HomeMy WebLinkAboutBoard of Commissioners - Minutes - 12/17/1998•
Call to Order
Present: Brooks Andersen, Leon Anderson, Steve Andrews, Pauline Barry, Sharon Bjork, Rolene
Davis, Jack Dawkins, Sandi Gundberg, David Hauser, Cheryl Jones, Chuck Kitzman, Larry Krohn,
Malcolm Lee, Lane Magnusson, Wendy Metcalf, Lori Morrell, Mark Morris, Kathy Ouren, Michele
Petterson, Norman Pierce, Virginia Portmann, Todd Smedstad, Dennis Soderstrom, Gary
Waskosky, and Rick West.
Absent: Joanne Derby, Merle King, and Rick Sytsma.
Resigned: Jeff Thompson.
Todd Smedstad called the Labor/Management Committee meeting to order at 1: 1 O p.m.
The following individuals notified the Coordinator's Office of their planned absence: Al Anderson,
Mike Hanan, Vicki Schwanke, and Doug Walvatne .
Approval of Agenda -December 17, 1998
The agenda of December 17, 1998 was approved by Committee members.
Approval of Minutes -November 19, 1998
The minutes of November 19, 1998 were approved by Committee members as presented.
New member orientation training, held in St. Paul on a monthly basis, was discussed. Copies of
the updated Labor/Management Committee Mission Statement was reviewed by the group as well
as the list of Norms of Behavior.
Members discussed issues regarding disbursement of information of Labor/Management
Committee Minutes to employees.
Further discussion on resolving communication problems within individual departments was
explored, such as steps toward incorporating e-mail (this gradual installation procedure would take
the timeframe of approximately two to six months once started). The e-mail policy is currently
being reviewed.
Open Forum
The process of disciplinary action was discussed. Once final disposition occurs, that information
becomes public .
Lori Morrell will address the sixth step in the Committee's Problem Solving Manual at the next
Otter Tall county Labor/Management committee
December 17, 1999
· Page 2
Each member was asked to bring a list of committees that relate to formation of a Catalog of
Committees as discussed.
Copies were distributed of "Topics Selected by the Labor/Management Committee" which include:
1. Communication
2. Technology/Training/E-mail
3. Personal Time OffNacation
4. Flex-Time
5. Donation Of Sick Leave
6. Meal Allowance
7. Storm Day Policy
8. Standardization Of Promotional Testing
9. Use Of County Cars
At 2:51 p.m., Todd Smedstad declared the meeting of the Otter Tail County Labor/Management
Committee adjourned until 1:00 p.m. on Thursday, January 21, 1999.
.. . ' .
9 .
Topics Selected by the
Labor/Management Committee
Personal Time OffNacation
Donation of Sick leave
Meal Allowance
Storm Day Policy
Standardization of promotional testing
Use of County Cars
MEETING DATE: /:2 / , 'Z 9 K
Al Anderson --~k-~Xt-~~~~---------
Brooks Andersen ~4----=-c---'----.-'~---------
Leon Anderson --CT_,.i....,7£"cc,----------
steve Andrews _ -~-----------------
Pa u Ii n e Barry fl8 -~-------------
Sh a r on Bjork-----':~=='--'"----------=-----------
Rolene Davis_,__=,..,__ ____________ _
Jack Dawkins_~---~-~~---------
Joanne Derby ~£~
Sandi Gundberg ~~~~~· ___________ _
Mike Hanan _ _,,6.=~~-=f;=.,,/1=--------
David Hauser //A -~ ---~<=¥------------
Chery I Jones _--"-t-""'1'· .r----,,----------
Merle King ---1-~~~~L:.--t-l-.\-------
chuck Kitzman-6)l-.!:cl~,.1,l',,L..j;:;¥'!~~~=----
Larrv Krohn ---1-::,,.....-'---''-----+--'--------
Malcolm Lee~.,.~::::_ ____________ _
Lane Magnusson_~_--~------------
Wendy Metcalf __,\.l,,_,_,,~"'--'-'---"'=·----------
Lori Morrell L £. 1
Mark Morris ..,.. ......,
Kathy Ouren -fc'----,.----------
M i ch e I e Petterson _'7::n~~-,-f~---------
Norman "Bud" Pierce (Jj (f
Virginia Portmann_ 4--=-,-,...L----------
Vicki Schwanke £xcuef
Todd smedstad __ Q<--r"--------------
Dennis Soderstrom £s ,
Rick Sytsma 0/u,~~'Pi.---+r--~---------
Jeff Thompson ~ec/ -
Doug Walvatne &aJJ
Gary waskosKy .... ~f-=~~..c_ __________ _
Rick west ~1=