HomeMy WebLinkAboutBoard of Commissioners - Minutes - 06/03/19970 0 Call to Order The Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners convened Tuesday, June 3, 1997' at 9:30 a.m. at the Otter Tail County Courthouse with Commissioners Andy Lindquist, Chair; Syd Nelson, Malcolm Lee, and Bill Stone present. Commissioner Virginia Partmann and County Attorney Wally Senyk were absent. Approval of Agenda Motion by Lee, second by Nelson, and unanimously carried to approve the County Board agenda of June 3, 1997, with the following additions: 10:15 a.m. -Request/Approval: Final Plat: "Poss Beach Second Addition" 11 :35 a.m. -Employees' Assistance Program Approval of Minutes Motion by Nelson, second by Lee, and unanimously carried to approve the· County Board minutes of May 27, 1997, as submitted. Forgiveness of Penalty & Interest: Flood Victims Steve Andrews, Treasurer, requested the Board's consideration of seven requests for forgiveness of penalty and interest due to flood conditions on the following cases: Michael & Karen Hofer, Fargo, ND John & Sharon Marshall, Grand Forks, ND Gordon Semrau, Grand Forks, ND Lyle Rose, East Grand Forks, MN Arvin Meyer, Breckenridge, MN Abner Selvig, Fargo, ND Ronald L. Aure, East Grand Forks, MN Motion by Lee, second by Stone, and unanimously carried to abate the penalty and interest as requested · by the Treasurer. Liquor License Applications Motion by Stone, second by Nelson, and unanimously carried to approve the following applications for license: Kern, Inc. Oakwood Golf Course Bonnie R. Kern · Ottertail, MN Klimp's Kountry Korner Marlys Klimp Battle Lake, MN On/Off -Sale 3.2 Malt Liquor Off Sale 3.2 Malt Liquor 1 Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners June 3, 1997 Page 2 Madsen's Resort, Inc. Eric Malmstrom Battle Lake, MN Pantry and Pub Louann K. and David Rodenberg Fergus Falls, MN Off Sale 3.2 Malt Liquor On Sale Liquor On/Off -Sale 3.2 Malt Liquor Subject to the submission of the required insurance certificate. Strom's Steak House, Inc. Cheryl Lynn Strom Perham, MN . On Sale Liquor _On Sale Sunday Liquor Subject to the submission of the required insurance certificate. Ten Mile Lake Resort and Steakhouse, Inc. J. Patrick Schultz and G. Michael Schultz Dalton, MN On/Off Sale 3.2 Malt Liquor On Sale Wine Subject to the submission of the required insurance certificate. Tom's Standard and Grocery Thomas Weinhandl Henning, MN Vacationland Resort Lynn J. Johnson Battle Lake, MN Zorbaz On Otter Tail Thomas W. Hanson Battle Lake, MN Off Sale 3.2 Malt Liquor On Sale 3.2 Malt Liquor Off Sale 3.2 Malt Liquor Residential Antidisplacement & Relocation Assistance Plan Motion by Nelson, second by Stone, and unanimously carried to adopt the Residential Antidisplacement and Relocation Assistance Plan for Otter Tail County, see Attachment B of official minutes. Game & Fish Electronic Licensing System Local Performance Aid Certification The Auditor provided materials on the Game and Fish Electronic Licensing System and Local Performance Aid Certification for Board members to review for future action. Pelican Lake Property Owner -Request For Assistance Ace Brandt, Pelican Lake property owner, discussed difficulties he is experiencing regarding property he purchased on Pelican Lake. He described the house sitting approximately 80' above Pelican Lake and the 0 0 hill eroding away into the lake. Participants in the discussion of the problem and the urgency for immediate remedy were Terry Lejcher, DNR Hydrologist; Rick West, County Engineer; Bill Kalar, Land & Resource Administrator; and Board members. Chair Lindquist asked Mr. Brandt about what kind of assistance he O was seeking and he (Brandt) indicated he needed assistance locating an engineering firm and financial • assistance as well. Chair Lindquist referred Brandt to obtain names of engineering firms from the County Engineer and addressed the issue of performance bonds In future instances. During the discussion it was noted that Brandt was the second owner and he had purchased the property from the original owner at a Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners June 3, 1997 Page 3 ', reduced price to reflect the condition. The discussion also indicated that the original owner and contractor r \ · had not followed the permit and engineering plan. Both original owner and contractor had made court "-,;./ appearances on the matter. The Board indicated no financial assistance will