HomeMy WebLinkAboutBoard of Commissioners - Minutes - 06/17/1999•
Public Health Building
Lower Level Conference Room
Thursday, June 17, 1999
1 :00 p.m.
Call to Order
Todd Smedstad called the Labor/Management Committee meeting to order at 1 :08 p.m.
Attendance: Al Anderson, Brooks Andersen, Leon Anderson, Steve Andrews, Pauline Barry,
Joanne Derby, Sandi Gundberg, Mike Hanan, David Hauser, Cheryl Jones, Larry Krohn, Wendy
Metcalf, Mark Morris, Kathy Ouren, Michele Petterson, Bud Pierce, Vicki Schwanke, Todd
Smedstad, Rick Sytsma, and Rick West.
Excused Absence: The following individuals notified the Coordinator's Office of their planned
absence: Sharon Bjork, Cheri Schultz, Jack Dawkins, Merle King, Chuck Kitzman, Malcolm Lee,
Lane Magnusson, Lori Morrell, Virginia Partmann, Dennis Soderstrom, Doug Walvatne, and Gary
Unexcused Absence: None .
Larry Krohn announced that the Labor/Management Committee will hold all meetings as
scheduled, regardless or whether a quorum is met, per term policy; the only difference would be
that no actions could be officially taken at meetings lacking a quorum. Discussion followed.
Mick McCormick will be replacing Gary Waskosky's labor position on this committee. Gary
Waskosky will be replacing Mark Morris soon.
Review of Mission and/or Norms of Behavior
Group reviewed the Norms of Behavior List.
Review of Minutes
Committee members approved, as presented the minutes of May 20, 1999 with the following
change: Cheryl Jones not Joanne Derby presented Paid Time Off.
Review of Agenda
Committee members approved, as presented the agenda of June 17, 1999 with the following
addition: Sexual harassment under training opportunities.
Subcommittee Reports
Training Issues
Discussed supervisor meetings that will be scheduled in the near future.
Discussion Items
A. Replacement of committee member of expiring terms -Committee members need to fulfill two-
year terms initially; after one-year has passed, half of group would need to continue on for one
additional year. Discussion followed about a variety of options. Consensus was made to select
one additional year members out of a hat at the next meeting.
otter Tall county Labor/Management committee
June 17, 1999
B. Paid Time Off -Cheryl Jones presented an overview. "The Beltrami County plan appears to be
the best plan -you would want to tailor this for your own needs", if you have any questions, she C
urged members to get the message to Larry, and he will pass them onto her.
C. Training Opportunities -Sexual Harassment Prevention Training will be provided by MCIT next
Friday, June 25, 1999. This training will be video taped for future viewing.
Information Sharing/Announcements
A request was passed on to our committee from the Personnel Board regarding employees being
paid semi-monthly vs. monthly. A survey will be going out to monthly paid employees.
At 2:27 p.m., Todd Smedstad declared the meeting of the Otter Tail County Labor/Management
Committee adjourned until 1 :00 p.m. on Thursday, July 15, 1999.
-121 WEST JUNIUS AVENUE . FERGUS FALLS, MN 56537·2544 218-739-2271 OR 218·739-3721 FAX
Date: June 10, 1999
To: Otter Tail County Department Heads, Supervisors &
All Employees of Otter Tail County
From: Larry Krohn
Re: Minnesota Counties Insurance Trust: Sexual Harassment Prevention Training Sessions
Otter Tail County will be conducting Sexual Harassment Prevention training at the Fergus Falls Community College Waage
(Fine Arts Center) Auditorium on Friday, June 25. The program is being provided by our insurer, the Minnesota Counties
Insurance Trust through efforts of the Labor Management Committee, and is required training for each
employee/department head. Therese Pautz of Neu Vest will be the presenter.
One two-hour training session will be held for department heads and supervisors, and two one-hour sessions will be offered
for all other employees. Department heads and supervisors should plan to schedule approximately half of their employees
at each of the two one-hour employee sessions.
Department heads are expected to report any members of their staff not in attendance so a future makeup video session
can be planned. The program will be videotaped for employees who are unable to attend to make arrangements to view the
training at a later date. Employees at the New York Mills location who are unable to attend the training session, will have a
future video session scheduled at their location.
