HomeMy WebLinkAboutBoard of Commissioners - Minutes - 07/23/19960
Minutes of the
Commissioners' Room, Floor 1-B
Otter Tail County Courthouse
Tuesday, July 23, 1996
9:30 a.m.
Call To Order
The Otter Tail County Human Services Board convened Tuesday, July 23, 1996, at 9:30 a.m. at the
Otter Tail County Courthouse with Commissioners Malcolm Lee, Chair; Harley Windels, Vice Chair;
Bill Stone, Secretary; Andy Lindquist, and Virginia Partmann present.
Approval of Agenda
Motion by Partmann, seconded Lindquist, and unanimously carried to approve the Human Services agenda
of July 23, 1996 with the following changes:
Cancel Item 3 a. Secure Detention Clay Co.
Additions: L TC Rates and "A Fair of the Heart" Discussion
Approval of Minutes
Motion by Lindquist, seconded Windels, and unanimously carried to approve the Human Services minutes
of July 9, 1996 as submitted.
Community Service Specialist Position
Chuck Kitzman, Court Services Director, reported verbal approval from the Department of Corrections for
funding of the Community Service Specialist position. Discussion followed with a referral made for
Mr. Kitzman to discuss space for an additional staff member with the Building Committee.
Hepatitis B Vaccinations
The Court Services Director expressed concern for his agents relative to their responsibility in the collection
of various bodily fluid samples and the remote risk for Hepatitis B. A motion was offered by Lindquist,
seconded Partmann and unanimously carried to direct Mr. Kitzman to work together with Public Health to
provide the appropriate vaccinations. The cost of $105 per staff member is to be billed to the Court
Services Department.
Meeting Report
Chuck Kitzman, together with Commissioner Windels, reported on a meeting they attended on 7/22/96
concerning the Corrections sub-committee of the AMC. Concerns were expressed regarding the
corrections platform, etc. They indicated another meeting is planned for August.
Dog Bite Hearings
Diane Thorson, Public Health Director, discussed a number of issues relative to dog bite case evidence
(pictures of victim's bite, etc.). She stressed the need to take a more aggressive approach when the
department is notified of the first bite in hope of preventing a second incident/bite. Ms. Thorson was
directed to work with the County Attorney's office to provide a written procedure and report back at a later
date. Thorson also discussed the McNanigle case. Based on past hearing decisions of the board, the
hearing was canceled_. The dog was removed from the county and will be located in the country on a chain.
Thorson also requested a decision from the Attorney's office regarding data practices release of information
on bite cases.
Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners
July 23, 1996
Page 2
Family Services Collaborative Coordinator Position
After a recommendation by the Public Health Director, a motion was offered by Partmann, seconded
Lindquist, and carried, with Stone opposed, to replace the vacant part-time opening and the currently filled /\
part-time position of Collaborative Co-Coordinator with a full-time Family Services Collaborative Coordinator "'w
position. Thorson was directed to proceed with internal posting and, if necessary, advertisement.
The Public Health Director provided a list of PMAP advantages and disadvantages and encouraged board
members to write pros and cons on this list as it becomes evident. The purpose of this process is to
document reasons affecting the final decision regarding expansion of PMAP. It was determined that
approximately 6,000 Medical Assistance enrollees would be directly affected in any decision. The 2,300
Minnesota Care enrollees will be affected as of October 1, 1996. The board members indicated concerns
related to how this decision could affect existing health care providers throughout the county. A final
decision will be made at a future meeting.
Home Health Care Services
Ms. Thorson provided a Summary of the Requests for Proposal for Home Health Care Services. The board
acknowledged that considering these proposals could allow a shift of county tax dollars currently being
used to subsidize Home Health Care to other public health programs. Thorson indicated the Lake Region
Hospital proposal was unique, compared to proposals from Vikingland, Midwest Caring Hands, and Tri-
County Hospital. Judy Schultz, Lake Region Hospital, explained their proposal. Marsha Schulstad and
Patricia Johnson, Midwest/Caring Hands, also indicated they had a similar program to that of Lake Region
Hospital. However, they were concerned about persons whom are unable to pay on the private pay
schedule that might not then receive services. Chairman Lee appointed Stone and Lindquist to a
committee to work with the County Attorney, County Coordinator, and Public Health Director to examine the
proposals and identify future actions related to this issue.
June Financial Statement
Tom Fawcett, Social Services Director, provided copies of the June 30, 1996 financial statement to board
A Fair of the Heart
The Social Services Director discussed an upcoming fall event called "A Fair of the Heart" to be held in
Approval to Pay Bills
Motion by Partmann, seconded Lindquist, and unanimously carried to authorize the payment of bills as
presented by the Social Services Director.
At 11:17 a.m., Chairman Lee declared the meeting of the Otter Tail County Human Services Board
adjourn~ until 9:30 a.m., Tuesday, August 13, 1996. ~,....-. ~~ 4 .... F,;f!._¼i~
' Department of Social Services
By Y0-1QM 2 Jl,~
Karen Lundin, Recording Secretary
Dated ---'-'-""½='-''""'a""'-h""'· _lw4i2<.,· .,_L/9,._,7'-"0..__· __ _
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Call to Order
Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners
July 23, 1996
Page 3
At 1:00 p.m., the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners meeting convened with Commissioners
Virginia Portmann, Chair; Andy Lindquist, Malcolm Lee, Harley Windels, and Bill Stone present.
