HomeMy WebLinkAboutBoard of Commissioners - Minutes - 05/12/1970MINUTES OF 'IHE ADJOURNED MEETING OF 'IHE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OTTER TAIL COUNTY MINNESOTA Pursuant to adjournment the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County Minnesota met Tuesday, May 12th, 1970 at 10:00 A.M. o'clock, all members being present. Upon motion made by Andy' Leitch·, seconded by Otto Haase and unani- mously carried, the County Auditor was authorized to advertise for bids to be re- ceived until 11:00 A.M., o'clock, June 9, 1970 for the following: GRADING AND AGGREGATE SURFACING S.A.P. 56-623-03 S.A~P. 03-602-01 C.P. 70:23 Length 5.811 miles, located from the Jct. T.H. S.A.P. 56-626-05 S.A.P. 26-626-81 S.A.P. 56-669-01 #34 North and West to the Clay Cowity Line C.P. 60:26 Length 3.710 miles, located from the West County Line, 20 miles SW of Fergus Falls, to 3.7 miles East. · C.P. 70:69 Length 2.505 miles, located from the South Cowity Line to Jct. CSAH #46, 4.5 miles East of Parkers Prairie. AGGREG~TE BASE.AND ROAD MIX BITUMINOUS SURFACING S.A.P. 56-655-05 C.P. 70:558 Length 2.422 miles, located 2100 ft. SE of Jct. C.H. #128 to 1 miles. of s. Corporate Limites of Ottertail. Village. Upon motion made by John Snowberg, seconded by James Bucholz and unani- mously carried, a plat of 1st Add'n. to Moore's Beach was approved subject to Road approval, title opinbn and approval by the County Surveyor, etc. I RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING COUNTY STATE AID HIGHWAYS Commhs loner Andy Leitch p·resented the fol lowing resoluUon seconded by Commissioner James Buchob, and moved Jts adoption'. WHEREAS, It Is deemed necessa.ry a·nd of pub It c exigency that· lands for highway purposes and public use be obtained; and WHEREAS, Otter Tall County has power and authority to establish·; alter, vacate or revoke county highways; NOW, THEREFORE,. In pursuance of Minnesota Statutes 163, It 1s hereby resolved that Otter Tall County take f,or use on County State Aid HI ghway Num~ers 11 and, 23 a rl ght of_ way. In and over the lands herein · described. together with the following rights: All trees, shrubs, grass and herbage within the right of way of said county highway, herein acquired, and to keep and have the exelus Ive control .of the same; to ac:qul re from the owners whose lands front thereon any ex1$tlng right of access to said ~lgh- way and to keep and have the exclusive control of a11 access to said highway In accordance wJth the laws governing access to highways; an estat~ In feo slmple ~bsolute to the lands within the satd right of way; to construct slopes upon and remove materials from the lands hereln.spectflcally mentioned to be taken for those purposes as provided fn the plans and specifications which are on fl le at the office of the County Engineer, Otter Tai 1 County, Fergus Falls, Minnesota, and also the right to waste, dispose of, and place gravel, stone, clay, dirt, sand and other materials on the lands herein specifically mentioned to be taken for those purposes. The lands and rights claimed and proposed to be so taken are situated In Otter Tall County, Minnesota, and are described as follows, and the names of all persons appearing of record as known to the County Board of Commls- sloners to be tho owners or occupants of said lands and rights, or fnterested therein; Including all whom the County Board of Commissioners, by Investiga- tion and Inquiry to discover, tOgether wlth the nature of the ownership of each as nearly as can be ascertained, and the· legal description of the tracts of land through which the county state aid highways wl 11 pass, are as follows: Poree) S (C.P. 70:11) The Westerly Fifty (50) feet of the fol lowing described tract: The Southwest Quarter (SWl) of Section 8, TOW11shlp 133 North, Range l.tlt West. Excepting therefrom right of way of existing highways. Containing 1.03 acres, more or less. Also, the Easterly Fifty (SO) feet of the following described tract: The South One (1) Rod of the Northeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter (NEi of SEi) of Section 7, Township 133 North, Range 44 West. Excepting therefrom right of way of existing highways. Containing 0.01 acre, more or. less. Also an easement to construct slopes, as shown on the plans, contain• f ng 0.35 acre, whlt;h shal 1 cease on or before December 31. 1970. Also that all telephone and power lines can be placed on the right of way line. The names of parties known by the Board to be the owners and occupants or Interested Jn the above descrfbed 1andand the nature,of thelr Interests are, as follows: 115 rJ ,., I -~ ,/" w,.: Umlauf Raymond Umlauf Etwl n. Umlauf Michael Umlauf Rodney Umlauf Richard Umlauf · Gregory Umlauf Wt111am Umlauf Karl Umla~f Estate Son Son ·Grandson Grandson Grandson Grandson· Grandson ·G.randson . - Parcel~ (C.P. 70:23) · A strip of land over' and across the fol )owing described tract, The Northwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter (NW-l; of NW!) of Sect I on 21, ·rownsh l.p 137 North, Range 43 West., said strip being al I that part .of the· above described tract which lies within Fifty (50) 'feet on the Easterly side of the following described centerline: , . Beginning at the Southwest corner of the Northwest Quarter of th(3 Northwest Quarter (NWq of NW¼) of Section 21-T137N•R43W,. . thence North·Oo0 101 East for a distance of 1,183.2 feet, thence · deflect to the right on a 01°00 1 curve (Delta Angle 0;0 29 1 ) for ·a distance of 1711.2 feet, and there terminating. ~xcep.tlng. therefrom. rl ght of way· .of. exlstlr'lg highways. Containing 0.53 acre• more or less. Also ·an easement to construct slopes, as shown on .the plans, contain· Ing 0.62 acre, which shall cease on or before December 31, 1970. Also that a·11 telephone end power lines cali be placed on the right of way 1 lne. . The names qf parties known by the Board to be the owners and occupants or Interested In the above described land and the nature of their Interests are, as follows: Minnesota Tree Farms. Inc. Osage, Minnesota · Dated at Fergus F'a11s, Mlnnesot1;1 this 12th day of Hay, 1970. ATTESTED: .·~·· BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS .· · ~,OF OTTER TAIL COUNTY /. ·. Jl4 ·I . • .)<:;:~/£., 116 ·1 I RESOLUTION. · _BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY.COMMISSIONERS OTTER TA IL COUNTY~ MINNESOTA WHEREAS, the Board .of County·Commissioners on Jin~ary 2~ 1951 agreed by resolutidn to pay township aid according to the amoun'ts levied by the . townships, and which amounts are. as ·fol lows: From 10 mills and up, but less than 15 mills . From 15 mi 1 ls and up, but less.-'than 20 mi J·Js 20. mi I ls ·and up $100 .. 00 .. · $200. 00 $300.00. NOW, THEREFORE, BE· IT RESOLVED, that.the amounts to be paid to the respective townships according to-their road and bridge levies for ·1970 shall be as follows: Township Total ·MU ls.Levied· Amount Aastad 29.70 300.00 Amor 23.81 300.00 · Aurdal 24.31. -300 .00. Blowers 8.96 None BI uffton 2.-70-· None Buse 14.82 I 00. 00 .. Butler 26.35 300.00 Candor · 20.24 .. 300.00 Carl i.s le 19.32 200·!00.· Clitherall 27.44 · 300.00 . Compton 2 l. 21 300.00 Corliss ·18.23 . 200.00 Dane Prairie I 8.-16 200.00 .. Dead Lake 29.96 300~00 · Deer Creek 29.86 300.00 Dora ·24.51 .300~ 00 .Dunn 23.-76' 300.00 Eagle Lake 19.74 .· 200.00 . Eastern 2 l.28 300.00. Edna 23.64 300.00 Effington 33.33 . 300.00 Elizabeth· ·19.36 200~ 00 . 117 ·i • • Township Elmo Er.hards Grove . Everts Fergus Falls Folden Fri.berg Girard Gorman Henning Hoba'rt. Homestead Inman· Leaf Lake Leaf·Mountain Lida Maine Maplewood Newton Nidaros· Norwegian Grove Oak Valley Orwe 11 Oscar . Otter -Tail Otto PaddocK- Parkers Prairie Pe l'i can .Perham Pine Lake Rush Lake · Saint Olaf Scambler· Sta'r Lake 19 .15 .· 21'. 16 19.68 9,27 . 25.42 . 26.34 ·. 22·.96 24.86, 19.23. ·. 21-.']5 .17.·44 · 26.85 19.16 28'. 85 19.36 23 ."28 30,50 . 24.67 . 