HomeMy WebLinkAboutBoard of Commissioners - Minutes - 03/09/1971MINUTES OF TIIE ADJOURNED MEETING OF TI-IE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OTTER TAIL COUNTY MINNESOTA Pursuant to adjournment, the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County Minnesota met at 9:30 A.M. o'clock, Tuesday, March 9th, 1971, all members being present. Mr. B. J. Revering of the State of Minnesota, Department of High- ways, appeared ~efore the Board and reviewed the acquisition of tax-forfeited land in Section 34 and 35, Township 136, Range 38, for the purpose of rebuilding Trunk Highway #10. George Walter was appointed to meet with the Highway Depart- ment. ... The Board having previously advertised for bids to be received for Two 27,500 lb. G.V.W. Dump Trucks for use by the Highway Department, proceeded to open bids which were found to be as follows: Fergus Dodge, Fergus Falls International Harvester, Fergus· Falls Minnesota Motor, Fergus Falls Stan's Garage, Battle Lake Super GMC, Fe_rgus Falls Standard Transmission $7,695.00 8,159.00 8,628.00 8,875.00 8,719.20 Automatic Transmission $8,345.00 8,947.00 9,103.00 9,175.00 9,319.20 After discussion motion was made by Andy Leitch, seconded by George Walter and unanimously carried, to accept the bid of Fergus Dodge, Fergus Falls, Minnesota, in the amount of $8,345 each, for two trucks with Garwood box and auto- matic transmission, it being the lowest bid. Motion was made by Hubert Nordgren~ seconded by George Walter and unanimously carried, to appoint Charles Beck to the Otter Tail County Planning Ad- visory Commission for a term expiring January 1, 1973. ii\::, . /F - (.'.; .. f /"· '\'.·rr~\J't'/ft:~:--~~~·---· ~•i· '·~·- ~."' . ;:'· Motion was made by Andy Leitch, seconded by George Walter and unani- mously carried, to approve the fdlowing applications for homestead classification or reduction of assessed valuation of personal property or real estate: Eugene Bremmer Clara Baumbach F. H~ Hoadley Gaylord-Hau Gene Sargent :Olga Sarvi Village of Battle Lake ViUage of Dent Scambler Township Tordenskjold Township Eastern Township Paddock Township Leo -W. & . Ella,,M. Huber Otter Tail Township Jack & Lila K_ugala Deer Creek Township Ernest Rantala Otto Township M. J. & Ann J. Reynolds Otto Township Trygve Erickson Clitherall Township Fred W. Gense John A. Anderson Donald Lee Donald Lee Donald Lee Leroy & Maxine Schmidt Everts Township Buse Township Village of Dent. Vill_age of New York 0 Mil ls Amor Township Carlisle Township Russell R. & Gail Green Girard Township Albert .G. Solum Erhards Grove Township (upon approval of the State Tax Depar.tment) Homestead Classification Homestead Classification Homestead Classification Homestead Classification1 Homestead cras-sification Homestead Classification Homestead Classification Homestead Classification Homestead Classification Homestead,Ciassification Homestead Classification . .~ . ~· Homestead'Ctassification Homestead Classific~tion Personal P~erty overassessed Personal Property oyerassessed Personal Property overassessed Set of buildings assessed twice Boat Shed assessed as part of cottage Home overassessed for sale price Motion was made by Richard Dillon, seconded by Andy Leitch and unani- mously carried, to transfer funds from the Building Fund and funds from Ditch Fund to pay for various projects that were expended from the Road & Bridge Eund, as follows: Repairing County Ditch #56 Garage #16, Dalton; #3, Parkers