HomeMy WebLinkAboutBoard of Commissioners - Minutes - 04/13/1971.... ·-------.. MINUTES OF THE ADJOURNED MEETING OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OTTER TAIL COUNTY MINNESOTA Pursuant to adjournment, the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County Minnesota met Tuesday, April 13th, 1971 at 9:30 A.M. o'clock, all members being present. County Weed Inspectors Kenneth Clarnbey and Frank Roberts, along with representatives from the State and also County Highway Department appeared before the Board with a presentation of spraying equipment needed. Motion was made by Richard Dillon, seconded by Andy Leitch and unanimously carried to pur- chase the recommended sprayer at a price of $1,800.00, plus $200.00 for additions. Motion was made by Andy Leitch, seconded by Hubert Nordgren and unanimously carried, to authorize $300.00 Special Aid for Sverdrup·Township. Motion was made by Richard Dillon, seconded by Andy Leitch and unanimously carried, to reject the application of Agnes T. Nelson for homestead classification in Elizabeth Township as she is now a resident of Fergus Falls. Upon motion made by Andy Leitch, seconded by Richard Dillon and unanimously carried, applications from the following for reduction in assessed valuation and homestead classification were approved: Clara Thompson Elizabeth Township Over assessed compared to heighboring property Maurice F. Bredahl Village of Pelican Rapids Property over assessed (subject to approval by the State Tax Department) Ord Corporation Pelican Rapids Over assessed (subject to approval by the State Tax Department) Donald Adams Eagle Lake Township Assessed for building that does not exist (subject to approval by State Tax Dept.) Bradley E. Warwick Albert C. Obright Arnold Halvorson Village of Dalton Motel over assessed for value City of Fergus Falls Old house over assessed Village of Vergas Personal property overassessed .110 Farmers Union Livestock Ass'n. Buse Township Penalty for back taxes forgiven as taxpayer never received statement and assumed this property included in other real estate tax paid. George D. Druqinger Estate Ottertail Twp. Homestead classification Ralph G. Smith Irene & Peter Hoffman Conrad Van Tassel Anton & Delia Belmont Albert Bretz Leaf Lake Township Gorman Township Dunn Township Village· of Henning Village of Perham Arvid J. & Darlene Lien City of Fergus Falls Homestead Classification Homestead Classification Homestead Classifica1ion Homestead Classification Homestead Classifica1ion Homestead Classification Motion was made by Richard Dillon, seconded by Andy Leitch and unanimously carried, that any individual having a complaint against their local town board, should furnish proof of having appeared before the Town Board before appeari_ng before the County Board. UR>n motion made by Andy Leitch, seconded by George Walter and unanimously carried, the County Auditor was authorized to receive bids on behalf of the Commissioner of Highways, to be received until 11:00 A.M., May 11, 1971 for the following State Projects: . Aggregate Base and Road-Mixed Bituminous Surface S.P. 56-625-07 (CSAH 25) Minnesota Project S 6983 (1), length 3.9 miles, located between 4.1 miles south of T.H. No. 94 and 0.2 mile south of T.H. #941.5 miles south of Fergus Falls S.P. 56-628-05 (CSAH 28), Minn. Project S 6428 (8), length 6.4 miles, located between 0,2 mile east of C.S.A.H. #21, and T.H. 59, 2.5 miles south of Pelican Rapids S.P. 56-633-03 (CSAH 33), Minn. project S 6464 (8), length 4.4 miles, located between 4.4 miles southeast of T.H. 210 and T.H. 210, 2.5 miles east of Fergus Falls 141 '~:~~::-r~~~<,'r/ "" ~? I I The Board, having previously advertised_. for bids to be received I for Grading and _Aggregate Surfacing, proceeded to open bids which were found to be as follows: S.A.P. 56-639-01, C.P. 71:39: Doug Ackling Bain Bros. & Don Dahlman Conroy Construction Clarence Drewes Evavold & Vikesland Leonard Hill_strorn M & M