Approval of Agenda
Motion by Stone, seconded Lee, and unanimously carried to approve the agenda as modified which
2:20-2:30 Historical Society Executive Director, Chris Schuelke -canceled
2:20 • 2:30 Safety/Emergency Services Director, Tim Hunt:
. Political Disclaimer
2:50 -3:00 Chief Deputy, Mark Morris:
. Safe/Sober Grant
Approval of Minutes
Motion by Lee, seconded Windels, and unanimously carried to approve as corrected the July 9, 1996
minutes. (Correction of a typo from $1,500 to $5,100 for Ditch No. 23.) Motion by Lee, seconded Windels
and unanimously carried to approve the July 16, 1996 minutes as submitted.
Bid Opening
At 1 :08 p.m., Rick West, Highway Engineer, after previously advertising for bids, opened the following bids
for C.P. 96:128B & Etc.:
Central Specialties, Inc.
Alexandria, MN
Mark Sand & Gravel Co.
Fergus Falls, MN
The Highway Engineer will return with recommendation for award at a later date.
Consulting Engineer Contract
Motion by Stone, seconded Lindquist, and unanimously carried to approve execution of a contract for
engineering services with Larson-Peterson & Associates, Inc., Detroit Lakes, MN, for Street & Storm Sewer
Improvements, CSAH No. 95, in the City of Parkers Prairie.
Project Status Update
The Highway Engineer provided an update of a number of highway projects. Specific projects included
work on CSAH No. 3 (Schmidt's Bridge), CSAH No. 6, 35, 80, and 88 as well as the Zimmerman bridge
work with Riley Bros.
Ditch No. 63
.After discussion with Tiny Holm, Ditch Inspector, a motion was made by Lee, seconded Lindquist, and
unanimously carried to schedule a public hearing for Ditch No. 63 at 7:30 p.m. on August 6, 1996.
Minnesota Department of Agriculture Work Plan
Motion by Lee, seconded Lindquist, and unanimously carried to approve the Work Study Plan for 1996 with
the Minnesota Department of Agriculture. This authorization is granted pursuant to Minnesota statutes
establishing a joint working relationship between Minnesota counties and the Department of Agriculture for
the purpose of providing consumer protection, public safety, and environmental protection.
Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners
July 23, 1996
Rural Coalition of Minnesota Counties
After some discussion with Tiny Holm, Ag/Ditch Inspector, regarding the Rural Coalition of Minnesota
Counties and an upcoming meeting in September, concern was expressed about the potential loss of ag Q
land for development and land use issues. Information about the upcoming meeting will be requested. ..
Conditional Use Applications
Bill Kalar, Land & Resources Administrator, presented two previously tabled Land Use Applications for
board action:
Upon a motion by Windels, seconded Lindquist, and unanimously carried to approve the Conditional Use
Application of Ervin Wegscheid, Paul Lake, subject to the following conditions: Approve only the two foot
retaining wall as presented (see drawing submitted to Land & Resources on 5/9/96). The steeper position
of the slope may be vegetated with low-growing shrubbery such as juniper or honeysuckle. Owner is to
notify the Land & Resource office when the project will begin so necessary inspections can be made.
After personally inspecting the property of the Conditional Use Application of Roger and Eunice Shelstad,
Pickerel Lake, Stone made a motion, seconded by Windels, and unanimously carried to deny the
application because of potential erosion problems that may result.
Final Plats
Motion by Lindquist, seconded Windels, and unanimously carried to approve the final plat of Eagles Nest
Shores (Stalker Lake).
Motion by Stone, seconded Lee, and unanimously carried to approve the final plat of Sugar Creek Acres
(Middle Leaf Lake).
West Central Initiative Fund
Lowell Larson and Wes Binner of the WCIF provided an update of their programs and services.
Reappointment -Assessor
Motion by Lindquist, seconded Windels, and unanimously carried to reappoint Robert Moe as County
Assessor to a four year term commencing January 1, 1997.
Political Disclaimer
Motion by Lindquist, seconded Lee, and unanimously carried to accept the following Certificate of
Disclaimer between the County of Otter Tail and Leon T. Hunt who has filed as a candidate for the office of
State Representative, Minnesota House District 10A:
Certificate of Disclaimer
The County of Otter Tail, Minnesota
Leon T. Hunt, an employee
As a government entity, the County of Otter Tail is obligated to remain neutral in any contest for public
elective office. Accordingly, the County of Otter Tail hereby disclaims any endorsement or the provision of
any material or remunerative support to the candidacy or campaign for elective political office of the above
named employee, a candidate for the office of State Representative, Minnesota House District 1 0A.
Said employee agrees:
• To ensure the functions of the position of Director of Safety and Emergency Services continue to be n
accomplished. 'fiiiii/li
• To not use county resources or equipment for political campaign purposes.
• Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners
July 23, 1996
Page 5
• To conduct political campaign activity on his own time (using earned vacation or unpaid leave of
absence, reimbursing the county for county provided benefits accrued during said periods of unpaid
leave of absence).
The effective date of this disclaimer is July 17, 1996.
County-Wide Addressing
Bob Block, G/S Coordinator, updated board members and supplied handout materials on activities of the
Internal Committee. A brief discussion followed.
Election Judges
Wayne Stein, Auditor, requested board members consider names of individuals to serve as election judges
for the September primary.
Resolution Authorizing Execution of Agreement
Upon a motion by Stone, seconded Lindquist, and carried, with Lee opposed, to enter into a grant
agreement with the Minnesota Department of Public Safety, Office of Traffic Safety, for the project entitled
SAFE & SOBER COMMUNITIES during the period from October 1, 1996 through September 30, 1997.
Motion allowed for Chair's signature on a Resolution Authorizing Execution of Agreement.
Pay Survey
Motion by Lee, seconded Lindquist, and unanimously carried to contract with David M. Griffith &
Associates, Ltd. St. Paul, MN, in the amount of $5,680 for professional and support fees to perform a pay
At 3:17 p.m., Chair Partmann declared the meeting of the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners
adjourned until 9:30 a.m., Tuesday, August 6, 1996.
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