HomeMy WebLinkAboutBoard of Commissioners - Minutes - 08/10/1971MINUTES OF THE ADJOURNED MEETING OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OTTER TAIL COUNTY MINNESOTA .( • 1. -' ~I Pursuant to adjournment, the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County met Tuesday, August 10, 1971, at 9:30 A.M., all members present. Motion was made by Richard Dillon, seconded by Andy Leitch and unanimously carried, to approve the preliminary plat of Tangl_ewood, subject to the Planning Advisory Commission's requirements. Motion was made by Andy Leitch, seconded by Richard Dillon and unani- mously carried, to allow Harry Bengston permission to convey one parcel, approximately 400' x 150' in size, in Government Lot 2, Section 14-131-40. Motion was made by Andy Leitch, seconded by Richard Dillon and unani- mously carried, to authorize the Board Chairman to sign a Co-Sponsorship Resource Conservation and Development Project application for project assistance for a race track and grand stand adjacent to Otter Tail County Fair Grounds. Motion was made by Hubert Norgren, seconded by Andy Leitch and unani= mously carried, authorizing the Chairman of the County Board to sign a resolution relative to the Otter Tail County Liaison Program, authorizing Hubert Nordgren to represent the County Board, and the following resolution was adopted: I . j I A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE COUNTY Wfi1W OF _---1.1.0 ... t ... r i;.e ... c.1..r 4a.i..i .1.J _..C4q1u.1u.o .... t*y_· _______ ___ TO ACT AS GRANT EE FOR PROJECT _O~t ~t .. e;...r ~t,.a.._1 .... J _.....Cou..u.nu.0.1..t ¥-Y-'-"I ..._i ... a .... i .:,.Sai..u.o-P~ro~g,1,,,rM,ern11o1---- WHEREAS: The County C3Wiil1 of Ottertail, County ts submitting an application for Funding of Pro_1ect Ottertail County Li a1 sao Program NOW THEREFORE: act as Grantee for the Proj~ct Ottertail County I'i,dsoo Program and administer the Funds in-behalf of Project for the period of12 rnaotb~ BE IT RESOLVED THAT: . Authorized Official-Hub Nordgren {County· Commissiaoer) is hereby authorized and directed to execute such an agreement ae r~ouested by the Governor's Commission on Crime Prevention and Controi to implement said Program Grant. . . . SIGNED '--\.4 _______ ___..__.,. __ .......___,.___ l Jtter Tail Co~nty Commissioners ' ,. Upon motion made by Andy Leitch, seconded by Hubert Nordgren, the following applications for reduction in the assessed valuation of real estate and/or homestead classification were approved: Mary K. Nohre Colanthe R. Opie Gerald Zeise Erland A. Bergsten Joseph C. Evans Mae Strunic David Hanson Kenneth Kronemann Ervin Strande Clitherall Township Dunn Township Compton Township Clitherall Township Everts Township Inman Township Lida Township Orwell Township Fergus Falls Township Lot with no buildings valued as improved Cottage valued to high for age Assessed for too many tillable acres Cattle pass overvalued Swampy land over assessed Old school house over valued No well, sewer, etc., but assessed for same Swamp land assessed as tillable Foregiveness of penalty The following subject to approval by the State Tax Department Reuben Klein City of Fergus Falls East Otter Tail Tel. Co. Village of Perham Alfred & June Bothun Wilfred Kjorness Henry N. Pederson Laura Gaare Robert J. Kringlie Eddie & Ester Knutson Robert J. George Clitherall Township Dunn Township Dunn Township Elizabeth Township Elizabeth Township Erhards Grove Township Everts Township Russel H. & Rogetta McLaughlin Folden Township Earl Ipson James H. Gray Fergus Dodge, !Ne. Mary Godel Girard Township Girard Township City of Fergus Falls Fergus Falls Township Non-income property overvalued Should be tax exempt Valuation high in comparison with neighboring lots Lowland overvalued Has only half basement Property double assessed, Cottage over valued More waste and wooded area than as assessed Clerical Error in square foot rate Assessed for too many tillabe acres Double assessment on cottage Error in computing figures Property overvalued Assessed as lake shore property, r ' no road access and not developed /f·•·r;. \:' ti The application of the Town & Country Saddle Club, Aurdal Township, for exempt status was rejected; and the application of Adrian C. Woods, Clitherall Township, for reduction in the assessed valuation was rejected for lack of infor- mation. The matter of the petition calHng for the, abandonment of County Ditch #29 was brought up for action, and it was ordered that a f:i:nal hearing on said petition be called for 1:30 P.M., September 7th, 1971. 259 .\ ,., ~t.:"i1' ./·:~i:' ··._-~ \ ·,, .. ',/ .• ' I, Motion was made by George Walter, seconded by Hubert Nordgren and unani- mously carried, the following resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners, Otter Tail County Minnesota, that WHEREAS the Otter Tail County Planning Advisory Commission, appointed by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail CoW1ty Minnesota, has prepared and recommended for acceptance a Shoreland Management Ordinance, NOW, THEREFORE BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED that the Board of County Commis- sioners of Otter Tail CoW1ty Minnesota adopt the attached Shoreland Management Ordinance, in its entirety, effective as of October 15, 1971. Adopted at Fergus Falls, Minnesota, this 10th day of August, 1971. ATTE~ Clerk ,},,~ .:.1 ' .. •. , •. 1 ....... · .... ~ i \' SHORELAND MANAGEMENT ORDINANCE OTTER TAIL COUNTY MINNESOTA BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS John Snowberg, Chairman Richard Dillon AndyLeitch Hubert Nordgren George Walter Kenneth W. Hanson, County Auditor PLANNING ADVISORY COMMISSION Frank Altstadt, President Arthur Christianson, Vice-President Robert Fritz, Secretary Edward Aho Jack Barner Charles Beck Richard Dillon Charles Malmstrom Donald Nelson Harlan Nelson George Revering CONSULTANT Community Planning & Design Associates, Inc. Robert Isaacson, Principal Planner Chris J. Boyd, Associate Planning ADMINISTRATOR Malcolm Lee Effective Date: October 15, 1971 261 CONTENTS I General Provisions A. Title B. Purpose c. Legal Authority D. Compliance II. Dei'ini tions III. District Requirements A. District Boundaries B. Permitted Uses c. Uses hy Special Permit D. Lot Area and Setback Requirements IV. General Requirements A. Sanitation Standards B. Shoreland Alterations c. Non-Conforming Uses D. Cluster Development E. Exemptions v. Administration A. Building Permits B. Certificate of Occupancy c. Administrative Assistant D. Special Use Permit E. Board of Adjustment F. Amendments o. Variances from Standards H. Enforcement and Penalties I. Validity J. Effective Date TABLE OF CONTENTS Table 1. Table 2. Minimum Lot Area and Setback Requirements Absorption Area Requiremnts for Private Residences and Other Establishments 262 Page 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 4 ~ ~ s 6 12 ll 1} l3 14· ~ 14 J:5' 1~ l6. 11 T r. 18 18 10 7 11 I, GENERAL PROVISIONS A. Title This Ordinance from the date of its passage shall be known as SHORELAND MANAGEMENT ORDINANCE OTTER TAIL COUNTY., MINNESOTA B. Purpose The purpose of this Ordinance is to regulate the use and develop- ment of the shorelands of public waters in the unincorporated areas of Otter Tail County. c. Legal Authority This Ordinance is enacted pursuant to Chapter 777 Laws of Minnesota 1969. D. Compliance No structure located in Otter Tail County and lying outside the incorporated limits of any municipality and lying within the Shoreland Management Districts herein defined shall be erected or altered which does not comply with the regulations of this Ordinance., nor shall any structure or premises be used for any purpose other than a use permitted by this Ordinance. II. DEFINITIONS For the purpose of this Ordinance certain terms and words are herein de- fined as follows A. Words used in the present tense shall include the future; and words used in the singular number shall include the plural number and the plural and singular. B. The word "shall" is manadatory and not discretionary. c. The word "may" is permissive. D. Agriculture: The use or land for agricultural purposes., includ- ing farming., dairying., pasturage agriculture., horticulture., floriculture., viticulture and animal and poultry husbandry and the necessary accessory uses for packing., treating or storing the produce; provided., however., that the operation of any such accessory uses shall be secondary to that or the normal agri- cultural activites. 