HomeMy WebLinkAboutBoard of Commissioners - Minutes - 08/12/19970 Call to Order The Otter Tail County Human Services Board convened Tuesday, August 12, 1997 at 9:32 a.m. at the Otter Tail County Courthouse with Commissioners Bill Stone, Chairman; Andy Lindquist, Secretary, Malcolm Lee, and Virginia Partmann present. Vice-Chair, Syd Nelson, was absent. Approval of Agenda Motion by Lee, second by Lindquist, and unanimously carried to approve the Human Services agenda of August 12, 1997 as presented with the following addition: Jim Holmes will replace Monica Douglas for the LSS Meals Program presentation Approval of Minutes Motion by Partmann, second by Lee, and unanimously carried to approve the Human Services minutes of July 22, 1997 as presented. Temporary Hold Attendant Positions Chuck Kitzman, Court Services Director, explained that two individuals training for Temporary Hold. Attendant positions did not complete the entire required training. These individuals are planning to complete the training at a later date. Mr. Kitzman stated that he has not paid salary or reimbursed cost of expenses to these individuals because they have not completed the position training requirements and are not officially hired until they complete these requirements. General consensus of the board is that, based on county policy, these individuals will be paid salary and reimbursed for expenses upon successful completion of the required training. Caseload/Workload Reduction Funds The Court Services Director provided copies of a letter from Mr. La Fleur, Commissioner of the MN DOC, regarding concerns over specific usage of the caseload reduction money appropriated by the legislature in the past session. Mr. Kitzman and Mr. Besse previously agreed upon using these funds for salary for clerical staff. The budget process is complete and these dollars have already been allocated. Mr. Kitzman will respond to Mr. La Fleur in writing, that Otter Tail County had prior approval for the allocations, the budget has been set, and the Court Services Department does not plan to make changes at this late date. Commissioner Nelson present at 9:40 a.m. State Juvenile Services Funds Chuck Kitzman provided a handout detailing the funds available to each county from the state to offset changes in juvenile placement. This funding is scheduled to be-effective January 1, 1999, and may be allocated in the form of a block grant. Otter Tail County's portion is $232,439. Mr. Kitzman did not know if the county would have a choice of where a juvenile could be placed or if Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners August 12, 1997 lllJ," Page 2 Otter Tail County would be committed to the Red Wing facility. Discussion continued. The Chairman directed the Court Services Director to further research this issue and report back to the Human Services Board. 0 Prepaid Medical Assistance Program Vs Countywide Purchasing Public Health Director, Diane Thorson, provided several handouts relative to the two options available to the county for administration of services to MA and GAMC clients. The recent provider meeting was discussed. Ms. Thorson noted that the preliminary plan for countywide purchasing must be submitted to the state by September 2, 1997. The final plan is due July 1, 1998. If a final plan is not submitted, the county will automatically be under the state PMAP system. Lengthy discussion followed regarding work involved in preparing a preliminary plan for county-based purchasing. The County Attorney reviewed a model preliminary plan from Dakota County. Motion by Partmann, second by Lee, and carried, with Stone opposed, to proceed with a county- based purchasing preliminary plan to be submitted to the State of Minnesota ·by September 2, 1997. The motion further authorized the hiring of an individual to assist current staff members, (County Attorney, County Coordinator, Public Health Director, and Social Services Director) to complete the preliminary plan and assist in further research of the project. S.A.I.L. Resolution Motion by Partmann, second by Lee, and unanimously carried to approve application for a grant for the S.ALL. project for the upcoming two years and to authorize a resolution in support of the p~ram. Q Lactation Friendly Workplace Program Otter Tail County Resolution No. 97-40 Upon a motion by Partmann, second by Lee, and unanimously carried, the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners adopts the following resolution: WHEREAS, the Minnesota Department of Health (MDH), Family Health Division is committed to promoting initiation and duration of breastfeeding. The Lactation Friendly Workplace Program is designed to help employers support employees who choose to breastfeed. WHEREAS, returning to the workplace is a barrier for many women wishing to continue breastfeeding. Lack of a private space to pump or feed the baby is cited as one of the biggest concerns for women returning to the workplace. A second concern is lack of a good quality electric breastpump. As an incentive for employers to develop a Lactation Friendly Workplace Program, MDH will provide a quality electric breastpump for that workplace. WHEREAS, the following are benefits to the employer: • Reduced staff turnover and loss of a skilled worker after the birth of a child. • Reduced sick time/personal leave for breastfeeding women because their infants are more resistant to illness. • A breastfed baby is a healthier baby. Healthier babies mean fewer medical expenses. 0 • An employee with fewer concerns for the welfare of her child is more able to fully focus on her job resulting in higher job productivity, employee satisfaction and morale. 0 0 0 Oner Tail County Board of Commissioners August I 2, 1997 Page 3 • Enhanced reputation of an organization concerned for the well-being of its employees and their families. WHEREAS, the following are benefits to the mother and child: __ .., __ \ ,:: .. '\". \ ~\ • . Provides many health benefits for the infant, includiri!fa ·reaudion·in'tlie·in2idence and severity of ear infections, respiratory infections, gastrointestinal infections and allergies. • Provides the infant with the most nutritionally complete, easily digested, convenient, and economical source of nourishment. • Enhances the bond between mother and infant. • May lessen the mother's risk of premenopausal breast cancer. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that Otter Tail County wishes to support the Lactation Friendly Workplace program and the Otter Tail County Public Health Department is willing to identify and work with employers in their communities. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that Otter Tail County wishes to become a leader and become a Lactation Friendly Workplace employer. Adopted this 12th day of August, 1997. OTTER Tflf-COUNTY~MAN SERVICES tu~ By ______ -==<-..;_; ____ _ By~~ William Stone, Chair Diane Thorson, Director Department of Public Health Approval of Bills & Claims Motion by Lee, second by Nelson, and unanimously carried to approve the payment of the Human Services bills and claims as presented. Correspondence Provided Tom Fawcett, Social Services Director, provided the following handouts: New Cost of Care Rates effective July 1, 1997 MN DHS Welfare Reform Update Letter From Governor Carlson Children's MH Services Grant Renewal Agreement Motion by Lee, second by Lindquist, and unanimously carried to authorize the appropriate county officials' signatures to execute the Children's Mental Health Services Grant Renewal Agreement for Calendar Years 1998-1999 for the following grant programs to be included with the county CSSA plan: Children's Community-Based Mental Health Services Grants (Rule 78) TEFRA Alternatives Grants Federal Community Mental Health Services Block Grant Small County Supplement Grant LSS Meals Program Report Jim Holmes of Lutheran Social· Service briefed the board regarding the 1996 Regions I and IV senior nutrition program. Handouts and statistics detailing congregate and homebound meals were provided. Lengthy discussion followed. Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners August 12, 1997 Page4 Adjournment At 11 :14 a.m., Chair Stone declared the meeting of the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners adjourned un}i½9:30 a.m. on Tuesday, August 26, 19~ ,.t:< . ~ By t{J~ kw By~~__,__ -1 William Stone, Chairperson Thomas M. Fawcett, Social Services Director By ~~ Dated • Ou,~,,.t: d'2, 1977 · Kathomholt,Recording Secretary Call to Order The Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners convened Tuesday, August 12, 1997 at 1:00 p.m. at the Otter Tail County Courthouse with Commissioners Andy Lindquist, Chair; Syd Nelson, Malcolm Lee, Bill Stone, and Virginia Partmann present. Approval of Agenda Motion by Stone, second by Nelson, and unanimously carried to approve the County Board agenda of August 12, 1997 as presented with the following addition: 1 :30 p.m. -Ditch Inspector, Tiny Holm (Ditch No. 63) Approval of Minutes Motion by Portmann, second by Lee, and unanimously carried 1~~"~rove _t~ei,.,Co.