HomeMy WebLinkAboutBoard of Commissioners - Minutes - 01/05/1971' ' . .:.--.. ' ,. ~1:.-•lQ,· --~ .0· ( .. ·-'"~--- MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OTTER TAIL COUNTY MINNESOTA Pursuant to Statute, the Board of County Conunissioners of Otter TailCountyMinaesotamet at 10:00 A.M. o'clock, Tuesday, January 5th, 1971, all members being present. The meeting was called to order by the Clerk who stated the first order of.business was to elect a Chairman motion~ade by.James Bucholz, seconded by ried,(John Snowberg was elected Chairman. ~ . and Vice Chairman for 1971. Upon Andy Leitch and unanimously car- Upon motion made by Andy Leitch, seconded by James Bucholz and unanimously carried, Hubert Nordgren was elected Vice Chairman. The County Weed Inspectors appeared before the Board and presented their report for the year 1970, announcing they were to hold meetings regarding weeds, etc, one in West Otter Tail County at the Ranch House in Fergus Falls on January 19th, from 10:00 A.M. to 3:00 P.M., and the other in::East Otter Tail County at the City Hall in Henning on February 11th from 10:00 A.M. to 3:00 P.M. The County Board was invited to attend these meetings. A discussion was held relative to the spraying operations in the County and the Weed Inspectors were requested to appear before the Board at their February meeting with estimates on spraying units.for the County. 1 The following resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, that WHEREAS the following dates be designated as the dates onllhich the County Board will meet during the year 197f: February 9th and 10th March 9th and 10th April 13th and 14th May 11th and 12th June 8th and 9th July 12th and 13th August 10th and 11th September 7th and 8th October 12th and 13th November 9th and 10th December 7th and 8th Adopted this 5th day of January, 1971. ATTEST~ Clerk 2 :t:·_:-: ;:•',,:-:---..,)::/-~ . ,>· . i'' ~· J.•: _,_,- 'iL . :,· ;<;)",.. The following resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail - County, Minnesota, THAT a committee of three,· c~msisting of the Chairman and two·--• members·of the Board to be selected by the Chairman, be appointed to have charge of Court House and Jail and grounds, and Court House Annex, for the year 1971. Adopted this 5th day of January, 1971 ;-- ATTEST:~ -_ Clerk The Cla.rman appointed ----~An.,_d~~_..1.~e.it~c~b..._ ___ ___... ____ and Richard Dillon to serve on the above committee. 3 '. ,'! ' .', r::r,····c· I\.:·: \. The followijlg resolution·was adopted: RESOLV,ED by.the Board of CoWlty Commissioners of Otter 1Tail County·. Minnesota, that A committee of three,·consisting of the Chairman of the Board and two members of the Board, be appointed by the Chairman to purchase all furniture and supplies, except books,· blanks and stationery, needed for the , I I Court House and Jail duri_ng the_ year 197'11,· and provide for such repairs as may become an immediate necessity. Adopted this 5th day of January, 1971. ATl'EST~_..,_,...,,J Clerk The Chairman of the Board appointed Jim.Bucholz ---------"-------- and Hubert Nordgren to serve on the above committe_e. ---------------- 4 . . .f ~r~:···--,:-.. /\:~r ~t .. ,,, The fellowing resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County CoDDilissioners ofOtter·Tail CountyMinnesota:, that UNDER provisions of Section 2154 of the Revised Laws·of Minne- sota for 1905, Dr. a resident physician of said -----------Hom County, and Commissioners Andy Leitch and Hubert.Nordgren , members of this Board, be and the same ---,-------=---------- are hereby appointed to constitute a County Board of Health of said Co':ffitY for the year 1971. Adopted this 5th day of January, 1971. ATI'EST: ~ 5 ... •.-; ~~-, ...... , ~:·\Q}':.".~ ·11r,-:,.-.... r ···1 i The following resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County Conunissi:ners of Otter Tail CountyMinnesota, that The· following. Commissioners be. and hereby are appointed to serve . on the followi_ilg County· Extension Committees: West.Otter Tail.CountyExtension·committee East OtterTail CourityExtension Committee · John Snowberg James Bucholz Adopted.this.5th.day of January, 1971. ATTEST: · · · Clerk • I .J i·r··-.. •'-Y1t"\:¼1~:\7:t-~~.J!:i~;;;~, :.~-•. \.• ~ t ' Upon motion made by Andy Leitch,· seconded by Richard Dillon and . unanimously carried, The following resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail · ·county. Minnesota, TifAT under the provisions of Section 739 General Statutes of 1932, the S\Dll of $ 200. 00 be and the same hereby is appropriated ---------------- 0 u t of the Revenue Fund of the County to the Red River Development •Association, said amount:~•-so appropriated to be used in payment of premi\Dlls to exhibitors for the year 1971 • · . Adopted· this 5th day of January, 1971 • -------- ATTEST: L'h' . i( ' .. ·•1:: 7 ,, .: 1:_,-;.,.~ .. , ;~ . Upon motion made by Hubert Nordgren, seconded by James Bucholz and unanimously carried, The following resolution was adopted: ··RESOLVED by the Board of County. Commissioners of Otter Tail Cowity·. Minnesota, TIIAT the· sum of not less than $ 350.00 be -------------- and u:he same· hereby is. appropriated out.