HomeMy WebLinkAboutBoard of Commissioners - Minutes - 11/18/19970 Call to Order The Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners convened Tuesday, November 18, 1997 at 9:33 a.m. at the Otter Tail County Courthouse with Commissioners Andy Lindquist, Chair; . Syd Nelson, Malcolm Lee, Bill Stone, and Virginia Partmann present. Approval of Agenda Motion by Stone, second by Partmann, and unanimously carried to approve the County Board agenda of November 18, 1997 with the following additions: Treasurer, Steve Andrews -9:50 a.m. Physical Plant Manager, Rick Sytsma -10:45 a.m. County Attorney Job Classification -11 :00 a.m. Approval of Minutes Motion by Nelson, second by Lee, and unanimously carried to approve the County Board minutes of November 12, 1997 as submitted. Update -Ditch Nos. 41, 63, & 38 Ditch Inspector, Tiny Holm, reported that he has viewed Ditch No. 63 located in Elizabeth and Oscar Townships. Minor additional work will be completed yet this fall. The original water level will remain one foot higher as approved in writing by the DNR and adjoining landowners. Mr. Holm reported that Ditch No. 38 is located south of New York Mills. A property owner, Mr. Bob Sonnenberg, is requesting approval of the Ditch Authority to cleanout, at his own expense, approximately 400 feet of silt and brush. Discussion took place regarding use of STS individuals to assist in the cleanout of the ditch. Motion by Nelson, second by Partmann, and unanimously carried to allow Mr. Sonnenberg,to cleanout the ditch as described above subject to the approval of the County Attorney. Mr. Holm reported that a ditch block has been removed from T.H. 10 without the county's authorization. This affects fifteen acres that will now flow directly into the Ditch No. 41 system. The recommendation of Mr. Pope, Interstate Engineering, after viewing, is to leave the existing culvert in Ditch No. 41 in place until next spring. The project will function on a limited basis. Commissioner Partmann expressed concern regarding the City of New York Mills removing the ditch block affecting a county ditch without the approval of the county. \ Mr. Holm will attend a meeting of the Organization of Ditch Viewers of the State of Minnesota on Q · December 3 in Willmar to gain information. He will continue to research the issues and return to the board with a recommendation. Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners November 18, 1997 Page 2 Request for Forgiveness of Penalty • Treasurer, Steve Andrews, presented a request for forgiveness of penalty from Edith Day, property owner of lakeshore in Girard Township. It appeared that the tax statement was sent on time, Q. however, the postmark was November 1, 1997. No action taken by the County Board. Capital Improvements Allocation Commissioner Lindquist acknowledged that Karen Lundin, Risk Management Coordinator, has received a settlement payment in the amount of $5,319.68 for damages. The damages resulted in the VSO department van being a total loss. The monies have been allocated to the Capital Improvement Fund to offset the purchase of a new VSO van. Discussion of Change of Name for Haulers License Mrs. Stanley Tougtes requested that the county not issue a haulers permit to her grandson using her late husband's name. Mrs. Tougtes explained that her grandson purchased the sanitation business from her after the death of her husband. County Attorney, Wally Senyk, explained that Otter Tail County licenses solid waste haulers based on their application. If the hauler uses a specific business name on the application, that is the name the permit is issued for. · The county does not have authority to tell haulers what business name they can or cannot use. Mr. Senyk stated that the issue is a