HomeMy WebLinkAboutBoard of Commissioners - Minutes - 12/07/1971MINUTES OF THE ADJOURNED MEETING OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OTTER TAIL COUNTY MINNESOTA Pursuant to adjournment, the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County :,linnesota met at 9:30 AJl. ~ Tuesday, December 7th, 1971, all mer:1bers present. Ken Clambey and Larry Van Borkem, County !\feed Inspectors, appeared before the Board, with Mr. Clambcy giving his annual weed inspection report, which was accepted by the Board. Upon motion made by George \"!alter, seconded by Hubert Nordgren and unanir.iously carried, the following applications for reduction in the assessed valuation were approved; subject to approval by the State Tax Department: Don Vendsel Gerald Courneya Raymond Ziegler Edna Township Hobart Township Perham Townsi1ip Building incomplete. Overage in payment to be returned by County Treasurer Wrong classificaton Buildings beyond repair overvalued Assessed for too many tillable acres Representatives from the Investors Diversified Services, INc., appeared before the Board presenting a proposal for county employees. It was decided by the County Board that this proposal be first presented to the Department Heads at -the County Officials meeting on December 10th. Upon motion made by George Walter, seconded by Richard Dillon and unanimously carried, the following resolution was adopted: • I , I,,// RESOLUTION BE IT RESOLVED, that pursuant to statutory authority the County Engineer for and on behalf of the County of Otter Tail is hereby authorized to request and obtain from the Minnesota Depart- ment of Highways needed engineering and technical services during the year 1972, for which payment will be made by the County upon receipt of verified claims frpm the Commissioner of Highways. Adopted this 7 di; day of December, 1971. Auditor (SEAL) 385 -.·::r.:-:·,· •. :r-,p•r, i' I Upon motion made by Afltly.iH;ei tch, seconded by Richard Dillon and unanimously carried, the following resolution was adopted:· RE.SOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County Minnesota, that WHEREAS on October 12th, 1971, the Board accepted the bid of Hall Equipment Inc., MinneapoHs, Minnesota for two One Way Snowplows and two Snow Wi'.ngs for $5,050.00, same having been delivered to the satisfaction of the Board, NOW, THEREFORE the County Auditor is hereby authorized and directed to issue a warrant in the amount of $5,050.00 payable to Hall Equipment Inc., Minneap9lis. Minnesota, being the full amount of the bid. Dated at Fergus Falls, Minnesota this 7th day of Desember, 1971. ATTEST: Clerk 386 ·• / ·, ,\ -.. ird: _i:> .. ·•t; ,'•~ ,'.l'li', ···•·-··· .,, ,, :../ Upon motion made py Hubert Nordgren, seconded by George Walter and unanimously carried, the following resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County Minnesota;, that · WHEREAS on May 11, · 1971 the Board acc~pted the bid of Highway Striping, Worthington, Minnesota :l..n the amount of $19,925.00 for County Wide Center Striping, and WHEREAS said contract has been completed to the satisfaction of the Board for a total cost of $14,534.00, a decrease of $5,391.00 due to the fact the amount of proposed work to be done was overestimated, NOW THEREFORE.the County Auditor is hereby authorized and directed to issue a warrant in the amount of $3,887.45 as final payment for this work,to Highway Striping, Worthington, Minnesota. Dated at Fergus Falls, Minnesota this 7th day of December, 1971. ATTEST:~ Clerk 387 Upon motion made by Richard Dillon, seconded byHubert Nordgren and unanimously carried, the following resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County Minnesota, that WHEREAS on June 8th, 1971 the Board accepted the bid of Mark Sand & Gravel Company, Fergus Falls, Minnesota