Employee Session I:
Employee Session II:
Department Head/Supervisor:
8:30 a.m.
1:00 p.m.
10:00 a.m.
One Hour
One Hour
Two Hours
Harassment (whether based on race, color, religion, national origin, sex, etc.) is not only illegal, it greatly affects morale,
efficiency, and productivity in the workplace. It is the ongoing commitment of Otter Tail County to have a positive work
environment that does not tolerate harassment.
If there are questions about the presentation, feel free to call our staff for assistance .
an equal opportunity employer
Section A. Implementation
Time off with pay that was previously accrued for vacation, holidays,
sick time and bonus hours has now become available as Paid Time Off
(P.T.O.). This time may be used at the employee's option for time off for
personal reasons in accordance with the procedures set forth below. The
purpose of P.T.O. is to provide the employee with greater flexibility in using
time off while assuring the Employer that most absences will be planned in
advance and for adequate coverage to be a=anged. In some instances the
employer will be unable to arrange coverage for all those wishing to be away at
a particular time and· some requests for P.T.O. will have to be denied. The
needs of the Employer will be the prime consideration in the decision to grant
or deny a request for P.T.O. This is not intended to change any of the
existing policies and procedures regarding notification, approval or
scheduling, except as noted.
Section B. Eligibility
1. Regular full-time employees are eligible to accrue, and will accrue
annually one of four P.T.O. allowances, depending on the length of service and
employment status.
2. Employees who are regular part-time would accrue at a pro-rated
amount based upon regular hours of work.
3. All regular hours worked will go towards the accumulation of P.T.O.
4. Temporary and casual employees do not accrue P.T.O.
Section C. Probationary Period
During the first 360 regular hours of employment, employees.will accrue
P.T.O., but they will not be able to use it. Following the completion of their
probationary period, employees will be eligible to use accrued P.T.O. hours.
Section D. Accrual of Paid Time Off
Earned P.T.O. shall be determined by length of service and the number of
regular hours an employee has worked. Regular hours worked shall be defined
1. Worked hours, up to.2080 hours in a year.
2. P.T.O. hours taken or cashed in.
3. Benefit hours credited for.
-7 -
Employees Shall Earn Paid Time Off as Follows:
Amount of
Continuous Service
O through 3 years
Beginning of 4th year
Beginning of 8th year
Beginning of 15th year
Beginning of 20th year
Maximum Yearly
Paid Time Off Earned
23 days = 184 hours
30 days = 240 hours
37 days = 296 hours
40 days = 320 hours
42 days = 336 hours
Section E. Usage of Paid Time Off
A. General
Hourly Rate
Once the employee has worked the initial 360 hours, he/she may use
accumulated time as P.T.O. Time available for use will be based on time
available at the completion of the previous pay period. P.T.O. may be
requested any time. (Note: Accumulated P.T.O. is also insurance against loss
of income during unscheduled emergencies: for example, sickness.)
B. Sickness
Employees may use any amount of accumulated P.T.O. for illness or
accident. However, to be eligible for such use, an employee shall notify the
designated person as far in advance.as possible of his absence. An employee
who gives less than one hour's notice shall incur a reduction in P.T.O. pay by
an amount equal to one hour's pay. Employees with an accrued sick leave bank
will first use all their sick leave before going to P.T.O. hours. The Employer
may requi~e a physician's certificate as evidence that such an emPloyee was ill
whenever it deems such certificate necessary.
C. Worker Compensation Injuries
If any employee of the Employer shall receive a compensable injury and
have accrued benefits under the P.T.O. plan, the employer shall, at the
employee's request, pay the employee the difference between.the compe~.sation
received by him/her and his/her regular pay, the same to be deducted from
accrued P.T.O. benefits. It is understood that the additional payments made to
the employee over and above that paid by Worker's Compensation shall not exceed
the amount of credits which an employee is entitled to from such accrued P.T.O.
benefits. Employees with an accrued sick leave bank will first use all their
sick leave before going to P.T.O. hours.
D. Holidays
The following days shall be designated as holidays:
•New Year's Day
Independence Day
•Christmas Day
•••Floating Holiday
Labor Day
••Employee's Birthday
Memorial Day
Thanksgiving Day
•For purposes of this section, the New Year's holiday shall commence on
December 31, at 3:00 p.m. and end at 3:00 p.m. on January l; Christmas Day
holiday shall commence at 3:00 p.m. on December 24 and end at 3:00 p.m. on
December 25.