~nty Board minutes of August 5, 1997 as presented. ,S.J'r~•'"l::Y. r1,--'~--.} .. • • · · ·, 0 Veterans Service Grant Application Q Veterans Service Officer, Chet Toso, requested authorization to apply for a $6,000 grant through the state Veterans Service Department for purchase of computers. The county's participation would be $15.10. Motion by Lee, second by Nelson, and unanimously carried to proceed with this grant application as presented by the VSO. Highway Project Update Highway Engineer, Rick West, presented a handout of the Highway Department's current construction and design projects. Approval of Contract-S.A.P. 56-610-11 & Etc, Motion by Lee, second by Stone, and unanimously carried to authorize the Chair's signature to execute a contract between the County of Otter Tail and Mark Sand & Gravel Acquisition Company of Fergus Falls for CSAH Nos. 23 and 82, S.A.P. 56-610-11 & Etc. Approval of Closure of CSAH No. 5 . Motion by Stone, second by Lee, and unanimously carried to authorize the closure of a portion of CSAH No. 5 in Clitherall for the annual city celebration on August 23, 1997 subject to approval of the County Sheriff's department and that Otter Tail County is held harmless relative to liability. Ditch No. 63 Ditch Inspector, Tiny Holm, reported that upon further research of th~ proposed Ditch No. 63 repair, total estimated cost of replacing the tile is $14,500 with an original assessment of 373 0 0 0 0 Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners August 12, 1997 Page 5 acres. This is a cost of $39 per acre. Mr. Holm reported that this is higher than the original cost estimates and he does not think the landowners will agree to pay this cost. Mr. Holm questioned whether or not a redetermination of benefits could be completed without an engineer's study. County_Attorney, Wally Senyk, stated that the ditch authority could elect to act under separate authority.and;direct the repair of the ditch based upon the Ditch Inspector's recommendation. Motion by Lee, second by Stone, and unanimously carried to direct the Ditch Inspector to proceed with contracting for repair of Ditch No. 63 and to begin redetermination of benefits with the following Ditch Viewers: Rod Brause, Howard Geese, and Richard Bergquist. Approval of Performance Evaluation Summary Motion by Stone, second by Nelson, and unanimously carried to approve the favorable performance evaluation summary of Social Services Director, Tom Fawcett, and to place the summary in his personnel file. Otter Tail County Housing Study Jeff Gaffaney, Housing and Redevelopment Authority Director, presented an Otter Tail County Housing Study Survey report. A letter and housing survey report was sent to all cities in the county. A meeting to present and explain the housing study report will be held on August 18, 1997 at the Ottertail City Community Center at 7:00 p.m. Recess and Reconvene At 1 :55 p.m., Chair Lindquist declared the meeting of the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners recessed. At 2:51 p.m. acting Chair, Virginia Partmann, reconvened the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners' meeting with Commissioner Bill Stone present. Commissioners' Lindquist, Lee, and Nelson were absent. Minnesota Rural Counties Caucus MRCC Chair, Delray Larson, introduced discussion of the MRCC. The MRCC operates within the AMC and currently has 18 members representing four AMC districts. The purpose of the MRCC is to protect the rural way of life. MRCC Director, Dan Larson, provided a packet of information regarding the MRCC for commissioners' review. Mr. Larson spoke ofthe need to Unify for a rural way of life and identified several rural legislative issues including transportation funding, beaver control, and wetlands. Lengthy discussion continued. The annual membership fee for eligible counties is $2,000 and a sample resolution was provided. Adjournment At 3:36 p.m., acting Chair, Virginia Portmann, declared the meeting of the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners adjourned until 9:30 a.m. on Tuesday, August 19, 1997. - Dated: ,!'.) •9,, .+ 11, !997 Attest /4,~ ~ Larry ~hn,lerk CB/kd