HomeMy WebLinkAboutBoard of Commissioners - Minutes - 08/18/19980 0 . . .. . · . . .·· . ... . . .. ·.. :.NIINI.J]ES 9F "Fl-IE .. · . ·. . . .· OTTERTAlk~OUN,f'Y.BOARl).Of:•.C:IOMMISSIONERS·· • · · · · · ·•· · · .. · Ott~r"r~il Cour,fy.Ct>yrtllouse · ·· ·· Commissioners' R9om, Floor 1-B · Tue~dc1y, Augu$t18, 199~ ·· ·· 9:3oa:rn.·••·· Call to Order The Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners convened Tuesday, August 18, 1998 at 9:31 a.m. at the Otter Tail County Courthouse with Commissioners Malcolm Lee, Chair; Syd Nelson, Vice- Chair; Andy Lindquist, Virginia Partmann, and Bill Stone present. Approval of Agenda Motion by Stone, second by Nelson, and unanimously carried to approve the County Board agenda of August 18, 1998 with the following addition: 11 :40 a.m. -Steve Andrews & Mitzi Pederson -Budget Discussion Approval of Minutes Motion by Partmann, second by Lindquist, and unanimously carried to approve the County Board minutes of August 11, 1998 as submitted on August 18, 1998. Waste Reduction Public Information and Education Officer, Marie Tysdal, provided copies of a Request For Proposal for Environmental Assistance Grants. Ms. Tysdal noted a pollution prevention and recycling priority listed a preference for a Regional Materials Exchange Program. Ms. Tysdal presented an idea for Otter Tail County to begin a materials exchange program to serve businesses and households. Lengthy discussion followed regarding a previous survey sent to area businesses, current materials exchange programs operating in other areas of Minnesota, and MNTAP. Ms. Tysdal and Mike Hanan, Solid Waste Director, requested approval to proceed with an estimated $5,000 matching grant application for the proposed materials exchange program. Motion by Partmann, second by Lindquist, and unanimously carried to authorize the Solid Waste Director to proceed with a matching grant application with the Minnesota OEA for approximately $5,000 over a two-year period for the proposed materials exchange program. The grant application is due by October 15, 1998. Quadrant Discussion Mr. Hanan reported receipt of a letter from Quadrant stating that as of August 8, 1998, Quadrant would no longer provide steam to Windy Hills. He also received a copy of a contract between the City of Perham and Quadrant with a negotiated reduced price for the sale of gas to Quadrant. Commissioner Lindquist stated that the county has met all of Quadrant's requests within the county's control. Mr. Hanan reported that RFP's for consultants to look at the Quadrant facility have been sent and are due back September 4, 1998. Planning Commission Recommendations Conditional Use Permit -Larry Mollins: Motion by Nelson, second by Lindquist, and unanimously carried to approve a Conditional Use Permit to add four (4) loads of washed sand for a small beach area behind rocks on Krebs Lake (Section 4, Twp. 136, R. 40, 56-1636) with conditions as recommended by the Planning Commission. Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners August 18, 1998 Page 2 • Conditional Use Permit -Howard Manteuffel/Limmers Resort: Motion by Nelson, second by Portmann, and unanimously carried to approve a Conditional Use Q Permit to rebuild a lean-to porch on cabins 9 & 10 on Rush Lake (Section 26, Twp. 135, R. 39, · 56-141) as presented. Conditional Use Permit -Ron Jordan/Leonard Rheault: Motion by Lee, second by Lindquist, and unanimously carried to approve a Conditional Use Permit to build a back retaining wall on Lake Lizzie (Section 20, Twp. 137, R. 42, 56-760) with conditions as recommended by the Planning Commission. Conditional Use Permit -Otter Tail County Highway Department: Motion by Nelson, second by Stone, and unanimously carried to approve a Conditional Use Permit for S.A.P. 56-613-01, reconstruction of CSAH No. 13 and replacement of Bridge No. L0900 on the Toad River (Section 19, 20, 29, & 30, Twp. 137N, R. 38W, 56-TR) as presented. Conditional Use Permit -Dan Lock/er/Barbara Kaldahl: Motion by Lindquist, second by Portmann, and unanimously carried to approve a Conditional Use Permit to remove black dirt and add gravel to build a driveway to a proposed garage building on Lake Lizzie (Section 31, Twp. 137N, R. 42W, 56-760) with conditions as recommended by the Planning Commission. Conditional Use Permit -Leo & Celestine Ell: Motion by Lindquist, second by Portmann, and unanimously carried to approve a conditional Use Permit to construct a retaining wall on Silver Lake (Section 21, Twp. 133, R. 40, 56-302) as presented. 0 Conditional Use Permit -Geraldine McGuire. Donald J. McGuire et al: Motion by Nelson, second by Portmann, and unanimously carried to approve a Conditional Use Permit to keep water from reaching the house basement by placing rip rap to DNR specifications on Paul Lake (Section 15, Twp. 136, R. 40, 56-335) with conditions as recommended by the Planning Commission. Conditional Use Permit -Viking Resort/Janet & William Schicker: Motion by Stone, second by Nelson, and unanimously carried to approve a Conditional Use Permit to move a single-wide mobile home and replace it with a double-wide mobile home on Otter Tail and Walker Lakes (Section 13, Twp. 134, R. 40, 56-242/310) with conditions as recommended by the Planning Commission. Extension of Conditional Use Permit -Dunn's 59 Limited/Robert E. Bergquist: Motion by Lee, second by Stone, and unanimously carried to extend CUP #5212 to November 1, 1999. The CUP had previously expired. Approval to Close Office Land & Resource Director, Bill Kalar, requested approval to close his office on September 2, 1998 to accommodate a temporary move to the Government Services Building. Motion by Portmann, second by Lee, and unanimously carried to authorize the closure of the Land f'\ & Resource Office on Wednesday, September 2, 1998 to accommodate a temporary move to the 9 Government Services Building. The temporary location is necessary because of first floor remodeling. 0 Q Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners August 18, 1998 Page 3 Discussion -Review of CUP for Fox Run Chuck Will stated that he obtained approval for a CUP about one year ago for a proposed golf course and ski area. He explained that the County Board required a performance bond in case the project did not proceed, funds would be available to restore the property to its previous condition. He requested that the County Board rescind the performance bond requirement and reinstate the CUP. Lengthy discussion followed. Motion by Lindquist, second by Partmann, and unanimously carried to direct Mr. Will to meet with the Highway Engineer and Land & Resource