contract issue between Mrs. Toutges and her grandson relative to the purchase of the business. He encouraged Mrs. Tougtes to contact a lawyer to resolve these issues. Solid Waste Director, Mike Hanan, will communicate by letter to Mrs. Tougtes's grandson the concerns expressed with the use of her former husband's name. True County Assessor Meeting Assessor, Bob Moe, reported on the True County Assessor System meeting held in New York Mills on November 12. Thirty-four people attended representing twelve townships and two cities. Q Additionally, Commissioners Stone and Nelson were present. Lengthy discussion followed :_ regarding the understanding of this system. The Chairman directed that this matter be put on the County Board agenda for a final decision on December 9. Assessment Agreements Motion by Lee, second by Partmann, and unanimously carried to authorize the Chair's signature to execute an assessment agreement between Otter Tail County and the City of Wadena. The city will compensate the county $125.75 for assessing services. Motion by Lee, second by Nelson, and unanimously carried to authorize the Chair's signature to execute an assessment agreement between Otter Tail County and Bluffton Township. The Township will compensate the county $50 for assessing income producing property. Snow Removal and Ice Control Policy Rick West, Highway Engineer, reported that the County Attorney has suggested language revisions in the draft Snow Removal and Ice Control Policy. The Highway Engineer will bring the draft policy back to the board for approval after revisions have been made. Discussion -Dent Highway Garage Mr. West explained several reasons to close the Dent Highway Garage. He reported that the City of Dent does not object as long as the county continues to provide the same level of service. From an operational standpoint, a one-employee garage is not cost effective. The truck would be based 1, out of the New York Mills garage if the Dent garage were closed. i...,; Motion by Lee, second by Nelson, and unanimously carried to authorize the Highway Engineer to make a decision on the closing of the Dent garage as an administrative decision. Prevailing Wage Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners November 18, 1997 Page 3 He directed Rick West The Chairman acknowledged the MRCC fax regarding prevailing wage. U · and Larry Krohn to research the issues and report back to the board. 0 Update -Federal Highway Region V Meeting Mr. West reported his attendance at a recent Federal Highway Region V meeting. Discussion followed regarding signage for rural addressing, proposed downsizing of federal highway regions, and federal funding. Parking Stall Proposal Rick Sytsma, Physical Plant Manager, requested on behalf of All Building Corporation and Metz Bakery, to trade thirteen parking stalls from the south side of the Mill street lot by the bakery on a temporary basis with the following conditions: 1) county will receive an equal number of parking stalls in the city's Junius avenue lot . 2) city will dedicate with signage and provide for snow removal 3) county's lot by the bakery will be restored to its original condition 4) county will not lose use of parking stalls on the north side of the bakery lot or the Mill street driveway Motion by Lee, second by Partmann, and unanimously carried to grant' the proposal as recommended above for trading parking stalls on a temporary basis to allow Metz Baker/ space ·tor construction. Land Use Study Organizational Details Motion by Partmann, second by Lee, and unanimously carried to approve a $30 per diem for meetings plus mileage expense at .31 per mile. · Chairman Lindquist read, for the record, an agenda for the first Land Use Study. meeting that was sent to all