HomeMy WebLinkAboutBoard of Commissioners - Minutes - 07/21/1998.• . . .. . <il\/llNUTES OF THE ···•·.··'oTTER TAIL COl:JNJ''t'BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Ott~r T~il ~ounty Cour'ttlouse Commissioners' Room, Floor 1-B . · Tuesday, July 21, 1998 ·· 9:30 a.m: ·· Call to Order The Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners convened Tuesday, July 21, 1998 at 9:30 a.m. at the Otter Tail County Courthouse with Commissioners Malcolm Lee, Chair; Syd Nelson Vice-Chair; Andy Lindquist, Virginia Partmann, and Bill Stone present Approval of Agenda Motion by Stone, second by Lindquist, and unanimously carried to approve the County Board agenda of July 21, 1998 with the following additions: Father Jeff Ethan -10:35 a.m. Personnel & Solid Waste Committee Meetings Approval of Minutes Motion by Nelson, second by Lindquist, and unanimously carried to approve the County Board 0 minutes of July 14, 1998 as submitted. 0 Snowmobile Grant-In-Aid Trail Systems Resolution Otter Tail County Resolution No. 98 -44 UPON a motion by Lee, second by Lindquist, and unanimously carried, the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners adopts the following resolution: WHEREAS, Otter Tail County has sponsored Grant-In-Aid Trail Systems in the past; WHEREAS, acceptance of the Grant-In-Aid Trail Systems proposed extensions are subject to the review and approval of the County Attorney; THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that Otter Tail County shall continue to sponsor Grant-In-Aid Trail Systems as they exist for Lake Runners Trail Association and proposed extensions of Grant- In-Aid Trails with the aforementioned condition. Adopted this 21 st day of July, 1998. Dated: OUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS ~ Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners July 21, 1998 Page 2 Authorization for an Exemption from Lawful Gambling License The Auditor reported that the Pelican Rapids Ladyslippers Ducks Unlimited have submitted an application for authorization for an exemption from lawful gambling license for an event scheduled Q ... for July 27, 1998 at the Pelican Supper Club. Motion by Partmann, second by Lee, and unanimously carried to approve a waiver of the 30-day waiting period for this event. Liquor License Motion by Nelson, second by Stone, and unanimously carried to approve the following application for license: Perham Cooperative Creamery Assn. Perham, MN BPO Elks Lodge No. 1093 Fergus Falls, MN Off-Sale 3.2 Malt Liquor Temporary On-Sale Liquor Report -Prometheus Motorcycle Zoo Run and Rally Lieutenant Mike Boen, presented a written report regarding the recent Prometheus Motorcycle Zoo Run and Rally held June 27, 1998. Mr. Boen stated that the event was well organized and found the group of people to be very cooperative. His recommendation for the future would be to allow the group to continue this event with some coordination through the county and recommended that four deputies be present in case a problem would occur. Discussion -Pelican River Chain Water Management Property owners Robert & Leslie Giedt and others concerned about the high water of the Pelican Q River Chain presented a handout that outlined six proposals for handling high water problems. A , · poster board