HomeMy WebLinkAboutBoard of Commissioners - Minutes - 08/06/19960 0 •··· •·· · :.i Minutes!iofttie .·• ·:•·qtt,·~ r~u·n~;ij~•~ty;•i.s~~~ij:li·gtl[c.grri•rrit~$·i·gh~ris••••·· •••••· •.. Qt,t~Ji[~iliC~unfy.:.§PY!1.~ouse·••··•••·• iI'5 commission·ersnRoom::i,i:;100ft~s·•· •:,:··•······· :•::::JiA;$dayiA~gijst ij';!;~ij~s\l;::.;;· ·.··· ·· ·· · s:3o:Jim~ Call to Order The Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners convened Tuesday, August 6, 1996 at 9:31 a.m. at the Otter Tail County Courthouse with Commissioners Virginia Partmann, Chair; Bill Stone, Harley Windels, Malcolm Lee, and Andy Lindquist present. Approval of Agenda Motion by Windels, seconded Lee, and unanimously carried to approve the agenda of August 6, 1996 as presented. Approval of Minutes Motion by Lindquist, seconded Lee, and unanimously carried to approve the minutes of July 23, 1996 as submitted. Liquor License Application Motion by Lee, seconded Lindquist, and unanimously carried to approve the following application for license: Robin D. Johnson Lakeland General Store, Inc. Pelican Rapids, MN Off-Sale Non-Intoxicating Malt Liquor License Approval of 1997 Assessment Motion by Lindquist, seconded Windels, and unanimously carried to certify against parcel 09-000-99-0188- 000, for the payable 1997 special assessment rolls, the amount of $425 plus interest at 6% over a four year period for abatement costs incurred per M.S. 145A.04, Subd. 8. The assessment procedure is authorized by M.S. 145A.08, Subd. 2. Truth In Taxation Auditor, Wayne Stein, reviewed Truth In Taxation procedures. Stein reported that the County's initial "hearing date is December 10, 1996 and, if necessary, a continuation hearing would be held on December 17, 1996. Budget and levy must be adopted by September 15, 1996. Chair Partmann reported that the Budget Committee has met with 15 • 18 departments relative to the budget process. Commissioners will review the budget at the August 27, 1996 board meeting. Commissioner Lee expressed dissatisfaction with the Truth in Taxation procedures because of the high cost involved. Motion by Lee, seconded Stone, and unanimously carried to write to the Association of Minnesota Counties to lobby for a policy change to return to the annual budget procedure prior to 1989. Additionally, the motion directed the County Attorney to use Otter Tail County Resolution No. 96-02 (request of the MN Legislature to abolish the truth in taxation hearing process) and proceed to convey this message to the AMC. Approval of Final Payments Motion by Windels, seconded Lindquist, and unanimously carried to approve final payment to Boyer Ford Trucks, Mpls, MN in the amount of $16,603.96 for four tandem axle snowplowing dump trucks (P.O. #56509). Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners August 6, 1996 Page2 Motion by Lindquist, seconded Lee, and unanimously carried to approve final payment to J-Craft, Inc. in the Q amount of $38,768.48 for four dump box, underbody blade & hydraulic systems (P.O. #56511 ). . Motion by Stone, seconded Windels, and unanimously carried to approve final payment to J-Craft, Inc. in the amount of $15,394.34 for snow removal equipment (P.O. #56510). Re-roofing of the Phelps Park Mill Building Rick West, Highway Engineer, reported that, as previously directed by the board on June 18, 1996, efforts have been made to obtain a second quotation for the re-roofing of the mill building and two wheelhouses at the Phelps Mill Park. Mr. West requested bids from Charleston Construction and Herzog Roofing, Inc. Both