HomeMy WebLinkAboutBoard of Commissioners - Minutes - 05/12/19980 0 0 Call to Order The Otter Tail County Human Services Board convened Tuesday, May 12, 1998 at 9:30 a.m. at the Otter Tail County Courthouse with Commissioners Bill Stone, Chair; Syd Nelson, Vice-Chair; Andy Lindquist, Secretary; Malcolm Lee, and Virginia Partmann. Approval of Agenda Motion by Partmann, second by Lee, and unanimously carried to approve the Human Services agenda of May 12, 1998 as submitted . . Approval of Minutes Motion by Nelson, second by Lindquist, and unanimously carried to approve the Human Services minutes of April 28, 1998 as submitted. Approval -Juvenile Restitution Grant Contract Motion by Partmann, second by Lindquist, and unanimously carried to .authorize the appropriate county officials' signatures to execute FY 1999 Juvenile Restitution Grant Contract between the State of Minnesota DOC and Otter Tail County. The state provides $2,000 to the county for the program. Approval -Contract for Shared Secretarial Services Motion by Partmann, second by Lindquist, and unanimously carried to authorize the appropriate county officials' signatures to execute an agreement between the State of Minnesota DOC and Otter Tail County for shared secretarial services in the New York Mills Court Services office. The . state will provide a maximum of $13,700 to the county for these services in FY 1999. Handouts Provided Chuck Kitzman, Court Services Director, provided handouts relative to 1998 1st quarter juvenile offenses, 1996-97 Juvenile Diversion Programming, and Adult-Juvenile Monthly Caseload statistics. Lengthy discussion followed. · PMAP Update Public Health Director, Diane Thorson, updated board members regarding the PMAP process. Otter Tail, Wilkin, and Winona counties will begin the process together on May 21 st· Ms. Thorson named the PMAP county development team as follows: Public Health Director, Diane Thorson; Nursing Supervisor, Chris Foss; Assistant Public Health Director, Cheryl Schultz; Social Services Director, Tom Fawcett; Social Services Supervisors, Tom Jensen and Brad Vold; Financial Assistant Supervisors, Barb Dohrer and Bev Schoon. Additionally, Public Health Director, Diane Thorson, will serve as the county liaison between the State of Minnesota OHS and Otter. Tail County. Ms. Thorson reported that each county must approve the timeline for implementation of PMAP. The timeline will be discussed at the initial meeting on May 21 st-Ms. Thorson will report back to the board on that issue. Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners May 12, 1998 Page 2 Discussion continued regarding the health issues the plan should address. The Public Health Director listed the following as important issues/health concerns: Immunization Rates, Child & Teen Check-up, Breast and Cervical Cancer Screening, Prostate Screening, Diabetes and Dental. Commissioner Lee suggested that health issues be prioritized. The Social Services Director suggested chemical and mental health issues be considered. Mr. Fawcett appointed Social Services Supervisor, Tom Jensen, as a liaison with the State of Minnesota OHS relative to PMAP in addition to Ms. Thorson to facilitate chemical/mental health issues. Lengthy discussion continued regarding County-Based Purchasing, MA, EW reimbursement issues, and home health care. Family Services Collaborative Commissioner Lindquist expressed concerns regarding the disbursement of funds via the Family Services Collaborative. He noted that a large amount of funds would be available through the time study and required accounting procedures must be established. Commissioner Lindquist read several excerpts from the past Human Services minutes relative to the collaborative. Because the Human Services Board is the governing board for the collaborative, the Human Services Board is responsible to approve all expenditures. Discussion took place regarding how collaborative funds are received from the state. Commissioner Lindquist directed the Social Services Director to request Accountant, Leon Anderson, to attend the next Human Services meeting to report how this will be set-up and noted that expenditures will be paid out of the collaborative funds only if approved by the Human Services Board. Commissioner Partmann requested a copy of all income and expenditures from the collaborative funding from the Family Services Coordinator at the next meeting. Commissioner Lee explained that Human Services Board members are responsible to 0 · answer questions of what the county has accomplished or gained as a result of these grant funds. Mr. Kitzman suggested follow-up on how the school districts used the money they received from r'\ the collaborative. 'w Bills & Claims Motion by Lindquist, second by Lee, and unanimously carried to approve the Human Services bills and claims as submitted. Information Provided Social Services Director, Tom Fawcett, reported on the Minnesota Collection Enterprise collection service through the DOR. Mr. Fawcett reported an error-free report relative to the ABAWD criteria for the food stamp program. Discussion followed regarding the state electronic benefit transfer system for food stamps. Adjournment At 11 :05 a.m., Chairman Stone declared the meeting of the Otter Tail County Human Services Board ad· urned until 9:3 a.m. on Tuesday, May 26, 1998. B~~~- Thomas M. Fawcett, Social Services Director Dated __,~-'---""'-c!:<.""'""l'--+,,_,_J....,_i...,_7...u8'-------- Call to Order ~ - The Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners convened Tuesday, May 12, 1998 at 1 :00 p.m. at 0 the Otter Tail County Courthouse with Commissioners Malcolm Lee, Chair; Syd Nelson Vice-Chair; Andy Lindquist, and Virginia Partmann present. Commissioner Bill Stone was absent. 