of pictures was provided as well as signatures from people in support of the letter submitted to the commissioners. Chairman Lee stated that the commission is not prepared at this time to act on Proposal #4 (creation of a Pelican River Drainage Authority). The Dunn Township Board sent a letter to the County Board in support of this proposed water management program. Discussion followed regarding the Red River, the flood disaster of 1997 in Grand Forks, the Solstead Report, and Orwell Dam. DNR Hydrologist, Terry Lejcher, stated that storing water at Orwell Dam has no affect on lake levels. Commissioner Partmann questioned what the authority and function(s) would be of the proposed water management group. Mr. Giedt stated the functions would include management of vegetation, lake levels, flow, and other areas that need to be managed. Chairman Lee stated that the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources currently holds that authority. Lengthy discussion followed regarding the policy of the DNR to allow the lake levels to fluctuate naturally. Chairman Lee recognized the frustrations by everyone associated with the high water conditions, however, noted that the County Board is not the authority that can change the, law. He reported that a meeting Saturday, July 25th at 10:00 a.m. will be held by the Pelican Lake Association to address concerns. The Chairman stated that the proposal to create a drainage authority would be considered in Q conjunction with the DNR and potential legal implications of creating a water management board. Vic Horne spoke in opposition of developing another level of bureaucracy. 0 Q 0 Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners July 21, 1998 Page 3 Don Anderson of the Pelican Group of Lakes Improvement District, spoke of many people's concerns over the high water. He noted that if nature could be modified in any way, it would be appreciated. Approval of Property Appraisal Service Agreements Motion by Partmann, second by Lindquist, and unanimously carried to approve the following service agreements for 1999 property appraisal services: Dunn Township Parkers Prairie Township Compton Township Deer Creek Township Eastern Township Oak Valley Township Bluffton Township Scambler Township Corliss Township Folden Township Tordenskjold Township Otter Tail Township Clitherall Township $9,318.05 $1,894.55 $2,681.90 $1,881.30 $1,648.25 $1,937.45 $1,699.35 $4,602.10 $3,256.25 $1,761.40 $3,495.10 $5,266.85 $4,165.10 Request for Filing Extension for Final Plat Land & Resource Director, Bill Kalar, presented a request from Kurt A. Maethner for an extension for filing a final plat on MAET-BOH Development. Motion by Lindquist, second by Portmann, and unanimously carried to approve an extension on the preliminary plat of MAET-BOH Development in Clitherall Township until November 1, 1998. Conditional Use Permit -Proposed Golf Course Land & Resource Director, Bill Kalar, reported that approval of a CUP for a proposed golf course (Charles & David Will, Stalker Lake, Tordenskjold Township) was conditioned upon a performance · bond. Additional staking of greens and tee boxes was required before a bond amount could be set. Mr. Kalar informed Chuck Will of this requirement. This CUP has been pending for over