HomeMy WebLinkAboutBoard of Commissioners - Minutes - 08/20/1998. '
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. . MINUTES OF THE . . • . . ,c:' ' . ) ', .· '. \" ·F<;:'.', __ '"' '" '' _:' • : • • : ', :' . ' . ., . ' . .
I· Q~ter "I!!i,1Ce>unty, Co1:1rthouse
Comr'nis~idners' Room, Floor: 1"8
1ihurs·aay, August 20, ·19~8
' ':,1-: ,' • .-' . ' ' ,'' .. ., . . . ·r. :, 1 :00 p.m.
Call to Order
Present: Brooks Andersen, Al Anderson, Steve Andrews, Pauline Barry, Sandra Gundberg, Mike
Hanan, David Hauser, Chuck Kitzman, Larry Krohn, Malcolm Lee, Wendy Metcalf, Lori Morrell,
Kathy Ouren, Bud Pierce, Virginia Partmann, Dennis Soderstrom, Doug Walvatne, Gary
Waskosky, and Rick West.
Larry Krohn called the Labor Management Committee meeting to order at 1 :00 p.m.
The following individuals notified the Coordinator's Office of their planned absence: Leon
Anderson, Sharon Bjork, Kathy Harthun, Michele Petterson, Vicki Schwanke, Todd Smedstad, and
Rick Sytsma.
Kathy Harthun has resigned from the committee; Lane Magnusson will be her replacement.
Approval of Agenda -August 20, 1998
Labor Management Committee approved the agenda of August 20, 1998 with the following
Mission Statement Review By-Laws Review
Approval of Minutes -July 16, 1998
Labor Management Committee approved the minutes of July 16, 1998.
Mission Statement
Reviewed Labor Management Committee Mission Statement for completion. The Mission
Statement reads as follows:
The Labor Management Committee exists to create an environment in which all employees
of Otter Tail County mutually participate to improve the work environment and to improve
employee input in the decision making process.
The Committee's goals are to:
1. Develop a system that promotes open, two-way communication and an atmosphere of
honesty, trust, and respect.
2. Create an environment whereby individual employees feel they are an important part of
the organization and are meeting the overall county goal of providing quality public
3. Improve work relationships between labor and management.
4. Develop a framework for identifying and solving problems as well as misunderstandings.
5. Encourage creativity and the sharing of job related information .
6. Strive to respect each other's position on issues and view barriers to action as
opportunities for improvement.
This will become our official mission statement as of Thursday, August 20, 1998. Discussion
Otter Tail County Labor Management Committee
August 20, 1998
Page 2
By-Laws Update
Presentation of updated By-Laws for final review. Discussion followed. Consensus of group to
draft as amended and publish with the next minutes of publication.
Norms of Behavior
Committee tabled until September 17, 1998.
Letter of Understanding
Distributed Letter of Understanding to the group for review. The Labor Management Committee
agreed and signed the Letter of Understanding which reads as follows:
The Otter Tail County Labor Management Committee exists to address and recommend
changes that depend on the joint cooperation of Management and Labor. Members of the
committee are committed and willing to explore new ideas and issues before arriving at a
consensus. We agree to the norms of behavior established by the committee.
Both Management and Labor agree to the following principles:
• We agree ii is important to create an environment where employees at all levels of the
organization are involved in decision-making and have an opportunity to voluntarily
provide their participation, input, commitment and cooperation.
• Both parties agree to work toward an environment in which information is freely and
willingly shared, and issues and concerns are resolved using a problem-solving
approach in an atmosphere free of hostility and confrontation, and to treat each other (
with respect and to observe confidentiality within the group.
• Committee members agree to support the process of consensus decision-making
through the development of mutually acceptable results, and will continue to support
those decisions as a representative of the committee to the people that they represent.
• Both parties will work to develop mutually accepted results which do not infringe on the
Labor Agreement or Management Rights.
• Labor and Management agree to support the implementation of the results of the group.
• We agree to accept the assistance of the Bureau of Mediation Services.
The representatives of the parties so agree on this 20th day of August, 1998; this document to
be reviewed one year from this date relative to continuance and/or revision.
