HomeMy WebLinkAboutBoard of Commissioners - Minutes - 05/27/1997• "'-f· t .;' ~; .. , (J 0 0 Call to Order The Otter Tail County Human Services Board convened Tuesday, May 27, 1997 at 9:30 a.m. at the Otter Tail County Courthouse with Commissioners Malcolm Lee, Chair; Syd Nelson, Andy Lindquist, Bill Stone, and Virginia Portmann present. Approval of Agenda Motion by Portmann, second by Lindquist, and unanimously carried to approve the Human Services agenda of May 27, 1997 with the following change: Cancel -Court Services Agenda Items Approval of Minutes Motion by Lindquist, second by Nelson, and unanimously carried to approve the Human Services minutes . of May 13, 1997 as presented. Letter of Thanks Chair Lindquist read a letter from Shirley Larson, Director of Public Health in Wilkin County, expressing Wilkin County's gratefulness to Diane Thorson and the Otter Tail County Public Health Department for the assistance provided during the recent flood disaster in Wilkin County. Immunization Levels Public Health Director, Diane Thorson, provided reports of the immunization status of children enrolled in child care centers and school districts located within Otter Tail County. Ms. Thorson reported 99% compliance with the law's requirements for children in grades 7 through 12 and 93% compliance for . daycare centers. The immunization reports are attached as Attachment A to these official minutes. Collaborative Grant Application Ms. Thorson informed board members that the Family Services Collaborative Coordinator is currently . working with.Steve Nagle in preparing a planning grant application with the McKnight Foundation. Many organizations are included in this collaborative grant project. E-911 -Emergency Service Providers The Public Health Director briefed the board regarding a recent meeting with Emergency Service providers . as they relate to the E-911 system. Ambulance.providers were present at the meeting to define their emergency service areas. The providers and/or local units of government must notify Otter Tail County by July 1, 1997 regarding their service area boundaries or the county will assign the boundary lines. When the lines are designated, the county will apply to the state, using one application for Otter Tail County;. with each a.mbulance service signing off on the boundaries rather than each provider applying separately .. Food, Beverage, and Lodging Licensing ·------- As requested by Diane Thorson, Bill Kalar, Land & Resource Administrator, spoke to the board concerning Otter Tail County's decision not to continue the issuance of Food, Beverage, and Lodging licenses. After January 1, 1998, the licensing will be through the State of Minnesota. Mr. Kalar's concern involved the differences between state rules and county rules in the licensing procedures and potential lack of communication between state licensers and county officials. General consensus of the bo~rd was not to, change their decision because the state has not addressed the liability with this issue. The county enforces ·· Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners May 27, 1997 Page2 the rules with liability potential and does not receive enough funding for the enforcement. The County Attorney has not researched the liability issue and will need to review the delegation agreement to identify provisions that address liability. lnteragency Early Intervention Committee Ms. Thorson reported that the Todd/Otter Tail/Wadena IEIC has agreed to the single payment plan that was prepared for the Fergus Falls Special Education Cooperative for an appeal process if a family disagrees with cooperative services recommended for a child. Otter Tail County had previously agreed to this single payment plan. Health Reform Update Diane Thorson introduced discussion regarding a recent health reform meeting. Commissioner Lee attended the meeting and explained that the Office of Rural Health shared sample contracts that could be used with health plans if the county was considering direct contracting for MA services. Some counties have elected to use the state cooperative option (PMAP) and other counties are combining to pursue direct purchasing. Lengthy discussion continued. The commissioners directed Ms. Thorson to provide them with a list of consultants as well as specific facts and costs the consultant needs to provide. The Social Services Director noted that the enhanced PMAP gives the County Board more authority than the original system. The state will work with the county regardless of the option the county chooses. Bills & Claims Motion by Lindquist, second by Nelson, and unanimously carried to approve the bills and claims as submitted. Handouts Acknowledged Tom Fawcett provided handouts regarding healthcare reform, the April fiscal report, and 1996 LSS Meals on Wheels program. Computer Services Contract with