263 I ' E. Agricultural Structure: Any structure existing or erected and used principally for agricultural purposes., with the exception of dwelling uni ts. F. Building Drain: The building drain is that part of the lowest horizontal piping of a building drainage system which receives the discharge from soil., waste and other drainage pipes inside the walls of any building and conveys the same to the building sewer. G. Building Line: That line measured across the width of the lot at the point where the main structure is placed in accordance with setback provisions. H. Building Sewer: The building sewer is that part of the horizontal portion of the building drainage system extending from the building drain to its connection with the septic tank and carrying the sewage of but one building. I. Cluster Development: A pattern of subdivision development which places housing units into compact groupings while providing a net- work of commonly owned or dedicated open space. J. Commercial: Business activity of a normal wholesale or ret~il nature and including such travel related facilities as automobile accessory stores and gasoline filling stations., bowling alley., care (including drive-in eating establishments)., dairy product stores., self-service laundry., liquor stores., motels., hotels., restaurant and resorts and related recreation uses. K. Individual Sewage Disposal System: An individual sewage disposal system is a sewage disposal system, other than a public or community system, which receives sewage from an individual establishment. Unless otherwise indicated., the work "system" as it appears in this Ordinance means "Individual sewage disposal system." L. Industrial: Any activity engaged in the cleaning., servicing., testing repair or storage of goods or products. M. Non-Conforming Use: Any use of land established before the effective date of a County or local ordinance which does not conform to the use restrictions of a particular zoning district. This should not be confused with substandard dimensions of a conforming use. N. Normal High Water Mark: A mark delineating the highest water level which has been maintained for a sufficient period of time to leave evidence upon the landscape. The normal high water mark is commonly that point where the natural vegetation changes from predominantly aquatic to predominantly terrestrial. 264 o. Public Water: A body of water capable of substantial beneficial public use. This shall be constructed to mean, for the purposes of this Ordinance, any body of water which has the potential to support any type of recreational pursuit or water supply purpose. P. Setback: -The minimum'horizontal distance between··a structure and the normal high water mark or between a structure and a road or highway. Q. • · ·Sewage: Any wa ter.;carried ·domestic waste, · exclusive of footings and roof drainage, of any residence, industry, agriculture or commercial establishment, whether treated or untreated, and in- cludes the liquid wastes produced by bathing, laundry and culi- nary operations, and from toilets and floor drains. Raw Sewage is sewage which has not been subjected to any treatment process. R. Shoreland: Land located within the following distances from public waters; (i) 1,000 feet from the normal high water mark of a lake, pond or flowage; and (ii) 300 feet from a river or stream, or the landward extent of a flood plain designated by ordinance on such a river or stream, whichever is greater; howeqer, the practical limits of shorelands may be less whenever the waters involved are bounded by natural topographic divides which extend landward from the waters for lesser distances. s. Special Use: A use which is permitted within a zoning district only when allowed by the County Board of Commissioners or their legally designated agent if certain conditions are met which eliminate or minimize the incompatibility with other permitted uses of the district. T. Substandard Use: Any use of shorelands existing prior to the date of enactment of any County Ordinance which is permitted within the applicable zoning district but does not meet the minimum lot area and length of water frontage, structure setbacks or other dimen- sional standards of this Ordinance. u. Unincorporated Area: The area outside a city, village or borough. v. Variance: A modification or variation of the provisions of this Ordinance where it is determined that, by reason of exceptional circumstances, the strict enforcement of any provision of the local ordinance would cause unnecessary hardship, or that strict con- formity with the provisions of the local ordinance would be un- reasonable, impractical or not feasible under the circumstances. w. Water Supply Purpose: Includes any uses of water for domestic, I· commercial, industrial or agricultural purposes. -3- 265 X. Flood Plain: The areas adjoining a watercourse which have been or hereafter may be covered by the regional flood. Y. Floodway: The channel of the watercourse and those portions of the adjoining flood plans which are reasonably required to carry and discharge the regional flood. Z. Regional Flood: A flood which is representative of large floods known to have occurred generally in Minnesota and reasonably characteristic of what can be expected to occur with an average frequency in the magnitude of the 100 ·year recurrence interval. III. DISTRICT REQUIREMENTS The requirements set forth in this Section for each of the shoreland management districts defined as part of this Ordinance shall govern the development within the said districts. A. District Boundaries The boundaries of the Shoreland Management Districts defined in this ordinance are hereby established at 1,000 feet from the normal high water mark of a lake, pond or flowage and 300 feet from a river or stream or the landward extent of a flood plain designated by ordinance of all public waters in Otter Tail County. The classification for each area surrounding each public body of water is hereby established according to the document entitled "WATERS OF OTTER TAIL COUNTY CLASSIFICATION", which accompanies and is made a part of this ordinance. Such document shall be duly authenticated by the county and shall be kept and maintained by the administrative assistant, which copy shall be the final authority on the classification for such body of water. Where the waters involved are bounded by natural topographic divides which extend landward from the waters for lesser distances, the Board of Adjustment may interpret the district boundaries. B. Permitted Uses. 1. 2. (NE) Natural Environment Shoreland a. Single family homes b. Seasonal homes c. Agricultural (RD) Recreational Development Shoreland a. Uses permitted in the (NE) District b. Parks and Playgrounds c. Churches, chapels, temples, synagogues including Sunday scho6ls, convents and parish houses meeting the requirements of the district. 266 (GO) General Development Shoreland a. Uses permitted in the (RD) District b • Multiple dwellings c. Uses by Special Permit The following uses may be compatible within the shoreland management use district wherein indicated, but by their nature shall be reviewed by the Planning Advisory Commission to ascertain said compatibility. 1. (NE) Natural Environment Shoreland a. Parks b. Cluster development 2. (RD) Recreational Development Shoreland a. Cluster developments b. Commercial c. Trailer camps (transient) d. Campgrounds e. Duplexes J. (GO) Gen8ral Development Shoreland a. Uses permitted by Special Permit in the (RO) District, b. Industrial, provided that all storage within 500 feet of a public right-of-way shall be completely enclosed in buildings or effectively screened by appropriate landscaping and a solid wall or fence not less than six (6) feet or more than eight (8) feet in height. D, Lot area and Setback requirements are hereby established as presented in Table 1. IV. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS A. Sanitation Standards The 1969 edition of the Minnesota Individual Sewage Disposal System Code of Minimum Standards recommended by the Minnesota Department of Health and as modified by the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners is hereby adopted by reference and made a part of this Ordinance as if fully set forth herein, and all development proposed in any of the zoning use districts estab- lished by this Ordinance shall comply with the sanitation standards therein contained. The County Auditor shall mark three (3) copies of this code as official copies and file them in hie office for use and examination. -5- 1. Licensing a. No persons, firm or corporation shall engage in the business of installing and constructing sewage dis- posal systems within Otter Tail County without first obtaining a license to carry on such occupation from the County Commissioners and procuring and posting with the County Auditor a bond in the amount of one thousand ($1,000.00) dollars in favor of the County and the public, conditioned upon the faithful per- formance of contracts and compliance with this Or- dinance. Such license shall be revoked or refused by the County Commissioners for cause. Any installa- tion, construction or alteration of a sewage disposal system by a licensee in violation of the Otter Tail County Sanitation Standards or refusal on the part of a licensee to correct such defective work performed by such licensee shall be cause for revocation of or refusal to renew a license. b. The annual license fee shall be ten ($10) dollars. Application for such license shall be made annually on a form furnished by the County Auditor, or other designated official. c. Before any license issued under the provisions of this section may be revoked or iDs renewal refused, the licensee shall be given a hearing to show cause why such license should not be revoked or refused Notice of the time, place and purpose of such hear- ing shall be in writing. 2. Permits a. No person, firm or corporation shall install an individual sewage disposal system in the County with- out first obtaining a permit therefor from the Administrative Assistant for the specific installa- tion, and, at the time of applying for said permit, shall pay a fee therefor of five ($5) dollars. Such permits shall be valid for a period of six (6) months from date of issue. b. Applications for permits shall be made in writing upon printed blanks or forms furnished by the County and shall be signed by the applicant. c. Each application for a permit shall have thereon the correct legal description of the property on which the proposed installation is to take place and each appli- cation for a permit shall be accompanied by a plot plan -6- 268 TABLE 1 MINIMUM LOT AREA'.