HomeMy WebLinkAboutBoard of Commissioners - Minutes - 09/07/1999\ l 0 0 a MINUTES OF THE OTTER TAIL COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Otter Tail County Courthouse Commissioners' Room, Floor 1-B Tuesday, September 7, 1999 9:30 a.m. Call to Order The Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners convened Tuesday, September 24, 1999 at 9:31 a.m. at the Otter Tail County Courthouse with Commissioners Sydney Nelson, Chair; Virginia Partmann, Vice-Chair; Malcolm Lee, Andy Lindquist, and Roger Froemming present. Approval of Agenda Motion by Lee, second by Partmann, and unanimously carried to approve the County Board agenda of September 7, 1999 with the following addition: Ditch Inspector, Tiny Holm at 11 :05 a.m. Approval of Minutes Motion by Froemming, second by Lindquist, and unanimously carried to approve the County Board minutes of August 24, 1999 as mailed. Approval of Extensions Motion by Lee, second by Partmann, and unanimously carried to approve an extension for earth moving on East Lake Lizzie Road, Dunn Township, until October 15, 1999. Motion by Partmann, second by Nelson, and unanimously carried to approve an extension for earth moving for the construction of a road to service Buchanan Oaks (developer, Roger Kolstad) until October 15, 1999. Motion by Nelson, second by Lee, and unanimously carried to approve an extension for a conditional use permit for Dave Arnoldy on Rush Lake (Sec.30, Twp. 135, R. 38, Otto Township, Lake #56-141) until October 15, 1999 as recommended by the Land & Resource Director. Correspondence Acknowledged Bill Kalar, Land & Resource Director, read a letter from the Department of Natural Resources regarding the establishment of the Pine Lakes Improvement District. The DNR has no objection to the establishment of the district. Requests to Submit Grant Applications Mark Morris, Chief Deputy, requested authorization to submit applications for two grant items. Motion by Lindquist, second by Partmann, and unanimously carried to authorize the Chief Deputy to submit a grant application to the Minnesota Department of Public Safety for compliance checks for underage individuals in liquor establishments. Motion by Partmann, second by Lee, and unanimously carried to authorize the Chief Deputy to submit a grant application to the state for enforcement of snowmobile trails. The grant requires some gas expense, purchase of a trailer, and leasing a snowmobile. Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners September 7, 1999 Page 2 Payment Approvals -E-911 Phone System 0 Motion by Lindquist, second by Partmann, and unanimously carried to approve payment to ·· · Independent Emergency Services, in the amount of $70,868.14, for the installation of the enhanced 911 phone system from phone tariff funds as requested by the Chief Deputy. Motion by Lindquist, second by Lee, and unanimously carried to approve payment, in the amount of $160.00, to the Otter Tail County Humane Society for service provided under the provision of Minnesota Statue §343.23. Bid Award -Underground Storage Tank Removal and Building Demolition After previously advertising for bids, the County Auditor opened the following bids at 2:00 p.m. on August 31, 1999: Zervas Industrial Petroleum Earth Burners, Inc. Lee's Construction LM Excavating and Landscaping Diamond 5 Construction $54,941.00 $63,018.00 $65,950.00 $66,707.50 $80,110.00 Motion by Lee, second by Lindquist, and