Director to determine what type of drawing is required to set the dollar amount for the performance bond. The engineer's drawing must be submitted within thirty days. United Way Campaign Presentation Dean Manke, principal of Fergus Falls Middle School, reported that Mr. Rick West volunteered to organize and coordinate the Otter Tail County United Way Campaign. He thanked Mr. West for his involvement. The theme for the campaign this year is "Lighting the Candle of Love" and he noted that the public sector is being asked to be the pacesetter group this year for the campaign. Lois Josefson-Russell, Director of United Way, and volunteer Jim Holle, were also present. The Chairman stated that the United Way is a very worthwhile cause and thanked the presenters for coming. Recess & Reconvene At 10:58 a.m., Chairman Lee declared the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners recessed for a short break. He reconvened the meeting at 11 :00 a.m. Land Use Planning Brochure Harley Windels, Chairman of the Land Use Study Advisory Committee along with several committee members and Public Information Officer, Marie Tysdal, presented a brochure (DraftB.2) to be sent to tax payers to explain land use recommendations for Otter Tail County. Voters will decide in November whether or not to raise taxes to implement countywide land use planning. Chairman Windels requested that the "per township" cost of $3,250 be removed from the brochure as the increase in taxes will vary from township to township. Commissioners agreed. Lengthy discussion followed regarding the best way to explain the amount of tax increase for individuals if land use planning is approved. Discussion occurred regarding the approximate recurring annual cost of $308,000. Commissioners agreed upon the following changes in the Draft B.2 brochure: · 1) remove the per township figure of $3,250 2) under Background, number 3, change "what should" to "identify what" 3) replace the figure of $308,000 to $250,000 4) bold "BY UP TO $250,000.00 PER YEAR" on sample ballot language Election Appointments Motion by Partmann, second by Lindquist, and unanimously carried to appoint the following individuals: Absentee Ballot Board Ane Hanley, DFL Gary Lee, DFL Carlton Mortensen, Republican Marcella Stone, Republican Resolution Board Lois Benner, DFL Ned Jimmerson, DFL John Molter, Republican Elizabeth Townsend, Republican Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners August 18, 1998 Page4 • Canvassing Board Appointments Chairman Lee appointed Commissioner Partmann and Commissioner Nelson to the Canvassing Board for the September 15, 1998, State Primary Election. The Canvassing Board will meet on r, Friday, September 18, 1998 at 10:00 a.m. ""'1,,/ Liquor License Motion by Nelson, second by Lindquist, and unanimously carried to approve the following application for license. Woody's Blue Horizon Maxine L. Woody Perham, MN 3.2 Malt Liquor License Approval to Pay Bills Motion by Nelson, second by Lindquist, and unanimously carried to approve the bills per Attachment A of the official minutes which include the following lodging payments: Best Western Kelly Inn Ramada Inn Mpls.