HomeMy WebLinkAboutBoard of Commissioners - Minutes - 11/12/1997I· -. ,i; ''. .,-- 0 0 Call to Order The Otter Tail County Human Services Board convened Wednesday, November 12, 1997 at 9:30 a.m. at the Otter Tail County Courthouse with Bill Stone, Chair; Syd Nelson, Vice-Chair; Andy Lindquist, Secretary; Malcolm Lee, and Virginia Partmann present. Approval of Agenda Motion by Lee, second by Partmann, and unanimously carried to approve the Human Services agenda of November 12, 1997 as submitted . . . Approval of Minutes · . Motion by Nelson, second by Lindquist, and unanimously carried to approve the Human Services · minutes of October 28, 1997 as presented. FY 98 Probation Caseload/Workload Reduction Grant Agreement Court Services Director, Chuck Kitzman, presented an executed copy of the FY 98 Probation Caseload/Workload Reduction Grant Agreement between the State of Minnesota DOC and Otter Tail County Court Services. Corrections Proposal Mr. Kitzman provided a handout from the State of Minnesota DOC that outlined a proposed plan ·. for delivery of correctional services. Update -Dental Clinic Diane Thorson, Public Health Director, updated board members regarding the dental clinic for MA recipients provided by the University of Minnesota on November 17 -20, 1997. Ms. Thorson · reported that the contract with the university for this clinic has been signed. 144 appointments have been scheduled and extensive outreach is continuing. Update -County-based Purchasing Ms. Thorson reported that Otter Tail County's county-based purchasing preliminary plans recently submitted to the Department of Human Services will be approved. Ms. Thorson reviewed a proposal from Partners Health Group for consulting services for CBP. The AMC is beginning a study of trend, rate, and risk factors for individual counties based on population that will be available for review by January 15, 1998. Research will continue and a recommendation from the CBP Committee will follow. Bills & Claims Motion by Nelson, second by Lindquist, and unanimously carried to approve the Human Services bills and claims as presented. Correspondence Acknowledged The Social Services Director provided the following correspondence and information: Child Protection/Child Family Report -1996 Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners November 12, 1997 Page 2 Chemical Dependency Unit Report-1996 Summary of Monthly L TC Rate Changes Human Service Costs -1996 Chemical Dependency Treatment Services Host County Agreement Consolidated Chemical Dependency Treatment Fund Host County Contract RTC Director, Carol Hovland, requested approval of two contracts between the Fergus Falls Regional Treatment Center and Otter Tail County Social Services for Chemical Dependency · Treatment Services effective January 1, 1998. The contracts provide for a 3% increase in rates for these services. Motion by Partmann, second by Lee, and unanimously carried to authorize the appropriate county officials signatures to execute the following contracts: Host County Purchase of Service Agreement Consolidated Chemical Dependency Treatment Fund Host County Contract Update -Regional Treatment Center Bill Klein, RTC Assistant CEO, described changes in delivery of service to DD, MH, and CD clients and the impact of downsizing the Regional Treatment Center and developing community based settings. Lengthy discussion followed. Adjournment At 10:23 a.m., Chairman Stone declared the meeting of the Otter Tail County Human Services Board ai ourned until 9:30 a.m. on Tuesday, Novem~e1J,-1997.d---~ By . 1 , o/) ~ . By J~,. < ~ciQ% Willi Stan , Chair V-" ~ Thomas M. Fawcett, Social Services Dated <.(/0H?~ 1 e<,s;; /9?'7 Call to Order The Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners convened Wednesday, November 12, 1997, at 1 :00 p.m. at the Otter Tail County Courthouse with Commissioners Andy Lindquist, Chair; Syd Nelson, Malcolm Lee, Bill Stone, and Virginia Partmann present. Approval of Agenda Motion by Partmann, second by Lee,. and unanimously carried to approve the County Board agenda of November 12, 1997 with the following additions: Chet Toso -1:00 p.m. Bob Moe -2:00 p.m. Approval of Minutes Motion by Stone, second by Nelson, and unanimously carried to approve the County Board minutes of November 4, 1997 as presented. · Purchase of Van -Veterans Service Office 0 0 After previously meeting with the Capital Improvement Committee, Chet Toso, Veterans Service Q Officer, reported receipt of three quotations for purchase of a van to replace a van damaged;in a . recent accident. Falls Automotive, Inc. quoted the lowest bid at $19,724.40. 