-8 -
••Employees shall be allowed a day off at their own discretion, within the
thirty-day period following the employee's birthday.
•••The floating holiday will be granted to individual employees by mutual
agreement between the department director and the employee. Employees will
submit a written request for the floating holiday to the Hospital at least one
week prior to the start of the pay period in which the requested floating
holiday is to occur. The department director will approve requests in writing
to the employee. Requests by employees for the floating holiday shall not be
withheld unreasonablo/ by the Hospital.
Some departments will be able to close on these days; others, because of the
necessity of seven day a week operation, will not be able to close.
1. If the employee's department is closed, and the employee would have worked,
the employee will be paid one (l) day at a straight time wage from the P.T.O.
accumulation, provided of course, that the employee has at least one (l) day of
P.T.O. accumulated and is eligible to take P.T.O.
2. If an employee's normal day off falls on a legal holiday, a P.·T.O. day will
not be granted for that day, unless requested by the employee (subject to the
provisions of #5 below).
3. If the department must conduct business and the employee is scheduled by
the department director not to work the holiday, the employee will be paid one
normal shift at straight time wage from the P.T.O. accumulation if they have
~-If the employee is scheduled by the department director to work on the
holiday, the employee shall be paid at the rate of time and one-half (l-l/2)
their regular rate of pay and will retain the earned P.T.O. for future use.
Employees with 15 or more years of service shall receive two times (2X) their
regular rate of pay for work on a holiday.
5. Eligible employees will be allowed to use a P.T.O. day or days, provided
that they are not paid for more than eighty (80) hours in the pay period.
(Does not apply to those employees who work a holiday and receive time and
one-half (l-1/2) or two times (2X) their regular pay or to full-time employees
who are called in on a non-scheduled shift.)
6. The decision as to the staffing required and the scheduling of particular
employees on a holiday is the re.sponsibility of the department director. If a
holiday occurs during the employee's first 360 hours of continuous employment
and the department closes completely or closes partially with the employee
scheduled not to work, the employee will not be paid for time off. The
employees scheduled to work on the holiday during their first 360 hours of
employment will receive normal pay.
E. Vacations
Department directors will consult with all employees entitled to P.T.O.
for vacations and establish a working schedule for vacation periods. In
determining vacation schedules, seniority of employees by classification will
prevail in the selection of vacation time to the extent that the needs of the
Employer will permit and when the employee has applied for the vacation at
least twenty (20) days prior to the desired starting date of the vacation.
-9 -
F. Low Need Days
Employees shall be allowed to use P.T.O. accumulations to fill in for
days lost because of low need days.
Section F. Required Mini.mum Time Off
All employees shall be required to take a minimum of 100 hours
(pro-rated on regular hours of work during the benefit year) of their earned
P.T.O. each accrual year (providing the hours are available). No time off is
required during an employee's first benefit year. The difference between the
minimum time off required per year and the amount of time used that is less
than the required minimum shall be lost. (Example: Required to use 100 hours,
only use 78 hours -employee would lose 22 hours.) Administration may grant
exceptions to this rule based upon extenuating circumstances. It i_s the
employee's responsibility to monitor these hours.
Section G. Cash In
No hours may be cashed in during the employee's first year in the
program. Following the first year, the employee may cash in any number of
hours he/she has accrued, but not taken, from previous years. An employee may
request cash a maximum of three (3) times during the year. Notification must
be in writing and turned into their department director at least two (2) weeks
prior to the start date of the pay period in which payment is to be received.
(Note: Taxes will be deducted from the money requested.)
Section H. Conversion Policy
All employees as of February 29, 1966 shall have their vacation, sick
and bonus hours converted as follows:
l. Earned vacation time shall be calculated for all employees as of the
above date. Total unused accrued vacation time and bonus hours shall then be
rolled over into P.T.O. hours. These hours are not subject to the minimum time
off requirement..
2. Accrued sick hours shall be calculated for all employees as of the
above date. Total unused accrued· sick hours shall then be placed in a separate
account and can only be used when an employee is sick. Once this account is
depleted, an employee can use regular P.T.O. hours for all sick time. An
employee who terminates without having used his/her total accumulation of sick
leave shall, after proper notice, receive 25% of the amounc remaining as a cash
pay out.
