HomeMy WebLinkAboutBoard of Commissioners - Minutes - 12/04/1996Call to Order The Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners convened Wednesday, December 4, 1996 at 9:35 a.m. at the Otter Tail County Courthouse with Commissioners Andy Lindquist, Vice-Chair; Malcolm Lee, Bill Stone, and Harley Windels present. Chair Virginia Partmann was absent. Approval of Agenda Motion by Lee, seconded Windels, and unanimously carried to approve the agenda of December 4, 1996 as amended with the following addition: Court Services Director, Chuck Kitzman-Corrections Draft Platform Approval of Minutes Motion by Windels, seconded Lee, and unanimously carried to approve the County Board minutes of November 26, 1996 as submitted. Minnesota Rural Counties Caucus Vice-Chair Andy Lindquist read for the record, a letter from the Minnesota Rural Counties Caucus urging membership in the Rural Coalition as a function of the AMC. Discussion followed regarding possible conflict of policy if the AMC policy is contrary to the Rural Coalition on a specific issue. General consensus Cof the Board is to -monitor the development of the organization to determine its efficiency within the framework of the AMC before joining the organization. ! . . Weight Restrictions/Prepaid Bags Solid Waste Director, Mike Hanan, opened discussion of overweight fine citations issued to Northern Waste Systems, Inc. relative to licensing for garbage hauling in 1997. Patrol Officer Al Frank reported that Northern Waste has been cited nine times in the past year for overweight violations. The County Attorney reported that this matter has been brought to the Board's attention because of licensing which is the responsibility of the Board. Jeff Radermacher, Northern Waste Division Manager, explained that his company has had some difficulties with weight regulations. Mr. Radermacher stated that garbage is difficult to determine what it weighs and that the violations have not been intentional. Mr. Radermacher stated that his company needs to deal with solutions to avoid overweight violations. The Highway Engineer stressed the importance of enforcement of overweight regulations because of the extensive damage potential to county roads. Vice-Chair Lindquist entertained a motion regarding renewal of Northern Waste's haulers license. Motion by Lee, seconded Windels and unanimously carried to place Northern Waste Systems, Inc. on a probationary status as a licensed Solid Waste Hauler. The license is conditioned upon compliance with road weight restrictions. In the event of an additional overweight violation, action will be taken in accordance with the Solid Waste ordinance. r,he Solid Waste Director addressed the issue of prepaid garbage bags purchased at grocery stores. ~roblems regarding customers placing bags on roadways and not knowing the haulers routes and schedules were discussed. Jeff Radermacher stated that the only solution is to quit selling the bags. Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners December 4, 1996 Page2 The Vice-Chair directed Mr. Hanan and Mr. Radermacher to discuss the problems and return to the Board with a solution for the problem. Cardboard Market f'I Recycling Center Manger, Bob Williams, reported that Otter Tail County has located a new, strong mar~ for cardboard. The manufacturer is Liberty Diversified Industries (LDI) located in Becker, MN. Mr. Williams requested time for recycling employees to tour this facility on January 10, 1996, to see the end result of their efforts. Board members approved the tour for the recycling employees and expressed individual interest in touring the facility. Recycling Operator Position The Solid Waste Director requested an additional Recycling Operator position and a reduction of one Recycling Worker position. The 1997 Solid Waste budget reflects ihis change. Motion by Lee, seconded Windels, and unanimously carried to approve a new Recycling Operator position in place of a current Recycling Worker position and to authorize the Solid Waste Director to proceed with internal posting of this position through the Coordinator's office. Corrections Draft Platform Commissioner Windels presented an overview of the AMC meeting as it related to the draft corrections platform. Mr. Windels indicated that the Otter Tail County resolution opposing the platform was not accepted due to a timing issue, however, there appeared to be some inconsistencies relative to the acceptance of amendments. Mr. Senyk and Mr. Kitzman will research the timing issue further and report back to the Board. Service Fee System Service Fee Systems Administrator, Michele Petterson, requested prepayment of $64.39 to the Staten Minnesota for information to research business names and addresses in Otter Tail County. This will h~ Ms. Petterson identify new businesses within the county. Motion by Lee, seconded Windels, and unanimously