0 0 0 Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners November 12, 1997 Page3 Motion by Portmann, second by Lee, and unanimously carriedJo ,approve purchase of a, van from -the lowest bidder, Falls Automotive, Inc. in the amount of $19,724.40. All quotations will be kept on file for two years. Snowmobile Trail Easement Motion by Stone, second by Nelson and unanimously carried to authorize the appropriate officials . signature to execute a Snowmobile Trail Easement Agreement between Otter Tail County .. and the Otter Trail Riders Snowmobile Club subject to the approval oHhe County Attorney. The purpose of · the agreement· is to establish a temporary seasonal use snowmobile trail across the. following described tax forfeited property situated in the County of OtterTail, State of Minnesota: The East Half of the Southwest Quarter, Except the West 10 Rods of the North 16 Rods; all in Section 34 of Township 136 Range 40 -(79 Acres). Access Agreement Motion by Nelson, second by Stone, and unanimously carried to authorize the Chair's signature to execute an Access Agreementbetween Dakota Technologies, Inc. and Otter Tail County subject to the approval of the County Attorney. The Access Agreement grants access to the following described property for the purpose of. testing equipment: The South 333' of the East 270' of the West 345.5' of the West Half of the Southwest Quarter of Section 30, Township 132, Range 42. Notice of Prop_osed;Budget Auditor, Wayne Stein, provided a copy of the Notice of Proposed Total Budget and Property Taxes public hearing scheduled for Tuesday, December 9, 1997 at 7:30 p.m. Payment Approval -Cost Allocation Plan Motion by Lee,,second by Portmann, and unanimously carried to approve payment, in the amount of $10,200, to the Association of Minnesota Counties for preparation-of Otter Tail County's Cost Allocation Plan. Courthouse Remodeling Project No; 9715 Maintenance Supervisor, Rick Sytsma,._ reported that the Building. Committee met with E & V Consultants and Construction Managers relative to contracting with the company for the construction_ m'anagement services of a specific individual employed by the company. The management services would be for a proposed Courthouse remodeling project with an anticipated start date of May 1, 1998. The fee for management services is $60,000 to be billed as work is completed and $2;000 per week for the on-site management. . Motion by Lee, second by Portmann, and unanimously carried to approve hiring E & V Consultants and Construction Managers for construction management services for Project No. 9715 (Courthouse Remodeling) as described above and recommended by· the Building Committee. Architects for Project No. 9715 are Yeater, Hennings, Ruff, Shultz, Rokke, and Welch Architects and Planners. County·Attorney Resignation Accepted ,, County Attorney, Wally Senyk, submitted a Letter of Resignation to the County Board as a resultof , his recent appointment to the position of Judge of the Seventh Judicial District. The .resignation is effective November 26, 1997. Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners November 12, 1997 Page4 Motion by Lee, second by Portmann,.and unanimously carried to accept, with deepest regret, the resignation of. County Attorney, Wally Senyk. The County Board expressed sincere appreciation for Mr. Senyk's 18 years of service. Q Appointment -County Attorney Position . Mr. Senyk stated that the County Board has statutory responsibility to replace the position of Otter · Tail County Attorney. An individual must be appointed to fill the unexpired term of the position effective November 26, 1997 until the end of the term of December 31, 1998. Mr. Senyk recommended the appointment of Assistant County Attorney, David Hauser, and cited Hauser's 17 years of experience handling numerous criminal jury trials and support of office staff and law enforcement. · Motion by Nelson, second by Stone, and unanimously carried to appoint Assistant County Attorney, David Hauser, to the unexpired term of County Attorney. This motion further refers Mr. Hauser to the Personnel Committee· for a recommendation regarding salary and discussion regarding the County's need for legal services that focus primarily on providing service to the County Board and other officials. Land Use Study Advisory Committee Chair Lindquist scheduled the first meeting of the Land Use Study Advisory Committee on Thursday, November 20, 1997 at 8:00 p.m. The Chairman requested the County Coordinator and County Attorney to organize an agenda and resource personnel for the meeting. Resolution Authorizing· Execution of Grant Agreement Odttebr TNail 1 County Resolution