declined to submit bids. Upon determination that a good faith effort has been made, a motion was offered by Lindquist, seconded Lee, and unanimously carried to approve the quotation of Jorgenson Construction in the amount of $14,400 for the re-roofing of the mill building and two wheelhouses at the Phelps Mill Park. Transportation Planning Highway Engineer, Rick West, presented a draft letter to Bob Stevenson regarding transportation planning and the proposed Joint Powers Agreement for board members' review. Discussion followed. Motion by Windels, seconded Stone and unanimously carried to approve the letter as submitted with an addition that cities should be involved in the Joint Powers Agreement in an advisory capacity only. Discussion -Grand Opening for Recycling Center/Household Hazardous Waste Facility Mike Hanan, Solid Waste Director, presented ideas regarding an upcoming Open House for the remodeled Recycling/HHW Facility. Mr. Hanan suggested September 25, 1996 as a possible date for the Open House Q and a tentative format for the day. Lengthy discussion followed. Chair Partmann directed Mr. Hanan to meet with the Solid Waste Advisory Board for their input and ideas, devise a plan, and return to the board with a proposal for the Open House. The Solid Waste Department will begin planning meetings this week. 1996 Empty Pesticide Container Collection Report Marie Tysdal, Public Information and Education Officer, presented a 1996 empty pesticide collection report and reviewed collection statistics. Ms. Tysdal reported that Cenex was involved in the collection this year and the trailers were parked on the dealer's lots for the collection. Overall, a successful collection. Discussion -Volunteers for Collections Mike Hanan and Marie Tysdal expressed problems and concerns with recruiting volunteers for mobile Household Hazardous Waste collections and for the opening of the Recycling/HHW facility. Chair Partmann shared several ideas to assist in recruiting sufficient volunteers for the collections. Correspondence Acknowledged Chair Partmann acknowledged receipt of the following correspondence: Health Policy Subcommittee fax - meeting August 22 & 23, 1996, AMC Federal Legislation, Letter from Clay County regarding appointment(s) to the advisory board for the Clay County Detention Facility. Recess At 10:55 a.m., Chair Partmann declared the meeting of the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners recessed for a Personnel Committee meeting and lunch break. Reconvene Approval to Pay Bills At 1 :02 p.m., Chair Partmann declared the meeting of the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners reconvened. Motion by Lee, seconded Lindquist, and unanimously carried to approve the bills per 0 0 Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners August 6, 1996 Page 3 Attachment A of these minutes which includes payment for lodging as follows: Cragun's -Victim/Witness Coordinator, Lori Wood and Sheraton Inn Midway -Sheriff, Gary Nelson. Acquisition of Lands Motion by Lindquist, seconded Lee and unanimously carried to approve the acquisition of lands by the U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service as described: Evelyn J. Dilly T. 132 N .. R. 43 W .• 5th P.M. Section 10, that part of NW 1/4 NE 1/4 lying south and east ofT.H. #210 right-of-way known as Parcel 7 of MnDot right-of-way Plat 56-39 as recorded in Book R of Plats, Page 38, containing approximately 1.00 acre more or less. Paul E. Gunderson et al T. 132 N .. R. 43 W .