HomeMy WebLinkAboutBoard of Commissioners - Minutes - 07/16/1998·• MINUTES OF THE . OTTER TAIL COUNTY LABOR MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE Otter Tail County Courthouse Commissioners' Room, Floor 1-B Thursday, July 16, 1998 1 :00 p.m. Call to Order Present: Brooks Andersen, Al Anderson, Steve Andrews, Pauline Barry, Sharon Bjork, Sandi Gundberg, Mike Hanan, Cheryl Jones, Kathy Harthun, Chuck Kitzman, Larry Krohn, Wendy Metcalf, Lori Morrell, Michele Petterson, Bud Pierce, Ginny Partmann, Vicki Schwanke, Todd Smedstad, Dennis Soderstrom, Rick Sytsma, and Jeffrey Thompson. Todd Smedstad called the Labor Management Committee meeting to order at 1 :00 p.m. By-Laws Wendy Metcalf presented the first draft of by-laws. • Article I --Our committee members presently consist of 33 individuals consisting of management, union, and non-union representatives. Discussion followed. • Articles 2 and 3 -Committee members will serve two (2) year terms. Discussions followed. Accepted as presented. Article 4 --Committee will meet the 3rd Thursday of each month from 1 :00-3:00 p.m. in the Commissioners' Room. If a holiday falls on a meeting date, the meeting will be cancelled unless notification is sent out. Discussion followed. Article 5 -Committee members will be allowed two (2) unscheduled absences per term. We need to have a minimum of 50% of committee members present to conduct business. If we are unable to have a quorum, we will have to carry items to the following month. Discussion followed. Leave Article 5 as stated. Article 6 -Discussion on Committee actions. Leave Article 6 as stated. Article 7 --A tentative agenda shall be drafted at the end of each meeting for the following meeting. Discussion followed. Article 8 -Discussion on assessment feedback . Article 9 -Discussion on compensation for committee meetings. Otter Tail County Labor Management Committee July 16, 1998 Page2 ... . -. Article 10 -Discussion on subcommittees. Discussion on opening meetings to the public and employees outside of committee. By the group's consensus it was decided that there would be no attendance made by the public nor employees outside of this committee. ~ . ., Mission Statement Chuck Kitzman presented the mission statement. Open discussion on mission statement. Miscellaneous Discussion followed on where certain types of employees are classified as committee members. Certain people fell under both Management and Labor -how are they to be classified? Discussion followed. Discussion on department communication. Discussion on the Government data practices act. Discussion on the following agenda items for next committee meeting:. Norms of Behavior, Letter of Understanding, Work on Communication, Open Forum. Adjournment At 2:57 p.m., Co-Chair Todd Smedstad declared the meeting of the Otter Tail County Labor Management Committee adjourned until 1 :00 p.m. on Thursday, August 20, 1998. /srb Attachment OTTER TAIL COUNTY ~olume l, I~OR/MANAGEMENf COMJvIITTEE June 1998 First Labor /Management Committee Meeting Held During labor negotiations in 1997, a request was made from organized labor to establish a Labor Management Committee (LMq. The County agreed to form such a committee and initial training has been completed. lMC's are not a part of labor negotiations, but provide a structured opportunity for both employees and management to share information and issues. An exploratory meeting was held to provide in-depth and first hand experiences from other counties. In Minnesota, the Bureau of Mediation Services is charged with providing training, staff and ongoing suppon to organized Labor Management Committees. The Mediator assisting the Committee is Lori Morrell. With ·the suppon and guidance of Lori, the first meeting of the Otter .ail County Labor/Management Committee was held on June 18, 1998. The agenda consisted of selecting co-chairs, and forming committees for by-laws, mission statement, and a letter of understanding. The