unanimously carried to award the bid for petroleum storage tank removal and building demolition to Zervas Industrial Petroleum, Duluth, MN, in the amount of $54,941.00 at the following three tax forfeited sites: New York Mills, Newton Township, and Rothsay. Bid Award -S.A.P. 56-599-49 & Etc. After previously advertising for bids, the Highway Engineer opened the following bids at 1 :00 p.m. on August 25, 1999 for box culverts, grading, and surfacing, S.A.P. 56-599-49 & Etc. Riley Bros. Construction, Inc. Morris, MN Midwest Contracting, LLC Marshall, MN $317,249.00 $353,299.00 Motion by Lee, second by Froemming, and unanimously carried to award S.A.P. 56-599-49 & Etc. to Riley Bros. construction, Inc. as the low bidder in the amount of $317,249.00. Request Acknowledged Commissioner Lee submitted a request from Scambler Township to the Highway Engineer for lowering the speed limit in a specific area. The Highway Engineer will return to the board with a resolution relative to this speed study request. MRCC Draft Funding Transportation Letter 0 Discussion took place regarding the MRCC draft transportation funding letter. Commissioners requested that the Highway Engineer draft a letter from Otter Tail County stressing similar ideas/concerns. Q . ' • United Way Campaign Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners September 7, 1999 Page 3 Human Services Director, John Dinsmore, serving as public government leader for the upcoming United Way Campaign introduced Dr. Neil Page and Alan Haugrud as the Co-Chairs of the Campaign. Dr. Page briefed commissioners on the campaign, an upcoming "kick-off' luncheon, and the goal of raising $270,375,00 in the western area of Otter Tail County. Dr. Page and Mr. Haugrud asked for group and individual support from commissioners and the county as needs may grow in this area with the farm crisis. Approval to Pay Bills Motion by Lindquist, second by Partmann, and unanimously carried to approve bills per Attachment A of these minutes which include the following lodging payments: Buckhead Hotel Management Co. Appraiser, Twyla Neumann Maddens on Gull Lake Collections Officer, Susan Ulschmid, Asst. County Attorney, Jennifer Lessinger, and County Attorney, David Hauser Red Carpet Inn Sheriff, Gary Nelson Sheraton Inn Midway (reimbursable by MCCC) Sheriff, Gary Nelson State Assessed Property Appeal Process Assessor, Bob Moe, briefed the board regarding a meeting held August 24th at the Department of Revenue regarding rural coop utility changes. Counties are responsible for defending in court some state imposed utility values. Mr. Moe requested that a bill be proposed that any state assessed property appeal would be defended by the state. Chairman Nelson directed Mr. Moe to Q write up a resolution to submit to the AMC that could be included in the platform. Request for Abatement of Values on 1999 Perham City Board of Review Mr. Moe requested an abatement of values on 1999 Perham City Board of Review. Local Boards of Review can change aggregate value within 1 %. The Perham City Board of Review went over the 1 % because commercial/industrial property was transferred into the new marshal! swift evaluation system and some errors in entries occurred. Motion by Partmann, second by Nelson, and unanimously carried to abate values previously approved by the Perham City Board of Review. Approval of Grant Application Motion by Lee, second by Lindquist, and unanimously carried