for Aggregate Base & Road Mix Bituminous Surfacing under projects S.A.P. 56-623-04 & 56-669~02, in the amount of $ll5,081.00 and WHEREAS said contract having been completed to the satisfaction of the Board for a total cost of $112,702.99, a decrease of $2,378.01 due to normal variation, NOW THEREFORE The County Auditor is hereby authorized and directed to issue a warrant in the amount of $36,950.05 payable to the Mark Sand& Gravel Company, Fergus Falls, Minnesota as final payment for this work. Dated at Fergus Falls, Minnesota this 7th day of December, 1971. ATTEST:~ Clerk 388 ..:.} ., :,, - Upon motion made by Andy Leitch, seconded by Richard Dillon and unanimously carried, the following resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County Minnesota, that WHEREAS on April 13, 1971 the County Board accepted the bid of Douglas Ackli~ Frazee, Minnesota, for Grading and Aggregate Surfacing under project S.A.P. 56-682-01, in the amount of $28,602.04, and WHEREAS same having been completed to the satisfaction of the Board for a total cost of $30,914.91, an increase of $2,312.87 due to common excavation and gravelling, NOW THEREFORE, the the County Auditor is hereby authorized and directed to issue a check in the amount of $12,175.07 payable to Douglas Aclling, Frazee, Minnesota, as final payment for this work. Dated at Fergus Falls, Minnesota this 7th day of December, 1971. ATTEST:~ Clerk 389 Upon motion made by Richard Dillon, seconded by Hubert Nordgren I and unanimously carried,1the following resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by the BQ!rd of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County Minnesota, that WHEREAS on June 8, 1971 the County Board accepted the bid of M & M Construction Company, Nashua, Minnesota, for $50,091.13, for Grading and Aggregate Surfacing under project S.A.P. 56-621-12, and WHEREAS said contract has now been completed to the satisfaction of the Board for a total cost of $51,942.72, an increase of $1,851.59 due to additional sodding, NOW THEREFORE, the County Auditor is hereby authorized and directed to issue a warrant in the amount of $5,194.27 payable to M & M Construction Company, Nashua, Minnesota as final payment for this work. Dated at Fergus Falls, Minnesota this 7th day of December, 1971. AITES~ Clerk 390 Upon motion made by Andy Leitch, seconded by Richard Dillon and unanimously carried, the rate for snow plowing by the County on township roads was increased to $12.00 per hour. The Amor Town•_;Board appeared before the County Board relative to the road called the Eldorado Beach Road. A dis.cussion period followed with no action taken. Motion was made by George Walter, seconded by Richard Dillon and unanimously carried, authorzing the Highway Department to make a survey on the west side of Little Pine Lake on a diversion channel on County Road #51. Motion was made by Andy Leitch, seconded by Richard Dillon and unanimously carried, to accept the proposal of Security Blank Book and Printing Company for assessment supplies for 1972 for a cost of $1,970.00. • Upon motion made by Richard Dillon, seconded by Andy Leitch and unanimously carried, the County Auditor was authorized to advertise for bids to be received until li-:00 A.M., February 8, 1972 for bituminous surfacing at the following locations: ._ CSAH #11 CSAH #22 CSAH #29 CSAH #36. CSAH #SO CH# 135 •A distance of 7.969 miles located between County Road #10 and #21 A distance of 5. 759 miles located between County Roads #27 and #3 A distance of 3.542 miles located between State Highway #210 and Township road #24 A dista.nce,c of 5 .277 miles located south and westerly from State Highway #228 ' A di'.'stance_ of 3. 