· of the Cowity Revenue Fwid of' said Cowity for Otter Tail. County exhibits·. at the· Minnesota State· Fair for: 1971, and the Cowity·Auditor and Chairman of the Board are directedto·issue a warrant for.said.amowit in favor·of Clarence Mielke. Adopted this 5th day of January, 1971. ~~ Ch rman ATTEST:. .J / / • ~ Clerk 8 Upon motion made by James Bucholz, seconded by Andy Leitch and unanimously carried, The following resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County Minnesota, TI-lAT the sum of ten cents (10¢) be paid out of the Revenue Fund of the County for every pocket-gopher and wood chuck killed in said county dur~ng the year 1971 in cases where the townships in which pocket- . 7 gophers and wood chucks are so killed shall provide for the payment~£ an additional bounty of ten cents (10¢) for each pocket-gopher and wood chuck so killed. RESOLVED FUR1HER THAT payment of such bounty shall be made by the County Auditor upon certificates executed by the Chairman of the Town,:. Board of said townships setting forth that the pocket-gophers or wood chucks were duly presented to the Chairman of such Board and that the township has issued and delivered to each claimant a town order for twenty-cents (20¢) for each pdl:et-gopher or wood chuck so killed. Adopted this 5th day of January, 1971. ATTEST: Clerk 9 The following resolution was adopted: RESOLVED bythe· Board of County .commissioners of Otter Tail County.Minnesota, TiiAT there.be•and hereby is transferred from the Revenue Fund of the County.to the Incidental Fund.the sume of$ ----------750.00 for post.age for the· use of the· offices entitled thereto. Adopted this 5th day of January, 1971. ATTEST:~ · C erk 10 .! ;-, :· ' ~:~•t-;01~!:· :J'.-F;"rr .. , .. i· 1, ·. 'i J-~ UPon motion made by Richard Dillon, seconded by Hubert :Nordgren and unanimously carried, The following re.solution was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County Conunissioners of Otter Tail County. Minneosta, that ,, · 1 ', t .\ The County Commissioner of his respective district, namely JamesJ. Bucholz,.the First District; Riohard Dillon, the Second District; Andy 'Leitch, the ThD:l District; A. Hubert Nordgren, the Fourth District; and JohnW. Snowberg, the Fifth District,·be and they are herebyeach,appointed superintendent of poor of his said district, with authority to act i.n relation to the ca~e and support of non-resident paupers, and to receive applications · for -relief_. or _support· by or for -any reason in his district, as provided by Chapter 15, Revised Laws of 1905. Adopted this tith,day of January, 1971. -ATT-E-ST_:_~ ..... -_· -------. ·. ....· -=---· __ . ___ · ,,,.,.__. Clerk 11 '· " -·~11·--·:•J.:.l~V/ -, ' ·~. ~~-: Upon motion made by Andy Leitch, seconded by Richard Dillon and unanimously carried, the following resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by.the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County Minnesota, that All·employees, or appointed Otter Tail.County Officials shall be.requiredto:i'etire at the age of 65, effective July 1st, 1971. Adopted this 5th day of January, 1971. Chairman r~= ATTEST: Clerk 12 i .,, .. !J .. '<I, .-. C ...... ,.._. '.,1,~•:., /.' ,;_ ;,, .;:;' t1i. ,,_,. C The following resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail Comity Minnesota, THAT THE HENNING. ADVOCATE, ·•Henning, Minn. be and the same is hereby des.ignated ·as the news paper in which shall .be printed the· list of lands in Otter Tail,Cowityupon which. taxes became·delinquent on the first·Monday in January, 1971 . · Provided further, that the publishers of said news paper be. re- quired to furnish a surety bond in the sum of $2.,000.00 ?1for the faithful per- formance of said publication~ Adopted· this 5th. day of January, 1971. ATTEST: Clerk J _·) 1 Herb Schroeder, representative of the West Otter Tail County Town-. ship Officer's Association, appeared before the Board requesting an informal meeting with the Board, to be held at Ottertail Village on February 1st. Motion was made by Hubert Nordgren, seconded by Andy Leitch and carried, to re-appoint Jack Bamer to the Otter Tail County Planning--Advisory Commission, to complete the term from which he had resigned, expiri_ng January 1, 1972. Motion ~as made by James Bucho'1z:, seconded by Hubert ~ordgren and carried, to. appoint Frank Alsta~t, to the Otter Tail County Planni_ng Advisory Commission for a three year term expiring January 1, 1974. The Board haying previously advertised for bids for the County printing and l_egal notices for:-.the year 1971 proceeded to open bids which were f accepted as follows: -,· ;:i ,. r ,._ The Fe_rgus Joumal Company, Fergus Falls, Minnesota:, publication of· minutes of the meeti_ngs of the Board of County Commissioners, -including regular and special sessions, and minutes of the Board of Equalization, also all other legal notices that are published in the paper, all at legal rates as specified by law. The INDEPENDENT , Parker s Prairie, Minnesota and the Battle Lake Review,_ Battle Lake, Minnesota, publication of 'annual statement of receipts -and disbursements for the year 1970, at leg:ll. rates. The Henning Advocate, Henning, Minneosta, for publishing the 1970 Delinquent Tax List, at legal rates. Motion was made by James Bucholz, seconded by Andy Leitch and carried, to approve the application of Laurence Temus for reduction in the assesmraluation on the NW¼ of Section 12,. Perhain Township, as a clerical error was found in the amount added on the assessment. 