-St.Paul Deputy Treasurer, Joyce Schmidt Assessment Technician 11, Brenda Zimmer Approval of Final Payment -Snowplow Equipment Motion by Stone, second by Partmann, and unanimously carried to approve final payment to J-Krafl of Kimball, MN in the amount of $257,603.05 for five (5) tandem axle trucks with snow plow equipment as previously approved per state of MN contract #2006106. Discussion -Transfer Station Road, Henning 0 Richard Johnson, Mayor of Henning, requested that the county take over the airport road that leads to the transfer site near Henning. He stated that this road is generating many complaints and due to the Quadrant shutdown, traffic has increased. The Mayor stated that the county has agreed to pay 50% of the maintenance on the road, however, he requested that the county pay more and take over the road. Commissioner Lindquist noted that the county has agreed to participate at a 50% shared cost and, if the township decided to tar the road, the county would pay 50% of that cost. The Highway Engineer recognized that the Mayor had a proposal from Central Specialties, however, without knowing the design strengths, etc., he would not be able to recommend the project at this time. Manley Nichols stated that the township does not have the money to tar the road and was present to represent the five residents located on the road. Chairman Lee directed the Highway Engineer to assess the problem and report back to the board with recommendation(s). Budget Discussion Treasurer, Steve Andrews, and Accountant, Mitzi Pederson, provided a preliminary 1999 budget handout. Commissioner Lindquist briefed the board on budget requests. He stated that out-of- home placement costs were very high. The EOT Historical Society is requesting $10,000. Mr. Lindquist noted that, in the past, the County Board has supported one Historical Society for the county. If the County Board met this budget request, what project(s) would be cut to provide the money? Motion by Nelson, second by Stone to give EOT Historical Society $5,000 of the $10,000 1999 0 budget request. Motion failed with Lindquist, Lee, and Partmann opposed. •· Lengthy discussion followed regarding the preliminary budget. 0 Q Adjournment Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners August 18, 1998 Page 5 At 12:47 p.m., Chairman Lee declared the meeting of the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners adjourned until 1 :00 p.m. on Tuesday, August 25, 1998. CB/kd Attachment q/20/1998 8:09:48 0 OTTER TAIL COUNTY AUDITOR HWEISS RECEIPTS AND DISBURSEMENTS SYSTEM WARRANTS FOR PUBLICATIOR WARRANTS APPROVED ON 8/18/1998 FOR PAYMENT VENDOR NAME A-l LOCK AND KEY JANICE AABERG AL'S STOP & SHOP INC. AMERICAN INSTITUTIONAL SUPPLY AMERICAN LINEN SUPPLY AMOCO OIL COMPANY J. ANDERSON ARCHIE'S AUTO SAFETY SERVICE BAKKE ACOUSTICAL BATTLE LAKE AUTO PARTS BATTLE LAKE FARMERS UNION OIL BATTLE LAKE STANDARD BAYVIEW SHORES RESORT BEARINGS & DRIVES BERT'S TRUCK EQUIPMENT BEST INC. BEST POWER BEST WESTERN KELLY INN BJ'S EAST BLUFFTON OIL COMPANY BOB'S STANDARD BULK SERVICE BRANDON COMMUNICATIONS BRETZ HARDWARE RICHARD BUCHOLZ CAMAS MINNDAK INC. CARQUEST AUTO PARTS CARR'S LAKE COUNTRY SUPERMKT CENEX PETROLEUM INC. CHIEF SUPPLY CORPORATION CO-OP SERVICES INC. COM-TEC INC. AMOUNT 87.71 6.64 133. 