~ AND SETBACK REQUIREMENTS ,"'·~';: -- .,,.. ... District Lot Size* Width & Mini- mum Shoreline Setback Height above Setback from Road from Lake** High Water Mark Side Yard Set Back NE 80,000 sq. ft. 200 feet RD 40,000 sq. ft. 150 feet GD 20,000 sq. ft. 100 feet 50 ft. from State 200 feet 3 feet Highways, 40 ft. from roads & streets 50 ft. from State Hwys. 40 ft. from roads & streets 50 ft. from State Hwys. 40 ft. from roads & streets 100 feet 3 feet·: 75 feet 3 feet 20 ft. or 20% of lot width, which- ever is least 20 ft. or 20% of lot width, which- ever is least 20 ft. or 20% of lot width, whica- ever is least * In addition to the listed requirements, lot size shall be increased so that the total area of all proposed structures on a lot shall not equal more than thirty (30) percent of the lot area. The Board of Adjustment may vary the requillll lot sixe where the lot is served by a central sewer system. ** Exceptions are: boat houses, piers and docks. The __ Board of Adjustment may vary the setback where it can be demonstrated that unusual physical limitations pertaining to the lot make it impractical or impossible to construct for a permitted use.· ' of the land showing the location of any proposed or existing buildings located on the property with respect to the boundary lines of the property and complete plans of the proposed system with substantiating data, if necessary, attesting to the compliance with the minimum standards of this Ordinance. A complete plan shall include the location, size and design of all parts of the system to be installed. The application shall also show the present or proposed location of water supply facilities and water supply piping and the name of the persons, firm or corporation who is to install the system and shall provide such further information as may be required by the County Board. ). Construction Requirements Every individual sewage disposal system installedafier the effective date of this Ordinance shall conform to the stan- dards of the code herein adopted by reference. 4. Administration The Administrative Assistant shall administer and enforce the provisions of this Ordinance. 5. Inspection a. The Administrative Assistant shall cause such inspec- tion or inspections as are necessary to determine com- pliance with this Ordinance. No part of the system shall be covered until it has been inspected and accepted. It shall be the responsibility of the applicant for the permit to notify the County that the job is ready for inspection or re-inspection and it shall be the duty of the County to make the indicated inspections within twenty-four (24)hours after such notice has been given. It shall be theduty of the owner or occupant of the property to give the County free access to the pro- perty at reasonable times for the purpose of making such inspections. Upon satisfactory completion and final inspection of the system, the County shall issue to the applicant a certificate of approval. b. If upon inspection the County discovers that any part of the system is not constructed in accordance with the minimum standards provided in this Ordinance, the applicant shall be given written notification describ- ing the defects. The ap~icant shall pay an additional fee of three ($3) dollars for the second inspection. For each re-inspection that is necessary, a fee of -8- 270 ,, ten ($10) dollars will be charged. The applicant shall be responsible for the correction or elimination of all defects and no system shall be placed or replaced in ser- vice until all defects have been corrected or eliminated. 6. Water Supply a. Any public or private supply of water for domestic purposes must conform to Minnesota Department of Health standards for water quality. b. Private wells shall be placed in areas not subject to flooding and upslope from any source of contamination. Wells already existing in areas subject to flooding shall be floodproofed, in accordance with procedures established ·in Statewide Standards and Criteria for the Managementof Flood Plain Areas of Minnesota. 7. Sewage and Waste Disposal Any premises used for human occupancy shall be provided with an adequate method of aewar,e.disposal to be·maintained in accordance with acceptable practices. a. Public or municipal collection and treatment facilities must be used where available and where feasible. b. All private sewage and other sanitary waste disposal systems shall conform to applicable standards, criteria, rules and regulations of the Mi:nnesGta Department of Health and the Pollution Control Agency and any appli- cable local government regulations in terms of size, construction, use and maintenance. c. Location and installation of a septic tank and soil absorption system shall be such that, with reasonable maintenance, it will function in a sanitary manner and will not create a nuisance, endanger the safety of any domestic water supply, nor pollute or contam- inate any waters of the State. In determining a suit- able location for the system, consideration shall be given to the size and slope of the lot, slope of nat- ural and finished grade, soil permeability high ground water elevation, geology, proximity to existing or future water supplies, accessibility for main- tenance and possible expansion of the system •• Placement of soil absorption systems shall be subject to the following specifications: 10 feet from a lot line; 20 feet from a building intended for human occupancy; and 50 feet from a well or other water supply source. -9- 271 . . (3) Minimum seepage area of the disposal field (total flat area of trench bottom exclusive of sidewall area) shall be determined by the percolation test procedure as specified in the 1969 edition of the Minnesota Indi- vidual Sewage Disposal System Code of Minimum Standards. d. Septic tank and soil absorption systems shall be set back from the normal high water mark in accordance with class of public waters: 1. On Natural Environment Lakes and Streams, at least 150 feet; 11. On Recreational Development Lakes, at least 75 feet; 111. On General Development Lakes and Streams, at least 50 feet. e. Septic tank and soil absorption or similar systems shall not be acceptable for disposal of domestic sewage for developments on lots adjacent to public waters under the following circumstances; l. Low swampy areas or areas subject to recurrent flooding; or 11·• Areas where the highest known ground water table is within four feet of the bottom of the soil absorption system; or 111. Areas of exposed bedrock or shallow bedrock within four feet of the bottom of the soil absorption system or where subsurface conditions significantly restrict percolation of the effluent; or iv. Areas of ground slope where there is danger of seepage of the effluent onto the surface of the ground in accordance with the following critical slope values: Percolation Rate (minutes) Less than 3 3 -45 45 -60 -10- 272 Critical Slope 20% or more 15% or more 10% or more Table 2 ABSORPTION AREA REQUIREMENTS FOR PRIVATE RESIDENCES AND OTHER ESTABLISHMENTS (Per Bedroom Column Provides for Residential Garbage Grinders and Automatic Sequence Washing Machines) Required absorption 1rea in square 2 feet standard trench and seepage pit Percolation rate (time required for water to fall 1 inch in minutes) Per Bedroom 70 85 100 115 125 165 190 250 300 330 Per gallon of waste per day .20 .30 .35 .40 .45 .65 .Bo 1.10 1.25 1.65 1Absorption area for standard trenches is figured as trench-bottom area 2Absorption area for seepage pits is figured as effective sidewall area beneath the inlet. 3In every case sufficient area should be provided for at least two bedrooms. 4unsuitable for seepage pits if over 30. 'unsuitable for absorption systems if over 60. -11- 273 I l I l ,, f. Alternative methods of sewage disposal, such as holding tanks, privies, electric or gas incinerators, biological and/or tertiary waste treatment plants or land disposal system, may be permitted; provided, such facilities meet the standards, criteria, rules and regulations of the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency and the Minnesota Repartment of Health. B. Shoreland Alterations 1. Grading and filling in shoreland areas or any alteration of the natural topography where the slope of the land is toward a public water or a watercourse leading to a public water must be authorized by a special use permit. 2. In granting a special use permit for grading and filling, the following conditions shall be met: a. The smallest amount of bare ~round be exposed for as short a time as feasible. b. Tempora~y ground cover such as·mulch be used and permanent cover· such as·sod pe planted. c. Diversions, silting basins, terraces and other methods to trap sediment be used. d. Lagooning be conducted in such a manner as to avoid creation of fish trap conditions. e. Fill is stabilized according to accepted engineering standards. f. Fill will not restrict a floodway or destroy the storage capacity of a flood plain. g. Sides of a channel or artificial watercourse be established to prevent slumping. h. Side of channels or artificial watercourses be constructed with side slopes of two (2) units horizontal distance to one (1) unit vertical or flatter, unless bulkheads or riprapping are provided. -12- 274 3. Excavations on shorelands where the intended purpose is connection to a public water shall require a permit from the Administrative Assistant before construction is begun. Such permit may be obtained only after the Commissioner of NaturalResources has granted permission for work in the beds of public water. c. Non-Conforming Uses D. Any lawful use existing at the time of the adoption of this Or- dinance may be continued after the adoption of this Ordinance, except that sanitary facilities inconsistant with Section IV, A 7 C, Paragraph (1) shall be eliminated within 30 days of notification of non-conformance by the Administrative Assistant. Cluster Development 1. Preliminary plans must first be approved by the Commissioner of Natural Resources. 