14 Motion was made by James Bucholz, seconded.by_ Richard Dillon and unani- mously carried, to accept the bonds of the IntegrityMutual Insurance Company for the f_ollowing officers and employees: John Skramstad Ethyl D. Berg Alphild Loken Myrtle Loken Harlan L. Nelson Bernard Bodien Dr. Mehdi Orandi Carlton E. Mortensen Henry Polki_nghorn Margaret A. Shirley Virginia A. Rustad Phyllis C. Johnson George H. Nelson Johan Mattson Georgianna Bertelsen Marlys Johnson Laverne Martin K. W. Hanson Effie Green Harris Iverson Gene Davenport Helen E. Skramsted Helen E. Skramsted Margaret Gamber Margaret Gamber Cowity Appl2i.ser $1,000.00 Deputy Clerk of Ju~enile 1,000.00 Court Deputy Treasurer 5,000.00 Auditor's Clerk 1,000.00 County Attorney 1,000.00 Assistant Attorney . 500.00 Coroner 1,000.00 County Sheriff 5,000.00 Probate Judge and Judge of 1,000.00 the Juvenile Court Deputy Clerk of Probate Ct. 1,000.00 Clerk of Probate Court and Clerk of Juvenile Court 1,000.00 Deputy Clerk of Probate Ct. & Dep. Clrk of Juv. Court 1,000.00 County Treasurer 50,000.00 Treasurer's Clerk 1,000.00 Treasurer's Clerk 1,000.00 Treasurer's Clerk 1,000.00 Deputy Treasurer 5,000.00 County Auditor 5,000.00 Deputy ·Auditor 2,000.00 Deputy Assesor 1,000.00 ColDlty Assessor 1,000.00 Register of Deeds s,000.00 Register of Titles 1,000.00 Deputy Register of Titles 1,000.00 Deputy Register of Deeds 2,000.00 15 Harold Schmidt, wiion negotiator, and five Highway Department Maintenance men appeared before the Board along with the Cowity Attorney and the Assistant Highway Engineer, presenting a p~oposal for the Highway Depart- ment. A discussion was held, no action taken. Upon motion made by Andy Leitbh, seconded by Hubert Nordgren and carried, the meeting adjourned to Wednesday, January 6th at 10:00 o'clock A.M. 16 WEDNESDAY'S SESSION Pursuant to adjournment, the Board of County Conunissioners of Otter Tail County met Wednesday, January 6th, 1971, at 10:00 A.M., o'clock, all members being present. The County Superintendent of Schools appeared before the Board and presented his report for the year 1970. The County Auditor was authorized to advertise for bids to be re- ceived Wltil 2;00 P/M o'clock, February 9th, 1971, for Group Life Insurance coverage for all full-time county employees. -_.r r , RESOLUTION BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINNESOTA: That because of deterioration due to rain, snow and usual spring climatic conditions the roads hereinafter described will be seriously damag2d unless restrictions are imposed as to weight of vehicles to be operated thereon. NOW, THEREFORE, No person shall operate any vehicle or com- bination of vehicles upon any of the county roads in the County of Otter Tail and State of Minnesota, described as follows, to wit: County State Aid Highways 1 to 77 inclusive, 79, 81, 83, 85 and 90 to 100 inclusive, Old 10, Old 52 and Old 210. County Roads 110 and 144 inclusive and numbers 146 and 148, during-the period from the first of March, 1971-to the first of December, 1971, where the gross weight on any single axle, as defined in Minnesota Statutes 1945, Sec. 169.87, Subdivision 1, exceeds five tons (10,000 pounds) and the Engineer of said County is hereby direct- ed and authorized to erect and maintain signs plainly indicating the prohibitions and restrictions above at each end of that portion of any highway affected thereby, and these restrictions shall be effec- tive and ,this prohibition effective upon such erection and mainten- ance of such signs. Adopted this 6th day of January, 1971. Attest: County Auditor (SEAL) 18 ,,, :~.:::- RESOLUTION BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINNESOTA BE IT RESOLVED, that the County Highway Engineer be authorized to issue payrolls for the purpose of salary payments to all maintenance employees, engineering employees, construction employees, and for the rental of trucks and mowers necessary for the maintenance of County State Aid Highways not to exceed $470,000 and County Roads not to exceed $110,000 for the year 1971. Adopted this 6th day of January, 1971. ~~ Chai man Attest: Auditor .(SEAL) 19 ••l ,r; Motion was made by Andy Leitch, seconded by James Bucholz and carried,, to adjourn the· meeting until Friday, January 7th, 1971, at 11:00 A.M. ~{;/ · ... ·· ~;"t~::t\'.! . !.:, ,. .. I ~:?/;/'<.!;\~:~. ==== ii.-:.'...,,...1'.'-:2:.;1.·..:.i;:"../.,.,.·~~ _.: .. ";;.,,:.___,-... +,::-,; ,.-.. _.~~: •~_>·~~~ ' -FRIDAY'S SESSION - Pursuant to adjournment, the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County met Friday, January 8th, 1971 at 11:00 A.M. o'clock, all members being present. Upon motion made by Hubert Nordgren, seconded by James Bucholz and unanimously carried, thejob __ da.s:sificationpolicy of the Sheriff's Department as set forth by the County Sheriff, was approved. Motion was made by Hubert Nordgren, seconded by James Bucholz and unanimously carried, authorizing Dick Dillon and John Snowberg to represent the County Commissinaers at a hearing on a petition for annexation of certain lands to the Vill_age of Pelican Rapids, said hearing scheduled for March 4, 1971. Motion was made by James Bucholz, seconded by Andy Leitch and unani- mously carried, to approve the application of Paul C. Anderson to hold public dances at Perry's Place in Dora Township. Motion was made by Andy Leitch, seconded by Richard Dillon and unani- mously carried, to subscribe to "Minnesota Good Roads, Inc." for 1971,.