35.15 2 l.82 3l.58 19.90 28.26. · l O. 04 25 .12 . ] 7 .84 26.47 .30 . .11 23.23. 25.92 23.22 19.26 -17.80 . 26.:05 118 ·Amount• - 200.:00. 300.00 ·. 200.00 .. None 300·.oo 300.00 300.00 300.-00 · 300.00 200.:00 300.-00 .· :200.00. 300.00 -200.00 · -300. 00, . 300.00· ·. ·300.00 300.00 · 300.-00 . . -200. 00 . 300. 00 . 100.·00. ·300.00 · · 200. 00 300.00 -300.00 300.00 300.00 300'.00 200 .00. . -200.00 . -300.00 Township Sverdrup· Tordenskjo 1 d Trondhjem Tumu 1 i Western Woodside Total Mills~Levied . :25~{)7 . · 22.'88 ·29.36 15.25 ·22.52 19. 16 Adopted this· 12th. day.of May,_·1970 .. · Chairman-// Attest: ~~=-. · ""--+~~~;....;;..;_· · ·.'--=-.··..;..._·•-· __ Auditor 119 ·Amount 300.00 300.00 300 .. 00. ·. .200.00 300.00 · 200;00 · . $15, 600 .-00. . The Board having previously advertised for bids for grading and aggregate surfacing, S.A.P. 56-611-06 (C.P. 70:11), proceeded to open bids which were found to be as follows: Conroy Construction Dumont, Minnesota L. Hillstrom Vergas, Minnesota Ed Zimmerman Barrett, Minnesota Marvin E. Lund· Glenwood, Minnesota Harvey W. Nelson Lake Park, Minnesota Evavold -Vikesland Construction Fergus F~lls, Minnesota Strom Construction Moorhead~ Minnesota Soby Const~ction, Inc. Fergus Falls, Minnesota Ralph Stewart Starbuck, Minnesota Stan Morrill, Inc. Fergus F~lls, Minnesota $37,156.77 38,017.88 . 39,512.90 42,078.81 44,069.22 46,263.75 46,697.35 47,862.95 48,728.36 50,673.46 Upon· motion made by Jam~s . ..:~·uchol~, seconded by AndytLeitchi :: and unanimously, the bid of Conroy Construction Company, Dumont, Minnesota, in the amount of $37,156.77 was accepted, it being the lowest bid. Motion was made by John Snowberg, seconded by James Bucholz and carried to increase the Depositors Forgery Bond to $25,000.00 at a premiwn of $110.00 for three year period. The Board having previously advertised for bids for One 1970 Police Car, F.O.B. Fergus Falls, proceeded to open bids which were found to be as follows: Reuben Klein Motor Co., Fergus Falls Minnesota Motor Co., Fergus Falls Minnesota Motor Co., Fergus Falls Fergus Dodge, Inc., Fergus Falls Plymouth Buick Chevrolet Dodge $3,254.15 3,376.95 3,307.00 3,375.45 Upon motion made by Andy Leitch, seconded by John Snowberg and unani- mously carried, the bid of Reuben Klein Motor Co., Fergus Falls for a 1970 Plymoeth in the amount of $3,254.15 was accepted, it being the lowest bid. ' 1.20 I Upon motion made by Otto Haase, seconded by James Bucholz and ' unanimously carried, the following resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County Minnesota, that WHEREAS said Board upon petition dated March 11, 1968 re- questing the Minnesota Public Service Commission investigate into conditions surrounding the highway railroad grade crossing located at the point where CSAH #75 cross the right of way and tracks of the Northern Pacific Railway Company one mile west of Wadena, Minnesota,.and WHEREAS work has been completed in accordance with Minnesota Railroad & Warehouse Commission Order #R-2498-D-3984 in the installation of Minn~sota Standard Automatic Electric Highway Railroad Grade Crossing Gate Signals at a cost of $21,456.50; 65% ($13,946.72) to be borne by the State of Minnesota; 10) ($2_,145.65) to be borne by Burlington Northern participationg nad 25% ($5,364.13) to be borne by Otter Tail County, NOW THEREFORE, the County Auditor is hereby authorized and directed to isaue a warrant in the amount of $5,364.13 to the Burlington Northern Inc., on the Road and Bridge Fund Account. Dated at Fergus Falls, Minnesota, this 12th day of May, 1970. Chairman ATTEST: 121 ' Upon motion made by James Bucholz, seconded by Otto Haase, and unani- mously carried, the following applications for homestead classification were approved: Ronald F. & Virginia Pikula Arnold Harvala Herman Poss Carl W. & Mary E. Hurd Elmer & Julia A. Ringquist W½ S.L. 12 & S.L. 13, 14 and 15, Sec. 27 Tract-in Section 3 Lot 1, ex. tr. Sec. 1 Lot 8, Holiday Beach W 50' of E 275' of N 150' of S.L. 5, 3rd Ward SE¼ SE¼ Butler Township Blowers Township Pelican Township (Girard Township City of Fergus Falls The application of Arthur Peterson in Clitherall Township for reduction in th~ assessed valuation was approved as new garage was assessed as a larger structure than actually was. The Board approved the application of Arthur G. Meyer of the Meyers Outdoor Advertising, Inc._, and cancelled the tax on a Hamm's Be-eri:Sign in Fergus Falls Township, which attually did not exist. The Board approved the application of the Parkers Prairie Cooperative Creamery Ass'n for the reduction of assessed valuation in the Village of Parkers Prairie, subject to approval by the State Tax Department. May 13, 1970. Upon motion the meeting adjourned to.10:00 o'clock A.M., Wednesday i ,, 122 WEDNESDAY'S SESSION Pursuant to adjournment, the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County met at 10:00 A.M., o'clock, Wednesday May 13th, all members present. A resolution asking for the dissolution_of Common School District #1531 was taken up for final action. After;listening to the various interested I parties, motion was made by Otto Haase, seconded by James Bucholz and unanimously carried to disso.lve said district. attaching the territory to School District #549 and the following Interlocutory Order was issued, to-wit: 1.23 I' I ! ::~:~,~~-:::~:.~~~~.. . Jss. IN THE MATIER OF THE DISSOLUTION OF ........ ~~~~~~ ............... SCHOOL DISTRICT NO ... ~~.~.~ ...... .. The above entitled matter came on duly to be heard by the County Board of. ............................ . ................... '?~~.~.~ .. -:X:~~} ........................ County, Minnesota, at ................ ?.~~.~J9.~ ...... ~ ..................... : .............. in the .................. ~~~?:.......................................... of. ........ ~~E~~~ .. Y..~~}.~ .............................. : .......... in said County, on the ........ J~.~~ .......... day of. ................. ~J?.!.~~ ............................ , 19 .. .?.~., at .. !.~.=.~~ .... o'clock .... ~ .... · .. M., pur- suant to notice duly gfoen as provided by la.w and the order of said Board; and the Board having heard all persons interested in said matter, both for and against, finds as follows: First-That said proceedings were institittecl by: ~)=: .... ~~~~f · !-';·;:, ,, • •"' ••: · ,, , : 1: , • 0o'.!.1kiJJ~ ~s,a-a,;.;a,tn1:,i,!ed, ~.,,,_,, '" , .. ,. ·~,...,,., .. : , ,• r tllJJf.J.=C:t, • , ., · · ''"-•• , • , , • •• ,-.,, • .....:..:.,.,.:;::iJ)~ .. : (:v:)@ •. 1;.:;rcr:tim:r:::g,/,~r]Ft~ru~::::.z~j:.:p-er:l1-a:1 dw.<·rx1:sidirrg;;im;:·.sa;id;::Jfjstz: .. .ii:t..- ( c). A resolution adopted by the electors of said district at a legal meeting and certified by the Clerk of said district to the Coimty Auditor. · · Second-ThGrt less than 90 days ha•ue elapsed since the da.te _of said hearing and the Board being of the opinion, frorn the facts adduced at said hearing, that it is expedient and will be to the bes.t interest of the inhabitants of sa-id territory to have said school district dissol·ved; NOW THEREFORE IT IS ORDERED, Tlwt said ................. c;:.9.~9~ ..................................... School D·istrict No ....... ~.~~~ .................. be dissolved and tha.t the territory embraced therein be attached to other exfating school districts or unorganized tc;·ritory as follows, to-wit: To Independent School District #549: I . I . , ., ' •• I All the territory· comprising Common School District #15311. ' (S) IT IS FURTHER ORDERED, That the assets and Uabilities of said ........ ~~~~~ ............................. :. S -z._ 1 n· t · t v · 1531 b ·a· _,___.b ta· ·1 11 · • c,wo,, 1,& 1u .;r o .. , .. , ................ : .. , e · z.s.,,i u e as 01111ows, to-wit: T9 Independent School District #549: All moneys, credits, funds, property, both real and personal, including taxes forothe year 1970 and prior years collected after June 30, 1970, and all obligations of Common School District #1531 shall become the obligations of Independent School _District #549. ( 4) That the outstanding bonded debt of said .Common Scho_ol District #1531 is NONE. (5) Th'at the proposed effective date of this order is June 30, 1970 •. I Dated May 13th, 1970. · I ATIEST: I i · I . I. County Auditor Board of County Commissioners of the County of Otter Tail, State of Minnesota Chairman ... ' 1:?4 A resolution asking for the dissolution of Common School District #552 was taken up for final action. After iistening to the va:mus interested parties, motion was made by James Bucholz, seconded by Otto Haase and unanimously carried to dissolve said district and the following Interlocutory Order was issued, to-wit: ~tate cf ~frff£zr:ota, } · ;?)..,;U ss. County of. .......... 9.f_~.~.r .. .T.~JJ. ................................... . IN THE MATIER OF THE DISSOLUTION OF ......... ~q~~q~ .............. SCHOOL DISTRICT NO ... ~.?~ ...... . The above entitled matter came on duly to· be heard by the County Board ofL .......................... . ··•···········;·~·~·~·~?: .. !.~~~ .......................... County, Minnesota, at ................ ~.~~~~~~·······>····················· .. · .. ··········in the ...... , ......... ~.~.~Y... ... ·..................................... of ........... ~~.~.~.~?. .. ~.~}.~~ ....................................... in said Count!}, '1 on the ..... ~.it~ ........... '. ... day of. ........ Ap;rp ................................. , 19?.9 .... , at}.9.~.9.Q .... o'clock ... A ..... M., pur- suant to notice duly given as provided by law and the order of said Boa.rdj and the Board lwdng heard all persons ·interested in said matter, both for and a.gainst, finds as follows.; · First-That sa,id proceedings were instituted by: ~...-:' . • • ' I I 7;¢m,;r-....aj:.;-.1 h;:: e ,XJ1;iJ,;;;r¢-f';x;r;-7,~-f)wrrrwf.tti:o::rerx..£J. f . ' .... ·..;, . ·, .· :, ._..: ... ~~~J:rr:.cmy' (c) A resolution adovted by the electors of said district at a legal meeting and certified by the -Clerk of said district to the County A.iulitor. - . . . ': ' . 'I · Second-That less than 90 day:, ha,i;e elapsed s-incc the date of said liearing and tl-J,(? Bocird being of the· opinfo1i, from the facts adduced at said hearing, that it ,i,s e:.cpedien{ and will be to the best £nterest of the inhabitants of said territory to have said school district dissolvedj NOW THEREFORE IT IS ORDERED, That said ................. c.'!.~~~···•···· .. ·················· ... ······School District No ......... ~~~············· ... ·· be dissolved and thcit the territory embraced therein be attached to other existing school districts or 1uwrganized tctr-itory as follows, to-wit: To Independent School District #549: All the territory comprising Common School District #552 · (8) IT IS FURTHER ORDERED, That·the•assets and liabilities of said., ... ': ... ~.?!11~?!1.• .................. . School District Ho .... ?.?.? .... : ..... , be distributed as follows, to-wit: To Independent School District #549: Al 1 moneys,. ·credits, funds, property, both real and personal, including taxes for the year 1970 and prior years collected after , June 30, 1970, and all obligations of Common School District #552 shall become thi obliiation~ of Independent School District #549. {4) That the outstanding bonded debt of said Common School District #552 is·NONE. (5) That• the proposed. effective.•date of this order is June 30, 1970. Dated M~y l~th, 1970 .... ' " CoW1ty Auditor_ Board of County Commissioners of the County of' Otter Tail, State of Minnesota Chairman 126 A resolution asking for the dissolution of Common School District #1376 was taken up for final action. After listening to the various interested parties, motion. was made by Andy Leitch, seconded by James Bucholz and unanimously carried to dissolve said distrist and the following Interlocutory Order was issued, to-wit: _127 \ =~:~,~~~:.:~:i~l~~t~.. Jss. IN TEE MATTER OF THE DISSOLUTION OF ... P?.MMQN .................... SCHOOL DISTRICT NO •.. }~?.? ..... . The above entitled matter came on duly to be heard by the County Board of. .... <?.~~·~·~·············· ............................. Tail .......................... County) 111 innesota, at ................ !?.~.~.~t@ ....... :: ................................... in the ....................... q~Y..................................... of-....... .f.~rgµ·~···f.~.U .. ~ .......................................... in said County, on the ...... }5t~·····•··•····day of ........................ ~P!~.1 ...................... , 19 ... 7.0 .. ) at.10.:.0.Q .... o'clock ..... A ... M., pur- suant to notice duly given as provided by law and the order of said Board; and the Board having heard all persons interested in said matter, both for and against, finds as follows:· First-Tluit said proceedings were institu-ted by: (c) A. resolution adopted by the electors of said d-istrict at a legal meeting and certified by the Clerk of said district to the County Auditor. · Second-That less than 90 da,ys ha1,0e elapsed since the date of said liear-ing and the Boa.rel being of the· op-inion, from the facts adduced at said he a-ring, that it is expedient and will be to the ·best interest of the inluibitants of sa-id territory to have said school district dissolved; NOW THEREFORE IT IS OI(,DERED, That said ............ Common .................................... School District No ....... J.~.?.~ ................ be dissolved and that the territory embraced therein be attached to other existing school districts or unorga.nized tc;-ritor!I as follows, to-wit: To Independent School District #261: All the territory. comprising Common School District #1376. ' . . ' .. ·,, ' \ \ '(8) IT IS FURTHER ORDERED, That the assets and liabilities ·ot said.: .... , .. G9.fll:nt.ot:i .. '. ... School Di,strict No ... : ... )}7.~ .. ,:,, be distributed as follows, to-wit: To Independnet School District #261: All moneys, credits, funds, property, both real and personal, including truces for the year 1970 and prior years collected after . June 30, 1970, and all obligations of Common School District #1376 shall become . the obligations of Independen~ School District #261. (4) That the outstanding.bonded debt of said.Common School ·oistrict.#1376 is NONE. (5) 'That the proposed effective date of this order is June 30, 1970. Dated May 13th, 1970. ·County Auditor Board of County Commissioners of the County of Otter Tail, State of Minnesota Chairman 128 A resolution asking for the dissolution of Common School District #1377 was taken up· for final action. After listening to the various interested parties, motion was made by Andy Leitch, secended by John Snowberg and unanimously carried to dissolve said district and the following Interlocutory Order was issued, to-wit: 129 I ' ~tatz n:uZ ~f nne!{ota } . .Ji~~ ' ss. County of. ...... 9.~.~-~.! .... T~.~·~········································· IN THE MATIER OF THE DISSOLUTION OF ...... ~9~~(?~·r ................ SCHOOL DISTRICT N0 .. )}7.7-...... . The above entitled matter came on duly to be heard by the County Board of. ...... --.................... . ................. ~~~.~.!. .. 1'~.~·~························County, Minnesota, at ................ ~.~~.~.~.~~······:: ................................... in the ........................ ~.~.;r.................................... of-........ ~.~.~g~~ .. F.~U~ ......................................... in said County, on the ........ ~.~·~·~········•···day of-.................................... i\P..~~·~········, 19 ... ?.~., at.}.~.=.~.~ .... o'clock .... ~ ...... M., pur- suant to notice duly g-iven as provided by law and the order of said Board; and the Board having heard all persons interested in said matter, both for and against, finds as follows: First-That sa,id proceedings were instituted by: M .S .A. 122. 33 Closed School Law .,,:.._..,;._....,1~-,-1..,.~ . 7 I -+.-~~1,-.n-'-~~·-~:°C-,"~~~.;,-,r,-•r,-,,..,~; . .(.;~•1-"!)7,-4·1.._, '\a 1 , -.__---..