Construction Stan Morrill, Inc. Harvey W. Nelson Sellin Bros. Ralph Stewart Ed Zimmerman C.P. 71:76 S.A.P. 56-676-03: Bain Bros. & Don Dahlman Clarence Drewes Evavold & Vikesland Martin Fruth & Minnerath Const. Leonard Hillstrom Stan Morrill_, Inc. Harvey W. Nelson Sellin Bros. Strom Cen struction Ed Zimmerman Frazee, Minnesota Clarissa, Minnesota Dtunont, Minnesota Detroit Lakes, Minnesota Fergus Falls, Minnesota Vergas, Minnesota Nashua, Minnesota Fergus Falls, Minnesota Lake Park, Minnesota Hawley, Minnesota Starbuck, Minnesota Barrett, Minnesota Clarissa, Minnesota Detroit Lakes, Minnesota Fergus Falls, Minnesota Saint Cloud, Minnesota Vergas, Minnesota Fergus Falls, Minnesota Lake Park, Minnesota Hawley, Minnesota Moorhead, Minnesota Barrett, Minnesota -14Z $34,077.75 30,717.78 31,597.80 34,405.75 26,237 _57 ✓ 31~395.01 37,025.58 31,588.71 40,329.30 35,964.75 30,377.81 28,422.04 $62,199.90 63,646.38 57,451.11 v 70,141.19 65,604.82 72,252.86 79,527.95 76,642.73 80,476.87 73,905.02 S.A.P. 56-682-0l; C.P~ 71:82~ Doug Ackli_ng Bain Bros. & ·Don Dahlman Conroy Construction Clarence Drewes Evavold & Vikesland M & M Construction Harvey W. Nelson Sellin Bros. C.P. 70:137: Bain Bros. & Don Dahlman Conroy Construction Clarence Drewes Evavold & Vikesland Martin Fruth & Minnerath Const. Harvey W. Nelson Sellin Bros. Strom Censtruction Ed Zimmerman Frazee, Minnesota Clarissa, Minnesota Dumont, Minnesota Detroit Lakes, Minnesota Fergus Falls, Minnesota Nashua, Minnesota Lake Park, Minnesota Hawley, Minnesota Clarissa, Minnesota Dumont, Minnesota Detroit Lakes, Minnesota Fergus Falls, Minnesota Saint Cloud, Minnesota Lake Park, Minnesota Hawley, Minnesota Moorhead, Minnesota Barrett, Minnesota $28,602.04 55,156.00 37,034.40 45,236.50 33,684.30 42,553.74 43,316.00 43,934.00 1,C. $129,606.99 . 98,886.85 92,412.91 96,074.86 138,168.40 127,701.84 108,135.26 101,613.37 After considerable discussion, motion was made by Andy Leithh, seconded by Richard Dillon and unanimously carried, to accept the bid of Evavold Construction for C.P. #71:39 in the amount of $26,237.57, it being the lowest bid; motion was made by Hubert Nordgren, seconded by George Walter and unanimously carried, to accept the bid of Evavold & Vikesland of Fergus Falls for C.P. 71:76 in the amount of $57,451.ll, it being the lowest bid; motion was made by Andy, Leitch, seconded by Hubert No~dgren and unanimously carried, to accept the bid of Ackling Construction, Frazee, for C.P. 71:82 in the amount of $28,602.04, it being the :fowest bid; motion was made by George Walter, seconded by Richard Dillon and unanimously carri-ed, to accept the bid of Evavold & Vikesland, Fergus Falls for C .P. 71: 137 in the amount of $89,203.ll, it being the lowest bid. 143 f· -. ~ --,.,., --~, ~1\ ' ~· Upon motion made by Hubert Nordgren, seconded by Richard Dillon and unanimously carried, the County Auditor was authorized to advertise for bids to be received until '11:00 A.M., May 11, 1971 for the following: CENTER STRIPING C.P. 71:C.S. Approximately 230 miles of County State Aid Highways, County Highways·and Township Roads to be center-striped and approxi- mately 1,950 gallons of yellow paint. C.P. 71:G GRAVELING -County State Aid Highways and Cowity Highways. Comprising: Screening, Crushing and Loading, and Hauling approximately 36.700 cubic yards. BITUMINOUS SEAL COAT C. P. 71:SS _ · -Approximately 131. 24 miles of County State Aid Highways, Village Streets and Township Roads, comprising 295,300 gallons of bitwninous Material for Seal Coat and 10,830 cubic yards of Seal· c·oat Aggregate in stock piles by the -· Cowity. BITUMINOUS MATERIAL ·Approximately 50,000 gallons SC and 200,000 Gallons MC to be delivered at any point in Otter Tail County by transport truck, equipped with pump for unloading. Representatives of the East and West Soil Conservation Districts, Jeff Tikkanen, spokesman, reported on.the work of the R.C. & D projects; Ray Diedrich, Soils;_Scientist, Bill Oemichen and Alf. Jorgenson of the U.S. Soil Conservation Sezyice appeared relative to their work • . The Amor Town Board appeared before the Board with their attorney, Richard Hefte, relative to complaints of various township people .of mishandling of funds by the Town Board. A petition circulated by Larry Fogard was presented to the County Audi tor.