members. County Attorney, Wally Senyk, noted a need for the County Board to identify the committee's ultimate task and clearly define the role of the committee. He suggested a review process to be followed to actually enact an ordinance, then the County Board can place the function• of this committee in that concept. Lengthy discussion took place. The following is identified as the committee's task/goal. 1. Should the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners adopt official controls regarding the development of all or any part of Otter Tail County, in the form of ordinances which establish such controls as zoning, site plan rules, sanitary codes, building codes, housing codes and official maps? a. What issues exist regarding land use in Otter Tail County which could be addressed by official controls? b. What form of official controls does the committee recommend to address these issues? 0 2. If the committee recommends that Otter Tail County should adopt official controls on land use and development, what recommendations does the committee have for a county comprehensive plan for private and public land and water use, transportation and community facilities? Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners November 18, 1997 Page4 a. Review the 1969 comprehensive guide plan. b. How should the comprehensive plan address the land and water use issues the committee n has identified? 'w c. What recommendations does the committee have for county ordinance provisions, from other county ordinances or otherwise? The County Board must receive recommendations by May 1, 1998. If the committee recommends the adoption of official controls in ordinance form, the County Board will develop an estimated budgeffor updating the comprehensive plan, for the drafting and adoption of one.or more county ordinances and for sufficient staff to enforce those ordinances. In order to raise the money for this effort, it is expected that the county will have to exceed the levy limits imposed by the Legislature in 1997. Therefore, a referendum election will be placed before the voters of Otter Tail County in November of 1998. If they approve the necessary levy to provide the funds, the board will initiate the process to draft and adopt an updated comprehensive plan and official controls based on that plan. County Attorney Job Classification Dave Hauser, Assistant County Attorney, appeared relative to a salary .agreement for his new position as County Attorney effective November 26. Coordinator, Larry Krohn, reported that a prior agreement with the County Attorney's office set salaries for the attorneys in the office at a percentage of a district court judge salary that is controlled by the legislature. Otter Tail County has worked very diligently to implement a compensation system that is a product of the county's system with a consulting service, David M. Griffith & Associates. Compensation levels are different Q in the DMG system and the old agreement. Commissioner Partmann reported that the Personnel Committee has met with Mr. Hauser and there are· reasons for using either system; However, the county has agreed that all new hires will be compensated based on the DMG system and negotiations have taken place to ensure that all county employees are on the DMG compensation system. Motion ,by Stone, second by Lee, and unanimously carried to implement t.he current DMG salary compensation for the County Attorney's office effective January 1, 1998 subject to review by DMG of the performance evaluations for the senior Assistant Attorneys. Recess Chairman Lindquist declared the meeting of the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners recessed at 11 :31 a.m. Reconvene Approval to Pay Bills At 1 :30 p.m., Chairman