Prairie; #8, Battle Lake Snow removal, sand sealing, striping & signs, Court House Parking Area 114 $ 1,03.1 .08 18:,482 .85 1,152.72 / •• ,i_ . i MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS FEDERAL AID SECONDARY FORM NO. I I I Be it resolved that pursuant to Section 161.36, Subdivisions l through 6, Minnesota Statutes 1969, the Commissioner of Highways be appointed as agent of the County of Otter Tail to let as its agent, contracts for the construction of portions of County State-Aid Highways, specifically described as follows: County Road No. 127 from Trunk Highway No. 108 in Otter Tail to County State-Aid Highway No. 54. County State-Aid Highway No. 6 from CSAH No. 59, 3 miles North of Urbank to CSAH No. 65, 4.6 miles East. County State-Aid Highway No._fl__ from Trunk Highway No. 34, 7 miles N.W. of Pelican Rapids to West Line Otter Tail County. County State-Aid Highway No. 25 from 0. 1 mile South to 3.9 miles South of I.H. 94, South of Fergus Falls. County State-Aid Highway No. 28 from Trunk Highway No. 59,· 2.5 miles South of Pelican Rapids to 6.5 miles West. County State-Aid Highway No. 33 from Trunk Highway No. 210, 12.5 miles East of Fergus Falls to 4.4 miles Southeast. County State-Aid Highway No. --21.._ from CSAH No. 8, 8 miles Northeast of Perham to 4.3 miles South. \ County State-Aid Highway No. 54 from Trunk Highway No; 78; 8.5 miles South of Perham to 5,3 miles East. County State-Aid Highway No. 69 from CSAH ·~o. 46, 4.5 m~les East of Parkers Prairie to South Line of Otter Tail County. and the chairman and the auditor are hereby authorized and directed for and on behalf of the County to execute and enter into a contract with the 115 \ \ Commis~ibner of Highways prescribing the terms and conditions of such agency in the form as set forth and contained in 11 Minnesota Department of Highways Agency Contract Form No. IV,11 a copy of which said form was be- fore the Board, assuming on behalf of the County all of the contractual obligations therein contained. Adopted this 9th day of March, 1971. 116 Motion was made by Hubert Nordgren, seconded by George Walter and !v unanimously carried, to approve the application of Noel Adams for repurchase, the following resolution being adopted: i i I.· RESOLVED by the Board of Couty Commissioners of Otter Tail Cpunty Minnesota, that WHEREAS, Noel Adams has made application to repurchase from the State of Minnesota the followi_ng described property, which forfeited to the. State of Minnesota for non-payment of taxes for the year 1962 and subsequent years: S½ SE¼ Section 8, Township 133, Range 37 said applicant being owner of record at time of forfeiture. NOW TI-IEREFORE, be it hereby resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County-Minnesota, to grant, said application, permission to do so being to the best public interest and relieve undue hardship. Dated at Fergus Falls, Minnesota this 9th day of March, 1971 ATTEST: 1 17 , ...... j I ,,,-• .. ' '. ,-t t ~· )'.•' ,, ,. 