-'reques ting the. Town Books be audited by the Public Examiner. 144 ·-' { 1' •:. t, ., ·::i .r Upon motion made, seconded and carried, the meeting adjourned to 9 :30 A.M., Wednesday, April 14th, 1971 • 145 WEDNESDAY'S SESSION ·,. Pursuant to adjournment, the Board of County Cojnmissioners met at 9:30 A.M., April 14th, 1971, all members being present. Upon motion made by George Walter, seconded by Hubert Nordgren and unanimously carried, the County Auditor was authorized to advertise for bids to be received until 11:30 A.M., May 11, 1971, for the sale of-a depf~·ted gravel pit in Homestead Township, more specifically described as follows: "Beginning at a point 200 feet North and 33 feet East of the sw:. corner of Section 16-136-37; thence due East 208.5'; thence due North 208.5'; thence due West 208.5'; thence due South 208.5', to point of beginning, containing one acre." Motion was made by Richard Dillon, seconded by George Walter and unanimously carried, to approve a division of land requested by Earl 0. Wallen and Ella G. Waalen, located in Section 2, Township 137, Range 43. 146 : :r: R~SOLUTION REQUESTING SPEED ZONING BE IT RESOLVED, that the County Board of Otter Tail County, in compliance with Subdivision 5 of Section 169. 14 of the Highway Traffic Regulation Act, hereby requests the Commissioner of Highways, upon the basis of an engineering and traffic investigation, to authorize the erection of appropriate signs designating a reasonable and safe speed limit upon the following described streets and highways: Township Road beginning at the junction of CSAH #1, at the South- west corner of Government Lot 1, Section 29, Township 134 North, Range 40 West, thence in a Northeasterly direction through Sections 29, 28, 27 and 22, thence North along the Section Line between Sections 22 and 23 to where the road intersects with our CSAH #1, at approximately the Southeast corner of Section 15-Tl34N-R40W. Township road beginning at a point where Old #210 leaves the pre- sent #210 in Dane Prairie Township in approximately Section 5, Township 132 North, Range 42 West, thence in a Northeasterly and Easterly direction around the South end of Wall Lake to where the Old 210 meets with the New 210, Northeast of Wall Lake in Section 34-Tl33N-R42W. Resolution passed at a meeting of the Otter Tai I County Board on April 14th, 1971 at Fergus Falls, Minnesota Attest: ~ County Auditor Seal 147 RESOLUTION BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OTTER TAIL COUNTY,. MINNESOTA Whereas, the Board of County Commissioners on January 2,· 1951 agreed by resolution to pay township aid according to the amounts levied by the townships, and which amounts are as follows: From 10 mills and up, but less than 15 mills From 15 mills and up, but less than 20 mills 20 mills and up $100. 00 $200;00 $300. 00. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the amounts to be paid to the respective townships according to their road and bridge levies for 1971 shall be as follows: Township Total Mi 11 s Levied Amount Aastad 20. 72 300.00 Amor 20.51 300.00 Aurdal l 6 .· l O 200.00 Bl owe rs · 8.58 None Bluffton 2.40 None· Buse 8.69 None Butler 26.22 300.00 Candor 17.40 200.00 Carl isle 12 .12 100.00 Cl i thera 11 25.63 300.00 Compton 18.60 200.00 Corliss 24.08 300.00 Dane Prairie 14.41 100.00 Dead Lake 21. l 6 300.00 Deer Creek 29.53 300.00 Dora 21.50 300.00 Dunn 17.10 200.00 Eagle Lake 19.50 200.00 Eastern 26.90 300.00 Edna 29.20 300.00 Effington 28.63 300.00 Elizabeth 15.51 200.00 148 Township Elmo Erhards Grove Everts Fergus Fa 11 s Folden Friberg Gira rd Gorman Henning Hobart Homestead ln·man Leaf Lake Leaf Mountain Lida Maine Maplewood Newton Nidaros Norwegian Grove Oak Valley Orwe 11 Oscar Otter Tai 1 Otto Paddock Parkers Prairie Pelican Perham Pine Lake Rush Lake Saint Olaf Scambler Star Lake Total Mills L~~ied 13.59 18.61 . ] 7. 