2. Central sewage facilities must be provided which meet the standards, criteria, rules or regulations of the Minnesota Department of Health and the Pollution Control Agency. 3. Open space is preserved. 4. There is not more than one centralized boat launching facility for each cluster. 5. Any attached conditions, such as limits on overall density, minimum size of the cluster development, restriction to residential uses or minimum length of water frontage may be demanded. E. Exemptions 1. The following uses, being essential for the operation of any zoning use district are exempt from all the provisions of this Ordinance and are permitted in any district: poles, towers, telephone booths, wires, cables, conduits, vaults, pipelines, Laterals or any other similar distributing equip- ment of a public utility; and provided further that, fences, walls, hedges or shrubbery may be erected, placed, maintained or grown except as they may constitute a safety hazard. -13- 275 ' ' 2. A structure may be erected on a lot of less than the es- tablished minimum area and width provided it existed by virtue of a recorded plat or deed at the time of the adoption of this Ordinance; provided, the use is permitted in the District provided, the use is permitted in the District proposed and all sanitary requirrnents of the County are complied with. V. ADMINISTRATION A. Building Permits 1. A building permit shall be obtained prior to erectin~or installing a new structure or altering any structure~ part thereof if the outside dimensions are changed or the use there- of is converted to ·another use. A building permit shall also l:e obtained prior to moving a structure. No permit is neces- sary if the estimated cost of such action does not exceed one thousand dollars ($1,000.00). 2. Before a building permit is issued the terms of this Or- dinance shall be met. 3. A fee of two dollars ($2) payable to the County shall be required for each building permit on all buildings valued at ten thousand dollars ($10,000.00) or less estimated constr construction cost. The fee shall be increased one dollar ($1) for each additional ten thousand dollars ($10,000.00) of estimated construction cost. B. ·certificate of Occupancy 1. A certificate of occupancy shall be obtained from the Administrative Assistant before any building hereafter erected or structurally altered is occupied or used or the use of any such building is altered. 2. Application for a certificate of occupancy for a new building or for existing building which has been altered shall be made to the Administrative Assistant as part of the application for a building permit. 3. Every certificate of occupancy shall state that the building or proposed use of a building or land complies with all pro- visions of law and this Ordinance. A record of all certificates of occupancy shall be kept on file in the office of the Admin- istrative Assistant and copies shall be firnished on request to any person having a propietary or tenancy interest in the building or land affected. -14- 276 Co Administrative Assistant The Board 0£ County Commissioners hereby delegates to the Ad- ministrative Assistant the duties and responsibilities as follows: l. Issue building permits and certificates of occupancy. 2. Administer the terms of this Ordinance subject to any required approval of the Planning Advisory Commission. J. Keep necessary records. D. Special Use Permit Any proposed special use shall be presented to the Planning Ad- visory Commission for the determination of its applicability to the shoreland management district wherein proposed. In support of such determination of applicability, the Planning Advisory Commission may require preliminary architectural drawings or sketches on all buildings or groups of buildings showing the front, side and rear elevations of the proposed buildings, structure or other improvements and the proposed location of such buildings on the lot as the same shall appear after the work has been completed. Such drawings or sketches shall be considered by the Planning Ad- visory Commission in an endeavor to ascertain that such buildings, structures and other improvements shall be so designed and con- structed that they will not be of unsightly, undesirable or ob- noxious appearance to the extent that they will hinder the orderly and harmonious develepment of the County and the zoning district wherein located. 1. The applicant for a special use permit shall file his ap- plication in the office of the Administrative Assistant and pay a fee of five dollars ($5) to the County when the application is filed. 2. The Administrative Assistant shall refer the application to the Planning Advisory Commission. Property owners with- in five hundred (500) feet of the property in question and the Commissioner of Natural Resources shall be given not less than fourteen (14) days notice of the date the Planning Advisory Commission will consider said applic~tion, although failure of any property owner to receive such notification shall not invalidate the proceedings. Notice shall be given the governing body of any city or village the incorporated limits of which lie within two (2) miles of the proposed special use. Notice shall also be given the Town Board of the township where in the special use is proposed. -15- 277 3. The Planning Advisory Commission shall consider the application at its next regular meeting after com- pliance with the provisions of notice above specified. 4. .The applicant~~ his representative saa.11 appear before thePlanning Advisory Commission and answer any questions concerning the proposed special use. 5. The Planning Advisory Commission shall consider possible adverse effects of the proposed special use and what ad- ditional requirements may be necessary to prevent such adverse effects. 6. The report of the Planning Advisory Commission shall be referred to the County Board and placed on the agenda of the Board at its regular meeting following referral from the Planning Advisory Commission. 7. The County Board shall take action on the application within sixty (60) days after receiving the report of the Planning Advisory Commission. If it grants the special use permit, the Board may impose any special conditions it considers necessary to protect the public health, safety and welfare. A .copy of all granted special use permits shall be forwarded to the Commissioner of Natural Resources within ten (10) days of such action. E. Board of Adjustment 1. The Board of Adjustment shall act upon all questions as they may arise in the administration of this Ordinance, and it shall hear and decide appeals from and review any order,requirements, decisions or determinations made by an administrative official charged with enforcing any pro- vision of this Ordinance. The grounds of such determina- tion shall be stated. 2. Such appeal shall be taken in such time as shall be pre- scribed by the Board of Adjustment by general rule, by filing with the Board of Adjustment a notice of appeal specifying the grounds thereof. The Board of Adjustment shall fix a reasonable time for the hearing of the appeal and give due notice thereof to the applicant and the officer from whom the appeal is taken and decide the same within a reasonable time. The Board of Adjustment may reverse or affirm wholly, or partly, or may modify the order, require- ments, decisions or determinations as in its opinion ought to be made in the premises and to that end shall have all powers of the officer from whom the appeal was taken and -16- 27.8 may issue or direct the issuance of a permit. The reasons for the Board's decision shall be stated. The decision of such Board shall not be final and any person having an in- terest affected by such decision shall have the right to appeal to the District Court in the County in which the land is located on questions of law and fact. F. Amendments This Ordinance may be amended in whole or in part by the Baord of County Commissioners after proper public hearing conducted by the Planning Advisory Commission and as provided in Minnesota Statutes 394.26. G. Variances from Standards In any case where, upon application of any responsible parties to the Board of Adjustment, it appears, that by reason of excep~ion- al circumstances, the strict enforcement of any provision of the standards would cause unnecessary hardship or that strict conform- ity with the standards would be unreasonable, impractical or not feasible under the circumstances, the Board of Adjustment may per- mit a variance therefrom upon s~ch conditions as it may prescribe consistant with the general purposes of this Ordinance and the in- tent of this and all other applicable State and local regulations and laws, provided that: 1. the condition causing the hardship is unique to that property, 2. the variance is proved necessary in order to secure for the applicant a right or rights that are enjoyed by other owners in the same area or district. 3. the granting of the variance will not be contrary to the public interest or damaging to the rights of other persons or to property values in the neighborhood, 4. the granting of the variance will not be contrary to manage- ment po}icies of the area or district, 5. no variance shall be granted simply because there are no objections or because those who do not object outnumber those who do; nor for any other reason than a proved hardship, 6. a copy of all variances granted shall be forwarded to the Oommissioner of Natural Resources within ten (10) days of such action. -17- 279 H. Enforcement and Penalties 1. This Ordinance shall be administered and enforced by the Administrative Assistant who is hereby designated the enforcing officer. 