HomeMy WebLinkAboutBoard of Commissioners - Minutes - 04/22/19970 Q Call to Order The Otter Tail County Human Services Board convened Tuesday, April 22, 1997 at 9:32 a.m. at the Otter Tail County Courthouse with Commissioners Malcolm Lee, Chair; Syd Nelson, Andy Lindquist, Bill Stone, and Virginia Portmann present. Approval of Agenda Motion by Lindquist, second by Portmann, and unanimously carried to approve the Human Services agenda of April 22, 1997 as amended. Approval of Minutes Motion by Lindquist, second by Nelson, and unanimously carried to approve the Human Services minutes of April 8, 1997 as presented. RTC Update Regional Treatment Center CEO, Mike Ackley, and DD Program Director, Bill Dorholt, briefed board members relative to the DD Division. The DD Division is currently moving into the communities in the form of group homes. A potential for a DD home in Parkers Prairie was discussed. Mr. Ackley stated that there are many issues involved when developing a group home and that Otter Tail County has been very cooperative in dealing with the issues. Mr. Ackley discussed a preliminary plan to propose constructing another bedroom and a crisis bed as an addition to the group home located on Fir Avenue in Fergus Falls. Discussion continued. Mr. Ackley reported that there has been requests for flood victims to be housed at the RTC and the RTC staff is in the process of receiving authority to send MH professionals to the Grand Forks area to assist at the military air base. Rural Minnesota CEP, Inc. Director of Rural Minnesota CEP, Larry Buboltz, presented a handout detailing the history of the CEP program, current and future services offered to the county and statistics relative to the programs. CEP has been in the employment and training business for 29 years working to place unemployed adults, dislocated workers, summer youth and operating the STRIDE program. Mr. Buboltz briefed board members on potential affects of welfare reform. Lengthy discussion followed. Juvenile Restitution Grant Motion by Lindquist, second by Portmann, and unanimously carried to authorize appropriate county official's signatures to execute the Juvenile Restitution Grant Program agreement for fiscal year 1998 between the State of Minnesota, DOC, and Otter Tail County. The agreement provides $2,000 from the State of Minnesota with an in-kind match of $2,000 from Otter Tail County. Legislative Update The Court Services Director updated the County Board regarding bills for the Community Justice Act and the privatization of the Sauk Centre facility. Mr. Kitzman reported an expectation that the CJA bill will be delayed for further study. Mr. Kitzman has contacted area legislators regarding Otter Tail County's opposition to privatization of the Sauk Centre facility and will apprise board members of action orinaction regarding this bill. Free Tetanus Shots for Flood Volunteers Motion by Portmann, second by Lindquist, and unanimously carried to waive the $5.00 fee for tetanus shots for anyone volunteering in the flood areas. The Public Health Director stated that a press release will Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners April 22, 1997 Page2 convey this information to the public and that the Public Health personnel would consider going to specific sites if large groups of people need tetanus shots. Health Reform Task Force Ms. Thorson reported on a recent Health Reform Task Force meeting. Commissioner Lee requested that minutes be taken at these meetings and distributed to individuals involved with this Task Force. PMAP Satellite Conference Motion by Stone, second by Nelson, and unanimously carried to participate in an AMC satellite conference regarding county wide purchasing for the proposed Prepaid Medical Assistance Program and to allocate $150 towards the cost of this conference. The satellite will be an overview of county purchasing responsibilities and approaches. This is a series of satellite conferences with the first conference on May 1, 1997 at 10:00 a.m. Pelican Rapids Update Family Services Collaborative Coordinator, Frances Eggen, reported that the Office of Refugee Resettlement will not be making a decision and notifying Otter Tail County regarding the status of a grant for Pelican Rapids until May 1, 1997. If an earlier decision is made, the County would likely hear about the decision through Collin Peterson's Office. Ms. Eggen reported that interpretation needs are so great that she has been spending time with the schools to identify what type(s) of interpretation needs are