• 5th P.M. Section 10, that part of the SW 1/4 NE 1/4 lying south and east of the T.H. #210 right-of-way known as Parcel 6 of MnDot right-of-way Plat 56-39 as recorded in Book R of Plats, Page 38, containing approximately 23 acres more or less. Motion offered by Lindquist, seconded Windels, and unanimously carried to approve the acquisition of the following described property by the U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service: O Alvin Gehrke () T. 132 N. R. 44 W. 5th P.M. Section 28, SE 1/4 excepting therefrom that tract of land sold and conveyed by Walter F. Fabian and Ella Fabian, his wife, to the United States of America by Warranty Deed dated Feb. 8, 1965, filed for record Feb. 15, 1965, in the office of the County Recorder of Otter Tail County, in Book 390 of Deeds, Page 273, which said tract of land is also described as parcel number four(4) of the record plat, Otter Tail County W.A. number 7, filed October 5, 1964, in Plat Book 0, Page 142, Otter Tail County records, and which said excepted tract contains approximately 14.55 acres more or less. Resolution Authorizing Execution of Agreement Otter Tail County Resolution No. 96-35 Upon a motion by Lee, seconded Stone, and unanimously carried, the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners adopts the following resolution: WHEREAS, the Minnesota Department of Public Safety has been designated to administer law enforcement funds available through the Federal Anti-Drug Abuse Act of 1986; and WHEREAS, the County is eligible to receive funds for services set forth in its grant application: NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS RESOLVED, that the County of Otter Tail enter into a cooperative agreement with the Office of Drug Policy in the Minnesota Department of Public Safety for the project entitled the West Central Minnesota Task Force during the period from January 1, 1997 through December 31, 1997. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Sheriff and County Treasurer be and hereby are authorized to execute such agreements as are necessary to implement the project on behalf of Otter Tail County. Adopted this 6th day of August, 1996. Dated: -,~o.1,o;,0:1.::;t',~i../ ,2,;_.1---1...11uo/~i.o:.___ Attest: /2at,t,,f ~L Larry Krohr( Clerk Case Aid Position Compensation Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners August 6, 1996 Page4 Motion by Windels, seconded Lee and unanimously carried to approve an adjustment for the Case Aid position of the Support Specialists Unit to a salary range of $1,492 -$2,214 per month as negotiated and recommended by the Personnel Committee. Data Acquisition Position County Coordinator, Larry Krohn, reported that the job description for the Data Acquisition position has been reviewed by DMG. Motion by Lindquist, seconded Lee, and unanimously carried to approve a salary of $6.86 per hour for the part-time, temporary Data Acquisition position. Informational 0 Commissioner Lee reported on a recent meeting regarding the Minnesota River. Mr. Lee reported that he had received a phone call regarding the Conditional Use Permit of Roger Shelstad on Pickeral Lake which was denied at the July 23, 1996 board meeting. Several commissioners agreed to look at the property as requested by Mr. Shelstad. Commissioner Lindquist reported on a recent Land Planning meeting. Discussion took place regarding feedlot ordinance(s). Q Recess At 1:40 p.m., Chair Partmann declared the meeting of the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners recessed until the 7:30 p.m. Ditch No. 63 Informational