2. Any person who unlawfully violates any of the terms and provisions of this Ordinance shall be charged with a misdeamenor, punishable by a fine of not more than three hundred dollars ($300.00) and/or by imprisonment not ex- ceeding ninety (90) days. All fines and violations shall be credited to the General Revenue Fund. 3. In the event·of a violation or a threatened violation of this Ordinance, the County Board, in addition to other remedies, may institute appropriate actions or proceedings to prevent, restrain, correct or abate such violations·or threatened violations, and it shall be the duty of the County Attorney to institute such action. 4. Any taxpayer or taxpayers of the County may institute mandamus proceedings in District Court to compel specific performance by the proper official or officials of any duty required by this Ordinance. I. Validity Should a court of competent jurisdiction declare any part_of this Ordinance to be invalid such decision shall not affect the validity of the remainder. J. Effective Date 1. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after October 15, 1971. This Ordinance shall be in effect for all construction commencing after that date and for all construction commencing prior to that date but not completed within 6 months of said date. 2. Upon the first anniversary of this Ordinance, the Planning Advisory Commission shall review the Ordinance and make appropriate recommendations.for change to the County Board of Commissioners within tixty (60) days of said anniversary. In the conduct of its review, the Planning Advisory Commission shall publish notices of the dates at which it will con- duct its review in all papers published in the County. ATTE~ Clerk County Commissioners Ott.er Tail County Minnesota 280 Lake Number 56-1 56-3 56-4 56-5 56-6 56-8 56-9 56-10 56-11 56-12 56-13 - 56-14 56-16 56-17 i- 56-22 56-23 56-24 · ~-25 -26 56-27 56-28 56-29 56-31 56-32 56-33 56-35 56-36 56-38 56-40 56-41 56-43 56-46 56-48 56-49 56-50 56-53 56-54 56-55 56-56 56-58 56-61 · 56-62 R NE Natural Environment Lake RD -Recreational Development Lake GD -General Development Lake C Critical Lake WATERS OF OTTER TAIL COUNTY CLASSIFICATION Lake Name Township Section . Classification East Annal aide Eastern 12 GD Eastern 34 NE South Maple Eastern 5, 8 & 9 NE West Annalaide Eastern 9,10,15 NE Rice Eastern 9,16,17 NE Long Eastern 15,22 GD Eastern 16,17,20,21 NE Mary Eastern 22 NE Eastern 24 GD Eastern 31 GD North Maple Woodside & 4,5,32 NE Eastern Mud Corliss 14,15 GD Parkers Prairie 35 NE Graven Parkers Prairie 2 GD Horsehead Parkers Prairie 10,11,14 NE Cora Parkers Prairie 10,15 NE Parkers Prairie 13,14 NE Augusta Parkers Prairie 14,23 NE Mud Parkers Prairie 17,18 NE Besser Parkers Prairie 17,20 NE Parkers Prairie 19,20 GD Clarno Parkers Prairie 20 NE Adley Parkers Prairie 21,22,27,28 GD Parkers Prairie 21,J8 GD Parkers Prairie 28 GD Rainy Parkers Prairie 36 NE North Lemmerhirt Elmo 1 NE ·Elmo 3,4 NE Elmo 5,8 NE Elmo 7,18 NE Wing River Elmo 11,14 NE Curtis Elmo 26 NE Elmo 35 GD Almora Elmo 35,36 GD Inman 28 NE Deer Creek 25,36 GD Newton 5 -8 NE Newton 6 NE Homestead 18,19 GD Homestead 31 NE Butler 19,20 GD Butler 22,27 GD 281 · 'Lake Number Lake Name TownshiQ Section Classification 56-62 Butler 22,27 GD • 56-63 Butler 23,24 GD 56-65 Nelson Parkers Prairie & 7,18,12,13 NE Effington 56-66 Fish Parkers Prairie & 30;25,26 NE Effington 56-67 Twin Parkers Prairie & 31;36 NE Effington 56-68 Folden & 6,7;1,12 NE Elmo 56-69 Bear Butler & 17,18;13 NE Corliss 56-70 Edna Butler & 18,19;13,24 GD Corliss 56-72 Effington SE 3 GD 56-73 Effington SC 3 NE 56-75 Effington 5,8 GD 56-76 Effington NW 6 GD 56-77 Stemmer Effington 6,7 NE · 56-78 Effington 6-8 GD 56-79 Block Effington 8,16,17 RD 56-86 Arken Effington 19,29,30 NE 56-90 · '!' Meyer Effington 28,29 GD 56-91 Effington 29 GD 56-93 Sieh Effington 33,34 GD 56-94 Folden & 3;34 NE Effington 56-95 Perch Folden & E4; 33 GD Effington 56-96 Folden & W 4;33 GD Effington 56-97 Folden 11 GD 56-100 Folden 16,21 NE 56-101 Folden 18,19 NE 56-102 Folden 19,30 NE 56-105 Folden 26,35 GD 56-108 Folden SW 30 GD 56-110 Snow Folden 34 NE 56-112 Folden 35 GD 56-113 Henning 4,9 NE 56-114 West Leaf Leaf Lake 16-22 RD 56-115 Grass Leaf Lake 19 NE 56-116 East Leaf Leaf Lake 22-26 RD 56-118 Albert Otto 6 NE 56-119 Otto 11 NE 56-121 Otto 35 NE 56-122 Otto & 4;33,34 NE Pine Lake 56-126 Pine Lake 9,10 NE 56-130 Big Pine Pine Lake & Various GD Corliss -2-282 .. Lake Number 56-131 56-132 56-134 56-135 56-136 56-137 56-138 56-139 56-140 56-141 56-142 56-143 56-144 56-145 56-147 56-148 56-149 56-150 56-151 56-156 56-158 56-159 56-160 56-163 56-164 56-165 56-171 56-172 56-173 56-175 56-176 56-177 56-178 56-179 56-180 56-181 56-183 56-184 56-185 ·s6-186 Lake Name Indian Mud East Battle Gourd Portage Rush Little Pine George Millpond Sampson Toms Deusch Long Spitzer Jessie Bullhead Bredeson Ellingson Siverson Township Corliss Corliss Effington & Leaf Mountain :Folden & Nidaros Folden & Nidaros Folden & Nidaros Nidaros, Girard & Henning Leaf Lake, Otter Tail & Girard Leaf Lake, Otter Tail Otto & Rush Lake Perham, Corliss & Gorman Pine Lake & Gorman Leaf Mountain Leaf Mountain Leaf Mountain Leaf Mountain Leaf Mountain Leaf Mountain Leaf Mountain Leaf Mountain Leaf Mountain Leaf Mountain Leaf Mountain Leaf Mountain Leaf Mountain Leaf Mountain Nidaros Nidaros Nidaros Nidaros Nidaros Nidaros Nidaros Nidaros Nidaros Nidaros Nidaros Nidaros Nidaros Nidaros -3- 283 Section 5;8 11,14 18,19,24 18;13 30;25 31;36 various various 18,19;13 various various 1·31 ' . l,2;35,36 2 5-8 8,9 8,17 9,10 10,11 14,23 16 17 17-20 24-26 26 27,33,34 5,8 5,8,9 9,16 11,14 12 13 15 15,16 21,22 NC 25 25,26 25,26 26,35 27,28 Classification GD NE NE GD NE GD RD NE GD GD GD NE NE GD GD GD NE NE NE NE GD GD NE NE NE NE GD GD NE GD GD GD NE GD NE GD GD GD NE GD , . Lake Number Lake Name ·56-187 Trulse 56-190 56-191 Stuart 56-192 56-193 56-194 56-195 56-196 56-197 56-198 56-201 56-202 56-204 56-205 56-206 56-207 56-208 56-209 56-210 56-211 56-212 56-213 56-214 56-215 56-216 56-217 56-219 56-221 56-222 56-224 56-228 56-229 56-230 56-232 56-234 56-235 56-237 56-238 Tamarack Ethel Ennna Beauty Shore Mason Hanson Long Pelican Bay Pickeral Round Sherman Buchanan Long Rice Boedigheimer Head Round Mud Henry Schuster Mud Silver Murphy Belmont Clitherall . ' Township Section Classification 28,33 35 Nidaros Nidaros Nidaros & 3,4,10;33,34 Girard Girard Girard Girard Girard Girard Otter Tail & Girard Otter Tail Otter Tail Otter Tail Otter Tail Otter Tail Otter Tail Otter Tail Otter Tail Otter Tail, Rush Lake Otter Tail & Rush Lake Rush Lake Rush Lake Rush Lake Rush Lake Rush Lake Rush Lake Rush Lake Perham Perham Perham & Gorman Gorman Gorman Gorman Leaf Mountain & Eagle Lake Leaf Mountain & Eagle Lake Leaf Mountain & Eagle Lake Leaf Mountain & Eagle Lake 2,3,10 4,5,8 7,8,17,18 16,17,20,21 21-23,27 4;33 3,4 13,23,24 15 26,27 28 28,33 EC 33 SC 33 1,2,11;35,36 various 8,9,16 9,10,15,16 20,21,28,29 22,27 26,27,34 28,33 29,30 1,12 5 3,4;34,35 6,7 NE 34 6 6;1 NE 7;12 18; 13 19;24 Leaf Mountain, 6;31;1;36 Nidaros, Clitherall & Eagle Lake Nidaros & Clitherall -4- 6,7;1,10-15, 23, 24 NE GD RD NE RD NE NE NE NE NE RD NE NE GD NE GD NE GD RD NE RD NE GD NE GD NE NE NE NE NE GD NE NE GD GD NE NE RD · 'Lake Number .56-239 56-240 56-241 56-242 56-243 56-244 56-245 56-247 56-248 56-251 56-252 56-253 56-255 56-257 56-259 56-261 56-263 56-264 56-267 56-269 56-270 56-276 56-283 56-284 56-285 56-287 56-288 56-289 56-290 56-291 56-293 56-294 56-295 56-297 56-298 56-299 56-301 56-302 56-303 56-304 56-305 56-306 56-307 Lake Name West Battle Blanche Annie Battle Otter Tail Marion Alice Devils Carroll Middle Eagle Larson Lunde berg Crane Pete Round Deer Sunset Silver Molly Stark Elbow Township Section Classification Nidaros, Girard various Everts & Clitherall Girard & Everts 6,7,18;1, 11-13 Girard & Everts 18;19;13-24 Otter Tail, Girard, Everts & Amor various Rush Lake & Dead 5-8;1,2,11,12 Lake Rush Lake & Dead Lake Perham, Gorman & Edna Hobart & Gorman Eagle Lake Eagle Lake Eagle Lake Eagle Lake Eagle Lake Eagle Lake Eagle Lake Eagle Lake Eagle Lake Eagle Lake Eagle Lake Eagle Lake Eagle Lake Eagle Lake Eagle Lake & Clitherall Clitherall Clitherall Clitherall Clitherall Clitherall Clitherall Clitherall Clitherall Clitherall Clitherall 30,31;25 6;31,32;1 6 1,12 8,9 9,16 10,11,14,15 12,13 13,14 17,20 EC 20,21 21 21,28 24 27 27,34 C 31 6,31 2,11 5 SW 7 8,9 9,10,15,16 14,22,23 17 25,26,36 29 29,30 5 6,7 NE 7 13,14 Everts Everts Everts Everts Everts Everts Everts Everts Everts Everts 17,18,20,21,28,33 23,24 -5- 285 28,29,32,33 28,33 29,32 32,33 GD RD RD GD GD NE GD NE GD NE NE GD NE GD GD GD GD GD NE NE NE NE NE NE NE NE NE NE NE NE RD 1TE NE RD RD GD NE RD RD GD GD NE NE · 'Lake Number Lake Nrune Township Section Classification ·56-308 Everts WC 33 NE 56-310 Walker Amor 1,2,11-14 RD 56-311 Davies Amor 3 NE 56-314 Amor 22 NE 56-315 Brown Amor 31,32 NE 56-317 Lily Dead Lake 2,3,10 NE 56-318 Bolton Dead Lake 3,4 GD 56-319 Dead Lake 7 NE 56-320 Trunarack Dead Lake 9,10 NE 56-321 Tee Dead Lake 10,14,15 NE 56-322 Pine Dead Lake 13,14 NE 56-324 Dead Lake 20,21,28 NE 56-327 Indian Dead Lake 33,34 GD 56-328 Little McDonald Edna 2-4,9-11,15,16 GD 56-329 Mink Edna 4,5 GD 56-330 Grunard Edna 4,5,8,9 NE 56-332 Wendt Edna 5,8 GD 56-334 Jerry Bacon Edna 7,18 NE 56-335 Paul Edna 10,11,14,15 RD 56-336 Moenkedick Edna 11,12 NE 56-337 i Ceynowa Edna 11-14 GD 56-338 Edna 12 NE 56-344 I Edna 26 GD 56-345 Wolf Edna 26,27 NE 56-348 Edna 28,29,33 NE 56-349 North Rice Edna 28,33 NE 56-350 Pine Edna 29 NE 56-351 Pickeral Edna 29-32 RD 56-352 South Rice Edna 32,33 NE 56-353 Gray Hobart 1 NE 56-355 Wimer Hobart 3,10 RD 56-356 Fairy Hobart 4,8,9 NE 56-357 Five Hobart 5,8 RD 56-358 Scalp Hobart 7,8 RD 56-360 Rose Hobart various RD 56-361 Keyes Hobart 12 GD 56-362 Gertrude Hobart 12,13 GD 56-363 Rice Hobart 14,23 NE 56-364 Jim Hobart 15,22 NE 56-365 Mud Hobart 17 RD 56-366 Hobart 18 NE 56-368 Grahrun Hobart 3,4;33,34 RD 56-369 Six Hobart 5,6,7;31,32 RD 56-370' Jolly Ann Eagle Lake & 17,18;13,24, NE St. Olaf 25 56-371 Eagle Lake & 19,30;24,25 NE St. Olaf 56-377 South Turtle Sverdrup & 6;31;1-3,35,36 RD. Tordenskjold -6-286 ... , ... ,.,., ....... _,,~~"7...,.._ ......... ,_ •.