HomeMy WebLinkAboutBoard of Commissioners - Minutes - 03/09/19990 Call to Order The Otter Tail County Human Services Board convened Tuesday, March 9, 1999 at 9:31 a.m. at the Otter Tail County Courthouse with Commissioners Syd Nelson, Chair; Malcolm Lee, Secretary; Andy Lindquist, and Roger Froemming present. Vice-Chair Virginia Partmann was absent. Approval of Agenda Motion by Lee, second by Froemming, and unanimously carried to approve the Human Services Board agenda of March 9, 1999 as presented. Approval of Minutes Motion by Froemming, second by Lindquist, and unanimously carried to approve the Human Services Board minutes of February 23, 1999 as mailed. Juvenile Restitution Grant Court Services Director, Chuck Kitzman, presented a signed copy of the FY 1999 amended Juvenile Restitution Program Budget for the record. Assisted Living Analysis Public Health Director, Diane Thorson, submitted an accounting analysis of the Assisted Living project for 1997, 1998 and current balance. Discussion followed regarding overhead costs, current rates, and patient load. Discussion -Family Services Collaborative County Attorney, David Hauser, reported that at the most recent Collaborative meeting he presented a draft for the by-laws for the Collaborative and the focus of the meeting was to review the proposal. Each participant of the Collaborative will take the draft to their respective boards. Mr. Kitzman reported that Child Psychologist, Dr. Dikel, presented statistics regarding high-risk children. Discussion followed regarding participants proposed governance structure and issues of how bills for the Collaborative are approved and paid. The next meeting of the Collaborative is scheduled for March 25th. Computer Replacement Proposal MIS Director, Tim Brand, and Human Services Director, John Dinsmore, presented a computer replacement plan for the MAXIS Division to replace 27 PC 350 Pentium 75 and IBM Model 53 computers currently assigned to the Income Maintenance Unit. In addition, the Child Support Division would be replacing 10 computers. Mr. Dinsmore projected most costs involved with this replacement plan will be reimbursed by state or federal dollars except for approximately $4,400 for software costs. The plan also includes additional computers for a training center for staff. Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners March 9, 1999 Page 2 Motion by Lindquist, second by Lee, and unanimously carried to authorize the MIS and Human /\ Services Director to proceed with the computer replacement plan as presented and approve a cost '-' of $4,400 for required software. 1999 Addendum for Purchase of Service Agreement Motion Lee, second by Lindquist, and unanimously carried to authorize the Chair's signature to execute an amendment to the 1999 Appendix B purchase of Service Agreement between Otter Tail County Social Services and the Regional Treatment Center to add a waivered service site, Oriole SLS. Discussion -CSSA Planning Mr. Dinsmore submitted a planning handout for gathering and documenting information for completion of Otter Tail County's Community Social Services Act (CSSA) goals. Staffing Discussion Mr. Dinsmore requested a reallocation of a budgeted Case Aide position to a FTE Financial Worker position currently being staffed at a 60% FTE level. The employee currently holding the 60% FTE Financial Worker position is retiring the end of May. County Commissioners referred Mr. Dinsmore to the Personnel Committee of the County Board for review of the proposal. Bills & Claims Motion by Lindquist, second by Froemming, and unanimously carried to approve the Human Services bills and claims as presented. Adjournment At 10:28 a.m., Chairman Nelson declared the meeting of the Otter Tail County Human Services Board adjourned until 9:30 a.m. on Tuesday, March 2 , 999. \ Dated: ~-,,:b. /99? OTTER T I I ) Attest: _ _,_/a"""" ... ~ ... ~"'1--..... /""""'-= ;Jae..;,.__ __ _ LarryKrof{n,~ Call to Order The Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners convened Tuesday, March 9, 1999 at 10:35 a.m. at the Otter Tail County Courthouse with Commissioners Syd Nelson, Chair; Andy Lindquist, Malcolm Lee, and Roger Froemming present. Vice-Chair, Virginia Partmann was absent. Approval of Agenda Motion by Lee, second by Froemming, and unanimously carried to approve the County Board agenda of March 9, 1999 with the following addition: Road Name Issue for Rural Addressing Project -Citizen, Terry Marthaler 0 Approval of Minutes Q Motion by Lindquist, second by Lee, and unanimously carried to approve the County Board minutes of March 2, 1999 as mailed. ·-:· -.. , .. /<;'I ✓ 0 Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners March 9, 1999 Page 