Meeting. Informational Meeting -County Drainage System No. 63 Virginia Partmann, Chair, reconvened the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners at 7:30 p.m. for the purpose of discussing with interested individuals the need and/or interest in proceeding with a petition for the repair of County Drainage System No. 63 and to provide the interested individuals with an opportunity to gain an understanding of the procedures which must be followed to accomplish a repair of a drainage system. It was noted that this meeting was not a public hearing in response to a petition for repair, but was intended to be an informational meeting, facilitated by the County Board of Commissioners, to assist interested individuals in deciding how they should proceed. The following county personnel were in attendance: Commissioners: Virginia Partmann, Chair, Malcolm Lee and Harley Windels Ditch Inspector: Tiny Holm County Attorney: Wally Senyk County Auditor: Wayne Stein It should be noted that sixteen individuals were in attendance. Fifteen of these individuals represented property owners and one represented the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Virginia Partmann, Chair, called upon Tiny Holm, Ditch Inspector, for his comments concerning County Drainage System No. 63. Tiny Holm provided information regarding the location of the drainage system, 0 0 Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners August 6, 1996 Page5 the present condition of the drainage system, the area in need of repair, the extent of the repairs needed and an estimate of costs for the rental of a backhoe and for the purchase of pipe/tile. Virginia Partmann, Chair, then called upon Wally Senyk, County Attorney, for a review of the requirements imposed upon property owners and the county when a repair of a drainage system is being considered. Wally Senyk provided information on how the ditch law functions, what rights an individual property owner has regarding the repair of a drainage system, what type of repairs the County Board will allow without an engineer's report, what happens when a petition for repair is received, the bond requirement, how the costs of the repair are assessed and the process of predetermining benefits. Virginia Partmann, Chair, then opened the meeting for public comments, suggestions and questions. After a considerable amount of very beneficial discussion Chair Partmann called upon the Commissioners and staff for comments. Virginia Partmann, Chair, then called for additional comments, suggestions and questions from the audience. Hearing no additional public input Chair Partmann declared the informational meeting and the County Board meeting adjourned at 8: 34 p.m. until Tuesday.,_ August 13, 1996 at 1 :00 p.m. Dated: ....11u.a .... , ... ,J"'&:114Z>"'-'-..t.l3i....,._LJI 'lwLC-¥Y"--- Attest: /41@ d4 Larry Krohn CB/kd · Partmann, Chairperson O Attachment 0 0 0 0 8/07/96 11:26:57 OTTER TAIL COUNTY AUDITOR XO/HSJOLIE RECEIPTS AND DISBURSEMENTS SYSTEM WARRANTS FOR PUBLICATION Otter Tail County Warrants August 6, 1996 Page 1, Attachment A IRD440 COUNTY 56 PAGE 1 WARRANTS APPROVED ON 8/06/96 FOR PAYMENT 8/06/96 VENDOR NAME A-1 LOCK AND KEY ADA PRINTING & DESIGN INC. ALTERNATIVE MICROGRAPHICS INC. AMERICAN INFORMATION SYSTEMS AMERICAN INSTITUTIONAL SUPPLY J. ALLAN ANDERSON LEROY ANDERSON ARCHIE'S ART-N-SIGN INC. AUTO SAFETY SERVICE BRIAN BAKKE BALLARD SANITATION INC. BATTLE LAKE AUTO PARTS BATTLE LAKE STANDARD BELLET'S WELDING BEST INC. BEST INC. BJ'S EAST DAVID BJERKETVEDT ROBERT BLOCK BRETZ HARDWARE