HomeMy WebLinkAboutBoard of Commissioners - Minutes - 07/20/1970MINUTES OF IBE ADJOURNED MEETING
Pursuant to adjournment the Board of County Commissioners of Otter
Tail County Minnesota met at 10:00 A.M. o'clock, Monday, July 20th, 1970, all mem-
bers present.
The Board ~aving previously advertised for bids to be received for
rewiring of the Court House Electrical System proceeded to open bids which were
found to be as fo lbws :
Fargo Electric,Constr.
Edling Electric, Inc.
Fargo, North Dakota
Fergus Falls, Minnesota
The bids are to be reviewed by Bruch and Morrow, Inc., Consulting
Engineers, and inform the County Board. Upon motion made by James Bucholz,
seconded by John Snowberg and unanimously carried, th~ Bcm:d granted the request
of Fargo Electric to withdraw because of misinterpretcti.on of reading of specifica-
tions. Upon motion made by John Snowberg, seconded by James Bucholz and carried,
the bid of Edling Electric of Fergus Falls in the amount of $20,735.00 was accepted
subject to review by the Consulting Engineer.
Upon motion the meeting adjourned to 10:00 A.M. o'clock, Tuesday,
July 21st, 1970.
Pursuant to adjournment, the Bord of County Commissioners met at
10:00 A.M. o'clock, Tuesday, July 21st, 1970, all members present.
The matter of the dissolution of Common School District':. #1380
was taken up for final action. After listening to the various interested parties,
the following Intermediate Order was issued, to-wit:
.. ·•
..... •,-.. : ,.;.,:,.••.-.:. . .. .,; ...
INtERMEDIAtl ORDER FOR. THE,-..ATTACIIM.JNT TO OlGAilJi,,ED DISTRICTS . . . . -~ .......... ' . :. \ .,._ . ,
NOTICE I~ HEREB~ GIVDf.tha~the ··.f~ll~ing :~edlate Ordei-attaching
Common·.·· ·sdi~1'.---n1at-rlct.No.~:. · 13so was adopted by the
Board of _;Co~~tY,· Comni}iaafonere of __ o_'t_t_e_r_._rc_a.1.·1 ____ Coun~y, l11nneaota
. on the · .. ,2ist · ·,.,. day of . July · 19 70 • _______ _. -
The at?ove entitled mat.te::z:-came before the County Board of· Otter Tail ·
County, t1innesota, at Session ·1n the City of
_Jergus Falls ln s,_ai,d count_y, on the 14th day of July · 19..z.L,
at 10:-00 o•<:~ock A.M. , under the provlaions of M.S. 122.44 ·Laws of l~\)9 ·
NOW;:,THEREFOR.E IT I-S :ORDERED that said Comm.on School District
.. ::c;~ r. ~-_;_.~~-: .. . ... . -'
No. ·-:'.·1380 be._attached pursuant to M. S. 122.44, that ;the terr1.tory embraced _..r• ,·•
. the~ein be .~ttached to other existing districts mainta1rt.1J1g._ c-laeat-f:f.ed
' ,· I • ' •, " •
elementary and _secondary schools aa follows, to-wit:
To Independent School District #261: . , ·~ _ ._
SW¼ Section-I; Frl NW¼, Frl SW1,a:, W½-SE¼, E½ SE¼ Section 2; E 3/4 N½· NE¼ and SW1,a: NE¼ Sec. 11;
SE¼ NW¼, N½ NW¼, NW¼ SE¼, NE¼ SW¼, Lot 1, SW¼ SE¼,· SE¼ SW¼ & SW¼. SW¼,·. ex. tr., Section 12; ·
All. Lot 1 e,~• p't SW of RR, SW¼ NW¼, N½ SW¼, Lot. 3 ex. R.R. & tr., S 200' of_ that pt. Lot 3
E of. R~,. Lots 4 & S & SE~ ex. RR, Sl'f¼ SW¼ and SE¼ SW¼ Section ·13; NW¼ NW¼, --NE¼ NW¼,· SW¼ NW1/4,
Lot .3, N½ NE¼, Lots 1 & 2; Lot S, Pt. G.L. 1, Lot 4, ex. tr.;-Pt. G.L. 4, Section 24;
Lots -1..,~·~,, __ 3-_ _&'. 4 & 5,, -~ot _ 6,_§~~ ~E¼,-~W¼ ~ec;ti_<>,~ __ 2~;_ ~Qt,§ ___ f _ & __ ~,--N~~-S_E¼ N~ _ oj;_Jiiway,
Lots 1·& 8, ·sw¼ SE¼, pt. E½ SE¼, SW of Hiway, SE¼ SE¼, NE of HiWay, Section 26; NE¼ NE¼
and Lot 1, N 100' o:f.W 260' of I,.ot 2,.Lot 3 and 2, ex. tr·., SE¼ SE¼ ex •. gr!lvel pit, Sec. 34;
.NE¼, NW¼, ·sW¼ Section 35; Lot 1 and 2, NW¼ NW¼, NE¼ NW¼ and S½ NW1/4, N½·SW¼, SW¼ S_l~,
rS_e._c_ti.on 3.6, .All G.L. 1 E of RR, Section 11, All in Township 131, Range 42
t Lot 3 & 4, Section 19, Township 131, Range 41 i L~-Ind~;,.;~d~nt Scho~l D~st~i~t "'-50: --. ----,L_
N!i NW¼ei":~pt .. 1ylng S-&.W-of·.-RR,·-Fr'f .NE¼~ SEk·Nw¼·N·of R ·1f,-S-E¼-NW¼s·of-ruCand_._ ·:i
S. L. 1 of NW¼ SE¼ ex. S.L. A, Ex. RR, S.L. 2 3 and 4 Section 3
E½ NE¼ and SW¼ NE¼, Frl NW¼ NE¼, Section 2 , Frl E½ SE¼, ex. R.R., Section 3
Frl S½ NE¼ NW¼, S.L. 1 and 2 of NW¼ NE¼ & S.L. 6 & 7 of S½ NW¼ S L 1 2 & 3 of S½ NW¼
S.L. 4 of S½ NW¼, W1-1 SW¼ NE¼, E 30 Ac. of SE¼ NE¼, NE¼ NE¼ 'E½
SW¼ NE¼ and w 10 ac 4~f
SE¼ NE¼, Frl N½_NE¼ NW¼ & Frl NW¼ NW¼, SE¼, E 36 rds of S.L: S of S½ NW¼, ex. tr. S;ction
1; NE¼ of Secti~n 12; S.L: A of S.L. 1, NW¼ SE¼ and G.L. 3, ex. S 14.2 ac., S 14.2 ac.