-• , '➔ [•& , ·, , ., ............ ~.....-...-.,~,:,,,, ... ~ r'..,,,,_..;.,..,u, "'-..... ~~... · -~:.1-~:..-..u-•~~~~~J..r,,,·~ __ .; 1.,J1,r' c::::=: .. _...,..,_"r""7 ;.;..:.:.-:1;.--.~ :..,.:,.tL--c.~~~-;;:.::.':.:.,':-:::l±t:n·.-:, · Second-That less than 90 days have elapsed since the dcif;e of said hearing and the Board being of the opinion, from the· facts adduced at said hearing, that it is expedient and will be to the best interest of the inhabitants of said territory to have said school clistri.ct dissolved; N01:-V THEREFORE IT IS ORDERED, That said....... . ...... C.9.TJ'!rr.tr:m .................................. School District No ..... ~.~?.!. ................... be dissolved and that the territory embraced there,in be attached to other existing school districts or unorganized tc;·r·itory as follows, to-wit: To Independent School District #261: All the territory comprising Common School District #1377. '. i l : , (3) IT IS FURTHER ORDERED, That the assets and liabilities of said ... '. .. : ...... G.O.llll1l9rt ...... . School. District No,.,.1.~]7 : ..... , be distributed as follows, to-wit: To Independent School District #261: All moneys, credits,funds, property, both real and personal, including taxes for the year 1970 and prior years collected after June 30, 1970, and all obligations of Common School District #1377 shall become ·. the obligations of Independent School District #261. ( 4) That the outstanding bonded debt of said Common School Dis.trict #1377 is NONE. (5) . That th·e·proposed'effective date 'of this o~der is·June.30~ 1970. Dated May 13th, 1970. County Auditor Board of County Commissioners of the County of Otter Tail,.State of Minnesota Chairman 130 A resolution asking for the dissolution of Common School District #1383 was tal<en up for final action. After listening to the various interested parties, motion was made by Andy Leitch, seconded by James Bucholz and unanimously carried to d1ssolve said district and the following Interlocutory Order was issued, ·to-wit: .. 131 . i I ~t"te of -~inne~ota \ ~vu. ' ~ss. County of. ...... 9.~~~!. ... !..~~.~ .......................................... } IN THE MATIER OF THE DISSOLUTION OF ... ~9.~~g::m .................... SCHOOL DISTRICT NO ... P~.~ ...... .. The above entitled matter came on duly to be heard by the County Board of. ............................ . .................. .<?.~:':~.~ ... T.?:~.~························County, Minnesota, at ................ ~.~~~j.<.>.1! ....... : .................................... in the ........................ f.~.;Y.................................... of ......... F.~.!.g_~?. .. f..~J~.?. ......................................... in said County, on the .... }~.~·~···· .. ··· ... ~ .. day of. .................... :'.\P.1:~.~······ .. · ............... , .19?.~ .... , at .. J~.=.~~ .. o'clock ...... ~ .... M., pur- suant to notice duly gi·ven as provided by law and the order of said Board; and the Board having heard all persons interested in said 1natter, both for and against, finds as follows: First-That said proceedings were instituted by: (c) .t resol1ition adopted by the electors of said cUstrict at a legal rneeting and certified by the Clerk of sa,id district to the County A.uclitor. Second-That less than 90 days have elapsed since the date of swid hearing and the Board being of the opinion, from the facts adduced at said hearing, that it is expedient and wW be to the best interest of the inhabitants of said territory to have said school district dissol-ved; NOW THEREFORE IT IS ORDERED, That said ................. C.q~~!l ..................................... School District No ..... ~.~~·~···················· be dissolved and that the territory embraced therein be attached to other existing school districts or unorganized te;·ritory as follows, to-wit: To Independent School District #542: All the ~erritory comprising Common School District #1383 . . . . (S) IT IS FURTHER ORDERED, That the·assets and liabilities of'said ........ : .. Common·.: .. : ... . S ho 1 D" t . t v . .1383 ... b d. t "b _, f. 1z . . . . c Ov 1,S rw Jr o .......................... , e is ri uteu, as Ov ows, to-w1,t. , r To Independent School District #542: All moneys, credits, funds, property, both real and personal including taxes for the year 1970 and prior years collected after June 30, .1970, and all obliga.tions of Common School District #1383 shall become the obligations of Independent School District #542. ·(4) That the out.standing b0onded debt of said Common School.District #1383 is NONE. (5) That the proposed effective date of .this order is June 30, 1970. Dated May ·13th, 1970 ... ATTEST: · · · · County Auditor Board of County Commissioners of the County of Otter Tail, State of Minnesota Chairman 132 A resolution asking for the dissolution of Common School District #1387 was taken up for final action. After listening to the various interested parties, motion was made by Andy Leitch, seconded by James Bucholz and unanimously carried to dissolve said district and the following Interlocutory Order was issued to-wit: 133 , I 'I ~tate of 1W(tnntsota, } ' ss. Otter Tail County of. ............................................................................ . IN THE MATI'ER OF THE DISSOLUTION OF ... C::9.MMQN. ................... SCHOOL DISTRICT NO.}}~?. ...... . The above entitled matter came on duly to be heard by the County Board of-........................... . .. . ... . . ......... .. 9.~~~~ .. .T.~~.t ....................... County, Minnesota, at ................ ~.~?.?.A9.TJ. ........ ·:; ................................. .-in' the ........................ ~~.~.Y..................................... of ......... f~?:Z.1:::> ... ~~}}.~ .......................................... in said County, on the .... J~~h-............... day of-.................. ~P.rU ........................ , 19'J.0 .... , at .. l.O.;JHL .. o'clock ....... .A..M., pur- suant to not·ice duly given as provided by law and the order of said Board; and the Board hav·ing heard a,ll persons interested in said rnatter, both for and against, finds as follows: First-That said proceedings were instituted by: ..,_... f : ~. • ~' ~~~~ -.✓-, • • • '"r'"'.,.............=.:;.:;;:; :;;i, : :J , • .! .;p :%. ;;;:: ... ~~;' '; u:;::.::,;.,~x~-q:::.,.. (c) A resolu,t·ion ado7)ted by the electors of said district at a legal meeting and certified by tht; Clerk of sa.id district to the County Aucl-itor. · 8~cond-Tlwt less than 90 days have elapsed since the date of said hearing and the Board being of the op-inion, frorn the facts adduced at said hearing, that it is e:r:pedient and will be to the best interest of the inhabitants of said territory to have said school district dissolved; NOW THEREFORE IT IS ORDERED, That said ................ .Common ..................................... School District No ........... ~~.~.?. ............. be dissolved and that the territory embraced therein be attached to other existing school dist1·icts or unor_gan·ized tc;·ritory as follows, to-wit: To Independent School District #550: All the territory comprising Common School District #1387 • . I (8) IT IS FURTHER ORDERED; That the assets and liabilities of said ......... fe>~e>.t:t ............................ . School District No ....... ~.~.~.? ... : .. , be distributed as follows, to-wit: To Independent School Distrfctt All moneys, credits, funds, property, both real and personal, including taxes for the year 1970 and prior years collected after June 30, 1970, and .. all obligations of Common School District #1387 shall become the obligations of Independent School _Di~trict #550~ (4) That .the outstand_ing bonde~ debt of said Common School District #1387 is NONE. (5) That the proposed effective date of this order is June 30, 1970. Dated M;1yil3th, 1970. ATTEST: - , County Auditor Board of County Commissioners·of the County of Otter Tail, State of Minnesota Chairman 124 A resolution asking for the dissolution of Common School District #1396 was taken up for final action. After listening to the various interested parties, motion was made by James Bucholz, seconded by John Snowberg and unanimously carried to dissolve said district and the following Interlocutory Order was issued, to-wit: ::~:~/~ ~:~~!1~~~.. J"· IN THE MATTER OF THE DISSOLUTION OF ... COMMQN .................... SCHOOL DISTRICT NO.J~~~ ... The above entitled matter came on duly to be heard by the County Board of. ............................ . ............... ~ ... q~~~! ... !~~:1: ........................ County, Minnesota, at ................ ~.£?.~.~~~A ...... :.~ .................................. in the ........................ ~~.9'.................................... of ........ ?.~~g_~~ ... r~J!.~ .......................................... in said County, on the ...... J~~? .. : .......... day of. .................. !\I?.!~~··························, 19 .. ?? .. , at .... ;.?.:.~~ .. o'clock .... ~ ...... M., pur• suant to not-ice duly given as provided by law and the order of said Board; and the Board having heard all persons interested in said matter, both for and against, finds as folloios: JNrst-That said proceedings were instituted by: ~-~{ ,t l;r:::.-&_~;.:v,r;i·~f;;c-:mm-+r;--v,,r=m-:j, 'li J. s;,. \ ), ;re: :"•. t•e ptL':: :0-m:.r..t.:t;:J;. ( c) A resolutfon adopted by the electors of said district a,t a lega.l meeting and certified by the; Clerk of sa-id district to the County Auditor. _ _ · Second-That less than 90 days have elapsed since the date of said Jiea:ring and the Board being of the opinion, from, the facts adduced· at said hearing, that it is exped-ient and will be to the best interest of the inhabitants of said territory to have said school district dissolved.,· NOW THEREFORE IT IS ORDERED, That said ................ C.9.Iff/J!QP .................................... School District No ..... }.~~~·················· be dissolved and that the territory embraced therein be attached to other existing school districts or unorganized tc;·ritory as follows, to-wit: To Independent School District #549: All the territory comprising Common School District #1396. (3) IT IS FURTHER ORDERED, That the assets and liabilities of said ..... , .... G9.Illil19.!l Schooi District No;: ... ).~9~ ..... :, be'distributed as foHows, to-wit: To Independent School District #549: All ·moneys, credits, funds, property, both real and personal, including taxes for the year 1970 and prior years collected after June 30, 1970, and all obligations of Common School District #1396 shall become the obligations of fo~ependent,School District #549. (4) That the outstanding bonded debt of said Common School District #1396 is NONE • . · ,\ I .. . ,' '. . ' (5) That the proposed effective date of this order is June 30, '1970. Dated May 13th, 1970. ATTEST: County Auditor ' . ' '' '.I·. . ...... Board of County Commissioners of-the County of Otter Tail, State of Minnesota l, ,., Chairman 136 A resolution asking for the dissolution of Common School District #1451 was taken up for final action. AFter listening to the various interested . parties, motion was made by James Bucholz, seconded by Andy Leitch and unanimo~~-lY carried to dissolve said district and the following Interlocutory Order was issued, to-wit: 137 ~:~:~,~it!i~~~~~~~'. J"· IN THE MATTER OF THE DISSOLUTION OF ... CONMON .................... SCHOOL DISTRICT NO ... }.~~~ ... .. The above entitled matter came on duly to be heard by the County Board of. ........................... .. ........ ....... ... ~.~.~.~~ .. I.~.~.1 ......................... Oounty, Minnesota, at ............... ~~.-?.~.~~~ ............................................ in City Fergus Falls · ·a 0 the.................................................................... of ............................................................................ m sai ounty, on the .... J?Jh ............... day of. ................ A.P.!..q·······••·· .................. , 197.Q .... , atJQ.;.Q.9. .... o'clock ........ ~ .. M., pur- suant to notice duly given as provided by law and the order of said Board; and the Board having heard all persons interested in said matter, both for and against, finds as follows: First-That saiid proceedings icere instituted by: .,...,,. • . '. .._,.:, • ..:,., ......... .,p . . ,J •. .,_,,,__ • +..-c,.,.1.,.,.,J.1--·~ • . .,,_...,,. t~ ..,....L,i-:,-~-"p-v,4 ~_;-. ..J.;~.~...:...p::z.--r:.1.....·.:::::'!JX:~.:...-.a:';::::_1.:.....=~~ ;s::;xmii;,..,.,,,..,.;;:wr;;~·,:mTw,':'.C.'.rn: u.,.,,;.;,,,.; (c) 11 resoltition adopted by the electors of said district at a legal meeting and certified by the Clerk of said district to the Ooimty Auditor. Seco·ndr-That less. than 90 days ha1:e elapsed since the da.te of said hearing and the Board being uf the opinion, from the facts adduced at said hearing, that it ~ expedient and will be to the best interest of the i?thabitants of said territory to h<tve said school district dissolved; NOW THEREFORE IT IS ORDliJRED, That said .............. Common ..................................... School D-istrict No ..... }'.!.-?.L ................ be dissolved and that the territory embraced therein be attached to other exiating school districts or u,norganized tc;·ritory as follows, to-wit: To Independent School District #549: All the territQ~Y comprising Common School District #1451. (3) IT IS FURTHER ORDERED, That the assets and liabilities of_sa· School District Xo ... ~ .. ~.~.1 .. ,.: ... ,be·distributed, as follows, to-wit: Common ·········· ........ ,. ······················· ............. . •," To Independent School District #549: All mon~ys, credits, funds, property, both real 1 and personal, including taxes for the year 1970 and prior[years collected after June 30, 1970, and all obligations of Common School District #1451 shall become the obligations of Independent School District ~549. \ (4) That the outstanding bonded debt of said Common School District #i4Sl is NONE; (5) That the proposed effective date of this order is June 30, 1970. Dated May 13th, 1970. • • I ' ATTEST:. ~Le-,,~~ County Auditor Board of County Commissioners of the County of Otter Tail, State of Minnesota Chairman 138 ' A resolution asking for the dissolution of Common School District #14 73 was taken up for final .. action. After listening to the various interested parties motion was made by James Bucholz, seconded by John Snowberg and unanimously carried to dissolve said district attachi~g the territory to School District #549 and the following Interlocutory Order was issued, to-wit: 1.39 r' :1 I I ~tate of ~inne~ota, }ss. County of. ......... Q;.;.~.r ... T.~;\..L ................................... . IN THE MATI'ER OF THE DISSOLUTION OF .......... ~Q~~9.~ ............. SCHOOL DISTRICT NO •..... J4.7.$ .. The above entitled matter came on duly to be heard by the County Board of. ............................ . . .......... .. .. ... P.~.~.~! . .I.~~~····· ................... County, Minnesota, at ............... :?.~.~.:>.;~m ......... ; .................................. in the ......... : .............. ~~~Y..................................... of. ........ ~.~!~~·~···~~.~.~.~ .......................................... in said County, on the ....... ~.~~~·············day of. ............ ~12!~L .............................. , 19!~ .... , at .. }.9.:.~~ .. o'clock ...... ~ .... M., pur- suant to notice duly given as provided by law and the order of said Board; and the Board lw11:ing heard all persons interested in said matter, both for and against, finds as follows: First-That said proceedings were instituted by: ~p;:_:;;;r,~ ~i-o,•~ ;:-; ~Jf,••; 1 . !' -\~ (:t::1-( .i. I' ~•j (Jav:;rtJ,J, ¢:!::I ' • · :t l::::::c·1 l; 'i: lj.l ,',: r:!rc-rlr,r:;;;r;;r;zsi;f;my;:in ,w;f;d,::a,iJ;t-,:fr:b (r:) A. resofotion adopted by the electors of said district a,t a legal meeting a.nd certified by the Clerk of said district to the County Auditor. Second-Tha-t less than 90 days ha•,;e elapsecl s·ince the date of said liearing and the Boa.rd be·ing of the opinion, from the facts adduced at said hearing, that it -is exped·ient and will be to the best interest of the inhabitants of said territory to have saicl school dfatrict d·issolved; iV01V THEREFORE IT IS ORDERED, That said ................ (.Qf!l.Tfl.9.TI ..................................... School District NoJ~?~ ....................... be dissolved and that the territory embraced therein be attached to other existing school districts or 11,nor_qanized tc;-ritor,11 as follows, to-wit: To Independent School District #549: All the territory comprising Common School District #1473. ,·, . \. (8) IT IS FURTHER ORDERED, That the assets and liabiiities of said ......... 9?.~~9!1 .................. .. School District.No.: .. }.~.?..~ .... ,.:, 'be distributed, as foUows, to-wit: To Independent School District #549: All moneys, credits, funqs, property, both real and personal, including taxes for the year 1970 and prior years collected after June 30, 1970, and all obligations of Common School District #1473 shall become the obligations of Iridependent School District #549. (4) That the outstanding bonded debt of said Common School District #1473 is NONE. (5) That the proposed effective date of this order is June 30, 1970 Dated May 13th, 1970. County Auditor . Board of County Commissioners of the County of Otter Taili State of Minnesota Chairman 140 The resolution asking for the dissolution of Common School District #1524 was taken up for final action; After listening tothe various interested parties motion was made by James Bucholz, seconded by John Snowberg and unanimously carried, to dissolve said district attachi_ng the territory to School District #549 and the following Interlocutory Order was issued, to-wit: 141 I ~tate of tJ[tnncsota, } : 88. County of. ......... 9..f.f.~.r ... T..~.~J ..................................... . IN THE MATIER OF THE DISSOLUTION OF ...... C.9!11'-~.0.N ................. SCHOOL DISTRICT NO ... ~?~.~····· .. The above entitled matter came on duly to be heard by the County Board of. ............................ . .. ................. ~~~~.~ ... 'F.~~·~························County, Minnesota, at ................ :i.~~~.~.<.?.I): ...... ::: .................... , ............. in the ......... :··············~·HY.................................... of. .......... f.~.r_gu~ ... F.aUs ............................ :··········in said County, on the ...... }~.~·~············day of. ................ A.P.r.~t ........................... , .19-7..9 .... , at.J9 . .=.9Q .... o'clock ...... A.::.M., pur- suant to noUce duly given as provided by law and the order of said Board; and the Board having heard cill persons interested ,in said matter, both for and against, finds as follows: First-That sa-id proceedings were instituted by: Closed School Di.strict Law ,¢;,j:t--:tt,;:;;z:;,:ro! ;:ii;~;.rq;f tI:/J•~J• ~l!J'fu~;:w;-uif:~...,...... .. ..,TZTI .-•., •. ,-, ' 1·, · -_:!,, :, '=-'!P ~~:;;; .:'Alt, "'.,.:,...,.l;ur., . &~·:)'. .'. .:r.:"':'7: .... : .· ·· .... : .· ·.· ,-,.;,,.,..;..'i(f.;r:;"g::v:j.;;....,,.T"I:;,r,;"7>•· . ' ' ) .,. l~: _cc;;=::'::!;::;.;;;::·::::;,::j.;'.::.;:..::::;:;p:z:z;=::·:::· \t:··:::::::::.:;::::::,;;::;:;;:i:;u,:::::~!-:!:!r;,·~~ta;.~;.r;.z~ix..':;;~;l;n:::~;::::;:u;:;fmelr;r;frle:i~g.-·i'~ sazr!,-:-:r:i;st:-ict.'!'J 1= ;· , l = J J: 1. ·, ,.,,, ·;; 7? j:I' ;t7":~~,,.:;txr:;;:::;,•f :::1;1 i,:,;,71•,t,-, i/,: r;!; ·r;:icyUJ,,z;;:me U,UiJJ'nndxmifi-;:d-hyp.w ~~,7r-::··r:-:-:~:::~~;. .!, -· C:.:.1:-::...17)="L-x-dJ:,7or--·'J Se_cond-Tha.t less than 90 days have elapsed since the da.te of said hea,ring and the Board being of the opinion, from the facts adduced at said hecir,ing, that it is expedient and will be to the be.c;t interest of the inhabitants of said territory to have said school district dissolved; NOW THEREFORE IT IS ORDERED, That said ............... C.ommon ..................................... School District No ........... ~?.~.~·············· be dissolved and that the territory embraced therein be attached to other existing school districts or unorganized tc;-r•itory as.follows, to-wit: To Independent School District #549: All the terri~9~y comprising Common School District #1524. •'•'.),.· r' .. '(3) IT IS FURTHER ORDERED~ That the assets and liabilities of said .... :.: .. ~Q~C>11 ... : .................. . S ho 1 n· t •·t V . 1524 , . b .d. t .. b ,:, ·r 11 . • . c o,, Z,S ru; ., 0 ............... :.:.: .... ,, e is n utew· as o,,,,ows, to-wi,t: To Independent School District #549: All moneys, credits, funds, property, both real and personal, including taxes for the year 1970 and prior years collected after June 30, 1970, and all obligations for Common School District #1524 shall become ·r.· the o~ligations ~t !~dependent School District #549. · ( 4) That the outs~anding bonded debt of said' Common School Dist~ict 11·524' is NONE~· (5) That the proposed effective date of this order is June 30, 1970. Dated May 13th, 1970 •. I ! . : · ·>. · · County Auditor. I. Board of County Commissioners of the County of Otter ~~il, State of Minnesota Chairman 142 A resolution asking for the dissolution of Common School ·District #1500 was taken up for final action. After listeni_ng to the various interested parties and. some disc\.lSsion motion was made by James Bucholz, seconded by John Snowberg and unanimously carried to table action until June 10th, 1970. The petition of Clarence & Ewiice Lerbakken requesting the SE¼ of Section 21, Township 134, Range 44 be set.off.from Common School District #1540 to INdependent School District #850 was taken up for final action. Motion was made by Andy Leitch, seconded by Otto Haase and unanimously carried to reject said petition because of failure to post notices and present affidavit of posting to County Auditor. The petition of Robert G. Nelson asking that the N½ of NW¼, except church, in Section 2 of Amor Township be set off from School District #541 to District #1524 was read and it was ordered that a hearing be held on said petition at 10:00 o'clock A.M., Jwie 10th, 1970 and that due notice of the time and place be given as required by law. A petiti>n of Thomas E. Pulford as~ing that tne NE¼ SW¼ and SE¼ NW¼ and SW¼ NE¼ and Lots l & 2 and Lot 8, Pulford's Beach Add'n in Section 2 of Amor Township be set off from School District #541 to District #1531 was read and ~twas ordered that a hearing be held on said petition at 10:00 o'clock A.M., June 10th, 1970 and that due notice of the time and place be given as required by law. A petition of Avery and Margaret Davenport asking that the NW1/4 and N½ of SW¼ of Section 22 and SW¼ SW¼ of Section 15, Fergus Falls Township be set off from School District #1430 to District #544 was read and it was ordered that a hearing be held on said petition at 10:'00 o'clock A.M., Jwie 10th, 1970 and that due notice of the time and place be given as required by law. 