Section I. Termination
Upon termination, a covered employee is entitled to receive pay for any
time he/she has accumulated providing he/she gives proper notice. Those
employed for less than 360 hours shall receive pay only for time worked until
termination. When an employee resigns, he/she is expected to work-through the
date of resignation. P.T.0. can not be used as a substitute for working the
total required time of their notice. Administration may make exceptions co
this under extenuating circumstances. P.T.O. paym"eri.ts will be normally granted
on the last regular pay check.
-10 -
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• r • •
Paid Time Off
Detailed Plan Provisions
Final Plan -10/3/95
Table of Contents
Introduction 2
Policy 3
Accrual Rates 4
Use of PTO 5
Conversion Option 6
Termination Benefits 7
Eligibility 8
Participation 9
Current Vacation/Sick Leave Balances 10
Extended Sick Leave Bank 11
1 Final Plan -10/3/95
It has been a continuing objective of Beltrami County to provide equity, consistency and
flexibility in the delivery of benefits alternatives to County Staff. Where appropriate,
certain benefits have also been designed to incorporate employee tenure so as to
recognize and regard loyal service to the County. These considerations are particularly
significant in the accrual, utilization and administration of paid time off.
While traditional paid vacation, sick leave, and medical appointments have been in
place for many years, those programs are highly structured, with extensive rules being
applied to the actual use of the benefit. With sick leave in particular, these rules often
inject the employer into employees' personal lives and require supervisors to make
highly subjective judgments. Utilization of sick leave also varies greatly within the
employee population and it is, therefore, virtually impossible to achieve equity across the
work force in the provision of this particular benefit.
The Paid Time Off (PTO) Plan replaces County policies on vacation, sick leave, and
medical appointments and combines these benefits into a single plan. All eligible
employees accrue PTO based on tenure. Plan provisions discourage unnecessary
utilization by providing cash and savings incentives.
-~ With the adoption of this plan, Beltrami County firmly accepts and endorses the
principles of equity, consistency, flexibility and the recognition of tenure in the delivery
of th is benefit.
2 Final Plan -10/3/95
It is the policy of Beltrami County to provide employees necessary paid time away from
work. This policy is implemented by means of the PTO Plan, which covers all paid
leave previously available under the County's vacation, sick leave, and medical
appointments leave policies. Leaves such as funeral leave and military leave are not
included in the PTO Plan.
PTO can be utilized for any purpose, subject only to necessary request/approval
procedures consistent with policy and labor contracts.
3 Final Plan -10/3/95
Accrual Rates -Employees Hired On/Aher January 1, 1997
Employees hired prior to January 1, 1997 will accrue PTO at the rate established under
previous vacation and sick leave policies until such time as the PTO provisions are equal
to or greater than the previous combined vacation and sick leave provisions.
Years of Service
0 -S Years
After 5 Years
After 10 Years
After 1 5 Years
After 20 Years
Accrual Rate
14 hours I month = 21 days I year
16 hours/ month = 24 days I year
18 hours/ month = 27 days I year
20 hours/ month = 30 days I year
22 hours I month = 33 days I year
4 Final Plan -10/3/95
Use of PTO
PTO is accrued on a per month basis and may be used subsequent to the month
in which it was earned.
Non-scheduled use must be requested prior to the beginning of a shift or per
departmental practices. Non-scheduled PTO requests may be denied depending
on staffing needs.
Probationary employees may use PTO as it is earned .
Maximum PTO accrual is 50 days I 400 hours.
PTO may be used subsequent to the month in which it was earned in increments
of not less than 15 minutes (¼ hour).
During the first fifteen years of employment employees shall be required to take
80 hours of PTO annually as time off. After fifteen years of employment
employees shall be required to take 120 hours of PTO annually as time off. The
required usage for part-time employees will be pro-rated based on the number of
hours worked. The difference between the minimum time off required per year
and the amount of time used that is less than the required minimum shall be lost.
This requirement does not apply during the first year of employment.
Employees receiving Worker's Compensation may use accrued PTO hours to
return to 100% of their net salary.
