HomeMy WebLinkAboutBoard of Commissioners - Minutes - 06/04/1996Minutes of the OTTER TAIL COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Commissioners' Room, Floor 1-8 Otter Tail County Courthouse Tuesday, June 4, 1996 9:30 a.m. Call To Order The Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners convened Tuesday, June 4, 1996, at 9:31 a.m. at the Otter Tail County Courthouse with Commissioners Andy Lindquist, Vice-Chair; Malcolm Lee, Harley Windels, and Bill Stone present. Chair Virginia Portmann was absent. Approval of Agenda Motion by Lee, seconded Windels and unanimously carried to approve the agenda of June 4, 1996, with the following additions: Request for Approval --GIS/911 Consulting Services Agreement Discussion --Feedlots Approval of Minutes Motion by Stone, seconded Lee and unanimously carried to approve the minutes of May 28, 1996, as submitted. EOT Soil & Water Conservation District Jeff Norby, EOT Soil & Water Conservation District Manager, reviewed conservation activities of the past year including tree planting, the RIM program, educational programs, observation well monitoring and water testing. Discussion followed. Commissioners Lindquist and Lee expressed a desire to add fecal colliform testing to the current nitrate and phosphorus water tests. The fecal colliform test will help identify where the contamination is coming from if contamination exists. Board member, Carl Annalora, reviewed the EOTSWCD financial reports as well as projected revenues and expenditures for the next year. Mr. Annalora reported that a 1995 audit will be performed by a private firm. EOTSWCD board members expressed their gratitude to Wally Senyk and his staff for their assistance with the recent embezzlement of funds and efforts to keep services available in East Otter Tail County. Approval of Payment -Enhanced 911 Consulting Services Agreement Motion by Lee, seconded by Windels and unanimously carried to approve payment to Robert Block, in the amount of $357.24, for expense incurred as per the Enhanced 911 Consulting Services Agreement with Otter Tail County. The Expenses are as follows: Office Rent Cellular Phone Supplies Mileage Meals Total $200.00 80.00 45.30 26.35 5.59 $357.24 . -~ Liquor License Renewals (). ,Motion by Stone, seconded Lee and unanimously carried to approve the following application for license renewals: Birchwood Golf Course Brian L. Evenson Pelican Rapids, MN 56572 Clear Lake Resort Reuben or June Finkelson Dalton, MN 56324 Collins Landing Jodie Rae Collins RR 1 Box 276 Dent, MN 56528 Dave and Louise's Dave or Louise Trana Ottertail, MN 56571 Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners June 4, 1996 Page 2 On/Off -Sale Non-Intoxicating Malt Liquor License On/Off -Sale Non-Intoxicating Malt Liquor License Off-Sale Non-Intoxicating Malt Liquor License On/Off -Sale Non-Intoxicating Malt Liquor License* *Subject to the approval of the County Attorney and to the approval of the County Sheriff. Hamburger Hollow Mary J. Wallace RR 3 Box 250 New York Mills, MN 56567 On/Off -Sale Non-Intoxicating Malt Liquor License* *Subject to the submission of the required insurance certificate. Koep's Joseph Koep RR 1 Box 158 Clitherall, MN 56524 • Oakwood Golf Course Kern, Inc. P.O. Box 57 Ottertail, MN 56571 Pantry and Pub Louann Kay Boderborg RR 3 Box 308 Fergus Falls, MN 56537 Sleepy Hollow Resort and Campgrounds Louis or Evelyn Lapacek RR 1 Box 45 Battle Lake, MN 56515 *Subject to the approval of the County Attorney. Silent Rainbow Resort R.F. or Carol J. Hockersmith RR 1 Box 403 Dent, MN 56528 Off-Sale Non-Intoxicating Malt Liquor License