a year at this point and Mr. Kalar requested some type of resolution since Mr. Will has not contacted the Land & Resource office. Motion by Lindquist, second by Portmann, and unanimously carried to rescind the original approval and deny the CUP of Charles and David Will as described above. Request to Raise a Boathouse Commissioner Lee reported that a request had been received to raise the foundation and wooden portion of a boathouse on Pelican Lake due to the high water level -the floor of the boathouse is flooding. Mr. Kalar noted that under the terms of the SMO, a site permit and variance would be required because the outside dimensions would be changed. Motion by Lee to waive the variance requirement for Warren Diederich on Pelican Lake to raise the floor and the wooden portion of his boathouse due to excessive high water. The County Attorney stated that the County Board does not have the authority to waive a variance requirement. Chairman Lee withdrew the motion. Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners July 21, 1998 Page4 Discussion -Tax Code Father Jeff Ethan appeared to discuss tax exemption status for worship space and to request an exception for rectories, Fhather Jeff statedd that md ost countidesh look at these residences as n continued use as long as t ey are not rente or sol . He note t at Otter Tail County interprets """"" the law strictly and asked for a looser definition to allow these pastoral centers not to be taxed. Assessor, Bob Moe, responded that the Department of Revenue has reviewed these types of situations and related court decisions. Mr. Moe noted that John Hagen of the DOR has stated that the County Assessor of each county determines the language. Father Jeff recognized that a long- term solution is to request the DOR to better define rectories not attached to churches that are not being used as the residence for a Priest. He requested for a short-term solution that the County Board rule that, rectories be exempt from tax when being used to house the needy and the homeless or other worship needs and not being rented. The County Attorney will review the language and if the Assessor's determination is not correct, then the policy would be changed. Approval of Bills Motion by Lindquist, second by Nelson, and unanimously carried to approve payment of bills per Attachment A of the official minutes which include lodging payments as follows: Canal Park Inn Radisson Hotel South & Plaza Assistant County Attorney, Barb Hanson Assistant County Attorney, Barb Hanson Presentation -State Auditor County Auditor, Wayne Stein, introduced State Auditor, Judith Dutcher. Ms. Dutcher briefly reviewed Otter Tail County's audit. She stated that Otter Tail County is in great financial shape and commended the county's Auditor, Treasurer, and Coordinator. Findings and recommendations made by the State Auditor's office are always corrected in a timely manner and cash reserve balances are exactly where they should be for the tax payers of the county. Ms. Dutcher reviewed the various services her office provides to local government and citizens of Minnesota. Discussion followed regarding TIF districts, the year 2,000 relative to computer hardware, and imposed levy limits. Approval of Final Plat -"Rolling Hills" Motion by Portmann, second by Lindquist, and unanimously carried to approve the final plat of "Rolling Hills" (Robert and Susan Moore, Section 32, Twp. 133, R. 40, Everts Township, Elbow Lake) which had been presented on June 24, 1998 and inadvertently omitted from the County Board minutes·.