HomeMy WebLinkAboutBoard of Commissioners - Minutes - 04/15/1999. ·' .. ..,,,,,;;,./1--------------------------------------
Otter Tail County Courthouse
Commissioners' Room, Floor 1-B
Thursday, April 15, 1999
1 :00 p.m.
Call to Order
Larry Krohn called the Labor/Management Committee meeting to order at 1 :05 p.m.
Attendance: Al Anderson, Steve Andrews, Sharon Bjork, Joanne Derby, Pauline Fitch, Mike
Hanan, David Hauser, Cheryl Jones, Chuck Kitzman, Larry Krohn, Malcolm Lee, Lane Magnusson,
Wendy Metcalf, Lori Morrell, Mark Morris, Michele Petterson, Bud Pierce, Vicki Schwanke, Todd
Smedstad, Dennis Soderstrom, Rick Sytsma, and Doug Walvatne.
The following individuals notified the Coordinator's Office of their planned absence: Brooks
Andersen, Leon Anderson, Jack Dawkins, Sandi Gundberg, Kathy Ouren, Virginia Portmann, Gary
Waskosky, and Rick West.
Absent: Merle King
Rev.iew of Mission and/or Norms of Behavior
Committee reviewed the Norms of Behavior List.
Review of Minutes
Committee members approved, as presented the minutes of March 18, 1999.
Review of Agenda
Committee members approved, as presented the agenda of April 15, 1999 with the following
additions: C. Training/Technology and the County List of Committees; D. Personal Time Off (PTO);
E. Replacement of committee members plus promotional aspect for the future; F. Terms for
committee group members; and G. New training opportunities.
Subcommittee Reports
Training Issues
David Hauser presented the following from the Supervisor Training Subcommittee:
The subcommittee met again on April 8, 1999, and reviewed some additional information
received. The committee understood that they were to make some specific
recommendations for training and how best to handle it; they considered the cost of training,
they reviewed the Supervisors Manual which Larry Krohn had been working on, and
considered how to define Supervisor for purposes of training. The committee made the
following recommendations:
New Supervisor Orientation: Each new supervisor should receive an orientation not
unlike the one received by new employees. They should be given a basic handbook
regarding supervision (such as The First-Time Manager by Loren B. Belker). They should
receive an update on Otter Tail County personnel procedures including a copy of the
Personnel Policy or union contracts, if appropriate.
Otter Tall county Labor/Management Committee
April 15, 1999
Page 2
Quarterly Meetings: Supervisors should meet periodically. Someone among the group r
should lead a discussion on basic supervisory responsibilities, perhaps using a chapter from \__
a management book. There would also be open discussion on topical issues of concern.
The meetings should be regularly scheduled for a limited period of time.
Start-up Training for All Current Supervisors: Since there has been no orientation or
supervisor training to date, it would be appropriate for all supervisors within the county to
participate in a training giving some basic information and some specific information about
Otter Tail County procedures.
The Otter Tail County Supervisor Book: The committee felt that this book should just
review Otter Tail County policies and procedures, and be simpler than the work in progress.
The book should not include general supervisory information, which should be available in a
supervisor handbook of general interest.
Supervisor Definition: The subcommittee felt that the definition should be expansive to
include all persons who are supervising others. The skills and concepts would be helpful to
Mr. Hauser suggested that there should be a quarterly supervisor meeting where people could
then share their particular problems, etc., on an informal basis; they could have their own forum.
Lane Magnusson recommended that the quarterly supervisor meeting be mandatory for all
supervisors. Group consensus to start scheduling quarterly supervisor meetings starting with the
top-level supervisors.
Mr. Hauser mentioned that the County Attorney's office is working on a new data practices policy.
Discussion Items
A. Replacement of committee members who retire --the bylaws recommend that the original
committee members should be the same members for two years, which is followed by half of
the members remaining on the committee for one additional year. In regard to the labor
committee members representing the Sheriffs Office, two additional members are needed now.
Group consensus to continue more discussion on this item at the next meeting.