@. $200.00. Motion was made by Hubert Nordgren, seconded by Andy Leitch and unanimously carried, to authorized Jim Bucholz to represent Region 4 at a meeting at the Court House in Fergus Falls the afternoon of January 22nd to appoint a re- placement for Bennie Johnson as a representative to the Association of Minnesota Counties. Mation was made by James Bucholz, seconded by Richard Dillon and unanimously ca:rried, to authorize John Snowberg ;to appear at the Delegate Assembly o I-I} s s o c.. i ci -f-I o n o ~ _ flt i 11 n . Co u 17 f ,· e s in Saint Paul, February 4th and 5th. 21 .. \. C ·se JT RESOIYED that: '"e, the County Commissioners of ~( U 1,;,.... r.ounty, have carefully con~idered the mental health needs ofteCounty, and after due deliberation , aJ!ree to suppert the I.AKJ:J,ANO ~fF.NTAL HEALTH CENTER, INC., Fergus Falls, •1inncsota, and to enter into a signed agreement with the other eight counties in the Mental Health Center area. We approve the hudj!et and financing plan for the fiscal year .July 1, 1971, through .June 30, 1~72 in the following amounts: Becker CQtmty Clav County nouglas County r,rant County Otter Tail County Pope r.ounty Stevens r.ounty Traver!!ie County Wilkin County $ 13,520.00 26,0()0,00 12,896.00 4,264.00 26 1000.on 6,2◄0.00 6,240.00 3,536.00 5,304.00 ~104,000.00 We do desip,nate the County Auditor to ~ign the Agreement in Support for this r.ounty. This Resolution passed January 8th , 1971. I certify as f.ounty Auditor for Otter Tail County that the County r.ommissioners have passed the ahove RES0LlPf10N, contained in the Minutes of their rerular Board meeting, dated January 8th , 1971, that they \o."i 11· support the pro~ram of the LAKF.Li\NO MENTAL HF.ALTH CENTER, INC., for the fiscal year .July 1, 1971, through .June 30, 1972, and enter into a written apreement i,ith the ei~ht other Counties supporting this Center. CntlNTY 1/';":/c-::r r ___ _.,..._: >i:--.-1',.'! n ... ~:,.-·•---:.·.~· "I\~-.. :;~~; \r ..:•YR'·\;;;1:-~'j-.-, ... 7---,,-·---,_ --·· -----1 ~-' !. • j:. '· l. ·i ·1· • ~-,,. :.•., .,, . Motion was made by Andy Leitch, seconded by James Bucholz and unani- mously carried, to authorize the-Commissioners who can, to attend the school for County Commissioners. Motion was made byAndy Leitch, seconded by James Bucholz and unani- mously carried, to authorize.the County Auditor to proceed with'Northwestern Bell Telephone Company for the construction of a telephone center in the Court House. Motion was made by Andy Leitch, seconded by Richard DHlon and . ·•:,"".;.:-, ~ unanim~µslycarried, instructing the County Auditor to write to the University Extension Service to request one County Agent only in East Otter Tail County and one County Agent only in West Otter Tail County, with no assistants. Motion was made by Andy Leitch, seconded by Hubert Nordgren and carried;-Bucholz and Snowberg.voting "no", to purchase the 1969 Buick-trade-in previously used. by the Sheriff's Department, for a price of $1,:575 .oo from: the Reuben Klein Motor-Company to be. used by the· Highway:Engineer· • . . Motion was made.by Hubert Nordgren, seconded by James Bucholz and unanimously carried, instructing the County Auditor to write to the Legisfators requisting a change in legislature to allow a 1:00 A.M. Sunday closing hour-for dancing. Upon motion made by Jim Bucholz:, seconded by Hubert.Nordgren and unanimously carried, Harlan Nelson,·. County Attorney, was ~~appointed to the Otter Tail , County Planni_ng Advisory Commission. Motion-was made by Andy,Leitch, seconded·byHub Nordgren and carried,-setting. forth.personnel policies for Otter Tail CoWtty Employees~ copy of policies to be on file-in the office·of_ the-County Auditor. 22 i1.dopted: 1-3-71 OTTER TAIL COUNTY PERSONNEL POLICIES MENORAl.'lDUM I. PURPOSE It is the intent and purpose hereto that this Memorandum shall promote and insure a spirit of confidence and cooperation between the Board and its employees, set forth the general policy of the 3oard on personnel and procedure, establish equitable rates of pay and hours of work and provide a method for the redress of any grievances the employees may have. II. 'RECCJmHTION ------- The county recognizes the right of its em~loyees to individ- ually represent themselves or to organize and designate representa- tives of their own choosing to represent them, free from any restraint, interference or coercion on the part of the county or the administrative officers. No discrimination shall be exercised against any employee because of union membership, race, creed, sex, color or political belief. III. HOURS OF WORK Court house hours are from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday. One hour shall be provided for noon lunch for 23 court house employees. A maximum of eight (8) hours shall constitute a day's work, and a maximum of forty (40) hours shall constitute a week's work. The work hours for the County Highway Maintenance employees shall be as follows: 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 a.m.; 12:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Lunch Hour; 12:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. The workweek shall be Monday through Friday for all employees. All time worked in excess of eight hours per day or forty hours per week shall be rated as overtime and compensated at time and one-half rates. An employee shall not be required to take time off during the regular assiBned workweek to avoid payment of overtime. All full-time employees shall be guaranteed a forty-hour workweek. IV. HOLIDAY PROVISIONS All regular employees shall be entitled to paid holidays as defined in Minnesota Statutes 645.44, Subd. 5 as that section may from time to time be amended. When an employee is required to work on any of these holidays, he shall be paid at time and one-half rates in