required. Discussion continued. Commissioners requested notification of dates and times of future Collaborative meetings. Local Collaborative Time Study Fact Sheet Ms. Eggen presented a Local Collaborative Time Study Fact Sheet. A time study is a process to document time spent by staff on various work activities. The commissioners requested time to study the LCTS proposal. Discussion continued regarding restrictive regulations for Day Care Centers and other entities. The idea of proposing a waiver to the State Intervention Board in certain circumstances was discussed. Commissioner Lee requested Ms. Eggen to look into the possibility of proposing waivers when appropriate. Ms. Eggen explained that a waiver would need to be applied for with other groups involved in a collaborative effort. Bills & Claims Motion by Lindquist, second by Portmann, and unanimously carried to approve the bills and claims as presented. Statewide Electronic Benefit Transfer The Social Services Director advised the board that state wide implementation of electronic benefit transfer will be the new system used to distribute cash and food stamp benefits to recipients throughout the State of Minnesota if authorized by the Minnesota legislature. The Director will keep the board apprised of the potential implementation. Parent -Child Visitation Monitoring Agreement Motion by Partmann, second by Stone, and unanimously carried to authorize signatures of appropriate county officials to execute the Parent -Child Visitation Monitoring Agreement-between the County of Otter Tail and the Region IV Council on Domestic Violence for renewal of the "Safe Exchange" program. Adjournment • 0 0 At 11:25 a.m., Chairman Lee declare_d the meeting of the Otter Tail County Human Services Board r, __ adjourned until 9:30 a.m. on Tuesday, May 13, 1997. 'wti,,/ ' r 0 io Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners · · / April 22, 1997 /£ /1 .·· Page3 -✓/. / -~ By ef' ~,_,,.,.~-';{~-.,.,_ Thomas M. Fawcett, Social Services Director By ~q{,i ,Da'w\4Jts K~ hyD holt, Recording Secretary Call to Order The Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners convened Tuesday, April 22, 1997 at 1 :00 p.m. at the Otter Tail County Courthouse with Commissioners Andy Lindquist, Chair; Syd Nelson, Bill Stone, Malcolm Lee, and Virginia Portmann present. Approval of Agenda Motion by Lee, second by Portmann, and unanimously carried to approve the County Board agenda of April 22, 1997 as amended. Approval of Minutes Motion by Portmann, second by Nelson, and unanimously carried to approve the County Board minutes of April 15, 1997. Public Event at Phelps Mill Park Chris Schuelke, Historical Society Executive Director, requested permission to use the park for an event on June 7, 1997. Motion by Portmann, second by Nelson, and unanimously carried to approve use of the. · Phelps Mill Park for an event on June 7, 1997 as described by Mr. Schuelke subject to the Otter Tail County Historical Society securing all necessary permits and licenses. Bid Opening -C.P. 97:Bituminous Crack Sealing At 1 :05 p.m, after previously advertising for bids, Highway Engineer, Rick West, opened the following bids for C.P. 97:Bituminous Crack Sealing: ASTECH Corporation St. Cloud, MN Bergmann Companies, Inc. Eau Claire, WI Northwest Asphalt Maintenance, Inc. Goodridge, MN Tenson Construction, Inc. Big Fork, MN $51,411.42 $70,774.19 $51,252.35 $64,979.58 Bid Opening -S.A.P. 56-600-17 & Etc. -Bituminous Overlay After previously advertising for bids, Highway Engineer, Rick West, opened the following bids for S.A.P. 56-600-17 & Etc., Bituminous Overlay, Stalker/Long Lake and West Courthouse Parking Lot projects: Central Specialties Inc. Alexandria, MN Mark Sand & Gravel Acquisition Company Fergus Falls, MN $555,991.41 $563,190.10 Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners April 22, 1997 Page4 Mr. West will review the bids and return to the board in two weeks with a recommendation for award. Chairman Lindquist directed the Highway Engineer tci bring only the recommendations for award to County Board meetings in the future. The Highway Engineer and County Coordinator will draft a county wide bid Q opening procedure. FEMA Information Larry Krohn, County Coordinator, reported that a FEMA officer recently visited Otter Tail County to request the county to pass information including an 800 number to the public via news and radio communication. The 800 number is for citizens with flood damage on their primary residences and some small businesses. Mr. Krohn reported that