24.72 Minnesota Blueprint II II II i36.74 Poucher Printing¢ Litho Co II II II 16.88 Mathison Drafting Supply Repairs II II . 34.30 . Monroe International Inc. machine maintenance If II 54.oo EOT Telephone Co service & tolls II II · 99.13 N.W. Bell Telephone Co II II II II 78.67 Park Region Mutual Telephone Co II II II II 4,.16-· N.W. Bell Telephone Co II II II II 24.37 Pelican Telephone Co II II II II 13.83 N.W. Bell Telephone Co II II II II 20.54i Twp. of Elmo ·Special Aid II II 200.00 Wendell P Huber Expense II II 286.37 Wendell P Huber Cash Advanced II . II . 8.62 Roy J. Bruhn mileage II II 103.68 Frances Pawlitschek R./ W II II 7.00 Gilbert Gunderson II II II 43.20 . Robert Eastwood II II II 96.20 Russell Walvatne II II II 16.60· Norman C. Nelson II II II . 13.60. Mrs Irene Mortensen Johnson .II II II 753.50' Martin Tostenson II II II 1.60 o. D. Schultz II II II 31.3Y Ervin Parker II II II 59.90 Charlotte Henderson II II II 4.40 Carl R Johnson II II II 761.20 Gertie Johnson II II II 7.80 1 ~,,, ;:.1,J & ~ridge ~ D-A Lubricant Co Inc. Oil Road 304.70 Battle Lake Farmers Union Oil Gasoline II II 52.51 Bengtson Oil Co II II ·11 153.86 Bluffton Oil Co II II II 361.96 Consumers Co-op Oil Co Henning II 11-II . · 143.54 Dave's Standard Service Henning II . II II 38.89 Dave's Standard Service Pel. Rapids II II II 352~58 Dent Oil Co II II II 94~09 Farmers Co-op Assn Deer Creek II II II 519.26 Hoot Lake·76 II II II 426.06 Kane's Service II II II 54.92 · Kraemer Oil Co II II II 322.47 Mayo's Standard Service II . II II 5.67 Mischke Oil Station II II II 153.98 Motz Union Oil Co II II II 315.91 North Union Texaco fl II II 21.34 Otter Tail Co-op Oil Inc~ II II II 1,890.23 Service Oil Co Battle Lake fl fl fl 153.98 Servi.ce Oil Co Underwood II II II 305.25 Vergas Oil .Co Inc. II II II 357 .08. Arrow Petroluem Diesel II II 335.15 Park Region Co-op Oil II II II 153.45 Penrose Oil Co II II ·, II 97.88 Fossen Oil Co Fuel II II 211.20 ~ Mobil Oil Corp. Dent II . II II 30.80 . ~ ' Perham Co-op Oil Co II . II. II 124.80 · ., Soliah & Braatz Oil Co _Fuel II ,, •'• 33.20 Standard Oil Co Battle Lake II, II II 446.65 Standard Oil Co Pelican Rapids II etc II II 166.98 1:1.3 Upon motion made by John Snowbei'g, seconded by Andy Leitch.and unanimously carried, the meeti_ng was adjourned until 9:30 A.M., Tuesday,-May 9th, 1972. ATTEST: Clerk MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS FEDERAL AID SECONDARY FORM.NO. I I I BE-IT RESOLVED That pursuant to Section 161:36,. Subdivisions 1 through 6, Minnesota Statutes 1969, the Commissioner of Highways be appointed as agent of the County of Otter T~il · to let as its agent, contract~ for the construction of portions of County State-Aid Highways, specifically described as fo 1 lows: County State-Aid Highway No . .!:l...:_ from 0.5 ML North of Henning •to South Jtt. CSAH #50, 3;5 Mi. North,· ·and the chairman and the auditor are hereby authorized and direct~d for and on behalf of the County to e~ecute and ente~ into a contra~t with the Com- missioner 6f Highways prescribing the terms and conditions of ~uch agency in the form as set forth and contained in 11Minnesota Department of'Highways Agency Contract Form No. IV, II a copy of which said form was before the Board, assuming on behalf of the County all of the contractual obligations therein contained. Adopted thi~ 11th da~ of April, 1972. ·/J{J.·?t~ Eha1 rman of the County Boar_d Count~