1 Upon motion made by Hubert Nordgra1., seconded by Andy Leitch and unanimously carried, the following resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County Minnesota, that WHEREAS, Arvid Palmerton has made application to repurchase from the State of Minnesota-the following described property, which forfeited to the State of Minnesota for non-payment of truces for the year 1964 and subsequent years: N½ NE¼, ex. W 30 acres Section 9, Township 133, Range 39 said applicant being owner of record at time of forfeiture • . NOW, TilEREFORE, be it hereby res:ived by the Board of County Com- missioners of Ott~r Tail County Minnesota, to grant said application, permission to do so to the best public interest and relieve undue hardship. Dated at Fergus Falls, Minnesota this 9th day of March, 1971 ATTEST~ Clerk . ·rlI· ?" . Upon motion made by George Walter, seconded by Hubert Nordgren and carried, the County Auditor was authorized to advertise for bids to be received until ll:00 A.M. o'clock, April 13, 1971, for the following: GRADING AND AGGREGATE SURFACING S.A.P. 56-639-01, C.P. 71:39, Length 1.723 miles, located from the Jct. CSAH #12 to 1.723 miles North S.A.P. 56-676..:03., C.P. 71:76, Length 2.970 miles, located from the Jct. of CSAH #19 to Jct. CSAH #75 S.A.P. 56-682--01, C.P. 71:82, Length 5.158 miles, located from the Jct. of T.H. #59, east to Dalton C.P. 71: 137 Length 5.978 miles, located from the Jct. of T.H. #10 ,.near New York Mills, to Jct. CSAH #53 Motion was made by George Walter, seconded by Hubert · Nordgre'ric and unanimously carried, to'transfer $3,000 from Revenue Fund to the County Attorney's Contingent Fund. Motion was made by Hubert Nordgren, seconded by Andy Leitch and f unanimously carried, to authorize John Snowberg to attend a Legislative Meeting at Saint Paul to be held March 11th. Motion was made by Andy Leitch, seconded by Hubert Nordgren and unanimously carried, to adjourn the meeting to 9:30 A.M., March 10, 1971. ; i ·l WEDNESDAY'S SESSION Alf Jorgenson from the East Otter Tail Soil & Water Conservation District and Carroll Henning from the Federal Soil Conservation Service appeared before the Board relative to the Leaf River entrance to Leaf Lake. A discussion ~ period followed, after which motion was made by Hubert Nordgren, seconded by George Walter and unanimously carried, to correct the drainage under Cowity Road #67 as it pe'rtains to Leaf River. Upon motion made by George Walter, seconded by Hubert Nordgren and unanimously carried, the following applications for license to sen non-intoxicating . , malt liquor were approved: Adrian Westergard Charles R. Hall Ida T •· Panek Ralph Woodall Anne M. Koeppen Rufus Hull Wesley E. Schultz Albert Weiler Last Resort Hall's Ethel Beach Resort Holiday Haven The Lanterns Minneha Resort Hull 's Landing Arrowhead Point Resort Jone's Landing Maplewood Twp. Girard Twp. Gfiard 'l'wp. Rush Lake Twp • Girard Twp. Girad Twp. Leaf Lake Twp. Pine Lake Twp. Upon motion made by Richard Dillon, seconded by Andy Leitch and unanimously carried., the B111ard approve the application of Adrian Westergard to hold public dances at the Last Resort in Elizabeth Township. Motion was made by Andy Leitch, seconded by George Walter and unani- mously carried:; to consider each T .B. case on individual merits, rather than a blanket policy, with investigation in each case by the Welfare Department. 120 ,, ! f· ...-- I a (/1,,,._ 71·,tw Commissioner __,t./✓,;.ii....:~¼/r.::;.~--)2~®4:;..._j~· -~;, .... _ ... ~;._ ____ moved and Coll¥Ili ssioner s~ ]/) a.fti.-~ seconded the following Resolution: BE IT RESOLVED, -that the Otter Tail County Personnel Pplicies Memorandum adopted January 8, 1971, is hereby amended l?Y deleting therefrom all of Article III, HOURS OF WORK; Article IV, HOLIDAY PROVISIONS; and Article XVIII AMENDMENTS, and substituting therefor the follo~ng new paragraphs: III. HOURS OF WORK Court house hours are from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday. One hour shall be provided for noon lunch fqr court house employees. A maximum of eight (8) hours shall constitute a,day's work, and a maximum of forty (40) hours shall constitute a week's work. The regular work hours for the County Highway Maintertance employees shall be as follows: 81:00 a.m. to 12:00 a.m.;. 12:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Lunch Hour; 12:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. In all: departments which maintain facilities on a 24 hour a day basis, the department head shall establish work schedules for its employees on a basis of 8 hours per day -5 days per week. The workweek shall .be Monday through Friday for all other employees. All time worked in excess o:r· eight hours per day or forty hours per week shall be rated-as overtime and compensated.at time and one'-half rates. An employee shal 1 not be required . to take time off during the 'regularassi~ned workweek to avoid payment of overtime. 121 In the event of an emergency or special situation which may arise, the department head may authorize employees to work hours different from the above or regular work schedule hours. All full-time employees shall be guaranteed a fort&-hour workweek. IV •4 HOLIDAY PROVISIONS All regular employees shall be entitled to paid holidays as defined in Minnesota Statutes 645.44, Subd. 5 as that section may from time to time be amended. When an employee of a department which maintains a 24-hour per day schedule is required to work on any of these holidays, he shall receive another day as holiday as approved by the department head. When an employee,except employees in departments which maintain a 24-hour per day schedule, is required to work on any of these holidays, he shall be paid at time and one-half rates in addition to his regular salary. When an employee does not work on any of the above-named holidays, the holiday shall nevertheless count as eight hours worked for the purpose of computing overtime for hours worked in excess of forty in any such week. When necessary, the Board may require an employee to work on a holiday. 122 When any of the above-named holidays fall on a Sunday, the following day shall be observed as the holiday. When the holiday falls on a Saturday, it shall be observed on the previous Friday. When a paid holiday falls during an employee's vacation period he shall' receive an additional day of paid vacation. XVIII. AMENDMENTS This Memorandum shall continue in effect until amended by resolution of the Board. ·No amendments shall be made in any of the above regulations, including those affecting working hours and wage schedules, unt·il the employees shall have been duly notified and have been given opportunity to be heard on the proposed change. 123 The Board, having previously advertised for bids for the repair of f the Court House Elevator, proceeded to open bids which were found to be as: follows: '" ·.•.