individuals could be eligible for grants and/or low interest loans and the applications will be taken via the 800 number. A FEMA team will visit the county at a later date to address infrastructural damage (roads and bridges) and also a separate FEMA team to address ag losses. Assistance in Flood Areas Motion by Lee, second by Partmann, to recommend that if employees are directed to assist in flood conditions, the time will be "county time". Discussion followed. The motion was amended to read that if Public Health Department employees are directed to assist in flood areas by their Department Head, they will be compensated in the usual manner by Otter Tail County and further to announce that tetanus shots for these individuals will be free of charge. Chair Lindquist called for a vote. Motion passed unanimously. Human Services Professional Unit Contract Motion by Lee, second by Partmann, and unanimously carried to authorize the Chair's signature to execute a Labor Agreement between the County of Otter Tail and the Minnesota Teamsters Public and Law Enforcement Employees' Union, Local No. 320, representing the Human Services Professional Unit for the period of January 1, 1997 through December 31, 1999. Liquor License Renewals Motion by Nelson, second by Stone, and unanimously carried to approve the following applications for license: HiWay Park Ballroom Thomas and Alice Volberding Henning, MN Wee Villa Lodge Marilyn A. Heit Fergus Falls, MN Spankys Stone Hearth Brenda Minge Frazee, MN Consumption and Display Permit Consumption and Display Permit Off-Sale Non-Intoxicating Malt Liquor License Payment Approval Motion by Lee, second by Partmann, and unanimously carried to approve payment, in the amount of $206.72, to Sverdrup Township from the Ditch 21 fund for a 26' by 15' culvert at the Steve Nelson field approach. Forgiveness of Penalty and Interest Approved 0 Motion by Partmann, second by Lee, and unanimously carried to abate accrued penalty, interest, and costs, in the amount of $139.17, on property owned by Robert G. ·Peterson Jr. (parcel No. 74-000-99-0154-Q 000) for the second half of 1996 taxes because of an error made by the Postal Service whereby a correctly addressed envelope had been returned to the sender. Q Q 0 i-; Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners April 22, 1997 Page5 Update -Extension Educators · Ag Educator, Bob Stommes, updated the board on recent ag programs and seminars. Several handouts were provided. Commissioner Lee questioned a new IRS ruling about farmers not being able to carry over profit. The Chairman directed Educator, Denzil Cooper, to draft a resolution to address this issue and return to the board. Snowmobile Grant-In-Aid Trail Systems Resolution Otter Tail County Resolution No. 97-26 Upon a motion by Lee, second by Stone, and unanimously carried, the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners adopts the following resolution: WHEREAS, Otter Tail County has sponsored Grant-In-Aid Trail Systems in the past; and WHEREAS, acceptance of the Grant-In-Aid Trail Systems proposed extensions are subject to the review and approval of the County Attorney; THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that Otter Tail County shall continue to sponsor Grant-In-Aid Trail Systems as they exist for Otter Tail Country Trail Association and proposed extensions of Grant-In-Aid Trails with the aforementioned condition. Adopted this 22nd day of April, 1997. Dated: &y Z /77 7 OTTER TAIL COUNTY BOA COMMISSIONERS ------ Attest: Proposed Turkey Feedlot -Maplewood Township Bill Kalar, Land & Resource Administrator, presented a letter dated April 10, 1997, from Mr. Paul Hoff of the MPCA. The letter requests a response from Otter Tail County regarding the county's future zoning plans and the county's thoughts on the proposed turkey feedlot location in Maplewood Township. Chairman Lindquist stated that the Otter Tail County Board has already expressed that these issues should stay on the state level and requested that Mr. Kalar pass that information onto Mr. Paul Hoff. Additionally, Commissioner Lee stated that Maplewood is a state park and the state should speak to the issue of the location of the proposed turkey feedlot relative to Maplewood State Park. Otter Tail County does not have jurisdiction/control over a state park. Conditional Use Permit -Rolf Sumstad Mr. Kalar briefed the board on a Conditional Use Permit application of Rolf Sumstad on West Battle Lake which was previously tabled because of snow conditions. Mr. Kalar presented two