Work on Communication
Discussion on communications. Discussed what communication areas are problematic at Otter
Tail County. Discussed the following areas:
Employee to Employee
Supervisor to Employee, Employee to Supervisor
Employee to Public, Public to Employee.
Each one of these areas has a different solution. Discussed the creation of a general statement.
Discussed building to building and internal communications. Discussion on how communications
work between department to department and commissioners to county employees. Discussed
Otter Tail County Labor Management Committee
August 20, 1998
... _. ., _: .· Page 3
different forms of communication. Discussion on committee members going back to their
constituency for feedback on communication.
The first step in communication is to identify and define the issue, concern or problem. The
second step is to analyze the problem. For example, let's say that the lack of communication is the
problem. We then want to identify each area within this problem; excessive hear say, training
perceptions, lack of valid and accurate communications. Discussed the following list of
1. Commissioners to Employees.
2. Supervisors to Employee Interaction, both directions for feedback, receiving
information and feedback.
3. Department to Department.
4. Employee to Employee.
5. Employee to Public.
Every one of these are valuable and important.
Commissioners to Employees: Take a look and analyzing what is going on now, what is
happening, what is not happening. Discussion on newsletter information distributed throughout the
county. We have the Employees' Newsletter, Labor Management Committee Newsletter, Safety
Updates, and the County Board -Minutes. In the future when the county sets up e-mail, the
communication process will improve. Discussion on department board posting information. At the
next meeting everyone should have a list for every department where their location is for sharing
information. Make sure all of the employees in the department are aware of the posting of this
information. Please get information out to your departments and see if there are any other
problems or concerns.
Open Forum
Individual questions from employees should be directed to the personnel committee. Lengthy
discussion followed.
At 3:08 p.m., Larry Krohn declared the meeting of the Otter Tail County Labor Management
Committee adjourned until 1:00 p.m. on Thursday, September 17, 1998. NOTE LOCATION
CHANGE: meeting will be at off-site location -Otter Tail Power Division Office in the South
Dakota Conference Room.
County of Otter Tail
Labor l\'lanagement Committee
Article I
The Labor Management Committee shall be made up of Labor and Management
representatives, comprised of the following:
Fourteen (14) Management Personnel including:
Twelve (12) Management Personnel
Two (2) County Commissioners
Fourteen (14) Labor Personnel including:
Two (2) Teamsters professionab
Two (2) Teamsters support specialists
Five ( 5) non-union
Three (3) Teamsters law enforcement (one from each)
Two (2) AFSCME highway maintenance personnel
One (1) County Coordinator
Four (4) ex-officio members including:
Two (2) representatives of Teamsters 320
One (1) representative of AFSCME
One (1) recording secretary
There will be no alternates for members' attendance at meetings.
This structure shaH be reviewed by the committee after one (1) year of committee
operation •
Article Il
Officers/Recording Secretary
The Officers of the Labor Management Committee shall be co-chairs, one (1) Labor
and one (1) Management.
TERM: The Officers will serve a term of twelve (12) months. The twelve (12) month
term will expire December 31st of each year.
SELECTION: To be a co-chair, the individual must have been a committee
representative a minimum of six (6) months, except for the initial year. Officers will
be chosen by their respective parties (Labor and Management) each December. The
co-chairs' term will begin in January.
DUTIES: The co-chairs will perform the following duties:
Conduct meetings
Finalize agenda (including content and time limits)
Oarify action points at each meeting
The recording secretary's responsibilities will include the following:
Keep minutes and attendance
Provide miscellaneous support (purchasing, communications)
Provide meeting agenda one (1) week in advance of scheduled meeting
Maintain permanent ftle of the meeting and attendance records
Distribute approved minutes for posting
Article ill
Terms of Service
Representatives will commit to a minimum of a two (2) year term; except for the
initial year when one-half (1/2) of the membership need to commit to a three (3)
year term. Thereafter Labor and Management representatives will be replaced or
reappointed every two (2) years by their respective groups.
The number of consecutive terms will be limited to two (2) in order to provide the
opportunity for new representatives to participate in the Labor Management
The County Coordinator shall be a permanent position.