Computer Professional Unlimited, Inc. The Social Services Director explained that the county has been purchasing a collections software package from TriMin for an integrated finance program. Mr. Fawcett requested approval of a contract between Otter Tail County and Computer Professional Unlimited to upgrade the package for operation of the software in the year 2,000, for a cost of $3,500. Otter Tail County has given TriMin a 90 day notice that the county is not interested in accepting TriMin's bid for this· service at $15,000. Commissioner Portmann questioned whether this could be a conversion problem if using a different software company. Commissioners requested that Mr. Fawcett check with the Management Information Systems Department to be sure there will not be complications with the upgrade if services are performed by Computer Professional Unlimited even though the software was purchased from TriMin. Adjournment At 10:36 a.m., Chairman Lee declared the meeting of the Otter Tail County Human Services Board adjourned until 9:30 a.m. on Tuesday, June 10, 1997. By11/~/L By__;f~cal' Malcolm Lee, Chair Thomas M. Fawcett, Social Services Director By~J~;& A~ Kay Domho~ltecording Secretary Dated __ .::::6::... _-_/_D_--?'7...;......,.:..__ ____ _ cl<d1}~~ • 0 0 0 0 Call to Order Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners May 27, 1997 Page 3 The Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners convened Tuesday, May 27, 1997 at 1:00 p.m. at the Otier Tail County Courthouse with Commissioners Andy Lindquist, Chair; Syd Nelson, Malcolm Lee, Bill Stone, and Virginia Portmann present. Approval of Agenda Motion by Stone, second by Nelson, and unanimously carried to approve the County Board agenda of May 27, 1997, amended as follows: Addition -Citizen, Gary Johnson -Compost Pile at Battle Lake Landfill Approval of Minutes Motion by Stone, second by Nelson, and unanimously carried to approve the County Board minutes of May 20, 1997 with the following additions: Under "Otter Tail County Litter Cleanup Activity", add "Parkers Prairie Transfer Site" as a site where clear refuse bags will be available for ditch cleanup and add the following statement: "Commissioners also agreed to accept-bulky items (tires, mattresses, appliances, etc.) from roadway .ditches at least until it becomes a problem". Overall Economic Development Plan • John Molinaro, Senior Program Specialist, and Mike Schreiner, West Central initiative Planning Specialist, . provided an Overall Economic Development Program for West Central Minnesota (Region IV) and requested approval of a resolution in support of the OEDP to assist West Central Initiative in obtaining economic development resources for the region. Discussion followed and the Chairman read the resolution for the record. Mr. Molinaro, working as the Regional Flood Coordinator, urged the commissioners to inform their constituents that the deadline to apply with FEMA to be eligible for funding is.July 1, 1997. Resolution in Support of 1997 Overall Economic Development Program for West Central Minnesota Otter Tail County Resolution No. 97-29 Upon a motion by Nelson, second by Portmann, and unanimously carried, the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners adopts the following resolution: WHEREAS, the West Central Minnesota Initiative Fund has prepared an Overall Economic Development Program (OEDP) for the region containing Becker, Clay, Douglas, Grant, Otter Tail, Pope, Stevens, Traverse, and Wilkin Counties of Minnesota (west central Minnesota), and WHEREAS, that OEDP contains background, analysis, economic data, goals, and objectives for the betterment of the region, and WHEREAS, availability of an approved OEDP and related annual updates are a condition for qualifying for grants for local economic development projects from the Economic Development Administration of the U.S. Department of Commerce, and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED,-that the Board of-County Commissioners of.Otter Tail-County, Minnesota, approves the 1997 Overall Economic Development Program for west central Minnesota. 0 Adopted this 27th day of May, 1997. Dated: jkml ,a. tqqq Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners May 27, 1997 Page4 Atlm ~d LarryKron, Clerk Payment Approval Motion by Lee, second by Partmann, and unanimously carried to approve payment, in the amount of $8,040.82, payable to Alternative Micrographics, Inc. for 1997 microfilming of probate files in district court. Use of Tax Forfeited Property Auditor, Wayne Stein, reported that an individual who currently owns adjoining property to a piece of tax forfeited property asked if he could occasionally park a vehicle on this property and, in return, will mow the grass. Motion by Lee to approve the above request subject to the condition that Otter Tail County is held harmless