addition to his regular salary. When an employee does not work on any of the above-named holidays, _the holiday shall nevertheless count as eight hours worked for the .. purpos~ of computing overtime for hours worked· in excess -2- 24 of forty in any such week. When necessary, the Board may require an employee to work on a holiday. When any of the above-named holidays fall on a Sunday, the following day shall be observed as the holiday. When the holiday falls on a Saturday, it shall be observed on the previous Friday. When a paid holiday falls during an employee's vacation period he shall receive an additional day of paid vacation. v. VACATIONS All full-time county employees shall be entitled to earn one working day per month vacation. This vacation leave may be accumu- lated up to 24 days. Any employee who has accumulated the maximum vacation time shall lose the days he accumulates in excess of 24 days. Employees are encouraged to use this vacation each year. Any unused vacation time which the em?loyee has when he is separat- ed from county service shall be paid to him. After 5 years of full time in the employment of Otter Tail County, the employee shall earn 1 additional day of vacation per year. One additional day of vacation shall be accumulated for each 5 years of service in county employment. Regular part-time employees vacation shall be pro rated on the basis of their work schedule. Pay for vacation periods shall be at the employee's regular salary rate. In determining vacation schedules, the wishes of the -3- 25 employees will be respected as to the time of taking vacation, insofar as the needs of the service will permit. Employees shall furnish the department head with their preference of vacation dates not later then May 1, of each year. The department head will then work out a vacation schedule and post it not later than May 15. VI. SICK LEAVE Sick leave with pay shall be granted to all employees at the rate of one day per month and shall be allowed to accumulate· any unused sick leave from year to year up to a total of 90 days. Sick leave is hereby defined to mean the absence of an employee because of illness, exposure to contagious disease, and a maximum of 3 days for attendance of such employee upon a member of his family (wife and children) requiring the care or attendance of such employee. In the case of such attendance of an em?loyee upon a member of his family, the Board will require a doctor's certificate for the need of such employee's attendance. A maximum of three days' leave without loss of pay will be allowed when a death occurs in an employee's family; namely, husbandi wife, son, daughter, father, mother, sister, brother, father-in-law, mother-in-law, and grandchildren. Two additional days may be allowed when travel is necessary, subject to the approval of the Board of Supervisors. Additional time, if needed, may be allowed -4- 26 by the Board of Supervisors, but such additional time in excess of the five days indicated above shall be charged against the employee's sick leave. Any unused sick leave time at the time of separation from county service shall not be compensated for. Sick leave for regular part-time employees shall be accumulated on a pro rated basis. VII. REPORTING OF ABSENCE FROM JOB An employee shall notify his supervisor of absence from the job. In the case of sick leave, the employee is to notify his supervisor within one hour of the opening of regular office hours for that office. Any other absence during working hours must be cleared with the head of the office prior to the absence. An absence of an employee of more than three working days, not reported to the employee's supervisor, shall be deemed suf- ficient to discharge the employee from county service. VIII. SENIORITY Seniority standing shall be granted to all employees. The standing is to be determined on the basis of total length of -s- 27 employment for the County of Otter Tail. Employees shall be placed on a seniority basis as of the first day of employment upon the completion of six months' employment. All new employees, however, shall be entitled to all other benefits of employment upon the completion of 30 days' of employ- ment. An employee shall lose his seniority standing upon voluntary resignation from employment with the County of Otter Tail. In cases of transfer from one classification of work to another, employees involved in the transfer shall not lose seniority standing. It shall be the policy of the Board to fill vacancies by promotion. Preference shall be given to the senior employee in the category next below that in which the vacancy occurs, provided he is capable of performing the duties of the job involved. IX. INSURANCE A. Hospitalization ___ ~nd Medical. In addition to salary, the county pays for an individual hospitalization and medical insurance policy for each full time employee. This takes effect 30 days after beginning of employment, or in the case of an employee begin- ning county service other than the first of a month, it shall be the first of the month following the month in which he becomes employed. -6-• 28 Should the employee desire family coverage, he should so notify the payroll clerk, and payments for such family coverage shall be deducted from his salary. n. Life Insuranceo The county shall provide as soon as practicable upon the adoption of this Memorandum, $5,000 term life insurance for all full time employees. C. Employees must work at least 30 hours a week in order to qualify