11 8.43 27.65 24.97 20.48 . 2 l.62 18~49 19~80 15.65 29.74 13. 93 14.48 . 15. 41 18.70 29.53 24.20. ·3_4.63 l 8.28 · 15.86 .11.86 . 22.87 8.02 .. 13.31 14.20 21. 16 · 25.28 21. 99 21.28 16.89 13.24 16.80 21.40 ·Amount 100.00 200.00 200.00 None 300.00 300.00 300.00 300.00 200.00 200."oo 200.00. 300.00· 100.00 100.00 200.00 200·. 00 300.00 300.00 300.00 200.00. 200.00 · 100.00 300.00 . None 100.00 100.00 300.00 300.00 300.00 300.00 200.00. 100. 00. 200.00 300.00 Township Sverdrup Tordenskjold Trondhjem .. Tumuli ·Western Woo.ds i de T6t~l Mills L~~ied 19.87 14.75 16. l 0 4.71 17.57 Adopted this·J~th dayof· April, 1971. Attest:~ ·~~uditor 150 Amount 200.00 · 100. 00 200.00. None None 200;00 $12,500.00 The Board, having previo)lsly advertised for bids to be received for the remodeling of the ventilation system at the Otter Tail County Courthouse, proceeded to open bids which were found to be as follows: McDowell Company, Saint Cloud, Minn. Air Control Heating, Grand Forks, N.D. J & T Plbg. & Htg., Alexandria, Minn. Base Bid $5,790.00 6,344.00 5,580.00 Alternates $795.00 728 .00 750.00 $545.00 505.00 520.00 After discussion, motion was made by George Walter, seconded by Andy Leitch and wianimously carried, to accept the bid of J & T Plumbing & Heating of Alexandria, Minnesota, in the amount of $5,580.00, plus alternates, it being the lowest bid. A hearing relative to the abondonment of County Ditch #29 was held pursuant to M.S. #106.661. Motion was made by George Walter, seconded by Hµbert Nordgren and unanimously carried,to adjourn the hearing witil a party of by three disinterested persons appointed/the Board shall have examined the lands or property and shall ·forthwith report to the Board the description and situation thereof and if the ditch any longer serves to drain or otherwise affects the same. Cowity Sheriff Mortenson appeared before the Board presenting his monthly report. Motion was made by Hubert Nordgren, seconded by George Walter and unanimously carried, to approve the purchase of radio equipment for the Village of Parkers Prairie on cowity contract. Upon motion made by George Walter, secondd by ·Hubert Nordgren and unanimously carried, the Cowity Auditor was authorized to advertise for bids to be received until 11:00 A.M. May 11, 1971 for the following: AGGREGATE BASE AND ROAD MIX BITUMINOUS SURFACING S.A.P. 56-654-02, C.P. 71:54B, CSAH #54, Length 5.342 miles, located 1.0 mile north of Ottertail from T.H. #78 and East 5.342 miles C.P. 71:127B C.H. #127, Length 2.495 miles, located from T.H. #108 and Village of Ottertail, North 2.5 miles to CSAH #54 .. 151 . --.i~.,-· ., Ji ,. Motion was made by Richard Dillon, seconded by Hubert Nordgren and unanimously carried, to. approve the following applications for license1 to hold public dances and sale of non-intoxicating malt liquor: Beer L Icenses: Henry Scheuble Arvid Tenney Norman Craig Russel Pederson Donald & Roland Bistodeau Walter Klein, Sr. Charles E. Lewis Ralph Richter Jack Hofland Albert Turchin Reinhold Koehn Kenneth Hunter Lila M. Keskinen Robert Marsh Rockley Wenzel Harlan H. Ebbighausen Donald L. Schroeder Melvin Baas Lynn J. Rhodes Gusto£ Weiss F. P. Sahli Sue Wells Richard A. Hanson Albert L. Nelson Melvin B. Kerckof Sylvia R. Koski David A. Trana Wildwood Beach Resort Hi Way Park Store & Pavilion 78 Club Bay View Resort Woodland Park Klein's Resort Rockey Is Resort Lost Valley Resort Countryside Grocery Al's Place Rest N' Reel Resort Wagon Wheel Resort Oak Point Resort Kingswood Resort & Campground Lazy Acres Resort Chub's Bait Shop & Cafe Schroeder's Wee Villa Resort Triangle Dance Club Graystone Lodge Shady Grove Resort Dora Township Elmo Township Girard Township Star Lake