3 Discussion -Road Name for Rural Addressing Project Chairman Nelson introduced Mr. Terry Marthaler and requested that he explain an issue regarding a road name to the Board. Mr. Marthaler explained that the road he lives on has been named Little McDonald Lake Estates Road for a long time and has had a sign in place for the road for many years. It is named after the plat which seems to be appropriate and everyone Mr. Marthaler has talked to would like to keep the road name the same. Mr. Marthaler spoke to Rural Addressing Coordinator, Bob Block and Mr. Block explained that the road name was changed by the township, as was the process for the addressing project for township roads. Mr. Marthaler noted that a mistake has been made somewhere along the line and he would like to see the mistake corrected. Commissioner Lee stated that this job was given to the townships and they have signed off on the road naming. Commissioner Nelson expressed a desire to support a change back to the original name. Discussion continued. Chairman Nelson suggested that Bob Block and County Coordinator, Larry Krohn, meet to determine the repercussions relative to mapping, signing, and other aspects of the addressing project if the name is changed after the township signed off on the road name. No action was taken. Final Plat -Second Addition-to Sunrise Cove Motion by Lindquist, second by Lee, and unanimously carried to approve the final plat of "Second Addition to Sunrise Cove" (Sec. 23, Twp. 142, R. 40, 56-238, Clitherall Township). EQT County Agricultural Inspectors Annual Report and Work Plan Summary Motion by Lee, second by Froemming, and unanimously carried to approve the EOT County 0 Agricultural Inspector's 1998 Annual Report and 1999 Work Plan Summary as presented. Discussion -Agricultural Funding Ag Inspector, Tiny Holm, updated Board members regarding potential funding from the State of Minnesota for 50% of the cost of county agricultural programs. The State of Minnesota mandates that County Boards hire County Agricultural Inspectors to oversee laws and rules concerning noxious weed control and seed regulations within their jurisdiction. Mr. Holm requested approval to testify at the Senate Ag Committee on behalf of the Minnesota Association of County Agricultural Inspectors (MACAI) in favor of S.F. 932 this Thursday. Motion by Lee, second by Lindquist, and unanimously carried to authorize Ag Inspector, Tiny Holm, to testify in favor of State funding for county agricultural programs on behalf of MACAI as requested. Bid Award -S.A.P. 56-614-12 & Etc. After previously advertising, Highway Engineer Rick West, opened the following bids at 1 :00 p.m. on February 24, 1999 for S.A.P. 56-614-12 & Etc. (overlay projects): Central Specialties, Inc. Alexandria, MN Mark Sand & Gravel Acquisition Co. Fergus Falls, MN Bauerly Bros. Companies Sauk Rapids, MN $766,662.64 $793,359.59 $830,430.94 Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners March 9, 1999 Page4 Sherbrooke Asphalt, Inc. Detroit Lakes, MN $946,111.00 Motion by Lee, second by Lindquist, and unanimously carried to award S.A.P. 56-614-12 & etc. (overlay on CSAH 14 and CSAH 44) to the low bidder, Central Specialties, Inc. of Alexandria, MN in the amount of $766,662.64. Road Restrictions The Highway Engineer informed commissioners that county road restrictions will be in effect at 8:00 a.m. on Friday, March 12, 1999. Approval to Pay Bill Motion by Lee, second by Froemming, and unanimously carried to authorize payment to Team Electronics for an updated sound system in the Commissioners' room in the amount of $1,568.25. Proposed State Funding of Court System Larry Krohn, County Coordinator, reviewed several concerns of Clearwater County addressed to the MRCC dealing with state funding of the court system. Eligibility List for Detention Officers Mr. Krohn informed the Board that the Jail Administrator will be proceeding with developing an eligibility list for detention officers. WCMN Housing Partnership Mr. Krohn reported receipt of correspondence from the West Central Minnesota Housing Partnership. The housing agency is in the process of applying for funding for a homeless prevention and assistance program. They are applying for $45,000 to provide.down payments for first-time homebuyers and are requesting each county to provide $250 loans at no interest. Commissioner Lindquist noted that many Otter Tail County housing functions are administered by the HRA. No action was taken. Adjournment At 11 :39 a.m., Chairman Nelson declared the meeting of the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners adjourned until 9:30 a.m. on Tuesday, March 16, 1999. Dated: Tul\eA. H,. J q~r j OMMISSIONERS CB/kd 0 0 0