HomeMy WebLinkAboutBoard of Commissioners - Minutes - 08/03/19990 0 MINUTES OF THE OTTER TAIL COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Otter Tail County Courthouse Commissioners' Room, Floor 1-8 Tuesday,August3,1999 9:30 a.m. Call to Order The Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners convened Tuesday, August 3, 1999 at 9:30 a.m. at the Otter Tail County Courthouse with Commissioners Sydney Nelson, Chair; Virginia Portmann, Vice-Chair; Malcolm Lee, Andy Lindquist, and Roger Froemming present. Approval of Agenda Motion by Lindquist, second by Froemming, and unanimously carried to approve the County Board agenda of August 3, 1999 with the following additions: Economic Development Procedure Letter of Resolution for Judge Position Pine Lakes LID Discussion Release of Easement Agreement Approval of Minutes Motion by Lee, second by Portmann, and unanimously carried to approve the County Board minutes of July 27, 1999 as mailed. Sand/Salt Facility Agreement Motion by Lee, second by Froemming, and unanimously carried to authorize the Chair's signature to execute the Joint Powers Agreement Between the Minnesota Department of Transportation, Otter Tail County, and City of Fergus Falls (Agreement No. 79229-P) for Sand/Salt Storage Building localed at 1205 East Douglas Avenue in Fergus Falls, Minnesota. Resolution Authorizing Sand/Salt Facility Agreement Otter Tail County Resolution No. 99 -34 UPON a motion by Portmann, second by Lee, and unanimously carried, the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners adopts the following resolution: BE IT RESOLVED, that the County Board Chair and County Board Clerk are authorized to sign a partnership agreement with the State of Minnesota, City of Fergus Falls, and Otter Tail County for the construction and joint use of a Salt/Sand Facility located at 1205 East Douglas Avenue, Fergus Falls, MN 56537. Adopted this 3rd day of August, 1999 Dated :. __ ..... 0""!1-1/'-'-1"'-o .,_/.,__?9,_ ___ _ u Attest ~ G4 LarryK hn, Clerk Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners August 3, 1999 Page2 Approval of Contract-S.A.P. 56-650-05 n Motion by Froemming, second by Lee, and unanimously carried to authorize the Chair's signature "'11111 to execute a contract between Otter Tail County and Larson-Peterson & Assoc. Inc. for CSAH No. 50 Improvements in the City of Deer Creek. Speed Zone Study Request-Two Segments of CSAH No. 1 Otter Tail County Resolution No. 99 -35 UPON a motion by Partmann, second by Lee, and unanimously carried, the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners adopts the following resolution: WHEREAS, the Fergus Falls City Council has requested that the Minnesota Department of Transportation perform Speed Zone Studies on the following segments of CSAH No. 1: • CSAH No. 1 (Fir Avenue) from Lenore Way to East City Limits (Diversion Drive) • CSAH No. 1 (Alcott Avenue) from Martin Street to CSAH No. 15, and WHEREAS, the County of Otter Tail believes that a speed zone reduction would be beneficial in these areas. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that Otter Tail County does hereby request that these areas be studied be the Minnesota Department of Transportation to determine the need for a reduced speed zone, if any. BE IT RESOLVED, that Minnesota Department of Transportation proceed with establishing a legal speed zone if the findings of the traffic study are supportive. Adopted at Fergus Falls, Minnesota, this 3rd day of August, 1999. Dated : __ -"'0-"'2-1-/-'-'10,,_,,,_J 9,__,?'