Townsh_ip Girard Township Rush Lake Tom;hip Dora Township Candor Township Corliss Township Elmo Township Everts Township Otto Township Otto Township Star Lake Township Edna Township Sverdrup Township Elizabeth Township Rush Lake Township Everts Township Rush Lake Township Perham Lakeside Country Club, Inc. Peiham Township Heavenly Days Resort Olson's Resort & Trailer Park Woodland Beach Resort Sandy Point Resort Grocery Store Leaf Lakes Pleasure Grounds 152 Leaf Lake Township Dunn Township Everts Township Leaf Lake Township Leaf Lake Township Leaf Lake Township Beer Licenses (Cont'd) Evelyn Smith Allen D. Hanson Kenneth Morrow T. G. Greenagel E_dgar Spli ttstoesser Dance Licenses: Arvid Tenney Me.lvin 8Q.<lS Norman Craig Pine Lake Lodge Hanson Grocer & Texico Al's Standard Service Pebble Lake Golf Club, Inc. South Turtle Lake Resort Hi Way Park Pavilion Tr,c,nqle.. Dn11c...t2. Club "78" C1ub Corliss Township Ottertail Township Inman Township Buse" Township · Sverdrup Township Elmo Township Ruoh 1-.cd{e T1,,1,p. Girard Township The application of Charles E. Hunter for County On Sale Intoxicating Liquor License at the Colonial Motel & Supper Club in Perham Township, was approved, subject to approval by the State of Minnesota Liquor Control Commissioner. Upon motion made by Andy Leitch, seconded by Hubert Nordgren and unanimously carried, the County Auditor was authorized to advertise for bids to be received until 10:00 A.M. o'clock, June 8th, 1971, for the sale of the Highway Department gravel crusher. Upon motion.made by Richard Dillon, seconded by George Walter and unanimously carried, the Chairman of the Board was authorized to attend the legis- lative session of the Association of Minnesota Counties on April 19th. Up,on motion made by George Walter, seconded by Hubert Nordgren and unanimously carried, the plat of Lenius Beach, First Add'n. on Little McDonald Lake Edna Township, was approved. Upon motion made by Hubert Nordgren, seconded by Andy Leitch, and unanimously carried, the plat of Kimber Shores, West Battle Lake, Girard Township, was approved, .subj'ect to road opinion, etc. 153 -~~;, : ~; 1 . ,1_;::_~ ~; ' ')· RESOLUTION WHEREAS, Minnesota's Highway System has been the backbone of the economy of the State, and WHEREAS, any diversion of Highway User Funds to any other purposes than highways wi II set back the improvements of highways on state, county and munici- pal levels, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County oppose the following bills: H.F. Lf86 H.F. 686 H.F. 1195 H.F. 1390 H.F. 1 388 H.F. 1558 H.F. 329 H.F. 2060 S.F. 434, which permits the use of the highway user tax distribution fund for pollution control and other transportation purposes. S.F. 537, which abolishes annual standing appropriation, and road planning to be made political. which proposes an amendment abolishing all dedi- cated funds except the State Bond Fund. S.F. 992, which permits the use of Highway Funds for other transportation purposes. which relates to taking 2% of the gasoline tax collected for improvement of waterways. which diverts Highway User Funds for snowmobiling purposes. ' S.F. 368, for voting on the concept that Highway Funds can be used for other purposes than highways. which relates to increasing the amount for motor boat purposes to 3/4 of 1%. Adopted this 14th day of Apri I, 1971 Board of Commissioners M' Attest: duly CERTIFICATION I hereby certify that the above is a true and correct copy of a Resolution passed, adopted and approved by the County Board of said;:;ou yon Apr. 14, 1971. 