carried to approve prepayment of $64.39 to the State of Minnesota as described above. Abatement Information Michele Petterson informed the Board that an error has been made in assessing Hillcrest Academy a service fee based on three dumpsters rather than two. The error dated back to July, 1995. An abatement of approximately $1,200 will be recommended to the Auditor because of the error. Time Survey at Battle Lake Transfer Station Mike Hanan reported that a time survey has been conducted at the Battle Lake Transfer Station. Mr. Hanan recommended a change in business hours at the transfer station. Vice-Chair Lindquist suggested a change of Saturday business hours from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. year around based on the survey information instead of the 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. recommended by Mr. Hanan. General consensus set the new Saturday hours at 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. \ Source Reduction -SCORE Report Marie Tysdal, Public Information Education Officer, requested approval of a source reduction award program. Recognition awards would be given to businesses that have effectively reduced solid waste and convey examples of how these select businesses accomplished a significant reduction of waste. An award program would qualify for an additional accomplishment for the SCORE report to help obtain a 3% ere.~ toward the recycling rate. General consensus of the Board is to proceed with this program and request 11...J Solid Waste Advisory Boara to choose businesses for the award(s). • J r I \ I .. Ditch No. 16 Oller Tail County Board of Commissioners December 4, 1996 Page3 Ditch Inspector, Tiny Holm, reported that a complaint had been received that an individual was filling in Ditch No. 16. Ditch No. 16 runs from Clitherall Lake to West Battle Lake (Gizzard Creek). Mr. Holm explained that the individual was trying to preserve the bank. Pictures were distributed of the area. The ,~?itch Inspector recommended leaving the rock and clean out of some bog to allow the ditch to flow. The "-'tock in the water should be removed. The County Board agreed with Mr. Holm's recommendation and authorized the Ditch Inspector to proceed. AMC Report Commissioner Stone reported several issues (Truth In Taxation process, gas tax and PMAP) discussed at the recent AMC meeting. First Bank Building The County Attorney reported receipt of an income approach appraisal of the First Bank Building by Investment Realty Northwest. Based upon the county's terms and potential lease agreement, the building was appraised at $809,500. 1997 Health Insurance Renewal Larry Krohn, County Coordinator, reviewed a recommendation of an Employee Insurance Review Committee relative to renewal of insurance rates for 1997. The committee recommended a 5% increase in health insurance premiums for 1997, an increase in the stop loss to a specific pooling point of $50,000 and 125% aggregate, an increase of dental premiums to $10 per month for single coverage and $25 per month for family coverage, and addition of contraceptive coverage in the health plans. Motion by Windels, seconded Stone, and unanimously carried to accept the Employee Review Committee's recommendations as outlined above. r ', Closed to the Public ~At 11 :34 a.m., Vice-Chair Lindquist declared the meeting of the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners closed to the public for the purpose of evaluating the performance of Rick West, Highway Engineer, pursuant to M.S. 471.705 Subd. 1d (d). A summary report of performance conclusions will be provided at the next regular board meeting. The Vice-Chair declared the closed session adjourned at 11 :50 a.m. for lunch break. Reconvene -Legislative Forum Adjournment At 12:55 p.m., Vice-Chair Lindquist reconvened the meeting of the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners for a legislative forum with area legislators. Legislators present were Representative Roxann Daggett (District 11A), Representative Bob Westfall (District 9B), Representative Bud Nornes (District 10A), and Representative Ken Otremba (District 11 B). Commissioners Malcolm Lee, Bill Stone, Harley Windels, and various county officials were present. Chair Virginia Partmann was present at 1 :25 p.m. and presided as Chairperson at that time. Topics discussed during the forum included property tax reform, Truth In Taxation process, community notification relative to refugees, utilities and personal property tax, privatization of government functions, and welfare reform. Commissioners thanked legislators for attending the forum. The meeting was adjourned at 3:35 p.m. until Tuesday, December 10, 1996 at 1:00 p.m. Dated: 'flererw--full J /Q 17'1(, I ()tteSI: -L-ar~~~K-y~ ... ~+--~d-1-"-"--"-' · ...... ·· _· __ CB/kd OTTE~TY z:;F COMMISSIONERS By~~~ ~~-,0 Virgin'Portmann, Chairperson