- S & N. Elevator Company Gust-. Lagerquist & Sons, Inc. Saint Paul, Minnesota Minneapolis, Minnesota $6,500.00 6,436.00 After considerable discussion motion was made by Richard Dillon, seconded by. George Walter and unanimously carried, .to table awarding the elevator bids until the March 23rd meeting. Motion was made by Andy Leitch, seconded by George Walter and unani- mously carried, to authorize Glen Cording,. Architect, to draw up plans for the re- modelling of the first floor of the Court House as per preliminary specifications, in accordance with the four department heads of said first floor. Motion was made by Andy Leitch, seconded by George Walter and unani- mously carried, to4:,rescind the motion of March 9th accepting the bid of Fergus ... -· Dodge for the two Automatic Transmission trucks in the amount of $8,345, to read to accept the bid of Fe.rgus Dodge in the amount of $7,695 each, for two trucks, with Garwood box and standard transmission, it being the lowest bid. Motion was made by Hubert Nordgren, seconded by George Walter and /. unanimously carried, authorizing the County Auditor to-advertise for bids to be received until .11: 00 A.M., April 14th, for the repair of the ventilating sy;stem, specifications to be prepared by Glen Cording, Architect~ Motion was made by George Walter, seconded by Hubert Natlgren and L unanimously.carried, to accept the division ofthree lots on the Ken Nelson property ,L 7.- on Little Pine Lake. .124 -.. : . ' ··,,, " . -· -~ : .•. ;.:, :..:~•' ,' I THE FOLT ~NG BILLS WE..-cm ALLOWED: Carlton E lfortensen Carlton E Mortensen Carlton E Mortensen Merle Bacon Sidney Nelson Glen Melby John B Halvorson Fergus Oil Co Perham Co-op Oil Consumers Co-op Oil Dave 1 s Standard South ~ill Standard North Union Texaco Big Chief Texaco Jim.1 s Standard Dent 11 66 11 Reuben Klien Motor Co Minnesota Motors Doc 1 s Tire Service General Treading Co Fire Safety Corp. Carpenter1 s Hardware· Swanson 1s Surplus Fergus Glass & Paint Co Cooper's Office Supply Poucher Printing & Litho. City Pharmacy The Photo Center Otter Tail Co Treas Thomas O. Nelson Co Sheriff Adolph S Olsen Sheriff Jack H Dailey Sheriff John liogers Sheriff E. J. Wilson Tim Zunker Donald Reed Roy J. Olsen Boarding of Prisonera. Mileage & expense Office expense mileage etc It II Expense for Traffic Institute Gasoline II etc II II II II .II II etc II II repair & labor service Tires & balancing supplies II II II II II II Care of Prisoner supplies & processing labor & material Co. Atlas service & mileage II II II II Service Witness & Mileage II II II II $ 507.50 . 86.04 50.30 168.85 45.20 75-90· 95.37 5.42 358.16 11.18 222.55 14.53- 105.83 12.26 260.75 95-32 13.00 75.61 52.46 67.10 74-40 12.71 22.00 23. 52 26.91 48.68 9.60 54.27 28.02 . 55.00 7.20. 6.50· 3.20 2.00 9.25 9.25 9.25 ~ ... ,~-!!'- '. Joe H. Olson \. mileage & witness 7.90 , . Joe T Olson II 11 7.90 ... (, . . ,,.-Biorn Olsen II II 9.25 ' Kenneth L •. Johnson II II 4.38 Martin Hoffman II II 10.00. Abner C Hanson II II 4.38 Frank Froelech II II 9.25 · John Davis 11 II 10.00· .· ' " ' G.C. Clement II II 6.55 Bernard Dorn II II 6.40 ~--N.W. Bell Telephone Co service & tolls 176.79 f _; George Walter mileage & expense 33.24 ;,.. Richard Dillon II II 97.59 Hub. Nordgren II II 113.07 Andy Leitch II II 18.84 Kenneth Clambey II II Weed & Seed Insp. 79~49 ;;; Frank Roberts II II II II II 72.18 ~--!/ Ambrose fflinnert S.alary WOT Soil & Water 560.00· ?? Laura Hotchld,.ss II II II II 286.00 ., Roger M Heidorn II EOT II II 504.00 -,. l· .~ 128.00 :'1 Geraldin~McGuire II II II II ,. ,; > .. , ~ ' . Jeff TiJ<:kanen Area 11 Dues EOT Soil & Water 10.00 Minn. Assoc. of S&W Cons. Dues II II II 75.00 Nat11 11,.ssoc. of Cons. Dist. II II II II 150.,00 Nat'l Assoc. of Cons .• Dist. Stickers II II II 13.80 1t 1: The Pierce Co Stencils II II II 6.20 Alfred Borgas mileage Co. Ext. meeting 1.8.0 :i:, Willis Roehl II II II II 1.08 a/· ,. -~ . Ray Bruhn II II II II 9.00 ., Mrs Gerald Ziese II II II II 9.J.,8· Eugene Dav:enport mileage 25.90· ,, l Angeline Glawe II 61.29 ..; .