5 70 miles located between County Roads #73 and #75 A distance of 5.935 miles located State Highway #10 and County Road #52 Upon motion made by George Walter,_ seconded by Andy Leitch and unanimously carried, the following resolution was adopted: 391 . r ' ~ ·J ---,/; '•' ' :,_,,. MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS FEDERAL AID SECONDARY FORM NO. III Be it resolved that pursuant to Section 161.36, Subdivisions 1 through 6, Minnesota Statutes 1969, the Commissioner of Highways be appointed as agent of the County of Otter Tail to let as its agent, contracts for the construction of portions of County State-Aid Highways, specifically described as follows: County State-Aid Highway No._6_ from CSAH No. 59, 2~5 Mi. N. of Prbank to 2.0 Mi. W. (except 1.3 Miles), County State-Aid Highway No. 57 Urbank to 2.9 Mi. N, from CSAH No. 6, 5 Mi. N.W. of. County State-Aid Highway No.-2Q_ from CSAH No. 75, 4 Mi. E. of pill- view to East Line of Otter Tail County, County State-Aid Highway No.---.Z2__ from 0.3 Mi. S. of CSAH No~ 70, East of Hillview to N. Line Otter Tail County, and the chairman and the auditor are:, hereby authorized and directed for and .J on behalf of the County to execute apd enter into a contract with the Com- missioner of H1ghways prescribing th~ terms and conditions of such agency in the form as set forth and contained in "Minnesota Department of Highways A~ency Contract Form No. IV," a copy of which said form was before the Board, assuming on behalf of the County all of the contractual obligatigns ! therein contained. th Adopted this 7 day of December, ---I County Auditor (SEAL) •. 392 \ 'I CERTIF. ., OF C0MPIE.TIO~ C•F C01JNTY ?.OAT' ',!ORK To the County Auditor of Otter Ta.H County, Minnesota= He, the undersi~ned majority of the County Board of said County, hereby certif,,. that we have examined the road work done by Douglas Ackling Frazee, Minnesota 56544 on that certain road desc-riLed as follows: CSAH #82 (S.A.P. 56-682-01) Grading between Jct. T.H. #59 and East to Dalton • . together with contract for the same, and that we find said work has been properly done and performed according to said contract. Dated this 7 du · day of ~--· 197/. ke_.V~ ' Attest: Clerk 393 ··?1 r:: :.,,Y.i:~~r•··~t:•:v-1 ·; I Upon motion made, seconded and carried, the meeti11g.a:djour~ed to 9:30 A.M., Wednesday, December 8th, 1971. 394 WEDNESDAY'S SESSION Pursuant to adjournment, the Board of County Commissioners met Wednesday December 8th, 1971 at 9:30 A.M., all members present. The Board having previously advertised for bids for a car to be used by the Sheriff's Department, proceeded to open bids which were :found to be as follows: Fergus Dodge, Fergus Falls, Minnesota $4,795.00 Net Less Trade, $2,010~00 $2,785.00 Motion was made by Hubert-Nordgren, seconded by George Walter and unanimously carried, to accept the bid of Fergus Dodge, Fergus Falls; Minnesota t in the amount of $4,795.00, less trade-in of $2,010.00, for a net price of $2,785.00, it being the lowest and only bid. Motion was made by George Walter, seconded by John Snowberg (who ( was replaced at. the Chair by Hubert Nordgren, Vice Ch'.a,}ii'nian} and carried, to leVY;:.r an arnounH of $25 ,00,0 each for the years 1972 and 1973 to be appropriated to the Otter Tail County Historical Society for the purpose of building a museum. Leitch-,.voted "no". Andy Motion was made by Hub,ert Nordgren, seconded by Richard Dillon and unanimously carried, to authorized the Chairman of the Board to sign Joint Clay- Otter Tail Juvenile Dention Center_Agreement. Frank Roberts, East Otter Tail County Agricultural Inspector, appeared before the Board and presented his annual report, which after discussion was accepted unanimously by the Bo·ard,: Motionwas made by Andy Leitch, seconded by George Walt~r. and unanimously carried, to accept the proposal of Hintgen-Karst Electric Coi, !Ne., in the amount of $957.96 