Accrued extended sick leave hours must be used prior to beginning an unpaid
leave of absence for medical reasons.
An employee taking an unpaid leave for medical reasons may retain up to forty
hours of PTO time for use after returning from the leave of absence.
An employee who is taking an unpaid leave of absence for other than medical
reasons must use all accrued PTO hours before beginning the unpaid leave.
PTO hours shall count toward the calculation of overtime .
5 Final Plan -10/3/95
Conversion Option
Employees may convert a portion of their carryover PTO balance from the end of the
previous year to cash as follows:
Years of Service
After 5 Years
After 1 0 Years
After 1 5 Years
After 20 Years
Convert to Cash
40 hours / year
60 hours / year
80 hours / year
100 hours / year
Conversions may be made in the April, August, and December payrolls. Notification
must be made in writing and submitted to the employee's supervisor and payroll by the
first of the month when payment is requested. Taxes will be deducted.
6 Final Plan -10/3/95
Termination Benefits
Upon termination of employment with Beltrami County, the dollar value of PTO paid
out, will be the dollar value of the employees wage rate x 100% of balance up to 400
hours. -
Severance benefits will be paid to employees with Extended Sick Leave Banks in
accordance with provisions in the appropriate bargaining agreements or Personnel Rules.
Termination pay cannot be used to extend the employee's date of termination beyond
the last scheduled work day.
7 Final Plan -10/3/95
All regular full-time and part-time Beltrami County employees who are eligible for
benefits are eligible to participate in the PTO program beginning January 1, 1997.
Eligible part-time employees accrue PTO on a pro-rata basis.
8 Final Plan -10/3/95
All Beltrami County employees not covered by a collective bargaining agreement will
participate upon Board approval after consultation with employees.
Employee groups covered by collective bargaining agreements must negotiate
participation in the PTO program through the collective bargaining process.
9 Final Plan -10/3/95
Current Vacation/Sick Leave Balances
Existing vacation and sick leave balances shall be converted to the PTO program in the
following manner. Unused vacation balances shall be converted to PTO accounts of
participating employees. New PTO hours, as accrued, shall be added to the converted
vacation balance.
Sick leave hours will be converted to the Extended Sick Leave Bank hours.
10 Final Plan -10/3/95
.. .
Extended Sick Leave Bank
For employees hired before January 1; 1997 total unused sick leave hours shall be frozen
and shall become the Extended Sick Leave Bank which may be used for future illness,
injury or disability of the employee, the· employee's spouse, child, ward, parent, and
In the event of each illness, injury or disability, time off may be taken from the Extended
Sick Leave Bank or the PTO account, at the employee's choice.
Employees receiving Worker's Compensation may use the Extended Sick Leave Bank to
return to 100% of their current net salary.
11 Final Plan -10/3/95
August 1995
Countywide average daily wage= $88.25
($11.03/hr. or $22,942/yr.)
Average annual sick leave usage= 8 days (1994numbers)
Average cost of sick leave/employee= $706
Number of employees eligible for benefits= 276
Countywide cost of sick leave/day= $24,357
Current Sick & Vacation
0-5 years 16hr/mo = 24 days/yr
After 5 years 18hr/mo = 27 days/yr
After 10 years 20hr/mo = 30 days/yr
After 15 years 22hr/mo = 33 days/yr
After 20 years 24hr/mo = 36 days/yr
• I_
Proposed PTO Plan
14hr/mo = 21 days/yr '
16hr/mo = 24dqys/yr ·
18hr/mo = 27days/yr:
20hr/mo = 30days/yr
22hr/mo = 33days/yr ·
*Current vacation and sick leave combined
AFSCME Human Services= 160 days/1280 hours ( $14, 120)
All Others= 150 days/1200 hours ($13,238)
*Proposed PTO Plan
All participating employees= 50 days/400 hours ( $4413)
Sick leave 12 days x 24,357 = $292,284
Vacation leave 24 days x 24,357 = $584,586
TOTAL= $876,852
CURRENT AVERAGE ANNUAL COST: Based on average vacation
and sick leave usage
Sick leave 8 days x 24,357 = $194,856
Vacation leave 14 days x 24,357 = $340,998
TOTAL= $535,854
*Current plan maximum
AFSCME Human Services= 100 days_/ 800 hours ($8825)
All others= 90 days/ 720hours ($7943)
*PTO plan maximum= 50 days/400 hours ($4413)
employees took off every day they could, this is what it would cost.