be-given by the County. ,\ .....,, Bluff Impact Zone Discussion Discussion with Terry Lejcher about Bluff Impact Zones took place. Lejcher indicated that fragile soils, combined with high slopes pose a risk for erosion. Lejcher referenced the recent Pine Lake matter where he had written his viewpoint. He also stated that a home should be designed to fit the property instead of redesigning the property to fit the home. Final Plat: Poss Beach Second Addition Motion by Lee, second by Nelson, and unanimously carried to approve the final plat of Poss Beach Second Addition, Section 31, Twp. 137, Range 42, as presented by Bill Kalar, Land & Resource Administrator. Project Status Report Rick West, Highway Engineer, provided an update to Board members regarding a number. of projects under construction and nearing completion throughout Otter Tail County. Township/City Engineering Services Policy Discussion The Highway Engineer discussed development of a Township/City Engineering Services Policy to allow for the County.to continue to work on surfacing and bridge projects as our schedule permits, and when design standards are met. The County would continue to attend townboard meetings, preliminary cost estimates, etc. A written policy will be presented at a later date. Contract Approvals Motion by Nelson, second by Stone, and unanimously carried to authorize the Chair's signature on S.A.P . 56-600-17 & Etc. Stalker/Long Lake Road Surfacing; County Highway 117 Overlay; and W. Courthouse Parking Lot Contract. Motion by Lee, second by Nelson, and unanimously carried to authorize the Chair's signature on C.P. 97:TM 1997 Traffic Marking Contract, Contractor: Traffic Making Service, Inc. Motion by Lee, second by Nelson, and unanimously carried to authorize the Chair's signature on C.P. 97: Bituminous Crack Sealing, Bituminous Crack Sealing Contractor: Northwest Asphalt Maintenance, Inc. Marion Lake Residents' Letter Chair Lindquist read a letter written by Stan Riggs & Many Others written on behalf of all residents along the north shore of Marion Lake who access the Edna and Dead Lake township roads. The letter expressed concern with the condition and maintenance of gravel township roads. Chair Lindquist indicated that the statute is very clear with regard to County involvement in this matter. No action taken. Approval to Pay Bills Motion by Nelson, second by Lee, and unanimously carried to authorize payment of the bills per Attachment A of these minutes. Employees' Assistance Program Motion by Nelson, second by Lee, and unanimously carried to mail out informational letters with meeting schedule and EAP booklet to each Otter Tail County employee and their families as presented by Karen Lundin. Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners June 3, 1997 Page4 MCCC Delegate Motion by Lee, second by Nelson, and unanimously carried to appoint Pat Larum as Otter Tail County n voting delegate at the Minnesota Counties Computer Cooperative conference being held during the first 'liilill week of June. Adjournment At 11 :09 a.m., Chair Lindquist declared the meeting of the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners adjourned until 1:00 p.m. on Tuesday, June 10, 1997. Dated: {iu,Ht. 10, 1qq7 v Attest: '~~ Larry Krohn, ~rk CB:kal Attachments COMMISSIONERS 0 0 0 Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners June 3, 1997 Attachment A OTTER TAIL COUNTY AUDITOR XS/HSJOLIE RECEIPTS AND DISBURSEMENTS SYSTEM WARRANTS FOR PUBLICATION IRD440 COUNTY 56 PAGE 1 WARRANTS APPROVED ON 6/03/97 FOR PAYMENT VENDOR NAME A & B TRANSMISSION ALEXANDRIA DIESEL INC. ALTERNATIVE MICROGRAPHICS INC. AMERICAN BALER COMPANY AMERICAN INSTITUTIONAL SUPPLY AMERICAN RED CROSS ANOKA MOTEL CORPORATION ARCHIE'S MARY ELLEN ARNOLD PH.D. BECKER CO SHERIFF KEN BECKER ANGELA BERGE BEST INC. BEST INC. BLUFFTON OIL COMPANY BRETZ HARDWARE BUSINESS RECORDS CORPORATION CARR'S LAKE COUNTRY SUPERMKT CENTRAL STATES WIRE PRODUCTS CHRISTENSEN CONSTRUCTION COASTAL VIDEO COMMUNICATIONS COMMUNITY FIRST NATIONAL BANK CONFERENCE ON CRIME VICTIMS CONTECH CONSTRUCTION PRODUCTS COOPER'S OFFICE SUPPLY INC. THE COPY CORNER CULLIGAN THE DAILY JOURNAL DCA INC. DENNY'S CONOCO · DETROIT LAKES OVERHEAD DOOR SR . MARVIN DOERING DOUGLAS CO SHERIFF ECOLAB INC. ELLENSON AUTO BODY ELLIOTT TRANSFER AND COMPANY FALLS AUTOMOTIVE INC. FARMERS ELEVATOR OF FERGUS FARMERS UNION OIL COMPANY JOE FEHRENBACH FERGUS ELECTRIC FERGUS FALLS MEDICAL GROUP FERGUS