Article IV
Committee Meetings
The meetings will be held once a month on the third Thursday of the month. The
duration of the meetings will be two (2) houn, unless extended by consensus. The
meetings will be from 1:00 PM until 3:00 PM in the County Commissioners' room
unless otherwise arranged.
Special Meetings: Special meetings shall be called by the co-chain with the
approval of at least two (2) other representatives, one (1) Labor and one (1)
Article V
Quorum/ Attendance
One-half (1/2) of the Labor and one-half (1/2) of the Management representatives
plus a co-chair are needed to convene the meeting .
A representative who has two (2) consecutive unexcused absences will be terminated
from the committee. The representatives should contact the County Coordinator's
office if they are unable to attend a meeting. An excused absence is defined as
providing advanced notice of absence in the manner stated above.
Article VI
Committee Actions
Actions by the committee will be by consensus only. Only committee members can
participate in consensus decision making.
Labor Management Committee decisions are recommendations only. All
recommendations will receive a response from the County board.
The committee is not a collective bargaining forum. However, the committee
recommendations can be forwarded to negotiaton · for consideration and
incorporation into collective bargaining.
• The Labor Management Committee may form sub-committees.
Article VII
Committee Agenda
A tentative agenda shall be drafted at the end of each committee meeting by
consensus. The agenda and the minutes from the previous meeting wiU be
distributed to all committee representatives one (1) week in advance. The co-chairs
will finalize the agenda.
Any additions to the agenda shall be routed to the co-chairs and they will contact
the recording secretary regarding· the changes.
Article VIIl
An assessment/feedback will be done annually by the committee. The Mission
Statement will be reviewed at the time of the assessment/feedback. A special
meeting may be called in order to complete the assessment/feedback and review the
Mission Statement.
An assessment/feedback by the employees (Labor and Management) wiU be done
annually. A sub-committee will be formed to compose the assessment/feedback
form, distribute the form to the employees, review the responses and prepare a final
report for the Labor Management Committee. The sub-committee shall be formed
one (1) month prior to the assessment/feedback date.
Article IX
Participation by representatives will be considered time worked.
Article X
Sub-committees: Appointment of sub-committees shall be approved by consensus.
Amendments to Bylaws: Changes and amendments to these Bylaws may be
proposed at any meeting of the Labor Management Committee and shall be·
approved by consensus at the next meeting.
Otter Tail County
Labor Management Committee
Mission Statement
The Labor Management Committee exists to create an environment in which all
employees of Otter Tail County mutually participate to improve the work
environment and to improve employee input in the decision making process.
The Committee's goals are to:
1. Develop a system that promotes open, two-way communication and an
atmosphere of honesty, trust, and respect.
2. Create an environment whereby individual employees feel they are an
important part of the organization and are meeting the overall county goal
of providing quality public service.
3. Improve work relationships between labor and management.
4. Develop a framework for identifying and solving problems as well as
5. Encourage creativity and the sharing of job related information.
6. Strive to respect each other's position on issues and view barriers to action
as opportunities for improvement.
The Otter Tail County Labor-Management Committee exists to address and recommend changes that
depend on the joint cooperation of Management and Labor. Members of the committee are committed
and willing to explore new ideas and issues before arriving at a consensus. We agree to the norms of
behavior established by the committee.
Both Management and Labor agree to the following principles:
• We agree it is important to create an environment where employees at all levels of the organization
are involved in decision-making and have an opportunity to voluntarily provide· their participation,
input, commitment and cooperation.
• Both parties agree to work toward an environment in which information is freely and willingly
shared, and issues and concerns are resolved using a problem-solving approach in an atmosphere
free of hostility and confrontation, and to treat each other with respect and to observe confidentiality
within the group.
• Committee members agree to support the process of consensus decision-making through the
development of mutually acceptable results, and will continue to support those decisions as a
representative of the committee to the people that they represent.
• Both parties will work to develop mutually accepted results which do not infringe on the Labor
Agreement or Management Rights.
• Labor and Management agree to support the implementation of the results of the group.
• We agree to accept the assistance of the Bureau of Mediation Services.
The undersigned representatives of the parties so agree on this·~ day of August , 1998; this
document to be reviewed one year from this date relative to c tinuance and/or revision.
· Labor: Ex Officio:
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