No. 97-63 Q. • UPON a motion by Lee, secon y e son, and unanimously carried.the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners adopts the following resolution: BE IT RESOLVED that Otter Tail County is entering into a Grant Agreement with the Minnesota Departmentof Public Safety Crime Victim Services Crime Victim and Witness Advisory Council for the program entitled Emergency Fund for Crime Victil'T)S. Waldemar B. Senyk, Otter Tail County Attorney is hereby authorized to execute and sign such Grant Agreements and amendments as are necessary.to implement the program on behalf of Otter Tail County; · Adopted this 12th day of November, 1997. Dated: 'fk,,,. .,.,.,,D,.e a 1 /,f • / 'i 9? ' -~~ LarryKrhn,lerk WOTSWCD Request to Adopt Resolution WOTSWCD Technician, Brad Mergens, and ·Supervisor, Norm Fjestad, requested adoption of a n resolution in support of an ag, sewage treatment,• and well loan program. Discussion followed ....., regarding the lending responsibilities. . • Q Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners November 12, 1997 Page 5 Agricultural Best Management Practices and Countywide Individual. Sewage TreatmentSystem,and,Well Loan Programs . Otter Tail County Resolution Nm 97-64 · UPON motion by Partmann, second by Lee, and unanimously carried, the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners adopts the following resolution: WHEREAS, the Minnesota Department of Agriculture has made low interest loan funds available to counties, Soil and Water Conservation Districts and Joint Powers Organizations through the . Agricultural Best Management Loan Program and the Countywide Individual Sewage Treatment System and Well Loan Program; and WHEREAS; Farm Credit Services has. agreed to act as the local lender, administer the lending agreements with individual borrowers, and guarantee repayment to the state; and WHEREAS, Otter Tail County has identified a need for low interest loan funds to encourage .. agricultural best management practices, repair of Individual' Sewage Treatment Systems · and• · sealing of abandoned wells that prevent or mitigate nonpoint source pollution; and .WHEREAS; encouragement of the use of Agricultural Best Management Practices, the repair of Individual Sewage Treatment Systems• and the sealing of abanaoned wells are identified as priorities in the Otter Tail County Comprehensive Local Water Plan; and · WHEREAS, the County of Otter Tail 'has no funds available to. contribute in any way to the costs associated with these loan programs. NOW,> THEREFORE, .BE IT >RESOLVED, that the Otter Tail· County Board· of Commissioners .·· hereby authorizes ,applicatic:ms ; Jor · low interest loan funds from the Minnesota Department of IXgriculture for, the· Agrji::ultural, Besf Management Loan.· Program• and· th~• countywide Individual Sewage Treatment System and Well Loan Program, for use by residents of Otter Tail County; and BE IT FURTHE~ RESOLVED, that the Board of Commi~sioners designates the Administrator of the West Central Minnesota Joint Powers Board of the nine member Soil and Water Conservation Districts to be the aut.horized representative of Otter Tail County in this application process, with . full authority to sign the application, loan agreements, and all other documentation necessary. to . implement these loan programs; and BE IT FURTHER RESO~VED, that all prior <;lesignations by Otter Tail County of the authoriz.ed • representative for the Agricultural Best Management Practices ·· Loan Program are. hereby rescinded; and ·; BE ·IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that no funds ofthe County .of Otter Tail shall be utilized in any way -to pay the cost associated with these loan programs.• Adopted this 12th day of November, 1997 . . ,Dated: Y'l0H+>k/\l IJ?, 199 7 -~ OTTER TAIL COUNTY B · D OF COMMISSIONE ' . Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners November 12, 1997 Page 6 Approval of Final Payment -1997 Roadside Mowing Motion by Lee, second. by Stone,. and unanimously carried to approve· final payments, amount of $2,864.57, for 1997 Roadside Mowing as follows: · Steve's Road Maintenance Nick Rohr Orlin Johnson $664:43 1,501.58 '698.56 Update -True County Assessor Meeting in the Bob Moe, County Assessor, briefed the board, on a recenf meeting regarding the True County · Assessor System. Commissioner Portmann reported that the meeting was excellent and positive. Recess At 2:10 p.m., Chairman. Lindquist recessed the meeting. of the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners until the Solid Waste Ordinance public hearing scheduled for 2:30 p.m. Solid Waste Ordinance Public Hearing At 2:32 p.m., Chairman Lindquist declared• the meeting of the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners reconvened for a public hearing to enact ·amendments to the Solid·· Waste Ordinance. County Attorney, Wally Senyk, stated that the current Solid Waste Ordinance was ·••i, enacted in 1988 and the ordinance is proposed for amendment. The notice of this public hearing -~: was published. The proposed amended draft of the SWO has been on file for review in the Solid Waste Department and the County Auditor's office. 