FALLS POLICE DEPARTMENT CITY OF FERGUS FALLS FERGUS INTERNATIONAL INC. GENERAL TIRE SERVICE-DIV. OF GOVERNMENT FINANCE OFFICERS GR GRAPHICS INC. GRAINGER INC. MIKE HANAN AMOUNT 200.00 15.54 368.18 59.39 58.30 10.00 180.12 113.31 552.50 22.80 294.68 188.08 3,462.68 94.61 419.61 21.05 114.06 107.00 2,530.44 295.00 325.50 19.20 75.00 1,527.25 8,041.81 4.24 8.52 100.00 1,759.45 106.40 128.12 46.60 16.00 296.41 277.00 134.00 160.16 85.17 203.72 116.00 168.16 79.50 2,524.43 2,245.30 163.58 238.57 SO.DO 571.76 98.18 613.11 6/03/97 6/04/97 10:53:43 OTTER TAIL COUNTY AUDITOR XS/HSJOLIE RECEIPTS AND DISBURSEMENTS SYSTEM WARRANTS FOR PUBLICATION WARRANTS APPROVED ON 6/03/97 FOR PAYMENT VENDOR NAME STEVE HANDEGAARD LEON T. HUNT K.I.D. LEASING KELLY SERVICES INC. KEN SAURER'S GARBAGE SERVICE KOEP'S CLITHERALL CORNER LAB SAFETY SUPPLY INC. LAKE REGION HOSPITAL LAKELAND MENTAL HEALTH CENTER LAKES COUNTRY SERVICE LARRY OTT INC. TRUCK SERVICE MA A 0 M-R SIGN CO. JIM MAKELA MEDICINE SHOPPE JOHN C. MEYER MID-CENTRAL EQUIPMENT INC. THE MIDWEEK MILLER'S BOBCAT· MN CLE MN COUNTIES INSURANCE TRUST MN CVSO SECRETARIES & MN DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE MN WEIGHTS AND MEASURES ELDON L. MOREY PHD NELSON BROTHERS PRINTING & NELSON FORD NORTHERN COOPERATIVE SERVICES NORTHERN WASTE SYSTEMS-DL OFFICE DEPOT NANCY OLSON OMNI COMPUTER PRODUCTS OTTER TAIL CO DEPARTMENT OF OTTER TAIL CO SHERIFF DEPT. OTTER TAIL CO TREASURER PAMIDA INC. PARK REGION MUTUAL TELEPHONE PARK REGION TELEPHONE CO. PERHAM CO-OP CREAMERY KENNETH E. PETERSON PAUL PFEFFER PRECISION TYPEWRITER SERVICE PRO-WEST & ASSOCIATES INC. QUADRANT COMPANY SANTA FE CHEMICAL CO. SCREEN GRAPHICS SERVICE FOOD SUPERVALU RICK SHEILS SHERATON MINNEAPOLIS SIGELMAN STEEL & SALVAGE AMOUNT 93.38 385.95 264.13 1,354.84 64.44 148.00 1,751.45 727.70 19.00 257.35 1,350.00 60.00 43.79 50.00 650.36 46.84 25.05 128.96 14.12 129.00 77.00 53.00 69.00 105.00 278.67 699.61 1,133.75 20.00 49.52 676.62 32.24 222.20 3,449.30 706.22 2,002.68 40.02 340.00 672.27 39. 37 192.59 150.00 57.24 1,460.00 108.00 417.87 13.13 100.27 108.40 84.00 81. 92 IRD440 COUNTY 56 PAGE 2 6/03/97 0 0 OTTER TAIL COUNTY AUDITOR X5/HSJOLIE RECEIPTS AND DISBURSEMENTS SYSTEM WARRANTS FOR PUBLICATION WARRANTS APPROVED ON 6/03/97 FOR PAYMENT VENDOR NAME SOUTH MILL SERVICE STORAGE EQUIPMENT INC. JENNIFER STORY STREICHER'S TODD CO SOLID WASTE TOUTGES SANITATION TOWN & COUNTRY BUSINESS TRIMIN USERS GROUP TREASURER UNDERWOOD OIL INC. UNIV OF MN DEPT OF CONFER URBANK LIVE BAIT CO. INC. USA WASTE SERVICES INC. VENTURE INDOORS INC. VICTOR LUNDEEN COMPANY VIKING OFFICE PRODUCTS WADENA ASPHALT COMPANY WAL-MART WW WALLWORK 210 LUBE EXPRESS AMOUNT 10.21 133.37 136.50 574.89 237.50 50.00 184.33 10.00 138.41 170.00 138.45 472.47 13.76 39.93 141.05 9,372.00 310.33 193.40 15.14 IRD440 COUNTY 56 PAGE 3 6/03/97 FINAL TOTAL ...... . $62,636.48 **** 1 RESIDENTIAL ANTIDISPLACEMENT AND RELOCATION ASSISTANCE PLAN FOR OTTER TAIL COUNTY Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners June 3, 1997 . Attachment B The County shall provide assistance to all permanently or temporarily displaced persons in compliance with the Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition Policies Act of 1970, as amended. However, the County plans to minimize displacement in the following ways: 1, No acquisition program is planned or necessary at the present time. 2, No displacement has occurred under any previous County housing rehabilitation program. If displacement should occur under any future housing program it will be dealt with in the following manner: A. Permanent Displacement Definition -Any person permanently and involuntarily displaced will be subject to the Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition Policies Act of 1970, as amended. The term displaced persons means any person (family, individual, business, non-profit organization, or farm) that moves from real property or moves personal property from real property as a direct result of rehabilitation, demolition, or acquisition for a Small Cities Development Program project. Actions to be taken to minimize displacement include: • • Informing tenants that they may be entitled to relocation payments and other assistance under the Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition Policies Act of 1970, as amended (URA). Informing tenants that they may be entitled to additional payments above the URA payment in compliance with requirements