-- Land Use Plan Video Motion by Lee, second by Partmann, and unanimously carried to approve the purchase of a video of Dakota County's Comprehensive Land Use Plan in the amount of $10 payable to the Jefferson Center. Recess and Reconvene Closed to the Public At 11 :36 a.m., Chairman Lee declared the meeting of the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners recessed for a short break. At 11 :43 a.m., Chairman Lee declared the meeting of the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners reconvened and closed to the public to discuss pending litigation as authorized by attorney-client privilege, M.S. 471.705 Subd. 1d. Present were Commissioners Portmann, Lee, Lindquist, Stone, and Nelson, the County Attorney, County Coordinator, and Recording Secretary. 0 0 0 0 Adjournment Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners July 21, 1998 Page 5 At 12:00 p.m., Chairman Lee declared the meeting of the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners adjourned until 1 :00 p.m., Tuesday, July 28, 1998. Dated: Attest ~ ~ LarryKrhn~lerk CB/kd Attachment OTT~UNTY BOARD OF, C_9r,IMISSIONERS By ~~£-, MalcomK.Lee, Chair 0 0 0 7/22/1998 10:58:57 OTTER TAIL COUNTY AUDITOR HWEISS RECEIPTS AND DISBURSEMENTS SYSTEM 1IARRANTS !!'OR PUBLICATION Otter Tail County Warrants July 21, 1998 Page 1, Attachment A IFD66 COUNTY 56 PAGE 1 WARRANTS APPROVED ON 7/21/1998 FOR PAYMENT 7/21/1998 VENDOR NAME AW RESEARCH LABORATORY INC A-1 LOCK AND KEY ACME ELECTRIC AL'S STOP & SHOP INC. AMERICAN INSTITUTIONAL SUPPLY AMERICAN LINEN SUPPLY AMOCO OIL COMPANY CHERI ANDERSON J. ANDERSON ARCHIE'S ASSOCIATION OF MN COUNTIES AUTO GLASS ASSOCIATES AUTO SAFETY SERVICE BALLARD SANITATION INC. BARNESVILLE AREA CLINIC BARR ENGINEERING COMPANY BATTLE LAKE AUTO PARTS BATTLE LAKE FARMERS UNION OIL .BATTLE LAKE .MOTOR PATROL ASS' N BATTLE LAKE STANDARD BEAR GRAPHICS INC. BECKER CO SHERIFF BELLET'S WELDING ANGELA BERGE BEST INC. BIG CHIEF AMOCO BJ'S EAST BJORN'S HEATING & AIR COND. BRAD BOTNER EXCAVATING BRANDON COMMUNICATIONS BRETZ HARDWARE CANAL PARK INN CARQUEST AUTO PARTS CARR'S LAKE COUNTRY SUPERMKT CATCO CENEX PETROLEUM INC. CENTRAL STATES WIRE PRODUCTS CO-OP SERVICES INC. COAST TO COAST-P. COMMUNICATION BRIEFINGS CONSTRUCTION BULLETIN COOPER'S OFFICE SUPPLY INC. THE COPY CORNER CORPORATE TECHNOLOGIES CROP PRODUCTION SERVICES CULLIGAN CVSI INC. CVSO SECRETARIES & ASSISTANTS D & R USED AUTO·SALES AMOUNT 2,835.00 76.92 299.21 81.51 380.06 103.50 124.47 2.56 145.12 100.83 51.00 116.09 330.71 146.25 179.50 838.05 131.23 206.71 . 80.00 496.77 4,017.67 320.00 38.34 31.77 8,096.63 11.00 136 .13 4.80 592.57 125. 06 40.58 57.38 51.80 768.66 997.43 14.29 2,595.41 1,100.10 25.67 79.00 556.80 1,044.60 21.60 1,598.57· 2 .40 . '12.84 6,879.06 67 .