HomeMy WebLinkAboutBoard of Commissioners - Minutes - 10/18/1994I 0 0 0 Minutes of the OTTER TAIL COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Otter Tail Count~ Courthouse Tuesday, October 18, 1994 9:30 a.m. CALL TO ORDER The Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners convened Tuesday, October 18, 1994, at 9:30 a.m. at the Otter Tail County Courthouse with Commissioners Harley Windels, Chairman; Bill Stone, Virginia Partmann, Malcolm Lee, and Andy Lindquist present. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Motion by Partmann, seconded Lee and unanimously carried to approve the October 11, 1994, minutes as submitted. RESOLUTION Upon motion by Lindquist seconded by Partmann and unanimously carried, the following resolution was adopted: WHEREAS, Otter Tail County installed 9-1-1 service in compliance with state law which requires that each county of the state implement 9-1-1 Emergency Telephone Service by December 15, 1986; and WHEREAS, the Otter Tail County 9-1-1 Planning Committee developed the Otter Tail County 9-1-1 Plan to meet the requirements of those public service agencies whose services will be available by dialing 9-1-1; and WHEREAS, the 9-1-1 Planning Committee has recommended improvements to 9-1-1 service to meet the current and future needs and expectations of Otter Tail County citizens; and WHEREAS, the 9-1-1 Planning Committee, after investigating technical and financial alternatives, has recommended adding tandem based and Automatic Location Identification (ALI) to the existing 9-1-1 system. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Commissioners of Otter Tail County, State of Minnesota, endorses the report of the County 9-1-1 Committee; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Board of Commissioners intends to modify the approved Otter Tail County 9-1-1 Plan to provide for tandem based and Automatic Location Identification (ALI); and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Board of Commissioners intends to modify the contracts with the State of Minnesota and respective telephone companies to implement the approved changes to the 9-1-1 system and hereby authorizes the County Auditor to sign such agreements on behalf of the County; and BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED, that a copy of this resolution be forwarded to the State of Minnesota Department of Administration for inclusion in the State's copy of the Otter Tail County 9-1-1 Plan. () 0 0 Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners October 18, 1994 Page 2 Dated: Qfl/;;.&nxil5,, J99t/ OTTER TAIL COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS By 5~ Larry Krohn, Clerk Sheriff Gary Nelson indicated Chief Deputy Mark Morris and Captain Joe Peloquin would serve as contact staff on Enhanced 9-1-1. GIS NOMINATION Motion by Lindquist, seconded Partmann and unanimously carried to nominate Dale K. Johansen for consideration to the task force for county-wide uniform addressing system, GIS Committee. SOLID WASTE ISSUES During the process of negotiating a contract with Steve's Sanitation, Perham, MN, the Solid Waste Director notified the Board that this bidder had not included in his bid the total specified equipment. The County Attorney indicated that, since this bidder was the only bidder, it would be possible to negotiate further prior to rebidding. The Board directed Mike Hanan to further negotiate with Steve's Sanitation. COPY FEES After consideration of the information presented by the County Recorder, a motion was made by Lindquist, seconded Lee and unanimously carried to increase the rate charged for duplifische copies to $3.25/copy effective January 1, 1995. In the interest