• .,.,., . " Lake Number 56-378 56-379 56-380 56-381 56-382 56-383 56-384 56-385 56-386 56-387 56-388 56-389 56-390 56-391 i 56-392 56-393 56-394 56-395 56-396 56-399 56-401 56-402 56-405 56-408 56-409 56-410 56-414 56-415 56-416 56-420 56-421 56-423 56-425 56-426 56-427 56-428 56-429 56-430 sake Name East Lost North Turtle Mud Twin Dead Pine Star Big McDonald Sybil Long Long Johannes Johnson Sommer Lacey Whitman Vinge Sewell Beebe Hanson German Dane Long Fiske Township Section Classification Everts & Sverdrup Everts & Sverdrup Everts & Sverdrup Amor & Maine Amor & Maine Maine, Star Lake, Dead Lake & Amor Dead Lake, Dora, Star Lake & Edna Dead Lake, Star 6,7;1,2,11 12 19,30;23-26,32- 35 30,31;25 5-8;12 18,19,30; 13,24 various 6;1;31;36 various Lake & Dora Edna & Dora Edna, Hobart, & Candor various Dora 5,6;31,32;1, 2,11 Ho hart & Candor St. Olaf St. Olaf St. Olaf St. Olaf St. Olaf St. Olaf St. Olaf St. Olaf St. Olaf St. Olaf St. Olaf St. Olaf St. Olaf St. Olaf St. Olaf St. Olaf St. Olaf St. Olaf St. Olaf & Tordenskjold St. Olaf & Tordenskjold Tordenskjold Tordenskjold Tordenskjold Tordenskjold Tordenskjold Tordenskjold Tordenskjold -7- various l,2;35,36 1-3 3,4 . 4,5 4,5,8,9,17 5,8 6 9,10,15,16 15 16,17,20,21 17,18 20,21 21,22,23 23,26,27,34 25 29 30 30,31 4;33 5;32 4,5,8,9 6 6,7 7,8 9,16,21 10,11 11,12 287 RD NE NE NE RD C NE GD RD RD RD NE RD NE GD NE GD NE NE NE GD NE NE RD NE NE NE NE. NE NE GD NE NE GD NE NE GD NE . I . -LaKe Nunu1-.:~ Lat<.e i\ ame l'ownsnip ~ec 1....j_1.. Classification 56-432 Tordenskjold 12,13 NE . .56-433 Tamarack Tordenskjold 14,15,22,23 NE 56-434 Tordenskjold 14,23 GD 56-435 Volen Tordenskjold 18,19 NE 56-436 Tordenskjold 26,27 NE 56-437 Stalker Tordenskjold 26-29,32-35 RD 56-438 Tordenskjold 29', 32 GD 56-439 Tordenskjold 30 GD 56-440 Steenerson Tordenskjold 31,32 NE 56-441 Back Tordenskjold 32,33 NE 56-443 Tordenskjold & 4;33,34 NE Sverdrup 56-444 Tordenskjold & 4;33 NE Sverdrup 56-445 Mud Sverdrup 2,3 GD 56-446 Sverdrup 3 GD 56-447 Jones Sverdrup 3,10 NE 56-448 Anna Sverdrup 4,8,9,16,17 NE 56-449 Pleasant Sverdrup 5"":'8 RD 56-450 Little Ann Sverdrup 5,8 NE 56-452 Sverdrup 10,15 NE 56-453 ; Sverdrup 11 GD 56-455 Horseshoe Sverdrup 11-14 NE 56-456 I Sverdrup 13 GD 56-458 Crooked Sverdrup 15,21,22 NE 56-459 Sverdrup 16 GD 56-460 Sverdrup 16,17 GD 56-462 Sverdrup SC 17 GD 56-463 John Sverdrup 20,21 GD 56-465 Sverdrup 25,36 GD 56-467 Onstad Sverdrup 29,32 NE 56-470 Sverdrup 35 GD 56-471 Peterson Maine 3,4,9,10 NE 56-472 Bray Maine 5,6 NE 56-473 Maine 6,7 GD 56-474 Maine 8,9 GD 56-475 Pickeral Maine 10-15 RD 56-476 Maine Maine 15,16 NE 56-479 Maine SE 20 NE 56-480 Leon Maine 33,34 NE 56-481 West Lost Maine 29-33 NE 56-482 Sharp Maine 33,34 NE 56_;483 Duck Maine & 3,4;33,34 GD Star Lake 56-484 Mud Main & Star Lake 5,6;31-33 NE 56-486 Femling Star Lake 6,7 NE 56-487 Star Lake 15,16 GD 56-489 North Long Star Lake 17-20 NE 56-490 Round Star Lake 18 NE ·56-493 South Long Star Lake 20 GD 56-495 Star Lake 24 NE -8- 288 -~-~--~~-----.---·"l~'r..-~ - ·Lake Number Lake N aITie 56-497 Zorns ·56-498 Maria 56-499 Moore 56-500 56-501 56-502 56-503 56-506 56-507 56-508 56-509 56-511 56-512 56-513 56-514 56-515 56-516 56-517 56-518 56-519 56-520 56-521 56-522 56-523 56-524 56-525 56-526 56-527 56-528 56-532 56-533 56-534 56-537 56-538 56-541 56-547 56-548 56-552 56-553 56-555 56-558 56-559 56-560 56-561 ·56-562 56-564 McCollum East Spirit West Spirit Dora Alice Bear WilliaITI Little Crow Sunfish Lewis Elbow Shallow Warner East Silent Club West Silent Pleasant Round Loon Cooks Hand Tee Leek Ida SchraITis Hook Bradbury Vergas Coffee Lawrence Formoe Clear Long Jotan Township Star Lake Star Lake Star Lake & Dora Dora Dora Dora Dora Dora Dora Dora Dora Dora Dora Dora Dora Dora Dora Dora Dora Dora Dora Dora Dora Dor a & Candor Dor a & Candor Candor Candor Candor Candor Candor Candor Candor Candor Candor Candor Candor Candor Candor Candor Candor St.Olaf & Tumuli St. Olaf & Tumuli St. Olaf & Tumuli St. Olaf & Tumuli St. Olaf Tordenskjold & Dane Prairie -9- Sectio._ 28,29 28,33 5;32 1 4,5,8,9,16,17 5,6,8 7,8 14 15 16 18 21 SE-21,22 NE 21,22 26,27 27 27,28 27,32-34 29,32 31,32 33 35 36 various 4;33,34 2,3 5 5-7 7,18 9,10,15,16 10 10,15 NW 12 NC 12 SW 14 20,21,29 21 NW 23 23,26 25,26 19;23-26 30;25 30,31;25,36 31;1;36 31;36 289 I l Classification GD GD NE NE RD NE RD NE NE NE NE NE NE NE NE NE NE RD GD RD GD GD RD RD GD NE NE NE NE RD NE NE NE GD NE NE NE NE NE GD RD NE NE NE NE Lake i\lumber 56-567 . 56-569 56-570 56-571 56-572 56-573 56-574 56-575 56-576 56-577 56-578 5-6-581 56-585 56-587 56-588 56-589 56-590 56-591 56-592 56-595 56-596 56-599 56-600 56-601 56-603 56-604 56-605 56-608 56-611 56-612 56-613 56-615 56-616 56-618 56-620 56-621 56-622 56-623 56-625 56-626 56-627 56-629 56-630 56-631 56-633 .56-637 56-639. ,a.t\.e 1.'-. ame Norway Bass Fogard East Red River Long Long Big Crow Otter Holbrook Mud Mineral North Ten Mile Alkali Ten Mile Hansel Rose North Stang South Stang Rosvold Indian Township Sverdrup & Aurdal 7,18;13 Sverdrup & Aurdal 19,20,29,30; 24,25 Sverdrup & Aurdal 31,32;36 Maine & Friberg 18;13 Maine & Friberg 18,19;24 Maine & Friberg 19,30;25 Maine & Friberg 31;25,36 Maine, Star Lake, 6;31;1;36 Friberg & Maplewood Dora & Lida 18;13 Dora, Lida & 31;6 Candor Candor & Dunn Tumuli Tumuli Tumuli Tumuli Tumuli Tumuli Tumuli Tumuli Tumuli Tumuli Tumuli Tumuli , Tumuli Tumuli Tumuli Tumuli Tumuli Tumuli Tumuli Tumuli Tumuli Tumuli Tumuli Tumuli & Dane Prairie Dane Prairie Dane Prairie Dane Prairie Dane Prairie Dane Prairie Dane Prairie Dane Prairie Dane Prairie Dane Prairie Dane Prairie Dane Prairie Dane Prairie -10- 6,7;1;12 1 2,3,10,11 4,9 5,6 5-8,17,18 5,8 6 8 NC 10 10,11 13,14,23,24 14 14,15 16,21,22 16,17,20,21 17 18 EC 19 20,29 21;27-29,32-34 26,27 26,35 35 4;33 2,11,12 4,5 6,7 7,18 8 8,9 10,ll,14,i5 12,13 14 15,16 20,21 21,22,27 290 I ' Classification GD RD GD NE GD NE NE NE NE NE NE NE NE :<GD GD NE GD GD GD NE GD GD NE GD NE NE NE GD GD GD RD NE GD GD NE NE NE GD GD NE NE NE NE NE GD NE NE '' LaKe Number ...,aKe Na.me 56-640 . 56-642 56-643 56-644 56-645 56-647 56-651 Larson 56-652 56-655 Bromseth 56-656 Fossan 56-657 56-658 Wall 56-66r1 Holtz 56-662 Mud 56-663 Loon 56-664 Brekke 56-666 56-668 ' Little 56-675 I I 56-676 I -South Nelson 56-677 I Nelson i 56-679 i 56-682 Spring 56-683 56-684 Fish 56-686 56-688 56-689 56-690 Townset 56-691 Kempfer 56-692 56-693 56-694 56-695 Heil berger 56-696 56-697 High Island 56-698 56-699 Johnson 56-700 Evans 56-701 Big Stone 56-702 Rice 56-703 56-706 Wolf 56-708 Sproul 56-710 Schmidt 56-711 West Red River -56-712 TownsL1ip Dane Prairie Dane Prairie Dane Prairie Dane Prairie Dane Prairie Dane Prairie Dane Prairie Dane Prairie Dane Prairie Dane Prairie Dane Prairie Aurdal Dane Prairie Aurdal Aurdal Aurdal Aurdal Aurdal Aurdal Aurdal Aurdal Aurdal Aurdal Aurdal Aurdal Aurdal & & Aurdal & Friberg Friberg Friberg Friberg Friberg Friberg Friberg Friberg Friberg Friberg Friberg Friberg Friberg Friberg Friberg Friberg Friberg Friberg Friberg Friberg Friberg Friberg Friberg & Maplewood -11- Sec NW 22 22,23 W23 EC 23 23,24 25,26 27 27,34 33 35 1,2;36 Classification NE. GD GD GD NE NE NE NE NE NE NE 3,4,9,16;33,34 GD 3 4,9 4,9,10 9,10,15,16 11 12 22,23 23,26 23,24 26,35,36 33,34 36 1-3, 10-12; 36 SW 2 SE 3 C 3 3,4,9 4 SE 5 NC 5 WC 5 10,15 10,15 11 13,14 13,14,23,24 14,15 15,21,22 16,17 17,18 19,20,29,30 20,21 26,35 27,28,29 l,2;35,36 NE GD GD GD GD NE GD NE GD NE NE NE NE NE GD NE RD NE GD GD GD RD NE NE GD NE NE NE GD GD NE NE NE NE GD 291 56-713 56-714 56-716 56-717 56-719 56-720 56-721 56-722 56-723 56-724 56-727 56-728 56-729 56-730 56-731 .56-732 56-734 56-736 56-737 I 56-738 56-739 I 56-742 56-743 56-745 56-747 56-749 56-756 56-758 56-759 56-760 56-760A 56-761 56-768 56-770 56-771 56-774 56-779 56-780 56-781 56-782 56-784 56-786 56-788 56-790 Leeper Anderson Grass Venstrorn Bass Grass Beers Fladrnark Twenty-one Kepple Wilson Bon Eddy Brackett Crystal Lida Crystal John Deadwood Franklin Lizzie Rush Lizzie Little Pelican Fish Bass Elbow Chautaugua Swan Hoot Long Pelican Friberg & Maplewood Friberg & Maplewood Friberg & Maplewood Maplewood Maplewood Maplewood Maplewood Maplewood Maplewood Maplewood Maplewood Maplewood Maplewood Maplewood Maplewood Maplewood Maplewood Maplewood Maplewood Maplewood Maplewood Maplewood Maplewood Maplewood Maplewood & Lida Lida Lida Lida Lida & Dunn Dunn Lida Dunn Dunn Dunn Dunn Dunn Dane Prairie & Buse Dane Prairie & Buse Dane Prairie & Buse Aurdal & Fergus Falls Friberg & Elizabeth Dunn & Scambler Aastad Aastad -12- 3;34 3;34 5;32 2,3,10,11 5,8 7,8 8 10,11 10,15 11,14,15 13,14,24 16,21 17-20 31 22 22,23 23 24 26 26,35 28,33 SW 33 SE 33 36 various 2,3,9,10,11 30,31 35 various various various 1,2,11,12 16,17,20 17 36 22 6,7;1 18,19;13,24 19,20,29-32;24 30;25 7,18;10-14 various 1,2,12 3 292 NE NE NE NE NEc GD NE NE NE NE NE NE NE NE GD NE NE NE NE NE NE !