of G.L. 3 of Section 3, all in Township 131, Range 42
Lots 4 & S, Section 6, Township 131, Range 41;
T91 Independent Schoc:>l Di,stri~t #544.:. .. ....... _ . _ . ··.•.·, _______ ... ______ ""' . ________ -~ -··,. ______ _...,~
t~':.~ ·71c 0alance of tne territory co1,;isin.1 CQnumn sc;1001 i.1istrict #l3iVJ. --·i_,_· ..•
:·~:~•-:t:;.:' -;
IT IS ORDERED that said Intermediate Order as adopted by the County Board
nf ___ o_t_t_e_r_T_a_i_l _____ County accompany the plat as r.~qui r,,.,1 h!'
IT IS FURTHER ORDERED, that the assets and liabilities of said· Common
School District ·No. 1380 be distributed ao follolfa to wit:
To Independent School District #261:
To Independent School District #550:
To Independent School District #544:
18 .1515%"
--;-:,,,c. rv:::i;_:-0~0d ef:focu;,e rll.lte of this Order is hereby fixed cs th~ ~!_-
d'ay of, ... §~£~~!,__ 19 ZQ.._.
· . . . · . County Auditor
The. matter of the dissolution of Common School District #1390
was taken up for action. After listening to various interested parties, the
Board issued the following Intermediate Order, to-wit:
...... _ .. , ....... ·.·
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the following Intermediate Order attaching
Common School District No. 1390 waa edopted by the
Board of County Conmiseionere of Otter Tail County, ~innesota ----------. on the 2lst day_ of July 1970 • -
The above entitled matter came before the County Board of·Otter Tail
County, Minnesota, at Session in the City of
Fergus Falt in said county, on the 14th day of July 19...l.Q..,
at 10:00 o'clock A.M. , under the provieions of M.s. 122.44 Laws of 1969 ----
NOW THEREFORE IT IS ORDERED that said Common School District ----------------No. 1390 be attached pursuant to M. s. 122044, that the territory embraced
therein be attached to other existing districts maintaining claesi.fied
P.lementary and secondary schools as follows, to-wit:
To Independent School District #550:
All the territory comprising Common Sehool District #1390
IT IS ORDERED that said Intermediate Order as adopted by the County B~ard
of __ o_t_t_e_r~_T_a1. .... · 1 _______ County accompany the plat as r.Pt:t"i T""~ ny
IT IS FURTHER ORDERED, that the assets and liabilities of said· Common
School District.No. 1390 be distributed as follows to wlt:
To Indep.endent School District #550:
All the assets .a!1d liabilities of Co!)lmon School District #1390
The p~o~oRed effective date of this O~de~ is hereby fixed as the 21st www-w ~
d~y 0£ July 19 70 o . . .. ,.,· .. -.............. ..,..._____ -
Motion was made by James Bucholz, seconded by John Snowberg .and
unanimously carried, to refappoint Arnold Haugrud to the Board of the South
Buffalo Watershed District.
A d1scussion was held in response to a petition from the road men
of the County Highway Department for increase in pay, no action taken.
Motion was made by James Bucholz, seconded by Andy Leitch and
unanimously carried, to approve the plat of Dahlke's Add'n, subject to road approval
and Attorney's opinion as to title.
Motion was made by Otto Haase, seconded by Andy Leitch and unani-
mously carried, to approve the plat of Sunset Beach, subject to road approval and
Attorney's opinion as to title.
Motion was made by James Bucholz, seco-nded by Andy Leitch and
unanimous~y carried, to rescind the resolution of November 5, 1969, setting forth
the County Planning Agency to be made up for the five County Commissioners and
the County Auditor.
Upon motion made by John Snowberg, seconded by James Bucholz and
carried, Andy Leitch voting "no", the following resolution was adopted:
RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners, Otter Tail County
Minnesota, that
WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners has determined to pro-
ceed with the preparation of a comprehensive plan for sewer and water as financed
by the F.H.A., and
WHEREAS, A eounty Planning Agency is a necessary vehicle for co-
ordinating, managing and reviewing such a plan;
NOW, THEREFORE, be it hereby resolvd by the Board of County Com-
missioners, Otter Tail County Minnesota, that the County Planning Agency is estab-
lished and the agency membership shall consist of the County Auditor and staff and
the Highway Engineer and staff.
Dated at Fergus Falls, Minnesota, this 21st day of July, 1970.
-=------------dl,_,,.._....O . a~ Chairman -eJ'-o"'
County Auditor
Upon motion made, seconded and carried, the meeting adjourned to
10:00 A.M. o'clock, Monday, August 10, 1970.
... ' ,