HomeMy WebLinkAboutBoard of Commissioners - Minutes - 05/13/19970 0 Call to Order The Otter Tail County Human Services Board convened Tuesday, May 13, 1997 at 9:30 a.m. at the Otter Tail County Courthouse with Commissioners Malcolm Lee, Chair; Syd Nelson, Andy Lindquist, Bill Stone, and Virginia Portmann present. Approval of Agenda Motion by Stone, second by Lindquist, and unanimously carried to approve the Human Services agenda of May 13, 1997 as presented. Approval of Minutes Motion by Lindquist, second by Nelson, and unanimously carried to approve the Human Services minutes of April 22, 1997 as presented. Juvenile Restitution Grant Motion by Portmann, second by Lindquist, and unanimously carried to authorize the appropriate officials' signatures to execute Supplement #1 to the Juvenile Restitution Grant (78400-PO 000-605) in which the State of Minnesota (DOC) will provide the Otter Tail County Juvenile Restitution Program with an additional $1,200. Legislative Update Chuck Kitzman, Court Services Director, reported acknowledgment from Representatives Robert Westfall and Bud Nornes regarding Otter Tail County's resolution concerning the proposed Community Justice Act legislation. Mr. Kitzman reported a consensus that this bill will be studied further before action is taken, however, the privatization of the Sauk Centre facility is in the Omnibus Crime Bill and the house and senate seem to be split on that issue. Potential Public Nuisance Property Diane Thorson, Public Health Director, informed board members of a problem with a property located in Carlisle Township. Ms. Thorson reported about two feet of water standing in the basement and other garbage in the home. The house has been abandoned and appears to be a public health nuisance. Discussion continued. Ms. Thorson will continue attempts to locate the property owner. General consensus of the board is that the water will need to be pumped out for safety reasons. County-based Purchasing The Public Health Director reported on a recent satellite conference regarding county-based purchasing vs the State PMAP system. The conference was video taped and is available for board members to view. Ms. Thorson reported that the Health Reform Task Force Committee will meet May 14, 1997, on this issue and the Office of Rural Health will speak and give information in terms of the reserve required with this program vi; a State HMO type program. Eric Anderson reprei,enting the DHS will provide preliminary information of what the county will be required to include in a plan by next September. Ms. Thorson reported that a decision of whether the county will select the State PMAP system or direct purchasing must be made by September 1, 1997. Lengthy discussion continued. Commissioners requested cost estimates as well as the advantages and disadvantages of both systems .. Commissioner Portmann expressed concern regarding the level of care. Commissioner Nelson expressed Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners May 13, 1997 Page 2 the need for recommendation(s) from Health Advisory Committee members and/or the Health Reform Task Force. Family Services Collaborative 0 Frances Eggen, Family Services Collaborative Coordinator, reported that the grant for refugee outreach · looks favorable and start up date is June 1, 1997. Motion by Nelson, second by Partmann, and unanimously carried to approve participation in the Local Collaborative Time Study (LCTS) as presented by Ms. Eggen. Bills & Claims Motion by Partmann, second by Stone, and unanimously carried to approve payment, in the amount of $231.50, for Sudanese Interpreting Services from the Family Services Collaborative Grant fund. Payment Approval Motion by Partmann, second by Stone, and unanimously carried to approve the installation of a chair lift for a 9 year old foster child with disabilities, in the amount of $3,709.18, subject to the condition that the chair lift will follow the child for his/her use if the child lives in different location(s) as recommended by the Social Services Director. The chair lift purchase is payable to Jackson Medical Equipment. Bills & Claims Motion by Lindquist, second by Partmann, and unanimously carried to approve the bills and claims as presented. Commissioner Lindquist requested that the Human Services Director research the bill from the City Cab Service in the amount of $385.50 and report back at the next Human Services meeting. Handouts Provided A summary of Long Term Care rate changes and local mental health advisory council minutes were provided. S.A.I.L. Agreement Motion by Lindquist, second by Stone, and unanimously carried to authorize the signatures of the Chair and Social Services Director on the amended S.A.1.L. Contract based on the change of the ending date from February, 1998 to December, 1997. Preliminary Status Report Social Services Director, Tom Fawcett, briefed board members on preliminary information about welfare reform issues to be considered relative to budgeting. Approval of Contract Motion by Partmann, second by Stone, and unanimously carried to authorize the appropriate county officials' signatures on a contract between Bev Muchow and Otter Tail County Social Services for Ms. Muchow's services to develop written policies and procedures to organize a social setting to be called either "A Place to Be" or "A Place to Belong" in both Otter Tail and Becker Counties. Otter Tail County is the fiscal agent for the grant funds of $12,800. Adjournment' At 10:50 a.m., Chairman Lee declared the meeting of the Otter Tail County Human Services Board untl9:30 a.m. ~n Ty1 May 27, 1997. . A 0 I . £1,"'.'c,r ~ By ~U??