\1E GD NE GD RD NE NE RD RD NE RD GD GD NE NE GD NE RD RD RD GD NE NE ,Lake Number Lake Name Township Sect Classification 56-791 Aastad 5,6 NE -56-792 Aastad 8 NE 56-797 Aastad 14 NE 56-802 Aastad 20 GD 56-803 Aastad 20,29 NE 56-804 Mud Aastad 23,24 NE 56-807 Aastad 29-32 NE 56-810 Aastad 30,31 GD 56-812 Aastad & Buse 1;36 GD 56-814 Aastad & Buse 3;34 NE 56-815 Buse EC 1 GD 56-817(__, Buse 2 NE 56-821 Buse 3-5 NE 56-824 Dayton Buse 7,8,17-20 NE 56-828 Buse EC 11 GD 56-829 Pebble Buse 11-14 RD 56-830 Buse 11,14 NE 56-833 Buse 15 NE 56-834 Horseshoe Buse 15,22 NE 56-835 Buse NE 16 GD 56-838 Buse 18, 19 GD 56-839 Buse NW 21 NE 56-841 Buse 21,28 GD 56-843 Buse 22,27 GD 56-846 Iverson Buse 23,25,26 NE 56-847 Buse 23,26 GD 56-848 Buse SW 24,25 NE 56-849 Buse SE 24,25 GD 56-851 Buse 26 NE 56-852 Buse 26,27 GD 56-853 Buse 26,35 GD 56-854 John Buse 28 GD 56-855 Buse 36 GD 56-856 Wedel Fergus Falls 5-9 NE 56-858 Fergus Falls 12,13 NE 56-859 Fergus Falls 19 NE 56-861 Fergus Falls 21,28 NE 56-862 Fergus Falls 22,23 NE 56-863 Fergus Falls 22,27,28 NE 56-865 Opperman Fergus Falls 26 GD 56-868 Fergus Falls & 6· , 31 GD Elizabeth 56-869 Elizabeth 3 GD 56-875 Elizabeth 7,18 GD 56-876 Reed Elizabeth 9,10 NE 56-877 Jewett Elizabeth 13,14,23,24 GD 56-878 Elizabeth 14,15 GD 56-879 Mason Elizabeth 15,16;21-23 NE 56-881 Elizabeth 20,21 GD ·56-882 Devils Elizabeth 21,22,27,28 NE -13-2,93 ·-----' .. ,. ... Lake Number 56-886 · 56-888 56-892 56-893 56-895 56-896 56-897 56-898 56-901 56-904 56-907 56-909 56-910 56-911 56-912 56-915 56-916 56-925 56-926 56-927 56-930 56-931 56-932 56-933 56-934 56-935 56-936 56-937 56-938 56-941 56-942 56-945 56-946 56-950 56-952 56-954 56-957 56-959 56-960 56-962 56-968 56-975 56-976 56-977 56-978 ·. 56-979 56-981 .e Name ._/ --- Horseshoe Fogel berg Sandberg Grandrud Knobel Halverson Prairie Duck Burton Tamarac Harrison Rankle Businger Seim Pete Sand Orwell Olaf Grove Faunce Upper Lightning Rush Fjestad ~- Skogen Marsh Johnson Township SectiL Classification Elizabeth Elizabeth Erhards Grove - Erhards Grove Erhards Grove . Erhards Grove Erhards Grove Erhards Grove Erhards Grove Erhards Grove Erhards Grove Erhards Grove Erhards Grove Erhards Grove Erhards Grove & Pelican Pelican. Pelican Scambler Scambler Scambler Scambler Scambler Scambler Scambler Scambler Scambler Scambler Scambler Scambler Scambler Scambler Buse and Orwell Fergus Falls & Carlisle Pelican & Norwegian Grove Pelican, Scambler & Norwegian Grove Western NC 28 29,32 1 I 4 10 'i ' I 11 11,12 12 17,18 20,21 23,24 26,27 29-32 32 5;32 ' ' ' I I 10,11,14,15 Cl2 2 3,4,9,10 5,8 . : 10,11 14,15,22,23,26, 15 18 NW 19 SE 19' 19,20 20 24 29 35,36 30;24-26 N7;12 18;11,13,14 6;31,32;1,2;36 1,12 Western Western Western Western Orwell Carlisle Carlisle Carlisle Carlisle Carlisle Carlisle 13,14,23-26,36 24 -14- 25 C 27,28 12 2,3,10,11 3 3,4,9,10 3,10 10-12 33,34 2S4 GD !NE GD. :NE' 'NE ·GD NE NE GD GD NE GD NE GD GD RD GD NE NE GD GD RD NE NE NE NE NE NE GD NE , NE NE GD RD NE NE -NE NE NE NE NE GD GD GD GD NE NE I ,. I I : I I ' I 'I ., - . I '·' ' I I · ,Lake Number 56-982 · 56-983 56-984 56-988 56-992 56-994 56-996 56-997 56-998 56-1000 56-1002 56-1003. 56-1005 56-1006 56-1013 56-1014 56-1015 56-1019 i 56-1022 1 I 56-1026, 56-1030 I 56-1031 56-1033 56-1037 · 56-1039 56-1040 56-1046 56-1007 __ L~a~k~e'--N_a_m_e _______ T_o_wn_s_h_i_·p,__ __ S_e_c_t_i_· Classification Oscar Christopherson Halvorson Moen Hovland Nelson Grena Alfred Gaards Colness Jacobs Annie Granrud Carlisle & Oscar Oscar Oscar Oscar Oscar Oscar Oscar Oscar Oscar Oscar Oscar Oscar Oscar Oscar & Trondhjem Trondhjem Trondhjem Trondhjem Trondhjem & Norwegian Grove Norwegian Grove Norwegian Grove Norwegian Grove Norwegian Grove Norwegian Grove Norwegian Grove Norwegian Grove Norwegian Grove Norwegian Grove Trondhjem -15- 295 3,4;33,34 NE NE 1 GD Cl GD EC 11 GD 14, 23, 24, NE 20,28,29 NE 10,15 NE 25 GD 25,26 NE C 29 GD 32,33 GD 35,36 NE NE 36 GD 2;35 GD 23,24 NE 25,26 NE SE 28,33 GD 1;35;36 GD 2,3,10,11 GD 7 GD 10,15 NE NW 11, 12 NE 12 GD 21,28 GD 22,26,27 NE 25 GD 34 GD 1 GD ' . ' All public bodies of water not specifically designated or enumerated in this document are hereby given the classification of Natural Environment. RIVER AND STREAM CLASSIFICATION FOR OTTER TAIL COUNTY : I , 'i ! I ! 'I :, ,1 ' I ' " t: I ,I . ! I j1 ·i I 'I I. ,I All rivers and streams in 'Otter Tail County having a total drainage·, area of greater than two square miles are assigned a public waters classi- fication of General Development, except any officially designated National Wild River or Scenic Waterway or any officially designated trout stream pursuant to Commissioner's Order No. 1777, or any addition thereto, are assigned a public waters classification of Natural Environment. ·The following streams are presently designated Natural Environment Streams: I Brandberg Creek -S. 20, 21, 28, 29, 30; Finn Creek -S. 2, 3, 11; To 134; R. 37 S. 28, 34;-T. 135; R. 37 Holmstad Creek -S. 7; T. 136; R. 37 T. 133; R. 38. S. 12, 13, 14; T. 136; R. 38 Long Lake Creek S. 7; T. 134; R. 42 Rush Lake Creek -S. 23, 26, 27, 28; T. 135; R. 38 Spruce Creek -S. 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34; T. 131; R. 36 Willow Creek -S. 2, 11, 13, 14, 23, 24; T. 133; R. 38 S. 35; T. 134; R. 38 -16- 296 Upon motion made by George Walter, seconded by Richard Dillon and carried, the following Bills were allowed:. Carlten E 1-'iortensen Carlten E Mortensen Carlten E :t-fortensen Consumers Co-op Oil Service Oil Co Twin I s Motor Co Robo Car Wash Jim's Interstate Standard Fergus Oil Co Dave's Standard fervice Carlson Oil Co Consumer's Co-op Oil Big Chief Texaco Bengston Oil Co Auto Safety Service Fergus Dodge Inc. Fergus Cablevision National Bushing & Parts Fergus Hardware Fetgus Plumbing & Heating Fire Safety Corp. Gambles Genuine Parts Co Otter Tail Ski & Sport Shop Luther Grotte The Photo Center Davenpor1s Stationery Lake Region Hospital Fergus Ambulance Service Fergus Falls Daily Journal Boarding of Prisoners mileage & expense Office expense Gasoline II II 11 11 11 11 II & Oil II n 11 Service II & Oil Change 11 & Installation Oil suppliea Parts & Labor Equipment Door Closer supplies II film processing II II & supplies supplies Care of Prisoner 11 11 II ad 2S'7 Sheriff 1,833.00 II 190.82 II 50.35 II 77.07 II 31.96 II 3.89 II 338.37 II 185.31 II 70.29 II 118.68 It 39. 73 II 57.10 II 22.49 II 7.21 II 42.40 II 268.36 II 20.00 II 12.18 It 29.90 II 20.84 11 84.55 II 2. 59 II 12.63 II 263.10 II 25.00 II 94.08 II 14.54 II 649.78 II 127.50 II 2.08 i "II,-":.'ff'' \,g·· ' . I I' f I 'I '.·,_,-~ :\ ,I ;_'l Christ~a:p. Haugen Witness Fee & Mileage Sheriff 7.30 . , .'I Betty Jost II II II II 8.95 John T Lynch II II II II 8.50 -~ John T Lynch II II II II 8.50 Ray E Jost II II II II 8.95 • -.._J Roland Oehlerich II ~ " II 7.75 ,, : Bette Prescher II. II II " 4.75 Mrs Ray Ballard II II II II 5.50 Mrs :Ray Ballard " II II II 5.50 ,. Karl Fankhanel II " " II 7.75 ,; Andy Leitch Mileage & Expense Comm. 20.34 GeorgeC:Walter " II 11 44.82 Hubert-Nordgren II II " 44.04 Richard Dillon II II II 13.80 Andy Leitch Per Di.em & Expense Equalization lt,3lf ~ George Walter II II II II 33,:z I~ Richard Dillon II " II " ;/./t) ~ Hub Nordgren II II II II /~-~gl~ l K.enneth Clambey Expenses Weed & Seed Insp. 186.69 I I Frank Roberts " II II II 132.57 Frank Altstadt II Co Planning Comm. 97.28 Charles Beck II II II II 50~00 Charles Malmstrom II II II " 70:88 Roger Heidorn· Salary EOT Soil & Water 508:50 Geraldine MCGuire II II II " 212~00 Ambrose Klinnert II WOT II II 675.50 Laura Hotchkis$ " II " II 288.75 Arnold Evavold Mileage etc WOT Soil & Water 43.50 Glenn Haugrud " II II II II 42.60 Harold Skistad II II II II II 36.75 Theo Hegseth II II II II II 57.80 r ·_::,-)~ -298 .,, Homer Sem :-. II II II II 39.45 ~-.-• ., • .,_ ~.,;~; ..... >c,. ... ~.•_:-..,'._,.,,'.-J'.'- ~' l ~ i\ Marvin Klicker Roger Bentson Victor Lundeen & Co Arthur D Boehne Spencer Lundquist Barry Nelson Eugene Davenport John Skram.stad Harris Iverson K.W. Hanson Henry Polkinghorn Helen Skramsted Myrtle Logas Sylvia Bergerud Henry A Fielder Clarence heyer State of Minn. G.S. Products Datco Specialty Gambles Wm Galena & Son Ebersviller Impl. Co Cooper's Office Supply Security BlankBook & Brtg. Nelsnn Bros. Prtg. Poucher Prtg & Litho. Miller Davis Co Victor Lundeen & Co Universal Ans. Service United Binding Co Xerox Corp. Empire Bus. Machines Mileage & Expense Vets Service II II II II supplies II II mileage & expense Prob. & Parole II II II II II II II II Mileage & expense Assessor . II II II " " II Expense II Auditor Probate Judge Postage Printed Checks 252.47 31.59 22.07 110.63 189.20 15.15 132.25 1Cl3.l+O 116.82 24.67 60.98 125.40 mileage & registration Per Diem & expense Ditch Viewing 6.95 13.92 60.lh4 47.98 II II II Boiler Inspection supplies II II Lab6r II Supplies II II II II II II II Services II Service contract & ribbons 299 II 8.00 70.15 167.52 3.09 3.55 80.23 272.00 18.65 ,/9 i'. i 1 18~.-8<) 846.16 467.75 · ,265. $5 2,545.50 569.84 55.00 : 'I I ,. !'