letters from neighbors in the area. Chairman Lindquist read the letters for the record. Both letters expressed no objection to installation of a mound system. Commissioner Stone viewed the property and spoke in favor of the mound system. Commissioner Lee expressed concern regarding the type of soil and requested statistics on a perk test. Bill Kalar relayed perk test information and stated that the soil in the area was coarse texture type soil. The Planning Commission had approved this request as presented. Motion by Stone, second by Nelson, to approve a Conditional Use Permit for Rolf Sumstad on West Battle Lake (Sec. 33, Twp. 133, R. 39) as presented. Motion failed. Conditional Use Permit -Lyle Kackelmeyer Bill Kalar reviewed the Conditional Use Permit application of Lyle Kackelmeyer on Marion Lake. The CUP application is for approval of three approaches. The Highway Engineer documented concern that, as Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners April 22, 1997 Page6 • proposed, there is not 300 feet between each approach. Commissioner Nelson and Stone viewed the property. Motion by Nelson, second by Stone, and unanimously carried to refer the Conditional Use Permit Q application of Lyle Kackelmeyer on Marion Lake back to the Planning Commission because of the problem with distance relative to a proposed approach. Letter Dated April 10, 1997 From MPCA Commissioners expressed dissatisfaction with the connotations made in the letter received from Paul Hoff of the Environmental Planning and Review Office of the MPCA dated April 10, 1997. The commissioners directed Land & Resource Administrator, Bill Kalar, to draft a letter to convey their opinions and send the letter to MPCA Commissioner, Peder A. Larson, and a copy to Senator Cal Larson. H.F. 1693 and S.F. 1074 Commissioner Lee reported that a bill to consider dispatchers as essential employees is currently before the senate and house. The bill is sponsored by the Sheriff's Association of Minnesota. Motion by Lee, second by Nelson, and unanimously carried to direct the County Coordinator to draft a letter on behalf of the board in support of H.F. 1693 and S.F. 1074 and directed that a copy also be sent to AMC District IV Director, Bob Stevenson. Sale of Can Densifier Mike Hanan, Solid Waste Director, and owner of Sigelman Steel and Salvage Company, Mark Opatz, appeared to discuss an issue arising from miscommunication during a bid process and sale of a used can densifier from the Recycling Center. Mr. Opatz stated that it will cost an additional $800 -$1,000 to .upgrade the electrical so the can densifier will work. Q Motion by Lee, second by Portmann, and unanimously carried to approve a reduction in the sale price of the can densifier from $6,000 to $5,500 to assist with the extra electrical costs to enable the operation of the can densifier. Mr. Opatz agreed to issue a check to Otter Tail County for the reduced sale price of $5,500. Utility Tax Legislation Assessor, Bob Moe, reported that the Utility Tax Reform bill may be included in the Omnibus Tax bill. Individuals watching this bill predict that it will be studied more closely this session and action may be delayed. True County Assessing System Bob Moe reported on the number of parcels assessed by Otter Tail County and those assessed by local assessors. Mr. Moe spoke in favor of a True County Assessor System and provided handouts including several reasons to consider the true county assessing system. Discussion followed. Mr. Moe was directed to return in two to three months after further study in this matter. Request for Forgiveness and Interest Treasurer, Steve Andrews, appeared to request forgiveness of penalty and interest, in the amount of $334.33, for Magnar Tenold, parcel no. 18-000-99-0386-000. Motion by Portmann, second by Lee, and unanimously carried to deny the above request because the tax payment had been mailed late. · Performance Evaluation Summary Motion by Portmann, second by Lee, and unanimously carried to authorize the Chair's signature to approve the positive performance evaluation summary of Bob Moe, County Assessor, and further, to direct that the summary be placed in his personnel file. 0 0 Adjournment Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners April 22, 1997 Page 7 At 3:08 p.m., Chair Lindquist declared the meeting of the Otter Tail County adjourned until 9:30 a.m. on Tuesday, May 6, 1997. Board of Commissioners Dated: -.L..~"-"""'<l-----'4+r _,/.....,f_,<?_.7'--- Attest: -~Ja=~=. -+--<"'-+"-~~--Lar~ Clerk CB/kd OTTER TAIL COUNTY BO