On-Sale Non-Intoxicating Malt Liquor License Consumption and Display (Set-up) Permit On/Off -Sale Non-Intoxicating Malt Liquor License* On/Off Sale Non-Intoxicating Malt Liquor License . ' 0 0 0 0 0 Ten Mile Lake Resort and Steakhouse, Inc. Gerald M. Schultz RR 1 Box 212 Dalton, MN 56324 *Subject to the Approval of the County Attorney. The Last Resort Thomas W. McDonald RR 1 Box 217 Erhard, MN 56534 Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners June 4, 1996 Page 3 On/Off -Sale Non-Intoxicating Malt Liquor License and Wine License* On/Off-Sale Non-Intoxicating Malt Liquor License* *Subject to the submission of the required insurance certificate and to the approval of the County Attorney. The Pier Landis Weaver P.O. Box 128 Ottertail, MN 56571 On Sale Liquor and Sunday Liquor* *Subject to the submission of the insurance certificate. Tom's Standard and Grocery Thomas Weinhandl RR 1 Box 71 Henning, MN 56551 Zorbaz on Otter Tail RR 2 Box 296 Battle Lake, MN 56515 Off-Sale Non-Intoxicating Malt Liquor License On/Off -Sale Non-Intoxicating Malt Liquor License* and Wine License** **Subject to the submission of the required insurance certificate, *to the submission of the required application, to the approval of the County Attorney and to the approval of the County Sheriff. Recommendation for Award -S.A.P. 56-688-01TB & S.A.P. 126-104-02TB Motion by Lee, seconded Windels and unanimously carried to award the low bid to Mark Sand & Gravel Company, in the amount of $2,155,728.54, for CSAH No. 88, as recommended by the Highway Engineer. 1996 Traffic Marking Contract Motion by Lee, seconded Stone and unanimously carried to authorize the Chair's signature to execute the 1996 Traffic Marking Service Contract between Otter Tail County and Traffic Marking Service, Inc, Buffalo, MN, contingent upon the inclusion of revised language in the contract documents. Enhanced 911 Consulting Services Agreement Motion by Stone, seconded Windels and unanimously carried to authorize the Chair's signature to execute the Enhanced 911 Consulting Services Agreement between Otter Tail County and Robert Block. Minnesota Department of Corrections Resolution Authorizing Execution of Contract or Grant Agreement Otter Tail County Resolution No. 96-29 Upon a motion by Lee, seconded Stone and unanimously carried, the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners adopts the following resolution: Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners June 4, 1996 Page 4 BE IT RESOLVED that the Otter Tail County Sheriff's Department intends to enter into a contract or grant agreement with the Minnesota Department of Corrections. The following persons are hereby authorized to sign the contract or grant agreement and any amendments or supplements that are necessary. Q (1) Gary Nelson. Sheriff (2) John Halvorson, Detention Facility Administrator BOARD OFFICER SIGNATURE VERIFYING RESOLUTION: The person verifying the resolution must be someone other than the persons authorized to sign contract or grant agreement. (Print or Type Name) Otter Tail County Ditch #21 Redetermination of Benefits Adoption of Viewers' Report and Assessment Order Action by the board to certify the terms of the redetermination of benefits for Ditch #21 was taken at the May 28, 1996, Public Hearing. Wally Senyk, County Attorney, read for the record, the following Ditch #21 Assessment Order. A final hearing was held upon the redetermination of benefits of Otter Tail County Ditch #21 before the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners on May 7, 21 and 28, 1996, in the Otter Tail County Courthouse, Fergus