of fairness, the Recorder acknowledged she would charge the rate of $.25 for photocopies, e.g. N.F. Field Abstract Company. REQUEST FOR FORGIVENESS OF PENALTY Motion by Stone, seconded Partmann and unanimously carried to deny the request of the Reverends Lavern and Sharon Johnson, Buffalo, MN, for forgiveness of penalty on parcel 25-000-26-0161-0ll. The Commissioners cited such request was against their written policy. SMG CONTRACT Motion by Lee, seconded Lindquist and unanimously carried to authorize the Chairman's signature on an agreement with Spatial Management Group contingent upon approval by the County Attorney. PERFORMANCE EVALUATION SUMMARY Motion by Lee, seconded Lindquist and unanimously carried to approve the written summary of Chet Toso, Veterans Service Officer, and to report the review was favorable. 0 Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners October 18, 1994 Page 3 APPROVAL TO PAY BILLS Motion by Lee, seconded Lindquist and unanimously carried to authorize the payment of bills per Attachment A of these minutes. DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES -LAND PURCHASE REQUEST Considerable discussion took place with Doug Wells, Area Wildlife Manager for the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, regarding a request approving purchase of land in the Elmo Wildlife Management Area. The focus of the discussion centered around amount of monies of the estimated DNR Payment-In-Lieu of Taxes and estimated Additional School Aid Funding from the Department of Education. Motion by Lindquist, seconded Lee and unanimously carried to table a decision on the land purchase pending clarification of the estimated monies previously mentioned. OTTER TAIL COUNTY DRAINAGE DITCH NO, 23 PLANNING COMMISSION FINDINGS EAW NEEDS DETERMINATION Bill Kalar, Land & Resource Director, provided copies of the Planning Commission Findings of Fact relative to Ditch No. 23. The Planning Commission concluded, 11 ••• There is no identified potential for significant environmental effect from the proposed repair of Ditch No. 23 in Otter Tail County. However, this conclusion is reached based on an assessment of the repair work alone. This conclusion does not address the potential for increased water levels in Dead Lake or other areas downstream from Dead Lake as the volume of water which may flow into Dead Lake and other downstream bodies of water is unknown and unable to be determined by the Planning Commission members." FINAL PLATS Motion by Lee, seconded Lindquist and unanimously carried to approve the Final Plat of Johnsons Point, Prairie Lake, Section 14, Twp. 136 1 Range 43W. Motion by Stone, seconded Lee and unanimously carried to approve the Final Plat of Greenwood Lake Aire Villas, Otter Tail Lake, Section 29, Twp. 134, Range 39. RESOLUTION Motion by Lee, seconded Stone and unanimously carried the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners adopts the following resolution: WHEREAS, the Boards of County Commissioners of Beltrami, Koochiching, Marshall, Lake of the Woods and Pennington Counties have not adopted the Minnesota Wetland Conservation Act Permanent Program; and WHEREAS, these five counties have received legal advice raising questions about the authority of the Minnesota Board of Water and Soil Resources and the potential for county liability under the Wetland Conservation Act Program; and WHEREAS, these five counties are taking action to clarify the uncertainties and challenge the authority of the Board of Water and Soil Resources. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners does hereby declare its support for the Commissioners of Beltrami, Koochiching, Marshall, Lake of the woods and Pennington Counties in their efforts to challenge the authority of the Minnesota Board of water and Soil Resources and to clarify the uncertainties regarding county liability and responsibility under the Minnesota Wetland Conservation Act. Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners October 18, 1994 Page 4 Adopted this 18th day of October, 1994. Q Dated: rQ('io:f,fp o1S;, J'19L/ OTTER TAIL COUNTY'BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS 0 By OTTER TAIL COUNTY DRAINAGE DITCH NO. 21 DAM REMOVAL PROBLEM The Land & Resource Director related problems encountered when he and the Ditch Inspector attempted to remove a beaver dam near West Lost Lake where water flow from Ditch 21 to the lake had become sluggish. There was approval by the owner of a private rock/concrete bridge covering the channel and the DNR, who had jurisdiction over the beaver darn which was located in public waters, authorized it's removal. Therefore, the dam was removed Kalar reported, however--in the process, the privately owned bridge washed out. To meet DNR clearance specifications on a replacement structure would cost $7,800 and repair and raising of the old bridge would cost $9,600. Another option, installation of a box culvert would cost $6,500. The County Attorney and Land & Resource Director were instructed to work out an agreement with the landowner to pay for the bridge replacement. OTTER TAIL COUNTY DRAINAGE DITCH NO. 52 BEAVER PROBLEM Sheldon (Tiny) Holm, Ditch Inspector, reported pictures had been taken of the beaver problem on Ditch No. 52. He indicated several members of the property owner's family had worked on the beaver dam so that water is now flowing in the ditch. A letter from the landowner was obtained and has been referred to the County Attorney's office for processing to the DNR. BID OPENING: DEMOLITION BIDS At 2:40 p.m.1 the Auditor, after having previously advertised, opened the following bid for the demolition of a building on tax-forfeited property located in Pelican Rapids: Egge Construction & Gravel Crushing Inc. $9,280 Pelican Rapids, MN Motion by Partmann, seconded Lee and unanimously carried to award the demolition bid to Egge Construction & Gravel Crushing Inc.1 Pelican Rapids, MN. MUNICIPAL BOARD MEMBERS Motion by stone, seconded Partmann and unanimously carried to appoint Commissioners Lee and windels to serve on the Municipal Board per the provision of M.S. 414.01, Subd. 2 to hear the following: In the matter of the Joint Resolution of the City of Fergus Falls and the Township of Fergus Falls for the orderly annexation of certain land to the City of Fergus Falls. 0 0 0 Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners October 18, 1994 Page 5 The hearing is conducted pursuant to M.S. 414. RECESS At 2:45 p.m., Chairman Windels declared a recess of the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners until 7:00 p.m. PUBLIC HEARING: REPAIR OF COUNTY DRAINAGE DITCH NO. 70 The Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners reconvened at 7:00 p.m. to consider the petition to repair Otter Tail County Drainage Ditch No. 70. The following county staff were in attendance: Commissioners Windels, Lee, Lindquist, and Partmann; & Resource Director, Bill Kalar; Ditch Inspector, Auditor, Wayne Stein. County Attorney1 Wally Senyk; Land Sheldon (Tiny) Holm, and County Chairman Windels called upon the County Auditor to read the petition, for the repair of County Drainage Ditch No. 70, for the record. The petition stated the following: 1. That County Drainage Ditch No. 70 was established in 1923; 2. That the Ditch leading to and from Lake Sewell provides drainage for approximately six square miles; 3 4. 5. 6. 