to authorize the Veterans Service Officer to submit a grant application for Outreach Program Enhancement in the amount of $1,073 that will provide equipment for the transportation van including a portable fax machine and cell phone as well as a fax machine in the Veterans Service office. The application will be submitted to the Minnesota Department of Veterans Affairs. DVC Contracts Enhanced 911 Coordinator, Bob Block, requested an increase in the maximum monthly compensation for a DVC contract for three months (August, September, & October of 1999) for additional work required relative to the phone letter data and sign work. () Motion by Lee, second by Partmann, and unanimously carried to approve an increase in the maximum monthly compensation of $1,300 in the DVC Contracts as described above and requested by the Enhanced 911 Coordinator. Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners September 7, 1999 Page 4 • Discussion -County Ditch No. 37 ,,., Ditch Inspector, Tiny Holm, reported that a petition for improvement on County Ditch No. 37 was '..,,; previously submitted, however, a $10,000 bond will not be submitted. Motion by Lindquist, second by Lee, and unanimously carried to authorize the County Attorney to write a letter and send by certified mail to Petitioner, Rollie Lake, that failure to submit the bond will render the petition invalid and the ditch will be returned to its original condition. Forfeiture Funds Motion by Partmann, second by Froemming, and unanimously carried to authorize the Chair's signature on an agreement from the federal government that will allow the county to share in forfeiture funds. Recess Closed to the Public At 11 :15 a.m., Chairman Nelson declared the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners meeting recessed for a short break. At 11 :23 a.m., Chairman Nelson declared the meeting closed to the public for purposes of discussing pending litigation relative to Girard Township as authorized by attorney-client privilege, M.S. §471.705 Subd. 1d. Present were all seated commissioners, County Attorney, County Coordinator, Recording Secretary, and Highway Engineer. At 11 :35 a.m., the Chairman continued the closed session for purposes of discussing labor negotiation strategies with the county's collective bargaining units. All five seated commissioners, the County Attorney, County Coordinator, and Recording Secretary were present. Candlelight Vigil The Women's Crisis Center requested approval of the annual candlelight vigil on October 7, 1999 at 7:00 p.m. on the north side of the courthouse building. Commissioners approved the candlelight vigil for awareness and prevention of domestic violence annually on an ongoing basis. Adjournment At 11 :50 a.m., upon conclusion of the closed session, Chairman Nelson declared the meeting of the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners adjourned until the next scheduled meeting on Tuesday, September 14, 1999. Dated: 'l /11/ /f'I --------1~,_,.,_,_~----- Attest: ~ !;fL LarryKroh, Clerk CB/kd Enc. 0 Q 0 9/08/1999 13:51:02 OTTER TAIL COUNTY AUDITOR PANELSON RECEIPTS AND DISBURSEMENTS SYSTEM WARRANTS FOR PUBLICATION Otter Tail County Warrants September 7, 1999 Page 1, Attachment A IFD66 COUNTY 56 PAGE 1 WARRANTS APPROVED ON 9/07/1999 FOR PAYMENT 9/07/1999 VENDOR NAME A-1 LOCK AND KEY AMERICAN INSTITUTIONAL SUPPLY AMERIPRIDE LINEN & APPAREL SER AMOCO OIL COMPANY ASSOC OF MN EMERGENCY