Lindquist declared the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners' meeting reconvened. Motion by Partmann, second by Lee, and unanimously carried to approve the bills per attachment A of these minutes which includes the following lodging payment: Sheraton Inn Midway · Sheriff, Gary Nelson Planning Commission Recommendations r, Conditional Use Permit -David Erickson/Elmie Fiskari: • Land & Resource Director, Bill Kalar, noted thatlhe Planning Commission denied the CUP request of David Erickson/Elmie Fiskari. This was an after-the-fact request. Fill material was placed on two lots. The applicants were present to discuss the situation with the board. ', Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners November 18, 1997 Page 5 Mr. Erickson noted that he called the Land & Resource office to ask if the fill material would require a permit, however, he did not receive a call back. Mr. Erickson stated that Contractor, Jim Ahlfs placed clean.fill on the lot(s) and indicated that clean fill can be placed in a wetland. He noted that Q a road runs through this area and presented a picture of the area showing grass. Mr. Kalar stated that it is not permitted to put any fill material in a wetland area. In 1994, several government agencies· viewed this area and found fill in the wetland. At that time, per an agreement with the , .,Army Corp, certain fill was to be removed, however, the road through this area was allowed to be retained. Removal did occur and during dry times, grass will be there. Motion by Nelson, second by Stone, and unanimously carried to deny a CUP for David Erickson/Elmie Fiskari (Sec. 21, Twp. 135, R. 38, Rush Lake) as recommended by the Planning Commission. •· Conditional Use Permit-Lynn M. Hoghaug: ' -Motion by Lee, second by Portmann, and unanimously carried to ·approve a CUP for Lynn M. Hoghaug (Sec. 4, Twp. 137, R. 42, Pelican Lake) with conditions as recommended by the Planning Commission. Conditional Use Permit -Dave Driscoll: · . Motion by Lee, second by Nelson, and unanimously carried to approve a CUP for Dave Driscoll (Sec. 32 & 33, Twp; 137, R. 42, Lake Lizzie) as recommended bythePlanning Commission. Conditional Use Permit David L. Wicklund: Motion by Portmann, second by Lee, and unanimously carried to approve a CUP for David L. >, Wicklund (Sec. 9, Twp. 137N, R. 42W, Pelican Lake) as recommended by the Planning .· 0 ;·. Commission. Conditional Use Permit Lyle Chrest: Motion by Lee, second by Stone, and unanimously carried to approve a CUP for Lyle Chrest (Sec. 23; Twp. 137, R. 43, Tamarack Lake) with conditions as recommended by the Planning· Commission. Correction to November 4, 1997 Minutes Motion by Portmann; second by Lee, and unanimously carried to correct the November 4, 1997 minutes which inadvertently excluded the following action by the board: "Motion by Portmann, · : second by Lee, and unanimously carried to approve the performance evaluation summary of VSO, Chet Toso, as submitted and to place the summary in Mr. Toso's personnel file." Payment Approved Motion by Nelson, second by Stone, and unanimously carried to approve payment, in the amount ·· of $146.70, to Auto Glass Specialists for damage to private property, claim no. 838, which was less · ··.than the county's insurance deductible. Adjournment At 1 :50 p.m., Chairman Lindquist declared the meeting of the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners adjourned 1 :00 p.m. Tuesday, November 25, 1997. () Dated: YI~ ~ 19 't? Attest = ¢_ Larry7<mh: Cler ., () 0 0 11/20/1997 8:59:46 HWEISS OTTER TAIL COUNTY AUDITOR RECEIPTS AND DISBURSEMENTS SYSTEM WARRANTS FOR PUBLICATION Otter Tail County Warrants November 18, 1997 · ·-·---------Pag~ L Afuft?foiaili A IFD66 COUNTY 56 PAGE 1 Wll.RR.r..NTS APPROVED ON 11/18/1997 FOR PAYMENT 11/18/1997 VENDOR NAME A.W. RESEARCH LA.BOR."'TORIES A.