0 0 Approval of Agenda Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners May 12, 1998 Page 3 Motion by Portmann, second by Lindquist, and unanimously carried to approve the County Board agenda of May 12; 1998 with the following additions: Board of Adjustment Appointment 1 :45 p.m. -Bill Kalar -Request for Waiver of After-the-Fact Permit 1 :55 p.m. -Mike Hanan -Request for Bid Award Performance Evaluation Summary for the County Coordinator Approval of Minutes Motion by Lindquist, second by Nelson, and unanimously carried to approve the County Board minutes of May 5, 1998 as submitted. Snowmobile Grant-In-Aid Systems Resolution OtterTail County Resolution No. 98-33 UPON a motion by Nelson, second by Lindquist, and unanimously carried, the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners adopts the following resolution: WHEREAS, Otter Tail County has sponsored Grant-In-Aid Trail Systems in the past; and ··WHEREAS, acceptance of the Grant-In-Aid Trail Systems proposed extensions are subject to the review and approval of the County Attorney; THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that Otter Tail County shall sponsor Grant-In-Aid Trail Systems as they exist for Otter Trail Riders Association and proposed extensions of Grant-In-Aid Trails with the aforementioned condition. Adopted this 12th day of May, 1998. Dated: ~ 1(11 l9?g OTTER TAIL OUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS By~....=.::....a..,_. ~___,---=-c-:2,_.~---- Attest: ~ /s:J. M aim K. Lee, Chair ~r~°8:rk hd ,K.,~ 1 Resolution Authorizing Execution of Sub-Grant Agreement -1997 Flood Damage Otter Tail County Resolution No. 98-34 UPON a motion by Lindquist, second by Partmann, and unanimously carried, the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners adopts the following resolution: BE IT RESOLVED that Otter Tail County enter into a Sub-grant Agreement concerning 1997 flood damage with the Division of Emergency Management in the Minnesota Department of Public Safety for the program entitled Infrastructure Program for FEMA 1175-DR-MINNESOTA. Richard West, County Engineer is hereby authorized to execute and sign such Sub-grant Agreements and amendments as are necessary to implement the project on behalf of Otter Tail · County. Adopted this 12th day of May, 1998. Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners May 12, 1998 Page 4 · Dated: 'rn~ 1;;, 192$ UNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS ~L fum ~ Male m K. Lee, Chair Attest: 1 "if }!. IJ:nJ,,.ds- Lar rohn, Clerk . Approval of Deposit Highway Engineer, Rick West, requested approval to require a $250 deposit with permits authorizing work within county right-of-ways and applications made by property owners in cleaning out county highway ditches. The $250 deposit would be accepted in the form of a bond, cashier's check, certified check, or money order. Motion by Partmann, second by Lindquist, and unanimously carried to approve the above request to require a $250 deposit for the above mentioned purposes. Salt/Sand Storage Facility Mr. West reported that Otter Tail County has been working with the City of Fergus Falls and MnDOT, in considering a joint salt/sand facility to be located in Fergus Falls. Estimate for the facility was given as $200,000 -$275,000 and the facility is proposed to be ready for the 1999 winter season. Mr. West noted that the proposal would need to be considered in the next budget session. 0 Motion by Partmann, second by Nelson, and unanimously carried to proceed with the joint plan for 0 a salt/sand facility in Fergus Falls contingent upon the approval of the Budget Committee. ""1iti,/ Approval of Final Payment -C.P. 97:10 Mr. West reported completion of C.P. 97:10, flood repair work. Motion by Lindquist, second by Nelson and unanimously carried to approve final payment to Mark Sand & Gravel Acquisition Co. in the amount of $9,209.16 for completion of C.P. 97: 10, flood repair work. Central Lakes Trail Project The Highway Engineer reported receipt of a request from the Douglas County Highway Engineer regarding Otter Tail County's decision whether or not to become a part of the Central Lakes recreational trail. Douglas County is requesting a decision by May 19th , 1998 because the project development process is required to begin at this time. Mr. West reviewed the results of an April 14th meeting with MnDoT's right-of-way representative Jim Schoeneck, Commissioner Malcolm Lee, County Coordinator Larry Krohn, Fergus Falls Representative Steve Emerson and others. He reported that Mr. Schoeneck is attempting to organize a teleconference with representatives of his office in St. Paul and landowners along the Central Trails in Otter Tail County. Two landowners, Jerry Hess and Floyd Lee, expressed concern over the issue of ownership of the land along the trail bed. They feel the railroad sold this property to the state erroneously. They also questioned responsibility for maintenance and enforcement. Mr. West responded that the ownership question needs to be directed to the State of Minnesota Attorney Generals office. He stated that when the teleconference is scheduled the landowners would be notified and invited to the meeting. Q 0 Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners May 12, 1998 Page 5 Mr. West reported on four issues discussed at the recent committee meeting; 1) insurance -not resolved, 