for insurance (Policy of insurance carriers). x .. LONGEVITY As an encouragement for employees to continue in the service of the county for longer periods, all full time employees shall be given additional vacation leave as provided in paragraph V of this Memorandum. XI. LEAVE OF ABSENCE Any absence not covered by accumulated vacation or sick leave must be authorized in advance, and have the approval of the head of the office and the Board, and be so stated in the minutes of the official board covering that office. No compensa- tion will be paid to such employee after his unused vacation or sick leave ha~ been used, until he has returned to employment with the county. -7'- 29 XII .. GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE Any county employee having a grie~ance shall report such to his supervisor or head of the office. If the grievance cannot be satisfactorily settled, it may be carried to the Board covering that office, but only if requested in writing by the employee. If the Board so desires they may· refer such matter to the grievance cormnittee consisting of two (2) persons and the chairman of the Boardo All parties interested shall be present at a hearing of the grievance cormnittee, and the recommendations of the grievance committee shall be made to the Board at its next regularly sched- uled meeting. The decision of the Board shall be final in any such case. Chairman of the Board to aoooint one member and the . '· employee to appoint one member. XIII. RESIGNATION Any employee desiring to resign, shall submit such resigna- tion in writing to the elected or appointed official in charge of the office in which he works. This shall be at least two (2) weeks in advance of his last day of work. Failure to comply with this provision may be cause for non-payment of unused vacation leave. -8- ·30 \ XIV. RETIREMENT All retirement from county service is under Public Employees Retirement or combination of PERA and Social Security. A deduction is made from the employees salary for this purpose. Matching funds shall be contributed by the county as prescribed by law. The employee should request a copy of the rules and regulations of PERA and Social Security from his supervisor or office holder. xv. DISMISS.AL Any employee may be dismissed from his job by the elected or appointed official in charge of that office. Dismissals shall be made only for just cause. Just cause shall include but shall not be limited to inability or failure to perform duties as assigned by the office holder, dishonesty, lack of loyalty to the head of the office and/or county, abuse of vacation or sick leave privileges, abuse of county owned equipment or invol\rement in civil or criminal offenses. Any employee who believes his dismissal is not justified may appeal in writing his dismissal to the Board. The Board shall hear all interested parties and may .i:-ei.nstate the em?loyee uoon such terms and conditions as are just and proper. -9- 31 XVIo RETIREMENT POLICY The retirement policy as set by the County Board specifies the retirment age to be 65 effective July 1, 1971. XVII. GENERAL PROVISIONS 1. Any employee temporarily transferred to a higher paid classification for less than one day shall receive his prevailing rate of pay. · If employed in a higher classification for a period of 2 days or more, the employee shall receive the rate of ?ay provided for in such higher classification for the entire period of such transfer. When an employee is temoorarily assigned to a lower paid classification he shall continue to receive his regular rate of pay. 2. Employees required to serve on jury duty shall be allowed the difference in pay by Otter Tail County for all full days absent. If the employee is excused after reryorting and returns to work, he will not be deducted for that dayo 3. All employees shall have access to the premises of the Board at reasonable times and subject to reasonable rules to in- vestigate grievances and other problems with which they are concerned. -10- 32 ... ' .. ""' 4. Department heads may authorize the payment of mileaee for use of private vehicle of employee in course and scope of employment at prevailing rate. 5. Increases in rate of compensation shall follow a regular pattern and are to be based on merit rather than length of service. All increases will be set at the beginnine of each year by the Board of County Commissioners. 6. Payment of wages shall be at least once a month. 7. All policies inconsistent with this Memorandum are hereby rescinded. XVIIIo Al'1ENDt1ENTS This Memorandum shall continue in effect until amended by resolution of the Board. -11- 33 i, The County Treasurer was given approval to invest excess Road and Brliidge Funds with various banks in the following amounts: First National Bank, Parkers Prairie, Minnesota $ 3,000.00 First National Bank, Henning, Minnesota 8,000.00 Farmers & Merchants State Bank, New Yo:rk Mills, Minnesota 20 ,-000 .oo First State.Bank, Dalton, Minnesota 15,000.00 Security State Bank, Deer Creek, Minnesota 10,000.00 Farmers StateBank,.Underwood, Minnesota 10,000.00 Perham State·. Bank, . Perham, · Minnesota· 90 • 000. 00 Vergas State·. Bank,. Vergas, Minnesota 8armers State:. Bank, Dent, Minnesota Erhard State Bank, Erhard, Minnesota First N:ational Bank, Battle Lake, Minnesota J. P. Wallace State Bank,. Pelican Rapids, Minnesota 34 '• ·, .. ~'.. _-· ~,.< -. ., ...... ·--.:..: -··--.,, __ .:.. .• , 5,000.