Committee will meet monthly on the third Thursday of the month from 1:00-3:00 p.m. Co-chairs and Committees selected At the June 18 organizational meeting, two co-chairs were selected by the Committee: one representing Labor and the other representing Management. The Labor co-chair is Todd Smedstad. Larry Krohn was selected to represent Management. Todd can be reached at the Highway Department, extension 370. Larry can be contacted at the Coordinator's Office, extension 265. Committees were formed for drafting by-laws, a miss_ion statement, and a letter of understanding. The by-law Committee consists of Rick West, Sandi Gundberg, Wendy Meccalf and Gary Waskosky. The mission statement Committee members are Bud Pierce, Chuck Ki=an, Jack Dawkins and Michele Petterson. Dennis Soderstrom, Vicki Schwanke, Al Anderson and Mike Hanan are serving on the Committee to draft a letter of understanding. Issues Chosen The Committee held a brainstorming session to identify common issues of concern to be researched. The three top issues were communication, followed by technology/training/e-ma.il and personal time off. The Committee's priority will be the topic of communication. If anyone has suggestions or concerns please contact a member of the Labor/Management Committee. Labor /Management Committee Membership Name Department Phone Al Anderson Attorney 211 Brooks Andersen Social Services 306 Leon Anderson Social Services 415 Steve Andrews Treasurer 251 • Pauline Barty Social Services 304 Sharon Bjerk Social Services 475 LMCN,,,. • • • Jack Dawkins Chris Foss Sandi Gundberg Mike Hanan Kathy Harthun David Hauser Chuck Kiw= Larry Krohn Malcolm Lee Wendy Metcalf Mark.Moms Kathy Ouren Sheriff Public Health Social Services Solid Waste Public Health Attorney Coun Services County Coordinator County Commission Recorder Sheriff Michele Petterson Norman "Bud" Pierce V uginia Partmann Vicki Schwanke Coun Administration Solid Waste Highway County Commission East Otter Tail Extension Highway Todd Smedstad Dennis Soderstrom Rick Sywna Jeff Thompson Doug Walvatne Gary Waskosky Rick West Joanne Derby Merle King Cheryl Jones Highway Building Maintenance Sheriff Assessor Sheriff Highway (Ex Officio Members) Teamsters 320 Teamsters 320 AFSCME Agenda, Future Meeting Dates The Next Meeting of the Labor/Management Committee will be held on Thursday,July 16, 1998, in the Commissioner's Room in the Courthouse. The agenda consists of: 1. Committee Recommendations 2. Norms of Behavior. 3. Identified Issues. 4. Communication. 5. Open F orurn Future Meeting dates: July 16, 1998 August 20, 1998 September 17, 1998 October 15, 1998 November 19, 1998 December 17, 1998 314 385-3175 447 496 739-7106 200 220 265 265 246 332 275 496 736-6821 265 385-3000 370 346-7205 205 311 235 334 269 LMCN,.. • • OTTER TAIL COUNTY LABOR/MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE MEMBERSHIP DISTRIBUTION LIST t Name De(!artment Al Anderson Attorney Brooks Andersen social services Leon Anderson social services Steve Andrews Treasurer Pauline Barry social services Sharon Bjork social services Jack Dawkins Sheriff Chris Foss Public Health Sandi Gundberg social services Mike Hanan SJi)lid waste Kathy Harthun l.ore,.MQqr.in~Lblic Health David Hauser Chuck Kitzman Larry Krohn Malcolm Lee Wendy Metcalf Mark Morris Kathy Ouren Michele Petterson Norman "Bud" Pierce Virginia Partmann ... Vicki,Schwanke Todd smedstad Dennis Soderstrom Rick Sytsma Jeff Thompson Doug Walvatne Gary waskosky Rick west Joanne Derby Merle King Cheryl Jones Attorney court services county coordinator county commission Recorder Sheriff court Adni'1:°'.,ac1on Solla wasce Highway county commission East otter Tail Extension Highway Highway Building Maintenance Sheriff Assessor Sheriff Highway . 11},: IEx Officio Members> Teamsters 320 Teamsters 320 AFSCME Phone 211 306 415 251 304 475 314 385-3175 447 496 739-7106 200 220 265 265 246 332 275 496 736-6821 265 385-3000 370 346-7205 205 311 235 334 269