BUENA VISTA CO SHERIFF BUREAU OF MEDIATION SERVICES BUSINESS & LEGAL REPORTS INC. BUSINESS RECORDS CORPORATION CARLSON OIL CO. INC. CARR ENTERPRISES INC. CARR'S LAKE COUNTRY SUPERMKT CASH N'DASH CENEX AG CENTER CENEX SUPPLY & MARKETING INC. CENTRAL SPECIALTIES INC. CO-OP SERVICES INC. THE COMPUTER PLACE CONTINENTAL RESEARCH CORP. COOPER'S OFFICE SUPPLY INC. CRAGUN'S LODGE AND CONFERENCE CUMMINS DIESEL SALES INC. CYBERSTAR THE DAILY JOURNAL DAKOTA FENCE COMPANY DCA INC. DENNY'S CONOCO DENT OASIS INC. DICK'S STANDARD GAPPA OIL CO. DIVERSION AUTO KATHY DOMHOLT DON'S SERVICE DONNY'S AUTO BODY TERRY A. DRAKE DDS AMOUNT 55.34 567.73 184.09 3,737.68 307.44 144.16 63.00 270.94 1,070.84 789.89 543.38 53.18 36.15 738.19 40.00 4,926.46 40.30 121.93 45.00 475.55 105.94 10.50 32.00 161.94 2,527.44 232.86 258.66 476.09 812.28 19.41 77.83 3,661.47 326.89 303.54 760.02 6,914.46 223.90 21. 22 74,46 761.11 2,246.00 775.50 62.21 13.50 i'8.25 382.93 13.62 223.15 242.05 80,00 8/07/96 11:26:57 XO/HSJOLIE OTTER TAIL COUNTY AUDITOR RECEIPTS AND DISBURSEMENTS SYSTEM WARRANTS FOR PUBLICATION Otter Tail County Warrants August 6, 1996 Page 2, Attachment A 0 IRD440 COUNTY 56 PAGE 2 WARRANTS APPROVED ON 8/06/96 FOR PAYMENT 8/06/96 VENDOR NAME EAST OTTER TAIL CO EXTENSION ECOLAB INC. ECONO SALES AND SERVICE EGGE CONSTRUCTION INC. ROBERT W. EHLERT ELDER'S RADIO COMMUNICATIONS EMPIRE BUSINESS MACHINES ERHARD GAS & GROCERY EVENSON PAINTING & DECORATING EXHAUST PROS FAITH AND FELLOWSHIP PRESS FALLS AUTOMOTIVE INC, FARMERS UNION OIL COMPANY FARNAM TIRE CENTER FARNAM'S GENUINE PARTS INC. FERGUS ELECTRIC FERGUS FALLS MEDICAL GROUP FERGUS FALLS POLICE DEPARTMENT CITY OF FERGUS FALLS FERGUS INTERNATIONAL INC. FERGUS TIRE CENTER FERRELLGAS FM PLUMBING & HEATING INC. ALAN FRANK FRIBERG TOWNSHIP GR GRAPHICS INC. GRAINGER INC. TIM GRIEP ERVIN HAGEN MIKE HANAN STEVE HANDEGAARD HANSON TREE MOVING HANSON,MARJEAN RALPH & IRENE HARTHUN HEDAHLS AUTO CENTER HEISLER'S COUNTRY STORE ERIK HJELLE HOLIDAY THE HOME SHOP HONEYWELL HOUSE OF PRINT THE INDEPENDENT INTERSTATE ENGINEERING INC. INTERSTATE INC. JAENISCH INDUSTRIES CHRISTINA JENSEN JIM BORTNEM ENTERPRISES K.I.D. LEASING K-LOG INC. PEG KALAR AMOUNT 55.22 235.00 1,055.68 177.20 546.94 82.00 74.65 167.47 133.00 49.98 25.86 35.97 55.70 12.00 81.11 1,843.19 2,589.00 5,658.56 103.97 15.91 222.76 35.00 13,612.70 10.50 420.00 86.00 21.33 21.76 39.88 252.59 60.30 50.00 303.94 68.80 26.59 58.60 ,47. 85 1,477.04 780.43 1,135.61 97.60 132.30 557.00 2.66 5.00 20.00 60.00 264.13 96.54 90.00 0 0 0 0 0 8/07/96 11:26:57 OTTER TAIL COUNTY AUDITOR XO/HSJOLIE RECEIPTS AND DISBURSEMENTS SYSTEM WARRANTS FOR PUBLICATION Otter Tail County Warrants August 6, 1996 Page 3, Attachment A IRD440 COUNTY 56 PAGE 3 WARRANTS APPROVED ON 8/06/96 FOR PAYMENT 8/06/96 VENDOR NAME KELLY SERVICES INC. KEN SAURER'S GARBAGE SERVICE KEN'S TACKLE KERN & TABERY INC. KLIMP'S KOUNTRY KORNER KOEP'S CLITHERALL CORNER KOEP'S SEPTIC TANK PUMPING LAB SAFETY SUPPLY INC. LAKE REGION HOSPITAL LAKELAND MENTAL HEALTH CENTER LAKELAND TRUE VALUE LAKES COUNTRY SERVICE LARRY OTT INC. TRUCK SERVICE LAWN & DRIVEWAY SERVICES INC. MALCOLM LEE ANDY LINDQUIST LOCATORS & SUPPLIES M-R SIGN CO. MACE SECURITY INTERNATIONAL MARK SAND & GRAVEL CO. MEDICINE SHOPPE MIDWEST PRINTING MIRACLE RECREATION EQUIPMENT MN CO ATTORNEYS ASSOCIATION MN DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE MN MOTOR COMPANY STANLEY D. & ROSALIE A MORRILL NAPA AUTO PARTS NATION WIDE TOLL FREE CRIME NATIONAL BUSHING & PARTS CO. NELSON BROTHERS PRINTING NELSON FORD DEAN NELSON GARY A. NELSON NEW LONDON ENGINEERING NORTH CENTRAL INSTRUMENTS NORTH UNION TEXACO NORTHERN WASTE SYSTEMS NORTHWEST IRON FIREMEN INC. OLSON OIL CO. THE ORIGINAL HEATING MAN OTTER TAIL CO DEPARTMENT OF OTTER TAIL CO TREASURER OTTER TAIL CO TREASURER OTTER TAIL POWER COMPANY ROBERTA OUSE PAMIDA INC. PARK REGION MUTUAL TELEPHONE PAUL'S HOLIDAY STATION STORE PAUL'S HOLIDAY STATION STORE AMOUNT 3,729.78 77.22 4.76 3,834.00 29.15 202.13 35.00 161. 