154 ~-:/ --~l~~;n~ K. W. Hanson. Countv Auditor RESOLUTION WHEREAS, Minnesota's Highway System has been the backbone of the economy of the State, and WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tai 1 County have reviewed various bills before the legislature and after due consideration, passed the following resolution: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County are in favor of the fol lowing listed bills: Attest: H.F. 1305 H.F. l 304 H.F. 968 H.F. 1428 materials. S.F. 923, which would fix the fees for passenger car 1 icenses on a car value basis. S.F. 924, which relates to the taxation of trucks. S.F. 1061, which will increase the gas tax from 7 to 9½<: a ga 11 on. S.F. 866, which eliminates the Sales Tax on road building Adopted this 14th day of Apri 1, 1971. ~,J County Auditor County Board of Commissioners Otter Tai 1 County, Minnesota CERTIFICATION I hereby certify that the above is a true and correct copy of a Resolu- tion duly passed, adopted and approved by the County Board of said County _,,/ . on April 14, 1971. ~ ~:V~·· K. W. Hanson, County Auditor County of Otter Tail, Minnesota 155 Upon motion made by Hubert Nordgren, seconded by Richard Dillon and unanimously carried, the following resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County Minnesota, that WHEREAS, John Stocker has made application to repurchase from the State of Minnesota the following described property, which forfeited to the State of Minnesota for non-payment of taxes for the year 1962 and subsequent years: N 10 rods of S 31 rods of W 3 rods of SW¼ SE¼ Section 8, Township 133, Range 36 said applicant being owner of record at time of forfeiture. NOW, THEREFORE, be it hereby resolved by the Board of County Com- missioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, to grant said application, permission to do so being to the best public interest and relieve undue hardship. Dated at Fergus Falls, Minnesota this 14th day of April, 1971 C ATTEST: 156 Upon motion made by George Walter, seconded by Andy Leitch and unanimously carried, a letter from the Town Board of Edna Township requesting a survey of a road in Section 35 and 36 of Edna Township was referred to the County E_ngineer. The matter of the repair of the Court House elevator, tabled at the March· meeti_ng, was brought up for final action. Upon motion made by Andy Leitch, seconded by Richard Dillon and unanimously carried, the bid of Gust. Lagerquist & Sons, Inc., of Minneapolis, Minnesota, in the amount of $6,436.00 was accepted, it bei_ng the lowest bid. A resolution calling for joint participation of law enforcement facilities, equipment and personnel of Otter Tail County and surrounding counties was presented to the Board by the County Sheriff and County Attorney for the pur- pose of preserving law and order in the several counties affected. Motion was made by Hubert Nordgren, seconded by George Warter and unanimously carried, to approve said resolution, providing all counties participate. The Following Carlton E Mortensen were Allowed: Carlton E Mortensen Carlton E Nortensen Andrew Lindquist Big Chief Texaco Twin's Motor Co Robo Car Wash Service Oil Battle Lake .Perham Coop Oil Glen M Melby Marv's 11 66 11 Jim's Standard Fergus Oil Co Dick's Standard Service D~ve 1s Standard Service Super GMC Truck Sales Doc's Tire Service Dent 11 66 11 Dent Champlin Ellensonls Body Shop Auto Safety Service Pelien Valley Moton Kimber Awning Co Darwin Hendershot Einn. Motor Co Bauck Chev. Co Fergus Dodge Inc. Otter Tail Co Hwy De~t Mobile Radio & T. V. Service Local Gas Co 'I'he Photo Center Ruhr American Corp R.E. Kausler IBM Corp. Fergus Glass & Paint 3-M Company Boarding of Prisoners Office Expense mileage for Feb & March Special Deputy gasoline II II II II II II II II II II Ti:ees II II Service Labor Service II II Towing Labor & Repair Storage Labor & repair Material & Labor Services & mileage Gas & Transfer repair & services supplies II II II II 1[8 $ 495.00 77.15 120.50 50.00 41.57 20.61 165.50 17.76 145.64 10.20 28.59 255.21 111.78 7.40 102.77 168.00 10.00 277.52 13.00 12.00 43.90 5.00 5.00 26.58 10.00 374.52 37.75 537.22 20.00 17.02 108/81 145.00 12.69 12.95 60.65 Lystadts Inc. Holten Lumber Co Lake region Hosp. City Pharmacy Fergus Falls Medical Group Jerald Washek Lavern Simdorn Douglas Shorter David Shorter Mary R Rossow Simon Olsen Roy J