Ml>..NAGERS AUTO GLASS ASSOCIATES AUTO GLASS SPECIALISTS INC. BACHMAN PRINTING COMPANIES BALLARD SANITATION INC. BARBER RAZOR BLADE CO. BARNES & NOBLE BATTLE LAKE AUTO PARTS BATTLE LAKE HARDWARE & RENTAL BATTLE LAKE STANDARD BECKER CO SHERIFF .l'..NGELA BERGE BEST INC. BEYER BODY SHOP BJ'S EAST BOB BARKER COMP.l'.NY INC. BOB'S MACHINE & MFG. CO. BOB'S STANDARD BULK SERVICE BRANDON COMMUNICATIONS KAREN BROWN BUCKHEAD HOTEL M!lliAGEMENT CO. BUFF N' SHINE CENTER INC CARR'S LAKE COUNTRY SUPERMKT CITY BAKERY CLIFF'S ENTERPRISES CO-OP SERVICES INC. CONSTRUCTION BULLETIN MAGAZINE COOPER'S OFFICE SUPPLY INC. CORE PSYCHOLOGIC.l\L SERVICES CORPORATE TECHNOLOGIES CRAGUN'S LODGE AND CONFERENCE DACOTAH PAPER COMPANY THE DAILY JOURNAL DAKOTAH TRUCK EQUIPMENT DALE TELLINGHUISEN DAN'S EXHAUST PROS DAN'S TOWING & REPAIR DAY-TIMERS INC. DEAN'S COUNTRY ~lillKET DELZER CONSTRUCTION INC. DENNY'S ENTERPRISES INC DEPT OF LABOR & IND. C.A.I.S. DIVERSION .:\.UTO KATHY DOMHOLT TERRY DRAKE DDS AMOUNT 60.00 96.73 86.25 301.35 90.00 40.00 281.86 356.94 98.22 175.00 215.84 119.69 18.06 13.69 24.50 68.86 18,425.65 513.29 42.63 148.94 2,711.49 16.83 1,885.39 5.45 321.55 8.50 191. 00 42.48 49.83 179.21 413.25 8,008.92 600.00 13,974.97 4.25 617.60 1,148.54 622.92 45.20 18.73 165.07 24.22 9.57 24.-± 9 35.63 40.00 316.26 57.94 238.00 Otter Tail County Warrants September 7, 1999 Page 2, Attachment A 9/08/1999 13:51:02 OTTER TAIL COUNTY AUDITOR PANELSON RECEIPTS AND DISBURSEMENTS SYSTEM i'!ARRANTS FOR PUBLICATION Q IFD66 COUNTY 56 PAGE 2 WARRANTS APPROVED ON 9/07/1999 FOR PAYMENT 9/07/1999 VENDOR NAME TIM DUENOW EAST OTTER TAIL CO EXTENSION ENGINEERING REPRO SYSTEMS MARK ENGLUND ENVIRO-LOGIC INC. ERICKSON ELECTRONICS EVERTS LUMBER CO. FALLS AUTOMOTIVE INC. FARMERS ELEVATOR COMPANY FEDEX FERGUS AUTO SUPPLY FERGUS ELECTRIC FERGUS FALLS COMMUNITY COLLEGE FERGUS FALLS MEDICAL GROUP FERGUS FALLS POLICE DEPARTMENT CITY FERGUS FALLS FERGUS INTERNATIONAL INC. FERGUS SURPLUS FERGUS TIRE CENTER FERGUS TRANSPORTATION INC. FERRELLGAS G. FREDERICK GALL'S INC. GE C.~PITAL IT SOLUTIONS GENERAL EQUIPMENT & SUPPLIES, GERRY'S PARTS SUPPLY GOVERNMENT TRAINING SERVICE GR GRAPHICS INC ERVIN HAGEN BARBARA HANSON BRUCE HAUGRUD HEALTH CARE INCINERATORS HEISLER'S COUNTRY OIL HENNEPIN CO SHERIFF HENNING ADVOCATE HOOT'S CAT HOUSE IBM CORPORATION IDC INDEPENDENT EMERGENCY SERVICES INTEGRITY COMPUTER SYSTEMS INTERSTATE INC. LYND IUNGHUHN J-CRAFT INC. HARVEY JOHNSON K.I.D. LEASING K-MART KELLY SERVICES INC. THE KIEFER COMPANIES KOEP'S CLITHERALL CORNER AMOUNT 76.49 32.29 79.53 10,00 3,520.00 220.80 238.66 470.04 6.75 35.25 90.14 1,093.13 85.00 906.40 732.38 4,462.87 208.16 511.01 51. 3 9 40.00 178.92 25.00 50.97 1,582.93 362.10 33.97 100.00 157.62 23.46 378.51 18.00 5.00 13.00 22.90 75.88 127.08 875.65 381.94 14,606.00 692.26 187,41 10.00 5,691.25 450.00 259.00 10.52 2,841.86 460.61 165.19 0 0 / 0 Q 0 9/08/1999 13:51:02 OTTER TAIL COUNTY AUDITOR PANELSON RECEIPTS AND DISBURSEMENTS SYSTEM WARRANTS FOR PUBLICATION Otter Tail County Warrants September 7, 1999 Page 3, Attachment A IFD66 COUNTY 56 PAGE 3 WARRANTS APPROVED ON 9/07/1999 FOR PAYMENT 9/07/1999 VENDOR NAME LARRY KROHN L & L SERVICE LAKE COUNTRY STATE BANK LAKE REGION HEALTHCARE LAKELAND MENTAL HEALTH CENTER LAKELAND POWER EQUIPMENT LAKES COUNTRY SERVICE LARRY OTT INC. TRUCK SERVICE MALCOLM LEE MARIE LEVANG LIBERTY BUSINESS SYSTEMS INC LOCATORS & SUPPLIES INC. THOMAS LOTHENBACH MADDEN'S ON GULL LAKE MARK