Falls, Minnesota. Present at the hearing were the appointed ditch viewers, Richard Bergquist, Rod Brause and Howard Goese; Otter Tail County Ditch Inspector, Tiny Holm; Land and Resource Management Administrator, William Kalar; and Otter Tail County Attorney, Waldemar Senyk. The Board of Commissioners heard the testimony of interested landowners, directed the viewers to revisit and reconsider certain properties, and heard recommendations by the viewers and the Ditch Inspector for amendments to the original viewers' report. Upon all the testimony and information provided, the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners, as drainage authority, issues the following Order: IT IS HEREBY ORDERED: 1. The viewers' report filed with the Otter Tail County Auditor pursuant to the redetermination of benefits of Otter Tail County Ditch #21 is hereby adopted and confirmed, as amended during the final hearing. 2. The cost of the repair ordered by the ditch authority on December 21, 1993, shall be apportioned pro rata on all properties and entities that have been assessed benefits under the redetermination of benefits in the amended viewers' report. 3. Because there is not enough money in the drainage system account, the repair assessments may be paid in annual installments as follows: Assessments of zero to $100 in a single installment. Assessments of $100 to $500 in three or less installments. Assessments of over $500 in five or less installments. 0 Q 0 Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners June 4, 1996 Page 5 4. The interest on unpaid installments shall be six percent per year, compounded to the date of payment. Dated: g(r¥0 II: /'I'll. , .... ~42:: Larry Kr hn r Otter TAIL COUNTY BO D OF COMMISSIONERS Approval to Pay Bills Motion by Lee, seconded Stone and unanimously carried to approve the bills per Attachment A of these minutes which include lodging payments as follows: Best Western Americanna Inn Best Western, Fergus Falls Radisson Suite Hotel Patrol Officer, Al Frank Detention Officer Trainers, Mark Kelsey & Charlie Law Lieutenant, Ray Polensky Adjournment At 10:37 a.m., Vice-Chair Lindquist declared the meeting of the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners adjourned until 1 :00 p.m. Tuesday, June 11, 1996. Dated: --'8-4«-4..,...._) _,.I.,_~ _l,_9,_9...,(~P--- Attest: ~ ~ LarryKrohn CB/kd Attachments 0 6/05/96 10:26:55 OTTER TAIL COUNTY AUDITOR XO/HSJOLIE RECEIPTS AND DISBURSEMENTS SYSTEM WARRANTS FOR PUBLICATION Otter Tail County Warrants June, 4., 1996 Page 1, Attachment A IRD440 COUNTY 56 PAGE 1 WARRANTS APPROVED ON 6/04/96 FOR PAYMENT 6/04/96 VENDOR NAME A-1 LOCK AND KEY ALTERNATIVE MICROGRAPHICS INC. AMERICAN INSTITUTIONAL SUPPLY AMERICAN LEGION POST #30 AMERIDATA J. ALLAN ANDERSON ARCHIE'S MAVIS AUSTIN KEN BECKER TAMMY BERG BEST INC. BEST WESTERN AMERICANNA INN BEST WESTERN FERGUS FALLS BEYER BODY SHOP BIG A AUTO PARTS DAVID BJERKETVEDT GLENN P. & LILLIAN L. BLONDEAU BOB BARKER COMPANY INC. BRETZ HARDWARE CARR ENTERPRISES INC. CARR'S LAKE COUNTRY SUPERMKT CATCO CLARK BOARDMAN CALLAGHAN CO-OP SERVICES INC. COAST TO COAST.COMPUTER PROD. COMSTOCK CONSTRUCTION INC. COOPER'S OFFICE SUPPLY INC. CUMMINS DIESEL SALES INC. D-A LUBRICANT CO. DAVIDS. DAHLSTROM THE DAILY JOURNAL DCA INC. DEAN'S COUNTRY MARKET DENZEL'S REGION WASTE SRV INC. DICTAPHONE DON'S SERVICE ECOLAB ECONO SALES AND SERVICE ALFREDA & EDWIN E. EIDE EMPIRE BUSINESS MACHINES FERGUS ELECTRIC FERGUS FALLS MEDICAL GROUP FERGUS FALLS POLICE DEPARTMENT FERGUS INTERNATIONAL INC. FIRST TRUST CO OF NORTH DAKOTA FOTH & VAN DYKE ALAN FRANK GENERAL PARTS & SUPPLY CO. GERALD