-1 LOCK Jl.ND KEY Jll.N I CE P..ll.B ERG A.L'S STOP & S:!OP INC. JO.!CE ll.LEJERG ·"'LTERNA.TIVE MIC"-OGR.:ts.PEICS INC. A.MERICJl.J.'\J INSTITUTION."'L SUPPLY AMOCO OIL COM?.:ts.NY BETTIE ANDERSON J. p._1\fDERSON ARCEIE'S AUTO GLASS SPSCIA.LISTS INC. BATTLE LA.KE AUTO PARTS BATTLE u,.KE F.:.?.MERS UNION OIL B."'TTLE LA.KE S7.".ND.~.RD BECKER CO S:!ERIFF BELLMORE'S NORTH UNION TOWING .A..!.'JG:::L.F. E::::?..GE 3EST INC. 3EST WESTERN ."!~ERIC."-'iNA INN BJ'S EAST BLUFFTON OIL CJMP.l\_1\fY BOB 3.==-.?.KE?. cc;,:~.ti._N'Y I~1C. BOYER TRUCK ?;.?.TS BP-".NDON CJMMU'.E Cll.T IONS Cll~\L~S MINDAK INC. CAMP RIPLEY BILLET FGl'JD Cll.RQUEST AUTO PARTS Cll.ER' S L.l'.KE CCUNTRY SUPERMKT CASEY'S GENC:?_:.L STORE C.".SS CO SEERI?? Cll.TCO CENT?J>.L STATES WIEE PRODUCTS CENTURION INTC:?,NA.TIONAL INC. v~"'R'! Cl-'-"'.S TE C:N JOA.,'\JN CLINE CO-OP SERVICES INC. COAST TO COAST-P COM?UTER PLACE CF FERGUS FALLS COO?ER'S OFFICE SUPPLY INC. COPY EQUIPMENT INC. COR?OR.r..TE TECE::TOLOGIES CULLIGAN CUTLER MAGNC:R COMPANY CVSI INC. D & R USED .l'.UTO SALES D-A LU3RIC.l'.NT CO. DACOT.!ili P.!:...PE?, CO~'.PP:.NY THE DAILY JOURNAL P..MOUNT 2,340.00 16.06 9.21 104.38 60.68 13 3. 13 427.09 202.11 375.00 212.70 98.67 1,066.63 403.20 le,3.15 229.9~ 66.40 20.00 169.28 7,167.67 52.22 156.11 16.00 32·J.25 E4.34 1,664.45 2,104.27 26.00 40.78 113.32 3 S. 7 c, 3f.OS 270.81 2,595.41 220.56 19.97 5.00 793.70 15.72 6 3. 0 5 939.57 20.40 1,450.68 15.96 10,155.89 2,293.02 910.08 1,261.70 295.07 2,583.52 Otter Tail County Warrants --blGt'liFAbor--1-8;499-7 · ·· -::--· Page 2, Attachment A 11/20/1997 8:59:46 HWEISS OTTER TAIL COUNTY AUDITOR RECEIPTS AND DISBURSEMENTS SYSTEM WARRANTS FOR PUBLICATION COUNTY 56 P.~.GE W.l\..'i:Rl>..NTS APPROVED ON 11/18/1997 FOR PAYM:SNT 11/18/1997 VENDOR NAME DAKOTA ELEVATOR DAN'S EXP.AUST PROS DC.II. INC, DEJ\N'S COUNTRY MARKET DESIGNS BY DAVE DON'S SERVICE ECONO SALES JI.ND SERVICE EGGE CONSTRUCTION INC. E?.fi,!._:;:D G.~S & G?.C·CER Y FARNFJ~' S GENUINE PJI.RTS INC. FARNAM'S GENUINE PARTS INC.-PR CITY FERGUS FALLS FERGUS TIRE CENTER FERRELLGAS FORCE _z,._l'1ERICA GENEP_ZI_L TIRE SERVICE-DIV. CF GEP-ZI.LD N. EVENSON INC. GOPEER COURIER GR.1'.NT CO. DAC HALL G~JC INC. HED.l\..qLS INC. OF FERGUS FALLS EENNING AUTO PARTS INC. EENNING TRUST\•iORTEY KII.RDWARE HOLIDAY HOMSSTE.11.D BUILDING SUPPLIES LEON HUNT IE M CORPOR.11.TION THE INDEPENDENT INDIJI.NEEAD SP!::CI.Z1.LTY INTEGRITY COMPUTER SYSTEt•!S INTERPCLL L.11.EGR.II.TORIES INC. INTERSTATE DE?~OIT DIES~L INC. INTE?.STJ'.TE ENGINEERING INC. INTERSTATE INC. ITL PX,CH & MONOGR..~J~ JIM l>.HLFS CONSTRUCTION JIM ECRTNEM ENTERPRISES JIM'S S:::P.VICE JJ 1 S G_::._s _r:....:."..JD G?.OCE?~IES K.I.D. LEJ>.SING KELLY SERVICES INC. KOCH l>LZI.TERIALS COMPF.NY KOEP'S CLITHER..11.LL CORNER L & L SSRVICE LAGERQUIST CO?.PCRATION LAKELJI.ND TRUE VALUE LAMM SPORTS SERVICE LARRY CTT INC. TRUCK SERVICE 1'.NDY LINDQUIST AMOUNT 161.80 102.72 866.25 10.14 7.44 71.50 7.17 175.85 127.18 886.73 144.11 592.63 356.72 1,154.01 147.15 1,469.70 241.66 15.00 943.96 80.41 ",., 1. c:: ::::i-:::. _, '-' 134.76 e 2. s 9 1,364.49 10.83 62.00 1,442.46 13 2. 00 27.03 286.50 1,500.00 77.88 10,688.00 10,650.00 107.31 225.00 60.00 157.45 312.47 264.13 1,904.27 7,045.70 127.89 168.13 319.99 45.95 10.00 1,225.00 107.21 Q 0 u 0 11/20/1997 8:59:46 HWEISS CTTER TAIL COUNTY AUDITOR RECEIPTS AND DISBURSEMENTS SYSTEM WARRANTS FOR PUBLICATION Otter Tail County Warrants __ .November 1 a 1097 .. __ Page 3, Attacl'lmem:;:,;.=c _ IFD65 COUNTY 56 PAGE 3 WARRANTS .ll.PPROVED ON 11/18/1997 FOR PAYMENT 11/15.11?97 VENDOR NAME LOC.C:.TORS & SUPPLIES INC, M-R SIGN CO. VcI\.RK SJ..ND & GRAVEL KIM !