7. That the drainage system drains into the lake at several locations and discharges from the lake through a single 12 inch drainage tile; That, in addition, to the general runoff from the land around the lake there are multiple inlets to Lake Sewell; That property damage has been costly and extensive to the residentsi That the design of the ditch system clearly allows for substantially greater volumes of water to flow into the lake than to flow out of the lake under maximum flow conditionsi and That the outlet is restricted to a single 12 inch drainage line with an eight inch restriction. The petition asked for the appointment of a qualified engineer to examine County Drainage Ditch No. 70 and to make a report of the necessary repairs, the estimated cost of repair and all detailed plans and specifications required to supply the necessary specification to let a contract for such repairs and, following the receipt of the engineering report, conduct further proceedings as provided by law. The County Auditor reported that this drainage systems contains 445.8 acres and that the petitioners represent 228 acres or approximately 52\ of the total benefited acres. Chairman Windels called upon Wally Senyk, County Attorney, to explain the purpose of the public hearing and to address the various legal requirements that the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners must consider as they decide what course of action will be taken regarding the petition for the repair of County Drainage Ditch No. 70. wally Senyk, County Attorney, stated the following: 1. The Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners is the Drainage Authority. Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners October 18, 1994 Page 6 2. The cost of an engineer's survey, the cost of any repairs and the cost to redetermine benefits would be assessed against the property owners benefited by the \e,.i drainage system. 3. The need to redetermine benefits exists due to the change in the land use and due to any additional land that may benefit from the drainage system that was not included in the original benefited area .. 4. The drainage system affects a public body of water and any improvements or major repairs may require the review and approval of the Department of Natural Resources. 5. The purpose of the hearing is to determine what needs to be done, what should be done and if an engineer's survey and report should be ordered. Chairman Windels called upon Bill Kalar, Land & Resource Director, and Sheldon {Tiny) Holm, Ditch Inspector, for their report regarding County Drainage Ditch No. 70. Kalar and Holm presented three maps of the ditch system and a drawing of the current outlet structure. The three maps described the location of the drainage system and the various additions that have been made to the drainage system. The drawing of the current outlet structure was used to describe the existing condition of the outlet. It was stated that perhaps blockage exists between the two observation sites in the outlet structure. The Land & Resource Director reported that the ordinary high water level for Lake Sewell is at an 1,296.88. elevation of 1,298 feet and that as of October 11, 1994, the elevation was It was also noted that the elevation of the bottom tile is at 1,293.04. The Ditch Inspector reported that he had been making regular inspections of the outlet. He indicated that as of October 11, 1994, the outlet was flowing. Holm did indicate that he had noted some changes in the water flow since he had first started making his inspections. Julie Aadland, Area Hydrologist with the Department of Natural Resources, provided additional information regarding the ordinary