94 138.66 86.25 70.71 165.69 19.63 583.60 335.00 154.79 817.66 682.81 9.32 l3l.4l ll, 90l.38 8,722.41 3,143.55 59.lO 133.57 l2.l5 58.05 l,185.23 9.25 140.00 323.04 26.64 780.07 53.50 48.40 l,112.45 -COMMISSIONER OF TRANSPORTATION COOPER'S OFFICE SUPPLY INC. 190.24 862 --01 l,705.35 l. 80 255.53 l,477.50 65.00 105.09 0 THE COPY CORNER COPY EQUIPMENT INC. CORPORATE TECHNOLOGIES CRIME PREVENTION RESOURCES CULLIGAN CUTTING EDGE LAWN SERVICE D & R USED AUTO SALES D-A LUBRICANT CO. DACOTAH PAPER COMPANY THE DAILY JOURNAL DAKOTA ELEVATOR DALTON MOBIL & BAIT DAN'S EXHAUST PROS DENNY'S CONOCO DON'S SERVICE 37.28 166.62 437.55 199.25 5,685.70 161.80 189.07 88.92 106.23 10.70 Otter Tail County Warrants August 18, 1998 Page 1, Attachment A IFD66 COUNTY 56 PAGE l 8/18/1998 Otter Tail County Warrants August 18, 1998 Page 2, Attachment A 8/20/l998 8:09:48 OTTER TAIL COUNTY AUDITOR HWEISS RECEIPTS AND DISBURSEMENTS SYSTEM IIARRAIITS POR PUBL:ICATIOR WARRANTS APPROVED ON 8/l8/l998 FOR PAYMENT VENDOR NAME MICHAEL DOUGLAS DOYLE INCORPORATED TERRY DRAKE DDS E & V CONSULTANTS ECOLAB PEST ELIMINATION ECONO SALES AND SERVICE EGGE CONSTRUCTION INC. RICHARD EICKSCHEN TRUSTEE ELDER'S RADIO COMMUNICATIONS ELECTION SYSTEMS & SOFTWARE IN ENGEBRETSON SANITARY DISPOSAL ERHJ>.RD GAS & GROCERY EVERGREEN EQUIPMENT INC. FARNAM TIRE CENTER FARNAM'S GENUINE PARTS INC. FERGUS AUTO SUPPLY FERGUS CHAMPION AUTO FERGUS ELECTRIC FERGUS FALLS MEDICAL GROUP CITY FERGUS FALLS FERGUS INTERNATIONAL INC. FERGUS TIRE CENTER FERRELLGAS FOSTER'S MARINE SERVICE FOTH & VAN DYKE GALL'S INC. GE CAPITAL GE CAPITAL IT SOLUTIONS GENERAL OFFICE PRODUCTS CO. GERALD N. EVENSON INC. GERRY'S PARTS SUPPLY GLENCOE UNIFORMS GLEWWE DOORS INC. GOODIN COMPANY GRANT CO. DAC MELISSA GRUNEWALD HALL GMC INC. JOHN HALVORSON YVONNE HANLEY DDS HEDAHLS AUTO CENTER HEDAHLS INC. OF FERGUS FALLS HEISLER'S .COUNTRY OIL HENNING TRUSTWORTHY HARDWARE HOLIDAY HOMESTEAD BUILDING SUPPLIES LEON HUNT IBM CORPORATION THE INDEPENDENT INFORMATION SYSTEMS CORP. AMOUNT 6.38 l,080.78 l42.00 4,l23.48 4l7.49 440.4l 209.54 3,746.l5 2l0.00 48.24 8,280.00 ll6.75 l3 9. 3 l 80.00 449.08 25.28 4.77 3,527;l3 903.50 393.26 98;lO l83.52 208.74 .8.47. 2,313.85 37; 98 .. l,l39.55' 3,682.77 · 652.27 8l0.8o· 56.72 713.75 913.77 94.27 1,665.66 5.00 1,141.72 5.92 85.00 5.42 379.69 409.46 11.64 99.00 250.96 66.47 563.40 67.28 261.61 IFD66 COUNTY 56 PAGE 2 0 8/18/1998 0 0 8/20/1998 8:09:48 Q 0 OTTER TAIL COUNTY AUDITOR HWEISS RECEIPTS AND DISBURSEMENTS SYSTEM MARRANTS FOR PUBLICATION WARRANTS APPROVED ON 8/18/1998 FOR PAYMENT VENDOR NAME INTEGRITY COMPUTER SYSTEMS INTERNATIONAL TRANSLATION SERV INTERSTATE ENGINEERING INC. INTERSTATE INC. JEFFERSON CENTER JIM AHLFS CONSTRUCTION JIM BORTNEM ENTERPRISES JIM'S SERVICE K.I.D. LEASING JON KARGER KELLY SERVICES INC. KEN'S TACKLE KOALA CORPORATION KOEP'S CLITHERALL CORNER LAGERQUIST CORPORATION LAKE REGION HEALTHCARE LAKELAND POWER EQUIPMENT LARRY OTT INC. TRUCK SERVICE SHERRAN LEABO MALCOLM LEE LEECH LAKE DISTRIBUTORS INC ANDY LINDQUIST LOCATORS & SUPPLIES INC. MAIN STREET EXPRESS MARK SAND & GRAVEL MICHAEL MCCORMICK THE MIDWEEK MIDWEST PRINTING MIKE'S LOCK & KEY SERVICE MINN BLUE DIGITAL-A MINN-KOTA COMMUNICATIONS INC. MN ASSOC OF DRAINAGE INSPECTOR MN COUNTIES COMPUTER CO-OP MN MOTOR COMPANY MN SHERIFFS' ASSOCIATION MURPHY OIL USA INC. NATIONAL BUSHING & PARTS CO. NATIONWIDE TOLL FREE TIP LINE NATURES GARDEN WORLD NELSON BROTHERS PRINTING & NELSON FORD GARY NELSON TWYLA NEUMANN NEW YORK MILLS HERALD NORTH STAR CARTRIDGE NORTH UNION TEXACO NORTHERN WASTE SYSTEMS NYCKLEMOE ELLIG & NYCKLEMOE ODIE'S AUTO BODY AMOUNT 70.08 1,337.76 2,432.00 5,004.17 10.00 495.00 60.00 150.25 347.42 82.50 3,260.02 23.88 35.55 281.12 257.39 489.46 235.63 1,500.00 46.33 130. 