relative to liability issues. Discussion followed regarding the factthat the county is the possessor of the property and potential liability exists. Chairman Lindquist called for a second. Motion failed for lack of a second. West Central Juvenile Detention Center Commissioner Nelson briefed the board regarding a recent Regional Correction Center meeting and tour of the new West Central Juvenile Detention facility in Clay County. Planning Commission Recommendations Preliminary Plat & Conditional Use Permit: Motion by Lee, second by Partmann, and unanimously carried to approve the Preliminary Plat and Conditional Use Permit of Kenneth Lyden/Cecil Poss -"Crystal Springs" (Sec. 3, Twp. 136, R. 42, Crystal · Lake) with conditions as recommended by the Planning Commission. Preliminary Plat: Motion by Lee, second by Partmann, and unanimously carried to approve the Preliminary Plat of St. Clair · Shores, Inc. -"St. Clair Shores" (Sec. 34, Tumuli Township, Ten Mile Lake, 56-613) as recommended by the Planning Commission. Conditional Use Permit: Motion by Stone, second by Nelson, and unanimously carried to approve the Conditional Use Permit of Ben Stich (Sec. 5, Twp. 132, R. 40, Unnamed Lake, 56-285) with conditions as recommended by the Planning Commission. Conditional Use Permit: 0 The Land-&-Resource Administrator provided a letter from-DNR-Hydrologist, Terry Lejcher, regarding the Conditional Use Permit request of Walter Seifert (Sec. 18, Pine Lake Township, Big Pine Lake, 56-130). Chairman Lindquist read the letter for the ,record. The letter states that this is a very fragile site and the opinion of Mr. Lejcher is that Seifert's proposal provides the opportunity to result in negative environmental Q impacts. Mr. Lejcher does not recommend allowing the type of bluff alteration that Mr. Seifert proposes. Mr. Kalar expressed concern with creating a walkout in this area. Commissioner Nelson requested the viewpoints of the Planning Commission when they considered this proposal. Mr. Kalar stated that this is a revised proposal from the original proposal. The thought was that it may be better to do this at this time 0 0 Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners May 27, 1997 Page 5 rather than wait until erosion occurred. An opinion exists that this slope could fail even if nothing is done. The Planning Commission did not have a copy of Mr. Lejcher's letter at the time of consideration of the permit. Motion by Portmann, second by Lee, and unanimously carried to remand the Conditional Use Permit application of Walter Seifert (Sec. 18, Pine Lake Township, Big Pine Lake, 56-130) back to the Planning Commission for consideration of Mr. Lejcher's comments. Conditional Use Application: Chuck Will was present to ·represent the application of David Will/Chuck Will (Sec. 26, Tordenskjold Township, Stalker Lake, 56-437). Tordenskjold Township Chairman, Glen Bolstad, asked about the gravel road that runs through the area. Mr. Will stated that the applicants would like to move the township road and relocate it on top of the ridge. Mr. Bolstad expressed concern if something unforeseen happens and the project is started and not completed. The Chairman suggested that a performance bond be required. The. County Attorney explained that, based on county ordinance language, the county reserves the right to require performance bonds, which would be filed with the County Auditor prior .to approval by the County Board of a Conditional l:Jse· Permit. General consensus of the board was to table the Conditional Use Permit of David Will/Chuck Will (Sec. 26, Tordenskjold Township, StalkerLake, 55:437) to allow time for the County Attorney to research and establish a reasonable dollar amount for a performance bond for this project. Mound System Analysis -Rolf Sumstad CUP Bill Kalar, Land & Resource Administrator, provided a diagram of a mound system and identified the area of separation that is required. The vertical distance required between the OHWL and the ground surface for a mound system needs to be 2 feet. In the specific CUP of Rolf Sumstad on West-Battle Lake, there is only 1.9 feet. What is proposed is to bring fill in to raise the mound to meet the requirements of the county · ordinance. According to state rules, 1 foot vertical separation above the OHWL is permissible. In this particular instance, the Sumstad's are 3-4 inches short of 2 feet based on the OHWL. With this background in mind, Mr. Kalar reviewed past ordinances and state regulations detailing an analysis ofcthe difference between state and county regulations for mound system separation. The state, has required a 1 foot separation, whereas the county ordinance. requires a 2 foot separation. · The mound systems that fail • generally fail because they are installed too low. Commissioner Lee expressed concern for the quality of the lake