high water levels and how that level was determined, as well as historical information that the Department of Natural Resources has available regarding Lake Sewell. Aadland indicated that the Department of Natural Resources would honor a request to repair what is there, but any new construction or major improvements would require the review and approval of the Department of Natural Resources to determine what type of construction or improvements would be permitted. Chairman Windels then opened expressed concerns, ideas, Drainage Ditch No. 70: the meeting for public comment. The following individuals comments and questions regarding the repair of County George Ashley Scott Anderson Donald Vodegel Gerhard Knutson representing R. L.J. Michienzi Donald Yeager Newman Huse Brian Fronning Merle Colwill The concerns, ideas, comments and questions that were expressed by those speaking are summarized as follows: 1. Does the Department of Natural Resource provide any funds for the maintenance of drainage systems that affect public waters. Julie Aadland answered this question by stating that no funding is available. 0 0 Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners October 18, 1994 Page 8 Following the recess there was much discussion concerning the need for an engineer's survey and report. It was pointed out that an engineering report is very important for the following: 1. The many changes in the drainage system since its original construction. 2. The concern that the existing outlet may not be what was originally proposed and/or constructed. 3. The unknown affects on downstream property if the outlet is repaired without giving consideration to the drainage system leading away from Lake Sewell. 4. Determine the proper location for the repairs if a survey is not done. It was the general opinion of the County Board that they would not proceed with any major repairs unless an engineer's survey and report were first completed. Chairman Windels then called for a show of hands from those individuals who would like to see the drainage authority proceed with an engineer's survey and report. Approximately three individuals raised their hand. Chairman Windels then called for a show of hands from those individuals who did not want the drainage authority to proceed with an engineer's survey and report. An actual count was not made, but by observation it appeared that a majority of those in attendance did not raise their hand either way. As the petition call for the appointment of a qualified engineer, and as there is no clear support from the property owners for an engineer's survey and report, the County Board indicated that they would continue the routine inspection and maintenance of the outlet, but would take no additional action concerning the petition for repair of Drainage Ditch No. 70. ADJOURNMENT At 9:15 p.m., Chairman Windels declared the public hearing and meeting of the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners adjourned until 1:00 p.m. on Tuesday, October 25, 1994. Dated: tQ,-i?J'ko.15j I 99 '/ 5~ Larry Krohn, Clerk CB:kal Attachments OTTER TAIL COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS By otter Tail county Board of Commissioners October 18, 1994 Page~' Attachment A 0 0 VENDOR NAME ....................... . A-1 LOCK AND KEY A.M. I. AMERICAN INDUSTRIAL LEASING AMERICAN INFORMATION SYSTEMS AMERICAN INSTITUTIONAL SUPPLY AMERICAN LINEN SUPPLY AMOCO OIL COMPANY ANDERSON LAND SURVEYING INC. ANDERSON,BETTIE GENRICH ANDERSON,J. ALLAN ARCHIES ART-N-SIGN AUTO SAFETY SERVICE AVELSGAARD,PEGGY BALLARD SANITATION INC. BATTLE LAKE AUTO PARTS BATTLE LAKE FARMERS UNION OIL BATTLE LAKE STANDARD BAUMGARTNER,JANE BAYWEST ANALYTICAL