B. Supervisor "rough draft" manual --this was covered above under training issues.
C. Training/technology and County List of Committees --Larry Krohn reported that the
Coordinator's Office now has e-mail, which appears to be a good software product. Mr. Krohn
discussed on how he and Sharon Bjork are continuing to work on the county list of committees.
D. Personal Tme Off (PTO) --Joanne Derby discussed two of her groups have changed to PTO's.
Joanne gave an overview of the Personal Time Off program. Ms. Derby suggested on
presenting the concept here and getting feedback from employees. Group consensus to
continue more discussion on this issue at next month's meeting.
E. Replacement of committee members plus promotional aspect for the future -Discussion
addressed a promotion in the Sheriffs Department, which will change the committee member
from labor to management. This replacement needs to be made by that specific supervisory
F. Group term limits overview by Lori Morrell --will be presented at the next meeting.
G. New training opportunities --Discussion on sexual harassment training provided by Minnesota C
Counties Insurance Trust (MCIT). Consensus was to proceed with harassment training for
county employees; Sharon Bjork and David Hauser will look into further.
' .
otter Tail county Labor Management Committee
April 15, 1999
Page 3
At 3:30 p.m., Larry Krohn declared the meeting of the Otter Tail County Labor/Management
Committee adjourned until 1 :00 p.m. on Thursday, May 20, 1999.
218/739-2271, Ext. 200
The subcommittee met again on April 8, 1999, and reviewed some additional information we received.
We understood that we were to make some specific recommendations for training and how best to
handle it. We considered cost of training. We reviewed the Supervisors Manual which Larry Krohn had
been working on and considered how to define Supervisor for purposes of training. The committee
makes the following recommendations:
New Supervisor Orientation: Each new supervisor should receive an orientation not unlike the one
received by new employees. They should be given a basic handbook regarding supervision (such as The
First-Time Manager by Loren B. Belker, now in its fourth edition). They should receive an update on
Otter Tail County personnel procedures including a copy of the Personnel Policy or union contracts, if
Quarterly Meetings: Supervisors should meet periodically. Someone among the group should lead a
discussion on basic supervisory responsibilities, perhaps using a chapter from a management book.
There would also be open discussion on topical issues of concern. The meetings should be regularly
scheduled for a limited period of time.
Start-up Training For All Current Supervisors: Since there has been no orientation or supervisor
training to date, it would be approp.riate for all supervisors within the county to participate in a training
giving some basic information and some specific information about Otter Tail County procedures.
The Otter Tail County Supervisor Book: The committee felt that this book should just review Otter
Tail County policies and procedures, and be simpler than the work in progress. The book should not
include general supervisory information which is information which should be available in a supervisor
handbook of general interest.
Supervisor Definition: The subcommittee felt that the definition should be expansive to include all
persons who are supervising others. The skills and concepts would be helpful to all.
Attached is a copy of the Table of Contents from the Belker book.
218/739-2271, Ext. 200
3-11-99 DATE:
The general feedback that we had received prior to our meeting was that there is not really a major
problem. Some people did believe that their supervisors would benefit from some training, and some
supervisors felt it would be helpful.
Issues that should be dealt with in the training included:
• Evaluations
How to do them
Their value
• How to conduct effective meetings
. Group discussions
• Employee morale
• Communications
• Otter Tail County personnel procedures
We agree that it would be appropriate for new supervisors to receive an orientation, not unlike that
which new employees received. It could be either included in a day-long in-house training or could be
in addition to a general class on supervision received elsewhere. It would be helpful to have a basic
handbook available, preferably one which would be coordinated with the in-house training if that was
the method chosen.
Supervisors should be encouraged to work through the Coordinator's Office for certain personnel issues.
• Hiring
• Serious discipline problems
The Coordinator's Office could maintain a library on supervision and personnel issues for specific
problem areas. A list of the titles and subjects should be made available to the supervisors.
It may also be helpful to have periodic countywide supervisor meetings to discuss some particular topics
and have open forums. This is recommended in lieu of other forms of continuing training. It is felt that Q
periodically supervisors do need to be refreshed on ideas and principles that they are aware of, but need
to keep in practice.