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 22,000.00 7,000.00 , -,,; t'[· ;_~. r~ . ~~~ ~~ ~:, Upon motion made byJames Bucholz, seconded by Andy Leitch and unani- mously carried, the following resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by.the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County Minnesota, that. WHEREAS The County.Board on November 9th,· 1970 entered into contract with Fergus Do_dge, Inc., for one 1971 Dodge Polara # DK41-NlD-184485, same having been delivered to the satisfaction of the Sheriff's Department and the County Board, NOW, TIIEREFORE, the County Auditor is hereby authorized and directed '· to. issue a warrant in. the· amount of· $3,392.27, as payment in full of· said automob_ile, to Fergus Do_dge, Inc. , Fergus Falls, Minnesota, Dated at Ferg\15:' Falls, Minnesota, this 8th day of January, 1971. ATTEST:. Clerk 35 --1 -I Upon motion made by James Bucholz, seconded by Andy Leitch and \, unanimously carried, the following resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by,the Board of.County-commissioners of Otter Tail County Minnesota, that WHEREAS the Board on.October 13th entered into contract with Fe.rgus Dodge, Inc., for one 1971 Polara, to be used by the Sheriff's Department,. same havi.ng been :delivered to the satisfaction of the Board, NOW, TIIEREFORE, the County Auditor is hereby authorized and directed to issue a warrant in the amount of $3,631.12 to Fergus Dodge, Inc., Fergus Falls~· Minnesota, being the full purchase price. Dated at Fe.rgus Falls, · Minnesota this 8th day of January, 1971 • ATTEST:. 36 ·if ·-\ Upon motion made, seconded and unanimously carried, the scale of wa11es for Otter Tail•. County Officials was set as follows: County Treasurer County Auditor County Attorney County Assessor Cterk of District Court Civil Defense Director County Commissioners Highway Engineer Register of Deeds County Sheriff Custodian Veterans Service Officer Assistant County Attorney Superint~ndent of Schools $10,750.00 11,000.00 9,400.00 10,600.00 10,600.00 1,200.00 4,500.00 17,016.00 10,600.00 10,600.00 7,900.00 9,000.00 9,000.00 After consideration the County Board unanimously fixed the siaries of the deputies and clerks. together with the part time;9 help and the following amounts are hereby set aside for clerk hire for the t£alendar year 1971 in the several county offices, tO.-wit: Sheriff Office,. Dep. Jailers. & Clerks.· Auditor •• Treasurer Registef of Deeds Probate Court .. . .. . . . . . . . .. •· . Deputy· CountyiAssessor ·• Clerk, CoW1ty Assessor Clerk of District Court Clerks First Assistant,·. County Superintendent of Schools Veteran's Service Clerk Court Reporter & Probation Officer's Clerks County Attorney's Clerks ••••••••••••• (Includes $2,100.per year rent & use of equipment) Part time help at b le S to per hour I ______ ...:, .$117,420.00 39;000.00 39,000.00 23,000.00 19,700.00 16,200.00 18,980.00 .·• 14,000.00 5,340.00 8,200.00 20~240.00 10,200.00 Adopted at Fergus Falls, Minnesota this 8th day of January, 1971. ~~ Chairman= ATTEST: Clerk 38 ., ': ·, .·• . '· ., / I The following Bi.: "were allowed: Carlton E Mortensen Carlton E Mortensen Carlton E Mortensen Sidney Nelson Glen Melby ,J a.mes LeRoy Merle Bacon Joe.Peloquin Raymon Polensky Richard Kausler John B Halvorson Gary Anderson David Williamschen William Martin Michael Henkes Millers Gulf Service Mayo's Standard Service Hank's Service' Dent 66 Consumers Co-op Oil Perham Co-op Oil Minnesota Motor Co Fire Safety Corp. Genefal Trading Sheriff Manley G Erickson Cooper's office Supply Welder's Equipment Maurice Thompson Smarteen's Mobile Radio & T.V. Lystads Inc. Uniforms Unlimited Am-ieson & Larson Northwester University Doris Freudenberg Lucille Freske Boarding of Prisoners mileage & expense office expense mileage & subsistence It rt II It Special Deputy II II Jailer Gasoline etc II II II II It Repair & labor Equipment pap:e:e service supplies labor labor supplies services Pest Control Uniforms II Tuition etc n n II II II II II 11 witness fee & mileage II II 39 II $ 722.50 250.79 89.98 105.30 245.40 135.60 329.70 51.00 66.00 34.50 68.90 66.oo 20.00 20.00 8.00 47.12 59.93 6.49 69.26 99.13 247.60 152.32 576.57 28.73 -, .• 2.00 295.77 35.00 151.82 14.18 13.00 22.50 93.48 20.65 370.30 17.00 17.00 Harvey Rogers Witness Fee 1.00 ,Charles A Rehms II II & 1'"ileage 10.00 Kenneth G Rasmusson II II " 4.30 Richard M. O'Connell II II II 9.25 Clifford Magnusson II 1.00 t\ ;t Michael Kraemer II II & mileage 8.50 Rickey Olson II II II 8.50 'i~ John Schrader II II II 8.50 Mrs Olga Krekula II II II 8.50 Rueben A Olson II II II 8.50 Donald Lee II II II 8.50 }_.,..·. CJ\ Roger Setterhol.m II II II 8.50 Arlan Kenyon II II II 8.50 Herbert Brasel II II II 8.50 S~lµia Magnusson II II II 6.25 ' I' , Linda Waskosky Matron Service 40.00 . ";} N.W. Bell Telephone Co Service & tolls 178.83 (' . ·) ~:f :-1,f Bennie Johnson mileage & expense 62.10 Otto Haase II II 81.50 -.1 . ·:\ James Bucholz II II 94.50 -:~ ··' John Snowberg II 33.00 • ,:l Andy Leitch mileage & II 55.80 Roger Heidorn salary EOT Soil & Water 537.00 Gerlldine McGuire II II II II 160.00 Ed Skoglund expense II II II 20.65 Don Kenyon II II II II 55.80 Jeff Tikkanen II II II II 23.30 Duane Donley II II II II 12.85 I Advanced Business Methods supplies 11 II II 16.86 ! i Wes Minn RC&D Dues 200.00 Ambrose Klinnert Salary WOT Soil & Water 552.00 Laura Hotchkiss II II II II 260.00 Homer Sem expense II II II 102.50 Theo Hegseth II II II II 92.25 ' 40 Arnold Evavold Harold Skistad Glen Haugrud Walter Surldberg Frank