Olsen Bic'1n Olsen Mike:Moske Mrs Paul Moske James Mjelde Norris Krog Randy Johnson Gary Hunter Frank Froelich Bernard Dorn Harold Anderson Fergus Falls Junior College Terry L Jacobson N.W._Bell Telephone Co John Snowberg Andy Leitch Richard Dillon Hubert Nordgren George C Walter Kenneth Clambey Frank Roberts Laura Hotchkiss Ambrose Klinnert H omer Sem Theodore Hegseth Pest Control S;§Zpplies Blood Sample care of Prisoner II II Witness Fee & mileage II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II It II II fl II II II II II It II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II Tuition etc II II Service & tolls mileage & expense II II II II II II II II Expense Weed & Seed Insp. II II II ti Salary WOT ~oil & Water II It II II Expense 11 II It II II II II 1c-9 ~-. 22.50 2.99 5.50 3.50 11~00 4~00 1.30 1.30 2.35 8.13 9.25 9.25 8.50 8.65 1~30 2.80 · 4.75 8.50 9.25 12.80 4.15 135.12 33.78 167!91 70.57 26.38 45.80 57.02 72.32 143.08 102.87 286.00 644.00 39.90 11.95 3 Evavold Expenses WOT Soil & Water 29.00 Arnold Harold Skistad II II II II 24.50 Glenn Haugrud II II II It 28.40 Roger Heidorn Salary EOT Soil & Water 525,00 Geraldine McGuire II II II II 147.00 Duane Donley Expense II II II 78.40 Jeff Tikkanen II II II II 84.40 Herman Enslin II II II II 55.25 Ed Skoglund II " II II 90~65 Donald Kenyon II II II II 96.48 William Stone II II II II 10.00 Farmers Merchants Agency II II II II 100.00 Jack Eifert II II II II 21.00 Mrs Gerald Ziese II Co Ext. Comm. 9._18 .l:'!rs Arnold Stock II II II II 2.70 Willis Roehl II II II II 1.26 Ray Bruhn II II II II 9.00 Max Kroneman II II II II 1.12 Eugm1e Davenport mileage & expense 159~88 Harris Iverson II II 107.18 John Skramstad II II 114~92 Helen Skramsted Postage 60.00 George Nelson II 36.85 George Nelson Mileage 3.42 Vernon Bachman II & expense 40.31 Arthur D Boehne II It 106.32 Spence~ Lundquist II II 158.25 1'1arvin Klicker II II Vets Service 219.79 N.W. Bell Telephone Co service & tolls II It 32.76 Fergus Falls Daily Journal Ad II It 7-,95 Perham Enterprise Bulletin II II II 4.20 Victor Lundeen & Co supplies II II 4.85 Cooper's II II II 20.18 Midwest Printing Co II II II 101.00 V'Mathison-Hesby Agency Insurance 2,476.00 160 . ., i Terry Jacobson Gust Lagerquist & bans Del Chemical Corp. Fergus Glass & Paint Edgetown Lumber Edling J:!,lectric Hintgen-Karst Electric Fergus Jobbing Wm Galena & Son Dean Jorgenson !'-tiller Davis Cooper's Victor Lundeen & Co Ottertail Grocery Burroughs Corp Pswald Publishing Co Security Blank Book & Prtg. Poucher Prtg. & Litho West Publ. Co Olivette Corp. Davenport's Stationery Addressograph Multi. Nelson Bros Prtg. Northwestern Pub. Co Xerox Corp. Empire Bus. M:achine.s. Burroughs Corp. Simplex Time Recorder Pelican Rapids Press I., orp. The Parkers P:bairie Indep. . UC!'ffli:n:s Ad:ueea'be Fergus Falls Daily Journal Carroll Skow Henry Olson Minn. Clerks of District Court l'iinn. Prob. Judges Assoc. Extra Janitor services supplies II II labor II & parts supplies Labor & repair snow removal supplies II II II II II II II II II II II II II services Maintenance Agreement II II Publications II II II Labor & material Clock Repair Dues II II II 36.00 278.40 207.01 70.20 673.64 93.12 2,294.97 39~60 88.68 204.00 683.15 560.79 272.05 13.27 529.41 16.9Jj,. 263.90 59.09 18,50 320.00 2.16 25.43 514. 95 97.50 350.83 35.00 24.93 57.00 134-70 95.30 594.10 875.00 5.00 65.00 55.00 University Of Minn. Henry Polkinghorn Mildred Bruvold Village of Perham City of Fergus Falls Roland Huseby Justice of Peace Fergus Falls Med. Group Lewis Struthers M.D. Homer Carlson M.D. Everett Hanson M.D. Mehdi Orandi M.D. Ivan Bigler M.D. N.W. Bell Telephone Co Gletm Curding & Assoc. Lorna Mccabe Myrna Lillestolen Donna Quam Donnis Fjestad Gloria Opatz Dorothy Johnson Wilma Brandt Christine Hartness Kathryn Herrnnelgarn Florence Ginkel Mrs Olga Edwards Alice Crosgrov-e Dinah Bergene Mrs A1va Christensen Mrs Charles Perkins :hrs John Steblay Mrs Bud Larson Victor