of section 104(d) of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974, as amended. If rehabilitation activities raise the market rent (including utility costs) above the applicable fair market rent established by HUD's Section 8 existing housing program, then the unit must be replaced and low or moderate income tenants are entitled to additional payments in compliance with section 104(d). The County will replace all occupied and vacant occupiable low- to moderate-income dwelling units demolished or converted to a use other than as low-to moderate-income housing as a direct result of activities assisted with funds provided under the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974, as amended, as described in 24 CFR 570.496a(b). 10. u All replacement housing will be provided within three years of the commencement of the demolition or rehabilitation relating to conversion. Before obligating or expending funds that will directly result in such demolition or conversion, the County will make public and submit to the Minnesota Department of Trade and Economic Development the following information in writing, 1. A description of the proposed assisted activity; 2. The general location on a map and approximate number of dwelling units by size (number of bedrooms) that will be demolished or converted to a use other than as low-to moderate-income dwelling units as a direct result of the assisted activity; 3. A time schedule for the commencement and completion of the demolition or conversions; 4. The general location on map and approximate number of dwelling units by size (number of bedrooms) that will be provided as replacement dwelling units; 5. The source of funding and a time schedule for the provision of replacement dwelling units; and 6. The basis for concluding that each replacement dwelling unit will remain a low-to moderate-income dwelling unit for at least 10 years from the date of initial occupancy. 0 7. Information demonstrating that any proposed replacement of dwelling units with smaller dwelling units (e.g., a 2 bedroom unit with two 1-bedroom units) is consistent with the housing needs of low and moderate-income households in the jurisdiction. 0 The County may request the Minnesota Department of Trade and Economic Development to recommend that the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development approve an exception to required replacement housing if there is an adequate local supply of vacant low-to moderate-income dwelling units in standard condition. Exceptions will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis as described in 24 CFR 570.496a(iii). B. Relocation The County will provide relocation assistance, as described in Section 570.496a(b), to each low-to moderate-income household displaced by the demolition of housing or by the conversion of a low-to moderate-income dwelling to another use as a direct result of assisted activities. Displaced low-to moderate-income persons may choose assistance under the Uniform Relocation Act or moving costs and an available Section 8 housing voucher/certificate or moving costs and a housing assistance payment so that rent and utilities do not exceed 30% of household income for a period of 5 years. -11- .. ' -. 0 . . C. Temporary Displacement Definition -Temporary displacement occurs when people move out of their dwelling, business, or property for a short period of time due to activities of the Small Cities Development Program. Temporary displacement most frequently occurs with housing and commercial rehabilitation projects. Actions to be taken to minimize displacement include, • • • • Planning utility shut-offs for times most convenient to residents. Providing information and referral services to individuals who must temporarily leave their homes. Stage rehabilitation of housing to allow occupants to remain during and after rehabilitation. Schedule public facility construction and equipment storage to be completed as quickly as possible and at times most convenient to residents. · RESOLUTION OF ADOPTION OF RESIDENTIAL ANTIDISPLACEMENT AND RELOCATION ASSISTANCE PLAN. BE IT RESOLVED, THAT THE OTTER TAIL COUNTY BOARD HEREBY ADOPTS THE RESIDENTIAL ANTIDISPLACEMENT AND RELOCATION ASSISTANCE PLAN FOR OTTER TAIL COUNTY. I certify that the above resolution was adopted by the County Board of on 97 6-J-97 (Title) (Date) Otter Tail County WITNESSED: ~~qio (Signate) C~~ ,4,.,,c1,.i,,,c? (Title) -12- 6 ,J. 97 (Date)