\ 11,._, Region 7 Schedule Comm. Knutson Htg. & Air Cond. Edling Electric Harry F Larson Myrbo Enterprises City of Fergus Falls Gordon H Potter & Assoc. Secretarial Service Insurance Service Agency Henning Advocate Northwestern Publ. Co Fergus Falls Journal Village of Perham Mehdi Orandi ¥.D. Ralph Estrem M.D. C.A. Boline M.D. Occidental Chemical Co Maine Repair Shop Arrow Petroluem. Battle Lake Plbg. & Htg. Battle Lake Electric Lee's Paint Center Orris Skogen Lorna McCabe Myrna Liihl.estolen Dorothy Johnson Gloria Opatz Donna Quam . , Dannis Fjestad Florence Ginkel Dinah Bergene manuals Air Conditioner & installation Labor II II at Co. Dump Court Costs Transcripts II Premuim Publications II II Rent Co Agent Coroners Fees II II II II Supplies Phelps Mill II II II Gas II II Parts & Labor II II wiring II II Paint II II labor II II mileage etc Nurse II II II II II II II. II II II II II II II II II II Hotlle Health Aide II II II II II .... • 300 170.00 2,865.00 22.90 42.85 60.00 400.00 196.80 25.00 96.00 12.00 14.00 · 252.40 60.00 101.00 101.90 26.60 28.83 6.oo 14.21 15.55 42.00 122.30 .103.44 19.35 14.40 97.54 11.52 10.26 32.40 ·, ~ l:•} ·,• ·,,<1:\ I If: i I • f" :--1 ·:.~ , .. Mrs Alva Christensen Mileage Home Health Aide 39.96 ·/ -~ Mr,s Olga Edwards II It II II 15.03 '.) Christine.Hartness II II II II 11.34 ~-. W:;, Kathryn H enunelgarn II II II II 39.78 Verlie Grover II II II II 8.28 Barbara Heikes II II II II 30.~4 Gamhl.es Office -equipment wurse 4.98 S1tpt of Documents supplies II 3.60' Victor Lundeen & Co II It 15.60 Reitan Larson Co Rent II 150.00 :, .... ;•- Village of.Perham II ··11 ,. 35.00 ,,_ ,, Service Oil Co Gasoline & Oil Boat & Water Safety· 9.46 k-Robo Car Wash II 11· II ... ~ 1; II -30.95 ,1 •.' ! i2.67 -~ I3enston Oil Co II II II n Dave's Standard Station It II II II 69.03 ·,c Carlson Oil Co II & Oil II II II 87.18 ,,. C9nsl:1ffier 1s Co-op Oil j " II II II 4.44 . •-' 1!' ;, Consumer's Co""."op Oil Henning " " II ,. II 91.49 :1,- International Harvester . Services II II II 27.02 Lund Metalcraft Inc. l;,abor II II II 8.00 :;~: ' --~·.': ·;:-~~ \.: Uniforms, Unlimited Uniforms " II II 127.30 til: r~-.. Swanson's Surplus ,!( supplies II II II 25.00 ·.:.i Al-Fitch Diving for Body II II II 15.90 ··i @oast --J Coast to supplies II II II 3.00 1-f:· I ~.; r I • I Hall Equipment Parts Road & Bridge 506.36 George T Ryan II II ti 46.75 Ziegler Inc. II II II 139.01 Fergus Dodge Inc. II II II 18.60 Ebersviller Impl. Co II II II 80.76 Fleet Supply Waaeba II II II 13.50 Genuine Parts Co II II II 35.20 International Harvester Co II II " 47.84 Knuttila Impl. Co II " II 35.66 Olson Auto Electric II II II 114.81 Schmitz Garage II II II 1.35 Stan's Garage II II II 204.14 Ken Stuntebeck Ford II " II 17.78 Suhr Ford Sales Inc. II II II 735.86 Super GMC Truck Siles II II II 18.45 American Wheel & Brake Inc. Repairs II II 43.50 Harry F Buehler II II II 18.39 Rhil I s \folding & Fabrication II II II 19.00 Richard's Oil Co Bituminous Material II II 2,708.92 Paper Calmenson & Co Cutting Edges II II 338.48 Elk tliver·Concrete Products Culverts II II 911.24 Mark Sand & Gr-avel Gravel II II 2,589.85 Firestone Store Tires II II 580.00 Doc 1s Tire Service II II II 49-90 Les' Tires Service II II II 434.39 M-R Sign Co supplies II II 71.65 l"Linn. :t-1ining & Mfg. II II II 38.40 Bob's Hardware, Dent II II II 7.31 Bretz Hardware II II II 24.93 Dalton Lumber Co II II II 21.00 Crane Lumber Co II II II 4.66 FarmeEs Elevator Co Erhard II II II 6.25 Franklin Fence II II II 91.00 F 30-2 Wm Galena & Son II ' II II 2.34 f; Hall's Hardware Holten Lumber Co Lampert Bldg. Center Northern Propane Gas Co Occidental Chemical Co Ottertail Grocery Peavey Co Perham Pelican Hardware Pelican Paint & Glass Perham Farm Supply Juel Stadum Whelen Engr. Co Inc. REA Agency Raymond Motor Trans Co Village of Bluffton Village of Deer Creek Village of Dent Fergus Falls Journal Otter Tail Power Co Dahm.ls Photo Print Co Davenport's Stationery EOT Telephone Co N.W. Bell Telephone Co Pelican Telephone Co N.W. Bell Telephone Co Midwest Telephone Co Park Region Telephone Co N.W. Bell Telephone Co Wendell P Huber Wendell f Huber G.D. Harlow Supplies II II II II II 11 II II II Equipment Rental supplies Express Freight Garage rental II II Notices Prints Supplies II II II Service & tolls II II II II II II II II II II II II Cash advanced Expense II L 303 Road & Bridge II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II 135.34 4.00 3.65 6.oo 926.25 26.00 4.35 11.50 7.73 1.58 55.00 10.53 17.30 6.36 240.00 240.00 360.00 7.20 10.92 70.85 36.08 47.73 32.16 10.59 11.48 10.32 22.51 12.17 30.43 272.26 114. 75 Roy J Bruhn Mileage Road & Bridge 116.37 Urval Leabo II II II 11.16 Waldo Erkenbrack II II II 18.00 Vernon Mostue II II It 4.86 To1mship of ~irard Special Aid II II 500.00 Township of Nidaros II II II II 500.00 Andy's 66 Service Gasoline II II 137.83 Bentson Oil Co II II II 79.72 Consumer's Co-op Oil Co II II II 110.04 Dave's Standard Service II etc II II 99.13 Fergus Oil Co II II ,, 81.49 Fossen Oil Co II II II 50.95 Henning Sinclair II II II 61.00 Hoot Lake 76 II II II 245.82 Service Oil Co Battle Lake II II II 197.11 Service Oil Co Underwood II II II 99.65 Twin I s Motor Co II II II 38.01 Arrow Petroluem Diesel II II 415.00 Nundahl Oil Co II II II 78.24 Penrose Oil Co II II II 84.84 Standard Oil Pelican Rapids II II II 84.50 Soliah & Braatz Oil Co Fuel II II 13.60 D-A Lubricant Co Inc. Oil II II 129.80 Vergas Ford Equipment Co II II II 18.03 Upon motion made by Andy Leitch, seconded by George Walter and unanimously carried, the meeting was adjourned to Wednesday, August 11th, 1971, at 9)30 A.M. WEDNESDAY'S SES~N Pursuant to adjournment, the ~0ard of County Commissioners of Otter Tail I County Minnesota met at 9:50 A.M., Wednesday, August 11th, 1971, all members present. ; ,I ' ': A representative from Minnesota Engineering Company of Minneapolis appeared ' I before the B~a:rd presenting a proposal relative to sanitary land-fill, indicating he I would be visiting with individuals who are interested in starting sanitary land'.:ifill ·sites. MoFion was made by George Walter, seconded by Hubert Nordgren and unanimously carried, to authorize a utility permit to Otter Tail Power Company to bury ca& under I County Highway #35 between Sections 33 and 34 -136 -40. Motion was made by George Walter, seconded by Hubert Nordgren and unanimously carried, to ~uthorize Special Aid of $100.00 each, to Edna Township and Perham Township for orie mile.of road between the two townships lying north of Co. road #34. Motion was made by Richard Dillon, seconded by Andy Leitch and unanimously I carried, aut~orizing the County Highway Engineer to do a survey on County Highway #1 from the ·,,Otter Tail River to one mile south of Porter's Corner. carried, units to I Motion was made by George Walter, seconded by Andy Leitch and unanimously -I . to accept the bill of $2,480.50 from General Electric for Mobile Radio ! ·l .. be used ~y the Sheriff's Department. ' . "; 3(]5 ., ! • ,_ ..J' I ! Upon motion made by Andy Leitch, seconded by Richard Dillon and unanimously carried, the following resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County Minnesota, that WHEREAS on the 9th day of March, 1971, the Board entered into contract with Fergus Dodge, INc., Fergus Falls, Minnesota. for two Dodge 27,500 lb. G. V .W. Dump Trucks, same having been delivered to the satisfacton of the County Board, NOW, THEREFORE, the County Auditor is hereby authorized and directed to issue a warrant in the amount of $15,390.pO payable to Fergus Dodge, Inc., Fergus Falls, Minnesota, in full payment of the two units. Dated at Fergus Falls, Minnesota this 11th day of August, 1971. ATTEST:~ Clerk 3C6 1· · .Upon motion made by George Wal tet > seconded by Hubert Nordgren and unanimously·carried> the following resolution was adopted: RESOLVED BY THE Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County Minnesota, that WHEREAS on the 11th day of May, 1971, the bid of M-R Sign Company, Fergus Falls, Minnesota, for Road Signs, was accepted, same having now been de- livered to the satisfaction of the County Board, NOW THEREFORE. the County Auditor is hereby authorized and directed to issue a warrant in the amount. of $5,605.90 payable to M-R Sign Company, Fergus Falls, Minnesota, being the full amount of the purchase price. Dated at Fergus Falls, Minnesota, this 11th day of August, 1971. ATTEST:~ Clerk -•.-, " \ ' -' .:.~ .. ;.\f:.\ The Board having previously advertised for proposals from the various banks for deposit of County funds for the coming two years, together with assignment of securities from said banks, unanimously approved all securities and assignments as below listed, upon motion made by George Walter and seconded by Richard Dillon: The First National Bank of Battle Lake, Minnesota The First State Bank of Dalton, Minnesota Security State Bank of Deer Creek, Minnesota Farmers State Bank of Dent, Minnesota Erhard State Bank, Erhard, Minnesota The First National Bank of Henning, Minnesota Farmers and Merchants St~te Bank, New York Mills, Minnesota J.P. Wallace State Bank, Pelican Rapids, Minnesota Perham State Bank, Perham, Minnesota Security State Bank of Fergus Falls, Minnesota Farmers State Bank of Rothsay, Minnesota Farmers State Bank of Underwood, Minnesota Vergas State Bank, Vergas, Minnesota State Bank of Wendell, Minnesota Fergus Falls Nat'l Bank & Trust Company, Fergus Falls, Minnesota The First National Bank of Fergus Falls, Minnesota First National Bank of Minneapolis, Minnesota Motion was made by Andy Leitch, seconded by Hubert Nordgren and unanimously carried, to extend handrails at stah:·ways in four locations in the Court House and install new railings at stairway to lower level, work to be done by Anderson Bros. Construction Co., Fergus Falls, Minnesota, total cost, $1,168.00. Upon motion made by Andy Leitch, seconded by George Walter and unanimously carried, the meeting was adjourned to 1:50 P.M., Wednesday, August 25th, 1971. ATTEST: ; Clerk 3(18