for the purchase and installation of 27 electric clocks in the various offices of the Court House. This proposal stipulated that all new wires and receptacles would be used. 395 Mo_tion was made by Andy Leitch, seconded by Richard Dillon-and· unanimously carried, to have the County Highway Engineer, along with the County Sheriff, prepare bid specifications for tires for county vehicles for.the year of 1972. Upon motion made by Richard Dillon, seconded by George Walter and unanimously carried, the Highway Engineer was authorized to attend the annual County Highway Engineers' Institute at Hill City, Minnesota. Motion was made by Richard Dillon, seconded by Hubert Nordgren and unanimously carried, to authorize the County Auditor to issue a warrant to the . ~ . Burroughs~.~orporation for payment of one of the two L 4000 bookkeeping machines at this time. Motion was made by Andy Leitch, seconded by Hubert Nordgren and ,unan~mously carried, to approve the beer license application of Ronald D. Becker for• license to· sell non-intoxicating malt liquor at the Ranch House in Buse Town- ship,·· subject to opinion of the County Attorney. Upon motion made by Hubert Nordgren, seconded by George Walter and unanimously-carried, the following bills were approved: 396 '/.i) ,.::t .··> -,1 _·1 I Carlton E Mortensen Carlton E Mortensen Carlton E Mortensen Robe G'ar Wash Perham Co-op Oil ·co Ottertail Co-op Oils Inc. Jim's Standard Dent Oil Co Dave's 116611 Big Chief Texaco Bengtson Oil Co Frank Dowzak Thomas Oil Co Miller Davis General Trading Super GMC Truck Sales Marlo Motors Service Oil Co Fergus Glass & Paint The Photo Center Glen Melby Sheriff L.D.W. Anderson Sheriff James E Larson Sheriff Lester Melchert Sheriff Jack Dailey Sheriff E.J. Wilson Donald Omodt Steve Haarstick Postmaster of Erhard Robert Martodam Boarding of Prisoners Expenses Office Expense Gasoline II II II II II II II II II Supplies II Tires Service Call Service supplies & labor Processing etc School expense Paper Service & mileage II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II mileage & witness Fee II II II II II II Sheriff • II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II $1,095.00 62.10 61.50 194.11 169.02 274.32 165.50 47.87 98.68 51.63 5.00 18.45 120.27 11.00 10.68 126.27 15.00 29.63 15.96 40.26 60.00 3.32 14.10 31.00 3.95 4.30 2.90 3.70 3.70 7.38 Cindy Abbot Karla Weinrich Wayne Shearer Sandy Rieken Janelle Neises James Reed Andy Lindquist Merle Bacon Robert Molter Harland Haugen Norman Craig Cacyer County Sheriff's Dept City Pharmacy Andrew & Meister Lake Region Hospital Fergus Falls Medical Group Viking Cafe George Revering Frank Altstadt Edward Aho Donald Nelson Charles Malmstrom Charles Beck Kenneth C1ambey Frank Roberts Geraldine McGuire Roger Heidorn u. Of Minn. Crookston Ambrose Klinnert Laura Hotchkiss Jeff Tikkanen Mileage & Witness Fee Sheriff fl II fl fl II II II fl fl II II fl II II fl fl fl " II fl Special Deputy II Expenses fl II " II II II II Guard Duty at Glen Lake II Care of Prisoner II II " II II II " If II II Peace Officers Meeting II Expenses Co Planning Comm. II II '! II II II II II II II II II If II II II II II II II II Weed & Seed Insp. II II II II Salary E.0.T. ~oil & Water II II II II Work Study Program II II II Salary w.o.T. Soil & Water II If II II Dues II fl fl 398 1.86 1.30 3.63 1.30 ' ~ 2.20 1.30 317.79 113.80 35.00 17.10 55.00 970.25 15.40 5.55 8.oo 30.00 14.72 126.00 68.80 39.80 109.44 60.88 40.00 48.22 75.69 141.00 528.00 182.40 189.00 286.00 300.00 Myrtle Logas Spencer Lundquist Arthur D. Boehne Eugene Davenport Erwin Siems John Skramstad Marvin Klicker Roger Bengtson u. s. Pencil & Stationery ~o I.B.M. Corp Malcolm K. Lee Victor Lundeen & Co The Photo Center Art's Machine Shop Gtt:!"b J:.ageFetuiai; C-Z Chemical Co Inc. G~bles Carpenters