'll 143 A petition of R. W. Nicholson asking that certain lands in Sections 5, 6, 7 and_S of TlDDuli Township be set off from School District #1380 to District #1425 was read and it was ordered that a hearing be held on said petition at 10:00 o'clock A.M., June 10th, 1970 and that due notice-of ·the·time and place be given as required by law. A petition of Edward & Ma:rgaret Ledding asking that Lot 1, ex. pt W and S of ditch; Nti¼ NE¼ and pt. NW¼ NE¼ E of road, all in Section 23; and the NW¼ NW¼ of Section 24, Aurdal Townsh1p be·set off from School District #1520 to District #550 was read and it was ordered that a hearing be held on said petition at 10:00 o'clock A.M., June 10th, 1970 and that dµe notice ~f the time and place be given as required by law. A petition of Norris and Dorothy Krog asking that Prt of Lot 4 South of Road in Section 7 of Sverdrup Township be set off from District #1520 to District #550 was read and it was ordered that a heari_ng be held on said petition at 10:00 o'clock A.M., June 10th, 1970 and that due notice of the time and place be given as required by law. A petition of Quinton Tabb_ut asking that Lot 1 and NE¼ SE¼ of Section 11 and Lot 1 of Section 14 of Aurdal Township be set off from District #1520 to District #550 was read and it was ordered that a hearing be held on said petition at 10:00 o'clock A.M., June 10th, 1970 and that due notice of the time and place be given as required by law. A petition of Olvin Krog asking that Lots 2, 5 and 6 and Lot 1, ·ex. pt. E of driveway in Section 13 of Aurdal Township be set off from District #1520 to District #550 was read and it was ordered that a hearing be held on said petition at 10:00 o'clock A.M., June 10th, 1970 and that due notice of the time and :1place b·e given as required by law. A petition of Inga Wick asking that Lots 7, 8 and 9, Section 13 of Aurdal Township be set off from District #1520 to District #550 was read and it was ordered that a hearing be held on said petition at 10:00 o'clock A.M., June 10th, 1970 and that due notice of the time and place be given as required by law. 144 A petition of Melvin Wolden asking that the SW¼ of Section 13 of Aurdal Township be set off from Common School District #1520 to District #550 was read and it was ordered that a hearing be held on said petition at 10:00 o'clock A.M., June 10th, 1970 and that due notice of the time and place be given as re- quir~d by law. A petition of Mrs. Anna Twedt asking that the SE¼ NW¼ and Lots 3 & 4 of Section 13, Aurdal Township, be set off from School District #1520 to District #550 was read and it was ordered that a hearing be held on said petition at 10:00 o'clock A.M., June 10th, 1970 and that due notice of the time and place be given as required by law. Motion was made by James Buch~lz, seconded by Otto Haase and unanimously carried to approve the plat of Abies Acres, 2nd Add'n, subject to road approval, title opinion, County Surveyor's approval, etc. Motion was made by James Bucholz, seconded by John Snowberg and unan- imously carried to approve the plat of Minn-Kota Beach, 2nd Add'n, subject to road approval, title opinion, County Surveyor's approval, etc. Motion was made by John Snowbeig seconded by James Bucholz and-carried to accept a split of one parcel for recording on Bert Thompson on Little Pelican Lake. Motion was made by Andy Leitch, seconded by John Snowberg and unani- mously carried to purchase a copying machine for use by the Treasurer's office. Upon motion made by John Snowberg,_ seconded by Andy Leitch and unani- '· mously carried the application of Knute Hanson, Administrator of the Estate of Ivan Stigen, for sale of intoxicating liquor at the Ranch House, Buse Township, ·was approved. Upon motion made by ,!James Bucholz, seconded by Andy Leitch and carried the following appli_cations for permit to allow consumption and display of intoxica- ting liquor were approved: Reinhold Koehn Melvin Baas Rest mN Reel Resort Triangle Inn Everts Township Rush Lake Township The application of John H. McDaniels for permit to allow consumption and display of intoxicating liquor was rejected upon recommendation by the Sheriff's Department. Upon motion made by James Bucholz, seconded by Andy Leitch and carried, the following applications for license to sell non-intoxicating malt liquor were approved: Jack Bierworth Jack Hanson Emil A. Madsen Lavila O 'Haver Herb Limmer Melvin Kirckof Ralph Woodall Eddie Coppin Anne V. Stoll Clarence Koehler Ralph Richter August Heinrich Robert A. Marsh Mary H~ True E.G. Andresen Joe Dougherty Joe Biltz Carl W. Backstrom Limmers Resort Hidden Haven Madsen's Resort O'Haver's East Silent Resort Herb's Camp Sandy Point Resort The Lanterns Riverside Resort North Shore Resort Koehler's Resort Lost Valley Resort Cozy Cove Resort King Ann Resort Napanee Resort Mosquito Heights Pleasant View Resort Sunset Beach Big Pine Resort Rush Lake Township Rush Lake Township Everts Township · Dora Township Rush Lake Townshp Leaf Lake Township Rush Lake Township Friberg Township Dead Lake Township Pine Lake Township Candor Township Dead Lake Township Star Lake Township Girard Township Pine Lake Township Dead Lake Township Pine Lake Township Pine Lake Township Motion was made by Andy Leitch, seconded by James Bucholz and unanimously carried to approve the application for permit to hold dances at Grand View Heights, by High Kabrich, Pine Lake Township. Motion was made by John Snowberg, seconded by James Bucholz and unanimously carried to approve the bond of $65,000 for the Deputy Registrar, Motor Vehicle Division. Motion was made by John Snowberg, that Otter Tail County allocate funds not to exceed $5,000 to County Planning Advisory Commission-:.,: for purpose of securing technical and professbnal assistance in preparation for County Ordinance as unanimously requested by the Board of County Commissioners at the meeting on April 28th, Motion was seconded by James Bucholz and carried, Otto Haase and Andy Leitch voting "no". 146 UpQn motion made by John Snowberg, seconded by Andy 'Leitch and unan- imously carried, the following resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County Minnesota, that WHEREAS the County Board on March 11, 1970 did enter into agree- ment with Fergus Dodge, Inc., for deliv~ry of one 1970 Dodge lblara, 4 Door, for use by the Sheriff's Department, and WHEREAS same has been delivered to the satisfaction of the Beard, NOW, THEREFORE, the County Auditor is hereby authorized and directed to issue a warrant to Fe_rgU:s Dodge, Inc., in the amount of $3,248.00, bei_ng the full price of the contract. Dated at Fergus Falls, Minnesota this 13th day of May, 1970 . Chairman ATTEST: Clerk 1.47 The following Carlton E Mortensen Carlton E Mortensen Carlton E Mortensen James LeRoy Glen Melby John B Halvorson Merle Bacon Joe Peloquin Merlin S Rieman Marvin Pedersen Wayne Hay Terry L Jacobson Gary W 1tnderson Boe 1s Gulf Service Big Chief Texaco Perham Coop Oil South Mill Standard Minnesota Motor Pelican Valley Motor W.B. Saunders Co The Photo Center Hillcrest Safety Equip. Co Graham Paper Co General Trading Co Fergus Plumbing & Htg. Fergus Jobbing Inc City of Glendive Becker Co Sheriff Stearns Co. Sheriff Robert Molacek William Loerzel Rodney Hanson Gary W Frey Allan D Groat l!n.stad Larson Mann Inc. N.W. Bell Telephone Co Bennie Johnson James Bucholz Boarding of Prisoners Mileage & expense Postage & Manual Mileage & Subsistence II II Subsistence & Gas II & expense Subsistence & expense mileage extra Jailer II II II It II II & ~ubsistence Gas " II II etc Labor & parts · Wrecker Call Manual Film & prints Repairs supplies parts Labor & parts supplies Boarding of Prisoners Subpoena_ Mileage Witness fee & mileage II II II II " II II II Notary Bond service & tolls Mileage & expense II II ~ $910.00 399.76 91.53 204.60, 285.40 78.15 342.10 88.59' 7.40 144.00 64.00 138.00 102.00 30.30 195.36 119.71 88.35 69.84 10.50 42.05 68.44 50.00 18.44 10.70 31.30 10. 