2) enforcement -if trespass violations are called into the Sheriff's office, the Sheriff's office will respond, 3) trail maintenance -MnDOT is obligated to take care of major maintenance and noxious weeds. General year around maintenance is the responsibility of OCTA, and 4) title opinions -Otter Tail County can only try to facilitate that the property owners receive an answer from the Stale of Minnesota. Steve Emerson, City of Fergus Falls Representative, reviewed the recent meeting. He reported that the City of Fergus Falls cannot purchase insurance for the portion of the Central Lakes Trails in Otter Tail County because they do not have an insurable interest in the property. Lengthy discussion continued regarding other !STEA funded trails. The Highway Engineer stated Otter Tail County has not financially supported any trail in the county. The county has acted as a conduit for pass-through funding. Discussion continued regarding insurance and liability. The matter will be discussed further at the next regular board meeting. Liquor License Renewal Motion by Nelson, second by Lindquist, and unanimously carried to approve the following applications for license: Cozy Cove Resort Gary or Patricia Benson Dent, MN On/Off-Sale 3.2 Malt Liquor License Appointment -Board of Adjustment Motion by Nelson, second by Partmann, and unanimously carried to accepted the resignation of Craig Anderson from the Otter Tail County Board of Adjustment and to appoint David H. Holmgren of Henning, MN, to fill this position for the remainder of the 1998 year. Contract Approval -ICWC House Construction Project Jail Administrator, John Halvorson, presented a contract for the housing of inmates involved in the Institution Community Work Crew house construction project. Motion by Partmann, second by Lindquist, and unanimously carried to authorize the Chair's signature to execute a contract between the State of Minnesota DOC and Otter Tail County for the ICWC program. The state will provide $213,000 for FY 1998/99. After-the-Fact Permit Waiver Request Land & Resource Director, Bill Kalar, provided copies of a letter he received from Allen Chase of Ethel Beach Resort. Mr. Chase requested waiver of an after-the-fact permit fee of $250. He explained that he replaced a mobile home with the same specifications, size, etc. Therefore, he did not realize he needed a permit because resorts pay an annual permit fee for mobile home spots. Discussion took place. Motion by Nelson, second by Lindquist to waive the after-the-fact fee of $200 and issue the normal permit fee of $50 because it does not cause additional density for the lake or additional sewage ! o.·.· and the location complies with all other requirements of the SMO. Commissioner Partmann "· expressed concern about setting a precedence and questioned whether others have paid an after- the-fact fee for the same reason. Commissioner Lee called for a roll call vote: Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners May 12, 1998 Page 6 Fifth District Third District First District Second District Motion carried. Partmann Lindquist Nelson Lee Nay Yea Yea Yea Bid Awards -Forklift, Trailer, & Roll-Off Boxes Mike Hanan, Solid Waste Director, after previously advertising, opened the following bids on Wednesday, May 6, 1998 at 1 :00 p.m: Bidder Clarklift of Minnesota Mpls., MN RDO Equipment Fargo, ND YMH Minnesota Forklift $21,886.00 Did not meet bid specs $24,029.38 $28,859.00 Did not meet bid specs Bennett Materials Handling $32,662.00 Hopkins, MN WasteCo. Manufacturing Dickenson, ND RayFo Inc. Rosemount, MN Sanitation Products Fargo, ND Pup Trailer Roll-Off Boxes (2) $13,000 $2,650 each Did not meet bid specs $3,167each Did not meet bid specs $4,934 each Did not meet bid specs Motion by Nelson, second by Lindquist, and unanimously carried to accept the lowest acceptable bid from RDO Equipment, in the amount of $24,029.38 with a trade-in allowance for a forklift as recommended by the Solid Waste Director. Motion by Nelson, second by Partmann, and unanimously carried to authorize the Solid Waste Director to readvertise for quotations for a pup trailer which is used behind recycling trucks. Motion by Partmann, second by Lindquist, and unanimously carried to accept the lowest acceptable bid from WasteCo. Manufacturing, in the amount of $2650 each, for 2 roll-off boxes. Discussion -Recycling Drop-off Containers 0 Mr. Hanan suggested that the drop-off containers placed in four different locations throughout Q Fergus Falls be eliminated and containers placed instead, at the Recycling Center on North Tower • Road. The containers at the recycling center would be accessible 24-hours per day. This would be an attempt to streamline services by saving time and money, as well as provide the option to 0 0 0 Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners May 12, 1998 Page 7 monitor when the containers are full. Discussion followed. Commissioner Partmann suggested some publicity to allow citizens to voice their opinion on the issue before action is taken next week. Performance Evaluation Summary Motion by Partmann, second by Nelson, and unanimously carried to approve the positive performance evaluation summary of County Coordinator, Larry Krohn, and place the summary in his personnel file. Adjournment At 2:40 p.m., Chairman Lee declared the meeting of the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners adjourned until 9:30 a.m. on Tuesday, May 19, 1998. Dated: ~ La, /9911 UNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS /L Attest:~ ~~ lrJ ,€/)~ Lar rohn, Clerk CB/kd