0 Solid .Waste Director; Mike Hanan, began review .of the specific proposed changes tci the SWO. At Q •· 2:40 p.m., Cnair Lindquist recessed the public hearing in order to duplicate the proposed changes for the public attending the meeting. The public hearing. was reconvened 'at 2:45 p.m, Mr. Hanan completed his summary of proposed changes. · After completion of review of the changes; Chair Lindquist. opened the meeting to the· public for comments. David' Reynolds spoke in opposition of Section 6.10 and 6'.11, open burning and burning devices. He spoke in opposition of making burning barrels illegal to possess. The Gounty'Attorney clarified that burning solid waste is currently illegal which is a rule set forth by the DNR, MPCA and the Minnesota Legislature. Therefore, this is a proposal to eliminate the containers that make burning possible. Stan Fetters of Deer Lake asked questions regarding. vegetative burning, permits, enforcement, and campfires. Discussion followed. Mr. Hanan explained that his office. would, like to be more effective in responding, to solid waste burning complaints. He further explained that, in the proposed changes, the elimination of burning barrels would not be effective until January 1, 1999. The purpose of using this effective date is to allow one year to educate the public and to take ash and barrels for disposal at the courity transfer stations·. Mr. Fetters reiterated opposition to the ban of burning devices. Steve Melgard; owner of Steve's Sanitation, spoke in favor of the proposed amendments. He 0 noted thatthe rural haulers would have more customers, which would reduce the cost of garbage hauling for those who are currently disposing of their garbage legally. · 0 Q ,' • Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners November 12, 1997 Page 7 Chairman Lindquist read a resolution from the Recycling Committee of the City of Perham. The resolution requested that illegal, unlicensed burning facilities be banned. Commissioner Nelson disagreed'with the resolution because it did not exclude areas where solid waste collection is not· available. Lana Wraa of Friberg Township asked questions. regarding garbage disposal specific to hef . property. Discussion followed regarding Section 10 of the proposed changes which relates to insurance coverage. The liability limits for haulers would be raised to 1 million dollars under automobile insurance-and combined general liability to 2 million dollars. Rick Denzel, representing Denzel's Region Waste and Steve Melgard indicated that these insurance changes would substantially raise the cost ot business for haulers. The County Attorney noted the county insurance carrier's advisement of the increased insurance limits and stated that further research is required. At 3:45 p.m., Chairman Lindquist closed the comment portion of the public hearing. A decision will bn delayed until Tuesday, November 25, 1997 at 2:00 p.m. Written comments from the public will continue to be accepted until that time. Appoinbnent -Planning Commission Commissioner Lee accepted the resignation of Carl Johnson from the Planning Commission Board . effective January 1, 1998 and expressed appreciation for Mr. Johnson's service to the county. Motion by Lee, second by Portmann, and .unanimously carried to appoint Richard Sha of Vergas to the Planning Commission effective January 1, 1998. High Water Levels Motion by Lee, second by Portmann, and unanimously carried to request that the County Attorney draft a letter to Vic Horne and Terry Lejcher in opposition to lowering the water level of Cormorant Lake which may cause a problem downstream because the lakes are full: Commissioner Lee stated that officials should consider lowering the level of Orwell Dam because of the high water levels. Commissioner Lee empathizes with people having trouble; however, moving the problem downstream will not solve the problem. Adjournment At 3:50 p.m, Chair Lindquist declared the Otter Tail Cour:ity Board of Commissioners' meeting adjourned until 9:30 a.m. Tuesday, November 18, 1997. Dated: 'Q_Q'.lbf! ~ 4 , M I 't 17 -kr:62 Larry Kron, Clrk CB/kd