·oo 1,094.92 Otter Tail County Warrants July 21, 1998 Page 2, Attachment A 7/22/1998 10:58:57 OTTER TAIL COUNTY AUDITOR HWEISS RECEIPTS AND DISBURSEMENTS SYSTEM NARRANTS FOR PUBLICATION WARRANTS APPROVED ON 7/21/1998 FOR PAYMENT VENDOR NAME D-A LUBRICANT CO. DACOTAH PAPER COMPANY THE DAILY JOURNAL DAKOTA ELEVATOR DALTON MOBIL & BAIT DAVID M. GRIFFITH & ASSOCIATES DENNY'S CONOCO DENT OASIS INC. RICK DENZEL DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY JANET DESAUTEL DICK'S STANDARD GAPPA OIL CO. DON'S SERVICE DOUGLAS CO SHERIFF DOYLE INCORPORATED E & V CONSULTANTS ECONO SALES AND SERVICE ELDER'S RADIO COMMUNICATIONS ELECTION SYSTEMS & SOFTWARE IN ERHARD GAS & GROCERY FARNAM'S GENUINE PARTS INC. FERGUS CHAMPION AUTO FERGUS FALLS HRA FERGUS FALLS MEDICAL GROUP FERGUS FALLS POLICE DEPARTMENT CITY FERGUS FALLS FERGUS INTERNATIONAL INC. FERGUS TIRE CENTER FLOOR TO CEILING STORE FORCE AMERICA GENERAL OFFICE PRODUCTS CO. GERRY'S PARTS SUPPLY LORI GILBERTSON GR GRAPHICS INC. GRANT CO. DAC HALL GMC INC. HARTHUN ELECTRIC HEDAHLS AUTO CENTER HEDAHLS INC. OF FERGUS FALLS HEISLER'S COUNTRY OIL HENNING ADVOCATE CITY HENNING HINTGEN-KARST & ASSOC. INC. HOLIDAY SHELDON HOLM HONEYWELL IKON OFFICE SOLUTIONS THE INDEPENDENT INFORMATION-SYSTEMS CORP. AMOUNT 1,644.35 13 0. 52 1,786.22 161.80 12.00 200.00 73.42 227.68 5.00 510.00 11.92 16.25 70.77 206.00 1,163.46 3,690.00 -123.50 1,568.35 197.33 212.97 887.50 3.72 2,637.79 -185.00 31.93 1,006.43 142.64 292.05 766.80 227.54 40.18 203.41 80.18 143.99 2,027.08 903.82 80.00 25.61 157.32 692.66 245.81 900.00 82.67 104.72 82.34 318. 24 788.62 179.47 961.97 IFD66 COUNTY 56 PAGE 2 7/21/1998 0 0 0 0 7/22/1998 10:58:57 HWEISS OTTER TAIL COUNTY AUDITOR RECEIPTS AND DISBURSEMENTS SYSTEM WARRANTS FOR PUBLICATION Otter Tail County Warrants July 21, 1998 Page 3, Attachment A IFD66 COUNTY 56 PAGE 3 WARRANTS APPROVED ON 7/21/1998 FOR PAYMENT 7/21/1998 VENDOR NAME INFOTEL INSIGHT TECHNOLOGIES INTEGRITY COMPUTER SYSTEMS INTERSTATE ENGINEERING INC. INTERSTATE INC. INTERSTATE PRODUCTS INC. JIM HATCH SALES CO. JIM'S SERVICE JIC SPORTS INC. JOHNSTON FARGO CULVERT INC. JUERS' REPAIR INC K &: K PLUMBING&: HEATING K. I.D. LEASING K-MART KELLY SERVICES INC. EVELYN KIMBER JAMES KIMBER KOEP'S CLITHERALL CORNER KOHLER-STROM'S RESORT KRIS ENGINEERING INC. L &: L SERVICE LAGERQUIST CORPORATION LAKELAND POWER EQUIPMENT LAKELAND TRUE VALUE HARDWARE LAKES COUNTRY SERVICE LARRY OTT INC. TRUCK SERVICE LAWN AND LIMB ANDY LINDQUIST LINK RECREATIONAL INC LINK RECREATIONAL INC. LOCATORS &: SUPPLIES INC. LOON'S NEST LYLE'S WELDING&: REPAIR M-R SIGN CO. MARK SAND &: GRAVEL MARTIN CO SHERIFF MEDTOX LABORATORIES MEYER GARBAGE SERVICE THE MIDWEEK MIDWEST PRINTING MILLER&: HOLMES INC. MINN BLUE DIGITAL-A MN CO ATTORNEYS ASSOCIATION MN DEPT OF REVENUE MN MOTOR COMPANY ROBERT MOE MORRIS SEALCOAT &: TRUCKING INC MPH INDUSTRIES INC. NELSON BROTHERS PRINTING&: AMOUNT 227.45 828.57 42.55 2,407.50 .902.74 395.67. 1,280.82 344.03 279.00 3,893.00 85.26 SB.SO 347.42 70.34 5,158.43 20.00 20.00 .47.00. 11.90 415.83 102.60 257.39 42.24 .75 96.59 1,050.00 799.00 126.14 13.74 4,300.43 1,613.57 59.91 . 25. 00 2,316.22 5,496.00 26.00 237.00 17.55 104.78 689.59 875.21 239.56 . 24.05 390.00 ... 