3 0 560.00 6,009.50 12.38 8,307.00 1,825.00 3,974.52 186.76 8.41 72.34 308.11 234.65 56,228.08 848.86 95.86 110.62 113.00 53.00 18.86 292.50 49.66 420.00 96.15 3,936.50 144.92 22.50 92.14 34.08 1,085.30 361.52 611.10 54.43 5,647.24 263.98 921. 2 5 1,290.22 73.70 120_. 00 44.50 246.77 6. 39 89.75 12.04 8/07/96 11:26:57 Otter Tail County Warrants August 6, 1996 Page 4, Attachment A Q OTTER TAIL COUNTY AUDITOR IRDc XO/HSJOLIE RECEIPTS AND DISBURSEMENTS SYSTEM COUNTY 56 WARRANTS FOR PUBLICATION PAGE WARRANTS APPROVED ON 8/06/96 FOR PAYMENT 8/06/96 VENDOR NAME PEBBLE LAKE AUTO REPAIR AMY PELOQUIN PEMBERTON SORLIE SEFKOW RUFER PENROSE OIL COMPANY PERHAM CO-OP CREAMERY PERHAM ENTERPRISE BULLETIN PERHAM PRINTING PERHAM SUBWAY PERHAM SUPER AMERICA PHILLIPS 66 THE PHOTO CENTER THE PIERCE CO. POPE CO SANITATION INC. PRODUCTIVE ALTERNATIVES INC. RAY'S OIL COMPANY RENTAL STORE,THE REVIEW ENTERPRISES INC. TOM RHODE RICK'S TIRE SERVICE GADDI RODRIGUEZ ROGER'S REPAIR WAYNE ROISUM ROTHSAY TRUCK STOP ROYAL TIRE RUND BROS. AA TIRE CO. SANIFILL INC. SANITATION PRODUCTS INC. SAUNDERS HARDWARE INC. SCHMITZ FORD SCOTT HOFLAND CONSTRUCTION INC SERVICE FOOD SUPERVALU SEWER SERVICE SHERATON INN MIDWAY SHERWIN WILLIAMS SIGELMAN STEEL & SALVAGE SIGNWORKS SIMISON MARINE INC. SIMPLEX TIME RECORDER CO. SOIL ENGINEERING TESTING INC. SOUTH MILL SERVICE HAROLD STANISLAWSKI STATE OF MINNESOTA STEARNS MANUFACTURING COMPANY STEIN'S INC. WILLIAM STONE STOP-N-GO STORES INC. STORAGE SPECIALISTS INC. STRAND ACE HARDWARE STREICHER'S STRINGER BUSINESS SYSTEMS INC. AMOUNT 262.69 105.00 189.25 1,126.08 240.38 192.51 87.33 97.69 498.37 51.07 24.17 146.54 350.40 257.61 15.00 48.97 115.25 42.96 56.63 60.00 23.98 70.76 40.00 193.13 48.55 30,491.57 180.90 40. 81 4 8 .11 2,840.00 47.35 80.00 87.01 92.65 47.55 70.83 15,876.32 153.00 4,495.00 952.55 351.74 510.00 201.99 1,415.34 18.85 480 .47 1,793.04 199.08 787.08 218.72 0 0 0 8/07/96 11:26:57 0 **** 0 OTTER TAIL COUNTY AUDITOR Otter Tail County Warrants August 6, 1996 Page 5, Attachment A IR XO/HSJOLIE RECEIPTS AND DISBURSEMENTS SYSTEM COUNTY 56 WARRANTS FOR PUBLICATION PAGE WARRANTS APPROVED ON 8/06/96 FOR PAYMENT 8/06/96 VENDOR NAME AMOUNT SURPLUS SERVICES 114.00 SWANSON'S SURPLUS STORE 86.68 TANK-N-TUMMY 61.00 THALMANN'S REPAIR 122.96 THOMAS OIL COMPANY 1,291.02 KELLY THOMAS 151.55 JEFFREY THOMPSON 6.90 TODD CO TREASURER 831.25 TOWN & COUNTRY BUSINESS 82.73 TWO-TEN MARINE INC. 263.35 UNDER-MART 12.94 UNDERMART 34.00 UNDERWOOD OIL INC. 75.65 UNIFORMS UNLIMITED 194.57 UNITED BUILDING CENTERS 150.08 UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA 11,037.55 UNIVERSITY OF MN 450.00 LORI VANWECHEL 87.00 VECTOR VISION CORPORATION 2,881.69 VICTOR LUNDEEN COMPANY 1,748.91 VIKING OFFICE PRODUCTS 80.74 WADENA ASPHALT COMPANY 60,527.53 WAL-MART 126.24 WELDING SUPPLIES & FIRE 66.65 M.E. WELLNITZ 142.97 NANCY J. WENDT 304.42 WES' FUEL STOP 43.50 WEST CENTRAL LINEN SERVICE 5.00 WEST CENTRAL MN ASSESSMENT 106.00 WEST PUBLISHING COMPANY 108.00 HARLEY WINDELS 31. 32 WOLDEN'S LAWN SERVICE 117.15 ZIEGLER INC. 57.95 210 LUBE EXPRESS 41. 46 FINAL TOTAL ....... $319,309.77 ****