LABORATORY BEN FRANKLIN BERGE,ANGELA BERVEN,DWIGHT BEST BUSINESS SYSTEMS BEST INC. BEST INC. BEST WESTERN KELLY INN BEST WESTERN NORTHWEST INN BEYER BODY SHOP BIG A AUTO PARTS BIG A AUTO PARTS BIG CHIEF AMOCO BOEN,MICHAEL BOYD,TRAVIS BRANDON COMMUNICATIONS BRANDON COMMUNICATIONS BRAUN INTERTEC CORPORATION BRETZ HARDWARE BUSINESS RECORDS CORPORATION C & C ELECTRONIC CENTER CAREERTRACK PUBLICATIONS CARLSON OIL CO. INC. CARQUEST AUTO PARTS CARR ENTERPRISES INC. CASH AND DASH CHAPIN PUBL/CONSTR BULLETIN CLARKLIFT OF MINNESOTA INC. CO-OP SERVICES INC CO-OP SERVICES INC. COFFEE CUP FUEL STOP COMMISSIONER OF TRANSPORTATION COMPUTER PLACE,THE CHECK AMOUNT 38.45 5889.02 179.02 2968.86 108.38 20.98 232.80 1650.00 1560.00 1121.01 169.39 150.25 117.05 104.71 55.38 113.77 12.00 465.36 95.70 170.00 30.37 44.72 88.20 353.05 11399.91 224.14 89.20 101.43 197.21 24.99 495.45 73.62 52.97 20.00 204.22 956.00 6490.68 29.36 185.74 50.00 49.00 332.25 41.88 859.84 777.80 824.55 214.22 252.59 52.00 229.02 155.45 407.88 0 0 0 Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners October 18, 1994 Page 10, Attachment A VENDOR NAME ....................... . COMPUTERVISION CORPORATION CONOCO INC. CONOCO QUIK STOP COOPER'S OFFICE SUPPLY INC. COOPER'S OFFICE SUPPLY INC. CRAGUN'S D-A LUBRICANT CO. DACOTAH PAPER COMPANY DAILY JOURNAL, THE DAKOTA ELEVATOR DALTON MOBIL & BAIT DELONG,ROGER & MICHELLE DELZER CONSTRUCTION INC. DENNY'S CONOCO DENT OIL COMPANY DESIGNS BY DAVE DON'S SERVICE DOUG'S FRONTIER AMOCO DOUGLAS,M. GRACIELA DOUGLAS,TIMOTHY D. EAST OTTER TAIL CO EXTENSION ECOLAB INC. EGGE CONSTRUCTION, INC. ELDER'S RADIO COMMUNICATIONS ELEK-TEK INC. EMPIRE BUSINESS MACHINES ENGINEERING REPRO SYSTEMS ENGLUND,MARK ER CONSTRUCTION ERICKSON ELECTRONICS EXHAUST PROS F-M FORKLIFT SALES & SERVICE FAITH AND FELLOWSHIP PRESS FARMERS UNION OIL COMPANY FARNAM'S GENUINE PARTS INC.-FF FERGUS ELECTRIC FERGUS FALLS COMMUNITY COLLEGE FERGUS FALLS DAILY JOURNAL FERGUS FALLS MEDICAL GROUP FERGUS FALLS POLICE DEPARTMENT FERGUS FALLS,CITY OF FERGUS INTERNATIONAL INC. FERGUS INTERNATIONAL INC. FERGUS TIRE CENTER FERRELLGAS FINANCE AND COMMERCE FITCH,JULIE FITGER'S BREWERY COMPLEX FOTH & VAN DYKE FRONTEER DIRECTORY CO. OF MN FROSLEE,MIKE G. N. EVENSON INC. CHECK AMOUNT 2279.22 14.99 127.91 10292.81 552.09 283.50 2903.45 441.74 2146.63 82.80 65.75 386.88 35.00 440.04 18.20 95.85 77.10 60.75 100.00 13.32 15.92 237.56 4205.06 249.64 335.95 70.29 59.76 3.23 170.00 15.00 67.97 666.00 46.81 158.38 300.52 2216.40 341.06 792.99 151.50 740.29 3296.60 811. 46 2258.55 360.20 624.44 235.00 20.00 134.88 9964.18 138.00 8190.00 136.75 Q 0 0 Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners October 18, 1994 Page 11, Attachment A VENDOR NAME ....................... . GEISER,DONNA GENE'S STANDARD SERVICE GENE'S STANDARD SERVICE GLENCOE UNIFORMS GOODIN COMPANY GUSTAFSON,LINDA HAGEN,ERVIN HALL GMC INC. HARMON GLASS HEDAHLS AUTO CENTER HENKES,WILLIAM HENNING ADVOCATE HENNING AUTO PARTS INC. HENNING TRUSTWORTHY HDWE. HOLIDAY HOMESTEAD BLDG SUPPLIES-NYM IBM CORPORATION INDIANHEAD SPECIALTY INTERPOLL LABORATORIES INC. INTERSTATE BEARING INTERSTATE DETROIT DIESEL INC. INTERSTATE ENGINEERING INC. J & J RESTAURANT J & L TESTING CO. INC. J-CRAFT INC. JIM BORTNEM ENTERPRISES JIM'S SERVICE JOHNSON,KAREN J. K & K PLUMBING K-MART KAWLEWSKI,EDWIN KELLY SERVICES INC. KEN SAURER'S GARBAGE SERVICE KERN & TABERY INC. KIMBALL MIDWEST KIMBER AWNING INC KOCH MATERIALS COMPANY KROHN,LARRY KUGLER,KEVIN S. LAGERQUIST CORPORATION LAKELAND MENTAL HEALTH CENTER LARRY OTT INC. TRUCK SERVICE LAW,CHARLIE LAWSON PRODUCTS INC. LEABO,SHERRAN LESHORE CALGIFT LIGHTING RETROFIT INC. LLOYD'S MARINE LOCATORS & SUPPLIES M-R SIGN COMPANY MARIPOSA PUBLISHING MARK SAND & GRAVEL CO. CHECK AMOUNT 87.14 24.10 125.00 47.70 47.02 81. 