------~SSIONERS Approval of Release of Easement Motion by Lee, second by Lindquist, and unanimously carried to authorize the Chair's signature to execute a Release of Highway Easement on the Richard and Kay Herbrandson property along CSAH No. 9, Gov't. Lot 6, Section 1, Twp. 137N, R. 43W. Approval to Pay Bills Motion by Lindquist, second by Partmann, and unanimously carried to approve bills per Attachment A of these minutes which include the following lodging payments: Cragun's Lodge & Conference Sheraton Inn Midway Court Administrator, Kathy Ouren Appraiser, Debbie Thormodson 0 0 0 Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners August 3, 1999 Page 3 Correspondence Acknowledged Chairman Nelson acknowledged receipt of a letter from Larry Johnson of LBJ's Tubing. Discussion followed regarding conditions placed on individual permits, use of public right-of-ways for commercial purposes, and litter issues relative to tubers on the Otter Tail River. Resolution for Support for Seventh Judicial District Judge Position Otter Tail County Resolution No. 99 -36 UPON a motion by Lindquist, second by Portmann, and unanimously carried, the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners adopts the following resolution: WHEREAS, Barbara Hanson is applying for appointment to the judicial position in the Seventh Judicial District with chambers in Otter Tail County; and WHEREAS, Barbara Hanson has been employed by Otter Tail County as an Assistant County Attorney for fifteen years and is regarded as a valuable employee; and WHEREAS, during her years of employment Barbara Hanson has been assigned responsibility in many different areas within the County Attorney's office, including criminal, juvenile, child protection, child support, representation of the social service agency, commitments and ordinance development and enforcement; and WHEREAS, Barbara Hanson consistently produces work of high quality. Further, Barbara Hanson has a reputation of being an effective advocate for the County, a hard worker who will make an extra effort and work additional hours when necessary. She is viewed as a resource by other County departments, including law enforcement and social services; and WHEREAS, Barbara Hanson has personal qualities which make her well suited to be a District Court Judge. Those qualities include honesty, integrity, a caring manner, and an ability to relate well to people. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners recommends Barbara Hanson for appointment as a Judge of the Seventh Judicial District as an individual with professional and personal qualities that will allow her to serve in an effective manner. Adopted in Fergus Falls, Minnesota, this 3rd day of August, 1999 Dated:_~01..L.::>-£-f/L!Jo~/-+o_,9 ___ _ I I +- Attest ~ #-Larry Kro n, Cerk County Ditch No. 25 County Attorney, David Hauser, reported on a petition submitted to enlarge a culvert on County Ditch No. 25. He stated that an enlargement of a culvert constitutes an improvement rather than a repair. At this time, the petition is being referred back to the petitioners for failure to file a bond with the petition. The drainage authority cannot take further action on the petition for an improvement at this time, however, an informal hearing to discuss the situation could be held. Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners August 3, 1999 Page 4 Approval of Master Calendar Courtroom Clerk/Records Specialist Position 0 Motion by Lee, second by Partmann, and unanimously carried to authorize the Court Administrator · to proceed with hiring for a new position, Master Calendar Courtroom Clerk/Records Specialist, at a compensation grade 1 O as approved by Daivd M. Griffith & Associates. Funding for this position was authorized in the 1999 Court Administrator's budget Citizens Jury -Property Tax System Larry Krohn, County Coordinator, reported that eighteen citizens from across Minnesota have been selected to serve on a Citizens Jury on the topic of Property Tax Reform in Minnesota. Additionally, the Office of the Legislative Auditor has sent a survey to counties requesting completion by the governing boards regarding state mandates, budgets, and the relative impact of how mandates prohibit counties from making the most appropriate decision(s). Mr. Krohn provided copies of the survey to board members and encouraged them to document mandates of concern. The Chairman requested further discussion on specific issues at next week's County Board meeting. The survey must be returned to the state by August 18, 1999. Closed to the Public Adjournment At 10:40 a.m., Chairman Nelson declared the meeting of the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners recessed for a short break. At 10:45 a.m., Chairman Nelson declared the meeting closed to the public for purposes of discussing labor negotiation strategies with the county's six collective bargaining units. All five seated commissioners were present. At 11:15 a.m., upon conclusion of the closed session, the Chairman declared the meeting of the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners adjourned until Tuesday, August 10, 1999. 0 Dated: QS?//o/q9 --~~+, ~--i,~.,___ ___ _ CB/kd Enc: 0 , .. -,, Attachment A JPEDERSO OTTERTAIL COUNTY AUDITOR IFD66 0 RECEIPTS AND DISBURSEMENTS SYSTEM COUNTY 56 WARRANTS FOR PUBLICATION ATTACHMENT A PAGE l WARRANTS APPROVED ON 8/06/99 FOR PAYMENT ON 8/6/99 VENDOR NAME AMOUNT A-! LOCK & KEY 43.35 ACME 419.95 ACS 3,057.23 ALTERNATIVE 83.60 AMERICAN INSTITUTIONAL SUPPLY 264.36 ARMSTRONG/ BRIAN 86.18 AUTO GLASS SPC!ALISTS INC. 135.53 AUTO SAFETY SERVICE 565.91 BACHMAN PRINTING COMPANIES 259.80 BAKKE ACOUSTICAL 35.00 BA TILE LAKE HAR WARE & RENT AL 31.54 BATTLE LAKE STANDARD 35.66 BECKLUND OIL CO. 87,12 BERG BAG COMPANY 1,934.83 BERGE/ ANGELA 80.12 BESTINC. 11,221.21 BEST INC. 39.00 BIG FOOR GAS & GROCERY 271.04 BRANDON COMMUNICATIONS 5,081.59 BUFF N' SHINE CENTER 18.03 CABINET CONNECTION 72.65 CAREER CLOTHES 154.61 0 CENTRAL STATES WIRE PRODUCTS 2,595.41 CITY BAKERY 20.25 CITY OF FERGUS FALLS 1,006.43 CO-OP SERVICES INC. 253.06 CONTECH CONST. PRODUCTS 3,665.20 COOPER'S OFFICE SUPPLY INC. 4,011.89 CORPORATE TECHNOLOGIES 750.00 CRAGUN'S LODGE AND CONFERENCE 283.06 DACOTAH PAPER COMPANY 200.06 DAILY JOURNAU THE 4,919.83 DAKOTA ELEVATOR 79.00 DAN'S EXHAUST PROS 18.73 DATA COMM WAREHOUSE 3,575.69 DEPT OF PUBLIC SAFETY 510.00 DIVERSION AUTO 173.77 DON'S SERVICE 11.75 DOZIER EQUIPMENT 75.27 DRYSDALE'S 27.95 EAGLE CONCRETE CONTRACTING 5,238.00 ERICKSON'S ELECTRONICS 130.37 ESTES/ LARRY 89.78 EXHAUST PROS 139.05 FALLS AUTOMOTIVE INC. 113.16 FEDERAL SIGN CORP 120.85 FERGUS AUTO SUPPLY 298.49 FERGUS CHAMPION AUTO 95.83 FERGUS ELECTRIC 1,211.83 FERGUS FALLS MEDICAL GROUP 140.50 0 FERGUS FALL POLICE DEPT 699.52 Attachment A JPEDERSO OTTERTAIL COUNTY AUDITOR IFD66 RECEIPTS AND DISBURSEMENTS SYSTEM COUNTY 56 Q WARRANTS FOR PUBLICATION ATTACHMENT A PAGE 2 WARRANTS APPROVED ON 8/6/99 FOR PAYMENT ON 8/6/99 VENDOR NAME AMOUNT FERGUS FALLS/CITY OF 210.00 FERGUS INTERNATIONAL INC. 1,021.84 FERGUS SURPLUS 366.90 FERGUS TIRE CENTER 230.88 FLOOR TO CEILING STORE 6.38 GALL'S INC. 10.88 GE CAPITAL IT SOLUTIONS 6,150.38 GEISER/ DONNA 543.06 GENERAL PARTS 63.09 GLENN D. ROGNESS TRUCKING 30.00 GLEWWE DOORS INC. 57.51 GOODIN COMPANY 398.13 GOVERNMENT OF FINANCE OFFICERS 50.00 GR GRAPHICS INC 157.62 GRIESER/ PAT 34.96 HANDEGAARD/STEVE 64.23 HANLEY DDS/ YVONNE S 22.50 HEARTLAND AUDIO INC 588.48 HEDAHLS 15.93 HEISLER'S COUNTRY OIL 818.59 HOLM/ SHELDON 38.60 HONEYWELL 1,248.75 0 HOOTS CAT HOUSE 18.05 IBM 6,808.24 INDEPENDENT/ THE 12.00 INFORMATION SYSTEMS CORP 12!.28 INPRO 602.57 INTERSTATE INC. 15.50 JKSPORTS 160.50 K.I.D. LEASING 259.00 K-MART 46.77 KARGER/ JON 51.00 KBMINC. 