{ colm Lee, Chair ThornasMcFawce,ial Services Director Q l. By ~~AJ;;t; K~y mholt, Recording Secretary Dated 'mat/ e27, 19 ?7 Call to Order Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners May 13, 1997 Page 3 The Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners convened Tuesday, May 13, 1997 at 1:01 p.m. at the Otter Tail County Courthouse with Commissioners Andy Lindquist, Chair; Syd Nelson, Malcolm Lee, O Bill Stone, and Virginia Partmann present. 0 0 Approval of Agenda Motion by Partmann, second by Lee, and unanimously carried to approve the County Board agenda of May 13, 1997, amended as follows: Cancel -Board of Adjustment Concerns Add -Gambling License Application Add -Garbage Clean-up in Ditches Add -Erika Lundberg at 2:50 p.m. Approval of Minutes Motion by Stone, second by Nelson, and unanimously carried to approve the County Board minutes of May 6, 1997. Snow and Flood Declaration Updates Safety and Emergency Services Director, Tim Hunt, reported that the county has received the snow emergency check from FEMA. The status of the state monies for snow emergency is unknown at this time. · Mr. Hunt presented a map of Otter Tail County which showed areas that had reasonably significant flood damages. Twenty-six townships and thirty-six businesses reported flood damage expenses and are · currently filing applications similar to the process used for the snow emergency funding. Labor Management Committee Motion by Partmann, second by Lee, and unanimously carried to authorize the County Coordinator to send a letter to the Bureau of Mediation Services to establish a Labor Management Committee. BMS will provide training for the committee to establish improved working relationships between management and employees. Bid Recommendation -1997 Traffic Marking Project Motion by Lee, second by Nelson, and unanimously carried to award Project No. C.P. 97:TM, Countywide . Traffic Marking, to the low bidder, Traffic Marking Service, Inc., in the amount of $176,757.29 as recommended by the Highway Engineer. Contract Approval Motion by Nelson, second by Stone, and unanimously carried to authorize the Chair's signature to execute a contract between the County of Otter Tail and Wadena Asphalt, Inc. for the 1997 seasonal supply of hot mix bituminous for East Otter Tail County. Contract amount is $54,150. Conveyance of Property to the City of Dalton Motion by Lee, second by Partmann, and unanimously carried to authorize the Chair's signature to execute a Quit Claim Deed to convey three acres of Otter Tail County Highway Department property in Dalton, MN, to the City of Dalton for public use subject to payment from the City of Dalton for the recording fee and other related costs of conveyance. Planning Commission Recommendations Conditional Use Application Motion by Lee, second by Partmann, and unanimously carried to deny a Conditional Use Permit for Allan & Gale Peterson (Michael Muellner), (Sec. 21, Twp. 137, R. 40, Rose Lake) as recommended by the Planning Commission. Preliminary Plats Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners May 13, 1997 Page4 Motion by Lee, second by Portmann, and unanimously carried to approve the Preliminary Plat of "D & J • Estates Second Addition" Maynard Johnson (Sec. 9, Star Lake) with conditions as recommended by the O Planning Commission and to eliminate the condition to extend the road to the adjacent subdivision, Deer Trail Estates, because of the tremendous difference in elevation. Motion by Lee, second by Portmann, and unanimously carried to approve the Preliminary Plat of "Poss Beach Second Addition", Cecil & Janice Poss, (Sec. 31, Dunn Twp., Lake Lizzie) as recommended by the Planning Commission. Preliminary Plat and Conditional Use Application: Motion by Lee, second by Portmann, and unanimously carried to table the Preliminary Plat and Conditional Use Permit of "Wildlife Lane", Clifford Treinen, Trustee (Sec. 27, Norwegian Grove Twp., Jacobs Lake) until the property line discrepancy is resolved and the DNR's determination of the OHWL of Jacobs Lake is established. Adjacent property owner, Carol Schmidt, spoke in favor of resolving the property line issues before the final plat of "Wildlife Lane" is approved. Ms. Schmidt mentioned, in her opinion, the aerial photo of a specific wetland area on this plat does not reflect the actual size of this wetland. Commissioner Lee stated that the final plat will require measurements of this wetland area. Ms. Schmidt questioned when the developer can begin selling lots. Commissioner Lee stated that, by law, the developer cannot sell lots until the final