· ::'-. Myrtle E Logas for Annual meeting 127.76 ~-. exp~nses 1,11 x;.-. Arthur D Boehne mileage & expense 166. 55 t:· Spencer Lundquist. II II 163.04 126 l'.i., _3 Helen Skramstad Vernon Bachman Marvin Klicker Cooper's Office Supply International Bus. Machines N.W. Bell Telephone Co Terry L Jacobson Gust Lagerquist & Sons Ed.ling l!:1ectric Wm Galena & Son Gambles Chemco Co Jobhson Service Go Kem Mfg. Co Allstate San & Supply Fergus Glass_& Paint Co Gustafson Oil Co Wanek Locksmith Burroughs Corp. SCM Corp. Lyle Toussant Xerox Corp Empire Bus. Machines Midwest Carbon Addressogrijph Mult. Corp Miller Davis Co Burroughs Corp. Cooper's Office ~upply Victor Lundeen & Co Security Blank Book & Prtg. Mason Pub. Co The Pierce Co Poucher Prtg. & Litho Co Universal Ans. Service Davenport's Postage II mileage & expense supplies Maintenance Service & tolls Extra Janitor Services Material & Labor labor & repair supplies II II II II supplies fuel keys Vets Service II II II II II 11 Maintenance Agreement II Rental services repairs supplies II II II II II II II II II II II " -127 30.00 22.00 138.24 5.22 41.42 46.06 32.00 52.80 21.60 52.04 8.33 78.81 56.60 84.30 65.76 25.38 819.00 n.55._ 93.96 131.00 · 280.00 318.05 32.50 6.58_ 9.67 57.19 286.37 11:S!76.1S 1,523.78 2,221.50 20.00 60.30 5.50 58.00 35.37 · N'elson Bros· West Pub.•··co Alllpon &'co City of Fergus Falis· Mathison Hesby Agency Earl Bigler M.D. Mehdi 0randi M.D. ~inn. State Sheriff Assoc. Minn. Co Auditors Assoc. Minn. Co. Reg. Of Deeds Minn. Assoc. of Co Treasurers Helen Skrmmstad M & R S£gn Co Harvey 0 Olson N .W. El.ell Telephone Co \,; . ·vil],a.ge·of.Perham · Robert Oslund & Assoc. Battle Lal<~ Review Fer~s FalJ.s_ Dilly Journal Henning .Advocate Northwestern Pub. Co Per.ham Enterprise Bulletin Lorna McCabe Dorin.a Quam Gloria Opatz Dorothy Johnson Myrna Lillestqlen DonnisFjestad Mrs Olga Edwards Alice Crosgrove_ Kathryn Heminelgarn Wilma Brandt Mrs Alva Chfsitensen Florence Ginkel Mary Johnson .. supplies II Worlonen 1 s Comp. Revenue Share Court Costs Endorsements Coroners Fees II II Membership Association Dues II II II II Meeting expense labor Material & Labor Service & tolls Rent Co Agent Surveys & Maps .Publications II II II mileage & expense II II II 11 II expense II Nurse II II II II II II Home Health Aide II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II .. 128 132~25 90,00. ?,030. 73 . 680·.80 208~00. 25·. 25 . 25.00 I . \ 50.00,. 6?.00 ., ,, . ' ,, 60.00 . ;'•-·~_.-.~i ... -. _· _~;.• 70.00 113.92 4~-50 3.0.00 132.26· 60.00 2,698.qo·' 283.52 575.;1.0: 1;¼4-30 98.96 105:21 81~7-0. 23;53 43.56. 61~ 79: 20~79./ 16~20- 16.38 44.55 ·. 7.56 , 3J.30 27.00 ., . 7-74 ·, ' ,., i :,~ --~1 j '' •:··, )~ -! ,: .·; ' ;j Mrs Robert Johnsoi. M:rs Bud Larson Mrs ~harles Perkins Mrs John Steblay N.W. Bell Telephone Co Physicians & Hosp. Supply Walter S Booth Cooper's Office Supply Village of Perhan Reitan Larson· Co Village of New York Nills Twp. of Everts Cooper's N.W. Bell Telephone Co Hal:1.. Equipment MacQueen Equipment Co Road Machinery & Supplies George T Ryan Co Westgo Truck Equipment Ziegler Inc. Ebersviller Im.pl. Co Fergus Dodge Inc. Perham Farm Supply Go Bertelson \~elding Evenson Garage Deer Creek Repair Super GMC Truck Sal es Swanson Equipment Walt's Repair Shop Paper Calmenson & Co }iinn. Mining & Hfg. Co Dalton GrE!in & Feed Dalton Lumber Co Dent Farmers Co-op Earmers ~evator Co Genuine Parts Co Pelican Rapids Mileage Nursing Board II II II " II II Service & tolls Nursing Supplies Office Supplies II " Rent II Care of Poor II II supplies 1'-fotor service & tolls II II " Nurse II " II • II II Vehicle Motor Vehicle Parts Road & Bridge II II II " II " II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II Repair II II " II II II II II II II II II " II II II II Cutting Edges II II Supplies II II " II II II II II II II II II " " " II II 129 6.12 3.24 8.10 9.36 68.85 20.63 22.05 4.90. 