880.00 KELLY SERVICES 1,946.37 KOALA CORPORATION 33.55 KOEP'S CORPORATION 191.96 KOHLER STROM'S RESORT 21.35 KRIDER EQUIPMENT CO. INC. 739.76 L &LSERVICE 118.31 L.N. SICKELS CORPORATION 8,147.25 LAGERQUIST CORPORATION 266.16 LAKELAND MENTAL HEALTH CENTER 3,466.00 LAKELAND POWER EQUIPMENT 565.45 LAKES COUNTRY SERVICE 89.99 LARRY OTT INC. TRUCK SERVICE 600.00 LEE/ MALCOLM 162.44 LOCATORS & SUPPLIES INC. 357.14 LOCK IT/THE 444.00 LORETEL SYSTEMS 47.93 M-RSIGN CO I,194.87 I 0 MACQUEEN EQUIPMENT 1,700.12 Attachment A 0 JPEDERSO OTTERTAIL COUNTY AUDITOR IFD66 RECEIPTS AND DISBURSEMENTS SYSTEM COUNTY 56 WARRANTS FOR PUBLICATION ATTACHMENT PAGE 3 WARRANTS APPROVED ON 8/6/99 FOR PAYMENT ON 8/6/99 VENDOR NAME AMOUNT MAINSTREET GAS & GOODS 52.30 MCGUIRE/ MATTHEW 11.93 MEDICINE SHOPPE 1,592.84 MEDTOX LABO RA TORIES 230.00 MEYER GARBAGE SERVICE 28.08 MN CO ATTORNEY ASSOCIATION 335.00 MN COUNITES COMPUTER CO-OP 1,450.00 MN GENERAL CRIME VICTIM COALITION 50.00 MORRIS/ MARK 17.98 MORTENSON/ KURT 349.08 NARDINI FIRE EQUIPMENT 391.00 NA THAN SEEGER LAW OFFICE 245.00 NATIONAL SMALL FLOWS CLEARING 1.47 NA TURES GARDEN WORLD 55.21 NELSON BROTHERS PRINTING 1,072.16 NELSON/ GARY 24.43 NORTHERN STATES SUPPLY INC. 271.20 OBC MIDWEST 68.22 ORIGINAL HEATING MAN/ THE 81.40 OTTER COUNTRY ELECTRIC 114.37 OTTER TAIL CO DEPT. OF 2,273.82 0 OTTER TAIL CO TREASURER 97.80 OTTER TAIL POWER CO 4,500.00 OTTERTAIL TELCOM 90.47 OVERHEAD DOOR COMPANY 293.45 PAMIDA 190.82 PARSONS TECHNOLOGY 24.00 PELICAN RAPIDS PRESS 45.38 PERHAM CO-OP CREAMERY 188.83 PERHAM ENTERPRISE BULLETIN 2,393.19 PERHAM MEMORIAL HOSPITAL 5.00 PHOTO CENTER/ THE 11.96 PIERCE CO.I THE 95.98 PINE PLAZA AND APPLIANCE 53.24 PRAIRIE ELECTRIC 66.00 PRODUCTIVE ALTERNATIVE INC 306.29 QUARTERMASTER 40.95 RED CARPET INN 51.15 RENTAL STORE/THE 25.55 REVIEW ENTERPRISES 237.SI RODRIGUEZ/ GADD! 60.00 ROGER BENGTSON 30.00 SAUMER/ BILL 176.21 SCHLUETER/ BRIAN 16.99 SCHMIDT & AS SOCIA TES 536.76 SCHMIDTZ FORD 21.50 SCHWAAB INC. 52.80 SCHWANKE/ VICKI 55.80 SHAWL CONTRACT FLOORING 2,5I5.00 0 SHERA TON INN MIDWAY 723.20 I, I I I I; i I I ·O I I I I • JPEDERSO OTTERTAIL COUNTY AUDITOR IFD66 RECEIPTS AND DISBURSEMENTS SYSTEM COUNTY 56 WARRANTS FOR PUBLICATION ATTACHMENT PAGE 4 WARRANTS APPROVED ON 8/6/99 FOR PAYMENT ON 8/6/99 VENDOR NAME SHER WIN WILLIAMS SIMPLEX TIME RECORDER CO SKYVISION SOUTH MILL SERVICE SOUTHTOWN C-STORE STATE OF MN DEPT OF ADMIN STEIN'S INC, STENERSON LUMBER STEPP MANUFACTORING STOMMES/ BOB STREI CHER'S SVINGEN A THENS RUSSELL & TEXAS HEALTH FOUNDATION THE KIEFER COMPANIES THERMAL TECHNOLOGIES THORMODSON/ DEBBIE TIERNEY BROTHERS INC. TIGHE TEETS TOM'S STANDARD TRANSPORT CLEARING INC TROPHY HOUSE U OF M EXTENSION U OF M / MIDWEST PLAN SERVICE ULTRA CHEM INC. UNIFORMS UNLIMITED UNITED BUILDING CENTER UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA US OFFICE PRODUCTS VALLEY TRUCK VICTOR LUNDEEN COMPANY VIKING OFFICE PRODUCTS VILLAGE APOTHECARY VOSS LIGHTING WAGON WHEEL WAL-MART WALL WORK TRUCK CENTER WALMART WASTE MANAGEMENT OF CENTRAL M WEST TOOL & DESIGN WIEBE'S GARAGE AMOUNT 370,74 2,669.42 156.00 35.90 I 31.40 78.00 3,261.29 2,740.13 13,994. JO 44,29 233,34 I 15,00 21.00 774.81 3,028.95 237.16 262.75 17.99 17.70 120.00 73.08 107.31 8.52 152,12 7.75 12.43 95.50 450.00 265.17 73.21 921.86 JJ l.53 13.72 84.64 21.00 22.32 J03.34 J08.77 371.00 67.50 i WIELAND/ DIANE 47,92 129,82 I /i u- TOTAL 148,809, l l Attachment A