28 20.70 393.37 225.62 655.09 239.95 55.22 22.17 37.86 102.77 139.24 468.06 176.23 495.00 120.72 154.27 9351.00 29.82 204.50 24602.63 60.00 277.73 139.91 22.03 2.38 39.76 760.00 60.60 121806.45 235.98 32.91 17451.57 260.40 25.60 237.08 125.00 775.00 356.00 224.40 258.83 623.61 4521.70 473.01 21.99 7614.75 40.47 14738.69 0 0 0 Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners October 18, 1994 Page 12, Attachment A VENDOR NAME ....................... . MATHISON COMPANY,THE MCANNANY,TIM MCLEOD CO SHERIFF MCQUAY INTERNATIONAL MID-STATES ORGANIZED CRIME MIDWEST BUSINESS PRODUCTS MIDWEST PRINTING MIDWEST TEST LABORATORY MILLER & HOLMES INC. MILLER'S BOBCAT MINDERMAN,MICHAEL MINN-KOTA COMMUNICATIONS INC. MINNEAPOLIS MEDICAL RESEARCH MINNESOTA BLUEPRINT MINNESOTA SAFETY COUNCIL INC. MN DEPT OF PUBLIC SAFETY MN METALWORKS INC. MN MOTOR COMPANY MN SAFETY COUNCIL MOREY PH.D.,ELDON L. MORRIS,MARK NAPA AUTO PARTS NATIONAL BUSHING & PARTS CO. NATIONAL BUSHING & PARTS CO. NATURES GARDEN WORLD NELSON BROTHERS PRINTING NELSON FORD NELSON,GARY NEW YORK MILLS HERALD NILSON FUNERAL HOME NORTH DAKOTA STATE UNIVERSITY NORTH UNION TEXACO NORTH UNION TEXACO NORTH UNION TOWING NORTHERN WASTE SYSTEMS NORTHERN WASTE SYSTEMS NORTHWEST DIVERS OK TIRE STORES OLSON OIL CO. OSWALD PUBLISHING CO. OTTER SUPPER CLUB OTTER TAIL CO EMPLOYEES OTTER TAIL CO SHERIFF DEPT OTTER TAIL CO TREASURER OTTER TAIL COUNTY TREASURER OTTER TAIL INN OTTER TAIL POWER COMPANY OTTERTAIL AGGREGATE OTTERTAIL GLASS COMPANY OUREN,KATHRYN P.J'S GAS AND GROCERY PAMIDA INC. CHECK AMOUNT 163.28 128.48 18.00 1971.36 210.00 206.09 21.30 114.00 1155.37 1507.83 80.00 1082.85 260.00 2892.11 300.00 5.50 516.25 984.98 75.00 225.00 40.51 33.63 555.38 331.54 2.40 1289.19 324.06 72.57 110.36 50.00 35.00 225.14 455.10 40.00 5503.70 85.20 48.49 56.00 53.32 13.04 182.61 3.00 737.97 36.00 75.00 55.85 120.00 55.38 10.65 184.11 63.26 291.45 0 0 Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners October 18, 1994 Page 13, Attachment A VENDOR NAME ....................... . PARK REGION CO-OP OIL CO. PARK REGION MUTUAL TELEPHONE PAUL'S HOLIDAY STATION STORE PELICAN BEACH STORE PELICAN CASH-N-DASH PELICAN RAPIDS PRESS PELICAN READY MIX PERHAM CO-OP CREAMERY PERHAM ENTERPRISE BULLETIN PERHAM OASIS INC. PERHAM PRINTING PERHAM READY MIX & AGGREGATE PERHAM SUPER AMERICA PERHAM,CITY OF PHILLIPS 66 PHOTO CENTER,THE PHOTO CENTER,THE PHOTO-CINE SUPPLY PIERCE CO. , THE PINE PLAZA TV & APPLIANCE POLAROID CORP POUCHER PRINTING AND LITHO PRIME RATE MOTEL PROFIT SYSTEMS SOFTWARE PUBLIC AGENCY TRAINING COUNCIL R & R READY MIX INC. REEDSBURG HARDWARE CO. REITMAN L.P.,DR. PAUL RENTAL STORE,THE REVIEW ENTERPRISES INC. ROADSIDE AUTO SALVAGE ROLF,SHERRY ROTHSAY TRUCK STOP ROY'S AMOCO ROYAL TIRE ROYAL TIRE SANIFILL INC. SCHROEDER'S HDWR & GROCERY SCHWANKE,VICKI SCIENTIFIC PRODUCTS SCOTT HOFLAND CONSTRUCTION SELECT INN SEWER SERVICE SHERWIN WILLIAMS SIGELMAN STEEL & SALVAGE SIGELMAN'S STEEL & SALVAGE CO SMITH & NEPHEW ROLYAN INC. SOFTWARE SPECTRUM SOMODY SUPPLY INC. SOUND CONTRACTING INC. SOUTH MILL SERVICE ST. JOSEPH'S EQUIPMENT INC. CHECK AMOUNT 119.28 853.53 26.75 17.58 107.84 116.38 495.23 29.00 110.64 150.81 91.59 3663.87 366.06 39.18 51.18 79.78 30. 