Lundeen & Co Fergus Glass & Paint Lutheran Med. Missions Assoc. The Family Planner Assessor's School Tuition Trclf½scripts Rent Co Agent Court Costs Court Costs Coroners Fees II II II II II II II II II II tolls City eom1ty -P:t oject mileage & expense II II II II II II II II II Home Health II II II II II II II II It II II II II II II II II II II II II It Nursing Board II II II II II II supplies Nurse Maintenance II supplie1 Subscription ,#I_G"' .! .:.:,, Nui,se It II II II II Aide II II II II II n It 150.00 30.00 60.00 60.00 405.00 4.00 202.00 25~00 26.71 75.00 25.25 25~25 74~27 2,953~,Zb" 86:45 99;81 116:08 12~87 34.02 57.06 8.84 5.04 26.66 37~82 34.94 7.02 9.56 41~96 8.10 9.36 .3.24 42.14 6.44 1.95 6.00 b Reitan Larson Co Village of Perham EOT Telephone Co N.W. Bell Telephone Co Glenn Cording & Assoc. White Drug Twp. of Girard Hall Equipment Northwest Engineering Co Zeigler Inc. Bauck Chev. Co Inc. Bob Chambers Impl. Fergus Dodge Inc. International Harvester Marlo Motots National Bushing & Parts Inc. Stan's Garage Suhr Ford Sales Inc. Super GMC Truck Sales Uselman's Inc. Bertelson Welding Larson Welding Lyon Heating & Plmb. Minnesota Motor Co Olson Auto Electric Harry F Buehler Welding Paper Calmenson & Co Lawson Products Inc. M-R Sign Co Inc. Franklin Fence Co Coast to Coast Dalton Lumber Co General Trading Holten Lumber Lampert Building Center Peavey Lumber Co Henning Rent Nurse II It service & tolls II II Services Care of Poor II II Parts II II II II " " II II II II " II Repairs II II II II II Cutting Edges supplies II II II II II II II II -163 150.00 35.00 32.90 60.78 439.48 5.50 215.09 267.81 4.65 25.60 5.95 51.20 122.15 40.80 11.00 223.44 61.58 56.74 43.36 10.30 2.50 6.50 23.40 170.62 14.49 44.00 1,942.95 72.85 1,279.86 757.60 30.84 45.36 71.12 109.30 7.50 60.20 Mathison-Hesby Agency Pelican Hardware Sigelman Hide & Fur Welders Equipment Doc's Tire Service Larry Larson Village of Henning City of Fergus Fall.s Roy J Bruhn Orval Leabo Fergus Falls Daily Journal Minn. Dept of Hwys Otter Tail Power Co Monroe International Inc. Mpls Blue Printing The Pierce Co Poucher Prtg. & Litho. Victor Lundeen & Co Davenports Stationery EQT Telephone Co N.W. Bell Telephone Co Park Region Mutual Telephone Co N.W. Bell Telephone Co Pelican Telephone Co N. W. Bell Telphone Co Wendell P Huber Wendell P Huber G.D. Harlow Twp of Rush Lake Henry Klovstad Elwin A Dillerud Twp of Norwegian Grove Mervin Tollerud Mrs Virginia Klovstad Mrs Loretta Ishaug Insurance Supplies II II Tires Gravel Rent Maintenance Mileage II Notice Tests Prints Machine Maintenance Supplies II II II II Service & tolls II II II II II II II II II II Expenses Cash Advanced Expense Special Aid R / W II II II II II 9,401.00 5.59 9.00 19.37 69.83 46.10 438.50 561.25 108 .18 45.36 28.50 16.00 22.22 54/00 57.78 57.43 117 .18 18.50 5.95 46.66 31.98 22.23 89.81 12.47 12.24 144.12 1. 79 53.05 1,266.23 33.00 10.80 8.80 56.90 38.20 71. 70 Bertha Mathilda Hanson Theodore Johnson Emma E Ohman St John's Church Andy's 166 1 Service Bluffton Oil Co Consumer's Co-op Oil Henning Dave's Standard Service Henning Fergus Oil Co Inc. Marv's 1166 11 Motz Union Oil Co Nundahl Oil Co Ottertail Co-op Oil Co Penrose Oil Co Rollag Service Service Oil Co Battle Lake Service Oil Co Underwood Twin's Motor Co D-A Lubricant Co Inc. Meyer's Service Station Park Region Co-op Oil Co Standard Oil Co Henning Battle Lake Farmers Union Oil Carlson Oil Co Fossen Oil Co Mobil Oil Corp. Perham Co-op Oil Co Standard Oil Co West Side Gulf R / W II II II Gasoline II ffl II II II II II II II II II II II Oil Diesel II II Fuel II II II II II II etc 8.40 15.80 26.40 5.00 218.32 523.02 100.73 34.88 95.96 237.89 293.04 251.52 421.02 365.62 196.73 390. 71 251.31 43.82 730.70 88.00 122.49 81.00 160.00 62.00 218.57 37.50 128.64 163.00 11.00 Motion was made by Andy Leitch, seconded by Richard Dillon and unani- mously carried, to· adjourn the meeting to 9:30 A.M., Tuesday, April 27th, 1971. ATTEST: -1€5