•Lll3.K ~AT~ISON COMPJ..NY MC3E:;: M:;:T?cOPOLIT./1.N COUNCIL ENVIRON. MIC~IE T~E MIDWEEK MIOKEST PRINTING MILLER & HOLMES INC. MIL:C:;:R-DAVIS LEG.:o.L FORMS COMPA MIL:C:;:R' S BOBCJ..T MILT,ON.I\. CREAMERY ./1.SS 'N MN C0 .I\.TTORNEYS ASSOCI.ll.TION MN MOTOR COMP.I\.NY M!•! ST.I\.TE AUDITOR I•'O!•:=,oR TIRE r::rs:::os;..L INC. EET:·:: MOSS N.".=·"· J'.UTO PARTS N.:O.,I•ONAL BUSHING & Pi'-.RTS CO. NELSON BROTHERS PRINTING & NELSON FORD G."-".Y NELSON sus.::~, NELSON SYDNEY NELSON NEi', YORK MILLS EER.I\.LD NOF.3Y'S OFFICE PRODUCTS N0?.7=-1 STA?. C.~_?.?F.IDGE NO?.T:l UNION TEX_I\.CO NO?.,~ERN WAST:;: SYSTEMS OLS:N OIL CO. OTTER TAIL CO DEP-".?.TMENT OF OTTER TAIL CO SHERIFF DEPT. OTTER TAIL CO TREASURER OT,ER TAIL TELCOM P." . .:-'.IDA INC. PXcL' S HOLIDAY STi'-.TION STORE PE=3LE LAKE AUTO RS?-2~·.IR PE'-'IC.I\.N' CND ENTEF.F::O.IZES INC. PELIC.I\..I\J RAPIDS PF.ESS PEl•:?.OSE OIL C01✓.P."-'lY FE?.:.:_zc.M AG CENTE:< LLC PE?.:'_1'.M CO-OP c;;.EAMERY PE?.:'_1'.M ENTEF.PF.ISE BULLETIN !'E?.:'J,M SUPER A:✓.ERICI\. MF.'c?.EEN PETEF.SON THC: P:cOTO CENTE?. PIZZA HUT OF J.~ViERIC!'. INC. AMOu'NT 57. 4 7 2,390.51 17,126.99 10.00 523.15 224.72 50.00 56.17 59.12 17.57 993.72 24.03 85.35 70.29 ES.CO 1,670.18 2,213.48 1,747.75 8.51 206.07 204.12 804.09 289.54 16.90 5.00 82.46 226.00 630.00 424.93 408.07 3,602.40 565.59 67.73 952.13 341,527.16 601.09 64.42 73.74 82.60 757.90 374.50 853.38 501.75 1,351.74 226.00 482.61 5.00 108.88 55.61 Otter Tail County Warrants .. !joii Ef.i ;.t@t_~.13 •. 199 7 P-ag,,-4,-Affachment A 11/20/1997 8:59:46 HWEISS OTTER TAIL COUNTY AUDITOR RECEIPTS F.ND DISBURSEMENTS SYSTEM WARR.ANTS FOR PUBLICATION COUNTY 56 PAG::: WARR.ll.NTS APPROVED ON 11/18/1997 FOR PAYMENT 11/18/1997 VENDOR N_t>J,1E POLK CO SOLID WASTE MF.NAGEMENT POPE CO S.ll.NIT.ll.TION INC. PR..~IRIE AUTO SERVICE· NAPA PRIDE AUTO PRO'S PRODUCTIV:C: ALT:C:?.NATIVES INC. RELLU.BLE ?..ESE_I1, .. RCH .SUPPLY & r--~.P-.R~(ETING REVI:C:W ENTERPRISES INC. ROYAL TIRE ROYALE COMTRONICS SAMMY'S ONE STOP E?.I.t>_l\f SCHLUETER SCH?.0:C:DER'S !Lll.RDWARE & GROCERY SCOTT HOFLJ\.ND CONSTRUCTION INC SERVICE FOOD SUPE?. VALU SEWER SER~,.tICE SEEP-t>.TON INN ~,IDWAY S IG::'.LV~~\j S7EEi., & s .. :: .. L~1.;_s:s t-L=:.R.CLZ:. SJCL IE SOUTH MILL s:::2vrc3 SOUTHTOWN C-STORE ST. JOSEP2 EQUIPMENT INC. STA,'IDJI.RD P.ll.RTS OF W.".DENA STEIN'S INC. STENERSON LUM::::::R STEVE'S SA.:.'IIT.,O.TION STOP-N-GO STOR:::S INC. STR.~D ACE EARDWARE STREICEER Is. SUR?LUS SE:'?.VIC~S S'lL!:....:.'JA-R .. ~'vl :'}:._LL CONFE?..3NCE SWA..1'-.JSON 1 S SUR?LUS STO?..E T .. !:..NK & YU:vlMIES J:C:FFREY T20MPS:rn DE23IE THSRMODSON TOWN & COUNTii.Y BUSIN:::ss T?.I STP-.. TE XERS1GRJ. .. PHICS UN"DER\\700D OIL INC. UNI?C1?.?'1S l,".'NLD•1ITED USA WASTE SER'iICES INC. V.? .. LLEY SDF'i' w_n_TER VAc.,LEY TRUCK VICTOR LUNDE:C:)l COMPJI.NY VIKING OFFICE PRODUCTS VOSS LIGHTING W.~.L-!"LZ;_~T hiELDING SU?·PLI::::S & FI?..E W:C:ST OTTE~ TAIL 4-H LEADERS CO WEST PU3LISEING PAYMENT CTR. JI.MOUNT 471.60 4,823.45 122.15 20.00 147.90 46.21 12.95 244.00 848.68 2 3 . 3 2 59.07 23.96 35.25 3,115.00 11.72 837.25 77.97 409.60 S.DO 1,007.15 3 3 . 00 46.54 5 2. 3 3 1,431.63 5.75 55.92 491.85 8.17 158.41 1,407.05 150.00 158.96 20.00 9.60 10.00 110.61 116.35 59.85 135.26 ~,347.20 32.04 707.77 107.57 154.98 146.33 63.60 83.42 843.75 430.60 0 0 0 0 11/20/1997 8:59:46 **** Otter Tail Ccunty Warrants --------------~Q~iac'1J.Q.ar 18 1997 Page 5, Attachment A _cc c:-_ HWEISS OTTER TAIL COUNTY AUDITOR RECEIPTS AND DISBURSEMENTS SYSTEM WARRANTS FOR PUBLICATION IFD66 COUNTY 55 PAGE 5 W.".R?-".NTS .Z\.PPROVED ON 11/18/1937 FOR P.1WMENT 11/18/1997 VENDOR N."-..'iE WHITE OAK METALS INC. WILM' S J>.MOCO YEJ>.TER EENNINGS RUFF SCHULTZ ZEE SERVI CE COMP}O\NY 210 LUBE EXPRESS FINAL TOTAL ...... . J>-1'1OUNT 3,208.47 237.05 3,365.07 60.71 25.80 $501,858.13 ****