35 137.00 857.05 5.00 215.00 1596.74 200.24 60.00 1000.00 57.51 1079.92 907.50 38.34 97.98 378.08 8.98 51.52 30.75 374.58 274.68 22458.29 12.65 69.96 157.69 4270.00 148.90 905.50 194.04 2.13 239.28 171.16 578.30 406.20 2065.00 1123.22 9.50 Q 0 Q Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners October 18, 1994 Page 14, Attachment A VENDOR NAME ....................... . ST. OLAF TWP. STANDARD PARTS OF WADENA STANKO PRODUCTS INC. STEIN'S INC. STEIN,WAYNE STENERSON LUMBER STENERSON LUMBER STEVE'S SANITATION STOP-N-GO STORES INC STREICHER'S STRINGER BUSINESS SYSTEMS SULLIVAN,JOURDAN SWANSON'S SURPLUS STORE TODD,VICTORIA TOM'S STANDARD TOSO,CHESTER TRAN,MINH N. TRI STATE XEROGRAPHICS U OF M DAIRY INITIATIVES U OF M, MN EXTENSION SERVICE UNDER-MART UNIFORMS UNLIMITED UNIVERSAL SERVICES UP NORTH PLASTICS VAN WECHEL,LORI VANSTAR VICTOR LUNDEEN COMPANY VICTOR LUNDEEN COMPANY VILLAGE FAMILY SERVICE CTR,THE VOGEL PAINT & WAX COMPANY INC. WADENA HIDE & FUR COMPANY WAGON WHEEL GROCERY WAHL,GARY WAL-MART WAL-MART WELDING SUPPLIES & FIRE EQUIP. WELLNITZ,M.E. WES' FUEL STOP WESBUR,TINA WEST CENTRAL ED CO-OP WEST SIDE MOBIL WEST SIDE MOBIL IVfilSETil s·MITH NOLTING & ASSOC. WOLDEN LANDSCAPING & LAWN WOODWORKERS' STORE,THE WORNER AUTO CENTER WORNER'S AUTO SALES INC. YEATER HENNINGS RUFF SHULTZ ZENDER,MELISSA ZIEGLER INC. CHECK AMOUNT 1163.28 121. 53 251. 61 2902.20 256.45 198.61 31.41 215.40 213.92 34.74 248.58 90.40 16.99 36.80 31.20 95.08 185.00 143.81 30.00 435.97 57.12 118.22 120.34 1030.39 28.00 2994.60 910.69 41. 73 325.00 1420.11 5.33 31.70 12.73 43.90 7.42 55.53 78.48 51.27 52.19 17.47 69.81 155.50 57.00 175.73 11. 29 58.96 851.95 1317.49 20.00 2648.66 ============= 396115.24 ! '! d I ! RESOLUTION DATE: October 18, 1994 Morion by Commissioner Andy Lindquist Seconded by Commissioner Virginia Por tmann 0 Q WHEREAS, Otter Tail County installed 9-1-1 service in compliance with state law which requires that each county of the state implement 9-1-1 Emergency Telephone Service by December 15, 1986; and WHEREAS, The Otter Tail County 9-1-1 Planning Committee developed the Otter Tail County 9-1-1 Plan to meet the requirements of those public service agencies whose services will be available by dialing 9-1-1; and WHEREAS, the 9-1-1 Planning Committee has recommended improvements to 9-1-1 service to meet the current and future needs and expectations of Otter Tail County citizens; and WHEREAS, the 9-1-1 Planning Committee, after investigating technical and financial alternatives, has recommended adding tandem based and Automatic Location Identification (ALI) to the existing 9-1-1 system. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Commissioners of Otter Tail County, State of Minnesota, endorses the report of the County 9-1-1 Committee; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Board of Commissioners intends to modify the approved Otter Tail County 9-1-1 Plan to provide for tandem based and Automatic Location Identification (ALI); and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Board of Commissioners intends to modify the contracts with the State of Minnesota and respective telephone companies to implement the approved changes to the 9-1-1 system and hereby authorizes the Coup ty lrnd j tor to sign such agreements on behalf of the County; and BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED, That a copy of this Resolution be forwarded to the State of Minnesota Department of Administration for inclusion in the State's copy of the Otter Tail County 9-1; 1 Plan. Virginia Partmann Andy Li ndc,n i st Harley Wiodels Malcolm Lee William Stone STATE OF MINNESOTA Oflice of County Auditor COUNTY OF a+I-,,,,_ -r,;,, / Yes Abstain Absent I. f!-!,,,u,,J<" ,rf,-_,•,,/ , Auditor of the County of al:&:d 7a, I , State of Minnesota, do hereby certify that I have comp.,;;d the foregoing with the original proceedings filed in my office on the .lo,-.h day of 0c./,l,~,z. 19 ..zl.. and that the same is a true and correct copy thereof. Witness my Hand and Seal of Office at J-'J¼b-l'i,/IJ.-, Minnesota this dt>rA day of ?I;· (c;,~< , 191'.f'.:... County Audi