SAND & GRAVEL MASOG CONCRETE MATTHEW MCGUIRE STEWJl.RT MENSING WENDY METCALF MFIA MICRO WAREHOUSE MID-CENTRAL EQUIPMENT INC. MINN-KOTA MIDRANGE USER GROUP MN CLE MN CO ATTORNEYS ASSOCIATION MN COUNTIES COMPUTER CO-OP MN COUNTIES INSUR.r..NCE TRUST MN DEPARTMENT OF ADMINISTRATIO MN MOTOR COMPANY MN SHERIFFS' ASSOCIATION MN STATE AUDITOR NATIONAL BUSHING & PARTS CO. NATIONAL 4-H COUNCIL GARY NELSON TWYLA NEUMANN NORTH UNION TEXACO NORTHERN TECHNOLOGIES INC NORTHLAND SWEEPERS OBC MIDWEST OFFICE DEPOT OK TIRE STORES OLSON FUNERAL HOME OLSON OIL CO. JAY OLSON KIRSTEN OLSON OTTER TAIL CO TREASURER OTTER TAIL TELCOM OTTERTAIL AGGREGATE OTTERTAIL MINN DAKOTA COACHES AMOUNT 304.03 19.85 455.20 4,523.19 4,252.00 11.65 75.83 3,075.00 128.34 11. 75 5.00 178.39 60.00 899.73 6,000.00 4,200.00 18.33 40.00 26.45 45.00 93 7. 3 7 1,010.13 32.00 265.00 60.70 164.38 80.00 300.00 107.54 425.00 50.00 432.96 30.30 95.94 60. 05 .,.. 227.68 1,643.25 240.00 200.25 261.70 372.66 41. 26 3 7. 94 19.18 41.54 491.50 2,364.01 2,280.00 279.00 Otter Tail County Warrants September 7, 1999 Page 4, Attachment A 9/08/1999 13:51:02 OTTER TAIL COUNTY AUDITOR PANELSON RECEIPTS AND DISBURSEMENTS SYSTEM WARRANTS FOR PUBLICATION IFD66 COUNTY 56 PAGE 4 WARRANTS APPROVED ON 9/07/1999 FOR PAYMENT 9/07/1999 VENDOR NAME PAMIDA INC. PELICAN RAPIDS PRESS PERHAM CO-OP CREAMERY PERHAM ENTERPRISE BULLETIN PERHAM MEMORIAL HOSPITAL PERHAM PRINTING PETE'S BODY SHOP & TOWING PHILLIPE LAW OFFICE THE PHOTO CENTER THE PIERCE CO. POPE CO SANITATION INC. POSITIVE ID SYSTEMS INC. PRO-WEST & ASSOCIATES INC. QUILL CORPORATION RDO FINANCIAL SERVICES CO RED CARPET INN RELIABLE REVIEW ENTERPRISES INC. RIPLEY'S INC ROYALE COMTRONICS RURAL CELLULAR CORPORATION SAMMY'S ONE STOP SCHMITZ FORD SCHWAAB INC. GREG SEIM STANLEY SELVAAG SERVICE FOOD SUPERVALU SEWER SERVICE SHARP ELECTRONICS CORPORATION RICK SHEILS SHERATON INN MIDWAY SIGELMAN STEEL & SALVAGE SIGNWORKS SIGNS & BANNERS SMITH & NEPHEW ROLYAN INC. SOUTH MILL SERVICE SOUTHTOWN C-STORE ST. MARY'S REGIONAL HEALTH STENERSON LUMBER STEVE'S SANITATION STILLWATER EQUIPMENT COMPANY BOB STOMMES STOP-N-GO STORES INC. JOURDAN SULLIVAN SUPERIOR FCR LANDFILL INC VIRGINIA THOM JOSLYN THOMPSON DEBBIE THORMODSON TNT REPAIR INC. TODD CO SOLID WASTE AMOUNT 36.84 171.75 175.76 230.19 5.00 74.00 127.99 100.00 12.07 158.72 327.60 825.37 110.00 • 73.98 2,662.50 51.15 66.09 99.00 150.00 21. 25 49.23 42.82 80.83 27.80 8.10 100.00 84.65 366.25 637.94 26.78 90 .40 124.50 21. 30 632.40 998.32 389.69 20.00 294.30 9,449.28 251. 98 42.87 974.38 123.08 49,716.87 35.00 75.00 10.00 147.00 7,794.00 0 0 • 0 . ' 9/08/1999 13:51:02 OTTER TAIL COUNTY AUDITOR PANELSON RECEIPTS AND DISBURSEMENTS SYSTEM 'iVIRRANTS FOR PUBLICATION Otter Tail County Warrants September 7, 1999 Page 5, Attachment A IFD66 COUNTY 56 PAGE 5 WARRANTS APPROVED ON 9/07/1999 FOR PAYMENT 9/07/1999 VENDOR NAME U.S. DIARY UGSTAD PLUMBING INC. UNDERWOOD OIL INC. UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA US OFFICE PRODUCTS VETERANS INFORMATION SERVICE VICTOR LUNDEEN COMPANY VIKING OFFICE PRODUCTS WAL-MF.RT WALLWORK TRUCK CENTER WALMART WASTE MANAGEMENT INC. WASTE MANAGEMENT OF CENTRJI.L MN WASTE NEWS GRACE WEGSCHEID WEST GROUP PAYMENT CTR. RICHARD WEST ZEE SERVICE COMP.ll.NY 210 LUBE EXPRESS FINAL TOTAL ...... . AMOUNT 38.58 90.69 76.00 70.05 763.22 35.00 1,653.80 106.88 196.55 77.87 43.77 27,002,25 24,827,20 24.00 223.32 158.16 42.90 38.23 171.21 $266,226.90 ****