Harm:ware G.s. Products Inc. Madison Chem Corp. Garrat Callahan Co Precison Laboratories Crow Chemical Equipment Wm Galena & Son SEiliBt; il!leetPi:e C~rroll ~kow Victor Lundeen & Co Miller Davis Security Blank Book & Printing Oswald Publishing Co Monroe Poucher Printing & Lithe. Postage mileage & expense " II " " II " " II II II " II sµpplies Maintenance Agreement Expenses supplies " " l.a::beP & Ha:t;erial supplies " II II II II II II Labor & Material II ff II II supplies II II " " II 399 1.,;lerk Of Court Prob. & Parole " II Assessor II II Vets !3ervice " " II II " II Shoreland Mgr. II " II II " II Jani~pr II II " II II II II 44.20 184.60 221.64 101.40 131.72 148.51 184.87 54.36 22.30 42.00 49.11 18.68 24.14 92.65 383.28 51.35 20.34 7.98 43.05 58.10 68.29 10.65 71.90 148.20 692.93 145.00 637.70 253.55 53.09 23.79 2.50 48.37 .,_ I Frankel Mfg. Co Nelson Bros Printing Thomas 0. Nelson Xerox Corp City of ,ergus Falls City of ~ergus Falls Village of Perham Villa.ge ef PeJ?ham OontcF Ste:Pe Eleorge Lei'beli 1Cemte'btr Pea:ePSOfl: Ringdahl Ambulance Service Harry Larson Secretarial Service Viking Cafe Hunt Ins. Agency Earl Grundi Medhi 0randi M.D. Earl Bigler M.D. Ralph Estrem Marjean Hanson Fergus Falls Journal Battle Lake Review Henning Advocate Northwestern Publishing Co Pelican Rapids,Preas Perham EnterpDise Bulletin Lorna McCabe Gloria Opatz Myrna Lillestolen Dorothy Johnson Donna Quam supplies II Maps services Court Costs Co Share of Municipal Court Rent g?pee PlOJ'l.ti:ag " It It Mileage Labor Transcripts meals for Jurors Notary Bond II II Coroners Fees II II " " Secretarial Service Publications II II II II II expenses " II II II 400 Co Agent Nw?siag Heme u ft It It ti Nurse II II II II 51.00 122.40 167.40 106.18 510.00 900.00 60.00 671.25 21.15 80.00 5.40 55.05 415.00 18.36 8.oo 1.00 25.25 50.50 50.50 23.62 42.50 11.90 9.60 11.20 12.00 13.50 62.02 17.55 59.71 42.91 79.86 Donnis Fjestad Florence Ginkel Barbara Heikes Kathryn Hemmelgarn Mrs Marilyn Martenson Mrs Joyce Samuelson Mrs Bernice Spangler Mrs Robert Johnson Mrs John Steblay Mrs Charles Perkins Mrs Bud Larson Nelson Bros Printing Victor Lundeen & Co Apple~• Century Crofts Mary Jane eoates Fergus Falls Dailey Journal Village ~f Perham Reitan Larson Co Glen Lake San. El's Resort Thomas Oil Co Service Oii Co Underwood Viking Cafe Case Power & Equipment Cummins Diesel Sales Inc. Hall Equipment Inc. Ziegler Inc. Westgo Truck Equipment International Harvester Co Little Falls Machine Inc. J:!., Olson Auto Electric Expenses II II II II II II II II II fl supplies II II II Ads Rent II Care of Poor Gas II Service Nurse HoMe Health Aide II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II Nursing Board II II fl II Nurse II II " II " II Boat & Water Safety II II II II fl fl II meals for search & rescue 11 II II Parts Road & Bridge II II II II II II fl II II II fl II II II II " II II II II II 401 21.42 21.06 25.92 23.76 28.80 34.20 16.88 6.12 9.36 15.30 3.24 8.oo 33.09 7.16 2.83 3.36 35.00 150.00 221.96 8.oo 80.70 10.75 49.53 24.66 15.85 2.50 1,083.08 29.01 26.73 137.60 68.85 Perham Farm Supply Suhr Ford Sales Inc. Baas Oil Co Bauck Chev. Co Hi-Way Auto & Impl Co Karvonen & Son Louis' Roadside Repair Pelican Paint & Glass Phil's Welding & Fabr. Kurt Rapatt Fergus Plumbing & Htg. Richard Oil Co Elk River Cone. Products Co Firestone Store Les' Tire Service Lawson Products Inc. Bob's Hardware Dent Coast to Coast Henning Farmers Union Grain Terminal Assn. Gambles Henning General Trading Genuine Parts Co Holten Lumber Co Peavey Co. Dent Peavey Co Henning Pelican Hardware Sherwin Williams Co Vergas Hardware Douglas Ackling Korby Contracting Co Parts fl Repairs fl II fl fl fl II fl II Asphalt Culverts Tires II supplies II II fl fl II II II fl II fl II II Equipment Rental II II 402 Road & Bridge fl