41 446.62 88.60 634.71 49.50 5,583.88 79.66 257.92 245.38 212.25 142.96 995.63 150.00 1,407.00 534.82 101.73 3,825.62 472.24 420.00 34.57 479.25 349.19 83.43 48.44 59.30 657.64 511.26 2,374.13 22.00 36.60 Otter Tail County Warrants August 18, 1998 Page 3, Attachment A IFD66 COUNTY 56 PAGE 3 8/18/1998 Otter Tail County Warrants August 18, 1998 Page 4, Attachment A 8/20/1998 8:09:48 HWEISS OTTER TAIL COUNTY AUDITOR RECEIPTS AND DISBURSEMENTS SYSTEM 1IARRARTS FOR POBLJ:CATIOH WARRANTS APPROVED ON 8/18/1998 FOR PAYMENT VENDOR NAME OFFICE DEPOT OK TIRE STORES OLSON AUTO ELECTRIC OLSON OIL CO. THE ORIGINAL HEATING MAN OTTER TAIL CO COURT SERVICES OTTER TAIL CO DEPARTMENT OF . OTTER TAIL CO TREASURER OTTER TAIL POWER COMPANY OTTER TAIL TELCOM PAMIDA INC. PAUL'S HOLIDAY STATION STORE PELICAN CND ENTERPRIZES INC. PELICAN RAPIDS PRESS PERHAM CO-OP CREAMERY PERHAM ENTERPRISE BULLETIN PERHAM LINEN PERHAM SUPER AMERICA PETE'S BODY SHOP & TOWING GREGORY PETERSON PAUL PFEFFER PHILLIPE LAW OFFICE THE PHOTO CENTER THE PIERCE CO. POPE CO SANITATION INC. SHANE POSS PRAIRIE LUMBER & TRUSTWORTHY PRO-AG FARMERS COOPERATIVE PRO-WEST & ASSOCIATES INC. RAMADA INN MINN-ST. PAUL THE RENTAL STORE REVIEW ENTERPRISES INC. RICHARD'S PUMPING SANDBAGS WAREHOUSE SAUK CENTRE WELDING MACHINE & BRIAN SCHLUETER JOYCE SCHMIDT SCHMITZ FORD SCHROEDER'S HARDWARE & GROCERY SCOTT HOFLAND CONSTRUCTION INC SERVICE FOOD SUPERVALU SEWER SERVICE SIGELMAN STEEL & SALVAGE SOUTH MILL SERVICE SOUTHTOWN C-STORE STADUM PLUMBING L.L.P. STANDARD PARTS OF WADENA STATE.OF MN STEIN'S INC. AMOUNT 17.30 117.80 140.79 725.42 188.67 46.10 98.46 1,652.18 120.00 342. 94 87.06 24.12 577.37 188.00 1,269.81 139.63 72.23 298.71 45.00 51.97 50.00 22.05 97.33 3.3.90 2,036.92 36.52 24.53 15.12 4,308.00 312.10 170.40 131.80 80.00 1,640.10 119.46 10.00 79.08 22.67 47.60 2,565.00 6.87 728.75 9.80 944.17 306.27 5.00 120.13 5.00 699.87 COUNTY 56 PAGE 4 IFD66 0 8/1B/1998 0 0 0 0 8/20/1998 8:09:48 **** HWEISS OTTER TAIL COUNTY AUDITOR RECEIPTS AND DISBURSEMENTS SYSTEM 1iARRANTS l'OR PUBLICATION Otter Tail County Warrants August 18,'1998 Page 5, Attachment A IFD66 COUNTY 56 PAGE 5 WARRANTS APPROVED ON 8/18/1998 FOR PAYMENT 8/18/1998 VENDOR NAME STENERSON LUMBER STOP-N-GO STORES INC. STREICHER'S STRUCTURAL MATERIALS INC SUPER SUCKER SEPTIC SERVICE SUPERIOR MEDICAL COMPANY SURPLUS SERVICES TANK & YUMMIES THERMAL TECHNOLOGIES INC. TOM'S BACKHOE SERVICE TRI-STATE TIRE UNDER-MART UNDERWOOD OIL INC. USA WASTE SERVICES INC. VALLEY TRUCK VERGAS ACE HARDWARE VERGAS FORD VERGAS 66 VICTOR LUNDEEN COMPANY VIKING OFFICE PRODUCTS VILLAGE APOTHECARY WACCO WAGON WHEEL WAL-MART WELDING SUPPLIES & FIRE WES' FUEL STOP WIDSETH SMITH NOLTING & ASSOC. WILKIN CO ENVIRONMENTAL OFFICE WOLDEN LAWN SERVICE WW WALLWORK YHR PARTNERS ZIEGLER INC. 210 LUBE EXPRESS PINAL TOTAL ...... . AMOUNT 1,044.78 434.10 188.78 8.56 209.06 494.64 30.00 188.88 676.50 90.00 39.17 71.42 72 .31 53,391.65 898.33 83. 47 1.70 74. 31 334.83 67.48 24.02 240.00 21.65 142.82 116.26 45.50 92.00 112.92 175.73 74.10 5,657.00 74.27 122.30 $205,838.43 ••••