35.00 150.00- 1,197. 55 86.23 12.35 15.42 303.52. 2.28· 721..03 3.88 · 47.11 94.39 7.73 13.85 ll.25 23.45_ 166.10 1.75 4.00 2,604.84 101.25 218.30 12.00 5.85 1.35 7.23 ·,•· ( 1 ~·-.·; 1.· 1 . . :;, General Trading\ .. . . . . -,_.., ·.:,: Perham-: Steel Co . , : . . I . . Sigelman Hide ~_Fur Vergas Hardware Co Wilcox Lumb er Co William Quiram Polman Transfer Inc. Conrad Huse1?y Minn. Valley Improvement Co. Wilken Hwy Dept Moen Realty Allison & Co Bakke_& Kopp Inc. Fergus Falls Journal Otter Tail Bower Co O~eara1s Dept Store SCM Corporation Davenport's Stationery The Pierce Co Victor Lundeen & Co EOT Telephone Co Park Region Mutual Telephone Co N.W. Bell Telephone Co Pelican Telephone Co I., N.W. Bell Telephone o Midwest Telepho~e Co N.W. Bell Telephone Co Wendell P Huber Roy_~ Bruhn_ Orval Leabo Wendell P Huber Aurdal Twp. Norwegian Grove Twp. Robert Ronningen Arnold M Haugrud Mrs Mary Ann Shores Suppl.ties II II II Towing Unit Freight Gravel II Maintenance Insurance II services notices prints supplies Maintenance supplies II II service & tolls II II II II II II expense mileage II II II n II II cash advanced Spe.cial Aid II II R/W II II Road & Bridge_ II II 11 11 II II II II "' II II II II II II II II II II II II II II It II II II II II II . II II II It II II II II II II II II It. II II II II II II II II II II It II II II " II II II II II II II II II II ,130 868.08 30.18 7.40. 88.09 - 2.04. 6.00 12.72 6/50 26.00 409.48 57.30. 8,289. 79·. 2,348.58 .,! ~ 29.70 . 68. 90 170.50 114.00 78.94 26 •. 00 ,· 56 • .36 18.08 13.88 ·, 11.96 38.10 10.34 91.57 205.27 18.41 95.40, · _I_ 10.24 - 1,163.66 397-47 102.30 13.60 5.00 -·'.1 -, 1 Fred Walz R/W Road & Bridge 202.50 Francis J Goeden II II II 119.20 Mrs Verna M. Phillips Lubitz II II II 10.80 Perham Produce Co II II II 89.15 Battle Lake Farmers Union Oil Gasoline II II 453.12 Bengston Oil Co II II II 5.20 Consumer's Co-op Oil Co II II II 367.32 Consumer's Co-op Oil Co II II II 43.80. Consumer's Co-op Oil Co II II II 21.48 Co-op .::>ervice 1 s Inc. II II II 128.74. Dent Oil Co II II II 106.32 Elden's Standard Service II II II 127.19 Farmer's Co-op Cry Assn. II II II 435.12 Fergus Oil Co Inc. II II II 227.35 Hoot Lake 76 II II II 53. 90 Meyer's Service II II II 224.53. lV.iischke Oil Station II II II 141.75 North Union Texaco II II II 13.98, Ray's Oil Co II II II 249.64· Service Oil Co II II II 53.18 Theodorson 1s Mobil Service It II II 158.67 Twin I s hotor Co II It II 6.43 Vergas Oil Co Inc. II II II 260.07 D-A Lubricant Co Inc. Oil II II 166.65 Arrow Petroleum Diesel II II 176.00 Penrose Oil Co II etc II II 156.58 Baas Oil Co Fuel etc II II 64.10 Fossen Oil Co II II II 211.20 ~obil Oil Corp. II II II 37.50 Standard Oil Co II II II 191.95 Standard Oil Uo II II II 82.40 131 Upon motion made by'I Andy• Leitch, seconded· by Richard ·Dillon· and ' ·unanimously carried, the meeting a~journed to 9:30 A.M., ·Tuesday, 'March 23, 1971. .ATIEST~ . . ' . . . Clerk .132 T", "';',•I :(1' .,