. .
Part One The New Kid on the Block
1. How People Are Chosen as Supervisors
2. The First Few Months
3. Building Confidence
4. Leaming to Listen
5. We, They, and My
6. Change: Moving From Details to the Big Picture
7. Looking Above and Below
8. The Informal Organization Chart
9. Management Style/feam Building
Part Two The End of the Honeymoon
10. The Art of Appreciation
11. Changing the Employee
U. The In-Betweener
13. Disciplining the Employee
.. _j ...... ,.
viii Contents C
14. Hiring and Training New Employees 74
15. "Oh My God, I Can't Fire Anyone!" 93
Part Three The Manager as Administrator and
Counselor 103
16. Secrets and Perceptions 105
17. Your Relationship With the Human Resources
Department 108
18. Personal and Organizational Loyalty 111
19. Job Descriptions, Performance Appraisals, and
Salary Administration 113
20. It May Not Be the Money U7
21. Is There Such a Thing as Motivation? 129
22. The Generation Gap 135
23. Helping to Prepare for the Gold Watch 138
Part Four Preparing and Improving Yourself 145
24. The Role of Self-Discipline 147 C
25. "How Am I Doing?" 151
26. Organizing Your Own Tllile 167
27. The Written Word 172
28. The Telephone 176
29. The Grapevine 181
30. A Sense of Humor: A Trusted Friend 183
31. Managing, Participating in, and Leading
Meetings 186
32. A Touch of Oass 191
33. The Role of Public Speaking in Your Career 193
34. Stress and Intensity Levels 197
35. The Complete Person 201
Conclusion 204
Index 207
MEETINC DATE: April 15, 1999
Brooks Andersen __ ~E=xc=u=se=d~ ____ \ ____ _
Al Anderson o ~ . l\, . ......,__ )
Leon Anderson....._~~,..,.........,'--+--,~------
Steve Andrews_~'."fi~"'7-~~~~~=-----
Sharon Bjork. _ __,,, ........ '--"--c.c;.,-\-''-'-=='---------
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Jack oawkins_~=---!"'x=c'-" .u.=se _=d~ -~=-...-------
Joanne Derby ~~------:--'c)·
Pauline Fitch ~\VI..L ,
Sandi Gundberg · &~
Mike Hanan_.L!.'4'C¥='=r4-/-+------
oavid Hauser_~zt:2'..:ir&~,f'...,k,../...._--=='---
Cheryl Jones,_~...l!b.i...i....~~t,,,i."ii"---------
Merle King,_-'--'-P,lll-'-'-l'~---11-+-\---------
chuck Kitzman~....d00/J.JG.Q_4 2\t~Cl!:~3': ___ _
Larry Krohn _ __,_'.::,.g~l--h)~~..::..... ______ _
Malcolm Lee __ ~./7--~=-----~-------./4 --..........
Lane Magnusson .N':91\. • 'l:;J:;,.n .... ...)
Wendy Metcalf
Lori Morrell_---t~~~-P-'..l..!<=~!,!l,.,,,...------
Mark Morris _ _!~!,!lS~~1J........;.,,,~-------
Kathy Ouren Excused
Michele Petterson __ ~.,,__,'--.'+~----------
Norman "Bud" Pierce~~--~-'-F;~-~-------
Virginia Portmann_~CK<~=~=~---------
Vicki Schwanke __ e_.!::,~J..---,,---------
Todd smedstad __ ...!:::.!~~:e....---:-----\--4--l--
oennis Soderstro ',\....,,.-_,b.~;.LJ.W~--~Ull.~~!')....-
Rick sytsma. __ -'=c_,_---~~-~-----
ooug walvatne-~~~-:i.,,._..t::.AJ.~~~~...'.:::::~-----
Garv waskosky _ __,_ ..... ~~-=~'='-..... ~sedl;=,,,<>-------
Rick west ___ ----'-""'-'-"""'-:0 ... J"--"-----------