33 Days x 24,357= $803,781
1. What is a paid time off (PTO) plan? A PTO plan replaces
traditional policies on vacation, sick leave and time off for medical
appointments with a single plan that pools paid time off. PTO could
be used for any purpose, subject only to normal, non-intrusive
request/approval procedures consistent with policy and labor
contracts. Traditional paid vacation and sick leave programs are
highly structured with extensive rules being applied to the actual use
of the benefit. With sick leave in particular, these rules often
interject the employer into employee's personal lives and require
supervisors to make highly subjective judgments. Utilization of sick
leave also varies greatly among employees and it is, therefore,
virtually impossible to achieve equity across the work force in the
provision of this particular benefit. The PTO plan discourages
unnecessary utilization by providing a cash conversion incentive.
2. How would this be implemented? A committee of the Joint Labor
Management Committee (JLMC) prepared a plan for presentation to
the JLMC. The JLMC will decide on the next step. Inclusion in
union contracts must be negotiated with the union groups before the
plan can be implemented. One of the implementation objectives is to
offer the same plan for all county employees.
3. While gaining more options and flexibility for the use of time off,
new employees will accrue less time, limiting the future liability for
the county.
4. The accrual rate for employees who are grandfathered in will be
frozen at their current levels. Increases in accrual rates will be
granted when the new PTO accrual rate catches up with the rates
they are receiving. The overall county accrual totals will decrease as
a result.
5. Cash paid to terminating employees who are grandfathered in
may increase because the PTO maximum accrual rate is higher than
the existing vacation maximum accrual. Termination pay for new
employees who eventually retire will be lower due to the PTO
maximum accrual rate being lower than the combined sick and
vacation leave maximum accrual rate in place now ..
6. With the provision for cashing in PTO hours, the county will save
money by paying off those hours at a lower rate of pay than if
.. :.
employees held on to them. About 1 /3 of the June survey
respondents said they would probably cash in some of their PTO and
bank the rest.
7. The requirement to take 80 hours of time off per year will lower
the county's liability on the books.
8. Studies indicate that employees who take their earned time off
are usually more productive than those who take very little. This
plan allows employees to use either blocks of time or days off here
and there. ·
9. It is possible that employees will take more time off and office
coverage could become more difficult as a result.
10. Eventually this plan will reduce the tracking done by payroll
11. The sick leave bank will be eliminated when the grandfathered
employees are gone.
12. Funeral leave is not included in the PTO plan and will continue to
be granted just as it is now.
13. Olmsted County experienced a decrease in absences'of about
10% in the first year after they implemented their PTO plan. Dave
Griffin, the Personnel Director, said that their plan costs no more than
their old plan and that they expect significant savings over the long
run. They will be adding a provision for cashing in PTO hours next
14. Washington County did not implement their plan (due to the
unions not accepting it) after hiring a consulting firm to develop it.
They used an actuarial firm to cost our their plan. They projected the
transition period maximum cost at about $20,000 (worst case
scenario) for about 832 employees.
15. The Rapid City Regional Hospital experienced a slight increase
(1 %) in benefit dollars paid when they implemented their plan.
Summary of Current Plan versus PTO Proposed Plan
Years of Service Current Vacation & Sick Accruals Proposed PTO Plan Accruals Conversion to Cash Required PTO Usage
0-5 16 hours / month = 24 days / year 14 hours / month = 21 days / year 0 hours •so hours
192 hours / year 168 hours I year
After 5 18 hours/ month = 27 days/ year 16 hours / month = 24 days / year 40 hours 80 hours.
216 hours/ year 192 hours / year
After 10 20 hours I month = 30 days I year 18 hours / month = 27 days / year 60 hours 80 hours
240 hours / year 216 hours / year
After 15 22 hours / month = 33 days / year 20 hours / month = 30 days / year 80 hours , 120 hours
264 hours / year 240 hours / year
After 20 ~4 hours / month = 36 days / year 22 hours / month = 33 days / year 100 hours 120 hours
288 hours / year 264 hours / year
'This requirement does not apply during the first year of employment.
Draft -9/13/95