plat is approved and further, requested that the Land & Resource Director notify Ms. Schmidt when the final plat is approved. , "'•·. Conditional Use Application Motion by Lee, second by Nelson, and unanimously carried to approve the Conditional Use Permit• of Andrus Lee Watkins (Sec. 7, Twp. 136, R. 41, Dora Lake) with conditions as recommended by the Planning Commission. Water Plan Presentation Bill Kalar, Land & Resource Administrator, reported that the Otter Tail County Water Plan is to be presented to the Board of Water and Soil Resources on June 12, 1997, in Brainerd, MN. General consensus included attendance to present the water plan as follows: Land & Resource Administrator, Bill Kalar; Chairman, Andy Lindquist; GIS Coordinator, Bob Block; and Attorney, Wally Senyk. U.S. Fish & Wildlife -Acquisition of Lands Motion by Lee, second by Lindquist, and unanimously carried to certify the acquisition of lands by the U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service as recommended by U. S. Fish & Wildlife representative, Don Kleven, on the following described properties: Barry Fabian: T. 131 N., R. 44 W., 5th P.M. Section 25, NE1/4NE1/4, N112SE1/4NE1/4, the west 660 feet of the north 528 feet of the S1/2SE1/4NE1/4. Recess and Reconvene At 2:56 p.m., Chairman Lindquist recessed the meeting of the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners for a short break. The Chairman reconvened the meeting at 3:08 p.m. Q Exemption From Lawful Gambling License The following three organizations have submitted Applications for Authorization for an Exemption from a Lawful Gambling License: 0 0 Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners May 13, 1997 Page 5 Holy Cross Church, New York Mills -Event Scheduled for September 14, 1997 St. James Church at Maine, Battle Lake -Event Scheduled for July 27, 1997, and St. Lawrence Catholic Church, Perham -Event Scheduled for (Date Not Listed). Premise Permit Otter Tail County Resolution No. 97-27 Upon a motion by Nelson, second by Lee, and unanimously carried, the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners adopts the following resolution: WHEREAS, the responsibility for the regulation of lawful gambling and for the issuance of licenses and permits for the conduct of lawful gambling lies with the Minnesota Gambling Control Board; and WHEREAS, the Detroit Lakes Shrine Club Color Guard, Detroit Lakes, MN, has made an application to the Gambling Control Board for a premise permit to conduct lawful gambling at Spanky's Hilltop Lounge in Hobart Township of Otter Tail County; and WHEREAS, Minnesota Statute 349.213 provides that the Gambling Control Board may not issue a permit unless they receive a resolution from the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners approving the application; and WHEREAS, The Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners is aware of no reason to oppose the conduct of lawful gambling by the Detroit Lakes Shrine Club Color Guard, Detroit Lakes, MN: at Spanky's Hilltop Lounge in Hobart Township of Otter Tail County. NOW, · THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED,. that the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners hereby approves the conduct of lawful gambling by the Detroit Lakes Shrine Club Color Guard, Detroit Lakes, MN, at Spanky's Hilltop Lounge in Hobart Township of Otter Tail County, provided the applicant meets all the necessary criteria for the licenses and permits as required by the Gambling Control Board. IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED, that notice of this application and approval shall be provided to the Township of Hobart by sending a copy of this resolution. Adopted this 13th day of May, 1997. Dated: ~ ~ll. J1J? J Payment Approved Motion by Portmann, second by Lee, and unanimously carried to approve payment of the payable 1997 First Bank Building property taxes, in the amount of $26,866.00, from the General Revenue Fund. The payment will be as follows: $13,433.00 by May 15, 1997 and $13,433.00 by October 15, 1997. Motion by Stone, second by Nelson, and unanimously carried to approve the following applications for license: Clear Lake Resort Reuben Finkelson Dalton, MN On/Off Sale 3.2 Percent Malt Liquor License Cozy Cove Resort Gary D. Benson Dent, MN Linden Park Resort Janet Judd RR 2 Box 328 Henning, MN Peak Supper Club Thomas M. Lorine Highway 38 Clitherall, MN Riverfront Lounge Walter Schmidt RR2 Underwood, MN Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners May 13, 1997 Page 6 On/Off Sale 3.2 Percent Malt Liquor License On/Off Sale 3.2 Percent Malt Liquor License On/Off Sale 3.2 Percent Malt Liquor License and On Sale Wine License On Sale Intoxicating Liquor License and a Wine License Solid Waste Service Fees for Cabins Michele Petterson, Service Fee System Administrator, reported information regarding bedrooms in a cabin and how that could be used for assessing solid waste service fee points. Ms. Petterson reported that most of the work would require manual research and checking of over 7,000 parcels. · Upon the aforementioned information and the