Roberts Kennth Clambey Marvin Klicker Eugene Davenport Harris Iverson John Skramstad Arthur D Boehne Helen Skramstad Vernon Bachman N.W. Bell Telephen,e Co Gust Lagerquist & Sons Richards Chemical Co F~rgus Glass & Paint Somers.Carpet & Install. Lampert Lumber Co Coast to 1.,oast Daycoa The Assoc. of Minn. Co Pelican· Rapids Press Coopers Office ;;;u.pply Miller Davis Co The Pierce Co Security Blank Book & Prtg. Northwestern Pub. Co Nelson Bros Burroughs Corp Universal Ans. Service Wilten Christensen Xerox Corp. S.C.M. Corp. Village of Perham ... Expense WOT Soil & Water II II II II II II II II Per Diem Co. Planning Expense Weed & Seed Insp. II II II mileage & expense Vets Service II II Assessor II II II II II II II II Prob. Officer postage II service & tolls Vets Service service Boiler Treatment mat filters supplies II II Association Dues supplies II II II II II II II '! II services Maintenance rent Municipal Court 41 72.50 49.00 -.,, j 84.50 ·r ,,j.,- ; ·;~·. j 80.00 .:-:·l ' .'-_;_?} _ . ., 118.51 ·-·,; ,,.·} t;/i~~ 133.51 .:r:l: ,·::}i, 39-52 ; <-~ 86.26 .-, . --~-- 44.41 247.25 60.00 28.00 -~.: ~} ;. ·, t 39-58 I '" 115 •. 60 ;! ! ,\ 54-75 ""1 'J . 29.50 '\ 11.62 ) 3.84 7.18 :!_ ! \ 103.19 ~·i 1,863.00 ! " 1,216.00 616.85 114:27 3~25 i. 18.64 ' ,, . :-'t 48.00 267.50 25.20 5.50 ' 26.00 :, , ·,.(:; 234.42 'l i6.oo ~\ • 720.00 .. ,. ,. ;\··. ,. ,,-, ,'- Villc3:ge of Perham- Mathison Hesby Agency Mildred Bruvold Thomas O Nelson Emmons Christopher Sheriff West Publishing Co Effie Green Mehdi Orandi , ,M.D. Earl·Bigler M.D. Charle Lewis M.D. N .• W. , Bell Tel phone Co Viking Cafe Holten Lumber F~rgus Oil Co Sit, of Ferstis Falls Lorna McCabe Gloria Opatx •·· Mts ~protro7 Johnson Dennis Fjestad Donna Quam Myrna Billestolen . . ' . ' Spangier Mrs Berniece Mary Johnson Kathryn Hemmelgarn Florence Ginkel . ' ,, Mrs Olga Edwards Mrs Alice Crosgrove Mrs Alva Christensen Christine Hartness Mrs Ed Skoglund Mrs riobert John~on Mrs Bud Larson lVlrs Charles Perkins Mrs John Steblay Cooper's Office Supply Rent .Co Agent County Official Bonds transcripts Plat Book Summons & Petitions Minn. Statutes Christmas Tree Autopsy Chg. Coroners fees II II tolls meals for Jurors supplies Phelps Mill service call etc Phelps Mtll &ettrt Ges'i}s expense Nurse II II II II II II II II II II II Home Health Aide II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II n II II II II II II II II II Nursing Board II II II II II II II II II II II II Equipment Nurse 4') . -A., 60.00 573'!00 28,33 8.00 18.50 20,00 200 .. 00 26._06 25~00 100._66 34,9'? 3~50 · 10~25 395.00 '. 77.35 ; 16.83 i 44.91 17.10 ' 109.55 ,, 62.66 49.91 I . ' 6.93 . 26. T.3 ' 11.34 I > 26.73 12,.87 24:9s 7.40 9.90 . 6.12 . 3.24 ' 8.10 ... II r i 9.36 ' 81.17 ·•i /. i Lake Region Hospital Nelson Bros Printing Reitan-Larson· C9 Village of Perham N.W. Bell Telephone Co Glen Cording Cooper's Office.Supply N .W. Bell Telephone Co Twp. of Elmo Twp~ of Blowers Mineral Springs George T Ryan Co Ziegler Inc. Fergus Dodge Inc. Genuine Parts Co Schmitz Garage Stan's Garage Evenson Garage International Harvester Walter Jokela Repair Marlo lfotors Olson.Auto Electric Kurt Rapatt Smokey's Machine Shop Super GMC Truck Sales Paper Clmeneon & Co Lawson Products Inc. Leonard Haga Village of Bluffton Arthur Mattie Polman Transfer Bretz Hardware Coast to Coast Battle Lake supplies supplies Nurse II Office rent 11 II 11 service & tolls Nurse Architectial Fees Notary Stamp Motor Vehicle service & tolls .M.otor Vehicle Care of Poor II II II " Parts Road & Bridge II " " II " Repairs II II II II II II II Cutting Edges supplies painting Rent labor Freight supplies II 43 II II II II II II II II II " II II II II II II II II II II II " II II II II " " " II II II II II II II " II II " II 150:00 35;00 61;13 147~82, 156~18 10~00 347-31 140.45 73'.73 10·.65 12.50 20.15 77'-79 117.91 15·.88 53.25 10.00 68.04 199.68 1,846.95 64.89 48-50 . 274.10 100.00 12.00 17.36 8.11 Coast to Coast Store Henning Dent Farmers Co-op General Trading Co Hall's Hardware Melvin Putikka Wilcox Lumber Co Motz union Oil Co Palmer Paulson Service Perham Shell Service Twins Motor Co D-A Lubricant Co Penrose Oil Co Standard Oil Co Battle Lake Carlson Oil Co Henning Fossen Oil Co ~iinn. Dept of Highways Otter Tail Power Co 0 1Meara1s Dept. Store Monroe International D~venport's Stationery Miller Davis Co Nelson Bros Prtg. Co N.W. Bell Telephone Co Pelican Telephone Co N.W. Bell Telephone Co Wadena Midwest Telephone Co EOT Telephone Co NW Bell Telphone Co Park Region Mututal Tel. Co City of Fergus Falls Cargill Inc. Wendell P Huber Wendell P Huber G.D. Harlow supplies Road & Bridge II II II II II Gasoline II II II Oil Diesel II etc Fuel Oil Fuel expense supplies II Maintenance supplies II II Service & tolls II II II II II II Maintenance Roct Salt Expense II II II II II II Cash advanced Expense 44 II ti II II II II n n II II II ti II II II II II It II II II II II II II II II II II " II II II 11 II II II II II II " II Road & Bridge II II II II II II n II II II II II 18.73 11.93 564.71 64.19 4.00 11.74 24.89 188.67 137.56 43.99 125.40 59.68 94.52 62.00 182.60 78.76 15.00 288.00 27.©0 10.62 22.68 26.00 96.48 14.74 11.33 9.30 46.81 26.29 19.40 561.25 492.20 227.76 46.44 85.68 ;··;--.-. · .. •.• .. · ..... :--~, · .. ;"'·~~~:-:; Upon moti~n ,;ma.de by Dick Dillon, seccmded by Andy Leitch and carried, the -meeti_ng. adjourned to. Tuesday, February 9th~ 1971 at 10: 00 A.M.o 'clock • . ATTEST.:. .Clerk 45 -·71 •· . . ,<r; J.) _:;< .• _ ~~':, :::-,