II fl II fl II II fl fl fl fl II fl fl fl fl II II II fl fl II fl fl fl fl fl II II II II II II II fl II II II II fl fl II fl II ti ti fl fl fl II II fl II II II II 7.73 162.85 17.80 29.10 10.04 45.00 1.50 25.18 11.50 28.00 11.50 1,727.02 154.34 86.10 273.61 275.21 12.50 68.67 20.71 2.97 173.64 6.32 12.50 4.60 5.94 6.22 15.68 86.08 897.00 286.00 1 M & M Construction Co Village of Dalton Delzer's Excavating Chas Egge Bernie Erickson C.M. Moen & Pat Fiedler Bennie Johnson LeRoy P Klovstad Chas Egge Village of Bluffton Village of Deer Creek B'illage of Dent Village of Henning .... City of Fergus Falls -4" Village of Battle Lake Village of Parkers Prairie Village of Pelican Rapids Village of Perham Village of Perham Roy J Bruhn Leonard Severson Minn. Dept. of Hwys American Road Builders Ass'n Mpls ~lue Prtg. Co H.A. Rogers Co ,.. Victor Lundeen & Co The Pierce Co Davenport's Stationery EOT Telephone Co Midwest Telephone Co N.W. Bell Telephone Co Equipment Rental Installation II Gravel II II II II Grijvelling Garage Rental " II " II Rent Maintenance II II II II II mileage II Labor etc Dues supplies " II II II service & tolls II II II II 403 Ro~d.& Bridge II II II II II II II II II II II II " II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II It II II II II II II 225.00 497.43 560.76 867.75 483.20 506.50 801.00 6.50 1,526.80 300.00 360.00 367.26 1,683.75 872.52 487.98 328.62 577.92 90.00 67.05 7.02 159.35 15.00 97.25 74.50 17.80 35.71 10.60 18.63 Pelican Telephone Co Service ¢ tolls Road & Bridge 11.93 N.W. Bell Telephone Co F.F. II II II II 13.05 Wendell P Huber Expense II II 319.67 G.D. Harlow II II II 18.40 Wendell P Huber Cash Advanced II " 85.02 Mrs Mary Ann Haverinen R/w " II 183.40 Hugo Hendrickson II It II 98.70 Lake Region Co-op Elect. Assn. II It II 1,254.47 Andy's 66 Service Gasoline " II 260.91 Dave's 66 II II II 68.09 Dave's Standard Service Henning II II II 131.37 Dent Oil Co II II II 146.17 Fergus Oil Co II II II 63.13 Fossen Oil Co " II II 54.55 Gene's Standard Service NY Mills II II II 94.59 = Hoot Lake 76 Gasoiline II II 78.25 Mayo's Standard Service II II II 63.34 Motz Union Oil Co II etc " II 437.17 Otter Tail Co-op Oil Inc. II II II 393.65 Thomas Oil Co. Henning II II II 291.50 Thomas Oil Co Vining II II II 366.50 D-A Lubricant Oil II II 189.30 Arrow Petroluem Diesel II II 173.80 Co-op Service Inc. II II II 141.94 Standard Oil Co Henning II II II 81.00 Fossen Oil Co Fuel II II 211.20 Penrose Oil Co II II II 85.60 Standard Oil Co Perham II II II 77.50 404 Hoot Lake 76 Farmers Co-op Assn Frazee Texaco Service Dick's Standard Service Vergas Oil Co Bengtson Oil Co Shell Service Service Oil Co Battle Lake Standard Oil Co 11 " Standard Oil Co Pelican Rapids Matz & Greiff Dave's Standard Service Minnesota Motor Garrison Mfg. Co Inc. Ziegler Inc. Everts Lumber Co Co-op Services NY Miils Welders Equipment National Chem. Corp. Les Tire Service Douglas Councy Lyon Chemicals Inc-. E Caye Machine Co Elk River Concrete Prod. Co Otter Tail Power Co Park Region Mutual Tele. Co N.W. Bell Telephone Co East Ottertail Tele. CO Gasoline " " " II II " Diesel Fuel Repair II II Parts II Supplies II II II Tires Maintenance Calcium Chloride Material Spreaders Culverts Prints Service & tolls " II " II 405 Road & Bridge " II II II II II II " II II II II " " II " II " II II II II II II II " II II II It II II II II II II II II II " " II II " II II II II II II It II II II 127.47 122.21 176.31 169.65 367.01 195.31 103.77 671.86 318.34 170.18 18.95 13.85 76.14 6.03 369.23 21.01 51.70 15.51 466.oo 162.38 290.00 1,564.00 1,780.00 54.54 11.76 22.75 19.34 10.80 .Upon motion made by George Walter, seconded-by Richa'td Dil1on and unanimously carried, the meeting adjourned until 9:30 A.M., Tuesday, December 21st, 1971. ~~ ~ Ch~~ ATTES~ Clerk .•--· .',M ,r ·'•,1'_, L'