N. EVENSON INC. GOODIN COMPANY AMOUNT 6.33 4,579.50 114.99 180.00 10,447.22 92.40 50.24 22.99 314.78 79.33 5,289.74 136.98 214.64 90.53 597.88 225.00 1,295.00 97.30 4.46 5.00 150.87 122.44 87.40 56.54 415.79 13,926.00 3,507.18 52.15 6,017.96 752.50 108.00 840.00 20.41 68.70 81.18 4J.. 85 82.01 429.56 72.00 33.87 7,468.73 4,513.00 346.56 76.55 428.13 15,874.33 49.40 247.70 327.46 116.32 0 0 0 6/05/96 10:26:55 OTTER TAIL COUNTY AUDITOR XO/HSJOLIE RECEIPTS AND DISBURSEMENTS SYSTEM WARRANTS FOR PUBLICATION Otter Tail County Warrants June, 4, 1996 Page 2, Attachment A IRD440 COUNTY 56 PAGE 2 WARRANTS APPROVED ON 6/04/96 FOR PAYMENT 6/04/96 VENDOR NAME GRAINGER INC. ERVIN HAGEN HALL GMC INC. HANSON,MARJEAN DAVID HAUSER HONEYWELL THE INDEPENDENT INFORMATION SYSTEMS CORP. INTERPOLL LABORATORIES INC. INTERSTATE ENGINEERING INC. IRVINE RAMSTAD BRIGGS KARKELA JIM'S SERVICE JJ'S GAS AND GROCERIES GORDON JOHNSON ROBERT W. & HELEN D. JOHNSON KELLY SERVICES INC. KOEP'S CLITHERALL CORNER CINDY KUBITZ LAB SAFETY SUPPLY INC. LAKE COUNTRY STATE BANK LAKE REGION HOSPITAL LAKELAND MENTAL HEALTH CENTER LARRY OTT INC. TRUCK SERVICE PATTY LARUM MALCOLM LEE LIGHT IMPRESSIONS LOCATORS & SUPPLIES MASWCD MCGANN ASSOCIATES INC. THE MEETING POINT MINN-KOTA MIDRANGE USER GROUP MN DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE MN IPD INC. MN METALWORKS INC. MN POLLUTION CONTROL AGENCY MARK MORRIS CARLTON MORTENSON NATURES GARDEN WORLD JACK & JANICE NEIGEL NELSON BROTHERS PRINTING DEAN NELSON NETWORK SERVICES COMPANY KEVIN NEWBORG NORTHERN STATES SUPPLY INC. OLSON OIL CO. ORR-SCHELEN-MAYERON & ASSOC. OTTER TAIL CO DEPARTMENT OF OTTER TAIL CO SHERIFF OTTER TAIL CO SHERIFF POSSE OTTER TAIL CO TREASURER AMOUNT 95.78 31. 58 10.80 309.12 70.23 182.12 31.50 317.35 1,960.00 16,716.50 22.50 158.35 31.55 63.00 425.00 2,163.31 395.11 34.00 96.99 10.00 400.00 9,002.00 1,375.00 36. 83 131.20 63.81 47.91 60.00 99.88 163.20 14.00 178.00 150.00 980.88 210.00 28.90 63.00 21.19 501.80 585.23 37.43 319.51 338.13 153.71 168.36 18,309.44 1,580.75 310.50 360.10 1,924.95 .. 0 0 6/05/96 10:26:55 **** OTTER TAIL COUNTY AUDITOR XO/HSJOLIE RECEIPTS AND DISBURSEMENTS SYSTEM WARRANTS FOR PUBLICATION Otter Tail County Warrants June,4, 1996 Page 3, Attachment A IRD440 COUNTY 56 PAGE 3 WARRANTS APPROVED ON 6/04/96 FOR PAYMENT 6/04/96 VENDOR NAME OTTER TAIL CO TREASURER OTTER TAIL POWER COMPANY PAMIDA INC. PANTRY N' PUB PARK REGION MUTUAL TELEPHONE PAVE-MARK CORPORATION PEMBERTON SORLIE SEFKOW RUFER PENROSE OIL COMPANY PEOPLE & PROFITS LLC PERHAM CO-OP CREAMERY PHILLIPS 66 THE PHOTO CENTER RAYMOND POLENSKY RADISSON SUITE HOTEL RENTAL STORE,THE REVIEW ENTERPRISES INC, TOM RHODE SANIFILL INC. SAUNDERS HARDWARE INC. SEARS SHERWIN WILLIAMS SIGELMAN STEEL & SALVAGE SMITH & NEPHEW ROLYAN INC. SPECIAL OPERATIONS TRAINING STEIN'S INC. STEVE'S SANITATION STREICHER'S SWANSON'S SURPLUS STORE TEAM ELECTRONICS JEFFREY THOMPSON JOSLYN THOMPSON TODD CO TREASURER TOUTGES SANITATION TOWN & COUNTRY BUSINESS UGSTAD PLUMBING INC. UNITED BUILDING CENTERS LORI VANWECHEL VICTOR LUNDEEN COMPANY VIKING OFFICE PRODUCTS VOSS LIGHTING WADENA ASPHALT COMPANY WADENA CO SHERIFF WADENA HIDE &FUR COMPANY WAL-MART WELDING SUPPLIES & FIRE WEST PUBLISHING COMPANY ZEE SERVICE COMPANY 210 LUBE EXPRESS FINAL TOTAL ...... . AMOUNT 4.40 120.00 156.58 12.50 60.00 260.00 40.75 199.92 9,262.94 17.95 17.85 6.70 24.49 68.17 95.83 415.99 42.96 1,401.97 43.79 170.39 47.36 95.63 1,620.90 75.00 1,984.69 5,041.71 1,639.60 37.48 35.00 39.30 100.00 593.75 90.00 245.39 40.18 54.80 70.76 684.08 99.80 483.59 1,245.57 15.25 28.76 28.51 41,00 163,27 176.85 20.73 $168,121.54 ****