50 2.00 2.00 17.14 10.15 7.75 7.00 9.25 8,65 17,00 174.00 69.43 61.70 Otto Haase John Snowberg Andy Leitch Kenneth Clambey Frank ftoberts Roger Heidorn Geraldine McGuire E.O.T. Soil & Water Big Stene S & W Cons. Dist Ambrose Klinnert Laura Hotchkiss Homer Sem Theo Hegseth Arnold Evavold Harold Skistad Glenn Haugrud Jeff Tikkanen Duane Donley Herman Enslin Dennis Greenwaldt Edwin Skoglund Donald Kenyon Eugene Davenport Harris Iverson John Skramstad Angeline Glawe Artnur Boehne Helen Skramstad Helen Skramstad Henry Polkinghorn Vernon Bachman Vernon.Bachman Vernon Bachman Mable Rossow harie 'frosvik. Mrs Rudolph Johansen Mrs Arlo Hanson Kathleen Rovang ' Mileage & Expense II II II II II II Weed & Seed Insp II II E.O.T. Soil & Water II 11 II Workmen's Comp. Blue line copies W.O •. T. Soil & Water II II " II II It II II II II II II II II II n II II II E.O.T. Soil & Water II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II mileage & expense II II II. II expense postage II II expense transportation charges mileage & expense postage cash advanced mileage & expense Supt. Clerk Election Judge II II II II 1.49 II II 50.60 8.00 21.51 147.58 111.24 434.50 58.50 104.00 13.50 528.00 260.00 63.05 38.85 50.80 59.45 28.40 48.70 50.89 33.15 45.35 29.60 5.00 150.10 113.47 37.43 129.69 169.81 36.90 60.00 3.60 49.31 55.16 25.00 27.64 12.80 5.50 5.50 5.50 Herbert ., Herman Terry Jacobson Fergus Glass & Paint Western Chemical Gambles Allstate Sanitation & Supply Johnson Service Co Edling Electric Knutson Htg. & Air Conditioning Dacotah Paper Co Gust Lagerquist & Sons Fargo Rubber Stamp Co Coopers Office Supply Miller Davis Co Poucher Prtg. & Lith. Co Monroe Co Burroughs Corp Security Blank Book & Prtg. Victor Lundeen & Co Nelson Bros Printing Davenports Stationery Welders Equipment Universal Answering Service The Photo Center Xerox Corp. Empire Business Machines Kimber Awning ~fo R.E. Kausler Gaffaney's Thomas O Nelsqn State of M.inn. Doc Sec. . State of Minn. Minn. Assoc. of Asses. Officers Robert Oslund & Assoc. Glenn Cording Mildred Bruvold eiLJ of Fc1gas Fallti N.W. Bell Telephone Co The Parkens Prairie Indep. Extra Janitor II II supplies II II II Labor & parts II Filters supplies II Elevator exams etc supplies II II II II II II II II II II II II services repair .Material & l~bor I Labor & Maferial. Service Contract I Prints ' Inventory I i claim for Aµdit I Membership fees drafting Services Transcriptsi I I J&tCi C i I tolls Publications 150 20.50 44.00, 241.26 29.01 16.99 38.20 257.65 52.15 1.78 35.40 96.80 44.80 267.19 181.40 72.42 2.00 194.04 463.56 384.80 7.50 15.2.3 5.00 62.10 2.00 256.97 22.50 28.50 182.50 52.00 15.00 4.50 .319.28 60.00 1,056.00 42.00 filf_..,it, 16e ea 88.37 l-,992.60 Fergus Falls DaiI Perham Enterprise Bulletin Mehdi 0~.Aruii M. D. Earl Bigler M. D. .South Court Cafe Justice Court Parkers Prairie Bakken Appraisal Co Oscar Ukkelberg William B Hal.me M.D. Village of Perham Marvin Klicker Nelson Bros N.W. Bell Telephone Go Coopers Office Supply Victor Lundeen & Co Midwest f'rtg Lorna McCabe Donna Quam Gloria Opatz Nancy Slatten Ruth Johnson Hrs Dorothy: Johnson tlhirley Larson Dennis Fjestad Veery Ryder Mrs Donna Zeigler Mrs Berniece Spangler . Mrs Earl Sonmor Viola Rud Mrs Pearl Ronning Doris Jorgenson Mary Johnson Christine Hartness Verlie Grover Florence Ginkel Mrs Olga Edwards Publications I! Autopsy Fee Coroners fees Meals for Jurors Court fees Appraisal Fees. II II . & witness Witness fee & mileage Rent Co Agent llfile2ge & expense Vets Service supplies service & tolls supplies It II II It II II II Mileage & expense Nurse II II II . ·11 II II II II II II I! It II II II II II II II II Stamps &Box rent II II II II II Mileage etc Home fiealth Aide II II rt II II II II tt II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II ,, II II II It II II II II 11 II II II 151 439.10 5.60 100.00 26.90 95.48 12.00 100.00 200.00 125.00' 60.00 181.56 12.00 27.37 5.50 4.15 16.50 114. 54 59.33 16.11 82.13 .51.51 76.77 89.01 21.84 25,76 51.68 ·27.00 7.76 24.86 41.44 7.40 I 10.10 24.30 Alice Crosgrove Elizabeth Anderson Mrs Selma Swendsrud Mrs E.d Skoglund Mrs Robert Johnson Mrs Charles Perkins Mrs Bud Larson N.W. Bell Telephone Co E.O.T. Telephone Co Village of Perham Reitan Larson Cq Nelson Bros Prtg. Fergus Glass & paint Cooper's Office Supplies Victor Lundeen & Co Norby1 s of Fergus Falls Today's Health Edgeto'Wil Lumber Co Carpenters Hardware Andrews & Meister Drug Nopeming Sanatorium Mineral Springs City of Fergus Falls Orlyn Pederson Co Arthur Bakken Froelich Marine Cumndns Diesel Sales Inc Ruffridge Johnson Equip Co L; George T Ryan o Ziegler Inc Bearing Supply Co Bertelson Welding Ebersviller Imp. Co h1mer 1s Paint & Glass Fergus Dodge Inc. Mileage Home Healthrrli.de II II II II II II II Nursing Board II II II II II II tolls service & tolls rent rent supplies II II II n Subscription supplies II II Poor II " II II II II II Counter Motor Vehicle Dept Notary Bond etc Repair Boat & Water Safety Parts R & B II Parts II Repairs Parts II II II 1.52 4.86 45.90 9.47. 9.90 6.12· 8.10 6.48 9.74 23.55 35.00 150.00 12.00 79.25 133.66 1.53 5.00 6.08 4.79 1.30 2_,821.82 4.00 151.44 221.80 :i.e.oo 413.33 13.43 1,238.14 12.31 2,746.93 34.99 7.19 2.50'' 46.53. Hendrickx Impl . International harvester Larson Welding Olson Auto Electric f'! Pelican Paint & Glass Perham Farm Supply Super G.M.C. Truck Sales Paper Calrnenson & Co McKesson Chemical Pneoll Mdtg, Co Myrbo Enterprises Battle Lake Electric Firestone Store Fergus Falls Dalton Grain & Feed · Pol.man Transfer Bob's Jrrdware Carpenters Hardware Coast to Coast Store Henning Coast to Coast Store Pelican Rapids Erickson Hellekson Vye General Trading Holten Lumber Co E.N. Lunde M & R Sign Co Sigelman Hide & Fur Welders Equip. Andy1 s 66 Service Bengtson Oil Co Carlson Oil Co Consumers Co-op Oil Battle Lake Dan's Texaco Perham Dave's Standard Service Henning Dent Oil Co Fossen Oil Co. Hoot Lake Pure North Union Texaco Service Oil Underwood Repairs II II II parts· repairs parts cutting Edges Clacium Chloride . supplies P;lvmbing Electrical Wiring Tires Coal Freight supplies II II II II II II II II II II Gasoline II II II II II II II II II etc 153 4.00 17.18 17.00 22.01· 2.00 7.78 81.87 1,066.25. 3,525.00 158.03 487.91 ll.86 1 129.07 26. 70 · 26.51 14.5.3. 12.7~- 69.93 15.53 11.25 293.05. 4.40, 67 .47, 9.00. 46.14 7.05 23.85 105.30 131.66 87.27 96.76 58.58 84.41 9.50 183.38 2.43 170.13 ~ Theodorson 1 s Mo ervice -D-A Lubricant Co Inc. Standard Oil Pelican Rapids Vergas Oil Co Soliah & Braatz Oil Co Becker County Minn. Dept of Highways Construction Bulletin Fergus Jounal Co Ottertail Power Co Monroe Internati oaal SCM Corp Battle Lake Review Free Press The Pierce Co Davenport's Stationery Victor Bfujdeen & Co E.O.T. Telephone Co Midwest Telephone Co M.W. Bell Telephone Co Park Region Mutual Tel. Co N .W. Bell Telephone Co Pelican Telephone Co N.W. Bell Telephone Co Wadena Wendell P Huber G.D. Harlow Wendell P Huber Einer Faa\Jorg Mrs Elizabeth Bergren Ernest Johnson Floyd Copeland Fred Walz Lloyd Peterson Raymond Kimber Roy M Gingrey Mrs Mattie L Gunkel Kenneth Hunter George & Evelyn ~derson Gasoline Oil Diesel II Fuel Maintenance supplies Ad for Bids Ad for 8ids Prints Machine Mtce II II supplies II II II II Service & tolls II II " II II II II II II II II expenses II cash advanced R/W II II II II II II II II II II 67.96 61.60 67.20 92.30 33.20· 101.10 59. 97 69.00 14.70 131.88 54.C0 72.00 725.00 2.25 33.48 5.56 11.95 40.73 8.50 81.91 17.10 37-37 10.94 10.50 326.48 60.81 43.23_ 122. 53"· 51.50 20.20 20.40 538.00 10.80- 181.20 222.90 18.00 -21.90 :--- Richard Brau Adm. W.H. Brau Estate R/W 65.32 Ronald Lahman II 124. 78• Reuben R Arvidson II 47.80 Mrs Paul Walander " 34.32 Willard Johnson II 73.10 Lester Leitte, V.A. Ryan Melvyn Townsend II 24.60 Charles Rydie II 60.60 · Arthur Wierima II 20.60 Kaleb K Kastama II 32.40 LeRoy Jacobson II 81.15 Charles O Pary II 15.00 Mrs Lempi M Raattama II 9.60 Upon motion made by Andy Leitch, seconded by Otto Haase and unani- mously carried, the meeting adjourned to 10:00 A.M. o'clock, Tuesday, June 9th, 1970. Chairman ATTEST: Clerk 155 STATE OF, MINN~OfA ) )ss CCUNTY OF OTtSri. TAIL) The undersigned, who are a majority of the oembers of the ioard of County Comri.issioners of said County, certify that we deem it /necessary for the best interests.of the County, that a special meeting .. of the Board be held for the trc.::nsaction of the foll011n...>1g business, to-wit: " ---:·.& .•• To approv~' appfi:catiorii-.:.for license for the sale of non-intoxicating malt liquor, and any other business that may come before the Board Therefore, we do hereby call a special meeting of said Board to be held at the Co:urnissioner•s Room .in the City of Fergus Falls in s~id County on Jj,d°1:I. the :l,t; lk d2y of ~ • at Li)_:,aa A, .1[. en said ay, and that the undersignedCo!w.~ssioners hereby Waive any requirrc.ents of notices as required by law. 156 \ \ \ -\