because the water behind the Rolf Sumstad· property allows the possibility of polluting the-lake because the flowage will be toward the lake. Commissioner Stone stated that ·the Planning Commission approved the Rolf Sumstad CUP and the mound systems where problems have been experienced were with those put in without enough separation. John Madison representing COLA urged the county to be cautious regarding a change in the ordinance pertaining to ground water because. ground water cannot be cleaned. Commissioner Portmann requested an affirmation of the county's ordinance. Will the county stay with the 2 foot separation requirement or go to a 1 foot separation for mound systems? Applicant, Rolf Sumstad, stated that the well drillers told him that the water line is well below the 1 foot to 2 foot separation that he currently has on this property. Chairman Lindquist requested further comment from the public. No comment was offered. Conditional Use Permit: Motion by Nelson, second by Stone to approve the CUP of Rolf Sumstad (Sec. 33, Twp. 133, R. 39, West Battle Lake, 56-239) with conditions as recommended by the Planning Commission. Discussion followed with concern that this is a change from the ordinance. Chairman Lindquist called for a roll call vote. Commissioner Stone Nelson Partmann Lee Lindquist X X X Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners May 27, 1997 Page6 Nay X X Motion passed 3-2 with Commissioner Portmann expressing reservations because this CUP request does not meet county regulations. Ms. Partmann requested communication with the Planning Commission on this issue and stated that she would not vote for another one of these requests in the future. The County Attorney requested that the Land & Resource Department adjust procedures so these kinds of variances are considered by the Board of Adjustment. Review of GIS Test Area Update -Present 911 Issues Bob Block, GIS Coordinator, introduced discussion regarding three topics for the E-911 system; 1) Public Hearing for consideration of enactment of the Otter Tail County Enhanced 911 Ordinance is scheduled for · June 17, 1997, 2) road naming procedures, and 3) a slide presentation. Brian Armstrong presented the slide presentation and provided a corresponding handout regarding the level 3 road naming plan. Mr. Block showed the board a map of the test site and noted that this area will be on the GIS computer system which will be presented to the board in two weeks. Motion by Partmann, second by Lee, and carried, with Commissioner Nelson not voting because of a · temporary absence from the room, to approve purchase of aerial photo cabinets, in the amount of $1,000 - $1,200. Deferred Sales Contract Resolution Otter Tail County Resolution No. 97-30 Upon motion by Lee, second by Nelson, and unanimously carried, the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners adopts the following resolution: WHEREAS, Otter Tail County is a predominantly rural area and agriculture is a substantial contributing factor to the economy· of the county; and WHEREAS, the harsh winter weather in this region of the country restricts the ability of farmers to move agricultural products to market for a significant portion of the year; and WHEREAS, many farmers utilize deferred sales contracts to move products to market in the fall before harsh winter weather sets in to maintain the needed cash flow; and WHEREAS, proposed regulations of the United States Internal Revenue Service penalize farmers for early delivery of agricultural products to market by requiring that income be reported on the date of delivery rather than the date of sale when the payments are received; and 0 0 WHEREAS, proposed legislation sponsored by-Senator Kent Conrad and Senator Byron Dorgan ofNorth- Dakota as Senate Bill S-181 and House of Representatives Bill H.R 426, would allow farmers to use deferred sales contracts and pay their income taxes at the time they receive their income. Q NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners hereby declares its support for Senate Bill S-181 and House of Representatives Bill H.R 426 and strongly urges the United States Senators and Representatives from the State of Minnesota to support passage of these u 0 Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners May 27, 1997 Page 7 bills in order to allow the continued use of deferred sales contracts without penalty to farmers living in Otter Tail County and the surrounding region. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that copies of this resolution shall be sent to Senators Rod Grams, Senator Paul Wellstone, and all United States Representatives serving the people of the State of Minnesota. Adopted this 27th day of May, 1997. Dated: '7,..., IJ. lqQ(I OTTER TAIL COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Brochure Presented Educators, Steve Handegaard and Denzil Cooper, presented a sample brochure from Becker County which shows the commodities produced and sold within Becker County. The commissioners agreed that the. Extension office could use a similar brochure for Otter Tail County for a promotional item to provide a prospective on commodities produced within Otter Tail County. Battle Lake Landfill Compost Pile/Proposed Turkey Feedlot Gary Johnson of Battle Lake spoke to commissioners regarding the compost pile at the Battle Lake Transfer Station and the proposed feedlot in Maplewood Township. Mr. Johnson expressed concern about•. the size of the compost pile at the Battle Lake Transfer Station and was concerned that it isn't being usedi and additionally, expressed opposition to the proposed site of the turkey,feedlot because of its proximity to Maplewood State Park. Chairman Lindquist explained that the controlling agency regarding the decision whether or not to allow the turkey feedlot is the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency, not Otter Tail County. Mr. Lindquist referred Gary to the sMPCA for information on an upcoming meeting in Detroit Lakes. regarding the feedlot. The Solid Waste Director agreed that the compost pile at Battle Lake is quite large, however, the Solid Waste Department plans to use the compost to stabilize the hillside on the east side of the transfer site where the soil· is very sandy. Adjournment At 3:25 p.m., Chair Lindquist declared the meeting of the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners adjourned until 9:30 a.m. on Tuesday, June 3, 1997. Dated: ptl111 ,3. l{((/1 OTTER TAIL COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS == ::::----,. ---CB/kd 0 -:211997 IMMUNIZATION LEVELS FOR GRADES K-12 1996 -1997 O.T.Co. Boa.rd· Attachment A May 27, 1997 Page 1 of Commissioners COUNTY r"1JNTY BER CLMBER NAME CODE OF SCHOOLS: Otter Tail 111 29 Of' !3'l'UOJ::N'J'C: WITH NONI::, l'I\H'J'll\L, Lil( C:XC:MP'J' S'l'l\'l'U:3, l.lY VACCINE I DTP /'I'd POLIO I MEASLES MUMPS I RUBELLA GRADE KG 1-6 7-12 ENRL I I 617 4180 4706 NONE PART EXEM 3 10 1 7 13 15 3 5 30 NONE PART EXEM 3 7 1 6 12 14 3 5 29 I NOT EXEMI NOT EXEMI NOT EXEM I CURRENT I CURRENT !CURRENT 3 1 3 1 3 1 6 15 6 15 6 15 7 35 7 35 7 35 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------TOTAL 9503 13 28 46 12 24 44 16 51 16 51 16 " PERCENTAGE PROTECTED* IN COUNTY GRADE ENROLLMENT DTP/Td POLIO MEASLES MUMPS RUBELLA -,.-. ' KG 617 97. 7 3% 98, 22% 99.35i 99.35% 99.35% 1-6 4180 99.16% 99.23% 99.50% 99.50% 99;50% 7-12 4706 99.19% 99.21% 99 .11% 99 .11% 99 .11% --------------------------------------------------------------------------------TOTAL 9503 99.08% 99.16% 99.29% 99.29% 99.29% PERCENTAGE PROTECTED* IN STATE GRADE ENROLLMENT DTP/Td POLIO MEASLES MUMPS RUBELLA 68829 96.62% 97.34% 99.04% 99.07% 99.06% Q 422113 99.09% 99.21% 99.46% 99.46% 99.46% ·12 398908 98.98% 99.19% 98.64% 98.65% 98.69% -------------------------------------------------------------------------------TOTAL 0 889850 98.85% 99.06% 99.06% 99.07% 99.08% ~ Percentage protected represents students submitting documentation of age appropriate immunization. Report prepared by: Minnesota Department of Health Acute Disease Prevention Services April, 1997 51 IMMUNIZATION LEVELS FOR DAYCARE CENTERS 1996 -1997 illlliC .. '.-~:'ED i1AY 2 Jit}91 O.T.Co. Board of Commissioners Attachment A . COUNTY 'NTY 0. ,BER . NUMBER NAME CODE OF CENTERS: Otter Tail 111 14 May 27, 1997 Page 2 OF CHILDREN WITH NONE, PARTIAL, OR EXEMPT STATUS, BY VACCINE DTP/Td POLIO MMR AGE GRP ENRL NONE <4 >=4 EXE NONE <3 >=3 EXE NONE >=1 EXE NONE Infants 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Toddlers 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Presch 4 37 8 17 408 4 8 6 419 4 8 School 23 0 0 23 0 0 0 23 0 0 ***TOTAL 460 8 17 431 4 8 6 442 4 8 PERCENTAGE PROTECTED* IN COUNTY AGE GRP ENROLLMENT DTP/Td POLIO MMR HIB Infants 0 NA NA NA ******% Toddlers 0 ******\.\ ******% ******'-! ******% Presch 437 93.36% 95.88% 97.25% 97.25% School 23 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% NA .. 460 93. 70% 96. on 97. 39% 97.25% PERCENTAGE PROTECTED* IN STATE ouE GRP ENROLLMENT DTP/Td POLIO MMR HIB Infants 4068 NA NA NA 88.59% Toddlers 8600 7 5. 69% 85.35, 86.16% 92. 29% Presch 58305 93.57% 95.379; 96.13% 95. 61% School 8748 94.07% 93. 96,-96. 62% NA .. 79721 91.60% 94.on 95.06% 94. 81% ** Percent of age eligible children completing vaccine series *** TOTAL excludes infant data 0 0 0 0 425 4 23 0 448 4 * Percentage protected represents children who received> or= 4 doses of DTP/Td, >or= 3 doses of polio vaccine, 1 dose of measles, mumps,and rubella (MMR) vaccine received on or after the first birthday,and 1 dose of Hib vaccine. 0 Report prepared by: Minnesota Department of Health Acute Disease Prevention Services April, 1997 0 0 8 8 HIB >=1 EX 0 0 425 425