recommendation of the Solid Waste Advisory Committee, a 0 , motion was offered by Partmann, seconded by Lee, and unanimously carried to approve the following Q · policy: A parcel occupied by a primary house and a guest house will be assessed a total of 5 solid waste • service fee points. A parcel occupied by a primary cabin and a guest cabin will be assessed a total of 3 solid waste service fee points. If a guest house or guest cabin meets the qualifications of a cabin (as defined in the April 22, 1997, minutes) and is on an adjoining parcel to the primary house or cabin parcel, · the adjoining parcel will be assessed an additional 3 solid waste service fee points. If the guest house or guest cabin does not meet the qualifications of a cabin, it will be assessed O solid waste service fee points. Resolution to Approve and Adopt an Updated Solid Waste Management Plan Otter Tail County Resolution No. 97-28 Upon a motion by Lee, second by Portmann, and unanimously carried, the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners adopts the following resolution: WHEREAS, the legislature of the State of Minnesota requires that Minnesota's counties develop a Solid Waste Management Plan in accordance with Minn. Stat. 115A.46, 115A.417, 115A.551; subds 6-7, 115A.552, 115A.557, subd. 2-3, 115A.63; 115A-84; 115A.914, 115A.96, subds. 6-7; 115A.917, 115A.97 Minn. Rules 9215 and all other applicable statutes and rules; and WHEREAS, Minnesota counties recognize the need to plan for and practice environmentally sound methods of managing their county solid waste stream; WHEREAS, in 1989, the legislature of the State of Minnesota enacted legislation to require that Solid 1-, Waste Management Plans be amended to include the requirements in Minn. Stat. 115A.551, 115A.914, 9 and 115A.96, subd. 6 (1991); and • 0 Q 0 Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners May 13, 1997 Page 7 WHEREAS, Otter Tail County recognizes the need to plan for and implement waste reduction, recycling, yard waste composting, special waste management strategies, and processing of MSW; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners hereby approves and adopts the Updated Otter Tail County Solid Waste Management Plan and supporting documentation date February 25, 1997. BE IT THEREFORE FURTHER RESOLVED, that Otter Tail County agrees to maintain and implement the Plan as required by Minn. Rules pt. 9215.0530, subp. 1 and 2. BE IT THEREFORE FURTHER RESOLVED, that Otter Tail County Board submits this document to the Director of the Minnesota Office of Environmental Assistance for final approval pursuant to applicable Minnesota Laws and Rules. Adopted this 13th day of May, 1997. Dated: ~ c/-'7 11'1'7 Attes ~~ Lar~, Clerk OTTER TAIL COUNTY BO Household Hazardous Waste Contract F COMMISSIONERS Motion by Lee, second by Stone, and unanimously carried to authorize the Chair's signature on the Household Hazardous Waste Contract between Otter Tail County and the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency. Road/Ditch Garbage Clean-up Commissioner Portmann expressed concern regarding a problem which surfaced when a citizen picked up trash along a township roadway and when turning the trash into the nearest transfer station, was asked to pay for the trash. Commissioner Portmann requested the Solid Waste Director and his department to develop a simple plan to allow an individual to stop on occasion and pick up garbage along the roadside and then be able to leave the garbage at a transfer station without having to pay for the disposal of the trash. Ms. Portmann requested Mr. Hanan to return to the board with a plan/policy. Ditch No. 70 Tiny Holm, Ditch Inspector, reported that a phone call was received by Merle Colwill who lives on the south side of Ditch No. 70. Mr. Colwill reported that the head pressure from Sewell Lake was too great and was pushing water between the cracks of the tile in Ditch No. 70 rendering some of his land useless. Mr. Colwill questioned who is liable if his combine falls in the hole and someone becomes hurt. Mr. Colwill can petition for the repair of the ditch and the cost of the repair may be redetermined to benefited property owners. Property Tax -Request for Homestead Erika Lundberg, owner of 634 West Laurel, requested homestead classification for 1997 real estate taxes. Ms. Lundberg admitted to missing the deadline date to apply for homestead, however, appealed to the County Board for an abatement because, moving from Fargo and a first time owner buyer, she was not aware of what homestead classification meant and did not know she needed to apply with the Assessor's Office. All commissioners expressed empathy with Ms. Lundberg's situation, however, the county's policy has been that an abatement is not given unless the county has made an error. No action was taken. Adjournment Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners May 13, 1997 PageB At 3:23 p.m., Chair Lindquist declared the meeting of the Otter Tail County adjourned until 9:30 a.m. on Tuesday, May 20, 1997. Board of Commissioners Dated: ~ cx1'/4 l1'f? A-~¢ LarryKr ~. Girl< CB/kd 0 0 0