85 .12 50.14 270.00 1,602.31 2,049.80 Otter Tail County Warrants July 21, 1998 Page 4, Attachment A 7/22/1998 10:58:57 HWEISS OTTER TAIL COUNTY AUDITOR RECEIPTS AND DISBURSEMENTS SYSTEM WARRANTS FOR PUBLICATION WARRANTS APPROVED ON 7/21/1998 FOR PAYMENT VENDOR NAME NELSON FORD SIDNEY NELSON NETWORK SERVICES COMPANY NEW YORK MILLS HERALD NORTH CENTRAL INSTRUMENTS NORTH UNION TEXACO NORTHERN WASTE SYSTEMS NORTHWEST LASERS INC. OASIS LAWN-GRO SERVICE ERIN OKERLUND OLSON OIL CO. OTTER TAIL CO DEPARTMENT OF OTTER TAIL POWER COMPANY OTTER TAIL TELCOM OTTERTAIL AGGREGATE KATHY OUREN PAMIDA INC. PANTRY N' PUB PARK REGION CO-OP OIL CO. PAUL'S HOLIDAY STATION STORE PELICAN CND ENTERPRIZES INC. PELICAN RAPIDS PRESS PEMBERTON SORLIE SEFKOW RUFER PERHAM CO-OP CREAMERY . PERHAM ENTERPRISE BULLETIN PERHAM MEMORIAL HOSPITAL PERHAM PRINTING PERHAM SUPER AMERICA PETE'S BODY SHOP & TOWING HOWARD PETERSON THE PHOTO CENTER THE PIERCE CO. PINE PLAZA TV & APPLIANCE PITNEY BOWES INC. POLK POLK CO SHERIFF POPE CO SANITATION INC. PRAIRIE LUMBER & TRUSTWORTHY PRODUCTIVE ALTERNATIVES INC. QUILL CORPORATION RADISSON HOTEL SOUTH & PLAZA RAY'S OIL STATION THE RENTAL STORE REVIEW ENTERPRISES INC. LYLE ROSENOW ROWEKAMP ASSOCIATES INC. ROYALE COMTRONICS SANDBAGS WAREHOUSE SCHMITZ FORD AMOUNT 37.72 298.01 545.23 13 6. 3 9 1,515.69 636.52 1,276.14 156.20 175.55 23.52 4,285.31 188.80 14,040.00 277.99 178.39 48.09 120.86 44.05 315.62 116.70 276.42 374.00 257.50 1,127.06 194.60 5.00 18.19 202.46 2,574.44 287.30 75. 31 37.19 41.44 207.68 233.78 28.20 2,070.59 171.59 151.19 224.44 111. 38 465.83 25.55 -1,121.42 64.38 3,083.10 181.95 852.00 310.10 0 IFD66 COUNTY 56 PAGE 4 7/21/1998 0 0 . . 0 0 0 7/22/1998 10:58:57 Otter Tail County Warrants July 21, 1998 Page 5, Attachment A HWEISS OTTER TAIL COUNTY AUDITOR RECEIPTS AND DISBURSEMENTS SYSTEM IIARRAN'TS FOR PUBLICATION WARRANTS APPROVED ON 7/21/1998 FOR PAYMENT VENDOR NAME VICKI SCHWANKE SCOTT HOFLAND CONSTRUCTION INC SEWER SERVICE SHERWIN WILLIAMS SIGELMAN STEEL & SALVAGE SIGNWORKS SIGNS & BANNERS SOUTH MILL SERVICE SOUTHTOWN C-STORE STADUM PLUMBING L.L.P. STANDARD PARTS OF WADENA WAYNE STEIN STEIN'S INC. STENERSON LUMBER STINAR-STURDEVANT-STOLZ PAUL STOLTZ WILLIAM STONE STOP-N-GO STORES INC. STREICHER'$ STRINGER BUSINESS SYSTEMS INC. JOURDAN SULLIVAN. SWANSON'S SURPLUS STORE RICHARD TAMKE TANK &: YUMMIES THOMAS OIL COMPANY TODD CO SOLID WASTE TRANSPORT CLEARINGS INC. TRI-STATE TIRE TWO-TEN MARINE INC. UNDERWOOD OIL INC. UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA USA WASTE SERVICES INC. VALLEY SOFT WATER VALLEY TRUCK VERGAS ACE HARDWARE VERGAS 66 VICTOR LUNDEEN COMPANY ANTHONY VIGEN VIKING OFFICE PRODUCTS VILLAGE APOTHECARY WAL-MART WELDING SUPPLIES&: FIRE RICHARD WEST WIDSETH SMITH NOLTING & ASSOC. WILKIN CO ENVIRONMENTAL OFFICE ROBERT WILKOWSKI YHR PARTNERS ZEE SERVICE COMPANY ZIEGLER INC. . 20-20 OPTICAL AMOUNT 27.09 3,005.00 1,040.75 25.84 53.43 157.48 1,117.32 128.60 670.95 71.26 167.98 2,347.76 283.05 100.00 28.00 . 20.48 493.98 273.80 25.18 176.86 41. 97 4.13 274.01 878.00 4,620.00 98.00 223.85 51.65 100.39 4,739.22 1,709.99 42.04 1,001.69 11.53 33.61 2,131.25 320.76 42.51 15.88 389.68 407.64 70.00 8,326.63 276.38 45.20 10,361.96 l.64.06 581.58 253.75 IFD66 COUNTY 56 PAGE 5 7/21/1998 Otter Tail County Warrants July 21, 1998 Page 6, Attachment A COUNTY 55 0 IFD55 7/22/1998 10:58:57 OTTER TAIL COUNTY AUDITOR HWEISS RECEIPTS AND DISBURSEMENTS SYSTEM IIARRABTS POR PUBLICATION PAGE 5 WARRANTS APPROVED ON 7/21/1998 FOR PAYMENT 7/21/1998 VENDOR NAME 210 LUBE EXPRESS FINAL TOTAL ...... . AMOUNT 152.53 $189,890.97 **** Q 0